Exemple #1
  * Constructs a problem with the specified components, and a default step
  * cost function (i.e. 1 per step).
  * @param initialState
  *            the initial state that the agent starts in.
  * @param actionsFn
  *            a description of the possible actions available to the agent.
  * @param resultFn
  *            a description of what each action does; the formal name for
  *            this is the transition model, specified by a function
  *            RESULT(s, a) that returns the state that results from doing
  *            action a in state s.
  * @param goalTest
  *            test determines whether a given state is a goal state.
 public GeneralProblem(S initialState,
                       IActionsFunction <S, A> actionsFn,
                       IResultFunction <S, A> resultFn,
                       GoalTest <S> goalTest)
     : this(initialState, actionsFn, resultFn, goalTest, new DefaultStepCostFunction <S, A>())
  * Constructs an online search problem with the specified action function,
  * goal test, and a default step cost function.
  * @param actionsFunction
  *            ACTIONS(s), which returns a list of actions allowed in state s
  * @param goalTest
  *            GOAL-TEST(s), which the agent can apply to a single state
  *            description to determine if it is a goal state
  * @param stepCostFunction
  *            the step-cost function c(s, a, s') - note that this cannot be
  *            used until the agent knows that s' is the outcome
 public OnlineSearchProblem(ActionsFunction actionsFunction,
     GoalTest goalTest, StepCostFunction stepCostFunction)
     this.actionsFunction = actionsFunction;
     this.goalTest = goalTest;
     this.stepCostFunction = stepCostFunction;
Exemple #3
 public Problem(Object initialState, ActionsFunction actionsFunction,
         ResultFunction resultFunction, GoalTest goalTest)
     : this(initialState, actionsFunction, resultFunction, goalTest,
         new DefaultStepCostFunction())
         * Starts the genetic algorithm and stops after a specified number of
         * iterations.
        public virtual Individual <A> geneticAlgorithm(ICollection <Individual <A> > initPopulation,
                                                       IFitnessFunction <A> fitnessFn, int maxIterations)
            GoalTest <Individual <A> > goalTest = (state) => getIterations() >= maxIterations;

            return(geneticAlgorithm(initPopulation, fitnessFn, goalTest, 0L));
Exemple #5
		public Problem(Object initialState, SuccessorFunction successorFunction,
			GoalTest goalTest, StepCostFunction stepCostFunction,
			HeuristicFunction heuristicFunction) : this(initialState, successorFunction, goalTest, stepCostFunction)
			this.heuristicFunction = heuristicFunction;
  * Constructs an online search problem with the specified action function,
  * goal test, and a default step cost function.
  * @param actionsFunction
  *            ACTIONS(s), which returns a list of actions allowed in state s
  * @param goalTest
  *            GOAL-TEST(s), which the agent can apply to a single state
  *            description to determine if it is a goal state
 public OnlineSearchProblem(ActionsFunction actionsFunction,
     GoalTest goalTest)
     this.actionsFunction = actionsFunction;
     this.goalTest = goalTest;
     this.stepCostFunction = new DefaultStepCostFunction();
Exemple #7
  * Constructs an online search problem with the specified action function,
  * goal test, and a default step cost function.
  * @param actionsFunction
  *            ACTIONS(s), which returns a list of actions allowed in state s
  * @param goalTest
  *            GOAL-TEST(s), which the agent can apply to a single state
  *            description to determine if it is a goal state
  * @param stepCostFunction
  *            the step-cost function c(s, a, s') - note that this cannot be
  *            used until the agent knows that s' is the outcome
 public OnlineSearchProblem(ActionsFunction actionsFunction,
                            GoalTest goalTest, StepCostFunction stepCostFunction)
     this.actionsFunction  = actionsFunction;
     this.goalTest         = goalTest;
     this.stepCostFunction = stepCostFunction;
Exemple #8
  * Constructs an online search problem with the specified action function,
  * goal test, and a default step cost function.
  * @param actionsFunction
  *            ACTIONS(s), which returns a list of actions allowed in state s
  * @param goalTest
  *            GOAL-TEST(s), which the agent can apply to a single state
  *            description to determine if it is a goal state
 public OnlineSearchProblem(ActionsFunction actionsFunction,
                            GoalTest goalTest)
     this.actionsFunction  = actionsFunction;
     this.goalTest         = goalTest;
     this.stepCostFunction = new DefaultStepCostFunction();
Exemple #9
         * Returns a composed predicate that represents a short-circuiting logical
         * OR of this predicate and another.  When evaluating the composed
         * predicate, if this predicate is {@code true}, then the {@code other}
         * predicate is not evaluated.
         * <p>Any exceptions thrown during evaluation of either predicate are relayed
         * to the caller; if evaluation of this predicate throws an exception, the
         * {@code other} predicate will not be evaluated.
         * @param other a predicate that will be logically-ORed with this
         *              predicate
         * @return a composed predicate that represents the short-circuiting logical
         * OR of this predicate and the {@code other} predicate
         * @throws NullPointerException if other is null
        public static GoalTest <S> or <S>(this GoalTest <S> orig, GoalTest <S> other)
            if (other == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("other cannot be null.");

