Exemple #1
        IPoint IntersectPointExtendedTo(IPolyline pPolyline, IPolygon pCirclePoly)
            ICurve               pCurve;
            ILine                pLine;
            IPolyline            pPLine;
            ITopologicalOperator pTopoOpt;
            IGeometryCollection  pGeoCol;

            pCurve = pPolyline;
            pLine  = new Line();
            double gridWidth = _mapTemplate.Width * _scale / 100.0;

            pCurve.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendTangentAtTo, 1, true, gridWidth * 1.1, pLine);
            pPLine = new Polyline() as IPolyline;
            IPointCollection pPnts  = pPLine as IPointCollection;
            IClone           pClone = pLine.FromPoint as IClone;

            pPnts.AddPoint(pClone.Clone() as IPoint);
            pClone = pLine.ToPoint as IClone;
            pPnts.AddPoint(pClone.Clone() as IPoint);
            pTopoOpt = pPLine as ITopologicalOperator;
            pGeoCol  = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryCollection;
            pGeoCol  =
                pTopoOpt.Intersect(pCirclePoly, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry0Dimension) as IGeometryCollection;
            if (pGeoCol.GeometryCount == 0)
            return(pGeoCol.Geometry[0] as IPoint);
Exemple #2
        private void method_5()
            this.bool_6 = true;
            this.bool_1 = false;
            IEnumFeature        enumFeature        = _context.FocusMap.FeatureSelection as IEnumFeature;
            IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryCollection;

            IFeature feature = enumFeature.Next();
            object   value   = Missing.Value;

            while (feature != null)
                esriGeometryType geometryType = feature.Shape.GeometryType;
                if (geometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon ||
                    geometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)
                    IClone clone = feature.Shape as IClone;
                    geometryCollection.AddGeometry(clone.Clone() as IGeometry, ref value, ref value);
                    this.bool_4 = true;
                feature = enumFeature.Next();
            if (this.bool_2)
                this.isegmentGraphCursor_0 = null;
            this.isegmentGraph_0.Load(geometryCollection as IEnumGeometry, false, true);
            this.bool_2 = false;
        public IGeometryBag ConstructPolygonByLine(IGeometryBag igeometryBag_0)
            int                 i;
            IPolygon            polygon;
            IGeometryCollection geometryBagClass = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryCollection;
            object              value            = Missing.Value;
            IArray              array            = this.SplitLine(igeometryBag_0);

            int[]  numArray   = new int[array.Count];
            IArray arrayClass = new Array();

            for (i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
                numArray[i] = 0;
            IGeometry element  = null;
            IGeometry geometry = null;

            for (i = 0; i < array.Count; i++)
                element = array.Element[i] as IGeometry;
                IPolyline polyline = (IPolyline)element;
                geometry = element;
                if (this.method_3(array, polyline.FromPoint) != 1 && this.method_3(array, polyline.ToPoint) != 1)
                    if (!polyline.IsClosed)
                        if ((numArray[i] & 2) == 0)
                            numArray[i] = numArray[i] | 2;
                            polygon     = this.BulidPoly(array, numArray, geometry, false);
                            if (polygon != null)
                                geometryBagClass.AddGeometry(polygon, ref value, ref value);
                        if ((numArray[i] & 1) == 0)
                            numArray[i] = numArray[i] | 1;
                            polygon     = this.BulidPoly(array, numArray, geometry, true);
                            if (polygon != null)
                                geometryBagClass.AddGeometry(polygon, ref value, ref value);
                        ISegmentCollection polygonClass = new Polygon() as ISegmentCollection;
                        polygon = (IPolygon)polygonClass;
                        geometryBagClass.AddGeometry(polygon, ref value, ref value);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbGeometry"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IGeometry dbGeometryToGeometry(DbGeometry dbGeometry)
            if (dbGeometry == null)
            byte[]           wkb     = dbGeometry.AsBinary();
            IGeometry        geomOut = new GeometryBag();
            IGeometryFactory gf      = new GeometryEnvironment() as IGeometryFactory;
            int readCount            = 0;

            gf.CreateGeometryFromWkbVariant(wkb, out geomOut, out readCount);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 合并几何体
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IGeometry GetMergeGeometry(string str)
            IGeometryBag pGeometryBag = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryBag;
            pGeometryBag.SpatialReference = GetSpatialReference();
            IGeometryCollection pGeometryCollection = pGeometryBag as IGeometryCollection;

