public Turn TryGetHumanTurn(Player player, GlInput input) { string result = ""; if ( == 0) { result = SolverA.Run(player.lastInput); } else if ( == 1) { result = SolverB.Run(player.lastInput); } else if ( == 2) { result = SolverC.Run(player.lastInput); } else { result = SolverD.Run(player.lastInput); } return(GetProgramTurn(player, result, ExecuteResult.Ok, "ok")); }
public void DrawAll(Frame frame, double stage, double totalStage, bool humanMove, GlInput input) //todo human move?? { frame.CameraViewport(Vector2d.Zero, _arena.size * 1.1); frame.Polygon(Color.Gray, new Rect2d(0, 0, 10000, 10000)); frame.Polygon(Color.LightGray, _arena); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var color = roundNumber - players[i].man.lastFreezed < 300 / SPEED_FASTER ? Color.Black : players[i].color; frame.Circle(color, _manAnimators[i].Get(stage), MAN_RADIUS); frame.Circle(Color.Black, _manAnimators[i].Get(stage) + (_manList[i].speedVector).Normalized() * MAN_RADIUS, MAN_RADIUS / 10.0); frame.TextCenter(, players[i].man.hp.ToString(), _manAnimators[i].Get(stage)); } for (int i = 0; i < _shellList.Count; i++) { frame.Circle(Color.DarkGreen, _shellAnimators[i].Get(stage), SHELL_RADIUS); } _walls.ForEach(wall => frame.Polygon(Color.Brown, wall)); frame.TextTopLeft(EFont.ScoreOne, string.Join(" ", players.Select(x => x.score)), 10, 10); }
public Turn TryGetHumanTurn(Player player, GlInput input)//todo keyboard to input { this.RotateField(; var keys = new Dictionary <Key, Point> { { Key.Left, PointDifference(this.RotatePoint(new Point(0, -1),, 0), this.RotatePoint(new Point(0, 0),, 0)) }, { Key.Right, PointDifference(this.RotatePoint(new Point(0, 1),, 0), this.RotatePoint(new Point(0, 0),, 0)) }, { Key.Up, PointDifference(this.RotatePoint(new Point(-1, 0),, 0), this.RotatePoint(new Point(0, 0),, 0)) }, { Key.Down, PointDifference(this.RotatePoint(new Point(1, 0),, 0), this.RotatePoint(new Point(0, 0),, 0)) } }; if (player.humanSelectsDestination) { if (input.KeyTime(Key.Enter) == 1) { player.humanSelectsDestination = false; if (GetAllPossibleDestinations(this.field, player.humanSource).Contains(player.humanDestination)) { return(new Turn { firstValidCommand = Tuple.Create(player.humanSource, player.humanDestination) , colorOnTimeLine = player.color, colorStatusOnTimeLine = Color.Red, nameOnTimeLine = (this.roundNumber / 4).ToString(), shortStatus = "Ручной ход" }); } } foreach (var item in keys) { if (input.KeyTime(item.Key) == 1) { var aim = player.humanDestination; aim.Offset(item.Value); if (Val(aim)) { player.humanDestination = aim; } } } } else { if (input.KeyTime(Key.Enter) == 1) { player.humanSelectsDestination = true; player.humanDestination = player.humanSource; } foreach (var item in keys) { if (input.KeyTime(item.Key) == 1) { var aim = player.humanSource; aim.Offset(item.Value); if (Val(aim)) { player.humanSource = aim; } } } } return(null); }
public void DrawAll(Frame frame, double stage, double totalStage, bool humanMove, GlInput input) { //todo implement as out parameter //statusBarText = ""; //you can preload sprites or not double frameWidth = 800; double frameHeight = 600; //total 509 509 //49 49 //8 10 (x y) frame.CameraViewport(frameWidth, frameHeight); #region board game draw //frame.TextCustom(EFont.small, "маленький текст o k очень много текста длинный тест", new Vector2d(0.0, 0), new Vector2d(200, 200), Align.justify, 200); //frame.TextCustom(EFont.small, "маленький текст o k очень много текста длинный тест", new Vector2d(0.5, 0.5), new