Exemple #1
         * // https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/directions
         * OK indicates the response contains a valid DirectionsResult.
         * NOT_FOUND indicates at least one of the locations specified in the request's origin, destination, or waypoints could not be geocoded.
         * ZERO_RESULTS indicates no route could be found between the origin and destination.
         * MAX_WAYPOINTS_EXCEEDED indicates that too many DirectionsWaypoint fields were provided in the DirectionsRequest. See the section below on limits for way points.
         * MAX_ROUTE_LENGTH_EXCEEDED indicates the requested route is too long and cannot be processed. This error occurs when more complex directions are returned. Try reducing the number of waypoints, turns, or instructions.
         * INVALID_REQUEST indicates that the provided DirectionsRequest was invalid. The most common causes of this error code are requests that are missing either an origin or destination, or a transit request that includes waypoints.
         * OVER_QUERY_LIMIT indicates the webpage has sent too many requests within the allowed time period.
         * OVER_DAILY_LIMIT: The webpage has gone over the daily limit of its request quota.
         * REQUEST_DENIED indicates the webpage is not allowed to use the directions service.
         * UNKNOWN_ERROR indicates a directions request could not be processed due to a server error. The request may succeed if you try again.
         * ERROR: There was a problem contacting the Google servers.

        public static GoogleDirectionsReturnValue FromJson(string json)
            GoogleDirectionsReturnValue retValue = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoogleDirectionsReturnValue>(json, Converter.Settings);

            if (!"OK".Equals(retValue.status, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                throw new GoogleDirectionsException(retValue);

Exemple #2
        public static GoogleDirectionsReturnValue GetDirections(DirectionsUrlBuilder urlBuilder)
            GoogleDirectionsReturnValue retVal = null;

            string url = urlBuilder.ToString();

            using (System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient())
                string result = wc.DownloadString(url);
                retVal = GoogleDirectionsReturnValue.FromJson(result);

Exemple #3
 public GoogleDirectionsException(GoogleDirectionsReturnValue api_result)
     : this(api_result.status + ": " + api_result.error_message)