public bool Add(HAutoCtrl.AutoRandom.AutoRandomDate _date, float _rate) { if ((double)_rate == 0.0) { GlobalMethod.DebugLog("ランダム 追加登録個数が0", 0); return(false); } if (this.checks.Exists((Predicate <HAutoCtrl.AutoRandom.CCheck>)(i => == _date.mode && == { GlobalMethod.DebugLog("ランダム 重複登録", 0); return(false); } this.backup.Add(new HAutoCtrl.AutoRandom.CCheck() { date = _date, rate = _rate }); this.RandomSort(); this.allVal = 0.0f; foreach (HAutoCtrl.AutoRandom.CCheck check in this.checks) { check.minVal = this.allVal; check.maxVal = this.allVal + check.rate; this.allVal += check.rate; } return(true); }
public static string LoadAllListText(List <string> _lstAssetBundleNames, string _strLoadFile) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < _lstAssetBundleNames.Count; ++index1) { string[] allAssetName = AssetBundleCheck.GetAllAssetName(_lstAssetBundleNames[index1], false, (string)null, false); bool flag = false; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < allAssetName.Length; ++index2) { if (allAssetName[index2].Compare(_strLoadFile, true)) { flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { GlobalMethod.DebugLog("[" + _lstAssetBundleNames[index1] + "][" + _strLoadFile + "]は見つかりません", 1); } else { TextAsset textAsset = CommonLib.LoadAsset <TextAsset>(_lstAssetBundleNames[index1], _strLoadFile, false, string.Empty); AssetBundleManager.UnloadAssetBundle(_lstAssetBundleNames[index1], true, (string)null, false); if (!Object.op_Equality((Object)textAsset, (Object)null)) { stringBuilder.Append(textAsset.get_text()); } } } return(stringBuilder.ToString()); }
public static void ChangeADVFixedAngleCamera(Actor actor, int attitudeID) { PlayerActor player = Singleton <Map> .Instance.Player; ObservableExtensions.Subscribe <long>(Observable.Take <long>((IObservable <M0>)Observable.EveryLateUpdate(), 1), (Action <M0>)(_ => { GameObject loop = ((Component)actor.ChaControl.animBody).get_transform().FindLoop("cf_J_Mune00"); if (Object.op_Inequality((Object)loop, (Object)null)) { Transform advNotStandRoot = player.CameraControl.ADVNotStandRoot; advNotStandRoot.set_position(loop.get_transform().get_position()); advNotStandRoot.set_rotation(actor.Rotation); if (Object.op_Inequality((Object)player.CameraControl.VanishControl, (Object)null)) { player.CameraControl.VanishControl.LookAtPosition = loop.get_transform().get_position(); } } ABInfoData.Param obj; if (!Singleton <Resources> .Instance.Action.ComCameraList.TryGetValue(attitudeID, out obj)) { return; } string text = CommonLib.LoadAsset <TextAsset>(obj.AssetBundle, obj.AssetFile, false, string.Empty)?.get_text(); if (text.IsNullOrEmpty()) { GlobalMethod.DebugLog("cameraファイルが読み込めません", 1); } else { string[][] data; GlobalMethod.GetListString(text, out data); Vector3 vector3; float result1; vector3.x = !float.TryParse(data[0][0], out result1) ? (__Null)0.0 : (__Null)(double)result1; vector3.y = !float.TryParse(data[1][0], out result1) ? (__Null)0.0 : (__Null)(double)result1; vector3.z = !float.TryParse(data[2][0], out result1) ? (__Null)0.0 : (__Null)(double)result1; Quaternion quaternion; quaternion.x = !float.TryParse(data[3][0], out result1) ? (__Null)0.0 : (__Null)(double)result1; quaternion.y = !float.TryParse(data[4][0], out result1) ? (__Null)0.0 : (__Null)(double)result1; quaternion.z = !float.TryParse(data[5][0], out result1) ? (__Null)0.0 : (__Null)(double)result1; quaternion.w = !float.TryParse(data[6][0], out result1) ? (__Null)0.0 : (__Null)(double)result1; CinemachineVirtualCameraBase advNotStandCamera = player.CameraControl.ADVNotStandCamera; ((Component)advNotStandCamera).get_transform().set_localPosition(vector3); ((Component)advNotStandCamera).get_transform().set_localRotation(quaternion); CinemachineVirtualCamera cinemachineVirtualCamera = advNotStandCamera as CinemachineVirtualCamera; float result2; if (Object.op_Inequality((Object)cinemachineVirtualCamera, (Object)null) && float.TryParse(data[7][0], out result2)) { // ISSUE: cast to a reference type // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ (LensSettings&)ref cinemachineVirtualCamera.m_Lens).FieldOfView = (__Null)(double)result2; } player.CameraControl.Mode = CameraMode.ADVExceptStand; } }), (Action <Exception>)(ex => {}), (Action)(() => {})); }
