Exemple #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetHotCourseAsync([FromBody] GetHotCourseRequestDto request)
            var response = await new ConsumerBiz().GetHotCourseAsync(request);

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取首页热门课程
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <IEnumerable <GetHotCourseItemDto> > GetHotCourseAsync(GetHotCourseRequestDto request)
            var sqlWhere = string.Empty;

            if (request.BeginDate != null)
                request.BeginDate = request.BeginDate.Value.Date;
                sqlWhere          = $" AND a.creation_date>=@BeginDate";
            #region MyRegion

             * var sql = $@"SELECT
             *                  a.article_guid AS course_guid,
             *                  a.title,
             *                  a.abstract AS summary,
             *                  CONCAT( b.base_path, b.relative_path ) AS LogoUrl,
             *                  a.creation_date,
             *                  count( DISTINCT c.like_guid ) AS LikeCount,
             *                  count( DISTINCT d.view_guid ) AS VisitCount
             *          FROM
             *                  t_utility_article a
             *                  LEFT JOIN t_utility_accessory b ON a.picture_guid = b.accessory_guid
             *                  LEFT JOIN t_consumer_like c ON a.article_guid = c.target_guid
             *                  AND c.`enable` = 1
             *                  LEFT JOIN t_consumer_article_view d ON a.article_guid = d.target_guid
             *                  AND d.`enable` = 1
             *          WHERE
             *                  a.`enable` = 1
             *                  AND a.`actcle_release_status` = 'Release'
             *                  AND a.visible = 1
             *                  AND a.source_type = 'Manager' {sqlWhere}
             *          GROUP BY
             *                  a.article_guid,
             *                  a.title,
             *                  a.abstract,
             *                  LogoUrl,
             *                  a.creation_date,
             *                  a.last_updated_date
             *          ORDER BY
             *                  LikeCount DESC,
             *                  VisitCount DESC,
             *                  creation_date DESC
             *                  limit @pageIndex,@pageSize;";

            var sql = $@"SELECT
	                        a.article_guid AS course_guid,
	                        a.abstract AS summary,
	                        CONCAT( b.base_path, b.relative_path ) AS LogoUrl,
	                        ifnull(hot.like_count,0) as LikeCount,
                            ifnull(hot.visit_count,0) as VisitCount
	                        t_utility_article a
	                        LEFT JOIN t_utility_accessory b ON a.picture_guid = b.accessory_guid
	                        LEFT JOIN t_utility_hot hot ON hot.owner_guid = a.article_guid
                                AND hot.`enable` = 1
	                        a.`enable` = 1 
	                        AND a.`actcle_release_status` = 'Release' 
	                        AND a.visible = 1 
	                        AND a.source_type = 'Manager' {sqlWhere}
                        ORDER BY
	                        LikeCount DESC,
	                        VisitCount DESC,
	                        creation_date DESC 
	                        limit @pageIndex,@pageSize;"    ;

            using (var conn = MySqlHelper.GetConnection())
                var result = await conn.QueryAsync <GetHotCourseItemDto>(sql, new { pageIndex = (request.PageIndex - 1) * request.Take, pageSize = request.Take, request.BeginDate, enable = true, Visible = true });
