Exemple #1
        internal static string GetKpiExcelData(Dictionary <string, string> parameters, KpiCalculationType kpiType, FutureTrendDataType futureTrendDataType)
            var csvData = new StringBuilder();

            using (var dataContext = new MarsDBDataContext(MarsConnection.ConnectionString))
                var additionalColumns = GenerateAdditionalColumns(parameters, dataContext);

                //var rawData = GetRawKpiDataNew(dataContext, parameters, futureTrendDataType, true);
                var rawData = GenericSizingDataAccess.GetKpiRawData(dataContext, parameters, futureTrendDataType);

                var groupedData = from rw in rawData
                                  select new KpiExcelDataHolder
                    ReportDate = rw.ReportDate,
                    Country    = rw.Country,
                    Kpi        = kpiType == KpiCalculationType.OperationalUtilization ? rw.ExpectedFleet == 0 ? 0 :
                                 (rw.Forecast / rw.ExpectedFleet) * 100 :
                                 kpiType == KpiCalculationType.IdleFleetPercentage ? rw.ExpectedFleet == 0 ? 0 :
                                 (rw.ExpectedFleet - rw.Forecast) * 100 / rw.ExpectedFleet :
                                 kpiType == KpiCalculationType.IdleFleet ?
                                 rw.ExpectedFleet - rw.Forecast : 0

                var excelData = from gd in groupedData.OrderBy(d => d.ReportDate).ThenBy(d => d.Country)
                                select string.Format("{0},{1},{2}{3}\n", gd.ReportDate.Value.ToShortDateString(), gd.Country, additionalColumns,
                                                     Math.Round(gd.Kpi, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));

                excelData.ToList().ForEach(d => csvData.Append(d.ToString()));

Exemple #2
        internal static List <GraphSeries> GetKpiDataNew(Dictionary <string, string> parameters, KpiCalculationType kpiType, FutureTrendDataType futureTrendDataType)
            using (var dataContext = new MarsDBDataContext(MarsConnection.ConnectionString))
                //var rawData = GetRawKpiDataNew(dataContext, parameters, futureTrendDataType);
                var rawData = GenericSizingDataAccess.GetKpiRawData(dataContext, parameters, futureTrendDataType);

                var kpiGraphingData = from gd in rawData
                                      orderby gd.ReportDate ascending
                                      select new KpiGraphDataHolder
                    ReportDate = gd.ReportDate,
                    Kpi        = kpiType == KpiCalculationType.OperationalUtilization ? gd.ExpectedFleet == 0 ? 0 :
                                 gd.Forecast / gd.ExpectedFleet :
                                 kpiType == KpiCalculationType.IdleFleetPercentage ? gd.ExpectedFleet == 0 ? 0 :
                                 (gd.ExpectedFleet - gd.Forecast) / gd.ExpectedFleet :
                                 kpiType == KpiCalculationType.IdleFleet ?
                                 gd.ExpectedFleet - gd.Forecast : 0

Exemple #3
        internal static List <GraphSeries> GetForecastGraphingData(Dictionary <string, string> parameters, DataType timeZone)
            using (var dataContext = new MarsDBDataContext(MarsConnection.ConnectionString))
                var rawData = timeZone == DataType.DailyChanging
                                      ? GenericSizingDataAccess.GetForecastRawData(parameters, dataContext)
                                      : GetFrozenZoneForecastRawData(parameters, dataContext);

                var groupedData = from rd in rawData
                                  group rd by new { RepDate = rd.ReportDate } into g
                orderby g.Key.RepDate ascending
                    select new ForecastGraphDataHolder
                    ReportDate            = g.Key.RepDate,
                    CurrentOnRent         = g.Sum(d => d.OnRent),
                    OnRentLastYear        = g.Sum(d => d.OnRentLy),
                    ConstrainedForecast   = g.Sum(d => d.Constrained),
                    UnconstrainedForecast = g.Sum(d => d.Unconstrained),
                    Fleet                = g.Sum(d => d.Fleet),
                    AlreadyBooked        = g.Sum(d => d.AlreadyBooked),
                    OnRentTopDown        = g.Sum(d => d.TopDown),
                    OnRentBottomUpOne    = g.Sum(d => d.BottomUp1),
                    OnRentBottomUpTwo    = g.Sum(d => d.BottomUp2),
                    OnRentReconciliation = g.Sum(d => d.Reconciliation)
                dataContext.Log = new DebugTextWriter();
                return(GetForecastSeriesData(groupedData, timeZone));
        internal static string GetSupplyAnalysisExcelData(Dictionary <string, string> parameters, FutureTrendDataType dataType,
                                                          int scenarioId, int siteGroup, int fleetGroup, DataType timeZone, bool weeklyGrouping)
            var toDate = timeZone == DataType.FrozenZone
                             ? FutureTrendDataAccess.SetFrozenZoneToDateLimit(DateTime.Parse(parameters[ParameterNames.ToDate]))
                             : parameters[ParameterNames.ToDate];