            // 属性过滤
            IQueryFilter pQueryFilter = new QueryFilter();
            pQueryFilter.WhereClause = str;

            IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = mLayer as IFeatureLayer;
            IFeatureClass in_FeatureClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;

            // 要素游标
            IFeatureCursor pFeatureCursor = in_FeatureClass.Search(pQueryFilter, true);
            IFeature pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();
            if (pFeature == null)
                return null;

            // 遍历游标
            object missing = Type.Missing;
            while (pFeature != null)
                pGeometryCollection.AddGeometry(pFeature.ShapeCopy, ref missing, ref missing);
                pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();

            // 合并要素
            ITopologicalOperator pTopologicalOperator = null;
            if (in_FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
                pTopologicalOperator = new Multipoint() as ITopologicalOperator;
                pTopologicalOperator.ConstructUnion(pGeometryCollection as IEnumGeometry);
            else if (in_FeatureClass.ShapeType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)
                pTopologicalOperator = new Polyline() as ITopologicalOperator;
                pTopologicalOperator.ConstructUnion(pGeometryCollection as IEnumGeometry);
                pTopologicalOperator = new Polygon() as ITopologicalOperator;
                pTopologicalOperator.ConstructUnion(pGeometryCollection as IEnumGeometry);
            return pTopologicalOperator as IGeometry;
Exemple #6
 protected override void OnClick()
         if (Module1.Geometries == null || Module1.Geometries.Count <= 0)
             MessageBox.Show($@"You have to first render a geometry before you can export the Geometry");
         var bpf = new BrowseProjectFilter("esri_browseDialogFilters_json_file")
             Name = "Specify JSON file to export Geometries to"
         var saveItemDialog = new SaveItemDialog {
             BrowseFilter = bpf
         var result = saveItemDialog.ShowDialog();
         if (result.Value == false)
         var jsonPath = $@"{saveItemDialog.FilePath}.json";
         var folder   = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(jsonPath);
         if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(folder))
         var exists = System.IO.File.Exists(jsonPath);
         if (exists)
             var isYes = MessageBox.Show($@"The export will write over the existing file {jsonPath}", "Override File", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.YesNo);
             if (isYes != System.Windows.MessageBoxResult.Yes)
         GeometryBag bag = GeometryBagBuilder.CreateGeometryBag(Module1.Geometries,
         System.IO.File.WriteAllText(jsonPath, bag.ToJson());
         MessageBox.Show($@"Export saved to {jsonPath}");
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show($@"Export Exception: {ex}");
Exemple #7
        public static IPolygon MergePolygons(IGeometry polygon1, IGeometry polygon2, IFeatureClass fc_for_spatial_reference)
            IGeometry   geometry_bag = new GeometryBag();
            IGeoDataset ds           = fc_for_spatial_reference as IGeoDataset;

            geometry_bag.SpatialReference = ds.SpatialReference;
            IGeometryCollection gc = geometry_bag as IGeometryCollection;
            object missing         = Type.Missing;

            gc.AddGeometry(polygon1, ref missing, ref missing);
            gc.AddGeometry(polygon2, ref missing, ref missing);
            ITopologicalOperator union_polygon = new Polygon() as ITopologicalOperator;

            union_polygon.ConstructUnion(geometry_bag as IEnumGeometry);
            IPolygon new_polygon = union_polygon as IPolygon;

Exemple #8
        public override bool SplitAtPoint(IPoint ipoint_0, out IGeometryBag igeometryBag_0)
            bool flag;
            bool flag1;
            int  num;
            int  num1;
            int  i;

            igeometryBag_0 = null;
            IPolycurve mPGeometry = this.m_pGeometry as IPolycurve;

            if (mPGeometry != null)
                mPGeometry.SplitAtPoint(ipoint_0, true, true, out flag1, out num, out num1);
                if (flag1)
                    igeometryBag_0 = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryBag;
                    IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = mPGeometry as IGeometryCollection;
                    IGeometryCollection polylineClass      = new Polyline() as IGeometryCollection;
                    object value = Missing.Value;
                    for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
                        polylineClass.AddGeometry(geometryCollection.Geometry[i], ref value, ref value);
                    (igeometryBag_0 as IGeometryCollection).AddGeometry(polylineClass as IGeometry, ref value, ref value);
                    polylineClass = new Polyline() as IGeometryCollection;
                    for (i = num; i < geometryCollection.GeometryCount; i++)
                        polylineClass.AddGeometry(geometryCollection.Geometry[i], ref value, ref value);
                    (igeometryBag_0 as IGeometryCollection).AddGeometry(polylineClass as IGeometry, ref value, ref value);
                    flag = true;
                    flag = false;
                flag = false;
Exemple #9
        public bool Split(IPolyline ipolyline_0, out IGeometryBag igeometryBag_0)
            bool      flag;
            IGeometry geometry;
            IGeometry geometry1;