            return((state) => orig(state) || other(state));
Exemple #10
 public Problem(Object initialState, SuccessorFunction successorFunction,
                GoalTest goalTest)
     this.initialState      = initialState;
     this.successorFunction = successorFunction;
     this.goalTest          = goalTest;
     this.stepCostFunction  = new DefaultStepCostFunction();
     this.heuristicFunction = new DefaultHeuristicFunction();
Exemple #11
 public Problem(Object initialState, ActionsFunction actionsFunction,
         ResultFunction resultFunction, GoalTest goalTest,
         StepCostFunction stepCostFunction)
     this.initialState = initialState;
     this.actionsFunction = actionsFunction;
     this.resultFunction = resultFunction;
     this.goalTest = goalTest;
     this.stepCostFunction = stepCostFunction;
  * Constructor
 public NondeterministicProblem(S initialState,
                                IActionsFunction <S, A> actionsFn, IResultsFunction <S, A> resultsFn,
                                GoalTest <S> goalTest, IStepCostFunction <S, A> stepCostFn)
     this.initialState = initialState;
     this.actionsFn    = actionsFn;
     this.resultsFn    = resultsFn;
     this.goalTest     = goalTest;
     this.stepCostFn   = stepCostFn;
Exemple #13
  * Constructs a problem with the specified components, which includes a step
  * cost function.
  * @param initialState
  *            the initial state of the agent.
  * @param actionsFunction
  *            a description of the possible actions available to the agent.
  * @param resultFunction
  *            a description of what each action does; the formal name for
  *            this is the transition model, specified by a function
  *            RESULT(s, a) that returns the state that results from doing
  *            action a in state s.
  * @param goalTest
  *            test determines whether a given state is a goal state.
  * @param stepCostFunction
  *            a path cost function that assigns a numeric cost to each path.
  *            The problem-solving-agent chooses a cost function that
  *            reflects its own performance measure.
 public Problem(Object initialState, ActionsFunction actionsFunction,
                ResultFunction resultFunction, GoalTest goalTest,
                StepCostFunction stepCostFunction)
     this.initialState     = initialState;
     this.actionsFunction  = actionsFunction;
     this.resultFunction   = resultFunction;
     this.goalTest         = goalTest;
     this.stepCostFunction = stepCostFunction;
Exemple #14
 public Problem(object initialSetup, OperatorsFunction operatorsFunction,
                ResultFunction resultFunction, GoalTest goalTest,
                StepCostFunction stepCostFunction)
     this.initialSetup      = initialSetup;
     this.operatorsFunction = operatorsFunction;
     this.resultFunction    = resultFunction;
     this.goalTest          = goalTest;
     this.stepCostFunction  = stepCostFunction;
Exemple #15
        public void setUp()
            oneBoard   = new NQueensBoard(1);
            eightBoard = new NQueensBoard(8);
            board      = new NQueensBoard(8);

            actionsFn = NQueensFunctions.getIFActionsFunction();
            resultFn  = NQueensFunctions.getResultFunction();
            goalTest  = NQueensFunctions.testGoal;
Exemple #16
		public Problem(Object initialState, SuccessorFunction successorFunction,
			GoalTest goalTest) 

			this.initialState = initialState;
			this.successorFunction = successorFunction;
			this.goalTest = goalTest;
			this.stepCostFunction = new DefaultStepCostFunction();
			this.heuristicFunction = new DefaultHeuristicFunction();

