Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Amazon S3 bucket and adds and an ACL to control
        /// access to the bucket and the objects stored in it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">The initialized client object used to create
        /// the ACL, create an S3 bucket, and then apply the ACL to the bucket.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="newBucketName">The name of the bucket to create.</param>
        /// <returns>A boolean value indicating success or failure.</returns>
        public static async Task <bool> CreateBucketUseCannedACLAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string newBucketName)
                // Create a new S3 bucket with Canned ACL.
                PutBucketRequest putBucketRequest = new ()
                    BucketName   = newBucketName,
                    BucketRegion = S3Region.USE2, // S3Region.US,
                    CannedACL    = S3CannedACL.LogDeliveryWrite,
                PutBucketResponse putBucketResponse = await client.PutBucketAsync(putBucketRequest);

                // Retrieve bucket ACL to show that the Access Control List
                // was properly applied to the new bucket.
                GetACLResponse getACLResponse = await client.GetACLAsync(new GetACLRequest
                    BucketName = newBucketName,

                return(getACLResponse.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK);
            catch (AmazonS3Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"S3 error: {ex.Message}");

        public static GetACLResponse GetACLHelper(AmazonS3Client client, string bucketName, string key)
            GetACLResponse r = null;
            Exception      responseException = null;
            AutoResetEvent ars = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            client.GetACLAsync(new GetACLRequest()
                BucketName = bucketName,
                Key        = key
            }, (response) =>
                responseException = response.Exception;
                if (responseException == null)
                    r = response.Response;
            }, new AsyncOptions {
                ExecuteCallbackOnMainThread = false

            if (responseException != null)
                throw responseException;
        static void ReadObjectAcl()
            string id = Common.InputString("Key:", null, false);

            GetACLRequest request = new GetACLRequest();

            request.BucketName = _Bucket;
            request.Key        = id;

            GetACLResponse response = _S3Client.GetACLAsync(request).Result;

            if (response != null)
                if (response.AccessControlList != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Owner: " + response.AccessControlList.Owner.DisplayName + " ID " + response.AccessControlList.Owner.Id);
                    foreach (S3Grant grant in response.AccessControlList.Grants)
                        Console.WriteLine("| Grantee    : " + grant.Grantee.DisplayName);
                        Console.WriteLine("| Permission : " + grant.Permission);

        private static async Task CreateBucketUseCannedACLAsync()
                // Add bucket (specify canned ACL).
                PutBucketRequest putBucketRequest = new PutBucketRequest()
                    BucketName   = newBucketName,
                    BucketRegion = S3Region.EUW1, // S3Region.US,
                                                  // Add canned ACL.
                    CannedACL = S3CannedACL.LogDeliveryWrite
                PutBucketResponse putBucketResponse = await client.PutBucketAsync(putBucketRequest);

                // Retrieve bucket ACL.
                GetACLResponse getACLResponse = await client.GetACLAsync(new GetACLRequest
                    BucketName = newBucketName
            catch (AmazonS3Exception amazonS3Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("S3 error occurred. Exception: " + amazonS3Exception.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.ToString());
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the storage class for the S3 Object's Version to the value
        /// specified.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket in which the key is stored</param>
        /// <param name="key">The key of the S3 Object whose storage class needs changing</param>
        /// <param name="version">The version of the S3 Object whose storage class needs changing</param>
        /// <param name="sClass">The new Storage Class for the object</param>
        /// <param name="s3Client">The Amazon S3 Client to use for S3 specific operations.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="T:Amazon.S3.Model.S3StorageClass"/>
        public static void SetObjectStorageClass(string bucketName, string key, string version, S3StorageClass sClass, AmazonS3 s3Client)
            if (sClass > S3StorageClass.ReducedRedundancy ||
                sClass < S3StorageClass.Standard)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid value specified for storage class.");

            if (null == s3Client)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("s3Client", "Please specify an S3 Client to make service requests.");

