Exemple #1
        protected override List <SectionModel> GetSectionData(GlimpsePipelineArgs <ContextModel> args)
            var item = args.DataModel.Item;
            var list = new List <SectionModel>();

            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = this.GetImage(item),
                Api   = "Sitecore.Context.Item",
                Key   = "Item",
                Value = item.Paths.Path
            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = this.GetImage(item),
                Api   = "Sitecore.Context.Item.ID",
                Key   = "Item ID",
                Value = item.ID.ToString()
            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = this.GetImage(item.Template.InnerItem),
                Api   = "Sitecore.Context.Item.Template",
                Key   = "Template",
                Value = item.Template.InnerItem.Paths.Path
Exemple #2
        protected override List <SectionModel> GetSectionData(GlimpsePipelineArgs <AnalyticsModel> args)
            var defaultIcon = this.GetImage("People/16x16/megaphone.png");
            var visit       = args.DataModel.Visitor.CurrentVisit;
            var list        = new List <SectionModel>();

            if (visit != null)
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.AspNetSessionId",
                    Key   = "Asp.NET session ID",
                    Value = visit.AspNetSessionId
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.HasGeoIpData",
                    Key   = "Has geo IP data",
                    Value = visit.HasGeoIpData.ToString()
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.Ip",
                    Key   = "IP address",
                    Value = new IPAddress(visit.Ip).ToString()
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.Referrer",
                    Key   = "Referrer",
                    Value = visit.Referrer
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.StartDateTime",
                    Key   = "Visit start",
                    Value = visit.StartDateTime.ToString()
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = null,
                    Key   = "Visit duration",
                    Value = DateTime.Now.Subtract(visit.StartDateTime).ToString(@"d\.h\:mm\:ss")
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.VisitId",
                    Key   = "Visit ID",
                    Value = visit.VisitId.ToString()
Exemple #3
        protected override List <SectionModel> GetSectionData(GlimpsePipelineArgs <ContextModel> args)
            var page = args.DataModel.Page;
            var list = new List <SectionModel>();

            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = this.GetImage(args.DataModel.Device.Icon),
                Api   = "Sitecore.Context.Device",
                Key   = "Device",
                Value = args.DataModel.Device.Name
            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = this.GetImage("Applications/16x16/window.png"),
                Api   = "Sitecore.Context.Page.FilePath",
                Key   = "Layout file",
                Value = page.FilePath
            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = this.GetImage("Business/16x16/table_selection_block.png"),
                Api   = "Sitecore.Context.Page.Placeholders",
                Key   = "Placeholders",
                Value = String.Join("\n", page.Placeholders.Select(ph => ph.ContextKey).ToArray())
Exemple #4
        protected override List <SectionModel> GetSectionData(GlimpsePipelineArgs <ContextModel> args)
            var model = args.DataModel;
            var list  = new List <SectionModel>();

            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = this.GetImage("Business/16x16/data.png"),
                Api   = "Sitecore.Context.Database",
                Key   = "Database",
                Value = model.Database.Name
            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = this.GetImage(args.DataModel.Device.Icon),
                Api   = "Sitecore.Context.Device",
                Key   = "Device",
                Value = args.DataModel.Device.Name
            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = this.GetImage(model.Language, model.Database),
                Api   = "Sitecore.Context.Language",
                Key   = "Language",
                Value = model.Language.Name
            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = this.GetImage("Network/16x16/home.png"),
                Api   = "Sitecore.Context.Site",
                Key   = "Site",
                Value = model.Site.Name
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the section data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param>
        /// <returns>List of rendering section models.</returns>
        protected override List <RenderingSectionItemModel> GetSectionData(GlimpsePipelineArgs <MvcPageModel> args)
            var renderings = args.DataModel.Page.PageDefinition.Renderings;
            var list       = new List <RenderingSectionItemModel>();

            foreach (var rendering in renderings)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rendering.Placeholder))