public static void loadCamera( CinemachineVirtualCamera _ctrl, string _assetbundleFolder, string _strfile, bool _isDirect = false) { if (Object.op_Equality((Object)_ctrl, (Object)null)) { return; } string text = string.Empty; if (!_isDirect) { text = GlobalMethod.LoadAllListText(_assetbundleFolder, _strfile, (List <string>)null); } else { TextAsset textAsset = CommonLib.LoadAsset <TextAsset>(_assetbundleFolder, _strfile, false, string.Empty); AssetBundleManager.UnloadAssetBundle(_assetbundleFolder, true, (string)null, false); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)textAsset)) { text = textAsset.get_text(); } } if (text == string.Empty) { GlobalMethod.DebugLog("cameraファイル読み込めません", 1); } else { string[][] data; GlobalMethod.GetListString(text, out data); Vector3 vector3_1; vector3_1.x = (__Null)(double)float.Parse(data[0][0]); vector3_1.y = (__Null)(double)float.Parse(data[1][0]); vector3_1.z = (__Null)(double)float.Parse(data[2][0]); Vector3 vector3_2; vector3_2.x = (__Null)(double)float.Parse(data[3][0]); vector3_2.y = (__Null)(double)float.Parse(data[4][0]); vector3_2.z = (__Null)(double)float.Parse(data[5][0]); ((CinemachineVirtualCameraBase)_ctrl).get_LookAt().set_localPosition(vector3_1); ((Component)_ctrl).get_transform().set_localPosition(Vector3.op_Addition(vector3_2, vector3_1)); float result = 0.0f; if (!float.TryParse(data[6][0], out result)) { return; } // ISSUE: cast to a reference type // ISSUE: explicit reference operation (^ (LensSettings&)ref _ctrl.m_Lens).FieldOfView = (__Null)(double)result; } }
public static List <ExcelData.Param> LoadExcelDataAlFindlFile( string _strAssetPath, string _strFileName, int sCell, int sRow, int eCell, int eRow, List <string> _OmitFolderName = null, bool _isWarning = true) { GlobalMethod.lstABName.Clear(); GlobalMethod.lstABName = GlobalMethod.GetAssetBundleNameListFromPath(_strAssetPath, false); GlobalMethod.lstABName.Sort(); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < GlobalMethod.lstABName.Count; ++index1) { GlobalMethod.strNo.Clear(); GlobalMethod.strNo.Append(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(GlobalMethod.lstABName[index1])); GlobalMethod.strNo.Replace(GlobalMethod.strNo.ToString(), YS_Assist.GetStringRight(GlobalMethod.strNo.ToString(), 2)); if (_OmitFolderName == null || !_OmitFolderName.Contains(GlobalMethod.strNo.ToString())) { string[] allAssetName = AssetBundleCheck.GetAllAssetName(GlobalMethod.lstABName[index1], false, (string)null, false); bool flag = false; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < allAssetName.Length; ++index2) { if (allAssetName[index2].Compare(_strFileName, true)) { flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { GlobalMethod.DebugLog("[" + GlobalMethod.lstABName[index1] + "][" + _strFileName + "]は見つかりません", 1); } else { List <ExcelData.Param> objList = GlobalMethod.LoadExcelData(GlobalMethod.lstABName[index1], _strFileName, sCell, sRow, eCell, eRow, _isWarning); if (objList != null) { return(objList); } } } } return((List <ExcelData.Param>)null); }
public static List <T> LoadAllFolder <T>( string _findFolder, string _strLoadFile, List <string> _OmitFolderName = null) where T : Object { List <T> objList = new List <T>(); GlobalMethod.lstABName.Clear(); GlobalMethod.lstABName = GlobalMethod.GetAssetBundleNameListFromPath(_findFolder, false); GlobalMethod.lstABName.Sort(); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < GlobalMethod.lstABName.Count; ++index1) { string stringRight = YS_Assist.GetStringRight(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(GlobalMethod.lstABName[index1]), 2); if (_OmitFolderName == null || !_OmitFolderName.Contains(stringRight)) { string[] allAssetName = AssetBundleCheck.GetAllAssetName(GlobalMethod.lstABName[index1], false, (string)null, false); bool flag = false; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < allAssetName.Length; ++index2) { if (allAssetName[index2].Compare(_strLoadFile, true)) { flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { GlobalMethod.DebugLog("[" + GlobalMethod.lstABName[index1] + "][" + _strLoadFile + "]は見つかりません", 1); } else { T obj = CommonLib.LoadAsset <T>(GlobalMethod.lstABName[index1], _strLoadFile, false, string.Empty); AssetBundleManager.UnloadAssetBundle(GlobalMethod.lstABName[index1], true, (string)null, false); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)(object)obj)) { objList.Add(obj); } } } } return(objList); }
