Exemple #1
         * Called when a golf course is picked by the user
         * This method ask the user whether he wants to load a not ended game or start a new one. Then the game is start
        private async void onGolfSelection(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var g = ListGolfCourse.SelectedItem as GolfCourse;

            if (p == null)//if not in game part (if in stat part)
                if (this.golfCourseStatPage == null)
                    this.golfCourseStatPage = new GolfCourseStatPage(g);
                await Navigation.PushModalAsync(this.golfCourseStatPage, true);
                p.GolfCourse = g;
                Func <Club, bool> f            = (c => true);
                List <Club>       clubselected = await GestionGolfs.getListClubsAsync(f);

                clubselected.RemoveAll(c => c.selected == false);
                //Checks if the user has at least one club on his bag
                if (clubselected.Count == 0)
                    await this.DisplayAlert("Erreur", "Vous n'avez aucun club dans votre sac. Veuillez en choisir au moins un dans le page 'Profil'", "ok");
                    p.Clubs = clubselected;
                    List <ScorePartie> scoreParties = await StatistiquesGolf.getNotFinishedGames(g);

                    if (scoreParties.Count > 0)
                        var newGame = await this.DisplayAlert("Lancement d'une partie", "Voulez vous lancer une nouvelle partie ou charger une existante ?", "Nouvelle partie", "Charger une existante");

                        if (newGame)
                            await Navigation.PushAsync(new Game.MainGamePage(p), false);
                        else//if load a not ended game then show the list of not ended games
                            await Navigation.PushAsync(new ViewPartieListPage(2, scoreParties, p), false);
                    else  //if no not ended game then start a new one directly
                        await Navigation.PushAsync(new Game.MainGamePage(p), false);
Exemple #2
 public GolfSelectionPage()
     p = null;
     golfCourseStatPage = null;
Exemple #3
 public GolfSelectionPage(Partie partie)
     p = partie;
     golfCourseStatPage = null;