                var item    = rendering.RenderingItem.InnerItem;
                var details = new RenderingDetailsModel()
                    RenderingPath = item.Paths.FullPath,
                    UniqueId      = rendering.UniqueId.ToString()
                list.Add(new RenderingSectionItemModel()
                    Icon        = this.GetImage(item),
                    Name        = rendering.RenderingItem.Name,
                    Placeholder = rendering.Placeholder,
                    DataSource  = rendering.DataSource,
                    Details     = details

        protected override List <RawOutputSectionModel> GetSectionData(GlimpsePipelineArgs <ProfilesModel> args)
            var model = args.DataModel;
            var list  = new List <RawOutputSectionModel>();

            foreach (var profile in model.Profiles.OrderBy(row => row.ProfileName))
                var rows = new List <string>();
                rows.Add(GetMatchingPatternLabel(profile, model.Database));
                rows.AddRange(GetProfileKeyLabels(profile, model.Database));
                var sectionModel = new RawOutputSectionModel()
                    SectionHeader = GetProfileLabel(profile, model.Database),
                    SectionBody   = rows.Aggregate((s1, s2) => s1 + s2)
            if (list.Count == 0)
                var sectionModel = new RawOutputSectionModel()
                    SectionHeader = Translate.Text("No profile information"),
                    SectionBody   = Translate.Text("The visitor has not visited any pages that result in profile values being set.")
Exemple #7
        public override object GetData(ITabContext context)
            var args = new GlimpsePipelineArgs <TDataModel>();

            CorePipeline.Run(this.DataPipelineName, args);
        public void Process(GlimpsePipelineArgs <AnalyticsModel> args)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args");
            var data = new AnalyticsModel();

            args.TabData = data;
        protected override List <RenderingSectionItemModel> GetSectionData(GlimpsePipelineArgs <PageModel> args)
            var renderings = args.DataModel.Page.Renderings;
            var list       = new List <RenderingSectionItemModel>();

            foreach (RenderingReference rendering in renderings)
                var item    = rendering.RenderingItem.InnerItem;
                var details = new RenderingDetailsModel()
                    RenderingPath = item.Paths.FullPath,
                    UniqueId      = rendering.UniqueId,
                    AddedToPage   = rendering.AddedToPage
                list.Add(new RenderingSectionItemModel()
                    Icon        = this.GetImage(item),
                    Name        = rendering.RenderingItem.Name,
                    Placeholder = rendering.Placeholder,
                    DataSource  = rendering.Settings.DataSource,
                    Details     = details,
                    Settings    = rendering.Settings
        public override object Convert(TModel model)
            var args = new GlimpsePipelineArgs <TModel>();

            args.DataModel = model;
            CorePipeline.Run(this.PipelineName, args);
Exemple #11
        public override object GetLayout()
            var args = new GlimpsePipelineArgs <TDataModel>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.LayoutPipelineName))
                CorePipeline.Run(this.LayoutPipelineName, args);
                if (args.TabLayout != null)
        protected override List <SectionModel> GetSectionData(GlimpsePipelineArgs <ContextModel> args)
            var defaultIcon = this.GetImage("People/16x16/user1_view.png");
            var profile     = args.DataModel.User.Profile;
            var list        = new List <SectionModel>();

            var names = profile.GetCustomPropertyNames();

            foreach (var name in names)
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = string.Format("Sitecore.Context.User.Profile.GetCustomProperty(\"{0}\")", name),
                    Key   = name,
                    Value = profile.GetCustomProperty(name)
Exemple #13
        protected override List <SectionModel> GetSectionData(GlimpsePipelineArgs <ContextModel> args)
            var user = args.DataModel.User;
            var list = new List <SectionModel>();

            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = this.GetImage(user.Profile.Portrait),
                Api   = "Sitecore.Context.User",
                Key   = "User",
                Value = user.Name
            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = this.GetImage("Network/16x16/id_cards.png"),
                Api   = "Sitecore.Context.User.Roles",
                Key   = "Roles",
                Value = String.Join("\n", user.Roles.Select(role => role.Name).ToArray())
Exemple #14
        protected override List <SectionModel> GetSectionData(GlimpsePipelineArgs <AnalyticsModel> args)
            var defaultIcon = this.GetImage("Applications/16x16/preferences.png");
            var model       = args.DataModel;
            var list        = new List <SectionModel>();