            igeometryBag_0 = null;
            if (this.m_pGeometry.GeometryType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
                    ITopologicalOperator mPGeometry = this.m_pGeometry as ITopologicalOperator;
                    if (mPGeometry != null)
                        if (!mPGeometry.IsSimple)
                        mPGeometry.Cut(ipolyline_0, out geometry, out geometry1);
                        object value = Missing.Value;
                        igeometryBag_0 = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryBag;
                        (igeometryBag_0 as IGeometryCollection).AddGeometry(geometry, ref value, ref value);
                        (igeometryBag_0 as IGeometryCollection).AddGeometry(geometry1, ref value, ref value);
                        flag = false;
                flag = false;
                flag = false;
Exemple #10
        public IPolygon union(IFeatureClass featureClass)

            if (featureClass == null)


            IGeoDataset geoDataset = featureClass as IGeoDataset;

            IGeometry geometryBag = new GeometryBag();

            ISpatialFilter queryFilter = new SpatialFilter();

            geometryBag.SpatialReference = geoDataset.SpatialReference;

            IFeatureCursor featureCursor = featureClass.Search(queryFilter, false);

            IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = geometryBag as IGeometryCollection;

            IFeature currentFeature = featureCursor.NextFeature();

            while (currentFeature != null)
                object missing = Type.Missing;

                geometryCollection.AddGeometry(currentFeature.Shape, ref missing, ref missing);

                currentFeature = featureCursor.NextFeature();

            ITopologicalOperator unionedPolygon = new Polygon() as ITopologicalOperator;

            unionedPolygon.ConstructUnion(geometryBag as IEnumGeometry);

            return(unionedPolygon as IPolygon);
        private void method_2()
            this.bool_0 = false;
            IEnumFeature        featureSelection = this.imap_0.FeatureSelection as IEnumFeature;
            IGeometryCollection geometryBagClass = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryCollection;

            for (IFeature i = featureSelection.Next(); i != null; i = featureSelection.Next())
                esriGeometryType geometryType = i.Shape.GeometryType;
                if ((geometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon
                    ? true
                    : geometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline))
                    IClone shape = i.Shape as IClone;
                    object value = Missing.Value;
                    geometryBagClass.AddGeometry(shape.Clone() as IGeometry, ref value, ref value);
                    this.bool_0 = true;
            this.isegmentGraph_0.Load(geometryBagClass as IEnumGeometry, false, true);
Exemple #12
        private void CreateResultElements()
            IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryCollection;

            for (int i = 0; i < this._networkInfo.arrayList_1.Count; i++)
                object   missing = Type.Missing;
                IFeature feature = (IFeature)this._networkInfo.arrayList_1[i];
                geometryCollection.AddGeometry(feature.ShapeCopy, ref missing, ref missing);
            if (this._networkInfo.arrayList_1.Count > 0)
                IRgbColor rgbColor = new RgbColor();
                rgbColor.Red   = (255);
                rgbColor.Green = (0);
                rgbColor.Blue  = (255);
                IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = (IGraphicsContainer)m_iApp.ActiveView;
                for (int j = 0; j < geometryCollection.GeometryCount; j++)
                    ILineElement lineElement = new LineElement() as ILineElement;
                    IElement     element     = (IElement)lineElement;
                    element.Geometry = (geometryCollection.get_Geometry(j));
                    ILineElement      arg_F5_0 = lineElement;
                    ISimpleLineSymbol simpleLineSymbolClass = new SimpleLineSymbol();
                    simpleLineSymbolClass.Color = (rgbColor);
                    simpleLineSymbolClass.Width = (10.0);
                    simpleLineSymbolClass.Style = (0);
                    arg_F5_0.Symbol             = (simpleLineSymbolClass);
                    graphicsContainer.AddElement(element, 0);
                IEnvelope envelope = ((IGeometry)geometryCollection).Envelope;
                envelope.Expand(1.2, 1.2, true);
                m_iApp.ActiveView.Extent = (envelope);
Exemple #13
        public override bool SplitAtPoint(IPoint ipoint_0, out IGeometryBag igeometryBag_0)
            bool flag;
            bool flag1;
            int  num;
            int  num1;

