private void txtCycle_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { GlobalFunction.TextBoxInputInt(sender, e, "CYCLEDAYS"); }
private void GetCurrentState() { var stateBytes = GlobalFunction.SplitByteArray(ReplyPacket, 12, 11); GlobalVariables.CurrentRobotState.UpdateState(stateBytes); }
private int GetReplyID() { byte[] tmp = GlobalFunction.SplitByteArray(ReplyPacket, 8, 2); return(GlobalFunction.LE2ToDec(tmp)); }
//更新完成 private void client_UpdateOrganCompleted(object sender, UpdateOrganCompletedEventArgs e) { RefreshUI(RefreshedTypes.HideProgressBar); try { if (e.Error == null) { //HtmlPage.Window.Alert("机构信息修改成功!"); if (e.Result) { if (e.UserState.ToString() == "Edit") { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("MODIFYSUCCESSED")); if (GlobalFunction.IsSaveAndClose(refreshType)) { RefreshUI(refreshType); } else { InitData(); } } else if (e.UserState.ToString() == "Audit") { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSAUDIT")); } else if (e.UserState.ToString() == "Submit") { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSSUBMITAUDIT")); } RefreshUI(RefreshedTypes.All); //if (actionFlag == DataActionFlag.SubmitFlow) //{ // //actionFlag = DataActionFlag.SubmitComplete; // SumbitFlow(); //} //else //{ // if (actionFlag == DataActionFlag.SubmitComplete) // { // if (action == FormTypes.New || action == FormTypes.Edit) // { // Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("SUBMITORGANREGISTERSUCCESSED")); // } // else // { // Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("AUDITSUCCESSED", "ORGAN")); // } // RefreshUI(RefreshedTypes.CloseAndReloadData); // } // else // { // Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("UPDATESUCCESSED", "ORGAN")); // if (GlobalFunction.IsSaveAndClose(refreshType)) // { // RefreshUI(RefreshedTypes.CloseAndReloadData); // } // else // { // InitData(); // } // } //} } else { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Error, Utility.GetResourceStr("ERROR"), Utility.GetResourceStr("UPDATEFAILED")); } } else { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Error, Utility.GetResourceStr("ERROR"), e.Error.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Error, Utility.GetResourceStr("ERROR"), ex.Message.ToString()); } }
//private void GenerateDataNomorAgendaSuratMasuk() //{ // DataTable dt = Data.SuratQuery.GetNomorAgenda("", 0, 0); // for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) // { // ddLokasiFisikSurat.Items.Add(dt.Rows[i][0].ToString()); // } //} private void radButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show(this, "Anda yakin akan mengubah data referensi surat?", "Konfirmasi", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { try { if (!SuratQuery.IsSuratMasuk(GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(txtReferensiSurat.Text.Replace("\0", "")))) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Data surat referensi tidak ditemukan, silahkan cek kembali.", "Data Salah", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); return; } SuratBusiness.ReferensiSuratKeluar(this.act, lblNomorAgenda.Text, GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(txtReferensiSurat.Text.Replace("\0", ""))); this.frmInfoSuratKeluar.lblReferensiSurat.Text = txtReferensiSurat.Text; this.frmInfoSuratKeluar.lblReferensiSurat.Font = new Font("MS Reference Sans Serif", (float)9.75, FontStyle.Regular); MessageBox.Show(this, "Data sudah disimpan.", "Informasi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
private void btnSimpan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lblNomorAgenda.Text.Replace("\0", ""))) { MessageBox.Show(this, "\"Nomor Agenda\" tidak boleh kosong.", "Input Kosong", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); lblNomorAgenda.Focus(); return; } if (!SuratQuery.IsSuratMasuk(lblNomorAgenda.Text.Replace("\0", ""))) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Data surat tidak ditemukan.", "Input Kosong", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); lblNomorAgenda.Focus(); return; } string values = ""; if (MessageBox.Show(this, "Anda yakin akan melakukan perubahan pada data surat ini?", "Konfirmasi", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { return; } if (txtNomorSurat.Text != drAsli[3].ToString()) { SuratBusiness.EditSurat(this.nomor_agenda.Replace("\0", ""), "nomor_surat", GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(drAsli[3].ToString()), GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(txtNomorSurat.Text.Replace("\0", "")), T8UserLoginInfo.Username); values = values + " nomor_surat = '" + GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(txtNomorSurat.Text) + "' "; } if (string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dtTanggalSurat.Value) != string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", (DateTime)drAsli[5])) { SuratBusiness.EditSurat(this.nomor_agenda.Replace("\0", ""), "tanggal_surat", string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", (DateTime)drAsli[5]), string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dtTanggalSurat.Value), T8UserLoginInfo.Username); if (values != "") { values = values + ","; } values = values + " tanggal_surat = '" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dtTanggalSurat.Value) + "' "; } if (txtAsalSurat.Text != drAsli[6].ToString()) { SuratBusiness.EditSurat (this.nomor_agenda, "asal_surat", GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(drAsli[6].ToString()), GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(txtAsalSurat.Text), T8UserLoginInfo.Username); if (values != "") { values = values + ","; } values = values + " asal_surat = '" + GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(txtAsalSurat.Text) + "' "; } if (txtPerihalSurat.Text != drAsli[7].ToString()) { SuratBusiness.EditSurat (this.nomor_agenda, "perihal", GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(drAsli[7].ToString()), GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(txtPerihalSurat.Text), T8UserLoginInfo.Username); if (values != "") { values = values + ","; } values = values + " perihal = '" + GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(txtPerihalSurat.Text) + "' "; } if (dropDownTingkatKeamanan.Text != drAsli[8].ToString()) { SuratBusiness.EditSurat (this.nomor_agenda, "tingkat_keamanan", drAsli[8].ToString(), dropDownTingkatKeamanan.Text, T8UserLoginInfo.Username); if (values != "") { values = values + ","; } values = values + " tk_keamanan = '" + dropDownTingkatKeamanan.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "' "; } if (txtRingkasanIsi.Text != drAsli[9].ToString()) { SuratBusiness.EditSurat (this.nomor_agenda, "ringkasan_isi", GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(drAsli[9].ToString()), GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(txtRingkasanIsi.Text), T8UserLoginInfo.Username); if (values != "") { values = values + ","; } values = values + " ringkasan_isi = '" + GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(txtRingkasanIsi.Text) + "' "; } if (txtLampiran.Text != drAsli[10].ToString()) { SuratBusiness.EditSurat (this.nomor_agenda, "lampiran", GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(drAsli[10].ToString()), GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(txtLampiran.Text), T8UserLoginInfo.Username); if (values != "") { values = values + ","; } values = values + " lampiran = '" + GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(txtLampiran.Text) + "' "; } if (values == "") { return; } SuratBusiness.Update(this.nomor_agenda, values); this.frmMain.UpdateSurat(this, this.nomor_agenda.Replace("\0", "")); MessageBox.Show(this, "Data surat sudah di ubah.", "Update Sukses", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); clearInput(); }
private void radButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddJenisPengiriman.Text)) { try { if (this.frmDetailSurat != null) { SuratBusiness.InsertJenisPengiriman(nomor_agenda, GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(ddJenisPengiriman.Text), GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(txtInfoPengiriman.Text)); MessageBox.Show(this, "Data pengiriman sudah diubah.", "Data disimpan", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.frmDetailSurat.BindingJenis(); this.Close(); } else { SuratBusiness.InsertJenisPengiriman(nomor_agenda, GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(ddJenisPengiriman.Text), GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(txtInfoPengiriman.Text)); MessageBox.Show(this, "Data pengiriman sudah diubah.", "Data disimpan", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.frmDetailSuratKeluar.BindingJenis(); this.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(this, ex.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "\"Jenis Pengiriman\" tidak boleh kosong.", "Data Belum lengkap.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); ddJenisPengiriman.Focus(); return; } }
// 공항코드 목록을 리턴한다 public static List <ConfAirportModels> GetAirportDataList(int offset = 0, int limit = 0) { string sql1 = "select " + "A.SEQNO" + ", A.NATION_CODE" + ", A.AIRPORT_CODE" + ", A.AIRPORT_NAME" + ", A.AIRPORT_LOCATION" + ", N.NATIONNAME" + ", N.NATIONNAME_ko_KR" + ", N.NATIONNAME_zh_CN" + " from conf_airport A" + " left outer join comm_nation N" + " on N.NATIONNO=A.NATION_CODE" + " order by A.SEQNO" + ((offset >= 0 && limit > 0) ? string.Format(" limit {0}, {1}", offset, limit) : "") + ""; string err1 = ""; DataTable dt1 = DatabaseConnection.GetDataTableMySQL(sql1, out err1); if (dt1 == null) { return(null); } // 현재 선택된 언어 string org_language = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name; List <ConfAirportModels> AIRPORT_LIST = new List <ConfAirportModels>(); for (int i = 0; i < dt1.Rows.Count; i++) { ConfAirportModels AIRPORT = new ConfAirportModels(); AIRPORT.SEQNO = GlobalFunction.GetInt(dt1.Rows[i]["SEQNO"].ToString().Trim()); // int(10) unsigned PRI auto_increment 일련번호 (자동증가) AIRPORT.NATION_CODE = dt1.Rows[i]["NATION_CODE"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper(); // char(2) 국가코드 AIRPORT.AIRPORT_CODE = dt1.Rows[i]["AIRPORT_CODE"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper(); // char(3) 공항코드 AIRPORT.AIRPORT_NAME = dt1.Rows[i]["AIRPORT_NAME"].ToString().Trim(); // varchar(50) 공항이름 AIRPORT.AIRPORT_LOCATION = dt1.Rows[i]["AIRPORT_LOCATION"].ToString().Trim(); // varchar(50) 공항위치 // 커스텀 필드 if (org_language == "ko-KR") { AIRPORT.NATION_NAME = dt1.Rows[i]["NATIONNAME_ko_KR"].ToString().Trim(); // 국가명 } else if (org_language == "zh-CN") { AIRPORT.NATION_NAME = dt1.Rows[i]["NATIONNAME_zh_CN"].ToString().Trim(); // 국가명 } else { AIRPORT.NATION_NAME = dt1.Rows[i]["NATIONNAME"].ToString().Trim(); // 국가명 } AIRPORT_LIST.Add(AIRPORT); } return(AIRPORT_LIST); }