Vector2d(200, 200), Align.justify, 200, 3); //frame.TextCustom(EFont.small, "маленький текст o k очень много текста длинный тест", new Vector2d(1.0, 0.2), new Vector2d(200, 500), Align.justify, 200); // frame.SpriteCustom(ESprite.board10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SpecialDraw.All(1, 1, 0, 2, 0.5)); //frame.SpriteCustom(ESprite.Design, 0.5, 0.5, 400, 400, 30, SpecialDraw.All(0.6, 0.6, 1, -2, 1)); var boardTopLeft = new Vector2d(66, 73); var corner = new Vector2d(73, 82); var oppositeCorner = new Vector2d(488, 517); var tileSize = (oppositeCorner - corner) / 10; double teamNamesHeight = 45; //доска и шашки frame.SpriteCorner(ESprite.background, 0, 0); frame.SpriteCorner(ESprite.board10, boardTopLeft); var firstTileCenter = corner + tileSize / 2; var spritePlayers = new List <ESprite> {,, ESprite.violet, ESprite.yellow }; var spritePlayerRects = new List <ESprite> { ESprite.greenRect, ESprite.redRect, ESprite.violetRect, ESprite.yellowRect }; //подсвечиваем противоположный от ходящего уголок var center = this.teamTurn == 0 ? new Vector2d(8) : this.teamTurn == 1 ? new Vector2d(2, 8) : this.teamTurn == 2 ? new Vector2d(2) : new Vector2d(8, 2); frame.SpriteCenter(spritePlayerRects[this.teamTurn], corner + tileSize.MultEach(center), sizeExact: tileSize * 4, opacity: 0.7); this.RotateField(0); for (int row = 0; row < 10; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < 10; col++) { var player = this.field[row, col]; if (player == null) { continue; } var movingOnRoundTileInPlayer0 = this.RotatePoint(player.movingOnRoundTile, 0, this.teamTurn); if (player.movingOnRound == this.roundNumber && movingOnRoundTileInPlayer0.X == row && movingOnRoundTileInPlayer0.Y == col) { //значит на этом ходу шашка перемещается, ее рисуем между клетками и выше всех double curPartOfPath = this.playerAnimator.Get(stage); int index = (int)curPartOfPath.ToRange(0, this.movePath.Count - 2); double curPartOfSingleMove = curPartOfPath - index;//- index * (totalStage / (this.movePath.Count - 1)); var fromPoint = new Point(this.movePath[index].Y, this.movePath[index].X); var toPoint = new Point(this.movePath[index + 1].Y, this.movePath[index + 1].X); var from = firstTileCenter + tileSize.MultEach(PointToVector(this.RotatePoint(fromPoint, this.teamTurn, 0))); var to = firstTileCenter + tileSize.MultEach(PointToVector(this.RotatePoint(toPoint, this.teamTurn, 0))); var position = from + (to - from) * curPartOfSingleMove; frame.SpriteCenter(spritePlayers[], position, depth: 1);//рисуем выше всех } else { frame.SpriteCenter(spritePlayers[], firstTileCenter + tileSize.MultEach(new Vector2d(col, row))); } } } #region названия команд и счет, номер хода double fromBoardToNearest = 12; double fromBoardToFarthest = 62; double sideProtrusion = 40; var boardSize = SpriteList.All[ESprite.board10].DefaultDrawSettings.sizeExact.Value; Vector2d[] textPosition = new[] { boardTopLeft - new Vector2d(sideProtrusion, fromBoardToNearest), boardTopLeft - new Vector2d(sideProtrusion, fromBoardToNearest), boardTopLeft + new Vector2d(0, boardSize.X) + new Vector2d(sideProtrusion, fromBoardToNearest), boardTopLeft + new Vector2d(0, boardSize.X) + new Vector2d(sideProtrusion, fromBoardToNearest) }; //top names frame.TextBottomLeft(EFont.teamSmall3, this.players[2].name, boardTopLeft - new Vector2d(sideProtrusion, fromBoardToNearest), boardSize.X + sideProtrusion * 2, Align.left); frame.TextBottomLeft(EFont.teamSmall4, this.players[3].name, boardTopLeft - new