            igeometryBag_0 = null;
            IPolycurve mPGeometry = this.m_pGeometry as IPolycurve;

            if (mPGeometry != null)
                mPGeometry.SplitAtPoint(ipoint_0, true, true, out flag1, out num, out num1);
                object value = Missing.Value;
                igeometryBag_0 = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryBag;
                (igeometryBag_0 as IGeometryCollection).AddGeometry(mPGeometry, ref value, ref value);
                flag = true;
                flag = false;
Exemple #14
 public override void OnMouseUp(int int_0, int int_1, int int_2, int int_3)
     if (int_0 != 2 && this.bool_0)
         this.bool_0 = false;
         IActiveView activeView = (IActiveView)_context.FocusMap;
         IEnvelope   envelope   = null;
         IPoint      point      = null;
         if (this.inewEnvelopeFeedback_0 == null)
             point = this.ipoint_0;
             envelope = this.inewEnvelopeFeedback_0.Stop();
             this.inewEnvelopeFeedback_0 = null;
             if (envelope.Width == 0.0 || envelope.Height == 0.0)
                 point    = this.ipoint_0;
                 envelope = null;
         IList        list        = new ArrayList();
         IEnumFeature enumFeature = _context.FocusMap.FeatureSelection as IEnumFeature;
         IFeature            feature            = enumFeature.Next();
         IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryCollection;
         object value = Missing.Value;
         while (feature != null)
             geometryCollection.AddGeometry(feature.ShapeCopy, ref value, ref value);
             feature = enumFeature.Next();
         IEnvelope envelope2 = (geometryCollection as IGeometryBag).Envelope;
         IPoint    point2    = new Point
             X = (envelope2.XMax + envelope2.XMin) / 2.0,
             Y = (envelope2.YMax + envelope2.YMin) / 2.0
         double num;
         double num2;
         if (envelope != null)
             IPoint point3 = new Point
                 X = (envelope.XMax + envelope.XMin) / 2.0,
                 Y = (envelope.YMax + envelope.YMin) / 2.0
             num  = point2.X - point3.X;
             num2 = point2.Y - point3.Y;
             double num3 = envelope.Width / envelope2.Width;
             double num4 = envelope.Height / envelope2.Height;
             num3 = ((num3 > num4) ? num4 : num3);
             (geometryCollection as ITransform2D).Scale(point2, num3, num3);
             num  = point2.X - point.X;
             num2 = point2.Y - point.Y;
         (geometryCollection as ITransform2D).Move(-num, -num2);
         for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
             feature = (list[i] as IFeature);
                 IFeature feature2 = RowOperator.CreatRowByRow(feature) as IFeature;
                 feature2.Shape = geometryCollection.get_Geometry(i);
             catch (Exception exception_)
                 CErrorLog.writeErrorLog(this, exception_, "");
        private bool AddEditArea(IServerObject serverObject, string creator, string versionName, int editCount, IEnvelope editZone, bool autoExpandZone = true)
            bool          isOk        = false;
            IFeatureClass editAreasFC = null;

                // Open edit areas feature class in default workspace
                editAreasFC = GetEditAreaFeatureClass(serverObject);

                // Get field indices
                int creatorFIdx      = editAreasFC.FindField(_creatorFName);
                int creationDateFIdx = editAreasFC.FindField(_creationDateFName);
                int lastUpdateFIdx   = editAreasFC.FindField(_lastUpdateFName);
                int editCountFIdx    = editAreasFC.FindField(_editCountFName);
                int versionNameFIdx  = editAreasFC.FindField(_versionNameFName);

                DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;

                // Expand zone to make it more visible
                if (autoExpandZone)
                    double expandRatio = (editCount <= 3) ? 1.5 : 1.15;
                    editZone.Expand(expandRatio, expandRatio, true);

                // Check if there's an existing area
                IFeature       curFeature = null;
                IFeatureCursor fCursor    = GetEditAreas(serverObject, versionName);

                if (fCursor != null && (curFeature = fCursor.NextFeature()) != null)
                    // Union the edit zones
                    IPolygon  curZone     = (IPolygon)curFeature.Shape;
                    IGeometry geometryBag = new GeometryBag();
                    geometryBag.SpatialReference = curZone.SpatialReference;
                    IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = (IGeometryCollection)geometryBag;

