// Drag and drop: Identifies the targeted glyph and calls backend to embed the SVG.
        private async void GridView_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
                GlyphModel glyph = null;
                if (e.OriginalSource is StackPanel)
                    StackPanel target = e.OriginalSource as StackPanel;
                    if (target.DataContext is GlyphModel)
                        glyph = target.DataContext as GlyphModel;
                        foreach (SvgFileItem file in selectedSvgItems)
                            // Embed the selected SVG onto the selected glyph.
                            await fontFile.AddSvgAsync(glyph.GlyphID, file.SVGFile);

                            // Refresh the preview grid to reflect the modified font.
                            await ReloadPreviewAsync();
            catch (Exception exc)
                await NotifyUserAsync("The app encountered an error while trying to add SVG to the font.", exc);

        // When a glyph preview is right-clicked, instantiate a popup menu and allow the
        // user to delete that glyph's SVG glyph if present.
        public async void Glyph_RightTapped(object sender, RightTappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            // Prepare the context menu.
            PopupMenu menu = new PopupMenu();

            menu.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Delete SVG", async(command) =>
                // Retrieve the selected Characer object.
                GlyphModel glyph = null;
                if (e.OriginalSource is TextBlock)
                    TextBlock target = e.OriginalSource as TextBlock;
                    if (target.DataContext is GlyphModel)
                        glyph = target.DataContext as GlyphModel;

                            // Call the backend to remove the specified SVG.
                            await fontFile.RemoveSvgAsync(glyph.GlyphID);

                            // Refresh the preview grid to reflect the updated font.
                            await ReloadPreviewAsync();
                        catch (Exception exc)
                            await NotifyUserAsync("The app encountered an error while trying to remove SVG from the font.", exc);

            // Invoke the context menu.
            await menu.ShowForSelectionAsync(GetElementRect((FrameworkElement)sender));