            var newParameters = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { ParameterNames.Country, parameters[ParameterNames.Country] },
                { ParameterNames.ToDate, toDate },
                { ParameterNames.FromDate, parameters[ParameterNames.FromDate] }

            if (timeZone == DataType.DailyChanging)
                //return new FutureTrendRepository().GetSupplyAnalysisCsvData(newParameters, scenarioId, siteGroup, fleetGroup
                //       , dataType, weeklyGrouping);
                using (var dataContext = new MarsDBDataContext(MarsConnection.ConnectionString))
                    var joinedData = timeZone == DataType.DailyChanging
                                             ? GenericSizingDataAccess.GetFutureTrendRawData(dataContext, parameters,
                                             : FutureTrendDataAccess.GetRawFrozenZoneFutureTrendData(dataContext, newParameters,

                    return(GenerateExcelDataFromRaw(dataContext, joinedData, siteGroup, fleetGroup, dataType, weeklyGrouping));
                using (var dataContext = new MarsDBDataContext(MarsConnection.ConnectionString))
                    var joinedData = FutureTrendDataAccess.GetRawFrozenZoneFutureTrendData(dataContext,
                    return(GenerateExcelDataFromRaw(dataContext, joinedData, siteGroup, fleetGroup, dataType,

Exemple #5
        internal static string GetBenchmarkCsvData(Dictionary <string, string> parameters, bool constrainedForecast, int siteGroup, int fleetGroup)
            using (var dataContext = new MarsDBDataContext(MarsConnection.ConnectionString))
                var restrictedData = GenericSizingDataAccess.GetBenchmarkRawData(parameters, dataContext);

                var fullDataSet = GetJoinedExcelData(dataContext, restrictedData, constrainedForecast);
                var csvData     = new StringBuilder();

                csvData.Append(GeForecastCsvHeader(siteGroup, fleetGroup, constrainedForecast));

                var orderedData = fullDataSet.GroupByMany(CsvExportMethods.GetGroupingColumns(siteGroup, fleetGroup)).OrderBy(d => d.Key);

                var keyList = new List <string>();
                foreach (var gr in orderedData)
                    CheckSubGroup(gr, keyList, csvData);
Exemple #6
        internal static string GetForecastExcelData(Dictionary <string, string> parameters, FutureTrendDataType dataType, int siteGroup, int fleetGroup, DataType timeZone)
            using (var dataContext = new MarsDBDataContext(MarsConnection.ConnectionString))
                var csvData = new StringBuilder();
                var rawData = timeZone == DataType.DailyChanging
                                  ? GenericSizingDataAccess.GetForecastRawData(parameters, dataContext)
                                  : GetFrozenZoneForecastRawData(parameters, dataContext);

                var fullDataSet = GetJoinedExcelData(dataContext, rawData);

                var orderedData = fullDataSet.GroupByMany(CsvExportMethods.GetGroupingColumns(siteGroup, fleetGroup)).OrderBy(d => d.Key);

                var keyList = new List <string>();
                foreach (var gr in orderedData)
                    CheckSubGroup(gr, keyList, csvData);
Exemple #7
        internal static string GetFutureTrendExcelData(Dictionary <string, string> parameters, FutureTrendDataType dataType, int scenarioId, int siteGroup, int fleetGroup, DataType timeZone)
            var toDate = timeZone == DataType.FrozenZone
                ? SetFrozenZoneToDateLimit(DateTime.Parse(parameters[ParameterNames.ToDate]))
                : parameters[ParameterNames.ToDate];

            var newParameters = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { ParameterNames.Country, parameters[ParameterNames.Country] },
                { ParameterNames.ToDate, toDate },
                { ParameterNames.FromDate, parameters[ParameterNames.FromDate] }

            using (var dataContext = new MarsDBDataContext(MarsConnection.ConnectionString))
                var joinedData = timeZone == DataType.DailyChanging
                            ? GenericSizingDataAccess.GetFutureTrendRawData(dataContext, parameters, scenarioId)
                            : GetRawFrozenZoneFutureTrendData(dataContext, newParameters, (byte)scenarioId);