            // Get the existing ACL of the object
            GetACLRequest getACLRequest = new GetACLRequest();

            getACLRequest.BucketName = bucketName;
            getACLRequest.Key        = key;
            if (version != null)
                getACLRequest.VersionId = version;
            GetACLResponse getACLResponse = s3Client.GetACL(getACLRequest);

            GetObjectMetadataResponse getMetadataResponse = s3Client.GetObjectMetadata(new GetObjectMetadataRequest()

            // Set the storage class on the object
            CopyObjectRequest copyRequest = new CopyObjectRequest();

            copyRequest.SourceBucket = copyRequest.DestinationBucket = bucketName;
            copyRequest.SourceKey    = copyRequest.DestinationKey = key;
            copyRequest.ServerSideEncryptionMethod = getMetadataResponse.ServerSideEncryptionMethod;
            if (version != null)
                copyRequest.SourceVersionId = version;

            copyRequest.StorageClass = sClass;
            // The copyRequest's Metadata directive is COPY by default
            CopyObjectResponse copyResponse = s3Client.CopyObject(copyRequest);

            // Set the object's original ACL back onto it because a COPY
            // operation resets the ACL on the destination object.
            SetACLRequest setACLRequest = new SetACLRequest();

            setACLRequest.BucketName = bucketName;
            setACLRequest.Key        = key;
            if (version != null)
                setACLRequest.VersionId = copyResponse.VersionId;
            setACLRequest.ACL = getACLResponse.AccessControlList;
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the ACL associated with the S3 bucket name in the
        /// bucketName parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">The initialized client object used to call
        /// PutBucketAsync.</param>
        /// <param name="bucketName">The S3 bucket for which we want to get the
        /// ACL list.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns an S3AccessCntrolList returned from the call to
        /// GetACLAsync.</returns>
        public static async Task <S3AccessControlList> GetBucketACLAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName)
            GetACLResponse response = await client.GetACLAsync(new GetACLRequest
                BucketName = bucketName,

Exemple #7
        private static async Task TestObjectACLTestAsync()
                // Retrieve the ACL for the object.
                GetACLResponse aclResponse = await client.GetACLAsync(new GetACLRequest
                    BucketName = bucketName,
                    Key        = keyName

                S3AccessControlList acl = aclResponse.AccessControlList;

                // Retrieve the owner (we use this to re-add permissions after we clear the ACL).
                Owner owner = acl.Owner;

                // Clear existing grants.

                // Add a grant to reset the owner's full permission (the previous clear statement removed all permissions).
                S3Grant fullControlGrant = new S3Grant
                    Grantee = new S3Grantee {
                        CanonicalUser = owner.Id
                    Permission = S3Permission.FULL_CONTROL

                // Describe the grant for the permission using an email address.
                S3Grant grantUsingEmail = new S3Grant
                    Grantee = new S3Grantee {
                        EmailAddress = emailAddress
                    Permission = S3Permission.WRITE_ACP
                acl.Grants.AddRange(new List <S3Grant> {
                    fullControlGrant, grantUsingEmail

                // Set a new ACL.
                PutACLResponse response = await client.PutACLAsync(new PutACLRequest
                    BucketName        = bucketName,
                    Key               = keyName,
                    AccessControlList = acl
            catch (AmazonS3Exception amazonS3Exception)
                Console.WriteLine("An AmazonS3Exception was thrown. Exception: " + amazonS3Exception.ToString());
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.ToString());
        static async Task GetBucketACLAsync(string bucketName)
            GetACLResponse response = await client.GetACLAsync(new GetACLRequest
                BucketName = bucketName

