public void TestDemoStatisticsTimeIO() { GetConnection u = new GetConnection(); GetBatches b = new GetBatches(); GetBatchResult r = new GetBatchResult(); GetSqlInfo s = new GetSqlInfo(); string constring_1 = u.GetConnectionString("AdventureWorks2014"); string[] batches = b.GetFileContent(@"..\\..\\..\\SabinIO.Performance.StatisticsTimeIO\\Demos\\DemoStatisticsTimeIO.sql"); SqlConnection _conn = new SqlConnection(constring_1); _conn.InfoMessage += new SqlInfoMessageEventHandler(s.Message); for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; i++) { _conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd_1 = new SqlCommand(batches[i], _conn); cmd_1.ExecuteNonQuery(); _conn.Close(); } MatchCollection q = Regex.Matches(s.SqlInfoMessages[1], @"\d+"); Assert.IsTrue(Convert.ToInt32(q[1].ToString()) <= 1246); MatchCollection w = Regex.Matches(s.SqlInfoMessages[2], @"\d+"); Assert.IsTrue(Convert.ToInt32(q[0].ToString()) <= 200); }
public void TestUnionUnionAllDemo2() { GetConnection u = new GetConnection(); GetBatches b = new GetBatches(); GetBatchResult r = new GetBatchResult(); GetQueryPlan qp = new GetQueryPlan(); GetQueryPlanValues qv = new GetQueryPlanValues(); string constring_1 = u.GetConnectionString("AdventureWorks2014"); string[] batches = b.GetFileContent(@"..\\..\\..\\SabinIO.Performance.UnionUnionAll\\Demos\\UnionUnionAllDemo2.sql"); string SqlNamespace = ""; string XPath = "//sql:Batch/sql:Statements/sql:StmtSimple/sql:QueryPlan[1]/sql:RelOp[1]/@LogicalOp"; for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; i++) { string batch = batches[i]; DataSet ds = r.GetDataSet(batch, constring_1); if (i == 4) { string QueryPlan = qp.GetQueryPlanForQuery(constring_1, batch); string _operator = qv.GetSingleValue(QueryPlan, SqlNamespace, XPath); Assert.AreEqual("Distinct Sort", _operator); } } }
public void TestForcedParamDemo1() { GetConnection u = new GetConnection(); GetBatches b = new GetBatches(); GetBatchResult r = new GetBatchResult(); List <String> simpleExec = new List <String>(); List <String> forcedExec = new List <String>(); string constring_1 = u.GetConnectionString("SabinIO.ForcedParameterisation.Demo"); string[] batches = b.GetFileContent(@"..\\..\\..\\QueryExecution\\demos\\ForcedParamDemo1.sql"); for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; i++) { string batch = batches[i]; DataSet ds = r.GetDataSet(batch, constring_1); if (i == 1) { string t = ds.Tables["Table"].Rows[0]["is_parameterization_forced"].ToString(); Assert.AreEqual("False", t); } if (i == 7) { for (int a = 0; a < ds.Tables["Table"].Rows.Count; a++) { simpleExec.Add(ds.Tables["Table"].Rows[a]["execution_count"].ToString()); } Assert.AreEqual("10", simpleExec[0]); Assert.AreEqual("10", simpleExec[1]); Assert.AreEqual("10", simpleExec[2]); Assert.AreEqual("1", simpleExec[3]); } if (i == 9) { string t = ds.Tables["Table"].Rows[0]["is_parameterization_forced"].ToString(); Assert.AreEqual("True", t); } if (i == 15) { for (int a = 0; a < ds.Tables["Table"].Rows.Count; a++) { forcedExec.Add(ds.Tables["Table"].Rows[a]["execution_count"].ToString()); } Assert.AreEqual("20", forcedExec[0]); Assert.AreEqual("10", forcedExec[1]); Assert.AreEqual("1", forcedExec[2]); } } }