                return(GenerateExcelDataFromRaw(dataContext, joinedData, siteGroup, fleetGroup, dataType));
Exemple #8
        internal static List <GraphSeries> GetFutureTrendGraphingData(Dictionary <string, string> parameters, FutureTrendDataType dataType, int scenarioId, DataType timeZone)
            _timeZone = timeZone;
            if (_timeZone == DataType.FrozenZone)
                parameters[ParameterNames.ToDate] = SetFrozenZoneToDateLimit(DateTime.Parse(parameters[ParameterNames.ToDate]));

            using (var dataContext = new MarsDBDataContext(MarsConnection.ConnectionString))
                dataContext.CommandTimeout = TIMEOUT;

                IQueryable <FutureTrendOrSupplyAnalysisRawDataHolder> groupedData;

                if (_timeZone == DataType.DailyChanging)
                    //groupedData = new FutureTrendRepository().GetData(parameters, scenarioId);

                    groupedData = GenericSizingDataAccess.GetFutureTrendGroupyByDayData(dataContext, parameters, scenarioId).OrderBy(d => d.ReportDate);
                    var joinedData = GetRawFrozenZoneFutureTrendData(dataContext, parameters, (byte)scenarioId);
                    groupedData = from fc in joinedData
                                  group fc by new { fc.ReportDate }
                    into g
                    orderby g.Key.ReportDate ascending
                        select new FutureTrendOrSupplyAnalysisRawDataHolder
                        ReportDate             = g.Key.ReportDate,
                        Constrained            = g.Sum(c => c.Constrained),
                        Unconstrained          = g.Sum(c => c.Unconstrained),
                        Booked                 = g.Sum(c => c.Booked),
                        NessesaryConstrained   = g.Sum(c => c.NessesaryConstrained),
                        NessesaryUnconstrained = g.Sum(c => c.NessesaryUnconstrained),
                        NessesaryBooked        = g.Sum(c => c.NessesaryBooked),
                        Expected               = g.Sum(c => c.Expected)
                string foreCastSeriesName;
                IQueryable <FutureTrendGraphDataHolder> data;
                switch (dataType)
                case FutureTrendDataType.Constrained:
                    data = from gd in groupedData
                           select new FutureTrendGraphDataHolder
                        ReportDate = gd.ReportDate,
                        Forecast   = gd.Constrained,
                        Nessesary  = gd.NessesaryConstrained,
                        Expected   = gd.Expected,
                    foreCastSeriesName = "Constrained Forecast";

                case FutureTrendDataType.Unconstrained:
                    data = from gd in groupedData
                           select new FutureTrendGraphDataHolder
                        ReportDate = gd.ReportDate,
                        Forecast   = gd.Unconstrained,
                        Nessesary  = gd.NessesaryUnconstrained,
                        Expected   = gd.Expected
                    foreCastSeriesName = "Unconstrained Forecast";

                case FutureTrendDataType.AlreadyBooked:
                    data = from gd in groupedData
                           select new FutureTrendGraphDataHolder
                        ReportDate = gd.ReportDate,
                        Forecast   = gd.Booked,
                        Nessesary  = gd.NessesaryBooked,
                        Expected   = gd.Expected
                    foreCastSeriesName = "Already Booked Forecast";

                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Future Trend Datatype selected");

                return(GetFutureTrendSeriesData(data, foreCastSeriesName, dataType));
        internal static List <GraphSeries> GetSupplyAnalysisData(Dictionary <string, string> parameters, FutureTrendDataType dataType, int scenarioId, DataType timeZone)
            using (var dataContext = new MarsDBDataContext(MarsConnection.ConnectionString))
                if (timeZone == DataType.FrozenZone)
                    parameters[ParameterNames.ToDate] = FutureTrendDataAccess.SetFrozenZoneToDateLimit(DateTime.Parse(parameters[ParameterNames.ToDate]));

