public PeakChromatogramGenerator(double tolerance, Globals.ChromatogramGeneratorMode chromMode,
                                         Globals.IsotopicProfileType isotopicProfileTarget, Globals.ToleranceUnit toleranceUnit = Globals.ToleranceUnit.PPM)
            Tolerance = tolerance;
            ChromatogramGeneratorMode = chromMode;
            IsotopicProfileTarget     = isotopicProfileTarget;

            TopNPeaksLowerCutOff = 0.3;
            ChromWindowWidthForNonAlignedData = 0.4f;
            ChromWindowWidthForAlignedData    = 0.1f;

            ToleranceUnit = toleranceUnit;

            _chromGen = new ChromatogramGenerator();
        protected ChromatogramCorrelatorBase(int numPointsInSmoother, double minRelativeIntensityForChromCorr,
                                             double chromTolerance, Globals.ToleranceUnit toleranceUnit = Globals.ToleranceUnit.PPM)
            SavitzkyGolaySmoothingOrder = 2;
            NumPointsInSmoother         = numPointsInSmoother;

            ChromTolerance = chromTolerance;
            MinimumRelativeIntensityForChromCorr = minRelativeIntensityForChromCorr;

            ChromToleranceUnit = toleranceUnit;

            PeakChromGen = new PeakChromatogramGenerator(ChromTolerance, Globals.ChromatogramGeneratorMode.MOST_ABUNDANT_PEAK,
                                                         Globals.IsotopicProfileType.UNLABELLED, toleranceUnit);

            Smoother = new SavitzkyGolaySmoother(NumPointsInSmoother, SavitzkyGolaySmoothingOrder, false);
        public XYData GenerateChromatogram(Run run, IsotopicProfile theorProfile, int lowerScan, int upperScan, double tolerance, Globals.ToleranceUnit toleranceUnit = Globals.ToleranceUnit.PPM)
            if (ChromatogramGeneratorMode == Globals.ChromatogramGeneratorMode.MZ_BASED)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Don't use this method for MZ_BASED chromatogram generation. Use a different overload");
            var targetMZList = GetTargetMzList(theorProfile);

            return(GenerateChromatogram(run, targetMZList, lowerScan, upperScan, tolerance, toleranceUnit));
        public XYData GenerateChromatogram(Run run, List <double> targetMzList, int lowerScan, int upperScan, double tolerance, Globals.ToleranceUnit toleranceUnit = Globals.ToleranceUnit.PPM)
            var midScan = (int)((lowerScan + (double)upperScan) / 2);

            if (run.MassIsAligned)
                for (var i = 0; i < targetMzList.Count; i++)
                    targetMzList[i] = getAlignedMZValue(targetMzList[i], run, midScan);

            var chromValues = _chromGen.GenerateChromatogram(run.ResultCollection.GetMsPeakResultsGroupedAndMzOrdered(), lowerScan, upperScan, targetMzList, tolerance, toleranceUnit);

            chromValues = FilterOutDataBasedOnMsMsLevel(run, chromValues, 1, false);

        public XYData GenerateChromatogram(Run run, int scanStart, int scanStop, double targetMz, double tolerance, Globals.ToleranceUnit toleranceUnit = Globals.ToleranceUnit.PPM)
            var targetMzList = new List <double> {

            return(GenerateChromatogram(run, targetMzList, scanStart, scanStop, tolerance, toleranceUnit));
Exemple #6
        //TODO:  make a ChromatogramObject that will help handle my MSPeakResults, etc.
        public XYData GenerateChromatogram(Dictionary <int, List <MSPeakResult> > groupedMsPeakList, int minScan, int maxScan, List <double> targetMZList, double tolerance, int chromIDToAssign, Globals.ToleranceUnit toleranceUnit = Globals.ToleranceUnit.PPM)
            Check.Require(groupedMsPeakList != null && groupedMsPeakList.Count > 0, "Cannot generate chromatogram. Source msPeakList is empty or hasn't been defined.");

            var scanTolerance = 5;     // TODO:   keep an eye on this

            // PNNLOmics.Generic.AnonymousComparer<MSPeakResult> comparer = new PNNLOmics.Generic.AnonymousComparer<MSPeakResult>((x, y) => x.MSPeak.XValue.CompareTo(y.MSPeak.XValue));
            var comparer = new MSPeakResultComparer();

            var tempPeakList = new List <MSPeakResult>();

            for (var i = minScan - scanTolerance; i < maxScan + scanTolerance; i++)
                if (groupedMsPeakList == null || !groupedMsPeakList.TryGetValue(i, out var msPeakResultList))

                foreach (var targetMZ in targetMZList)
                    double lowerMZ;
                    double upperMZ;

                    if (toleranceUnit == Globals.ToleranceUnit.PPM)
                        lowerMZ = targetMZ - tolerance * targetMZ / 1e6;
                        upperMZ = targetMZ + tolerance * targetMZ / 1e6;
                    else if (toleranceUnit == Globals.ToleranceUnit.MZ)
                        lowerMZ = targetMZ - tolerance;
                        upperMZ = targetMZ + tolerance;
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Trying to create chromatogram, but the " + toleranceUnit +
                                                              " unit isn't supported");

