Exemple #1
        public void DiscountIsExpiredTest()
            Discount discount = new GenreDiscount(DateTime.Today.AddDays(1000).Date, 10, new Genre("bl"));

Exemple #2
        public async Task <GenreDiscount> CreateGenreDiscount(DateTime expireDate, decimal discountPercentage, int genreId)
            var genreDiscount = new GenreDiscount()
                ExpireDate         = expireDate,
                DiscountPercentage = discountPercentage,
                GenreId            = genreId

            await Set <GenreDiscount>()

            await SaveChangesAsync();

        public void GenreDiscountCtorTest()
            List <Genre> genres1 = new List <Genre> {
                new Genre("fantasy")
            BookInfo bookInfo1  = new BookInfo("Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", "J.K.Rowling", genres1);
            decimal  cost       = 500.1m;
            DateTime arriveDate = DateTime.Today.Date;

            Book book = new Book(bookInfo1, cost, arriveDate);

            var      expireDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1000).Date;
            Discount discount   = new GenreDiscount(expireDate, 80, new Genre("fantasy"));

        public void BookDiscountApplyDiscountTest()
            List <Genre> genres1 = new List <Genre> {
                new Genre("fantasy")
            BookInfo bookInfo1 = new BookInfo("Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", "J.K.Rowling", genres1);
            decimal  cost      = 500.11m;

            Book book1 = new Book(bookInfo1, cost, DateTime.Today.Date);

            List <Genre> genres2 = new List <Genre> {
                new Genre("other")
            BookInfo bookInfo2 = new BookInfo("One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", " Ken Kesey", genres2);
            Book     book2     = new Book(bookInfo2, 600m, DateTime.Today.AddDays(-110));

            var      expireDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1000).Date;
            Discount discount   = new GenreDiscount(expireDate, 80, new Genre("fantasy"));

            discount.ApplyDiscount(book1, DateTime.Today.Date).Cost.Should().Be(100.02m);
            discount.ApplyDiscount(book1, DateTime.Today.AddDays(1001).Date).Cost.Should().Be(book1.Cost);
            discount.ApplyDiscount(book2, DateTime.Today.Date).Cost.Should().Be(book2.Cost);