            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = defaultIcon,
                Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Configuration.AnalyticsSettings.DisableDatabase",
                Key   = "Database disabled",
                Value = AnalyticsSettings.DisableDatabase.ToString()
            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = defaultIcon,
                Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Configuration.AnalyticsSettings.Enabled",
                Key   = "Analytics enabled",
                Value = AnalyticsSettings.Enabled.ToString()
Exemple #15
        protected override List <GoalSectionModel> GetSectionData(GlimpsePipelineArgs <AnalyticsModel> args)
            var context = args.DataModel.DataContext;
            var list    = new List <GoalSectionModel>();

            if (context != null)
                var groupedPageEvents = context.PageEvents.GroupBy(row => row.PageEventDefinition).OrderBy(rows => rows.Key.Name);
                foreach (var pageEvents in groupedPageEvents)
                    var def = pageEvents.Key;
                    if (def.IsGoal)
                        var events = new List <GoalEventModel>();
                        var i      = 0;
                        foreach (var pageEvent in pageEvents.OrderBy(pe => pe.Timestamp))
                            events.Add(new GoalEventModel()
                                Count    = ++i,
                                Data     = pageEvent.Data,
                                DataCode = pageEvent.DataCode,
                                DataKey  = pageEvent.DataKey,
                                DateTime = pageEvent.DateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("g"),
                                Text     = pageEvent.Text
                        list.Add(new GoalSectionModel()
                            Icon       = GetImage(def),
                            Name       = def.Name,
                            Count      = events.Count,
                            GoalEvents = events
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the section data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param>
        /// <returns>The section model.</returns>
        protected override List <SectionModel> GetSectionData(GlimpsePipelineArgs <MvcPageModel> args)
            var layout = args.DataModel.Layout;
            var page   = args.DataModel.Page;

            return(new List <SectionModel>
                new SectionModel
                    Icon = this.GetImage("Applications/16x16/window.png"),
                    Api = "Sitecore.Context.Page.FilePath",
                    Key = "Layout file",
                    Value = layout
                new SectionModel
                    Icon = this.GetImage("Business/16x16/table_selection_block.png"),
                    Api = "PageContext.Current.PageDefinition.Renderings.Select(r => r.Placeholder)",
                    Key = "Placeholders",
                    Value = string.Join("\n", page.PageDefinition.Renderings.Where(r => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r.Placeholder)).Select(r => r.Placeholder).Distinct())
Exemple #17
        protected override List <SectionModel> GetSectionData(GlimpsePipelineArgs <AnalyticsModel> args)
            var defaultIcon = this.GetImage("People/16x16/megaphone.png");
            var visit       = args.DataModel.Visitor.CurrentVisit;
            var list        = new List <SectionModel>();

            if (visit != null)
                var browser = visit.Browser;
                if (browser != null)
                    list.Add(new SectionModel()
                        Icon  = defaultIcon,
                        Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.Browser.BrowserId",
                        Key   = "Browser ID",
                        Value = browser.BrowserId.ToString()
                    list.Add(new SectionModel()
                        Icon  = defaultIcon,
                        Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.Browser.MajorName",
                        Key   = "Major name",
                        Value = browser.MajorName
                    list.Add(new SectionModel()
                        Icon  = defaultIcon,
                        Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.Browser.MinorName",
                        Key   = "Minor name",
                        Value = browser.MinorName
 public void Process(GlimpsePipelineArgs <AnalyticsModel> args)
     Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args");
     Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args.TabData, "args.TabData");
     Tracker.Visitor.LoadAll(VisitLoadOptions.PageEvents, VisitorOptions.Visitor);
Exemple #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Processes the specified arguments.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param>
 public void Process(GlimpsePipelineArgs <MvcPageModel> args)
     Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args");
     args.TabData = new MvcPageModel();
Exemple #20
        protected override List <SectionModel> GetSectionData(GlimpsePipelineArgs <AnalyticsModel> args)
            var defaultIcon = this.GetImage("People/16x16/megaphone.png");
            var visitor     = args.DataModel.Visitor;
            var list        = new List <SectionModel>();