            S3AccessControlList accessControlList = response.AccessControlList;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the server side encryption method for the S3 Object's Version to the value
        /// specified.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bucketName">The name of the bucket in which the key is stored</param>
        /// <param name="key">The key of the S3 Object</param>
        /// <param name="version">The version of the S3 Object</param>
        /// <param name="method">The server side encryption method</param>
        /// <param name="s3Client">The Amazon S3 Client to use for S3 specific operations.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="T:Amazon.S3.Model.S3StorageClass"/>
        public static void SetServerSideEncryption(string bucketName, string key, string version, ServerSideEncryptionMethod method, AmazonS3 s3Client)
            if (null == s3Client)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("s3Client", "Please specify an S3 Client to make service requests.");

            // Get the existing ACL of the object
            GetACLRequest getACLRequest = new GetACLRequest();

            getACLRequest.BucketName = bucketName;
            getACLRequest.Key        = key;
            if (version != null)
                getACLRequest.VersionId = version;
            GetACLResponse getACLResponse = s3Client.GetACL(getACLRequest);

            ListObjectsResponse listObjectResponse = s3Client.ListObjects(new ListObjectsRequest()

            if (listObjectResponse.S3Objects.Count != 1)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("No object exists with this bucket name and key.");

            // Set the storage class on the object
            CopyObjectRequest copyRequest = new CopyObjectRequest();

            copyRequest.SourceBucket = copyRequest.DestinationBucket = bucketName;
            copyRequest.SourceKey    = copyRequest.DestinationKey = key;
            copyRequest.StorageClass = listObjectResponse.S3Objects[0].StorageClass == "STANDARD" ? S3StorageClass.Standard : S3StorageClass.ReducedRedundancy;
            if (version != null)
                copyRequest.SourceVersionId = version;

            copyRequest.ServerSideEncryptionMethod = method;
            // The copyRequest's Metadata directive is COPY by default
            CopyObjectResponse copyResponse = s3Client.CopyObject(copyRequest);

            // Set the object's original ACL back onto it because a COPY
            // operation resets the ACL on the destination object.
            SetACLRequest setACLRequest = new SetACLRequest();

            setACLRequest.BucketName = bucketName;
            setACLRequest.Key        = key;
            if (version != null)
                setACLRequest.VersionId = copyResponse.VersionId;
            setACLRequest.ACL = getACLResponse.AccessControlList;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the request needed to make an exact copy of the object leaving the parent method
        /// the ability to change just the attribute being requested to change.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bucketName"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <param name="version"></param>
        /// <param name="s3Client"></param>
        /// <param name="copyRequest"></param>
        /// <param name="putACLRequest"></param>
        static void SetupForObjectModification(IAmazonS3 s3Client, string bucketName, string key, string version,
                                               out CopyObjectRequest copyRequest, out PutACLRequest putACLRequest)
            // Get the existing ACL of the object
            GetACLRequest getACLRequest = new GetACLRequest();

            getACLRequest.BucketName = bucketName;
            getACLRequest.Key        = key;
            if (version != null)
                getACLRequest.VersionId = version;
            GetACLResponse getACLResponse = s3Client.GetACL(getACLRequest);

            // Set the object's original ACL back onto it because a COPY
            // operation resets the ACL on the destination object.
            putACLRequest                   = new PutACLRequest();
            putACLRequest.BucketName        = bucketName;
            putACLRequest.Key               = key;
            putACLRequest.AccessControlList = getACLResponse.AccessControlList;

            ListObjectsResponse listObjectResponse = s3Client.ListObjects(new ListObjectsRequest
                BucketName = bucketName,
                Prefix     = key,
                MaxKeys    = 1

            if (listObjectResponse.S3Objects.Count != 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No object exists with this bucket name and key.");

            GetObjectMetadataRequest getMetaRequest = new GetObjectMetadataRequest()
                BucketName = bucketName,
                Key        = key
            GetObjectMetadataResponse getMetaResponse = s3Client.GetObjectMetadata(getMetaRequest);

