protected override void OnUpdate() { List <Bridge.SelectorMatchRecord> l = new List <Bridge.SelectorMatchRecord>(); Bridge.StyleMatchingContext ctx = new Bridge.StyleMatchingContext(null); //(element, info) => Debug.Log($"Matches: {element}")); Assert.IsTrue(GlobalObjectId.TryParse("GlobalObjectId_V1-1-e6e2a2a07016443409378c352d64f325-7433441132597879392-0", out var ssgoid)); ctx.styleSheetStack = new List <StyleSheet> { (StyleSheet)GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(ssgoid) }; var backgrounds = GetComponentDataFromEntity <Background>(); Entities.ForEach((Entity e, ref UiRenderBounds bounds) => { _eachEntity.Begin(); l.Clear(); ctx.currentElement = new UiEntity(e, PostUpdateCommands, backgrounds); _matchMarker.Begin(); Bridge.StyleSelectorHelper.FindMatches(ctx, l); _matchMarker.End(); if (l.Count > 0) { // string Rules(StyleRule info) => String.Join(",", => $"{}: {p.values}")); // Debug.Log(String.Join("\r\n", l.Select(x => $"{x.complexSelector} {Rules(x.complexSelector.rule)}"))); _applyMatching.Begin(); foreach (var record in l) { Apply(ctx, record); } _applyMatching.End(); } _eachEntity.End(); }); }
internal static IBuildStep Deserialize(string json) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { return(null); } if (GlobalObjectId.TryParse(json, out var id)) { if (GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(id) is BuildPipeline pipeline) { return(pipeline); } } else { var type = Type.GetType(json); if (TypeConstruction.TryConstruct <IBuildStep>(type, out var step)) { return(step); } } return(null); }
internal object TryConvert() { switch (type) { case ExportedType.Bool: bool.TryParse(data, out var resultBool); return(resultBool); case ExportedType.Number: double.TryParse(data, out var resultDouble); return(resultDouble); case ExportedType.String: return(data); case ExportedType.ObjectReference: var parts = data.Split(';'); if (parts.Length != 2) { return(null); } if (GlobalObjectId.TryParse(parts[0], out var id)) { return(new ObjectValue(GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(id), parts[1])); } return(data); case ExportedType.Color: ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString(data, out var resultColor); return(resultColor); } return(null); }
public object Deserialize(SerializedValueView view) { var json = view.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { return(null); } if (GlobalObjectId.TryParse(json, out var id)) { if (GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(id) is BuildPipeline pipeline) { return(pipeline); } } else { if (TypeConstructionHelper.TryConstructFromAssemblyQualifiedTypeName <IBuildStep>(json, out var step)) { return(step); } } return(null); }
private static Object ToObject(SearchItem item, Type type) { if (!GlobalObjectId.TryParse(, out var gid)) { return(null); } var obj = GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(gid); if (obj) { if (type == null) { return(obj); } var objType = obj.GetType(); if (objType == type || objType.IsSubclassOf(type)) { return(obj); } if (obj is GameObject go) { return(go.GetComponent(type)); } } var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(gid.assetGUID.ToString()); return(AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(assetPath)); }
protected override void InternalValidate() { this.itemId = null; this.objectId = null; LocalizedString?localizedString = null; TaskLogger.LogEnter(); base.InternalValidate(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.MeetingID)) { try { this.itemId = StoreObjectId.Deserialize(this.MeetingID); } catch (Exception) { if (!GlobalObjectId.TryParse(this.MeetingID, out this.objectId)) { base.WriteError(new ManagementObjectNotFoundException(localizedString ?? base.GetErrorMessageObjectNotFound(this.Identity.ToString(), typeof(MailboxIdParameter).ToString(), (base.DataSession != null) ? base.DataSession.Source : null)), ErrorCategory.InvalidData, null); } } } this.logSourceUser = base.GetDataObjects(this.Identity, base.OptionalIdentityData, out localizedString).FirstOrDefault <ADUser>(); if (this.logSourceUser == null || base.HasErrors) { base.WriteError(new ManagementObjectNotFoundException(localizedString ?? base.GetErrorMessageObjectNotFound(this.Identity.ToString(), typeof(MailboxIdParameter).ToString(), (base.DataSession != null) ? base.DataSession.Source : null)), ErrorCategory.InvalidData, null); } if (this.LogMailbox != null) { this.outputMailboxUser = base.GetDataObjects(this.LogMailbox, base.OptionalIdentityData, out localizedString).FirstOrDefault <ADUser>(); } TaskLogger.LogExit(); }
