Exemple #1
 ///<summary>GET on /_data_frame/transforms <para>https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/get-transform.html</para></summary>
 ///<param name = "requestParameters">Request specific configuration such as querystring parameters &amp; request specific connection settings.</param>
 ///<remarks>Note: Beta within the Elasticsearch server, this functionality is in Beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features. This functionality is subject to potential breaking changes within a minor version, meaning that your referencing code may break when this library is upgraded.</remarks>
 public TResponse GetTransform <TResponse>(GetDataFrameTransformRequestParameters requestParameters = null)
     where TResponse : class, IElasticsearchResponse, new() => DoRequest <TResponse>(GET, "_data_frame/transforms", null, RequestParams(requestParameters));
Exemple #2
 public Task <TResponse> GetTransformAsync <TResponse>(GetDataFrameTransformRequestParameters requestParameters = null, CancellationToken ctx = default)
     where TResponse : class, IElasticsearchResponse, new() => DoRequestAsync <TResponse>(GET, "_data_frame/transforms", ctx, null, RequestParams(requestParameters));
Exemple #3
 ///<summary>GET on /_data_frame/transforms/{transform_id} <para>https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/get-transform.html</para></summary>
 ///<param name = "transformId">The id or comma delimited list of id expressions of the transforms to get, &#x27;_all&#x27; or &#x27;*&#x27; implies get all transforms</param>
 ///<param name = "requestParameters">Request specific configuration such as querystring parameters &amp; request specific connection settings.</param>
 ///<remarks>Note: Beta within the Elasticsearch server, this functionality is in Beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features. This functionality is subject to potential breaking changes within a minor version, meaning that your referencing code may break when this library is upgraded.</remarks>
 public TResponse GetTransform <TResponse>(string transformId, GetDataFrameTransformRequestParameters requestParameters = null)
     where TResponse : class, IElasticsearchResponse, new() => DoRequest <TResponse>(GET, Url($"_data_frame/transforms/{transformId:transformId}"), null, RequestParams(requestParameters));