public void TestTruncateDeleteDemo1() { GetConnection u = new GetConnection(); GetBatches b = new GetBatches(); GetBatchResult r = new GetBatchResult(); GetSqlInfo s = new GetSqlInfo(); string constring_1 = u.GetConnectionString("SabinIO.Performance.TruncateDelete"); string[] batches = b.GetFileContent(@"..\\..\\..\\SabinIO.Performance.TruncateDelete\\Demos\\TruncateDeleteDemo1.sql"); SqlConnection _conn = new SqlConnection(constring_1); _conn.InfoMessage += new SqlInfoMessageEventHandler(s.Message); for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; i++) { _conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd_1 = new SqlCommand(batches[i], _conn); cmd_1.CommandTimeout = 60; cmd_1.ExecuteNonQuery(); _conn.Close(); } MatchCollection q = Regex.Matches(s.SqlInfoMessages[1], @"\d+"); Assert.IsTrue(Convert.ToInt32(q[0].ToString()) <= 10); Assert.IsTrue(Convert.ToInt32(q[1].ToString()) <= 10); MatchCollection w = Regex.Matches(s.SqlInfoMessages[2], @"\d+"); Assert.IsTrue(Convert.ToInt32(w[0].ToString()) <= 10); Assert.IsTrue(Convert.ToInt32(w[1].ToString()) <= 22); Assert.IsTrue(Convert.ToInt32(w[2].ToString()) <= 10); Assert.IsTrue(Convert.ToInt32(w[3].ToString()) <= 10); Assert.IsTrue(Convert.ToInt32(w[4].ToString()) <= 10); Assert.IsTrue(Convert.ToInt32(w[5].ToString()) <= 10); Assert.IsTrue(Convert.ToInt32(w[6].ToString()) <= 10); }
public void TestArithAbortDemo1() { GetConnection u = new GetConnection(); GetBatches b = new GetBatches(); GetBatchResult r = new GetBatchResult(); string constring_1 = u.GetConnectionString("SabinIO.ArithAbort.PlanCache"); string[] batches = b.GetFileContent(@"..\\..\\..\\SabinIO.ArithAbort.PlanCache\\demos\\ArithAbortDemo1.sql"); List <String> value = new List <String>(); List <String> exec = new List <String>(); for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; i++) { string batch = batches[i]; if (i == 0) { batch = batch.Replace("100", "5"); } if (i == 1) { batch = batch.Replace("50", "2"); } DataSet ds = r.GetDataSet(batch, constring_1); if (@i == 1) { for (int a = 0; a < ds.Tables["Table"].Rows.Count; a++) { value.Add(ds.Tables["Table"].Rows[a]["value"].ToString()); exec.Add(ds.Tables["Table"].Rows[a]["execution_count"].ToString()); } Assert.AreEqual("251", value[0]); Assert.AreEqual("4347", value[1]); Assert.AreEqual("10", exec[0]); Assert.AreEqual("2", exec[1]); } } }
public void TestOutOfDateStatistics_Demo2() { GetConnection u = new GetConnection(); GetBatches b = new GetBatches(); GetBatchResult r = new GetBatchResult(); string constring_1 = u.GetConnectionString("SabinIO.Statistics.OutOfDate"); string[] batches = b.GetFileContent(@"..\\..\\..\\SabinIO.Statistics.OutOfDate\\demos\\OutOfDateStatistics_Demo2.sql"); int Rows = 0; string StatsDate = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; i++) { string batch = batches[i]; DataSet ds = r.GetDataSet(batch, constring_1); if (i == 1) { Rows = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables["table"].Rows[0]["rows"]); StatsDate = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables["table"].Rows[0]["column1"]); } if (i == 4 || i == 7 || i == 10) { Assert.IsTrue(Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables["table"].Rows[0]["rows"]) > Rows); Assert.AreEqual(Convert.ToString(ds.Tables["table"].Rows[0]["column1"]), StatsDate); //increase row count for next test in this loop Rows = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables["table"].Rows[0]["rows"]); } if (i == 13) { Assert.IsTrue(Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables["table"].Rows[0]["rows"]) > Rows); Assert.AreNotEqual(Convert.ToString(ds.Tables["table"].Rows[0]["column1"]), StatsDate); } } }