                IQueryable <FutureTrendOrSupplyAnalysisRawDataHolder> groupedData;
                if (timeZone == DataType.DailyChanging)
                    //groupedData = new FutureTrendRepository().GetData(parameters, scenarioId);
                    groupedData = GenericSizingDataAccess.GetFutureTrendGroupyByDayData(dataContext, parameters, scenarioId);
                    var joinedData = FutureTrendDataAccess.GetRawFrozenZoneFutureTrendData(dataContext, parameters, (byte)scenarioId);
                    groupedData = from fc in joinedData
                                  group fc by new { fc.ReportDate }
                    into g
                    orderby g.Key.ReportDate ascending
                        select new FutureTrendOrSupplyAnalysisRawDataHolder {
                        ReportDate             = g.Key.ReportDate,
                        Constrained            = g.Sum(c => c.Constrained),
                        Unconstrained          = g.Sum(c => c.Unconstrained),
                        Booked                 = g.Sum(c => c.Booked),
                        NessesaryConstrained   = g.Sum(c => c.NessesaryConstrained),
                        NessesaryUnconstrained = g.Sum(c => c.NessesaryUnconstrained),
                        NessesaryBooked        = g.Sum(c => c.NessesaryBooked),
                        Expected               = g.Sum(c => c.Expected)

                IQueryable <SupplyAnalysisGraphDataHolder> data;
                switch (dataType)
                case FutureTrendDataType.Constrained:
                    data = from gd in groupedData
                           select new SupplyAnalysisGraphDataHolder
                        ReportDate = gd.ReportDate,
                        Expected   = gd.Expected - gd.NessesaryConstrained,

                case FutureTrendDataType.Unconstrained:
                    data = from gd in groupedData
                           select new SupplyAnalysisGraphDataHolder
                        ReportDate = gd.ReportDate,
                        Expected   = gd.Expected - gd.NessesaryUnconstrained,

                case FutureTrendDataType.AlreadyBooked:
                    data = from gd in groupedData
                           select new SupplyAnalysisGraphDataHolder
                        ReportDate = gd.ReportDate,
                        Expected   = gd.Expected - gd.NessesaryBooked,

                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Future Trend Datatype selected");
                var sw = new Stopwatch();
                var finalGraphingData = data.ToList();
                var ell       = sw.Elapsed;
                var graphData = GetSupplyAnalysisSeriesData(finalGraphingData);


        internal static List <GraphSeries> GetSiteComparisonData(Dictionary <string, string> parameters, int topicId, int scenarioId)
            var country   = parameters.ContainsKey(ParameterNames.Country) ? parameters[ParameterNames.Country] : null;
            var cmsPoolId = parameters.ContainsKey(ParameterNames.Pool) ? parameters[ParameterNames.Pool] : null;

            using (var dataContext = new MarsDBDataContext(MarsConnection.ConnectionString))
                var joinedData = GenericSizingDataAccess.GetRawSiteAndFleetComparisonData(dataContext, parameters, scenarioId);
                //var joinedData = GetRawSiteAndFleetComparisonData(dataContext, parameters, scenarioId);

                var groupedByLocationGroupAndCarClass = from jd in joinedData
                                                        group jd by new { jd.CarClassId, jd.LocationGroupId, jd.Country, jd.ReportDate }
                into g
                    select new
                    Constrained      = g.Sum(d => d.Constrained),
                    Unconstrained    = g.Sum(d => d.Unconstrained),
                    Booked           = g.Sum(d => d.Booked),
                    OperationalFleet = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                    CarClass         = g.Key.CarClassId,
                    LocationGroup    = g.Key.LocationGroupId,
                    ExpectedFleet    = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),

                groupedByLocationGroupAndCarClass = from jd in groupedByLocationGroupAndCarClass
                                                    group jd by new { jd.CarClass, jd.LocationGroup, jd.Country }
                into g
                    select new
                    ReportDate       = DateTime.Now,
                    Country          = g.Key.Country,
                    Constrained      = g.Average(d => d.Constrained),
                    Unconstrained    = g.Average(d => d.Unconstrained),
                    Booked           = g.Average(d => d.Booked),
                    OperationalFleet = g.Average(d => d.OperationalFleet),
                    CarClass         = g.Key.CarClass,
                    LocationGroup    = g.Key.LocationGroup,
                    ExpectedFleet    = g.Average(d => d.ExpectedFleet),

                IQueryable <SiteAndFleetComparisonDataHolder> returnedData;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmsPoolId))
                    var groupedByLocationGroup = from gd in groupedByLocationGroupAndCarClass
                                                 group gd by gd.LocationGroup
                                                 into g
                                                 select new
                        LocationGroup = g.Key,
                        ExpectedFleet = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Constrained   = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Constrained) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Unconstrained = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Unconstrained) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Booked        = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Booked) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet)