                    Polygon zoneConstructor      = new Polygon();
                    ITopologicalOperator newZone = (ITopologicalOperator)zoneConstructor;

                    // Update feature values
                    curFeature.Shape = (IGeometry)newZone;
                    curFeature.Value[lastUpdateFIdx] = currentTime;
                    int curCount = (int)curFeature.Value[editCountFIdx];
                    curFeature.Value[editCountFIdx] = curCount + editCount;

                    // Store feature
                    curFeature = null;
                    // Save edit zone to feature class
                    IFeature zoneFeature = editAreasFC.CreateFeature();
                    zoneFeature.Value[creatorFIdx]      = creator;
                    zoneFeature.Value[creationDateFIdx] = currentTime;
                    zoneFeature.Value[lastUpdateFIdx]   = currentTime;
                    zoneFeature.Value[versionNameFIdx]  = versionName;
                    zoneFeature.Value[editCountFIdx]    = editCount;

                    // Set geometry
                    Polygon            editAreaPoly = new Polygon();
                    ISegmentCollection editAreaSeg  = (ISegmentCollection)editAreaPoly;
                    IZAware polyZAware = editAreaPoly as IZAware;
                    polyZAware.ZAware = false;
                    zoneFeature.Shape = polyZAware as IGeometry;

                    // Store feature
                    fCursor     = null;
                    zoneFeature = null;

                isOk = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                _serverLog.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.infoStandard, _soiName + ".AddEditArea()",
                                      200, "Error while adding edit are: " + e.ToString());
                editAreasFC = null;
        private IGeometry method_4(IArray iarray_0, IGeometry igeometry_0, IPoint ipoint_0, bool bool_1, ref bool bool_2)
            IGeometry           geometry;
            IGeometry           geometry1;
            IRelationalOperator ipoint0          = (IRelationalOperator)ipoint_0;
            IGeometryCollection geometryBagClass = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryCollection;
            object value = Missing.Value;

            for (int i = 0; i < iarray_0.Count; i++)
                if (!((IPolyline)iarray_0.Element[i]).IsClosed && ipoint0.Touches((IGeometry)iarray_0.Element[i]))
                    geometryBagClass.AddGeometry((IGeometry)iarray_0.Element[i], ref value, ref value);
            int geometryCount = geometryBagClass.GeometryCount;

            if (geometryCount > 1)
                geometryBagClass = this.method_5(geometryBagClass, !bool_1, ipoint_0);
                int num = 0;
                while (true)
                    geometry1 = geometryBagClass.Geometry[num];
                    if (igeometry_0 == geometry1)
                    if (num == geometryCount)
                        num = 0;
                    if (num == geometryCount)
                        num = 0;
                    geometry1 = geometryBagClass.Geometry[num];
                    if (CommonHelper.distance(((ICurve)geometry1).FromPoint, ipoint_0) >=
                        CommonHelper.distance(((ICurve)geometry1).ToPoint, ipoint_0))
                        if (this.method_3(iarray_0, ((ICurve)geometry1).FromPoint) <= 1)
                        bool_2   = false;
                        geometry = geometry1;
                        if (this.method_3(iarray_0, ((ICurve)geometry1).ToPoint) <= 1)
                        bool_2   = true;
                        geometry = geometry1;
                } while (igeometry_0 != geometry1);
                geometry = null;
                geometry = null;
        private IGeometryCollection method_5(IGeometryCollection igeometryCollection_0, bool bool_1, IPoint ipoint_0)
            int    i;
            object value         = Missing.Value;
            int    geometryCount = igeometryCollection_0.GeometryCount;

            double[] numArray  = new double[geometryCount];
            double[] numArray1 = new double[geometryCount - 1];
            for (i = 0; i < geometryCount; i++)
                ICurve           geometry        = (ICurve)igeometryCollection_0.Geometry[i];
                ILine            lineClass       = new Line();
                IPointCollection pointCollection = (IPointCollection)geometry;
                if (CommonHelper.distance(geometry.FromPoint, ipoint_0) >=
                    CommonHelper.distance(geometry.ToPoint, ipoint_0))
                    numArray[i] = CommonHelper.azimuth(pointCollection.Point[pointCollection.PointCount - 1],
                                                       pointCollection.Point[pointCollection.PointCount - 2]);
                    numArray[i] = CommonHelper.azimuth(pointCollection.Point[0], pointCollection.Point[1]);
            for (i = 1; i < geometryCount; i++)
                numArray1[i - 1] = numArray[i] - numArray[0];
                if (numArray1[i - 1] < 0)
                    numArray1[i - 1] = numArray1[i - 1] + 360;
            IGeometryCollection geometryBagClass = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryCollection;