Exemple #17
 public Problem(
     TState initalState,
     ActionFunction <TState, TAction> actionFunction,
     ResultFunction <TState, TAction> resultFunction,
     GoalTest <TState> goalTest, StepCost <TState, TAction> stepCost)
     InitalState    = initalState;
     ActionFunction = actionFunction;
     ResultFunction = resultFunction;
     GoalTest       = goalTest;
     StepCost       = stepCost;
Exemple #18
        // Devuelve si es cierto o no que un nodo contenga una solución para el problema
        // Realmente este método sólo tiene interés para meter comprobaciones adicionales, ahora mismo no hace nada especial
        public static bool IsGoal(Problem p, Node n)
            bool     isGoal = false;
            GoalTest gt     = p.GoalTest;

            if (gt.IsGoal(n.Setup))
                // Si usáramos una interfaz adicional a GoalTest (SolutionChecker se llama la clase) aquí dentro deberíamos comprobar adicionalmente
                // si es una solución aceptable o no (IsAcceptableSolution se llama el método)
                isGoal = true;

Exemple #19
        static void nQueensGeneticAlgorithmSearch()
            System.Console.WriteLine("\nNQueensDemo GeneticAlgorithm  -->");
                IFitnessFunction <int>       fitnessFunction = NQueensGenAlgoUtil.getFitnessFunction();
                GoalTest <Individual <int> > goalTest        = NQueensGenAlgoUtil.getGoalTest();
                // Generate an initial population
                ISet <Individual <int> > population = CollectionFactory.CreateSet <Individual <int> >();
                for (int i = 0; i < 50; ++i)

                GeneticAlgorithm <int> ga = new GeneticAlgorithm <int>(boardSize,
                                                                       NQueensGenAlgoUtil.getFiniteAlphabetForBoardOfSize(boardSize), 0.15);

                // Run for a set amount of time
                Individual <int> bestIndividual = ga.geneticAlgorithm(population, fitnessFunction, goalTest, 1000L);

                System.Console.WriteLine("Max Time (1 second) Best Individual=\n"
                                         + NQueensGenAlgoUtil.getBoardForIndividual(bestIndividual));
                System.Console.WriteLine("Board Size      = " + boardSize);
                //System.Console.WriteLine("# Board Layouts = " + (new BigDecimal(boardSize)).pow(boardSize)/*);*/
                System.Console.WriteLine("Fitness         = " + fitnessFunction.apply(bestIndividual));
                System.Console.WriteLine("Is Goal         = " + goalTest(bestIndividual));
                System.Console.WriteLine("Population Size = " + ga.getPopulationSize());
                System.Console.WriteLine("Iterations      = " + ga.getIterations());
                System.Console.WriteLine("Took            = " + ga.getTimeInMilliseconds() + "ms.");

                // Run till goal is achieved
                bestIndividual = ga.geneticAlgorithm(population, fitnessFunction, goalTest, 0L);

                .WriteLine("Goal Test Best Individual=\n" + NQueensGenAlgoUtil.getBoardForIndividual(bestIndividual));
                System.Console.WriteLine("Board Size      = " + boardSize);
                //System.Console.WriteLine("# Board Layouts = " + (new BigDecimal(boardSize)).pow(boardSize)/*);*/
                System.Console.WriteLine("Fitness         = " + fitnessFunction.apply(bestIndividual));
                System.Console.WriteLine("Is Goal         = " + goalTest(bestIndividual));
                System.Console.WriteLine("Population Size = " + ga.getPopulationSize());
                System.Console.WriteLine("Itertions       = " + ga.getIterations());
                System.Console.WriteLine("Took            = " + ga.getTimeInMilliseconds() + "ms.");
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
Exemple #20
        // Construye un resolutor de dimensiones (rows) por (columns), como mínimo debe ser de 1x1
        // No necesita el puzle en sí, pues eso lo recibirá después
        public SlidingPuzzleSolver(uint rows, uint columns)
            if (rows == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("{0} is not a valid rows value", rows), "rows");
            if (columns == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("{0} is not a valid columns value", columns), "columns");

