Exemple #1
    private List <GoapWorldState> CompareWorldStatesContainAny(List <GoapWorldState> set1, List <GoapWorldState> set2)
        //returns any state in set2 that's part of set1
        //returns null if there's conflict
        List <GoapWorldState> result = new List <GoapWorldState>();

        foreach (GoapWorldState state2 in set2)
            foreach (GoapWorldState state1 in set1)
                //Debug.Log("GoapPlanner/CompareWorldStatesContainAny: Comparing state1 " + state1.Name + state1.Value + " vs state2 " + state2.Name + state2.Value);
                if (state1.Name == state2.Name)
                    if (state1.Operator != state2.Operator)
                        //CsDebug.Inst.Log("GoapPlanner/CompareWorldStatesContain: Operator mismatch!");
                    else if (GoapWorldState.Compare(state1, state2) == true)
                        //Debug.Log("GoapPlanner/CompareWorldStatesContainAny: state 1 " + state1.Name + " equals to state 2 " + state2.Name);
                        //Debug.Log("GoapPlanner/CompareWorldStatesContainAny: States with same name and operator have different values!");

Exemple #2
    public GoapWorldState ParseWorldState(IDataReader reader)
        int                c_id   = reader.GetInt32(0);
        string             c_desc = reader.GetString(1);
        bool               isBool = (reader.GetInt32(2) == 1);
        WorldStateOperator op     = (WorldStateOperator)Enum.Parse(typeof(WorldStateOperator), reader.GetString(5));

        bool   valBool  = (reader.GetInt32(6) == 1);
        float  valFloat = reader.GetFloat(6);
        object value;

        if (isBool)
            value = valBool;
            value = valFloat;

        GoapWorldState state = new GoapWorldState(c_id, c_desc, op, value);

Exemple #3
    public GoapGoal GetGoalByID(int id)
        IDataReader goalReader = GameManager.Inst.DBManager.RunAIQuery(
            "SELECT goap_goals.* " +
            "FROM goap_goals " +
            "WHERE goap_goals.id = '" + id + "'");

        while (goalReader.Read())
            string   goalName = goalReader.GetString(1);
            GoapGoal goal     = new GoapGoal();
            goal.Name = goalName;

            //query for conditions for each goal
            IDataReader condReader = GameManager.Inst.DBManager.RunAIQuery(
                "SELECT world_states.*, goal_conditions.* " +
                "FROM goal_conditions INNER JOIN world_states " +
                "ON goal_conditions.world_state_id = world_states.id AND goal_conditions.goal_id = '" + id + "'");

            List <GoapWorldState> conditions = new List <GoapWorldState>();
            while (condReader.Read())
                GoapWorldState state = ParseWorldState(condReader);
            condReader = null;

            goal.GoalStates = conditions;


Exemple #4
	public static bool Compare(GoapWorldState state1, GoapWorldState state2)
		//CsDebug.Inst.Log("GoapWorldState/Compare: Comparing state1 " + state1.Name + " " + state1.Operator + " " + state1.Value + 
		//				" vs state 2 "+ state2.Name + " " + state2.Operator + " " + state2.Value, CsDLevel.Trace, CsDComponent.AI);
		//returns true if state1 includes or equals to state2
		if(state1.ID != state2.ID)
			return false;

		case WorldStateOperator.Equals:
			return state1.Value.Equals(state2.Value);
		case WorldStateOperator.NotEquals:
			return state1.Value.Equals(state2.Value);
		case WorldStateOperator.Greater:
			return Convert.ToSingle(state1.Value) < Convert.ToSingle(state2.Value);
		case WorldStateOperator.Less:
			return Convert.ToSingle(state1.Value) > Convert.ToSingle(state2.Value);

		return false;
Exemple #5
    private bool AddStateToSet(List <GoapWorldState> set, GoapWorldState state)
        //CsDebug.Inst.Log("GoapPlanner/AddStateToSet: Adding state " + state.Name + " = " + state.Value + " to set");
        //returns true if no conflict; false if there's conflict
        foreach (GoapWorldState s in set)
            //CsDebug.Inst.Log("GoapPlanner/AddStateToSet: checking state " + state.Name + "=" + state.Value + " against set state "
            //	+ s.Name + "=" + s.Value);
            if (s.Name == state.Name)
                //duplicates found, try to combine
                if (s.Operator != state.Operator)
                    //CsDebug.Inst.Log("GoapPlanner/AddStateToSet: operator mismatch!");

        //no duplicates found, add it
        //CsDebug.Inst.Log("GoapPlanner/AddStateToSet: No duplicate found, adding state");
Exemple #6
    private bool CompareWorldStatesContain(List <GoapWorldState> set1, List <GoapWorldState> set2)
        //returns true if all states in set2 exists in set1
        //CsDebug.Inst.Log("Set1 contains " + set1.Count + " states", CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
        foreach (GoapWorldState state2 in set2)
            bool matchFound = false;
            foreach (GoapWorldState state1 in set1)
                if (GoapWorldState.Compare(state1, state2) == false)
                    CsDebug.Inst.Log("GoapPlanner/CompareWorldStatesContain: state 1 " + state1.Name + state1.Value + " not equal to state 2 " + state2.Name + state2.Value, CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                    CsDebug.Inst.Log("GoapPlanner/CompareWorldStatesContain: state 1 " + state1.Name + state1.Value + " equals to state 2 " + state2.Name + state2.Value, CsDLevel.Debug, CsDComponent.AI);
                    matchFound = true;

            if (!matchFound)