                    var lowMsPeak       = new MSPeak(lowerMZ);
                    var lowMsPeakResult = new MSPeakResult {
                        MSPeak = lowMsPeak

                    var binarySearchResult  = msPeakResultList.BinarySearch(lowMsPeakResult, comparer);
                    var nearestSearchResult = binarySearchResult >= 0 ? binarySearchResult : ~binarySearchResult;

                    for (var j = nearestSearchResult; j < msPeakResultList.Count; j++)
                        var msPeakResult = msPeakResultList[j];
                        if (msPeakResult.MSPeak.XValue <= upperMZ)

            XYData chromData = null;

            if (!tempPeakList.Any())
                //TODO: we want to return 0 intensity values. But need to make sure there are no downstream problems with this change.
                chromData = GetChromDataAndFillInZerosAndAssignChromID(tempPeakList, chromIDToAssign);

Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Will generate a chromatogram that is in fact a combination of chromatograms based on user-supplied target m/z values.
        /// This is geared for producing a chromatogram for an isotopic profile, but only using narrow mass ranges
        /// that encompass individual peaks of an isotopic profile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="groupedMsPeakList"></param>
        /// <param name="minScan"></param>
        /// <param name="maxScan"></param>
        /// <param name="targetMZList"></param>
        /// <param name="tolerance"></param>
        /// <param name="toleranceUnit"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public XYData GenerateChromatogram(Dictionary <int, List <MSPeakResult> > groupedMsPeakList, int minScan, int maxScan, List <double> targetMZList, double tolerance, Globals.ToleranceUnit toleranceUnit = Globals.ToleranceUnit.PPM)
            var defaultChromID = 0;

            return(GenerateChromatogram(groupedMsPeakList, minScan, maxScan, targetMZList, tolerance, defaultChromID, toleranceUnit));
Exemple #8
        public XYData GenerateChromatogram(List <MSPeakResult> msPeakList, int minScan, int maxScan, double targetMZ, double tolerance, int chromIDToAssign, Globals.ToleranceUnit toleranceUnit = Globals.ToleranceUnit.PPM)
            var targetMZList = new List <double>

            return(GenerateChromatogram(msPeakList, minScan, maxScan, targetMZList, tolerance, chromIDToAssign, toleranceUnit));
Exemple #9
        public XYData GenerateChromatogram(List <MSPeakResult> msPeakList, int minScan, int maxScan, List <double> targetMZList, double tolerance, int chromIDToAssign, Globals.ToleranceUnit toleranceUnit = Globals.ToleranceUnit.PPM)
            Check.Require(msPeakList != null && msPeakList.Count > 0, "Cannot generate chromatogram. Source msPeakList is empty or hasn't been defined.");
            if (msPeakList == null)

            var scanTolerance = 5;     // TODO:   keep an eye on this

            var indexOfLowerScan = GetIndexOfClosestScanValue(msPeakList, minScan, 0, msPeakList.Count - 1, scanTolerance);
            var indexOfUpperScan = GetIndexOfClosestScanValue(msPeakList, maxScan, 0, msPeakList.Count - 1, scanTolerance);

            XYData chromData = null;

            foreach (var targetMZ in targetMZList)
                double lowerMZ;
                double upperMZ;

                if (toleranceUnit == Globals.ToleranceUnit.PPM)
                    lowerMZ = targetMZ - tolerance * targetMZ / 1e6;
                    upperMZ = targetMZ + tolerance * targetMZ / 1e6;
                else if (toleranceUnit == Globals.ToleranceUnit.MZ)
                    lowerMZ = targetMZ - tolerance;
                    upperMZ = targetMZ + tolerance;
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Trying to create chromatogram, but the " + toleranceUnit + " unit isn't supported");

                var tempPeakList = new List <MSPeakResult>();

                for (var i = indexOfLowerScan; i <= indexOfUpperScan; i++)
                    var msPeakResult = msPeakList[i];
                    var xValue       = msPeakResult.MSPeak.XValue;

                    if (xValue >= lowerMZ && xValue <= upperMZ)

                if (!tempPeakList.Any())
                    //TODO: we want to return 0 intensity values. But need to make sure there are no downstream problems with this change.
                    var currentChromData = GetChromDataAndFillInZerosAndAssignChromID(tempPeakList, chromIDToAssign);
                    chromData = AddCurrentXYDataToBaseXYData(chromData, currentChromData);

Exemple #10
 public ChromatogramCorrelator(int numPointsInSmoother, double minRelativeIntensityForChromCorr = 0.01, double chromToleranceInPPM = 20, Globals.ToleranceUnit chromToleranceUnit = Globals.ToleranceUnit.PPM)
     : base(numPointsInSmoother, minRelativeIntensityForChromCorr, chromToleranceInPPM, chromToleranceUnit)