public void TestForcedParamDemo2() { GetConnection u = new GetConnection(); GetBatches b = new GetBatches(); GetBatchResult r = new GetBatchResult(); string constring_1 = u.GetConnectionString("AdventureWorks2014"); string[] batches = b.GetFileContent(@"..\\..\\..\\QueryExecution\\demos\\ForcedParamDemo2.sql"); for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; i++) { string batch = batches[i]; DataSet ds = r.GetDataSet(batch, constring_1); if (i == 5) { DataRow[] adhoc = ds.Tables["Table"].Select(@"objtype = 'Adhoc'"); Assert.AreEqual(2, adhoc.Length); Assert.AreEqual(1, Convert.ToInt32(adhoc[0]["usecounts"])); Assert.AreEqual(1, Convert.ToInt32(adhoc[1]["usecounts"])); DataRow[] Prepared = ds.Tables["Table"].Select(@"objtype = 'Prepared'"); Assert.AreEqual(1, Prepared.Length); Assert.AreEqual(2, Convert.ToInt32(Prepared[0]["usecounts"])); Assert.AreNotEqual(Convert.ToString(adhoc[0]["query_plan"]), Convert.ToString(Prepared[0]["query_plan"])); Assert.AreNotEqual(Convert.ToString(adhoc[1]["query_plan"]), Convert.ToString(Prepared[0]["query_plan"])); } if (i == 10) { DataRow[] adhoc = ds.Tables["Table"].Select(@"objtype = 'Adhoc'"); Assert.AreEqual(2, adhoc.Length); Assert.AreEqual(1, Convert.ToInt32(adhoc[0]["usecounts"])); Assert.AreEqual(1, Convert.ToInt32(adhoc[1]["usecounts"])); } } }
public void TestUDFDemo3() { GetConnection u = new GetConnection(); GetBatches b = new GetBatches(); GetBatchResult r = new GetBatchResult(); string constring_1 = u.GetConnectionString("AdventureWorks2014"); string[] batches = b.GetFileContent(@"..\\..\\..\\SabinIO.Performance.UDF\\Demos\\Udf_Demo3.sql"); long batchThreeDuration = 0; long batchSixDuration = 0; for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; i++) { string batch = batches[i]; DataSet ds = r.GetDataSet(batch, constring_1); if (i == 3) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); DataSet ds_5 = r.GetDataSet(batch, constring_1); sw.Stop(); batchThreeDuration = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; } if (i == 6) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); DataSet ds_5 = r.GetDataSet(batch, constring_1); sw.Stop(); batchSixDuration = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; Assert.IsTrue(batchThreeDuration > batchSixDuration); } } }
public void TestUDFDemo1() { GetConnection u = new GetConnection(); GetBatches b = new GetBatches(); GetBatchResult r = new GetBatchResult(); string constring_1 = u.GetConnectionString("SabinIO.Performance.UDF"); string[] batches = b.GetFileContent(@"..\\..\\..\\SabinIO.Performance.UDF\\Demos\\Udf_Demo1.sql"); for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; i++) { string batch = batches[i]; DataSet ds = r.GetDataSet(batch, constring_1); if (i == 3) { DataView v = new DataView(ds.Tables["table"]); DataTable distinctValues = v.ToTable(true, "CurDate"); //Ive seen cases of values looking identical but not being handled as identical, so the count just confirms that everything is identical int count = Convert.ToInt32(distinctValues.Rows.Count); if (count == 1) { Assert.AreEqual(1, Convert.ToInt32(distinctValues.Rows.Count)); } if (count == 2) { Assert.AreEqual(ds.Tables["Table"].Rows[0]["CurDate"], ds.Tables["Table"].Rows[1]["CurDate"]); } } if (i == 5) { Assert.IsTrue(ds.Tables["Table"].Rows.Count >= 2); } } }