            aoFunction = SlidingPuzzleFunctionFactory.GetApplicableOperatorsFunction();
            tModel     = SlidingPuzzleFunctionFactory.GetTransitionModel();
            gTest      = new SlidingPuzzleGoalTest(rows, columns);
Exemple #21
        public Problem GetProblem(Object owner, IContextLookup globalVars, Object initialState)
            Problem toReturn;
            var     objActionsFunction = ActionsFunction.EvaluateTyped(owner, globalVars);
            var     objResultFunction  = ResultFunction.EvaluateTyped(owner, globalVars);
            var     objGoalTest        = GoalTest.EvaluateTyped(owner, globalVars);

            if (StepCostFunction.Enabled)
                var objStepCostFunction = StepCostFunction.Entity.EvaluateTyped(owner, globalVars);
                toReturn = new Problem(initialState, objActionsFunction, objResultFunction, objGoalTest, objStepCostFunction);
                toReturn = new Problem(initialState, objActionsFunction, objResultFunction, objGoalTest);
         * Calls the goal test of the problem and - if the goal test is effectively
         * a {@link SolutionChecker} - additionally checks, whether the solution is
         * acceptable. Solution checkers can be used to analyze several or all
         * solutions with only one search run.
        public static bool isGoalState(Problem p, Node n)
            bool     isGoal = false;
            GoalTest gt     = p.getGoalTest();

            if (gt.isGoalState(n.State))
                if (gt is SolutionChecker)
                    isGoal = ((SolutionChecker)gt).isAcceptableSolution(
                        getSequenceOfActions(n), n.State);
                    isGoal = true;
Exemple #23
        // Devuelve si es cierto o no que un nodo contiene una configuración objetivo
        public static bool IsGoalSetup(Problem p, Node n)
            bool     isGoal = false;
            GoalTest gt     = p.GetGoalTest();

            if (gt.IsGoalSetup(n.GetSetup()))
                if (gt is SolutionChecker)
                    isGoal = ((SolutionChecker)gt).IsAcceptableSolution(
                        SearchUtils.GetOperatorsFromNodes(n.GetPathFromRoot()), n
                    isGoal = true;
Exemple #24
        public static bool isGoalState(Problem p, Node n)
            bool     isGoal = false;
            GoalTest gt     = p.getGoalTest();

            if (gt.isGoalState(n.getState()))
                if (gt is SolutionChecker)
                    isGoal = ((SolutionChecker)gt).isAcceptableSolution(
                        SearchUtils.actionsFromNodes(n.getPathFromRoot()), n
                    isGoal = true;
         * Template method controlling search. It returns the best individual in the
         * specified population, according to the specified FITNESS-FN and goal
         * test.
         * @param initPopulation
         *            a set of individuals
         * @param fitnessFn
         *            a function that measures the fitness of an individual
         * @param goalTest
         *            test determines whether a given individual is fit enough to
         *            return. Can be used in subclasses to implement additional
         *            termination criteria, e.g. maximum number of iterations.
         * @param maxTimeMilliseconds
         *            the maximum time in milliseconds that the algorithm is to run
         *            for (approximate). Only used if > 0L.
         * @return the best individual in the specified population, according to the
         *         specified FITNESS-FN and goal test.
        // function GENETIC-ALGORITHM(population, FITNESS-FN) returns an individual
        // inputs: population, a set of individuals
        // FITNESS-FN, a function that measures the fitness of an individual
        public virtual Individual <A> geneticAlgorithm(ICollection <Individual <A> > initPopulation, IFitnessFunction <A> fitnessFn,
                                                       GoalTest <Individual <A> > goalTest, long maxTimeMilliseconds)
            Individual <A> bestIndividual = null;

            // Create a local copy of the population to work with
            ICollection <Individual <A> > population = CollectionFactory.CreateQueue <Individual <A> >(initPopulation);

            // Validate the population and setup the instrumentation
            updateMetrics(population, 0, 0L);

            IStopWatch sw = CommonFactory.CreateStopWatch();

            // repeat
            int itCount = 0;

                population     = nextGeneration(population, fitnessFn);
                bestIndividual = retrieveBestIndividual(population, fitnessFn);

                updateMetrics(population, ++itCount, sw.GetElapsedMilliseconds());

                // until some individual is fit enough, or enough time has elapsed
                if (maxTimeMilliseconds > 0L && sw.GetElapsedMilliseconds() > maxTimeMilliseconds)
                if (currIsCancelled)
            } while (!goalTest(bestIndividual));

            notifyProgressTrackers(itCount, population);
            // return the best individual in population, according to FITNESS-FN
        // function GENETIC-ALGORITHM(population, FITNESS-FN) returns an individual
        // inputs: population, a set of individuals
        // FITNESS-FN, a function that measures the fitness of an individual
        public String geneticAlgorithm(Set<String> population,
                FitnessFunction fitnessFn, GoalTest goalTest)
            String bestIndividual = null;