public override void OnClicked(int index) { if (GlobalObjectId.TryParse(guids[index], out var gid)) { var containerPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(gid.assetGUID); EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Object>(containerPath)); } }
private string ToPath(SearchItem item) { if (GlobalObjectId.TryParse(, out var gid)) { return(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(gid.assetGUID)); } return(; }
private static Texture2D FetchThumbnail(SearchItem item) { if (!GlobalObjectId.TryParse(, out var gid)) { return(null); } var sourceAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(gid.assetGUID.ToString()); return(Utils.GetAssetPreviewFromPath(sourceAssetPath, k_PreviewSize, FetchPreviewOptions.Preview2D)); }
private static Texture2D FetchThumbnail(SearchItem item) { if (!GlobalObjectId.TryParse(, out var gid)) { return(null); } var sourceAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(gid.assetGUID.ToString()); return(AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon(sourceAssetPath) as Texture2D); }
protected override void OnCreate() { mesh = CreateQuad(); m_RenderQuery = GetEntityQuery( ComponentType.ReadOnly <UiRenderBounds>() ); GlobalObjectId.TryParse(UIMaterialGOID, out var goid); material = (Material)GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(goid); _colorPropertyId = Shader.PropertyToID("_Color"); _gen = new TextGenerator(); }
internal static object GlobalObjectIdDeserializer(PropertyDatabaseDeserializationArgs args) { var symbol = args.value.int32_0; var str = args.stringTableView.GetString(symbol); if (GlobalObjectId.TryParse(str, out var goid)) { return(goid); } return(null); }
private Object GetContextObject(ref RunItemContext ctx) { var item = ctx.item; var guid = guids[item.index]; if (GlobalObjectId.TryParse(guid, out var globalId)) { // Try loading the object // TODO: Upcoming changes to GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow will allow it // to return direct references to prefabs and their children. // Once that change happens there are several items which should be adjusted. var obj = GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(globalId); // If the object was not loaded, it is probably part of an unopened scene; // if so, then the solution is to first load the scene here. var objIsInSceneOrPrefab = globalId.identifierType == 2; // 2 is IdentifierType.kSceneObject if (!obj && objIsInSceneOrPrefab) { // Open the Containing Scene Asset in the Hierarchy so the Object can be manipulated var mainAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(globalId.assetGUID); var mainAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Object>(mainAssetPath); AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(mainAsset); // If a prefab stage was opened, then mainAsset is the root of the // prefab that contains the target object, so reference that for now, // until GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow is updated if (PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage() != null) { obj = mainAsset; } // Reload object if it is still null (because it's in a previously unopened scene) if (!obj) { obj = GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(globalId); if (!obj) { ctx.didFail = true; = $"Object {globalId.assetGUID} failed to load..."; } } } return(obj); } ctx.didFail = true; = $"Failed to parse Global ID {}..."; return(null); }
private static Object ToObject(SearchItem item, Type type) { if (!GlobalObjectId.TryParse(, out var gid)) { return(null); } var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(gid.assetGUID.ToString()); return(ToObjectType(GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(gid), type) ?? ToObjectType(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, type), type) ?? ToObjectType(AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(assetPath), type)); }
public void OnAfterDeserialize() { var ids = new GlobalObjectId[_objectIds.Length]; globalObjectIdSet.Clear(); activeObjects.Clear(); for (var i = 0; i < _objectIds.Length; i++) { if (GlobalObjectId.TryParse(_objectIds[i], out ids[i])) { globalObjectIdSet.Add(ids[i]); } } EditorApplication.delayCall += ConvertGlobalObjectIdsToSceneObjects; }
