Exemple #1
        private static void Traverse(
            ICollection <TraceCall> calls,
            Dictionary <string, RankingItem> routines,
            ref uint totalCount,
            GetNameDelegate getName)
            foreach (TraceCall call in calls)
                if (routines.ContainsKey(getName(call)))
                    RankingItem item = routines[getName(call)];
                    routines[getName(call)] =
                        new RankingItem(getName(call), 1);


                if (!call.IsSynthetic)
                    Traverse(call.Calls, routines, ref totalCount, getName);
Exemple #2
        public static List<ListGroup<T>> GroupList<T>(IEnumerable<T> listToGroup, GetNameDelegate<T> getName, bool sort)
            string numberKey = "0 – 9";
            string displayNumberKey = "#";
            List<ListGroup<T>> groupedList = new List<ListGroup<T>>();
            CharacterGroupings slg = new CharacterGroupings();
            foreach (CharacterGrouping key in slg)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key.Label) == false){
                    string displayKey = key.Label;
                    if (displayKey.Equals(numberKey))
                        displayKey = displayNumberKey;
                    groupedList.Add(new ListGroup<T>(displayKey));

#if WINDOWS_APP //Duct tape for Windows 8
            if (groupedList.Find(t => t.Key == "...") == null)
                groupedList.Add(new ListGroup<T>("..."));
#endif //Duct tape ends

            foreach (T item in listToGroup)
                string itemName = GetTrimmedName(getName(item));

                string groupLabel = slg.Lookup(itemName);
                if (groupLabel.Equals(numberKey))
                    groupLabel = displayNumberKey;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupLabel))
                    var groupToAddTo = groupedList.Find(t => t.Key == groupLabel);

#if WINDOWS_APP //Duct tape for Windows 8
                    if (groupToAddTo == null)
                        groupToAddTo = groupedList.Find(t => t.Key == "...");
#endif //Duct tape ends


            if (sort)
                foreach (ListGroup<T> group in groupedList)
                    group.Sort((c0, c1) => { return CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.Compare(GetTrimmedName(getName(c0)), GetTrimmedName(getName(c1))); });

            return groupedList;
Exemple #3
 void SetupDelegates()
     updateServerLogDelegate        = new UpdateServerLogDelegate(UpdateServerLog);
     updateConnectionLabelsDelegate = new UpdateConnectionLabelsDelegate(UpdateConnectionLabels);
     closeFormDelegate = new CloseFormDelegate(CloseForm);
     getNameDelegate   = new GetNameDelegate(GetName);
     getColorDelegate  = new GetColorDelegate(GetColor);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DateTime start = System.DateTime.Now;

            HttpChannel channel = new HttpChannel();

            IMyRemoteObject obj = (IMyRemoteObject)Activator.GetObject(

            Console.WriteLine("Client.Main(): Reference to rem.obj. acquired");

            Console.WriteLine("Client.Main(): Will call setValue(42)");
            SetValueDelegate svDelegate = new SetValueDelegate(obj.SetValue);
            IAsyncResult     svAsyncres = svDelegate.BeginInvoke(42, null, null);

            Console.WriteLine("Client.Main(): Invocation done");

            Console.WriteLine("Client.Main(): Will call getName()");
            GetNameDelegate gnDelegate = new GetNameDelegate(obj.GetName);
            IAsyncResult    gnAsyncres = gnDelegate.BeginInvoke(null, null);

            Console.WriteLine("Client.Main(): Invocation done");

            Console.WriteLine("Client.Main(): EndInvoke for setValue()");
            Console.WriteLine("Client.Main(): EndInvoke for getName()");
            String name = gnDelegate.EndInvoke(gnAsyncres);

            Console.WriteLine("Client.Main(): received name {0}", name);

            Console.WriteLine("Client.Main(): Will now read value");
            int tmp = obj.GetValue();

            Console.WriteLine("Client.Main(): New server side value {0}", tmp);

            DateTime end      = System.DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan duration = end.Subtract(start);

            Console.WriteLine("Client.Main(): Execution took {0} seconds.",

Exemple #5
        public static string getSyncChannelCode(GetNameDelegate getname, Template t, SyncRule r)
            VarDecl vd;

            switch (r.Expr.Type)
            case Expression.ExpType.Func:
                // might be array/range
                if (r.Expr.Func != Expression.Funcs.ArrayIndex)
                    throw new CodeGenException("Only array dereferencing allowed on channels!");
                if (r.Expr.First.Type != Expression.ExpType.Var)
                    throw new CodeGenException("Synchronization rule must be a channel!");
                int idx;
                if (t.Declarations.getExprValue(r.Expr.Second, out idx))
                    vd = t.Declarations.getVar(r.Expr.First.Var);
                    if (vd == null || vd.Type.Type != VarType.Channel)
                        throw new CodeGenException(String.Format("Could not find '{0}' in declarations for template '{1}' or GLOBALly!", r.Expr.First.Var, t.Name));
                    return(String.Format("{0}_ARRAY[{1}]", getname(vd), idx - vd.ArrLow));
                    // add support for this later
                    throw new CodeGenException("Channel array index must be a constant, dynamic channel index not yet support (but will be)!");