Exemple #7
    private void RemoveStateFromSet(List <GoapWorldState> set, GoapWorldState state)
        List <GoapWorldState> copy = new List <GoapWorldState>(set);

        foreach (GoapWorldState s in copy)
            if (s.Name == state.Name)
Exemple #8
    public void SetCurrentWorldState(GoapWorldState state, object newValue)
        GoapWorldState existing = (from s in _currentWorldStates where s.Name == state.Name select s).FirstOrDefault();

        if (existing != null)
            existing.Value = newValue;
            //if a world state with same name is not found in current list of world states, create a new one and add to current world states
            GoapWorldState newState = new GoapWorldState(state.ID, state.Name, state.Operator, newValue);
    public bool CombineValue(GoapWorldState targetState)
        //tries to combine the value of target state to this state. returns true if combine successful. returns false if combine unsuccessful and there's conflict

        //if the value and operator combination of state is broader or equal to set, then we can assign the value
        //of state to s. If state's value is less broad or not equal, then we have a conflict.
        //if state's value is less braod than set, then we keep the value of s.

        //CsDebug.Inst.Log("GoapWorldState/CombineValue: checking target state " + targetState.Name + " = " + targetState.Value
        //				+ "vs myself " + Name + " = " + Value, CsDLevel.Trace, CsDComponent.AI);
        if (Operator != targetState.Operator)

        switch (Operator)
        case WorldStateOperator.Equals:


        case WorldStateOperator.NotEquals:


        case WorldStateOperator.Greater:
            if (Convert.ToSingle(targetState.Value) < Convert.ToSingle(Value))
                Value = targetState.Value;


        case WorldStateOperator.Less:
            if (Convert.ToSingle(targetState.Value) > Convert.ToSingle(Value))
                Value = targetState.Value;


Exemple #10
    private object CheckWorldState(GoapWorldState state)
        //first check if the state has already been checked, i.e. in the evaluated states list
        //if not in the list run parent AI evaluate world state
        //if in the list just return current world state
        foreach (GoapWorldState s in _evaluatedStates)
            if (state.Name == s.Name)
        object value = _parentAI.EvaluateWorldState(state);


Exemple #11
    public List <GoapGoal> GetCharacterGoalSet(int characterID)
        IDataReader goalReader = GameManager.Inst.DBManager.RunAIQuery(
            "SELECT goap_goals.*, character_goals.priority " +
            "FROM goap_goals INNER JOIN character_goals " +
            "ON goap_goals.id = character_goals.goal_id AND character_goals.character_id = '" + characterID + "'");

        List <GoapGoal> goals = new List <GoapGoal>();

        while (goalReader.Read())
            int      goalID   = goalReader.GetInt32(0);
            string   goalName = goalReader.GetString(1);
            int      priority = goalReader.GetInt32(2);
            GoapGoal goal     = new GoapGoal();
            goal.Name     = goalName;
            goal.Priority = priority;

            //query for conditions for each goal
            IDataReader condReader = GameManager.Inst.DBManager.RunAIQuery(
                "SELECT world_states.*, goal_conditions.* " +
                "FROM goal_conditions INNER JOIN world_states " +
                "ON goal_conditions.world_state_id = world_states.id AND goal_conditions.goal_id = '" + goalID + "'");

            List <GoapWorldState> conditions = new List <GoapWorldState>();
            while (condReader.Read())
                GoapWorldState state = ParseWorldState(condReader);
            condReader = null;

            goal.GoalStates = conditions;

        goalReader = null;
Exemple #12
	public bool CombineValue(GoapWorldState targetState)
		//tries to combine the value of target state to this state. returns true if combine successful. returns false if combine unsuccessful and there's conflict

		//if the value and operator combination of state is broader or equal to set, then we can assign the value
		//of state to s. If state's value is less broad or not equal, then we have a conflict.
		//if state's value is less braod than set, then we keep the value of s.

		//CsDebug.Inst.Log("GoapWorldState/CombineValue: checking target state " + targetState.Name + " = " + targetState.Value 
		//				+ "vs myself " + Name + " = " + Value, CsDLevel.Trace, CsDComponent.AI);
		if(Operator != targetState.Operator)
			return false;

		case WorldStateOperator.Equals:
			return Value.Equals(targetState.Value);
		case WorldStateOperator.NotEquals:
			return Value.Equals(targetState.Value);
		case WorldStateOperator.Greater:
			if(Convert.ToSingle(targetState.Value) < Convert.ToSingle(Value))
				Value = targetState.Value;
			return true;
		case WorldStateOperator.Less:
			if(Convert.ToSingle(targetState.Value) > Convert.ToSingle(Value))
				Value = targetState.Value;
			return true;

		return false;
Exemple #13
    public GoapWorldState ParseWorldStateJoint(IDataReader reader)
        int c_id = reader.GetInt32(0);
        string c_desc = reader.GetString(1);
        bool isBool = (reader.GetInt32(2) == 1);
        WorldStateOperator op = (WorldStateOperator)Enum.Parse(typeof(WorldStateOperator), reader.GetString(5));

        bool valBool = (reader.GetInt32(6) == 1);
        float valFloat = reader.GetFloat(6);
        object value;
            value = valBool;
            value = valFloat;

        GoapWorldState state = new GoapWorldState(c_id, c_desc, op, value);

        return state;
    public static bool Compare(GoapWorldState state1, GoapWorldState state2)
        //CsDebug.Inst.Log("GoapWorldState/Compare: Comparing state1 " + state1.Name + " " + state1.Operator + " " + state1.Value +
        //				" vs state 2 "+ state2.Name + " " + state2.Operator + " " + state2.Value, CsDLevel.Trace, CsDComponent.AI);
        //returns true if state1 includes or equals to state2
        if (state1.ID != state2.ID)

        switch (state1.Operator)
        case WorldStateOperator.Equals:


        case WorldStateOperator.NotEquals:


        case WorldStateOperator.Greater:
            return(Convert.ToSingle(state1.Value) < Convert.ToSingle(state2.Value));


        case WorldStateOperator.Less:
            return(Convert.ToSingle(state1.Value) > Convert.ToSingle(state2.Value));