public static string LoadAllListText( string _assetbundleFolder, string _strLoadFile, List <string> _OmitFolderName = null) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); GlobalMethod.lstABName.Clear(); GlobalMethod.lstABName = GlobalMethod.GetAssetBundleNameListFromPath(_assetbundleFolder, false); GlobalMethod.lstABName.Sort(); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < GlobalMethod.lstABName.Count; ++index1) { string stringRight = YS_Assist.GetStringRight(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(GlobalMethod.lstABName[index1]), 2); if (_OmitFolderName == null || !_OmitFolderName.Contains(stringRight)) { string[] allAssetName = AssetBundleCheck.GetAllAssetName(GlobalMethod.lstABName[index1], false, (string)null, false); bool flag = false; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < allAssetName.Length; ++index2) { if (allAssetName[index2].Compare(_strLoadFile, true)) { flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { GlobalMethod.DebugLog("[" + GlobalMethod.lstABName[index1] + "][" + _strLoadFile + "]は見つかりません", 1); } else { TextAsset textAsset = CommonLib.LoadAsset <TextAsset>(GlobalMethod.lstABName[index1], _strLoadFile, false, string.Empty); AssetBundleManager.UnloadAssetBundle(GlobalMethod.lstABName[index1], true, (string)null, false); if (!Object.op_Equality((Object)textAsset, (Object)null)) { stringBuilder.Append(textAsset.get_text()); } } } } return(stringBuilder.ToString()); }
public bool Load( string _strAssetPath, string _nameFile, GameObject _objMale, GameObject _objMale1, GameObject _objFemale1 = null, ChaControl _customFemale1 = null) { this.aobjBody[0] = _objMale; this.aobjBody[2] = _objMale1; if (Object.op_Inequality((Object)_objFemale1, (Object)null)) { this.aobjBody[3] = _objFemale1; if (this.ctrlMetaball[4] != null) { this.ctrlMetaball[4].chaCustom = _customFemale1; } } foreach (MetaballCtrl.ShootCtrl shootCtrl in this.actrlShoot) { shootCtrl.lstShoot.Clear(); } string empty1 = string.Empty; string _strFileName = _nameFile.ContainsAny("f2", "f1") ? (_nameFile.Contains("ai3p") ? _nameFile.Remove(4, 3) : _nameFile.Remove(3, 3)) : _nameFile.Remove(3, 2); this.infolist = GlobalMethod.LoadExcelDataAlFindlFile(_strAssetPath, _strFileName, 1, 1, 3, 1, (List <string>)null, true); if (this.infolist == null) { GlobalMethod.DebugLog("excel : [" + _strFileName + "]は読み込めなかった 警告無しでここに来たら[" + _strAssetPath + "]自体がない", 1); return(false); } int count = this.infolist.Count; if (count < 3) { GlobalMethod.DebugLog("excel : [" + _strFileName + "]は必ず3行必要", 1); return(false); } StringBuilder stringBuilder1 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder stringBuilder3 = new StringBuilder(); string empty2 = string.Empty; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < count; ++index1) { int num1 = 0; if (this.ctrlMetaball[index1] != null) { MetaballShoot metaballShoot = this.ctrlMetaball[index1]; List <string> list1 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index2 = num1; int num2 = index2 + 1; int num3 = !(list1[index2] == "1") ? 0 : 1; metaballShoot.isEnable = num3 != 0; if (this.ctrlMetaball[index1].isEnable) { List <string> list2 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index3 = num2; int num4 = index3 + 1; int intTryParse1 = GlobalMethod.GetIntTryParse(list2[index3], 0); this.ctrlMetaball[index1].ShootAxis = !Object.op_Implicit((Object)this.aobjBody[intTryParse1]) ? (GameObject)null : this.aobjBody[intTryParse1].get_transform().FindLoop(this.infolist[index1].list[num4++]); if (Object.op_Equality((Object)this.aobjBody[intTryParse1], (Object)null)) { ++num4; } List <string> list3 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index4 = num4; int num5 = index4 + 1; int intTryParse2 = GlobalMethod.GetIntTryParse(list3[index4], 0); GameObject gameObject1 = !Object.op_Implicit((Object)this.aobjBody[intTryParse2]) ? (GameObject)null : this.aobjBody[intTryParse2].get_transform().FindLoop(this.infolist[index1].list[num5++]); this.ctrlMetaball[index1].parentTransform = !Object.op_Implicit((Object)gameObject1) ? (Transform)null : gameObject1.get_transform(); this.aParam[index1].param[0].objParent = gameObject1; if (Object.op_Equality((Object)this.aobjBody[intTryParse2], (Object)null)) { ++num5; } List <string> list4 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index5 = num5; int num6 = index5 + 1; int intTryParse3 = GlobalMethod.GetIntTryParse(list4[index5], 0); GameObject gameObject2 = !Object.op_Implicit((Object)this.aobjBody[intTryParse3]) ? (GameObject)null : this.aobjBody[intTryParse3].get_transform().FindLoop(this.infolist[index1].list[num6++]); this.aParam[index1].param[1].objParent = gameObject2; if (Object.op_Equality((Object)this.aobjBody[intTryParse3], (Object)null)) { ++num6; } stringBuilder1.Clear(); StringBuilder stringBuilder4 = stringBuilder1; List <string> list5 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index6 = num6; int num7 = index6 + 1; string str1 = list5[index6]; stringBuilder4.Append(str1); stringBuilder2.Clear(); StringBuilder stringBuilder5 = stringBuilder2; List <string> list6 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index7 = num7; int num8 = index7 + 1; string str2 = list6[index7]; stringBuilder5.Append(str2); stringBuilder3.Clear(); StringBuilder stringBuilder6 = stringBuilder3; List <string> list7 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index8 = num8; int num9 = index8 + 1; string str3 = list7[index8]; stringBuilder6.Append(str3); this.aParam[index1].param[0].objShoot = this.LoadSiruObject(stringBuilder1.ToString(), stringBuilder2.ToString(), stringBuilder3.ToString()); this.ctrlMetaball[index1].ShootObj = this.aParam[index1].param[0].objShoot; AssetBundleManager.UnloadAssetBundle(stringBuilder1.ToString(), false, stringBuilder3.ToString(), false); stringBuilder1.Clear(); StringBuilder stringBuilder7 = stringBuilder1; List <string> list8 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index9 = num9; int num10 = index9 + 1; string str4 = list8[index9]; stringBuilder7.Append(str4); stringBuilder2.Clear(); StringBuilder stringBuilder8 = stringBuilder2; List <string> list9 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index10 = num10; int num11 = index10 + 1; string str5 = list9[index10]; stringBuilder8.Append(str5); stringBuilder3.Clear(); StringBuilder stringBuilder9 = stringBuilder3; List <string> list10 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index11 = num11; int num12 = index11 + 1; string str6 = list10[index11]; stringBuilder9.Append(str6); this.aParam[index1].param[1].objShoot = this.LoadSiruObject(stringBuilder1.ToString(), stringBuilder2.ToString(), stringBuilder3.ToString()); AssetBundleManager.UnloadAssetBundle(stringBuilder1.ToString(), false, stringBuilder3.ToString(), false); MetaballCtrl.MetaballParameterInfo metaballParameterInfo1 = this.aParam[index1].param[0]; List <string> list11 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index12 = num12; int num13 = index12 + 1; double num14 = (double)float.Parse(list11[index12]); List <string> list12 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index13 = num13; int num15 = index13 + 1; double num16 = (double)float.Parse(list12[index13]); Vector2 vector2_1 = new Vector2((float)num14, (float)num16); metaballParameterInfo1.speedS = vector2_1; MetaballCtrl.MetaballParameterInfo metaballParameterInfo2 = this.aParam[index1].param[0]; List <string> list13 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index14 = num15; int num17 = index14 + 1; double num18 = (double)float.Parse(list13[index14]); List <string> list14 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index15 = num17; int num19 = index15 + 1; double num20 = (double)float.Parse(list14[index15]); Vector2 vector2_2 = new Vector2((float)num18, (float)num20); metaballParameterInfo2.rotationS = vector2_2; MetaballCtrl.MetaballParameterInfo metaballParameterInfo3 = this.aParam[index1].param[0]; List <string> list15 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index16 = num19; int num21 = index16 + 1; double num22 = (double)float.Parse(list15[index16]); List <string> list16 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index17 = num21; int num23 = index17 + 1; double num24 = (double)float.Parse(list16[index17]); Vector2 vector2_3 = new Vector2((float)num22, (float)num24); metaballParameterInfo3.speedM = vector2_3; MetaballCtrl.MetaballParameterInfo metaballParameterInfo4 = this.aParam[index1].param[0]; List <string> list17 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index18 = num23; int num25 = index18 + 1; double num26 = (double)float.Parse(list17[index18]); List <string> list18 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index19 = num25; int num27 = index19 + 1; double num28 = (double)float.Parse(list18[index19]); Vector2 vector2_4 = new Vector2((float)num26, (float)num28); metaballParameterInfo4.rotationM = vector2_4; MetaballCtrl.MetaballParameterInfo metaballParameterInfo5 = this.aParam[index1].param[0]; List <string> list19 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index20 = num27; int num29 = index20 + 1; double num30 = (double)float.Parse(list19[index20]); List <string> list20 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index21 = num29; int num31 = index21 + 1; double num32 = (double)float.Parse(list20[index21]); Vector2 vector2_5 = new Vector2((float)num30, (float)num32); metaballParameterInfo5.speedL = vector2_5; MetaballCtrl.MetaballParameterInfo metaballParameterInfo6 = this.aParam[index1].param[0]; List <string> list21 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index22 = num31; int num33 = index22 + 1; double num34 = (double)float.Parse(list21[index22]); List <string> list22 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index23 = num33; int num35 = index23 + 1; double num36 = (double)float.Parse(list22[index23]); Vector2 vector2_6 = new Vector2((float)num34, (float)num36); metaballParameterInfo6.rotationL = vector2_6; this.ctrlMetaball[index1].speedSMin = (float)this.aParam[index1].param[0].speedS.x; this.ctrlMetaball[index1].speedSMax = (float)this.aParam[index1].param[0].speedS.y; this.ctrlMetaball[index1].randomRotationS = this.aParam[index1].param[0].rotationS; this.ctrlMetaball[index1].speedMMin = (float)this.aParam[index1].param[0].speedM.x; this.ctrlMetaball[index1].speedMMax = (float)this.aParam[index1].param[0].speedM.y; this.ctrlMetaball[index1].randomRotationM = this.aParam[index1].param[0].rotationM; this.ctrlMetaball[index1].speedLMin = (float)this.aParam[index1].param[0].speedL.x; this.ctrlMetaball[index1].speedLMax = (float)this.aParam[index1].param[0].speedL.y; this.ctrlMetaball[index1].randomRotationL = this.aParam[index1].param[0].rotationL; MetaballCtrl.MetaballParameterInfo metaballParameterInfo7 = this.aParam[index1].param[1]; List <string> list23 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index24 = num35; int num37 = index24 + 1; double num38 = (double)float.Parse(list23[index24]); List <string> list24 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index25 = num37; int num39 = index25 + 1; double num40 = (double)float.Parse(list24[index25]); Vector2 vector2_7 = new Vector2((float)num38, (float)num40); metaballParameterInfo7.speedS = vector2_7; MetaballCtrl.MetaballParameterInfo metaballParameterInfo8 = this.aParam[index1].param[1]; List <string> list25 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index26 = num39; int num41 = index26 + 1; double num42 = (double)float.Parse(list25[index26]); List <string> list26 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index27 = num41; int num43 = index27 + 1; double num44 = (double)float.Parse(list26[index27]); Vector2 vector2_8 = new Vector2((float)num42, (float)num44); metaballParameterInfo8.rotationS = vector2_8; MetaballCtrl.MetaballParameterInfo metaballParameterInfo9 = this.aParam[index1].param[1]; List <string> list27 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index28 = num43; int num45 = index28 + 1; double num46 = (double)float.Parse(list27[index28]); List <string> list28 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index29 = num45; int num47 = index29 + 1; double num48 = (double)float.Parse(list28[index29]); Vector2 vector2_9 = new Vector2((float)num46, (float)num48); metaballParameterInfo9.speedM = vector2_9; MetaballCtrl.MetaballParameterInfo metaballParameterInfo10 = this.aParam[index1].param[1]; List <string> list29 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index30 = num47; int num49 = index30 + 