Vector2d(sideProtrusion, fromBoardToNearest), boardSize.X + sideProtrusion * 2, Align.right); //bottom names frame.TextBottomLeft(EFont.teamSmall2, this.players[1].name, boardTopLeft + new Vector2d(0, boardSize.Y) + new Vector2d(-sideProtrusion, fromBoardToFarthest), boardSize.X + sideProtrusion * 2, Align.left); frame.TextBottomLeft(EFont.teamSmall1, this.players[0].name, boardTopLeft + new Vector2d(0, boardSize.Y) + new Vector2d(-sideProtrusion, fromBoardToFarthest), boardSize.X + sideProtrusion * 2, Align.right); var scores = this.players.Select(x => { this.RotateField(; return(GetDistanceToWin(this.field, x)); }).ToList(); //top scores frame.TextTopLeft(EFont.teamBig3, scores[2].ToString(), boardTopLeft - new Vector2d(sideProtrusion, fromBoardToFarthest), boardSize.X + sideProtrusion * 2, Align.left); frame.TextTopLeft(EFont.teamBig4, scores[3].ToString(), boardTopLeft - new Vector2d(sideProtrusion, fromBoardToFarthest), boardSize.X + sideProtrusion * 2, Align.right); //bottom scores frame.TextTopLeft(EFont.teamBig2, scores[1].ToString(), boardTopLeft + new Vector2d(0, boardSize.Y) + new Vector2d(-sideProtrusion, fromBoardToNearest), boardSize.X + sideProtrusion * 2, Align.left); frame.TextTopLeft(EFont.teamBig1, scores[0].ToString(), boardTopLeft + new Vector2d(0, boardSize.Y) + new Vector2d(-sideProtrusion, fromBoardToNearest), boardSize.X + sideProtrusion * 2, Align.right); //turn number frame.TextCenter(EFont.regular, string.Format("- {0} -", this.lastPlayerMadeTurns), boardTopLeft.X + boardSize.X / 2, boardTopLeft.Y / 2); #endregion //выбор ходов и логирование //управление с клавиатуры if (humanMove) { double opacity = 0.7; var tileSource = this.RotatePoint(this.players[this.teamTurn].humanSource, 0, this.teamTurn); var tileDestination = this.RotatePoint(this.players[this.teamTurn].humanDestination, 0, this.teamTurn); if (this.players[this.teamTurn].humanSelectsDestination == true) { frame.SpriteCenter(ESprite.humanSource, firstTileCenter + tileSize.MultEach(new Vector2d(tileSource.Y, tileSource.X)), opacity: opacity); frame.SpriteCenter(ESprite.humanPointer, firstTileCenter + tileSize.MultEach(new Vector2d(tileDestination.Y, tileDestination.X)), opacity: opacity); } else { frame.SpriteCenter(ESprite.humanPointer, firstTileCenter + tileSize.MultEach(new Vector2d(tileSource.Y, tileSource.X)), opacity: opacity); } this.RotateField(0); if (this.field[tileSource.X, tileSource.Y] != null && this.field[tileSource.X, tileSource.Y].team == this.teamTurn) { var allPossible = GetAllPossibleDestinations(this.field, tileSource); allPossible.ForEach(p => frame.SpriteCenter(ESprite.humanDestination, firstTileCenter + tileSize.MultEach(new Vector2d(p.Y, p.X)), opacity: opacity)); } } #endregion #region timeline //{ // if (!initialized) // InitTimeLine(); // double thinWidth = 2, thickWidth = 4; // var colorLight = Color.FromArgb(80, 48, 66, 76); // var colorDark = Color.FromArgb(120, 41, 58, 68); // var colorLine = Color.Black; // var colorCurrent = Color.Red; // var colorMouse = Color.Orange; // //текущий размер блока и привязка верха(привязка не может быть меньше 0) // //отрисуем , что есть +текущую позицию + указатель мыши + раскрасим под мышью + найдем точную временную позицию мыши // #region old commented // //double prevStart = 0; // //var roundList = this.rounds // // .Select(r => // // { // // var duration = Math.Max(0.1, r.totalStage);//чтобы можно было ход мышкой выбрать // // var res = new { name = r.nameForTimeLine, duration = duration, start = prevStart + duration }; // // prevStart = res.start; // // return res; // // }).ToList(); // //double currentPos = roundList[ this.roundNumber].start + stage; // #endregion // #region прямоугольник и клетки // var roundVisibleRects = new List<Tuple<int, Rect2d>>(); // frame.Path(colorLine, thickWidth, rect); // if (currentTopTime < 0) // currentTopTime = 0; // double zeroY = - currentTopTime * currentHeightPerRound; // for (int i = 0; i < this.rounds.Count; i++) // { // double top = zeroY + i * currentHeightPerRound; // double bottom = top + currentHeightPerRound; // var bottomInsideRect = bottom.IsInRange(, rect.bottom, true); // var topIndiseRect = top.IsInRange(, rect.bottom, true); // var topAboveBottomBelow = top <= && bottom >= rect.bottom; // if (bottomInsideRect) // { // frame.Path(colorLine, thickWidth, // rect.left, bottom, rect.right, bottom); // } // if (topIndiseRect || bottomInsideRect || topAboveBottomBelow) // { // var realTop = Math.Max(, top); // var realBottom = Math.Min(rect.bottom, bottom); // roundVisibleRects.Add(Tuple.Create(i, new Rect2d(rect.left, realTop, rect.size.X, realBottom - realTop))); // if (realBottom - realTop >= minDistBetweenLines) // { // frame.TextCenter(EFont.regular, this.rounds[i].nameForTimeLine, // (rect.right + rect.left) / 2, (realTop + realBottom) / 2); // } // } // } // #endregion // double currentPos = this.roundNumber + (stage / totalStage).ToRange(0, 1); // var currentPosY = zeroY + currentPos * currentHeightPerRound; // if (currentPosY.IsInRange(, rect.bottom, true)) // { // frame.Path(colorCurrent, thickWidth, rect.left, currentPosY, rect.right, currentPosY); // } // Cursor.Show(); // foreach (var roundRect in roundVisibleRects) // { // if (GeomHelper.PointInSimpleRect(input.Mouse, roundRect.Item2)) // { // Cursor.Hide(); // var top = zeroY + roundRect.Item1 * currentHeightPerRound; // var distanceToTop = input.Mouse.Y - top; // var mouseY = (distanceToTop <= mouseDropMaxDistance) ? top : input.Mouse.Y; // frame.Path(colorMouse, thickWidth, rect.left, mouseY, rect.right, mouseY); // if (input.LeftMouseUp) // { // frame.Polygon(colorDark, roundRect.Item2); // //go to // } // else // { // frame.Polygon(colorLight, roundRect.Item2); // } // break; // } // } // //обработаем колесико // if (GeomHelper.PointInSimpleRect(input.Mouse, rect)) // { // if (input.Wheel != 0) // { // //нужно оставить то, что под мышкой, на месте, и при этом изменить height // double k = 1 + input.Wheel / 10.0; // double mousePosTime = (input.Mouse.Y - zeroY) / currentHeightPerRound; // if (mousePosTime > this.rounds.Count && input.Wheel > 0) // mousePosTime = this.rounds.Count; // currentHeightPerRound *= k; // double curDist = mousePosTime - currentTopTime; // currentTopTime = mousePosTime - curDist / k; // if (currentTopTime < 0) // currentTopTime = 0; // } // } // //сделаем переключение хода, если был клик // //обработаем колесико и стрелочки вверх-вниз // //если текущая позиция за кадром и мышь не наведена , перейти на нее //} #endregion }