private string GenerateFilter() { string filter = this.frmFilterSuratMasuk.patent_filter; if (chkNomorAgenda.Checked) { if (filter == "") { filter = " where "; } else { filter = filter + " and "; } filter = filter + " `nomor_agenda` like '%" + GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(txtNomorAgenda.Text) + "%' "; } if (chkTglInput.Checked) { if (filter != "") { filter = filter + " and "; } else { filter = " where "; } filter = filter + " Date(`datetime_input`) between '" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dtTglInput1.Value) + "' and '" + string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", dtTglInput2.Value) + "' "; } if (chkJamInput.Checked) { if (filter != "") { filter = filter + " and "; } else { filter = " where "; } filter = filter + " Time(`datetime_input`) between '" + string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss}", dtJamInput1.Value) + "' and '" + string.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss}", dtJamInput2.Value) + "' "; } if (chkKolom.Checked) { if (filter != "") { filter = filter + " and "; } else { filter = " where "; } filter = filter + " `kolom`='" + GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(ddKolom.Text) + "' "; } if (chkUserInput.Checked) { if (filter == "") { filter = " where "; } else { filter = filter + " and "; } filter = filter + " `user` like '%" + GlobalFunction.SqlCharChecker(txtUserInput.Text) + "%' "; } return(filter); }
private void toolStripButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GlobalFunction.ExportExcelProcess(this.gvHistoryLoginUser); }
private void AddDownvote_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MainWindow window = GlobalFunction.GetMainWindow(); window._addFrame.Navigate(new AddVote(false, studentId)); }
public IActionResult UploadMaterialImage(List <IFormFile> files) { //string fileName = string.Empty; try { string fileName = Request.Form["fileName"]; var filesPath = $"{this._hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath}\\img\\materials\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(filesPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(filesPath); } foreach (var file in files) { var fullFilePath = Path.Combine(filesPath, fileName); if (file.Length <= 0) { continue; } GlobalFunction.SaveThumbnails(0.5, file.OpenReadStream(), fullFilePath); //using (var image = Image.FromStream(file.OpenReadStream(), true, true)) //{ // int newWidth, newHeight; // if (image.Width > 100 || image.Height > 100) // { // newWidth = (int)(image.Width * 0.5); // newHeight = (int)(image.Height * 0.5); // } // else // { // newWidth = image.Width; // newHeight = image.Height; // } // var thumbnailImg = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight); // var thumbGraph = Graphics.FromImage(thumbnailImg); // thumbGraph.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality; // thumbGraph.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality; // thumbGraph.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; // var imageRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight); // thumbGraph.DrawImage(image, imageRectangle); // thumbnailImg.Save(fullFilePath, image.RawFormat); //} //using (var stream = new FileStream(fullFilePath, FileMode.Create)) //{ // await file.CopyToAsync(stream); //} } return(Json(new { success = true, data = fileName, message = files.Count + " Files Uploaded!" })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(new { success = false, message = ex.Message })); } //return this.Ok(); }
public Int64 get_max_id(String tableName) { Int64 id = GlobalFunction.get_max_id(tableName); return(id); }
private void txtRemindDay_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { GlobalFunction.TextBoxInputInt(sender, e, "AHEADCAUTIONDAYS"); }
private void client_AddHireAppCompleted(object sender, AddHireAppCompletedEventArgs e) { RefreshUI(RefreshedTypes.HideProgressBar); try { if (e.Error == null) { if (e.Result != "") { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Error, Utility.GetResourceStr("ERROR"), Utility.GetResourceStr(e.Result)); } else { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("ADDDATASUCCESSED")); if (GlobalFunction.IsSaveAndClose(refreshType)) { RefreshUI(refreshType); } else { FormTypeAction = FormTypes.Edit; action = Action.Edit; this.hireAppID = hireApp.HIREAPPID; InitData(); EntityBrowser entBrowser = this.FindParentByType <EntityBrowser>(); entBrowser.FormType = FormTypes.Edit; RefreshUI(RefreshedTypes.AuditInfo); RefreshUI(RefreshedTypes.All); } //if (actionFlag == DataActionFlag.SubmitFlow) //{ // client.GetHireAppByIDAsync(hireApp.HIREAPPID); //} //else //{ // if (GlobalFunction.IsSaveAndClose(refreshType)) // { // Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("ADDSUCCESSED", "HOUSEHIREAPP")); // RefreshUI(refreshType); // } // else // { // Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("ADDSUCCESSED", "HOUSEHIREAPP")); // this.action = Action.Edit; // this.hireAppID = hireApp.HIREAPPID; // InitData(); // } //} } } else { //HtmlPage.Window.Alert(e.ToString()); Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Error, Utility.GetResourceStr("ERROR"), e.Error.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Error, Utility.GetResourceStr("ERROR"), ex.ToString()); } }
