/// <summary>
        /// Return list of <see cref="StateSet"/> to be used for full solution analysis.
        /// </summary>
        private IReadOnlyList <StateSet> GetStateSetsForFullSolutionAnalysis(IEnumerable <StateSet> stateSets, Project project)
            // If full analysis is off, remove state that is created from build.
            // this will make sure diagnostics from build (converted from build to live) will never be cleared
            // until next build.
            if (GlobalOptions.GetBackgroundAnalysisScope(project.Language) != BackgroundAnalysisScope.FullSolution)
                stateSets = stateSets.Where(s => !s.FromBuild(project.Id));

            // Include only analyzers we want to run for full solution analysis.
            // Analyzers not included here will never be saved because result is unknown.
            return(stateSets.Where(s => IsCandidateForFullSolutionAnalysis(s.Analyzer, project)).ToList());
        /// <summary>
        /// Return list of <see cref="StateSet"/> to be used for full solution analysis.
        /// </summary>
        private IReadOnlyList <StateSet> GetStateSetsForFullSolutionAnalysis(IEnumerable <StateSet> stateSets, Project project)
            // If full analysis is off, remove state that is created from build.
            // this will make sure diagnostics from build (converted from build to live) will never be cleared
            // until next build.
            if (GlobalOptions.GetBackgroundAnalysisScope(project.Language) != BackgroundAnalysisScope.FullSolution)
                stateSets = stateSets.Where(s => !s.FromBuild(project.Id));

            // Compute analyzer config options for computing effective severity.
            // Note that these options are not cached onto the project, so we compute it once upfront.
            var analyzerConfigOptions = project.GetAnalyzerConfigOptions();

            // Include only analyzers we want to run for full solution analysis.
            // Analyzers not included here will never be saved because result is unknown.
            return(stateSets.Where(s => IsCandidateForFullSolutionAnalysis(s.Analyzer, project, analyzerConfigOptions)).ToList());
        public async Task ActiveDocumentSwitchedAsync(TextDocument document, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // When the analysis scope is set to 'ActiveFile' and the active document is switched,
            // we retrigger analysis of newly active document.
            // For the remaining analysis scopes, we always analyze all the open files, so switching active
            // documents between two open files doesn't require us to retrigger analysis of the newly active document.
            if (GlobalOptions.GetBackgroundAnalysisScope(document.Project.Language) != BackgroundAnalysisScope.ActiveFile)

            // First reset the document states.
            await TextDocumentResetAsync(document, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Trigger syntax analysis.
            await AnalyzeDocumentForKindAsync(document, AnalysisKind.Syntax, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Trigger semantic analysis for source documents. Non-source documents do not support semantic analysis.
            if (document is Document)
                await AnalyzeDocumentForKindAsync(document, AnalysisKind.Semantic, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        private async Task AnalyzeDocumentForKindAsync(TextDocument document, AnalysisKind kind, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                if (!document.SupportsDiagnostics())

                var isActiveDocument         = _documentTrackingService.TryGetActiveDocument() == document.Id;
                var isOpenDocument           = document.IsOpen();
                var isGeneratedRazorDocument = document.Services.GetService <DocumentPropertiesService>()?.DiagnosticsLspClientName != null;

                // Only analyze open/active documents, unless it is a generated Razor document.
                if (!isActiveDocument && !isOpenDocument && !isGeneratedRazorDocument)

                var stateSets = _stateManager.GetOrUpdateStateSets(document.Project);
                var compilationWithAnalyzers = await GetOrCreateCompilationWithAnalyzersAsync(document.Project, stateSets, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var version = await GetDiagnosticVersionAsync(document.Project, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var backgroundAnalysisScope = GlobalOptions.GetBackgroundAnalysisScope(document.Project.Language);

                // We split the diagnostic computation for document into following steps:
                //  1. Try to get cached diagnostics for each analyzer, while computing the set of analyzers that do not have cached diagnostics.
                //  2. Execute all the non-cached analyzers with a single invocation into CompilationWithAnalyzers.
                //  3. Fetch computed diagnostics per-analyzer from the above invocation, and cache and raise diagnostic reported events.
                // In near future, the diagnostic computation invocation into CompilationWithAnalyzers will be moved to OOP.
                // This should help simplify and/or remove the IDE layer diagnostic caching in devenv process.