            // Set the storage class on the object
            copyRequest = new CopyObjectRequest();
            copyRequest.SourceBucket = copyRequest.DestinationBucket = bucketName;
            copyRequest.SourceKey    = copyRequest.DestinationKey = key;
            copyRequest.StorageClass = listObjectResponse.S3Objects[0].StorageClass == "STANDARD" ? S3StorageClass.Standard : S3StorageClass.ReducedRedundancy;
            if (version != null)
                copyRequest.SourceVersionId = version;

            copyRequest.WebsiteRedirectLocation    = getMetaResponse.WebsiteRedirectLocation;
            copyRequest.ServerSideEncryptionMethod = getMetaResponse.ServerSideEncryptionMethod;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the access control list (ACL) for the new bucket.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="client">The initialized client object used to get the
        /// access control list (ACL) of the bucket.</param>
        /// <param name="newBucketName">The name of the newly created bucket.</param>
        /// <returns>An S3AccessControlList.</returns>
        public static async Task <S3AccessControlList> GetACLForBucketAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string newBucketName)
            // Retrieve bucket ACL to show that the ACL was properly applied to
            // the new bucket.
            GetACLResponse getACLResponse = await client.GetACLAsync(new GetACLRequest
                BucketName = newBucketName,

        public override AmazonWebServiceResponse Unmarshall(XmlUnmarshallerContext context)
            GetACLResponse getACLResponse = new GetACLResponse();

            while (context.Read())
                if (context.get_IsStartElement())
                    UnmarshallResult(context, getACLResponse);
Exemple #13
        private static void UnmarshallResult(XmlUnmarshallerContext context, GetACLResponse response)
            int originalDepth = context.CurrentDepth;
            int targetDepth   = originalDepth + 1;

            if (context.IsStartOfDocument)
                targetDepth += 2;

            while (context.Read())
                if (context.IsStartElement || context.IsAttribute)
                    if (context.TestExpression("Owner", targetDepth))
                        if (null == response.AccessControlList)
                            response.AccessControlList = new S3AccessControlList();
                        response.AccessControlList.Owner = OwnerUnmarshaller.Instance.Unmarshall(context);

                    if (context.TestExpression("Grant", targetDepth + 1))
                        if (null == response.AccessControlList)
                            response.AccessControlList = new S3AccessControlList();

                else if (context.IsEndElement && context.CurrentDepth < originalDepth)

Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the ACL and stat of the node of the given path.
        /// A KeeperException with error code KeeperException.NoNode will be thrown
        /// if no node with the given path exists.
        /// @param path
        ///                the given path for the node
        /// @param stat
        ///                the stat of the node will be copied to this parameter.
        /// @return the ACL array of the given node.
        /// @throws InterruptedException If the server transaction is interrupted.
        /// @throws KeeperException If the server signals an error with a non-zero error code.
        /// @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid path is specified
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable <ACL> GetACL(string path, Stat stat)
            string clientPath = path;


            string serverPath = PrependChroot(clientPath);

            RequestHeader h = new RequestHeader();

            h.Type = (int)OpCode.GetACL;
            GetACLRequest  request  = new GetACLRequest(serverPath);
            GetACLResponse response = new GetACLResponse();
            ReplyHeader    r        = cnxn.SubmitRequest(h, request, response, null);

            if (r.Err != 0)
                throw KeeperException.Create((KeeperException.Code)Enum.ToObject(typeof(KeeperException.Code), r.Err), clientPath);
            DataTree.CopyStat(response.Stat, stat);
Exemple #15
        private void setS3Permission(String bucketName, String key)
            // Get the ACL for the file and retrieve the owner ID (not sure how to get it otherwise).
            GetACLRequest  getAclRequest = new GetACLRequest().WithBucketName(bucketName).WithKey(key);
            GetACLResponse aclResponse   = s3.GetACL(getAclRequest);
            Owner          owner         = aclResponse.AccessControlList.Owner;

            // Create a grantee as the MessageGears account
            S3Grantee grantee = new S3Grantee().WithCanonicalUser(properties.MessageGearsAWSCanonicalId, "MessageGears");

