// GET: /Configuration/
        //[Authorize(Roles = "Admin, SuperUser")]
        public ActionResult Index(GoogleAPIAccess model)
            ViewBag.Message = "Add / Update / Remove Google documents";
            if (model.AccessCode != null)  //after authorization
                // STEP 5: Make an OAuth authorized request to Google

                // Initialize the variables needed to make the request
                GOAuth2RequestFactory requestFactory =
                    new GOAuth2RequestFactory(null, "TaskTimer", model);
                SpreadsheetsService service = new SpreadsheetsService("TaskTimer");
                service.RequestFactory = requestFactory;

                // Instantiate a SpreadsheetQuery object to retrieve spreadsheets.
                SpreadsheetQuery query = new SpreadsheetQuery();

                // Make a request to the API and get all spreadsheets.
                SpreadsheetFeed feed = service.Query(query);

                //GoogleDocuments = new GoogleDocumentModel();
                //GoogleDocuments.GoogleAPIAccess = model;
                GoogleDocuments.Documents = feed.Entries;
        public ActionResult AuthorizationCheck(GoogleAPIAccess model)
            if (model.AccessCode == null)
                // STEP 3: Get the Authorization URL

                // Get the authorization url.  The user of your application must visit
                // this url in order to authorize with Google.  If you are building a
                // browser-based application, you can redirect the user to the authorization
                // url.
                model._RedirectURIs              = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob";
                ViewData["authorizationUrl"]     = OAuthUtil.CreateOAuth2AuthorizationUrl(model);
                model._RedirectURIs              = Url.Action("AuthorizationCheckAuto", "Configuration", new { }, "http");
                ViewData["authorizationUrlAuto"] = OAuthUtil.CreateOAuth2AuthorizationUrl(model);

            // STEP 4: Get the Access Token

            // Once the user authorizes with Google, the request token can be exchanged
            // for a long-lived access token.  If you are building a browser-based
            // application, you should parse the incoming request token from the url and
            // set it in OAuthParameters before calling GetAccessToken().
            model._RedirectURIs = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob";
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", model));
 public ActionResult AddNew(GoogleAPIAccess model)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         model._Scope    = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds https://docs.google.com/feeds";
         GoogleDocuments = new GoogleDocumentModel();
         GoogleDocuments.GoogleAPIAccess = model;
         return(RedirectToAction("AuthorizationCheck", model));