private Object LoadObject(ref RunItemContext ctx) { var item = ctx.item; var guid = guids[item.index]; if (GlobalObjectId.TryParse(guid, out var gid)) { var obj = GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(gid); if (!obj) { // Open container scene if (gid.identifierType == (int)IdentifierType.kSceneObject) { var containerPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(gid.assetGUID); var mainInstanceID = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Object>(containerPath); AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(mainInstanceID); // if we have a prefab open, then we already have the object we need to update var prefabStage = PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage(); if (prefabStage != null) { obj = mainInstanceID; } // Reload object if it is still null if (obj == null) { obj = GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(gid); if (!obj) { ctx.didFail = true; = $"Object {gid.assetGUID} failed to load..."; } } } } return(obj); } ctx.didFail = true; = $"Failed to parse Global ID {}..."; return(null); }
internal static object DrawObjectReference(Rect rect, object value) { if (value is UnityEngine.Object obj) { DrawObjectField(rect, obj); } else if (value is string s && GlobalObjectId.TryParse(s, out var gid)) { obj = GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(gid); if (obj) { DrawObjectField(rect, obj); } } return(value?.ToString()); }
private static bool SelectObjectbyId(string id, out string guid) { guid = null; if (!GlobalObjectId.TryParse(id, out var gid)) { return(false); } guid = gid.assetGUID.ToString(); var obj = GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(gid); if (obj) { Utils.SelectObject(obj); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Do not call this in OnBeforeSerialize/OnAfterDeserialize or you will crash! /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public T Load <T>() where T : Object { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_guid)) { return(null); } #if UNITY_EDITOR var str = $"GlobalObjectId_V1-{_typeId}-{_guid}-{(ulong)_localId}-{(ulong)_prefabId}"; if (GlobalObjectId.TryParse(str, out var id)) { var obj = GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(id); Debug.Assert(Type == obj.GetType()); return(obj as T); } return(default);
private static string FetchDescription(SearchItem item) { if (!GlobalObjectId.TryParse(, out var gid)) { return(null); } var go = GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(gid) as GameObject; if (go) { return(item.description = $"Source: {SearchUtils.GetHierarchyPath(go)}"); } var sourceAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(gid.assetGUID.ToString()); return(item.description = $"Source: {GetAssetDescription(sourceAssetPath)}"); }
static string[] GatherDependenciesFromSourceFile(string assetPath) { var dependencies = new List <string>(); try { using (var reader = new SerializedObjectReader(assetPath)) { var root = reader.ReadObject(); if (!root.TryGetMember(nameof(BuildConfiguration.Dependencies), out var member)) { return(Array.Empty <string>()); } var valueView = member.Value(); if (valueView.Type != TokenType.Array) { return(Array.Empty <string>()); } var arrayView = valueView.AsArrayView(); foreach (var value in arrayView) { if (!GlobalObjectId.TryParse(value.AsStringView().ToString(), out var id)) { continue; } var dependencyPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(id.assetGUID.ToString()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dependencyPath)) { continue; } dependencies.Add(dependencyPath); } } } catch { return(Array.Empty <string>()); } return(dependencies.ToArray()); }
private static Texture2D FetchPreview(SearchItem item, FetchPreviewOptions options) { if (!GlobalObjectId.TryParse(, out var gid)) { return(null); } if (options.HasFlag(FetchPreviewOptions.Large)) { var go = GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(gid) as GameObject; if (go) { return(AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview(go)); } } var sourceAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(gid.assetGUID.ToString()); return(AssetDatabase.GetCachedIcon(sourceAssetPath) as Texture2D); }
private static string FetchDescription(SearchItem item) { if (item.options.HasFlag(SearchItemOptions.Compacted)) { return(FetchLabel(item)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.description)) { return(item.description); } if (!GlobalObjectId.TryParse(, out var gid)) { return(null); } var sourceAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(gid.assetGUID.ToString()); return(item.description = $"Source: {GetAssetDescription(sourceAssetPath)}"); }
private void AddSearchItemsAsConverterAssetEntries(ISearchList searchItems, InitializeConverterContext context) { foreach (var searchItem in searchItems) { if (searchItem == null || !GlobalObjectId.TryParse(, out var globalId)) { continue; } var description = searchItem.provider.fetchDescription(searchItem, searchItem.context); var item = new ConverterItemDescriptor() { name = description.Split('/').Last().Split('.').First(), info = $"{ReturnType(globalId)}", }; guids.Add(globalId.ToString()); context.AddAssetToConvert(item); } }