Exemple #15
    private void RefreshGoalsTab()
        IDataReader reader = RunQuery("SELECT goap_goals.* FROM goap_goals");

        Dictionary <int, GoalData> goals = new Dictionary <int, GoalData>();
        int i = 1;

        while (reader.Read())
            int    c_id   = reader.GetInt32(0);
            string c_desc = reader.GetString(1);

            GoalData data = new GoalData();
            data.ID          = c_id;
            data.Description = c_desc;

            goals.Add(i, data);

        string [] dropDownOptions = new string[goals.Count + 1];
        dropDownOptions[0] = "Add New..";

        if (goals.Count > 0)
            for (int index = 1; index <= goals.Count; index++)
                dropDownOptions[index] = goals[index].Description;

        GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 40, 200, 20), "Available Goals:");
        _tab1Goal = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(10, 60, 150, 20), _tab1Goal, dropDownOptions);

        GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 90, 250, 20), "Description: " + dropDownOptions[_tab1Goal]);
        _tab1Description = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10, 110, 150, 15), _tab1Description, 100);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(170, 110, 60, 20), "Save"))
            if (_tab1Goal > 0)
                RunQuery("UPDATE goap_goals SET description = '" + _tab1Description + "' WHERE id = " + goals[_tab1Goal].ID);
            else if (_tab1Goal == 0)
                RunQuery("INSERT INTO goap_goals (id, description) VALUES (null, '" + _tab1Description + "')");

        if (_tab1Goal > 0 && GUI.Button(new Rect(240, 110, 60, 20), "Delete"))
            RunQuery("DELETE FROM goap_goals WHERE id = " + goals[_tab1Goal].ID);
            RunQuery("DELETE FROM goal_conditions WHERE goal_id = " + goals[_tab1Goal].ID);
            RunQuery("DELETE FROM character_goals WHERE goal_id = " + goals[_tab1Goal].ID);
            _tab1Goal = 0;

        if (_tab1Goal > 0)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 140, 200, 20), "Conditions:");
            IDataReader conditionReader = RunQuery(
                "SELECT world_states.*, goal_conditions.* " +
                "FROM goal_conditions INNER JOIN world_states " +
                "ON goal_conditions.world_state_id = world_states.id AND goal_conditions.goal_id = '" + goals[_tab1Goal].ID + "'");

            List <GoapWorldState> conditions = new List <GoapWorldState>();
            while (conditionReader.Read())
                GoapWorldState state = ParseWorldStateJoint(conditionReader);

            //get all the world states in order to form a drop down list
            IDataReader worldStatesReader = RunQuery("SELECT world_states.* FROM world_states");

            _worldStates = new Dictionary <int, WorldStatesData>();
            int stateIndex = 0;
            while (worldStatesReader.Read())
                int    c_id   = worldStatesReader.GetInt32(0);
                string c_desc = worldStatesReader.GetString(1);
                int    isBool = worldStatesReader.GetInt32(2);

                WorldStatesData data = new WorldStatesData();
                data.ID          = c_id;
                data.Description = c_desc;
                data.IsBool      = isBool;

                _worldStates.Add(stateIndex, data);

            string [] conditionOptions = new string[_worldStates.Count];

            int rectHeight = 160;
            int heightStep = 30;
            int condIndex  = 0;

            //remove existing goal conditions in db
            RunQuery("DELETE FROM goal_conditions WHERE goal_id = " + goals[_tab1Goal].ID);

            foreach (GoapWorldState state in conditions)
                int selectedName = 0;

                if (_worldStates.Count > 0)
                    for (int index = 0; index < _worldStates.Count; index++)
                        conditionOptions[index] = _worldStates[index].Description;
                        if (state.Name == _worldStates[index].Description)
                            selectedName = index;

                    int height = rectHeight + heightStep * condIndex;
                    selectedName = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(10, height, 150, 20), selectedName, conditionOptions);
                    GUI.Label(new Rect(170, height, 40, 20), "Equals");

                    int selectedValue = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(220, height, 60, 20), ((bool)state.Value) == true ? 1 : 0, new string[] { "False", "True" });

                    bool toBeDeleted = false;
                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(290, height, 15, 15), "-"))
                        toBeDeleted = true;
                    //add new entries to db
                    if (!toBeDeleted)
                        RunQuery("INSERT INTO goal_conditions (goal_id, world_state_id, operator_id, value) VALUES ("
                                 + goals[_tab1Goal].ID + ", " + _worldStates[selectedName].ID + ", 0, " + selectedValue + ")");


            //a button to add new condition
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(290, rectHeight + heightStep * conditions.Count, 20, 20), "+"))
                RunQuery("INSERT INTO goal_conditions (goal_id, world_state_id, operator_id, value) VALUES ("
                         + goals[_tab1Goal].ID + ", " + _worldStates[0].ID + ", 0, 1)");
Exemple #16
     * public void AddContextPrecondition(List<GoapWorldState> conditions)
     * {
     *      _contextPreconditions.AddRange(conditions);
     * }

    public void AddPrecondition(GoapWorldState condition)
Exemple #17
 public void AddEffect(GoapWorldState effect)
Exemple #18
 private void RemoveStateFromSet(List<GoapWorldState> set, GoapWorldState state)
     List<GoapWorldState> copy = new List<GoapWorldState>(set);
     foreach(GoapWorldState s in copy)
         if(s.Name == state.Name)
Exemple #19
    private object CheckWorldState(GoapWorldState state)
        //first check if the state has already been checked, i.e. in the evaluated states list
        //if not in the list run parent AI evaluate world state
        //if in the list just return current world state
        foreach(GoapWorldState s in _evaluatedStates)
            if(state.Name == s.Name)
                return s.Value;
        object value = _parentAI.EvaluateWorldState(state);