            case Expression.ExpType.Var:
                vd = t.Declarations.getVar(r.Expr.Var);
                if (vd == null || vd.Type.Type != VarType.Channel)
                    throw new CodeGenException(String.Format("Could not find '{0}' in declarations for template '{1}' or GLOBALly!", r.Expr.Var, t.Name));

                return(String.Format("&{0}", getname(vd)));

                throw new CodeGenException("Synchronization rule must be a channel");
Exemple #6
        private static void ShowMostCalled(
            TraceFile file,
            int count,
            GetNameDelegate getName)
            Dictionary <string, RankingItem> routines =
                new Dictionary <string, RankingItem>();
            uint totalCount = 0;

            // Build histogram.
            foreach (TraceClient client in file.Clients)
                Traverse(client.Calls, routines, ref totalCount, getName);

            // Create ranking.
            OrderedBag <RankingItem> ranking = new OrderedBag <RankingItem>();

            foreach (RankingItem item in routines.Values)

            int index = 0;

            foreach (RankingItem item in ranking.Reversed())
                if (index++ == count)

                Console.WriteLine("{0,60}\t{1}", item.FunctionName, item.CallCount);

            Console.WriteLine("{0} events total", totalCount);
Exemple #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // event와 delegate
            // 개념에 대한 이해 그리고 차이점
            // 실제 온라인 코딩을 통한 질문/ 답변
            GetNameDelegate del  = new GetNameDelegate(GetName);
            string          name = del();

            Test t = new Test();

            t.NameDelegateField = () => { return("Robert"); };
            string name2 = t.NameDelegateField();

            Test p = new Test();

            // event is not field
            p.NameEvent += () => { return("Kim"); };
            p.NameEvent += () => { return("Lee"); };
            p.NameEvent += () => { return("Choi"); };

            // static event의 경우에는 event의 특성을 잃어버리는 듯?
            NameEvent = () => { return("Park"); };
            string name3 = NameEvent();

            // delegate vs event 다른 점
            // 1. filed가 아니라는 걸 정확하게 인지하고 있으면 됨
            // 2. 접근성의 차이
            // 2-1. raise하는 주체가 누구냐??? event를 가지고 있는 class가 주인
            // 2-2. class외부에서는 add, remove 외에는 할 수 있는게 없다.

            // 다음 시간
            // 1. 김한별
            // 학교 연구과제중 WPF, MVVM을 쓰면 좋지 않을까에 대한 리뷰
            // 2. Kyung Wong Gil님의
            // Synchronous, Asynchronous, thread and callback, APM(Asynchronous Programming Model)
            // 3. Iccen님의 opencv를 이용해서 어떤 특정 포인트 찾아내기 리뷰 (선 내용 공유)
Exemple #8
        //Used to get the sqaure name from another thread
        public static String CopySquare(Square square)
            String result;
            GetNameDelegate a;

            a = new GetNameDelegate(GetName);
            result = square.Dispatcher.Invoke(a, square) as String;
            return result;
Exemple #9
        public static List <ListGroup <T> > GroupList <T>(IEnumerable <T> listToGroup, GetNameDelegate <T> getName, bool sort)
            List <ListGroup <T> > groupedList = new List <ListGroup <T> >();
            SortedLocaleGrouping  slg         = new SortedLocaleGrouping(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            foreach (string key in slg.GroupDisplayNames)
                groupedList.Add(new ListGroup <T>(key));

            foreach (T item in listToGroup)
                string itemName = GetTrimmedName(getName(item));

                int index = slg.GetGroupIndex(itemName);
                if (index >= 0 && index < groupedList.Count)

            if (sort)
                foreach (ListGroup <T> group in groupedList)
                    group.Sort((c0, c1) => { return(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.Compare(GetTrimmedName(getName(c0)), GetTrimmedName(getName(c1)))); });

 public ExpressionGenerator(GetNameDelegate namer, Declarations decls, string stateStructName)
     _stateStructName = stateStructName;
     _decls           = decls;
     _namer           = namer;
Exemple #11
        public static GetNameDelegate middle1(GetNameDelegate next)
            GetNameDelegate thismid = returnname;

Exemple #12
        public static GetNameDelegate middle(GetNameDelegate next)
            GetNameDelegate thismid = returnnameEnglish;

 public ChannelAnalyzer(Model model, GetNameDelegate namer)
     _model = model;
     _namer = namer;