            // repeat
            int cnt = 0;
                bestIndividual = ga(population, fitnessFn);
                // until some individual is fit enough, or enough time has elapsed
            } while (!goalTest.isGoalState(bestIndividual));

            // return the best individual in population, according to FITNESS-FN
            return bestIndividual;
Exemple #27
        private static void SolveProblem <TState, TAction>(
            ActionFunction <TState, TAction> actionFunction,
            ResultFunction <TState, TAction> resultFunction,
            GoalTest <TState> goalTest,
            StepCost <TState, TAction> stepCost,
            TState initialState,
            IGraphSearch <TState, TAction> searchAlgorithm)
            var problem = new Problem <TState, TAction>(
                initialState, actionFunction, resultFunction, goalTest, stepCost);

            var solution = searchAlgorithm.Search(problem);

            foreach (var node in solution)

        // function GENETIC-ALGORITHM(population, FITNESS-FN) returns an individual
        // inputs: population, a set of individuals
        // FITNESS-FN, a function that measures the fitness of an individual
        public String geneticAlgorithm(Set <String> population,
                                       FitnessFunction fitnessFn, GoalTest goalTest)
            String bestIndividual = null;


            // repeat
            int cnt = 0;

                bestIndividual = ga(population, fitnessFn);
                // until some individual is fit enough, or enough time has elapsed
            } while (!goalTest.isGoalState(bestIndividual));

            // return the best individual in population, according to FITNESS-FN
    private Tile BFS(Tile start, GoalTest test)
        HashSet <Tile> closedset = new HashSet <Tile>();
        Queue <Tile>   openqueue = new Queue <Tile>();

        while (openqueue.Count > 0)
            Tile current = openqueue.Dequeue();
            if (test(current))
            foreach (Tile t in getNeighbors(current))
                if (!closedset.Contains(t))
  * Constructor
 public NondeterministicProblem(S initialState,
                                IActionsFunction <S, A> actionsFn, IResultsFunction <S, A> resultsFn,
                                GoalTest <S> goalTest)
     : this(initialState, actionsFn, resultsFn, goalTest, new DefaultStepCostFunction <S, A>())
Exemple #31
 public BidirectionalMapProblem(Map map, string initialState, string goalState, GoalTest <string> goalTest)
     : base(initialState,
     reverseProblem = new GeneralProblem <string, MoveToAction>(
Exemple #32
 // Crea un problema partiendo de todos sus componentes
 public Problem(object iSetup, ApplicableOperatorsFunction aoFunction, TransitionModel tModel, GoalTest gTest, StepCostFunction scFunction)
     this.InitialSetup = iSetup;
     this.ApplicableOperatorsFunction = aoFunction;
     this.TransitionModel             = tModel;
     this.GoalTest         = gTest;
     this.StepCostFunction = scFunction;
    private Tile BFS(Tile start, GoalTest test)
        HashSet<Tile> closedset = new HashSet<Tile>();
        Queue<Tile> openqueue = new Queue<Tile>();

        while(openqueue.Count > 0)
            Tile current = openqueue.Dequeue();
            if (test(current))
                return current;
            foreach (Tile t in getNeighbors(current))
                if (!closedset.Contains(t))
        return null;
 public Tile FindTileF(Tile start, GoalTest test)
     return BFS(start, test);
 public OnlineSearchProblem(ActionsFunction actionsFunction,
         GoalTest goalTest)
     this(actionsFunction, goalTest, new DefaultStepCostFunction());
Exemple #36
  * Constructs a problem with the specified components, and a default step
  * cost function (i.e. 1 per step).
  * @param initialState
  *            the initial state that the agent starts in.
  * @param actionsFunction
  *            a description of the possible actions available to the agent.
  * @param resultFunction
  *            a description of what each action does; the formal name for
  *            this is the transition model, specified by a function
  *            RESULT(s, a) that returns the state that results from doing
  *            action a in state s.
  * @param goalTest
  *            test determines whether a given state is a goal state.
 public Problem(Object initialState, ActionsFunction actionsFunction,
                ResultFunction resultFunction, GoalTest goalTest)
     : this(initialState, actionsFunction, resultFunction, goalTest,
            new DefaultStepCostFunction())
Exemple #37