static bool TryGetScenePath(SearchItem item, out string path) { path = as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { return(true); } if (!GlobalObjectId.TryParse(, out var gid)) { return(false); } var scenePath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(gid.assetGUID); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scenePath)) { return(false); } = path = scenePath; return(true); }
public override void OnInitialize(InitializeConverterContext ctx, Action callback) { var context = Search.SearchService.CreateContext("asset", "urp:convert-readonly"); Search.SearchService.Request(context, (c, items) => { // we're going to do this step twice in order to get them ordered, but it should be fast var orderedRequest = items.OrderBy(req => { GlobalObjectId.TryParse(, out var gid); return(gid.assetGUID); }); foreach (var r in orderedRequest) { if (r == null || !GlobalObjectId.TryParse(, out var gid)) { continue; } var label = r.provider.fetchLabel(r, r.context); var description = r.provider.fetchDescription(r, r.context); var item = new ConverterItemDescriptor() { name = description.Split('/').Last().Split('.').First(), info = $"{label}", }; guids.Add(gid.ToString()); ctx.AddAssetToConvert(item); } callback.Invoke(); }); context?.Dispose(); }
internal static IBuildStep Deserialize(string json) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { return(null); } if (GlobalObjectId.TryParse(json, out var id)) { if (GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(id) is BuildPipeline pipeline) { return(pipeline); } } else { if (TypeConstruction.TryConstructFromAssemblyQualifiedTypeName <IBuildStep>(json, out var step)) { return(step); } } return(null); }
private bool Validate() { // Validate should return whether the popup is alive. // If not, it should try reinitializing it from serialized data, if possible. // If it returns false, the popup may have been closed by Validate, and the caller should abort. // If we're already alive, no need to do anything, just return true. var isAlive = editor != null && editor.targets.All(t => t != null) && editor.serializedObject != null && editor.serializedObject.targetObject != null && editor.serializedObject.targetObjects.All(t => t != null); if (isAlive) { return(true); } // If we don't have initialization data and we're not alive, we close and abort. // Normally though, this shouldn't happen, since this gets set in Initialize() then serialized. var isInitializable = initializationTargets != null #if UNITY_2019_2_OR_NEWER && initializationTargetIdData != null && initializationTargets.Length == initializationTargetIdData.Length #endif ; if (!isInitializable) { Close(); return(false); } // We wait for the plugin container to be initialized, but don't close yet if it isn't. if (!PluginContainer.initialized) { return(false); } // Check that we do want persistent editors. Currently an experimental feature. if (!PeekPlugin.Configuration.persistentPinnedEditors) { Close(); return(false); } // The strategy will be to try to use the serialized object reference if available, // then otherwise parse and return the GOID. Normally we should be able to rely on // the GOID alone, but there's a bug (TODO: REPORT) in the UnityEditor.GUID.TryParse // function which will return false for zero values, the case for objects within // unsaved scenes. var targets = new List <UnityObject>(); for (var i = 0; i < initializationTargets.Length; i++) { var initializationTarget = initializationTargets[i]; // We have a direct alive reference, keep that if (initializationTarget != null) { targets.Add(initializationTarget); continue; } #if UNITY_2019_2_OR_NEWER // Fallback to parsing the GOID var initializationTargetIdDatum = initializationTargetIdData[i]; if (!GlobalObjectId.TryParse(initializationTargetIdDatum, out var initializationTargetId)) { continue; } var target = GlobalObjectId.GlobalObjectIdentifierToObjectSlow(initializationTargetId); if (target == null) { continue; } targets.Add(target); #endif } // If we couldn't find any initialization target that's still alive, we have nothing to display, // so we close and abort. if (targets.Count == 0) { Close(); return(false); } // If we did find alive targets to reinitialize, we use those to reinitialize the popup and return true. Initialize(targets.ToArray()); return(true); }