            while (geometryBagClass.GeometryCount != geometryCount)
                double num  = numArray[0];
                int    num1 = 0;
                for (i = 1; i < geometryCount; i++)
                    if (num > numArray[i])
                        num  = numArray[i];
                        num1 = i;
                numArray[num1] = numArray[num1] + 363;
                geometryBagClass.AddGeometry(igeometryCollection_0.Geometry[num1], ref value, ref value);
            if (!bool_1)
                IGeometryCollection geometryCollection = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryCollection;
                geometryCollection.AddGeometry(geometryBagClass.Geometry[0], ref value, ref value);
                for (i = geometryCount - 1; i > 0; i--)
                    geometryCollection.AddGeometry(geometryBagClass.Geometry[i], ref value, ref value);
                geometryBagClass = geometryCollection;
Exemple #18
        public List <IPrintPageInfo> CreateStripMapPageInfos(IPolyline stripLine)
            IPolyline             pPolyline;
            IPoint                pCenterPoint;
            IPolygon              pCirclePoly;
            IPolygon              pGridPoly;
            IConstructCircularArc pCircularArc;
            ISegmentCollection    pSegmentCollection;
            ITopologicalOperator  pTopoOpt;
            IGeometryCollection   pGeoCol;
            IPoint                pIntersectPoint;
            ICurve                pArc;
            IPoint                pIntersectPointPrev;
            bool      bFirstRun;
            int       lLoop2;
            double    dHighest = 0;
            int       lHighestRef;
            double    dHighestPrev;
            ICurve    pCurve;
            ILine     pLine;
            IPolyline pPLine;
            bool      bContinue;
            bool      bReducedRadius;
            double    dGridAngle;
            double    dHighestThisTurn;
            int       lCounter = 0;

            List <IPrintPageInfo> pages = new List <IPrintPageInfo>();

            pPolyline    = stripLine;
            pCenterPoint = pPolyline.FromPoint;
            double m_GridWidth  = _mapTemplate.Width * _scale / 100.0;
            double m_GridHeight = _mapTemplate.Height * _scale / 100.0;

            double        dCircleRadius;
            List <double> colIntersects = new List <double>();
            double        dIntersect;

            dHighestPrev = -1;
            bFirstRun    = true;
            pArc         = pPolyline;
            bContinue    = false;

            bool   isLoop1 = true;
            object missing = Missing.Value;

                if (bFirstRun)
                    dCircleRadius = m_GridWidth / 2.0;
                    dCircleRadius = m_GridWidth;
                bReducedRadius = false;
                    //! 创建搜索圆
                    pCircularArc = new CircularArc() as IConstructCircularArc;
                    pCircularArc.ConstructCircle(pCenterPoint, dCircleRadius, false);
                    pCirclePoly        = new Polygon() as IPolygon;
                    pSegmentCollection = pCirclePoly as ISegmentCollection;
                    pSegmentCollection.AddSegment(pCircularArc as ISegment, ref missing, ref missing);

                    pTopoOpt = pPolyline as ITopologicalOperator;
                    pGeoCol  = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryCollection;
                    pGeoCol  = pTopoOpt.Intersect(pCirclePoly, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry0Dimension) as IGeometryCollection;
                    if (pGeoCol.GeometryCount == 0)
                        //! 需要检查,没有交点的的时候的处理


                    pArc             = pPolyline;
                    lHighestRef      = -1;
                    dHighestThisTurn = 102;
                    for (lLoop2 = 0; lLoop2 < pGeoCol.GeometryCount; lLoop2++)
                        pIntersectPoint = pGeoCol.Geometry[lLoop2] as IPoint;
                        dIntersect      = ReturnPercentageAlong(pPolyline, pIntersectPoint);
                        if (dIntersect > (dHighestPrev * 1.001) && dIntersect < dHighestThisTurn)
                            dHighest         = dIntersect;
                            dHighestThisTurn = dIntersect;
                            lHighestRef      = lLoop2;