public ResponseBase InsertOrUpdate(UserModel model) { ResponseBase result = null; try { using (var db = new IEDEntities()) { result = new ResponseBase(); SUser obj = null; SUserRole userRoleObj = null; if (CheckName(model.UserName, model.Id, db)) { result.IsSuccess = false; result.Errors.Add(new Error() { Message = "Tên đăng nhập đã tồn tại. Vui lòng chọn lại tên khác!", MemberName = "Thêm Mới" }); } else { if (model.Id == 0) { #region add user obj = new SUser(); Parse.CopyObject(model, ref obj); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ImagePath)) { obj.ImagePath = model.ImagePath != "0" ? model.ImagePath.Split(',').ToList().First() : null; } obj.IsLock = false; obj.IsRequireChangePW = true; obj.NoteForgotPassword = null; obj.PassWord = GlobalFunction.EncryptMD5(model.PassWord); obj.CreatedUser = model.ActionUser; obj.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; obj.CompanyId = model.CompanyId; obj.SUserRoles = new Collection <SUserRole>(); if (model.NoteForgotPassword != null) { foreach (var item in model.NoteForgotPassword.Split(',').ToList()) { userRoleObj = new SUserRole(); userRoleObj.RoleId = int.Parse(item); userRoleObj.CreatedDate = obj.CreatedDate; userRoleObj.CreatedUser = obj.CreatedUser; userRoleObj.SUser = obj; obj.SUserRoles.Add(userRoleObj); } } db.SUsers.Add(obj); #endregion } else { obj = db.SUsers.FirstOrDefault(x => !x.IsDeleted && x.Id == model.Id); if (obj != null) { #region update user detail if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.PassWord)) { obj.PassWord = obj.IsRequireChangePW ? GlobalFunction.EncryptMD5(model.PassWord) : obj.PassWord; } obj.FisrtName = model.FisrtName; obj.LastName = model.LastName; obj.NoteForgotPassword = null; if (model.ImagePath != null && model.ImagePath != "0") { obj.ImagePath = model.ImagePath.Split(',').ToList().First(); } obj.Email = model.Email; obj.UpdatedUser = model.ActionUser; obj.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; #endregion var oldRoles = db.SUserRoles.Where(x => !x.IsDeleted && x.UserId == model.Id); SUserRole userRole; if (model.NoteForgotPassword != null) { model.UserRoleIds = model.NoteForgotPassword.Split(',').Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x)).ToList(); #region sử lý nếu list user role new != null if (oldRoles != null && oldRoles.Count() > 0) { string query = ""; foreach (var oldItem in oldRoles) { //var userRoleFind = model.UserRoleIds.Find(x => x == oldItem.Id); //if (userRoleFind == 0) //{ // oldItem.IsDeleted = true; // oldItem.DeletedUser = obj.UpdatedUser; // oldItem.DeletedDate = obj.UpdatedDate; //} //else // model.UserRoleIds.Remove(userRoleFind); query += " update SUserRole set IsDeleted=1 where Id=" + oldItem.Id; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) { db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(query); } if (model.UserRoleIds != null && model.UserRoleIds.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in model.UserRoleIds) { userRoleObj = new SUserRole(); userRoleObj.RoleId = item; userRoleObj.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; userRoleObj.CreatedUser = model.ActionUser; userRoleObj.UserId = model.Id; obj.SUserRoles.Add(userRoleObj); } } } else { foreach (var item in model.NoteForgotPassword.Split(',').Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x)).ToList()) { userRoleObj = new SUserRole(); userRoleObj.RoleId = item; userRoleObj.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; userRoleObj.CreatedUser = model.ActionUser; userRoleObj.UserId = model.Id; obj.SUserRoles.Add(userRoleObj); } } #endregion } else { #region sử lý nếu list user role new is null foreach (var oldItem in oldRoles) { oldItem.IsDeleted = true; oldItem.DeletedUser = obj.UpdatedUser; oldItem.DeletedDate = obj.UpdatedDate; } #endregion } } else { result.IsSuccess = false; result.Errors.Add(new Error() { MemberName = "Update Account", Message = "Tài Khoản đang thao tác không tồn tại. Vui lòng kiểm tra lại!" }); } } db.SaveChanges(); result.IsSuccess = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(result); }
private void client_UpdateHireAppCompleted(object sender, UpdateHireAppCompletedEventArgs e) { RefreshUI(RefreshedTypes.HideProgressBar); try { if (e.Error == null) { if (e.Result != "") { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Error, Utility.GetResourceStr("ERROR"), Utility.GetResourceStr(e.Result)); } else { if (e.UserState.ToString() == "Edit") { if (FromFormFlag == "1") //入住操作 修改完ISOK之后 需要添加一条出租记录 { AddHireRecord(); } else { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("MODIFYSUCCESSED")); if (GlobalFunction.IsSaveAndClose(refreshType)) { RefreshUI(refreshType); } else { InitData(); } } } else if (e.UserState.ToString() == "Audit") { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSAUDIT")); } else if (e.UserState.ToString() == "Submit") { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSSUBMITAUDIT")); } RefreshUI(RefreshedTypes.All); ////HtmlPage.Window.Alert("修改房源记录成功!"); //if (actionFlag == DataActionFlag.SubmitFlow) //{ // //actionFlag = DataActionFlag.SubmitComplete; // SumbitFlow(); //} //else //{ // RefreshUI(RefreshedTypes.ProgressBar); // if (actionFlag == DataActionFlag.SubmitComplete) // { // if (action == Action.Add || action == Action.Edit) // { // Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("SUBMITHOUSEHIREAPPSUCCESSED")); // } // else // { // Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("AUDITSUCCESSED", "HOUSEHIREAPP")); // } // } // else // { // if (FromFormFlag == "1") //入住操作 修改完ISOK之后 需要添加一条出租记录 // { // AddHireRecord(); // } // else // { // if (GlobalFunction.IsSaveAndClose(refreshType)) // { // Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("UPDATESUCCESSED", "HOUSEHIREAPP")); // } // else // { // Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("UPDATESUCCESSED", "HOUSEHIREAPP")); // InitData(); // } // } // } // RefreshUI(refreshType); //} } } else { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Error, Utility.GetResourceStr("ERROR"), e.Error.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Error, Utility.GetResourceStr("ERROR"), ex.ToString()); } }
private void TextBlock_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { GlobalFunction.TextBoxInputDecimal(sender, e); }