        return value;
Exemple #20
    private bool AddStateToSet(List<GoapWorldState> set, GoapWorldState state)
        //CsDebug.Inst.Log("GoapPlanner/AddStateToSet: Adding state " + state.Name + " = " + state.Value + " to set");
        //returns true if no conflict; false if there's conflict
        foreach(GoapWorldState s in set)
            //CsDebug.Inst.Log("GoapPlanner/AddStateToSet: checking state " + state.Name + "=" + state.Value + " against set state "
            //	+ s.Name + "=" + s.Value);
            if(s.Name == state.Name)
                //duplicates found, try to combine
                if(s.Operator != state.Operator)
                    //CsDebug.Inst.Log("GoapPlanner/AddStateToSet: operator mismatch!");
                    return false;

                return s.CombineValue(state);
        //no duplicates found, add it
        //CsDebug.Inst.Log("GoapPlanner/AddStateToSet: No duplicate found, adding state");
        return true;
Exemple #21
    public object EvaluateWorldState(GoapWorldState state)
        if (state.Name == "IsThreatInSightInArea")
            //loop through all known enemies whose confidence is 1 (in sight)
            //return true if any is found

            List <WorkingMemoryFact> knownEnemies = WorkingMemory.FindExistingFactOfType(FactType.KnownEnemy);
            foreach (WorkingMemoryFact fact in knownEnemies)
                if (fact.Confidence >= 1 && fact.ThreatLevel > 0.1f)
                    //if enemy is in sight, return true even if not in area
                    CsDebug.Inst.CharLog(_parentCharacter, "Evaluating IsThreatInSightInArea, enemy in sight " + ((Character)fact.Target).name);
                    SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);

            //now loop through all known neutrals whose confidence is 1
            //return true if any is within area
            List <WorkingMemoryFact> knownNeutrals = WorkingMemory.FindExistingFactOfType(FactType.KnownNeutral);
            foreach (WorkingMemoryFact fact in knownNeutrals)
                if (fact.Confidence >= 1 && fact.ThreatLevel > 0.1f)
                    Vector3 position = ((Character)fact.Target).transform.position;

                    //check if the neutral is within patrol range
                    Vector3 targetLoc   = BlackBoard.PatrolLoc;
                    Vector3 targetRange = BlackBoard.CombatRange;
                    if (IsPositionInArea(position, targetLoc, targetRange))
                        CsDebug.Inst.CharLog(_parentCharacter, "Evaluation IsThreatInSightInArea, true, visible neutrals in area");
                        SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);

            CsDebug.Inst.CharLog(_parentCharacter, "Evaluation IsThereThreatInArea, false");
            SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);

        else if (state.Name == "IsThereInvisibleEnemy")
            bool result = (_parentCharacter.MyAI.BlackBoard.InvisibleEnemy != null);
            SetCurrentWorldState(state, result);


        else if (state.Name == "IsTargetAThreat")
            Character target = BlackBoard.TargetEnemy;

            if (BlackBoard.TargetEnemyThreat < 0.1f)
                SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);

            if (target != null && target.MyStatus.Health <= 0)
                SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);

            if (target == null && BlackBoard.InvisibleEnemy != null)
                target = BlackBoard.InvisibleEnemy;

            if (target == null)
                SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);

            WorkingMemoryFact fact = WorkingMemory.FindExistingFact(FactType.KnownEnemy, target);

            if (fact != null && fact.Confidence >= 1)
                SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
            else if (fact != null && fact.ThreatLevel >= 0.6f)
                SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
            else if (fact != null)
                //check if last known pos is inside area
                Vector3 position = fact.LastKnownPos;

                //check if the enemy is within patrol range
                Vector3 targetLoc   = BlackBoard.PatrolLoc;
                Vector3 targetRange = BlackBoard.CombatRange;
                if (IsPositionInArea(position, targetLoc, targetRange))
                    SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);

            SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);

        else if (state.Name == "IsTherePersonalThreat")
            bool result = BlackBoard.HighestPersonalThreat > 0;
            SetCurrentWorldState(state, result);
            CsDebug.Inst.CharLog(_parentCharacter, "Is there personal threat? " + BlackBoard.HighestPersonalThreat);

        else if (state.Name == "IsThereCriticalPersonalThreat")
            bool result = BlackBoard.HighestPersonalThreat >= 1;
            SetCurrentWorldState(state, result);

        else if (state.Name == "IsRangedWeaponEquipped")
            if (BlackBoard.EquippedWeapon != null)
                SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
                SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);

        else if (state.Name == "IsThreatInSight")
            List <WorkingMemoryFact> knownEnemies = WorkingMemory.FindExistingFactOfType(FactType.KnownEnemy);
            foreach (WorkingMemoryFact fact in knownEnemies)
                //Debug.Log("Is Threat In Sight fact confidence " + fact.Confidence);
                if (fact.Confidence >= 1 && fact.ThreatLevel > 0.1f)
                    SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);

            SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);

        else if (state.Name == "IsAmmoAvailable")
            SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);

        else if (state.Name == "IsBehindCover")
            bool result = true;

            if (BlackBoard.SelectedCover == null)
                result = false;
                result = Vector3.Distance(_parentCharacter.transform.position, BlackBoard.SelectedCoverLoc) <= 2 ? true : false;

