Exemple #1
        internal void GetNames(string[] path, ReturnContainers returnContainers, bool recurse, ProviderRuntime runtime)
            // the include/exclude filters apply to the results, not to the globbing process. Make this sure
            runtime.IgnoreFiltersForGlobbing = true;
            // compile here, not in every recursive iteration
            var filter = new IncludeExcludeFilter(runtime.Include, runtime.Exclude, false);

            // do the globbing manually, because the behavior depends on it...
            foreach (var p in path)
                CmdletProvider provider;
                var            doGlob = Globber.ShouldGlob(p, runtime);
                // even if we don't actually glob, the next method will return the resolved path & provider
                var resolved     = Globber.GetGlobbedProviderPaths(p, runtime, out provider);
                var contProvider = CmdletProvider.As <ContainerCmdletProvider>(provider);
                foreach (var curPath in resolved)
                    if (!doGlob && filter.CanBeIgnored && !recurse)
                        contProvider.GetChildNames(curPath, returnContainers, runtime);
                    if ((recurse || !doGlob) && Item.IsContainer(contProvider, curPath, runtime))
                        ManuallyGetChildNames(contProvider, curPath, "", returnContainers, recurse, filter, runtime);
                    var cn = Path.ParseChildName(contProvider, curPath, runtime);
                    if (filter.Accepts(cn))
Exemple #2
        // actual work with callid the providers

        internal void Get(string[] paths, bool recurse, ProviderRuntime runtime)
            // the include/exclude filters apply to the results, not to the globbing process. Make this sure
            runtime.IgnoreFiltersForGlobbing = true;

            // globbing is here a little more complicated, so we do it "manually" (without GlobAndInvoke)
            foreach (var curPath in paths)
                var path = curPath;
                // if the path won't be globbed or filtered, we will directly list it's child
                var listChildsWithoutRecursion = !Globber.ShouldGlob(path, runtime) && !runtime.HasFilters();

                // the Path might be a mixture of a path and an include filter
                bool clearIncludeFilter;
                path = SplitFilterFromPath(path, recurse, runtime, out clearIncludeFilter);

                // now perform the actual globbing
                CmdletProvider provider;
                var            globbed           = Globber.GetGlobbedProviderPaths(path, runtime, out provider);
                var            containerProvider = CmdletProvider.As <ContainerCmdletProvider>(provider);
                var            filter            = new IncludeExcludeFilter(runtime.Include, runtime.Exclude, false);

                foreach (var globPath in globbed)
                        // if we need to actively filter that stuff, we have to handle the recursion manually
                        if (!filter.CanBeIgnored)
                            ManuallyGetChildItems(containerProvider, globPath, recurse, filter, runtime);
                        // otherwise just get the child items / the item directly
                        if (recurse || listChildsWithoutRecursion)
                            GetItemOrChildItems(containerProvider, globPath, recurse, runtime);
                        // no recursion and globbing was performed: get the item, not the child items
                        containerProvider.GetItem(globPath, runtime);
                    catch (Exception e)
                // clean up the include filter of the runtime for the next item, if we split a filter from the path
                if (clearIncludeFilter)
Exemple #3
        string SplitFilterFromPath(string curPath, bool recurse, ProviderRuntime runtime, out bool clearIncludeFilter)
            // When using Get-ChildItems, one could specify something like
            // "Get-ChildItem .\Source\*.cs -recurse" which should get all *.cs files recursively from .\Source.
            // This only works if no "-Include" was specified. So basically, it's a short form for
            // "Get-ChildItem .\Source -recurse -include *.cs", but of course the first is easier to write :)
            clearIncludeFilter = false;
            // first check if we deal with a LiteralPath, a container, or include is set. If so, this won't work
            // also if we don't need to recurse, the globber can simply do the work
            if (!recurse ||
                !Globber.ShouldGlob(curPath, runtime) ||
                (runtime.Include != null && runtime.Include.Count > 0) ||
                Item.IsContainer(curPath, runtime))
            clearIncludeFilter = true;
            var childName = Path.ParseChildName(curPath, runtime);

            return(curPath.Substring(0, curPath.Length - childName.Length));