/// <summary> /// Добавить глобальную функцию в движок /// </summary> public void addGlobalFunction(string functionName, GlobalFunction function) { globalFunctions.Add(functionName, function); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["UserLogin"] == null) { Session.Clear(); Session.Abandon(); ViewState.Clear(); FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); Response.Redirect("~/Account/Login.aspx"); } else { if (!IsPostBack) { string _projectNo = string.Empty; _projectNo = Request.QueryString["ProjectNo"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_projectNo)) { GlobalFunction fDecrypt = new GlobalFunction(); hdfProjectNo.Value = fDecrypt.Decrypt(_projectNo); MAS_COMPANYUSER_DTO retUser = (MAS_COMPANYUSER_DTO)Session["UserLogin"]; if (retUser.RolesNo > 0) { hdfCompanyNo.Value = retUser.CompanyNo.ToString().Trim(); hdfUserName.Value = retUser.UserName; hdfUserNo.Value = retUser.UsersNo.ToString().Trim(); hdfRoleNo.Value = retUser.RolesNo.ToString(); if (retUser.RolesNo == 2) { if (!retUser.ProjectNo.ToString().Trim().Equals(hdfProjectNo.Value.Trim())) { Session.Clear(); Session.Abandon(); ViewState.Clear(); FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); Response.Redirect("~/Account/Login.aspx"); } } } ViewState["PathFile"] = null; ViewState["TemplateNo"] = string.Empty; ViewState["TemplateColName"] = null; ViewState["tbAttachFile"] = null; GetProjectBidding(); } else { Session.Clear(); Session.Abandon(); ViewState.Clear(); FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); Response.Redirect("~/Account/Login.aspx"); } } else { string _templateNo = (string)ViewState["TemplateNo"]; BindItemProject(_templateNo); } } }
//新增完成 public void client_AddOrganCompleted(object sender, AddOrganCompletedEventArgs e) { RefreshUI(RefreshedTypes.HideProgressBar); try { if (!e.Cancelled)//if (e.Error == null) { if (e.Error == null) { if (e.Result != "") { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Error, Utility.GetResourceStr("ERROR"), Utility.GetResourceStr(e.Result)); } else { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("ADDDATASUCCESSED")); if (GlobalFunction.IsSaveAndClose(refreshType)) { RefreshUI(refreshType); } else { action = FormTypes.Edit; InitData(); EntityBrowser entBrowser = this.FindParentByType <EntityBrowser>(); entBrowser.FormType = FormTypes.Edit; RefreshUI(RefreshedTypes.AuditInfo); RefreshUI(RefreshedTypes.All); } //if (actionFlag == DataActionFlag.SubmitFlow) //{ // this.action = FormTypes.Edit; // SumbitFlow(); //} //else //{ // Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("ADDSUCCESSED", "ORGAN")); // if (GlobalFunction.IsSaveAndClose(refreshType)) // { // RefreshUI(refreshType); // } // else // { // this.action = FormTypes.Edit; // InitData(); // } //} } } else { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Error, Utility.GetResourceStr("ERROR"), e.Error.Message); } } else { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Error, Utility.GetResourceStr("ERROR"), e.Error.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Error, Utility.GetResourceStr("ERROR"), ex.Message.ToString()); } }
//Ad private void CreateNewModule() { string ProjectPath = ProjectSelector.Directory; string ModuleName = NewModuleName.InputText; bool IsEditor = ModuleType_SB.Select_CB.SelectedValue.ToString().Equals("Editor"); GlobalFunction.RemoveDirectoryIfValid(ProjectPath + "/Saved"); GlobalFunction.RemoveDirectoryIfValid(ProjectPath + "/Intermediate"); GlobalFunction.RemoveDirectoryIfValid(ProjectPath + "/.vs"); GlobalFunction.RemoveDirectoryIfValid(ProjectPath + "/Binaries"); #region Uproject string FullUProject = File.ReadAllText(ProjectSelector.FullPathAndFile); string NewUProject = "," + Environment.NewLine + GlobalFunction.FindResourceTextFile("BoilerplateUproject"); NewUProject = NewUProject.Replace("NameOfModule", ModuleName); NewUProject = NewUProject.Replace("ModuleType", ModuleType_SB.Select_CB.SelectedValue.ToString()); NewUProject = NewUProject.Replace("LoadingPhaseType", LoadingPhases_Sb.Select_CB.SelectedValue.ToString()); //Can cause issues when using plugins. Preferred solution would convert to JSON MatchCollection ResultsUProject = Regex.Matches(FullUProject, @"}", RegexOptions.Singleline); FullUProject = FullUProject.Insert(ResultsUProject[ResultsUProject.Count - 2].Index + 1, NewUProject); File.WriteAllText(ProjectSelector.FullPathAndFile, FullUProject); #endregion #region File Structure / Startup Shutdown class string NewDirectory = ProjectPath + "/Source/" + ModuleName; Directory.CreateDirectory(NewDirectory); Directory.CreateDirectory(NewDirectory + "/Public"); Directory.CreateDirectory(NewDirectory + "/Private"); string BuildFile = GlobalFunction.FindResourceTextFile("BoilerplateModule.Build").Replace("BoilerplateModule", ModuleName); BuildFile = BuildFile.Replace("BoilerplateNameOfProject", ProjectSelector.FileName); //Only include UnrealEd if creating a editor class if (!IsEditor) { BuildFile = BuildFile.Replace(", \"UnrealEd\"", ""); } //Swap to new ModuleManager include path if needed string PublicFile = GlobalFunction.FindResourceTextFile("BoilerplateStartUpH").Replace("BoilerplateModule", ModuleName); if (FourTwentyFive_CB.IsChecked) { PublicFile = PublicFile.Replace("#include \"ModuleManager.h\"", "#include \"Modules/ModuleManager.h\""); } string PrivateFile = GlobalFunction.FindResourceTextFile("BoilerplateStartUpCPP").Replace("BoilerplateModule", ModuleName); File.WriteAllText(NewDirectory + "/" + ModuleName + ".build.cs", BuildFile); File.WriteAllText(NewDirectory + "/Public/" + ModuleName + ".h", PublicFile); File.WriteAllText(NewDirectory + "/Private/" + ModuleName + ".cpp", PrivateFile); #endregion #region Game Target Files string TargetGame = File.ReadAllText(ProjectPath + "/Source/" + ProjectSelector.FileName + ".Target.cs"); string TargetGameEditor = File.ReadAllText(ProjectPath + "/Source/" + ProjectSelector.FileName + "Editor.Target.cs"); string NewTarget = GlobalFunction.FindResourceTextFile("BoilerplateTargetFile"); NewTarget = NewTarget.Replace("BoilerplateModule", ModuleName); MatchCollection Results = Regex.Matches(TargetGame, @"}", RegexOptions.Singleline); string NewTargetGame = TargetGame.Insert(Results[Results.Count - 2].Index, NewTarget + Environment.NewLine + "\t"); Results = Regex.Matches(TargetGameEditor, @"}", RegexOptions.Singleline); string NewTargetGameEditor = TargetGameEditor.Insert(Results[Results.Count - 2].Index, NewTarget + Environment.NewLine + "\t"); File.WriteAllText(ProjectPath + "/Source/" + ProjectSelector.FileName + "Editor.Target.cs", NewTargetGameEditor); if (!IsEditor) { File.WriteAllText(ProjectPath + "/Source/" + ProjectSelector.FileName + ".Target.cs", NewTargetGame); } #endregion }
void OnVisit() { GlobalFunction.WeHavntDone(); }
public override void DrawCell(int index, int count = 0) { base.DrawCell(index, count); var dataList = sanctuaryPackage.GetBuildingCostList(); NCostDef cost = dataList[index]; bool isEnough = true; if (cost.configID == 1) { nameLabel.text = string.Format("庄园等级限制:"); valueLabel.text = string.Format("{0}/{1}", cost.value, userPackage.GetManorLevel()); if (userPackage.GetManorLevel() < cost.value) { isEnough = false; } } else if (cost.configID == 2) { nameLabel.text = string.Format("黄金:"); valueLabel.text = string.Format("{0}/{1}", cost.value, GlobalFunction.NumberFormat(itemPackage.GetGoldNumber())); if (itemPackage.GetGoldNumber() < cost.value) { isEnough = false; } } else if (cost.configID == 3) { nameLabel.text = string.Format("电力:"); valueLabel.text = string.Format("{0}/{1}", cost.value, GlobalFunction.NumberFormat(itemPackage.GetElecNumber())); if (itemPackage.GetElecNumber() < cost.value) { isEnough = false; } } else { ITEM_RES itemData = itemPackage.GetItemDataByConfigID(cost.configID); if (itemData == null) { return; } nameLabel.text = string.Format("{0}:", itemData.MinName); NItemInfo itemInfo = itemPackage.GetItemInfo(cost.configID); if (itemInfo == null) { valueLabel.text = string.Format("{0}/{1}", cost.value, 0); isEnough = false; } else { valueLabel.text = string.Format("{0}/{1}", cost.value, GlobalFunction.NumberFormat(itemInfo.number)); if (itemInfo.number < cost.value) { isEnough = false; } } } if (isEnough) { nameLabel.color = Color.white; valueLabel.color = Color.white; } else { nameLabel.color =; valueLabel.color =; } }
public void LoadChart() { DataTable ldtbTable = new DataTable(); chart1.Series.Clear(); chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = 0; chart1.ChartAreas[0].Name = "Expenses"; string query = GlobalFunction.GetQueryById(Constant.Query.LOAD_EXPENSES_CHART); query = string.Format(query, parameter1, parameter2); ldtbTable = DBFunction.FetchDataFromDatabase(Constant.Common.DATABASE_NAME, query); if (Convert.ToString(cmbChartType.SelectedItem) == "Monthly") { string month = string.Empty; if (cmbMonth.SelectedItem != null) { month = Convert.ToString(cmbMonth.SelectedItem.GetType().GetProperty("Text").GetValue(cmbMonth.SelectedItem, null)); } else { month = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM"); } chart1.Series.Add(month); if (ldtbTable.Rows.Count > 0) { chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = ldtbTable.AsEnumerable().Select(x => x.Field <int>(Constant.Common.Alias.AMOUNT)).Max().GetCeilingNumber(1000); foreach (DataRow dr in ldtbTable.Rows) { chart1.Series[month].Points.AddXY(dr["Expenses_Category_Name"], dr[Constant.Common.Alias.AMOUNT]); } } else { query = "Select Expenses_Category_Id, Expenses_Category_Name, '0' Amount from Expenses_Category"; chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = 100; ldtbTable = DBFunction.FetchDataFromDatabase(Constant.Common.DATABASE_NAME, query); if (ldtbTable.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in ldtbTable.Rows) { chart1.Series[month].Points.AddXY(dr["Expenses_Category_Name"], dr["Amount"]); } } } } else if (Convert.ToString(cmbChartType.SelectedItem) == "Quarterly") { List <string> monthname = new List <string>(); string month = string.Empty; if (cmbMonth.SelectedItem != null) { month = Convert.ToString(cmbMonth.SelectedItem.GetType().GetProperty("Value").GetValue(cmbMonth.SelectedItem, null)); monthname = GlobalFunction.GetMonthNameFromQuarter(Convert.ToInt32(month)); chart1.Series.Add(monthname[0]); chart1.Series.Add(monthname[1]); chart1.Series.Add(monthname[2]); } else { month = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMM"); } if (ldtbTable.Rows.Count > 0) { chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = ldtbTable.AsEnumerable().Select(x => x.Field <int>("Amount")).Max().GetCeilingNumber(1000); foreach (string mon in monthname) { int iMonthNo = Convert.ToDateTime("01-" + mon.Substring(0, 3) + "-2020").Month; DataRow[] ldtbTableTemp = ldtbTable.Select("Months = '" + iMonthNo + "'"); if (ldtbTableTemp.Count() > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in ldtbTableTemp) { chart1.Series[mon].Points.AddXY(dr["Expenses_Category_Name"], dr["Amount"]); } } } } else { query = "Select Expenses_Category_Id, Expenses_Category_Name, '0' Amount from Expenses_Category"; ldtbTable = DBFunction.FetchDataFromDatabase(Constant.Common.DATABASE_NAME, query); if (ldtbTable.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (string mon in monthname) { foreach (DataRow dr in ldtbTable.Rows) { chart1.Series[mon].Points.AddXY(dr["Expenses_Category_Name"], dr["Amount"]); } } } } } }