            // Grant MessageGears Read-only access
            S3Permission        messageGearsPermission = S3Permission.READ;
            S3AccessControlList acl = new S3AccessControlList().WithOwner(owner);

            acl.AddGrant(grantee, messageGearsPermission);

            // Create a new ACL granting the owner full control.
            grantee = new S3Grantee().WithCanonicalUser(owner.Id, "MyAWSId");
            acl.AddGrant(grantee, S3Permission.FULL_CONTROL);
            SetACLRequest aclRequest = new SetACLRequest().WithACL(acl).WithBucketName(bucketName).WithKey(key);

Exemple #16
        private async Task <IEnumerable <ACL> > GetACLAsyncInternal(string path, Stat stat, bool sync)
            string clientPath = path;


            string serverPath = PrependChroot(clientPath);

            RequestHeader h = new RequestHeader();

            h.Type = (int)OpCode.GetACL;
            GetACLRequest  request  = new GetACLRequest(serverPath);
            GetACLResponse response = new GetACLResponse();
            ReplyHeader    r        = sync ? cnxn.SubmitRequest(h, request, response, null)
                : await cnxn.SubmitRequestAsync(h, request, response, null).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (r.Err != 0)
                throw KeeperException.Create((KeeperException.Code)Enum.ToObject(typeof(KeeperException.Code), r.Err), clientPath);
            DataTree.CopyStat(response.Stat, stat);
        private static void UnmarshallResult(XmlUnmarshallerContext context, GetACLResponse response)
            int currentDepth = context.get_CurrentDepth();
            int num          = currentDepth + 1;

            if (context.get_IsStartOfDocument())
                num += 2;
            while (context.Read())
                if (context.get_IsStartElement() || context.get_IsAttribute())
                    if (context.TestExpression("Owner", num))
                        if (response.AccessControlList == null)
                            response.AccessControlList = new S3AccessControlList();
                        response.AccessControlList.Owner = OwnerUnmarshaller.Instance.Unmarshall(context);
                    else if (context.TestExpression("Grant", num + 1))
                        if (response.AccessControlList == null)
                            response.AccessControlList = new S3AccessControlList();
                else if (context.get_IsEndElement() && context.get_CurrentDepth() < currentDepth)
        static async Task AddACLToExistingObjectAsync(string bucketName, string keyName)
            // Retrieve the ACL for an object.
            GetACLResponse aclResponse = await client.GetACLAsync(new GetACLRequest
                BucketName = bucketName,
                Key        = keyName

            S3AccessControlList acl = aclResponse.AccessControlList;

            // Retrieve the owner.
            Owner owner = acl.Owner;

            // Clear existing grants.

            // Add a grant to reset the owner's full permission
            // (the previous clear statement removed all permissions).
            S3Grant fullControlGrant = new S3Grant
                Grantee = new S3Grantee {
                    CanonicalUser = acl.Owner.Id

            acl.AddGrant(fullControlGrant.Grantee, S3Permission.FULL_CONTROL);

            // Specify email to identify grantee for granting permissions.
            S3Grant grantUsingEmail = new S3Grant
                Grantee = new S3Grantee {
                    EmailAddress = emailAddress
                Permission = S3Permission.WRITE_ACP

            // Specify log delivery group as grantee.
            S3Grant grantLogDeliveryGroup = new S3Grant
                Grantee = new S3Grantee {
                    URI = "http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/s3/LogDelivery"
                Permission = S3Permission.WRITE

            // Create a new ACL.
            S3AccessControlList newAcl = new S3AccessControlList
                Grants = new List <S3Grant> {
                    grantUsingEmail, grantLogDeliveryGroup
                Owner = owner

            // Set the new ACL.
            PutACLResponse response = await client.PutACLAsync(new PutACLRequest
                BucketName        = bucketName,
                Key               = keyName,
                AccessControlList = newAcl