1; double num50 = (double)float.Parse(list29[index30]); List <string> list30 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index31 = num49; int num51 = index31 + 1; double num52 = (double)float.Parse(list30[index31]); Vector2 vector2_10 = new Vector2((float)num50, (float)num52); metaballParameterInfo10.rotationM = vector2_10; MetaballCtrl.MetaballParameterInfo metaballParameterInfo11 = this.aParam[index1].param[1]; List <string> list31 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index32 = num51; int num53 = index32 + 1; double num54 = (double)float.Parse(list31[index32]); List <string> list32 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index33 = num53; int num55 = index33 + 1; double num56 = (double)float.Parse(list32[index33]); Vector2 vector2_11 = new Vector2((float)num54, (float)num56); metaballParameterInfo11.speedL = vector2_11; MetaballCtrl.MetaballParameterInfo metaballParameterInfo12 = this.aParam[index1].param[1]; List <string> list33 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index34 = num55; int num57 = index34 + 1; double num58 = (double)float.Parse(list33[index34]); List <string> list34 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index35 = num57; int num59 = index35 + 1; double num60 = (double)float.Parse(list34[index35]); Vector2 vector2_12 = new Vector2((float)num58, (float)num60); metaballParameterInfo12.rotationL = vector2_12; while (this.infolist[index1].list.Count > num59) { List <string> list35 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index36 = num59; int num61 = index36 + 1; string str7 = list35[index36]; if (!(str7 == string.Empty)) { = new MetaballCtrl.ShootInfo(); = str7 == "1"; ref MetaballCtrl.ShootInfo local = ref; List <string> list36 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index37 = num61; int num62 = index37 + 1; string str8 = list36[index37]; local.nameAnimation = str8; List <string> list37 = this.infolist[index1].list; int index38 = num62; num59 = index38 + 1; float result; if (!float.TryParse(list37[index38], out result)) { result = 0.0f; } = result; = 0.0f; this.actrlShoot[index1].lstShoot.Add(; } else { break; } } } }
public static List <ExcelData.Param> LoadExcelData( string _strAssetPath, string _strFileName, int sCell, int sRow, int eCell, int eRow, bool _isWarning = true) { if (!GlobalMethod.AssetFileExist(_strAssetPath, _strFileName, string.Empty)) { if (_isWarning) { GlobalMethod.DebugLog("excel : [" + _strAssetPath + "][" + _strFileName + "]は見つかりません", 1); } return((List <ExcelData.Param>)null); } AssetBundleLoadAssetOperation loadAssetOperation = AssetBundleManager.LoadAsset(_strAssetPath, _strFileName, typeof(ExcelData), (string)null); AssetBundleManager.UnloadAssetBundle(_strAssetPath, true, (string)null, false); if (loadAssetOperation.IsEmpty()) { if (_isWarning) { GlobalMethod.DebugLog("excel : [" + _strFileName + "]は[" + _strAssetPath + "]の中に入っていません", 1); } return((List <ExcelData.Param>)null); } GlobalMethod.excelData = loadAssetOperation.GetAsset <ExcelData>(); GlobalMethod.cell.Clear(); foreach (ExcelData.Param obj in GlobalMethod.excelData.list) { GlobalMethod.cell.Add(obj.list[sCell]); } GlobalMethod.row.Clear(); foreach (string str in GlobalMethod.excelData.list[sRow].list) { GlobalMethod.row.Add(str); } List <string> cell1 = GlobalMethod.cell; List <string> row1 = GlobalMethod.row; ExcelData.Specify specify1 = new ExcelData.Specify(eCell, eRow); ExcelData.Specify specify2 = new ExcelData.Specify(cell1.Count, row1.Count); GlobalMethod.excelParams.Clear(); if ((long)(uint)specify1.cell > (long)specify2.cell || (long)(uint)specify1.row > (long)specify2.row) { return((List <ExcelData.Param>)null); } if (specify1.cell < GlobalMethod.excelData.list.Count) { for (int cell2 = specify1.cell; cell2 < GlobalMethod.excelData.list.Count && cell2 <= specify2.cell; ++cell2) { ExcelData.Param obj = new ExcelData.Param(); if (specify1.row < GlobalMethod.excelData.list[cell2].list.Count) { obj.list = new List <string>(); for (int row2 = specify1.row; row2 < GlobalMethod.excelData.list[cell2].list.Count && row2 <= specify2.row; ++row2) { obj.list.Add(GlobalMethod.excelData.list[cell2].list[row2]); } } GlobalMethod.excelParams.Add(obj); } } return(GlobalMethod.excelParams); }