Exemple #1
 private static int PushGlobs(string cwd, IList<string> ary, GlobPattern pattern) {
     pattern.flags |= FNM_SYSCASE;
     return GlobHelper(cwd, pattern.path, pattern.begin, pattern.end, -1, pattern.flags, glob_caller, new GlobArgs(push_pattern, ary));
Exemple #2
        private static int PushBraces(string cwd, IList<string> result, GlobPattern pattern) {
            int lbrace = pattern.IndexOf('{'); // index of left-most brace
            int rbrace = pattern.FindClosingIndexOf(lbrace);// index of right-most brace

            // No or mismatched braces..Move along..nothing to see here
            if(lbrace == -1 || rbrace == -1) return PushGlobs(cwd, result, pattern); 

            // Peel onion...make subpatterns out of outer layer of glob and recall with each subpattern 
            // Example: foo{a{c},b}bar -> fooa{c}bar, foobbar
            string buf = "";
            int middleRegionIndex;
            int i = lbrace;
            while(pattern.path[i] != '}') {
                middleRegionIndex = i + 1;
                for(i = middleRegionIndex; i < pattern.end && pattern.path[i] != '}' && pattern.path[i] != ','; i++) {
                    if (pattern.path[i] == '{') pattern.FindClosingIndexOf(i); // skip inner braces

                buf = "";
                buf += pattern.path.Substring(pattern.begin, lbrace - pattern.begin);
                buf += pattern.path.Substring(middleRegionIndex, i - middleRegionIndex);
                buf += pattern.path.Substring(rbrace+1, pattern.end - (rbrace+1));
                int status = PushBraces(cwd, result, new GlobPattern(buf, 0, buf.Length, pattern.flags));
                if(status != 0) return status;
            return 0; // All braces pushed..