            SetCurrentWorldState(state, result);

        else if (state.Name == "IsBehindAttackCover")
            bool result = true;

            if (BlackBoard.SelectedCover == null)
                result = false;
                if (Vector3.Distance(_parentCharacter.transform.position, BlackBoard.SelectedCoverLoc) <= 1 && BlackBoard.SelectedCover.IsForShooting)
                    result = true;
                    result = false;

            SetCurrentWorldState(state, result);

        else if (state.Name == "IsThereDisturbance")
            bool result = BlackBoard.HighestDisturbanceThreat > 0;
            SetCurrentWorldState(state, result);
            CsDebug.Inst.CharLog(_parentCharacter, "Is there disturbance? " + BlackBoard.HighestDisturbanceThreat);

        else if (state.Name == "IsNearDefendPosition")
            SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);

            if (!BlackBoard.HasPatrolInfo)
                SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);

            if (Vector3.Distance(_parentCharacter.transform.position, BlackBoard.PatrolLoc) > 1)
                SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);

            SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);

        else if (state.Name == "IsInTargetArea")
            bool result = IsPositionInArea(_parentCharacter.transform.position, BlackBoard.PatrolLoc, BlackBoard.PatrolRange);
            //CsDebug.Inst.CharLog(_parentCharacter, "Checking IsInTargetArea, result is " + result);
            SetCurrentWorldState(state, result);

        else if (state.Name == "IsNearFollowingTarget")
            SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);

        else if (state.Name == "IsThereUncheckedCorpse")
            if (BlackBoard.TargetCorpse != null && BlackBoard.TargetCorpse.ThreatLevel > 0 && Vector3.Distance(BlackBoard.TargetCorpse.LastKnownPos, _parentCharacter.transform.position) < 30)
                SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);

            SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);
        else if (state.Name == "AlwaysFalse")
            SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);

Exemple #22
 public void SetCurrentWorldState(GoapWorldState state, object newValue)
     GoapWorldState existing = (from s in _currentWorldStates where s.Name == state.Name select s).FirstOrDefault();
     if(existing != null)
         existing.Value = newValue;
         //if a world state with same name is not found in current list of world states, create a new one and add to current world states
         GoapWorldState newState = new GoapWorldState(state.ID, state.Name, state.Operator, newValue);
Exemple #23
    public object EvaluateWorldState(GoapWorldState state)
        if(state.Name == "IsThreatInSightInArea")
            //loop through all known enemies whose confidence is 1 (in sight)
            //return true if any is found

            List<WorkingMemoryFact> knownEnemies = WorkingMemory.FindExistingFactOfType(FactType.KnownEnemy);
            foreach(WorkingMemoryFact fact in knownEnemies)
                if(fact.Confidence >= 1)
                    //if enemy is in sight, return true even if not in area
                    SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
                    return true;


            //now loop through all known neutrals whose confidence is 1
            //return true if any is within area
            List<WorkingMemoryFact> knownNeutrals = WorkingMemory.FindExistingFactOfType(FactType.KnownNeutral);
            foreach(WorkingMemoryFact fact in knownNeutrals)
                if(fact.Confidence >= 1)
                    Vector3 position = ((Character)fact.Target).transform.position;

                    //check if the neutral is within patrol range
                    Vector3 targetLoc = BlackBoard.PatrolLoc;
                    Vector3 targetRange = BlackBoard.PatrolRange;
                    if(IsPosisionInArea(position, targetLoc, targetRange))
                        //Debug.Log("Evaluation IsThreatInSightInArea, true");
                        SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
                        return true;

            //Debug.Log("Evaluation IsThereThreatInArea, false");
            SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);
            return false;

        else if(state.Name == "IsThereInvisibleEnemy")
            bool result = (_parentCharacter.MyAI.BlackBoard.InvisibleEnemy != null);
            SetCurrentWorldState(state, result);

            return result;

        else if(state.Name == "IsTargetAThreat")
            //TO DO:
            //if target is not in sight, and if last known pos is inside area, return true;
            //if target is in sight, if target is enemy return true
            //if target is in sight, if target is neutral and still in area return true

            Character target = BlackBoard.TargetEnemy;
            if(target == null && BlackBoard.InvisibleEnemy != null)
                target = BlackBoard.InvisibleEnemy;

            WorkingMemoryFact fact = WorkingMemory.FindExistingFact(FactType.KnownEnemy, target);

            if(fact != null && fact.Confidence >= 1)
                SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
                return true;
            else if(fact != null)
                //check if last known pos is inside area
                Vector3 position = fact.LastKnownPos;

                //check if the neutral is within patrol range
                Vector3 targetLoc = BlackBoard.PatrolLoc;
                Vector3 targetRange = BlackBoard.PatrolRange;
                if(IsPosisionInArea(position, targetLoc, targetRange))
                    SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
                    return true;

            SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);
            return false;


        else if(state.Name == "IsTherePersonalThreat")
            bool result = BlackBoard.HighestPersonalThreat > 0;
            SetCurrentWorldState(state, result);
            return false;

        else if(state.Name == "IsRangedWeaponEquipped")
            if(BlackBoard.EquippedWeapon != null)
                SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
                return true;
                SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);
                return false;

        else if(state.Name == "IsThreatInSight")
            List<WorkingMemoryFact> knownEnemies = WorkingMemory.FindExistingFactOfType(FactType.KnownEnemy);
            foreach(WorkingMemoryFact fact in knownEnemies)
                if(fact.Confidence >= 1)
                    SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
                    return true;

            SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);
            return false;

        else if(state.Name == "IsAmmoAvailable")
            SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
            return true;

        return null;
Exemple #24
	public object EvaluateWorldState(GoapWorldState state)
		if(state.Name == "IsThreatInSightInArea")
			//loop through all known enemies whose confidence is 1 (in sight)
			//return true if any is found