public void DrawAll(Frame frame, double stage, double totalStage, bool humanMove, GlInput input) //todo human move?? { if (allColors.Count == 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { allColors.Add(Color.FromArgb(i * 85, j * 85, k * 85)); } } } } if (Debugger.IsAttached) { if (input.KeyTime(Key.Z) == 1) { currentFieldColor = RandomColor(); } if (input.KeyTime(Key.X) == 1) { currentFieldOpacity += 0.1; if (currentFieldOpacity > 1) { currentFieldOpacity = 0.5; } } if (input.KeyTime(Key.C) == 1) { topColorIndex++; if (topColorIndex >= topColorList.Count) { topColorIndex = 0; } currentFieldColor = topColorList[topColorIndex]; } if (input.KeyTime(Key.V) == 1) { blackOpacity += 10; if (blackOpacity >= 250) { blackOpacity = 40; } } if (input.KeyTime(Key.B) == 1) { blackOpacity = 0; allColorIndex++; if (allColorIndex >= allColors.Count) { allColorIndex = 0; } currentFieldColor = allColors[allColorIndex]; } } // topColorIndex = 6; // currentFieldColor = topColorList[topColorIndex]; blackOpacity = 170; currentFieldOpacity = 0.90; //!!! будьте внимательны (ранний drawall перед любыми методами) int frameWidth = 112, frameHeight = 84; frame.CameraViewport(frameWidth, frameHeight); frame.Polygon(currentFieldColor, new Rect2d(0, 0, frameWidth, frameHeight)); //todo line around polygon var fieldCorner = new Vector2d((frameWidth - _arena.size.X - FrameworkSettings.Timeline.TileWidth) / 2, (frameHeight - _arena.size.Y) / 2); var lineWidth = 0.4; //frame.Path(Color.Black, lineWidth, _arena + fieldCorner); //frame.Path(Color.Black, lineWidth, fieldCorner + new Vector2d(_arena.size.X / 2, 0), fieldCorner + new Vector2d(_arena.size.X / 2, _arena.size.Y)); frame.SpriteCorner(ESprite.fieldPerfect, fieldCorner, sizeExact: _arena.size, opacity: currentFieldOpacity, depth: 1); // if (_manAnimators.Count != 0) //т е еще не было process turn // { var blackColor = Color.FromArgb(blackOpacity, 0, 0, 0); frame.Polygon(blackColor, new Rect2d(0, 0, 1000, fieldCorner.Y)); frame.Polygon(blackColor, new Rect2d(0, fieldCorner.Y, fieldCorner.X, _arena.size.Y)); frame.Polygon(blackColor, new Rect2d(fieldCorner.X + _arena.size.X, fieldCorner.Y, 1000, _arena.size.Y)); frame.Polygon(blackColor, new Rect2d(0, fieldCorner.Y + _arena.size.Y, 1000, 1000)); for (int i = 0; i < _manList.Count; i++) { var man = _manList[i]; if (i < 5) { frame.SpriteCenter(ESprite.man03, _manAnimators[i].Get(stage) + fieldCorner, sizeOnlyWidth: 4, depth: 2, opacity: 1.0); } else { frame.SpriteCenter(ESprite.man04, _manAnimators[i].Get(stage) + fieldCorner, sizeOnlyWidth: 4, depth: 2); } //frame.Circle(man.Color, _manAnimators[i].Get(stage) + fieldCorner, _manRadius); frame.TextCenter(EFont.playerNumbers, (i % 5).ToString(), _manAnimators[i].Get(stage) + fieldCorner, depth: 3); } // var curMan = _manAnimators[6].Get(stage); //frame.Circle(Color.Gray, _ballAnimator.Get(stage) + fieldCorner, _ballRadius); if (_drawBall) { frame.SpriteCenter(ESprite.ball, _ballAnimator.Get(stage) + fieldCorner, sizeOnlyWidth: 2, depth: 2); } // } frame.TextBottomLeft(EFont.TeamOne, players[0].name, fieldCorner.X, fieldCorner.Y - 3); //todo framework text without declaration? frame.TextCustomAnchor(EFont.TeamTwo, players[1].name, 1, 1, fieldCorner.X + _arena.size.X, fieldCorner.Y - 3); frame.TextCustomAnchor(EFont.ScoreOne, players[0].score.ToString(), 1, 1, fieldCorner.X + _arena.size.X / 2 - 5, fieldCorner.Y - 3); frame.TextBottomLeft(EFont.ScoreTwo, players[1].score.ToString(), fieldCorner.X + _arena.size.X / 2 + 5, fieldCorner.Y - 3); //todo framework text without declaration? //frame.TextCustomAnchor(EFont.Time, roundNumber.ToString(), 0.5, 1, fieldCorner.X + _arena.size.X / 2, fieldCorner.Y - 3); if (GeomHelper.PointInSimpleRect(input.Mouse, _arena + fieldCorner)) { var coord = input.Mouse - fieldCorner; var str = string.Format("{0} {1}", coord.X.Rounded(3), coord.Y.Rounded(3)); frame.TextCustomAnchor(EFont.CoordsOnField, str, 0.5, 1, input.Mouse - Vector2d.UnitY * 1.5, depth: 101); } // frame.SpriteCenter(, 100, 