public void TestParameterisationDemo() { GetConnection u = new GetConnection(); GetBatches b = new GetBatches(); GetBatchResult r = new GetBatchResult(); GetQueryPlanValues q = new GetQueryPlanValues(); string constring_1 = u.GetConnectionString("AdventureWorks2014"); string[] batches = b.GetFileContent(@"..\\..\\..\\SabinIO.Parameterisation\\demos\\Parameterisation.Demo1.sql"); string XPath = "//sql:Batch/sql:Statements/sql:StmtSimple/" + "sql:QueryPlan[1]/sql:RelOp[1]/@EstimateRows"; string SqlNamespace = ""; string ConvertQueryPlan; string Batch6EstimatedRows = String.Empty; string Batch9EstimatedRows = String.Empty; string Batch12EstimatedRows = String.Empty; string Batch15EstimatedRows = String.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; i++) { string batch = batches[i]; DataSet ds = r.GetDataSet(batch, constring_1); if (i == 4) { Assert.AreEqual(2, ds.Tables["Table"].Rows.Count); DataRow[] adhoc = ds.Tables["Table"].Select(@"objtype = 'Adhoc'"); Assert.AreEqual(2, adhoc.Length); } if (i == 6) { Assert.AreEqual(3, ds.Tables["Table"].Rows.Count); DataRow[] Prepared = ds.Tables["Table"].Select(@"objtype = 'Prepared'"); Assert.AreEqual(1, Prepared.Length); ConvertQueryPlan = Convert.ToString(Prepared[0]["query_plan"]); Batch6EstimatedRows = q.GetSumOfValues(ConvertQueryPlan, SqlNamespace, XPath); } if (i == 9 || i == 12 || i == 15) { Assert.AreEqual(1, ds.Tables["Table"].Rows.Count); DataRow[] Prepared = ds.Tables["Table"].Select(@"objtype = 'Prepared'"); ConvertQueryPlan = Convert.ToString(Prepared[0]["query_plan"]); if (i == 9) { Batch9EstimatedRows = q.GetSumOfValues(ConvertQueryPlan, SqlNamespace, XPath); Assert.AreNotEqual(Batch6EstimatedRows, Batch9EstimatedRows); } if (i == 12) { Batch12EstimatedRows = q.GetSumOfValues(ConvertQueryPlan, SqlNamespace, XPath); Assert.AreEqual(Batch6EstimatedRows, Batch12EstimatedRows); } if (i == 15) { Batch15EstimatedRows = q.GetSumOfValues(ConvertQueryPlan, SqlNamespace, XPath); Assert.AreNotEqual(Batch12EstimatedRows, Batch15EstimatedRows); Assert.AreNotEqual(Batch6EstimatedRows, Batch15EstimatedRows); } } } }
public void TestUDFDemo2() { GetConnection u = new GetConnection(); GetBatches b = new GetBatches(); GetBatchResult r = new GetBatchResult(); GetQueryPlan qp = new GetQueryPlan(); GetQueryPlanValues qv = new GetQueryPlanValues(); string constring_1 = u.GetConnectionString("AdventureWorks2014"); string[] batches = b.GetFileContent(@"..\\..\\..\\SabinIO.Performance.UDF\\Demos\\Udf_Demo2.sql"); string SqlNamespace = ""; string XPath = "//sql:Batch/sql:Statements/sql:StmtSimple/sql:QueryPlan[1]/sql:RelOp/sql:StreamAggregate/sql:RelOp/sql:Top/sql:RelOp/@LogicalOp"; long batchFiveDuration = 0; long batchSixDuration = 0; long batchTwelveDuration = 0; long batchThirteenDuration = 0; for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; i++) { string batch = batches[i]; DataSet ds = r.GetDataSet(batch, constring_1); if (i == 5) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); DataSet ds_5 = r.GetDataSet(batch, constring_1); sw.Stop(); batchFiveDuration = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; string QueryPlan = qp.GetQueryPlanForQuery(constring_1, batch); string _operator = qv.GetSingleValue(QueryPlan, SqlNamespace, XPath); Assert.AreEqual("Compute Scalar", _operator); } if (i == 6) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); DataSet ds_6 = r.GetDataSet(batch, constring_1); sw.Stop(); batchSixDuration = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; Assert.IsTrue(batchFiveDuration < batchSixDuration); } if (i == 12) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); DataSet ds_5 = r.GetDataSet(batch, constring_1); sw.Stop(); batchTwelveDuration = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; Assert.IsTrue(batchTwelveDuration < batchSixDuration); } if (i == 13) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); DataSet ds_6 = r.GetDataSet(batch, constring_1); sw.Stop(); batchThirteenDuration = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; Assert.IsTrue(batchTwelveDuration <= batchThirteenDuration); } } }
public void TestOutOfDateStatistics_Demo1() { GetConnection u = new GetConnection(); GetBatches b = new GetBatches(); GetBatchResult r = new GetBatchResult(); GetQueryPlan qp = new GetQueryPlan(); GetQueryPlanValues qv = new GetQueryPlanValues(); string constring_1 = u.GetConnectionString("SabinIO.Statistics.OutOfDate"); string[] batches = b.GetFileContent(@"..\\..\\..\\SabinIO.Statistics.OutOfDate\\demos\\OutOfDateStatistics_Demo1.sql"); string SqlNamespace = ""; string XPath = "//sql:Batch/sql:Statements/sql:StmtSimple/sql:QueryPlan[1]/sql:RelOp[1]/@EstimateRows"; string XPathForSproc = "//sql:Batch/sql:Statements/sql:StmtSimple/sql:StoredProc/sql:Statements/sql:StmtSimple[2]/sql:QueryPlan[1]/sql:RelOp[1]/@EstimateRows"; for (int i = 0; i < batches.Length; i++) { string batch = batches[i]; DataSet ds = r.GetDataSet(batch, constring_1); if (i == 6) { Assert.AreEqual(0, Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables["table"].Rows[0]["Column1"])); string QueryPlan = qp.GetQueryPlanForQuery(constring_1, batch); string RowEstimate = qv.GetSumOfValues(QueryPlan, SqlNamespace, XPath); Assert.AreEqual("1", RowEstimate); } if (i == 7) { Assert.AreEqual(0, Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables["table"].Rows[0]["RowsAffected"])); string QueryPlan = qp.GetQueryPlanForQuery(constring_1, batch); string RowEstimate = qv.GetSumOfValues(QueryPlan, SqlNamespace, XPathForSproc); Assert.AreEqual("1", RowEstimate); } if (i == 9 || i == 11) { Assert.AreEqual(100, Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables["table"].Rows[0]["RowsAffected"])); string QueryPlan = qp.GetQueryPlanForQuery(constring_1, batch); string RowEstimate = qv.GetSumOfValues(QueryPlan, SqlNamespace, XPathForSproc); Assert.AreEqual("1", RowEstimate); } if (i == 4 || i == 12) { DateTime d = new DateTime(2016, 01, 10, 23, 45, 36); DateTime t = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables["table"].Rows[199]["RANGE_HI_KEY"]); Assert.AreEqual(200, ds.Tables["table"].Rows.Count); Assert.AreEqual(d, t); } if (i == 14) { DateTime d = new DateTime(2016, 01, 11, 23, 45, 36); DateTime t = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables["table"].Rows[199]["RANGE_HI_KEY"]); Assert.AreEqual(200, ds.Tables["table"].Rows.Count); Assert.AreEqual(d, t); } if (i == 15) { Assert.AreEqual(100, Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables["table"].Rows[0]["RowsAffected"])); string QueryPlan = qp.GetQueryPlanForQuery(constring_1, batch); string RowEstimate = qv.GetSumOfValues(QueryPlan, SqlNamespace, XPathForSproc); Assert.AreEqual("99.125", RowEstimate); } } }