			List<WorkingMemoryFact> knownEnemies = WorkingMemory.FindExistingFactOfType(FactType.KnownEnemy);
			foreach(WorkingMemoryFact fact in knownEnemies)
				if(fact.Confidence >= 1)
					//if enemy is in sight, return true even if not in area
					//CsDebug.Inst.CharLog(_parentCharacter, "Evaluating IsThreatInSightInArea, enemy in sight " + ((Character)fact.Target).name);
					SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
					return true;


			//now loop through all known neutrals whose confidence is 1
			//return true if any is within area
			List<WorkingMemoryFact> knownNeutrals = WorkingMemory.FindExistingFactOfType(FactType.KnownNeutral);
			foreach(WorkingMemoryFact fact in knownNeutrals)
				if(fact.Confidence >= 1)
					Vector3 position = ((Character)fact.Target).transform.position;

					//check if the neutral is within patrol range
					Vector3 targetLoc = BlackBoard.PatrolLoc;
					Vector3 targetRange = BlackBoard.CombatRange;
					if(IsPositionInArea(position, targetLoc, targetRange))
						CsDebug.Inst.CharLog(_parentCharacter, "Evaluation IsThreatInSightInArea, true, visible neutrals in area");
						SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
						return true;

			//CsDebug.Inst.CharLog(_parentCharacter, "Evaluation IsThereThreatInArea, false");
			SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);
			return false;

		else if(state.Name == "IsThereInvisibleEnemy")
			bool result = (_parentCharacter.MyAI.BlackBoard.InvisibleEnemy != null);
			SetCurrentWorldState(state, result);

			return result;

		else if(state.Name == "IsTargetAThreat")

			Character target = BlackBoard.TargetEnemy;

			if(target != null && target.MyStatus.Health <= 0)
				SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);
				return false;

			if(target == null && BlackBoard.InvisibleEnemy != null)
				target = BlackBoard.InvisibleEnemy;

			if(target == null)
				SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);
				return false;

			WorkingMemoryFact fact = WorkingMemory.FindExistingFact(FactType.KnownEnemy, target);

			if(fact != null && fact.Confidence >= 1)
				SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
				return true;
			else if(fact != null && fact.ThreatLevel >= 0.6f)
				SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
				return true;
			else if(fact != null)
				//check if last known pos is inside area
				Vector3 position = fact.LastKnownPos;

				//check if the enemy is within patrol range
				Vector3 targetLoc = BlackBoard.PatrolLoc;
				Vector3 targetRange = BlackBoard.CombatRange;
				if(IsPositionInArea(position, targetLoc, targetRange))
					SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
					return true;

			SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);
			return false;


		else if(state.Name == "IsTherePersonalThreat")
			bool result = BlackBoard.HighestPersonalThreat > 0;
			SetCurrentWorldState(state, result);
			CsDebug.Inst.CharLog(_parentCharacter, "Is there personal threat? " + BlackBoard.HighestPersonalThreat);
			return result;

		else if(state.Name == "IsThereCriticalPersonalThreat")
			bool result = BlackBoard.HighestPersonalThreat >= 1;
			SetCurrentWorldState(state, result);
			return result;

		else if(state.Name == "IsRangedWeaponEquipped")
			if(BlackBoard.EquippedWeapon != null)
				SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
				return true;
				SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);
				return false;

		else if(state.Name == "IsThreatInSight")
			List<WorkingMemoryFact> knownEnemies = WorkingMemory.FindExistingFactOfType(FactType.KnownEnemy);
			foreach(WorkingMemoryFact fact in knownEnemies)
				Debug.Log("Is Threat In Sight fact confidence " + fact.Confidence);
				if(fact.Confidence >= 1)
					SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
					return true;

			SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);
			return false;

		else if(state.Name == "IsAmmoAvailable")
			SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
			return true;

		else if(state.Name == "IsBehindCover")
			bool result = true;

			if(BlackBoard.SelectedCover == null)
				result = false;
				result = Vector3.Distance(_parentCharacter.transform.position, BlackBoard.SelectedCoverLoc) <= 2 ? true : false;

			SetCurrentWorldState(state, result);
			return result;

		else if(state.Name == "IsBehindAttackCover")
			bool result = true;

			if(BlackBoard.SelectedCover == null)
				result = false;
				if(Vector3.Distance(_parentCharacter.transform.position, BlackBoard.SelectedCoverLoc) <= 1 && BlackBoard.SelectedCover.IsForShooting)
					result = true;
					result = false;

			SetCurrentWorldState(state, result);
			return result;

		else if(state.Name == "IsThereDisturbance")
			bool result = BlackBoard.HighestDisturbanceThreat > 0;
			SetCurrentWorldState(state, result);
			CsDebug.Inst.CharLog(_parentCharacter, "Is there disturbance? " + BlackBoard.HighestDisturbanceThreat);
			return result;

		else if(state.Name == "IsNearDefendPosition")
				SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);
				return false;

			if(Vector3.Distance(_parentCharacter.transform.position, BlackBoard.PatrolLoc) > 1)
				SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);
				return false;

			SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
			return true;

		else if(state.Name == "IsInTargetArea")
			bool result = IsPositionInArea(_parentCharacter.transform.position, BlackBoard.PatrolLoc, BlackBoard.PatrolRange);
			//CsDebug.Inst.CharLog(_parentCharacter, "Checking IsInTargetArea, result is " + result);
			SetCurrentWorldState(state, result);
			return result;

		else if(state.Name == "IsNearFollowingTarget")
			SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);
			return false;

		else if(state.Name == "IsThereUncheckedCorpse")
			if(BlackBoard.TargetCorpse != null && BlackBoard.TargetCorpse.ThreatLevel > 0 && Vector3.Distance(BlackBoard.TargetCorpse.LastKnownPos, _parentCharacter.transform.position) < 30)
				SetCurrentWorldState(state, true);
				return true;