public PROD_EXCEL UploadExcelProd(PROD_EXCEL model) { HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; string eseCode = context.Session["ESE_CODE"].ToString(); string estCode = context.Session["EST_CODE"].ToString(); model.result = true; string error_str = ""; GlobalFunction comModel = new GlobalFunction(); DataTable data = comModel.getUploadExcelData(model.File.FILE, out error_str); model.errList = new List <string>(); if (error_str != "") { model.errList.Add(error_str); model.result = false; return(model); } //유효성 검사 if (data != null && data.Rows.Count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < data.Rows.Count; i++) { // 0,1 필수 :: 7, 8 더블 :: 10 인트 if (data.Rows[i][0].ToString().Trim() == "") //필수값 체크 { model.errList.Add("[" + i + "] - " + comm_global.Language.Resources.Script_RequiredInput + "[" + comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_Comm_Barcord + "]"); error_str = "error"; } if (data.Rows[i][1].ToString().Trim() == "") //필수값 체크 { model.errList.Add("[" + i + "] - " + comm_global.Language.Resources.Script_RequiredInput + "[" + comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_Comm_PRODUCT_NAME + "]"); error_str = "error"; } try { Convert.ToDouble(data.Rows[i][7].ToString().Trim()); //더블형 체크 } catch { model.errList.Add("[" + i + "] - " + comm_global.Language.Resources.Script_DoubleInput + "[" + comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_ProdAdd_UNIT_WEIGHT + "]"); error_str = "error"; } /* * try * { * Convert.ToDouble(data.Rows[i][8].ToString().Trim()); //더블형 체크 * } * catch * { * model.errList.Add("[" + i + "] - " + comm_global.Language.Resources.Script_DoubleInput + "[" + comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_ProdAdd_viewWEIGHT_UNIT + "]"); * error_str = "error"; * } */ try { int.Parse(data.Rows[i][10].ToString().Trim()); //인트 체크 } catch { model.errList.Add("[" + i + "] - " + comm_global.Language.Resources.Script_IntInput + "[" + comm_global.Language.Resources.ESE_ProdAdd_EXPIRATION + "]"); error_str = "error"; } string str_queryErr = ""; //바코드 중복 체크 string chkQuery = " SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM stc_goods WHERE ESE_CODE = '" + eseCode + "' AND BARCODE = '" + data.Rows[i][0].ToString().Trim() + "' "; if (getQueryCnt(chkQuery, out str_queryErr) > 0) { model.errList.Add("[" + i + "] - " + comm_global.Language.Resources.Script_OverLappedProd); error_str = "error"; } } } if (error_str == "error") { model.result = false; return(model); } string exeQueryStr = ""; List <string> linqList = new List <string>(); string tmpQuery = ""; exeQueryStr = " INSERT INTO stc_goods (EST_CODE, ESE_CODE, BARCODE, PRODUCT_NAME, PRODUCT_NAME_KR, PRODUCT_NAME_CN, PRODUCT_NAME_EN ,SKU, BRAND, UNIT_WEIGHT, WEIGHT_UNIT, STANDARD, EXPIRATION, ORIGIN, INGREDIENT, SPEC, SALE_SITE_URL, PRODUCT_IMAGE ) VALUES "; if (data != null && data.Rows.Count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < data.Rows.Count; i++) { // 0,1 필수 :: 7, 8 더블 :: 10 인트 tmpQuery = "( '" + estCode + "', " + "'" + eseCode + "'"; tmpQuery += ", '" + data.Rows[i][0].ToString().Trim() + "'"; tmpQuery += ", '" + data.Rows[i][1].ToString().Trim() + "'"; tmpQuery += ", '" + data.Rows[i][2].ToString().Trim() + "'"; tmpQuery += ", '" + data.Rows[i][3].ToString().Trim() + "'"; tmpQuery += ", '" + data.Rows[i][4].ToString().Trim() + "'"; tmpQuery += ", '" + data.Rows[i][5].ToString().Trim() + "'"; tmpQuery += ", '" + data.Rows[i][6].ToString().Trim() + "'"; tmpQuery += ", " + data.Rows[i][7].ToString().Trim(); tmpQuery += ", '" + data.Rows[i][8].ToString().Trim() + "'"; tmpQuery += ", '" + data.Rows[i][9].ToString().Trim() + "'"; tmpQuery += ", " + data.Rows[i][10].ToString().Trim(); tmpQuery += ", '" + data.Rows[i][11].ToString().Trim() + "'"; tmpQuery += ", '" + data.Rows[i][12].ToString().Trim() + "'"; tmpQuery += ", '" + data.Rows[i][13].ToString().Trim() + "'"; tmpQuery += ", '" + data.Rows[i][14].ToString().Trim() + "'"; tmpQuery += ", '" + data.Rows[i][15].ToString().Trim() + "' )"; linqList.Add(tmpQuery); } } exeQueryStr += string.Join(",", linqList); model.result = exeQuery(exeQueryStr, out error_str); return(model); }
private byte[] ProcessInformationRequest() { return(GlobalFunction.SplitByteArray(ReplyPacket, 12, ReplyPacket.Length - 12)); }
// DB Connection string 을 리턴한다 static public string GetDBConnStr() { return(GlobalFunction.AESDecrypt_256(DBCONN_STR_NEW, MAIN_KEY)); }
protected void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { logger.Info("btnRegister_Click (Start)"); string _phoneNo = ConfigurationManager.GetConfiguration().GulfPhoneNo; try { if (IsValid) { Int64? _iCompanyNo = null; string _sCompanyNo = hdfRetCompanyNo.Value.Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sCompanyNo)) { _iCompanyNo = Convert.ToInt64(_sCompanyNo); } MAS_BIDDINGCOMPANY data = new MAS_BIDDINGCOMPANY(); data.CompanyName = txtCompanyName.Text.Trim(); data.TaxID = txtTaxID.Text.Trim(); data.CompanyAddress = txtCompanyAdd.Text.Trim(); data.ContactName = txtContactPerson.Text.Trim(); data.MobilePhoneNo = txtMobilePhone.Text.Trim(); data.TelephoneNo = txtPhoneNo.Text.Trim(); data.Email = txtEmail.Text.Trim(); data.EmailCC = txtEmailCC.Text.Trim(); data.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; data.CreatedBy = GetIPAddress(); data.