            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = defaultIcon,
                Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.AuthenticationLevel",
                Key   = "Authentication level",
                Value = visitor.AuthenticationLevel.ToString()
            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = defaultIcon,
                Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CookieVisitId",
                Key   = "Visit ID (cookie)",
                Value = visitor.CookieVisitId.ToString()
            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = defaultIcon,
                Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.ExternalUser",
                Key   = "External user",
                Value = visitor.ExternalUser
            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = defaultIcon,
                Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.HasCurrentVisit",
                Key   = "Has current visit",
                Value = visitor.HasCurrentVisit.ToString()
            list.Add(new SectionModel()
                Icon  = defaultIcon,
                Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.IsSubmitDisabled",
                Key   = "Submit disabled",
                Value = visitor.IsSubmitDisabled.ToString()
            if (visitor.HasCurrentVisit)
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.VisitorId",
                    Key   = "Visitor ID",
                    Value = visitor.VisitorId.ToString()
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.VisitCount",
                    Key   = "Visit count",
                    Value = visitor.VisitCount.ToString()
                //list.Add(new SectionItemModel()
                //    //Icon = ThemeManager.GetLanguageImage(model.Language, model.Database, 16, 16),
                //    Api = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.Settings.IsFirstRequest",
                //    Key = "IsFirstRequest",
                //    Value = visitor.Settings.IsFirstRequest.ToString()
                //list.Add(new SectionItemModel()
                //    //Icon = ThemeManager.GetLanguageImage(model.Language, model.Database, 16, 16),
                //    Api = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.Settings.IsNew",
                //    Key = "IsNew",
                //    Value = visitor.Settings.IsNew.ToString()
                //list.Add(new SectionItemModel()
                //    //Icon = ThemeManager.GetLanguageImage(model.Language, model.Database, 16, 16),
                //    Api = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.Settings.IsTransient",
                //    Key = "IsTransient",
                //    Value = visitor.Settings.IsTransient.ToString()
                //list.Add(new SectionItemModel()
                //    //Icon = ThemeManager.GetLanguageImage(model.Language, model.Database, 16, 16),
                //    Api = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.Settings.IsVisitorClassificationGuessed",
                //    Key = "IsVisitorClassificationGuessed",
                //    Value = visitor.Settings.IsVisitorClassificationGuessed.ToString()
        protected override List <SectionModel> GetSectionData(GlimpsePipelineArgs <AnalyticsModel> args)
            var defaultIcon = this.GetImage("People/16x16/megaphone.png");
            var visit       = args.DataModel.Visitor.CurrentVisit;
            var list        = new List <SectionModel>();

            if (visit != null && visit.HasGeoIpData)
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.AreaCode",
                    Key   = "Area code",
                    Value = visit.AreaCode
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.City",
                    Key   = "City",
                    Value = visit.City
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.Country",
                    Key   = "Country",
                    Value = visit.Country
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.IspName",
                    Key   = "ISP name",
                    Value = visit.IspName
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.Latitude",
                    Key   = "Latitude",
                    Value = visit.Latitude.ToString()
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.LocationId",
                    Key   = "Location ID",
                    Value = visit.LocationId.ToString()
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.Longitude",
                    Key   = "Longitude",
                    Value = visit.Longitude.ToString()
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.MetroCode",
                    Key   = "Metro code",
                    Value = visit.MetroCode
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.PostalCode",
                    Key   = "Postal code",
                    Value = visit.PostalCode
                list.Add(new SectionModel()
                    Icon  = defaultIcon,
                    Api   = "Sitecore.Analytics.Tracker.Visitor.CurrentVisit.Region",
                    Key   = "Region",
                    Value = visit.Region