			SetCurrentWorldState(state, false);
			return false;

		return null;
Exemple #25
    public List <GoapAction> GetCharacterActionSet(int characterID)
        IDataReader actionReader = GameManager.Inst.DBManager.RunAIQuery(
            "SELECT goap_actions.* " +
            "FROM goap_actions INNER JOIN character_actions " +
            "ON goap_actions.id = character_actions.action_id AND character_actions.character_id = '" + characterID + "'");
        List <GoapAction> actions = new List <GoapAction>();

        while (actionReader.Read())
            int    id          = actionReader.GetInt32(0);
            string className   = actionReader.GetString(1);
            string description = actionReader.GetString(2);
            //Debug.Log("get action " + className + description);
            float cost = actionReader.GetFloat(3);

            GoapAction action = (GoapAction)System.Activator.CreateInstance(System.Type.GetType(className), className, description, cost);

            ///query for preconditions and context preconditions
            IDataReader condReader = GameManager.Inst.DBManager.RunAIQuery(
                "SELECT world_states.*, action_preconditions.* " +
                "FROM action_preconditions INNER JOIN world_states " +
                "ON action_preconditions.world_state_id = world_states.id AND action_preconditions.action_id = '" + id + "'");

            List <GoapWorldState> preconditions = new List <GoapWorldState>();
            List <GoapWorldState> context       = new List <GoapWorldState>();
            while (condReader.Read())
                GoapWorldState state     = ParseWorldState(condReader);
                bool           isContext = (condReader.GetInt32(7) == 1);
                if (isContext)

            condReader = null;

            //query for effects
            IDataReader effReader = GameManager.Inst.DBManager.RunAIQuery(
                "SELECT world_states.*, action_effects.* " +
                "FROM action_effects INNER JOIN world_states " +
                "ON action_effects.world_state_id = world_states.id AND action_effects.action_id = '" + id + "'");

            List <GoapWorldState> effects = new List <GoapWorldState>();
            while (effReader.Read())
                GoapWorldState state = ParseWorldState(effReader);

            effReader = null;



        actionReader = null;
Exemple #26
	public void AddContextPrecondition(List<GoapWorldState> conditions)

	public void AddPrecondition(GoapWorldState condition)
Exemple #27
    private void RefreshActionsTab()
        IDataReader reader = RunQuery("SELECT goap_actions.* FROM goap_actions");

        Dictionary <int, ActionData> actions = new Dictionary <int, ActionData>();
        int i = 1;

        while (reader.Read())
            int    c_id   = reader.GetInt32(0);
            string c_name = reader.GetString(1);
            string c_desc = reader.GetString(2);
            float  c_cost = reader.GetFloat(3);

            ActionData data = new ActionData();
            data.ID          = c_id;
            data.ClassName   = c_name;
            data.Description = c_desc;
            data.DefaultCost = c_cost;

            actions.Add(i, data);

        string [] dropDownOptions = new string[actions.Count + 1];
        dropDownOptions[0] = "Add New..";

        if (actions.Count > 0)
            for (int index = 1; index <= actions.Count; index++)
                dropDownOptions[index] = actions[index].Description;

        GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 40, 200, 20), "Available Actions:");
        _tab2Action = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(10, 60, 150, 20), _tab2Action, dropDownOptions);

        GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 90, 250, 20), "Description: " + dropDownOptions[_tab2Action]);
        _tab2Description = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10, 110, 150, 15), _tab2Description, 100);

        string className = "";

        if (_tab2Action > 0)
            className = actions[_tab2Action].ClassName;
        GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 130, 250, 20), "Class Name: " + className);
        _tab2ClassName = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10, 150, 150, 15), _tab2ClassName, 100);

        string cost = "";

        if (_tab2Action > 0)
            cost = actions[_tab2Action].DefaultCost.ToString();
        GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 170, 250, 20), "Default Cost: " + cost);
        _tab2CostString = GUI.TextField(new Rect(10, 190, 150, 15), _tab2CostString, 100);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 210, 60, 20), "Save"))
            if (_tab2Action > 0)
                RunQuery("UPDATE goap_actions SET description = '" + _tab2Description + "', class_name = '" + _tab2ClassName + "', default_cost = '" + actions[_tab2Action].DefaultCost + "' WHERE id = " + actions[_tab2Action].ID);
            else if (_tab2Action == 0)
                float costFloat = Convert.ToSingle(_tab2CostString);
                RunQuery("INSERT INTO goap_actions (id, description, class_name, default_cost) VALUES (null, '" + _tab2Description + "', '" + _tab2ClassName + "', " + costFloat + ")");

            _tab2ClassName   = "";
            _tab2Description = "";
            _tab2CostString  = "";

        if (_tab2Action > 0 && GUI.Button(new Rect(80, 210, 60, 20), "Delete"))
            RunQuery("DELETE FROM goap_actions WHERE id = " + actions[_tab2Action].ID);
            RunQuery("DELETE FROM action_effects WHERE action_id = " + actions[_tab2Action].ID);
            RunQuery("DELETE FROM action_preconditions WHERE action_id = " + actions[_tab2Action].ID);
            RunQuery("DELETE FROM character_actions WHERE action_id = " + actions[_tab2Action].ID);
            _tab2Action      = 0;
            _tab2ClassName   = "";
            _tab2Description = "";
            _tab2CostString  = "";

        if (_tab2Action > 0)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 240, 200, 20), "Conditions:");
            IDataReader conditionReader = RunQuery(
                "SELECT world_states.*, action_preconditions.* " +
                "FROM action_preconditions INNER JOIN world_states " +
                "ON action_preconditions.world_state_id = world_states.id AND action_preconditions.action_id = '" + actions[_tab2Action].ID + "'");