80, depth:1, sizeOnlyWidth:4); if (Debugger.IsAttached) { if (input.LeftMouseUp) { var position = input.Mouse - fieldCorner; if (GeomHelper.PointInSimpleRect(position, _arena)) { _explosionStartedRound = roundNumber + 1; explosionPosition = position; } } } if (roundNumber - _explosionStartedRound <= 2 && roundNumber >= _explosionStartedRound) { try { frame.SpriteCenter(ESprite.explosion, explosionPosition + fieldCorner, sizeExact: new Vector2d(30), frameNumber: (int)((roundNumber - _explosionStartedRound) * 10 + stage * 10).ToRange(0, 30)); } catch { } } if (_lastGoalRoundNumber != -1 && roundNumber - _lastGoalRoundNumber < _PARTY_AFTER_GOAL_TIME && roundNumber != _lastGoalRoundNumber) { frame.TextCenter(EFont.Goal, "ГОЛ !!!", fieldCorner +, depth: 100000); } if (players.Sum(x => x.possession) > 0) { var pos = players[0].possession * 1.0 / players.Sum(x => x.possession); var one = (int)Math.Round(pos * 10000); var two = 10000 - one; double horsz = 0.6; var rect = new Rect2d(fieldCorner.X - horsz / 2, fieldCorner.Y + _arena.size.Y + 5.7, horsz, 2); frame.PolygonWithDepth(Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150), 10, new Rect2d(fieldCorner.X, fieldCorner.Y + _arena.size.Y + 6.4, _arena.size.X, 0.6)); frame.PolygonWithDepth(Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150), 10, rect + Vector2d.UnitX * _arena.size.X * pos); // if (this.GameFinished) { frame.TextTopLeft(EFont.Possession, one.ToString(), fieldCorner.X, fieldCorner.Y + _arena.size.Y + 8, depth: 21); frame.TextCustomAnchor(EFont.Possession, two.ToString(), 1, 0, fieldCorner.X + _arena.size.X, fieldCorner.Y + _arena.size.Y + 8, depth: 21); } } }
public Turn TryGetHumanTurn(Player player, GlInput input) { return(new Turn()); }
public void DrawAll(Frame frame, double stage, double totalStage, bool humanMove, GlInput input) //todo human move?? { //!!! будьте внимательны (ранний drawall перед любыми методами) int frameWidth = 160, frameHeight = 120; frame.CameraViewport(frameWidth, frameHeight); frame.PolygonWithDepth(Color.Wheat, -100, new Rect2d(0, 0, frameWidth, frameHeight)); //todo line around polygon //frame.SpriteCorner(ESprite.brownGrunge, 0, -100, sizeOnlyHeight: frameHeight + 100); // frame.SpriteCorner(ESprite.back2, 0, 0, sizeOnlyWidth: frameWidth); var fieldCorner = new Vector2d(10, 10); var lineWidth = 0.4; frame.Path(Color.Black, lineWidth, _arena + fieldCorner); frame.SpriteCorner(ESprite.field, fieldCorner, sizeExact: _arena.size, opacity: 0.4); frame.Polygon(Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 0, 0), new Rect2d(110, 0, 1000, 1000)); frame.Polygon(Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 0, 0), new Rect2d(0, 0, 110, 10)); frame.Polygon(Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 0, 0), new Rect2d(0, 10, 10, 100)); frame.Polygon(Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 0, 0), new Rect2d(0, 110, 110, 1000)); frame.Path(Color.Black, 2, _arena + fieldCorner); // frame.Path(Color.Black, lineWidth, fieldCorner + new Vector2d(_arena.size.X / 2, 0), fieldCorner + new Vector2d(_arena.size.X / 2, _arena.size.Y)); // if (_manAnimators.Count != 0) //т е еще не было process turn // { for (int i = 0; i < _manList.Count; i++) { var man = _manList[i]; var pos = _manAnimators[i].Get(stage); var direction = _manAnimators[i].Get(stage + 0.001) - _manAnimators[i].Get(stage - 0.001); var lookAt = pos + direction; if (i == 0) { frame.SpriteCenter(ESprite.man0, pos + fieldCorner, angleLookToPoint: lookAt + fieldCorner, sizeExact: new Vector2d(_manRadius * 2)); } else { frame.SpriteCenter(ESprite.man1, pos + fieldCorner, angleLookToPoint: lookAt + fieldCorner, sizeExact: new Vector2d(_manRadius * 2)); } // frame.Circle(man.Color, _manAnimators[i].Get(stage) + fieldCorner, _manRadius); } _ballList.ForEach(ball => frame.SpriteCenter(ESprite.mushroom, ball + fieldCorner, sizeExact: new Vector2d(_ballRadius * 2)) /*frame.Circle(Color.Gray, ball + fieldCorner, _ballRadius)*/); _ballFantom.ForEach(ball => { if (ball.Item2 >= stage) { frame.SpriteCenter(ESprite.mushroom, ball.Item1 + fieldCorner, sizeExact: new Vector2d(_ballRadius * 2)); } // frame.Circle(Color.Gray, ball.Item1 + fieldCorner, _ballRadius); }); // } frame.TextTopLeft(EFont.player0, players[0].name + ": " + players[0].score.ToString(), 10, 3); frame.TextCustomAnchor(EFont.player1, players[1].name + ": " + players[1].score.ToString(), 1, 0, 110, 3); frame.TextCustomAnchor(EFont.main, roundNumber.ToString(), 0.5, 0, 60, 3); #region old // //!!! будьте внимательны (ранний drawall перед любыми методами) // int frameWidth = 160, frameHeight = 120; // frame.CameraViewport(frameWidth, frameHeight); // // frame.Polygon(Color.Wheat, new Rect2d(0, 0, frameWidth, frameHeight)); //todo line around polygon // frame.SpriteCorner(ESprite.brownGrunge, 0, -100, sizeOnlyHeight: frameHeight+100); //// frame.SpriteCorner(ESprite.back2, 0, 0, sizeOnlyWidth: frameWidth); // var fieldCorner = new Vector2d(10, 10); // var lineWidth = 0.4; // frame.Path(Color.Black, lineWidth, _arena + fieldCorner); // frame.SpriteCorner(ESprite.field, fieldCorner, sizeExact: _arena.size, opacity:0.6); // frame.Polygon(Color.FromArgb(180, 0, 0, 0), new Rect2d(110, 0, 1000, 1000)); // frame.Polygon(Color.FromArgb(180, 0, 0, 0), new Rect2d(0, 0, 110, 10)); // frame.Polygon(Color.FromArgb(180, 0, 0, 0), new Rect2d(0, 10, 10, 100)); // frame.Polygon(Color.FromArgb(180, 0, 0, 0), new Rect2d(0, 110, 110, 1000)); // frame.Path(Color.Black, 2, _arena + fieldCorner); // // frame.Path(Color.Black, lineWidth, fieldCorner + new Vector2d(_arena.size.X / 2, 0), fieldCorner + new Vector2d(_arena.size.X / 2, _arena.size.Y)); // // if (_manAnimators.Count != 0) //т е еще не было process turn // // { // for (int i = 0; i < _manList.Count; i++) // { // var man = _manList[i]; // var pos = _manAnimators[i].Get(stage); // var direction = _manAnimators[i].Get(stage + 0.001) - _manAnimators[i].Get(stage - 0.001); // var lookAt = pos + direction; // if (i == 0) // frame.SpriteCenter(ESprite.man0, pos + fieldCorner,angleLookToPoint: lookAt, sizeExact: new Vector2d(_manRadius * 2)); // else // frame.SpriteCenter(ESprite.man1, pos + fieldCorner, angleLookToPoint: lookAt, sizeExact: new Vector2d(_manRadius*2)); // // frame.Circle(man.Color, _manAnimators[i].Get(stage) + fieldCorner, _manRadius); // } // _ballList.ForEach(ball => frame.SpriteCenter(ESprite.mushroom, ball + fieldCorner, sizeExact: new Vector2d(_ballRadius * 2)) // /*frame.Circle(Color.Gray, ball + fieldCorner, _ballRadius)*/); // _ballFantom.ForEach(ball => // { // if (ball.Item2 >= stage) // frame.SpriteCenter(ESprite.mushroom, ball.Item1 + fieldCorner, sizeExact: new Vector2d(_ballRadius * 2)); // // frame.Circle(Color.Gray, ball.Item1 + fieldCorner, _ballRadius); // }); // // } // frame.TextTopLeft(EFont.timelineNormal, players[0].name+": "+ players[0].score.ToString(), 3, 3); // frame.TextCustomAnchor(EFont.timelineNormal, players[1].name + ": " + players[1].score.ToString(), 1, 0, 107, 3); #endregion }