                // First attempt to fetch diagnostics from the cache, while computing the state sets for analyzers that are not cached.
                using var _ = ArrayBuilder <StateSet> .GetInstance(out var nonCachedStateSets);

                foreach (var stateSet in stateSets)
                    var data = TryGetCachedDocumentAnalysisData(document, stateSet, kind, version,
                                                                backgroundAnalysisScope, isActiveDocument, isOpenDocument, isGeneratedRazorDocument, cancellationToken);
                    if (data.HasValue)
                        // We need to persist and raise diagnostics for suppressed analyzer.
                        PersistAndRaiseDiagnosticsIfNeeded(data.Value, stateSet);

                // Then, compute the diagnostics for non-cached state sets, and cache and raise diagnostic reported events for these diagnostics.
                if (nonCachedStateSets.Count > 0)
                    var analysisScope = new DocumentAnalysisScope(document, span: null, nonCachedStateSets.SelectAsArray(s => s.Analyzer), kind);
                    var executor      = new DocumentAnalysisExecutor(analysisScope, compilationWithAnalyzers, _diagnosticAnalyzerRunner, logPerformanceInfo: true, onAnalysisException: OnAnalysisException);
                    var logTelemetry  = document.Project.Solution.Options.GetOption(DiagnosticOptions.LogTelemetryForBackgroundAnalyzerExecution);
                    foreach (var stateSet in nonCachedStateSets)
                        var computedData = await ComputeDocumentAnalysisDataAsync(executor, stateSet, logTelemetry, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        PersistAndRaiseDiagnosticsIfNeeded(computedData, stateSet);
            catch (Exception e) when(FatalError.ReportAndPropagateUnlessCanceled(e, cancellationToken))
                throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable;

            void PersistAndRaiseDiagnosticsIfNeeded(DocumentAnalysisData result, StateSet stateSet)
                if (result.FromCache == true)
                    RaiseDocumentDiagnosticsIfNeeded(document, stateSet, kind, result.Items);

                // no cancellation after this point.
                var state = stateSet.GetOrCreateActiveFileState(document.Id);

                state.Save(kind, result.ToPersistData());

                RaiseDocumentDiagnosticsIfNeeded(document, stateSet, kind, result.OldItems, result.Items);

            void OnAnalysisException()
                // Do not re-use cached CompilationWithAnalyzers instance in presence of an exception, as the underlying analysis state might be corrupt.
        public async ValueTask SynchronizeWithBuildAsync(
            ImmutableDictionary <ProjectId,
                                 ImmutableArray <DiagnosticData> > buildDiagnostics,
            TaskQueue postBuildAndErrorListRefreshTaskQueue,
            bool onBuildCompleted,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            using (Logger.LogBlock(FunctionId.DiagnosticIncrementalAnalyzer_SynchronizeWithBuildAsync, LogSynchronizeWithBuild, buildDiagnostics, cancellationToken))

                var solution = Workspace.CurrentSolution;

                foreach (var(projectId, diagnostics) in buildDiagnostics)

                    var project = solution.GetProject(projectId);
                    if (project == null)

                    var stateSets = _stateManager.CreateBuildOnlyProjectStateSet(project);
                    var newResult = CreateAnalysisResults(project, stateSets, diagnostics);

                    // PERF: Save the diagnostics into in-memory cache on the main thread.
                    //       Saving them into persistent storage is expensive, so we invoke that operation on a separate task queue
                    //       to ensure faster error list refresh.
                    foreach (var stateSet in stateSets)

                        var state  = stateSet.GetOrCreateProjectState(project.Id);
                        var result = GetResultOrEmpty(newResult, stateSet.Analyzer, project.Id, VersionStamp.Default);

                        await state.SaveToInMemoryStorageAsync(project, result).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    // Raise diagnostic updated events after the new diagnostics have been stored into the in-memory cache.
                    if (diagnostics.IsEmpty)
                        ClearAllDiagnostics(stateSets, projectId);
                        RaiseProjectDiagnosticsIfNeeded(project, stateSets, newResult);

                // Refresh live diagnostics after solution build completes.
                if (onBuildCompleted)
                    // Enqueue re-analysis of active document with high-priority right away.
                    if (_documentTrackingService.GetActiveDocument(solution) is { } activeDocument)
                        AnalyzerService.Reanalyze(Workspace, documentIds: ImmutableArray.Create(activeDocument.Id), highPriority: true);

                    // Enqueue remaining re-analysis with normal priority on a separate task queue
                    // that will execute at the end of all the post build and error list refresh tasks.
                    _ = postBuildAndErrorListRefreshTaskQueue.ScheduleTask(nameof(SynchronizeWithBuildAsync), () =>
                        // Enqueue re-analysis of open documents.
                        AnalyzerService.Reanalyze(Workspace, documentIds: Workspace.GetOpenDocumentIds());

                        // Enqueue re-analysis of projects, if required.
                        foreach (var projectsByLanguage in solution.Projects.GroupBy(p => p.Language))
                            if (GlobalOptions.GetBackgroundAnalysisScope(projectsByLanguage.Key) == BackgroundAnalysisScope.FullSolution)
                                AnalyzerService.Reanalyze(Workspace, projectsByLanguage.Select(p => p.Id));
                    }, cancellationToken);