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; data.UpdatedBy = GetIPAddress(); data.CompanyWebsite = txtCompanyWebsite.Text.Trim(); data.CompanyType = ddlUserType.SelectedValue.Trim(); data.CompanyNo = _iCompanyNo; /************************** For Set PAssword ***********************/ MAS_USERS userData = new MAS_USERS(); int _length = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.GetConfiguration().PasswordLength); GlobalFunction func = new GlobalFunction(); string _password = func.RandomDefaultPass(_length); string _encryptPass = func.Encrypt(_password); userData.Password = _encryptPass; //userData.UserName = txtEmail.Text.Trim(); userData.RolesNo = 2; //Role for Company or Vendor!! userData.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; userData.CreatedBy = GetIPAddress(); userData.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; userData.UpdatedBy = GetIPAddress(); userData.Status = "Not Verify"; userData.ProjectNo = Convert.ToInt64(ddlBDProject.SelectedValue); hdfProjectNo.Value = ddlBDProject.SelectedValue; /*******************************************************************/ Mas_BiddingCompany_Manage manage = new Mas_BiddingCompany_Manage(); string strRetInsUser = manage.RegisterCompany(data, userData); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strRetInsUser)) { hdfCompanyNo.Value = strRetInsUser.Split(';')[0].ToString().Trim(); /************ Insert Attach File **************/ string _companyNo = strRetInsUser.Split(';')[0].ToString().Trim(); List <MAS_COMPANYATTACHMENT> lAttach = new List <MAS_COMPANYATTACHMENT>(); lAttach = SetCompanyFileUpload(_companyNo); bool result = manage.InsertCompanyAttach(lAttach); /**********************************************/ if (result) { /***************************** Old Version *********************************/ /************** Send Email UserName & Password ***************/ string _userName = strRetInsUser.Split(';')[1].ToString().Trim(); string sBody = GenEmailBody(_userName, _password); //SendMailUserPassword(sBody, data.Email); INF_EMIALVENDOR mailData = new INF_EMIALVENDOR(); mailData.EmailTo = data.Email; mailData.EmailBody = sBody; Session["EmailVendor"] = mailData; /*************************************************************/ //******************* Case Crate Success ******************// //lblMsgResult1.Text = "ท่านได้ทำการลงทะเบียนเรียบร้อย ระบบจะจัดส่งข้อมูลผู้ใช้งานให้ทางอีเมล์ที่ได้ลงทะเบียนไว้"; //lblMsgResult2.Text = "หากไม่ได้รับอีเมล์ภายใน 1 วันสามารถติดต่อได้ที่เบอร์โทร " + _phoneNo; //lbtnPopup_ModalPopupExtender.Show(); string _encryCompanyNo = ""; string _encryProjectNo = ""; _encryCompanyNo = hdfCompanyNo.Value.Trim(); _encryProjectNo = hdfProjectNo.Value.Trim(); //_encryCompanyNo = GlobalFunction.EncryptParam(hdfCompanyNo.Value.Trim()); //_encryProjectNo = GlobalFunction.EncryptParam(hdfProjectNo.Value.Trim()); Session["RegDetail"] = _encryCompanyNo + ":" + _encryProjectNo; /***************************** Old Version *********************************/ //string _urlDestination = "~/Form/Questionnaire.aspx?Company=" + _encryCompanyNo + "&Project=" + _encryProjectNo; string _urlDestination = "~/Form/Questionnaire.aspx"; Response.Redirect(_urlDestination); //*********************************************************// } else { lblMsgResult1.Text = "ไม่สามารถแก้ไขรหัสผ่านได้! "; lblMsgResult2.Text = "กรุณาติดต่อผู้ดูแลระบบที่เบอร์โทร " + _phoneNo; this.lbtnPopup_ModalPopupExtender.Show(); } } else { lblMsgResult1.Text = "ไม่สามารถบันทึกข้อมูลได้! "; lblMsgResult2.Text = "กรุณาติดต่อผู้ดูแลระบบที่เบอร์โทร " + _phoneNo; this.lbtnPopup_ModalPopupExtender.Show(); } } logger.Info("btnRegister_Click (End)"); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); lblMsgResult1.Text = "ไม่สามารถแก้ไขรหัสผ่านได้! "; lblMsgResult2.Text = "กรุณาติดต่อผู้ดูแลระบบที่เบอร์โทร " + _phoneNo; this.lbtnPopup_ModalPopupExtender.Show(); } }
/// <summary> /// 新增完成 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void client_AddLicenseBorrowCompleted(object sender, AddLicenseBorrowCompletedEventArgs e) { RefreshUI(RefreshedTypes.HideProgressBar); try { if (e.Error == null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Result)) { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Error, Utility.GetResourceStr("ERROR"), Utility.GetResourceStr(e.Result)); } else { //HtmlPage.Window.Alert("新增外借记录成功!"); Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("ADDDATASUCCESSED")); if (GlobalFunction.IsSaveAndClose(refreshType)) { RefreshUI(refreshType); } else { formTypeAction = FormTypes.Edit; EntityBrowser entBrowser = this.FindParentByType <EntityBrowser>(); entBrowser.FormType = FormTypes.Edit; this.action = Action.Edit; this.licenseID = licenseObj.LICENSEUSERID; client.GetLicenseBorrowListByIdAsync(licenseID); } //if (actionFlag == DataActionFlag.SubmitFlow) //{ // client.GetLicenseBorrowListByIdAsync(licenseObj.LICENSEUSERID); //} //else //{ // RefreshUI(RefreshedTypes.ProgressBar); // if (GlobalFunction.IsSaveAndClose(refreshType)) // { // Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("ADDSUCCESSED", "LICENSELENDING")); // //todo: close and refresh // RefreshUI(refreshType); // } // else // { // Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Message, Utility.GetResourceStr("SUCCESSED"), Utility.GetResourceStr("ADDSUCCESSED", "LICENSELENDING")); // this.action = Action.Edit; // this.licenseID = licenseObj.LICENSEUSERID; // client.GetLicenseBorrowListByIdAsync(licenseID); // } //} } } else { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Error, Utility.GetResourceStr("ERROR"), e.Error.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.ShowCustomMessage(MessageTypes.Error, Utility.GetResourceStr("ERROR"), ex.Message.ToString()); } }