            List <GoapWorldState> conditions = new List <GoapWorldState>();
            while (conditionReader.Read())
                GoapWorldState state = ParseWorldStateJoint(conditionReader);

            //get all the world states in order to form a drop down list
            IDataReader worldStatesReader = RunQuery("SELECT world_states.* FROM world_states");

            _worldStates = new Dictionary <int, WorldStatesData>();
            int stateIndex = 0;
            while (worldStatesReader.Read())
                int    c_id   = worldStatesReader.GetInt32(0);
                string c_desc = worldStatesReader.GetString(1);
                int    isBool = worldStatesReader.GetInt32(2);

                WorldStatesData data = new WorldStatesData();
                data.ID          = c_id;
                data.Description = c_desc;
                data.IsBool      = isBool;

                _worldStates.Add(stateIndex, data);

            string [] conditionOptions = new string[_worldStates.Count];

            int rectHeight = 260;
            int heightStep = 30;
            int condIndex  = 0;

            foreach (GoapWorldState state in conditions)
                int selectedName = 0;

                if (_worldStates.Count > 0)
                    for (int index = 0; index < _worldStates.Count; index++)
                        conditionOptions[index] = _worldStates[index].Description;
                        if (state.Name == _worldStates[index].Description)
                            selectedName = index;

                    int height          = rectHeight + heightStep * condIndex;
                    int newSelectedName = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(10, height, 150, 20), selectedName, conditionOptions);
                    GUI.Label(new Rect(170, height, 40, 20), "Equals");

                    int selectedValue = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(220, height, 60, 20), ((bool)state.Value) == true ? 1 : 0, new string[] { "False", "True" });

                    bool toBeUpdated = false;
                    if (newSelectedName != selectedName || selectedValue != (((bool)state.Value) == true ? 1 : 0))
                        toBeUpdated = true;

                    bool toBeDeleted = false;
                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(290, height, 15, 15), "-"))
                        toBeDeleted = true;

                    if (toBeUpdated)
                        RunQuery("UPDATE action_preconditions SET world_state_id = " + _worldStates[newSelectedName].ID + ", value = " + selectedValue
                                 + " WHERE action_id = " + actions[_tab2Action].ID + " AND world_state_id = " + _worldStates[selectedName].ID);
                    if (toBeDeleted)
                        RunQuery("DELETE FROM action_preconditions WHERE world_state_id = " + _worldStates[newSelectedName].ID + " AND action_id = " + actions[_tab2Action].ID);


            rectHeight = rectHeight + heightStep * conditions.Count;
            //a button to add new condition
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(290, rectHeight, 20, 20), "+"))
                RunQuery("INSERT INTO action_preconditions (action_id, world_state_id, operator_id, value, is_context) VALUES ("
                         + actions[_tab2Action].ID + ", " + _worldStates[0].ID + ", 0, 1, 0)");

            //now list effects
            GUI.Label(new Rect(10, rectHeight + 30, 200, 20), "Effects:");
            IDataReader effectsReader = RunQuery(
                "SELECT world_states.*, action_effects.* " +
                "FROM action_effects INNER JOIN world_states " +
                "ON action_effects.world_state_id = world_states.id AND action_effects.action_id = '" + actions[_tab2Action].ID + "'");

            List <GoapWorldState> effects = new List <GoapWorldState>();
            while (effectsReader.Read())
                GoapWorldState state = ParseWorldStateJoint(effectsReader);

            string [] effectOptions = new string[_worldStates.Count];
            int       effectIndex   = 0;
            rectHeight += 50;

            foreach (GoapWorldState state in effects)
                int selectedName = 0;

                if (_worldStates.Count > 0)
                    for (int index = 0; index < _worldStates.Count; index++)
                        effectOptions[index] = _worldStates[index].Description;
                        if (state.Name == _worldStates[index].Description)
                            selectedName = index;

                    int height          = rectHeight + heightStep * effectIndex;
                    int newSelectedName = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(10, height, 150, 20), selectedName, effectOptions);
                    GUI.Label(new Rect(170, height, 40, 20), "Equals");

                    int selectedValue = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(220, height, 60, 20), ((bool)state.Value) == true ? 1 : 0, new string[] { "False", "True" });

                    bool toBeUpdated = false;
                    if (newSelectedName != selectedName || selectedValue != (((bool)state.Value) == true ? 1 : 0))
                        toBeUpdated = true;

                    bool toBeDeleted = false;
                    if (GUI.Button(new Rect(290, height, 15, 15), "-"))
                        toBeDeleted = true;

                    if (toBeUpdated)
                        RunQuery("UPDATE action_effects SET world_state_id = " + _worldStates[newSelectedName].ID + ", value = " + selectedValue
                                 + " WHERE action_id = " + actions[_tab2Action].ID + " AND world_state_id = " + _worldStates[selectedName].ID);
                    if (toBeDeleted)
                        RunQuery("DELETE FROM action_effects WHERE world_state_id = " + _worldStates[newSelectedName].ID + " AND action_id = " + actions[_tab2Action].ID);


            rectHeight = rectHeight + heightStep * effects.Count;
            //a button to add new condition
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(290, rectHeight, 20, 20), "+"))
                RunQuery("INSERT INTO action_effects (action_id, world_state_id, operator_id, value) VALUES ("
                         + actions[_tab2Action].ID + ", " + _worldStates[0].ID + ", 0, 1)");
Exemple #28
	public void AddEffect(GoapWorldState effect)