                    returnedData = from rd in groupedByLocationGroup
                                   join lg in dataContext.CMS_LOCATION_GROUPs on rd.LocationGroup equals lg.cms_location_group_id
                                   select new SiteAndFleetComparisonDataHolder()
                        ColumnName = lg.cms_location_group1,
                        Value      =
                            topicId == 1 ? rd.ExpectedFleet :
                            topicId == 3 ? rd.Constrained :
                            topicId == 4 ? rd.Unconstrained :
                            topicId == 5 ? rd.Booked : 0
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(country))
                    var groupedByPool = from gd in groupedByLocationGroupAndCarClass
                                        join lg in dataContext.CMS_LOCATION_GROUPs on gd.LocationGroup equals lg.cms_location_group_id
                                        group gd by lg.cms_pool_id
                                        into g
                                        select new
                        Pool          = g.Key,
                        ExpectedFleet = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Constrained   = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Constrained) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Unconstrained = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Unconstrained) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Booked        = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Booked) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet)

                    returnedData = from rd in groupedByPool
                                   join p in dataContext.CMS_POOLs on rd.Pool equals p.cms_pool_id
                                   select new SiteAndFleetComparisonDataHolder()
                        ColumnName = p.cms_pool1,
                        Value      =
                            topicId == 1 ? rd.ExpectedFleet :
                            topicId == 3 ? rd.Constrained :
                            topicId == 4 ? rd.Unconstrained :
                            topicId == 5 ? rd.Booked : 0
                    var groupedByCountry = from gd in groupedByLocationGroupAndCarClass
                                           join lg in dataContext.CMS_LOCATION_GROUPs on gd.LocationGroup equals lg.cms_location_group_id
                                           group gd by gd.Country
                                           into g
                                           select new
                        Country       = g.Key,
                        ExpectedFleet = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Constrained   = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Constrained) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Unconstrained = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Unconstrained) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Booked        = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Booked) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet)

                    returnedData = from rd in groupedByCountry
                                   join lg in dataContext.COUNTRies on rd.Country equals lg.country1
                                   select new SiteAndFleetComparisonDataHolder()
                        ColumnName = lg.country_description,
                        Value      =
                            topicId == 1 ? rd.ExpectedFleet :
                            topicId == 3 ? rd.Constrained  :
                            topicId == 4 ? rd.Unconstrained :
                            topicId == 5 ? rd.Booked : 0

                var columnNames  = new List <object>();
                var columnValues = new List <double>();

                foreach (var fcd in returnedData.OrderByDescending(d => d.Value))

                var seriesInformation = new List <GraphSeries>
                    new GraphSeries("Fleet")
                        GraphColour = Color.LawnGreen,
                        Xvalue      = columnNames,
                        Yvalue      = columnValues
        internal static string GetSiteComparisonExcelData(Dictionary <string, string> parameters, int siteGroup, int topicId, int scenarioId)
            var csvData   = new StringBuilder();
            var csvHeader = new StringBuilder();

            using (var dataContext = new MarsDBDataContext(MarsConnection.ConnectionString))
                var joinedData = GenericSizingDataAccess.GetRawSiteAndFleetComparisonData(dataContext, parameters, scenarioId);

                var carDetails = new StringBuilder();
                csvHeader.Append(CsvExportMethods.GetExportHeaders(siteGroup, 0));

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters[ParameterNames.CarSegment]))
                    carDetails.Append((from cc in dataContext.CAR_SEGMENTs
                                       where cc.car_segment_id == int.Parse(parameters[ParameterNames.CarSegment])
                                       select cc.car_segment1).First() + ",");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters[ParameterNames.CarClassGroup]))
                    carDetails.Append((from cc in dataContext.CAR_CLASSes
                                       where cc.car_class_id == int.Parse(parameters[ParameterNames.CarClassGroup])
                                       select cc.car_class1).First() + ",");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters[ParameterNames.CarClass]))
                    carDetails.Append((from cc in dataContext.CAR_GROUPs
                                       where cc.car_group_id == int.Parse(parameters[ParameterNames.CarClass])
                                       select cc.car_group1).First() + ",");

                var fullDataSet = from gd in joinedData
                                  join lg in dataContext.CMS_LOCATION_GROUPs on gd.LocationGroupId equals lg.cms_location_group_id
                                  select new SiteAndFleetComparisonExcelDataHolder
                    ReportDate        = gd.ReportDate,
                    CountryId         = gd.Country,
                    CountryName       = lg.CMS_POOL.COUNTRy1.country_description,
                    Pool              = lg.CMS_POOL.cms_pool1,
                    PoolId            = lg.cms_pool_id,
                    LocationGroupId   = gd.LocationGroupId,
                    LocationGroup     = lg.cms_location_group1,
                    ExpectedFleet     = gd.ExpectedFleet,
                    Constrained       = gd.Constrained,
                    Unconstrained     = gd.Unconstrained,
                    Booked            = gd.Booked,
                    AdditionalColumns = carDetails.ToString()