                    if (lHighestRef < 0)
                        dHighest            = 101;
                        pIntersectPoint     = IntersectPointExtendedTo(pPolyline, pCirclePoly);
                        pIntersectPointPrev = pCenterPoint;
                        pIntersectPoint = pGeoCol.Geometry[lHighestRef] as IPoint;
                        if (bFirstRun)
                            pIntersectPointPrev = new Point();
                            pIntersectPointPrev.PutCoords(pCenterPoint.X - (pIntersectPoint.X - pCenterPoint.X),
                                                          pCenterPoint.Y - (pIntersectPoint.Y - pCenterPoint.Y));
                            pIntersectPointPrev = pCenterPoint;

                    if (bReducedRadius)
                        IPolyline pTmpPLine;
                        IPolygon  pTmpCPoly;
                        IPoint    pTmpIntPoint;
                        pCircularArc = new CircularArc() as IConstructCircularArc;
                        if (bFirstRun)
                            pCircularArc.ConstructCircle(pCenterPoint, m_GridWidth / 2.0, false);
                            pCircularArc.ConstructCircle(pCenterPoint, m_GridWidth, false);
                        pTmpCPoly          = new Polygon() as IPolygon;
                        pSegmentCollection = pTmpCPoly as ISegmentCollection;
                        pSegmentCollection.AddSegment((ISegment)pCircularArc, ref missing, ref missing);
                        pTmpPLine           = new Polyline() as IPolyline;
                        pTmpPLine.FromPoint = pIntersectPointPrev;
                        pTmpPLine.ToPoint   = pIntersectPoint;
                        pTmpIntPoint        = IntersectPointExtendedTo(pTmpPLine, pTmpCPoly);
                        CreateAngledGridPolygon(pIntersectPointPrev, pTmpIntPoint, out pGridPoly, out dGridAngle);
                        CreateAngledGridPolygon(pIntersectPointPrev, pIntersectPoint, out pGridPoly, out dGridAngle);

                    pTopoOpt  = pGridPoly as ITopologicalOperator;
                    pGeoCol   = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryCollection;
                    pGeoCol   = pTopoOpt.Intersect(pPolyline, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry0Dimension) as IGeometryCollection;
                    bContinue = true;
                    if (pGeoCol.GeometryCount > 2)
                        colIntersects = new List <double>();
                        for (lLoop2 = 2; lLoop2 < pGeoCol.GeometryCount; lLoop2++)
                            colIntersects.Add(ReturnPercentageAlong(pArc, pGeoCol.Geometry[lLoop2] as IPoint));
                        for (lLoop2 = 0; lLoop2 < colIntersects.Count; lLoop2++)
                            if (colIntersects[lLoop2] > (dHighestPrev * 1.001) &&
                                colIntersects[lLoop2] < (dHighestPrev * 0.999))
                                bContinue      = false;
                                dHighest       = dHighestPrev;
                                dCircleRadius  = dCircleRadius - m_GridWidth * 0.1;
                                bReducedRadius = true;
                                if (dCircleRadius < 0)
                                    bContinue = true;

                    if (bContinue && bReducedRadius)
                        double dTmpHighest;
                        pArc        = pPolyline;
                        lHighestRef = -1;
                        dTmpHighest = -1;
                        for (lLoop2 = 0; lLoop2 < pGeoCol.GeometryCount; lLoop2++)
                            pIntersectPoint = pGeoCol.Geometry[lLoop2] as IPoint;
                            dIntersect      = ReturnPercentageAlong(pArc, pIntersectPoint);
                            if (dIntersect > dTmpHighest)
                                dTmpHighest = dIntersect;
                                lHighestRef = lLoop2;
                        if (lHighestRef >= 0)
                            pIntersectPoint = pGeoCol.Geometry[lHighestRef] as IPoint;
                        dHighest = dTmpHighest;
                } while (!bContinue);
                bFirstRun    = false;
                dHighestPrev = dHighest;

                IPrintPageInfo page = new PrintPageInfo();
                page.Boundary = pGridPoly;
                page.PageID   = lCounter;
                page.Angle    = dGridAngle;
                page.PageName = "带状图(" + lCounter.ToString() + ")";
                page.Scale    = _scale;

                pCenterPoint = pIntersectPoint;
            } while (dHighest < 100);

            foreach (IPrintPageInfo pageInfo in pages)
                pageInfo.TotalCount = pages.Count;