        // Construye un resolutor (no necesita el puzle, se le pasará después)
        public TankPuzzleSolver()
            oFunction = TankPuzzleFunctionFactory.getOperatorsFunction();
            rFunction = TankPuzzleFunctionFactory.getResultFunction();
            goalTest  = new TankPuzzleGoalTest();
Exemple #38
        public BidirectionalMapProblem(Map map, String initialState, String goalState, GoalTest goalTest) :  base(initialState, MapFunctionFactory.getActionsFunction(map), MapFunctionFactory.getResultFunction(),
                                                                                                                  goalTest, new MapStepCostFunction(map))
            this.map = map;

            reverseProblem = new Problem(goalState, MapFunctionFactory.getReverseActionsFunction(map),
                                         MapFunctionFactory.getResultFunction(), new DefaultGoalTest(initialState),
                                         new MapStepCostFunction(map));
Exemple #39
		public Problem(Object initialState, SuccessorFunction successorFunction,
			GoalTest goalTest, StepCostFunction stepCostFunction) : this(initialState, successorFunction, goalTest)
			this.stepCostFunction = stepCostFunction;
Exemple #40
         * Returns a sequence of actions using A* Search.
         * @param current
         *            the agent's current position
         * @param goals
         *            a set of squares; try to plan a route to one of them
         * @param allowed
         *            a set of squares that can form part of the route
         * @return the best sequence of actions that the agent have to do to reach a
         *         goal from the current position.
        public ICollection <IAction> planRoute(AgentPosition current, ISet <Room> goals, ISet <Room> allowed)
            // Every square represent 4 possible positions for the agent, it could
            // be in different orientations. For every square in allowed and goals
            // sets we add 4 squares.
            ISet <AgentPosition> allowedPositions = CollectionFactory.CreateSet <AgentPosition>();

            foreach (Room allowedRoom in allowed)
                int x = allowedRoom.getX();
                int y = allowedRoom.getY();

                allowedPositions.Add(new AgentPosition(x, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_WEST));
                allowedPositions.Add(new AgentPosition(x, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_EAST));
                allowedPositions.Add(new AgentPosition(x, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_NORTH));
                allowedPositions.Add(new AgentPosition(x, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_SOUTH));
            ISet <AgentPosition> goalPositions = CollectionFactory.CreateSet <AgentPosition>();

            foreach (Room goalRoom in goals)
                int x = goalRoom.getX();
                int y = goalRoom.getY();

                goalPositions.Add(new AgentPosition(x, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_WEST));
                goalPositions.Add(new AgentPosition(x, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_EAST));
                goalPositions.Add(new AgentPosition(x, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_NORTH));
                goalPositions.Add(new AgentPosition(x, y, AgentPosition.Orientation.FACING_SOUTH));

            WumpusCave cave = new WumpusCave(kb.getCaveXDimension(), kb.getCaveYDimension(), allowedPositions);

            GoalTest <AgentPosition> goalTest = goalPositions.Contains;

            IProblem <AgentPosition, IAction> problem = new GeneralProblem <AgentPosition, IAction>(current,
                                                                                                    WumpusFunctionFunctions.createResultFunction(), goalTest);

            IToDoubleFunction <Node <AgentPosition, IAction> > h = new ManhattanHeuristicFunction(goals);

            ISearchForActions <AgentPosition, IAction> search = new AStarSearch <AgentPosition, IAction>(
                new GraphSearch <AgentPosition, IAction>(), h);
            SearchAgent <AgentPosition, IAction> agent;
            ICollection <IAction> actions = null;

                agent   = new SearchAgent <AgentPosition, IAction>(problem, search);
                actions = agent.getActions();
                // Search agent can return a NoOp if already at goal,
                // in the context of this agent we will just return
                // no actions.
                if (actions.Size() == 1 && actions.Get(0).IsNoOp())
                    actions = CollectionFactory.CreateQueue <IAction>();
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;

 public OnlineSearchProblem(ActionsFunction actionsFunction,
                            GoalTest goalTest)
     this(actionsFunction, goalTest, new DefaultStepCostFunction());