                IQueryable <string> data;
                switch (siteGroup)
                case 0:
                    data = from av in fullDataSet
                           group av by new { Country = av.CountryId, av.CountryName, av.ReportDate } into gd
                    orderby gd.Key.ReportDate, gd.Key.Country
                    select string.Format("{0},{1},{2}{3}\n", gd.Key.ReportDate.ToShortDateString(),
                                         gd.Key.CountryName, gd.First().AdditionalColumns,
                                         topicId == 1?Math.Round(gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet), 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() :
                                             topicId == 3?gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0? "0" :
                                             Math.Round(gd.Sum(d => d.Constrained) / gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) * 100, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() :
                                                 topicId == 4?gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0? "0" :
                                                 Math.Round(gd.Sum(d => d.Unconstrained) / gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) * 100, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() :
                                                     topicId == 5?gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0? "0" :
                                                     Math.Round(gd.Sum(d => d.Booked) / gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) * 100, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() : "0");


                case 1:
                    data = from av in fullDataSet
                           group av by new { Country = av.CountryId, av.CountryName, av.ReportDate, av.PoolId, av.Pool } into gd
                    orderby gd.Key.ReportDate, gd.Key.Country, gd.Key.PoolId
                    select string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}{4}\n", gd.Key.ReportDate.ToShortDateString(),
                                         gd.Key.CountryName, gd.Key.Pool, gd.First().AdditionalColumns,
                                         topicId == 1?Math.Round(gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet), 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() :
                                             topicId == 3?gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0? "0" :
                                             Math.Round(gd.Sum(d => d.Constrained) / gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) * 100, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() :
                                                 topicId == 4?gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0? "0" :
                                                 Math.Round(gd.Sum(d => d.Unconstrained) / gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) * 100, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() :
                                                     topicId == 5?gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0? "0" :
                                                     Math.Round(gd.Sum(d => d.Booked) / gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) * 100, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() : "0");


                case 2:
                    data = from av in fullDataSet
                           group av by new { Country = av.CountryId, av.CountryName, av.ReportDate, av.PoolId, av.Pool, av.LocationGroupId, av.LocationGroup } into gd
                    orderby gd.Key.ReportDate, gd.Key.Country, gd.Key.PoolId, gd.Key.LocationGroupId
                    select string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4}{5}\n", gd.Key.ReportDate.ToShortDateString(),
                                         gd.Key.CountryName, gd.Key.Pool, gd.Key.LocationGroup, gd.First().AdditionalColumns,
                                         topicId == 1?Math.Round(gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet), 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() :
                                             topicId == 3?gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0? "0" :
                                             Math.Round(gd.Sum(d => d.Constrained) / gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) * 100, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() :
                                                 topicId == 4?gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0? "0" :
                                                 Math.Round(gd.Sum(d => d.Unconstrained) / gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) * 100, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() :
                                                     topicId == 5?gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0? "0" :
                                                     Math.Round(gd.Sum(d => d.Booked) / gd.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) * 100, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero).ToString() : "0");


                    throw new NotImplementedException("Invalid Site Group passed to GetSiteComparisonExcelData()");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters[ParameterNames.CarSegment]))
                    csvHeader.Append(CsvExportHeaders.CarSegment + ",");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters[ParameterNames.CarClassGroup]))
                    csvHeader.Append(CsvExportHeaders.CarClassGroup + ",");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters[ParameterNames.CarClass]))
                    csvHeader.Append(CsvExportHeaders.CarClass + ",");

                switch (topicId)
                case 1:

                case 2:

                case 3:

                case 4:

                case 5:

                    throw new NotImplementedException("Invalid topicId passed to GetSiteComparisonDataAccess");
                data.ToList().ForEach(d => csvData.Append(d.ToString()));
Exemple #12
        internal static List <GraphSeries> GetBenchMarkGraphingData(Dictionary <string, string> parameters, bool constrainedForecast)
            using (var dataContext = new MarsDBDataContext(MarsConnection.ConnectionString))
                var restrictedData = GenericSizingDataAccess.GetBenchmarkRawData(parameters, dataContext);
                var groupedData    = from rd in restrictedData
                                     group rd by new { RepDate = rd.REP_DATE }
                into g
                orderby g.Key.RepDate ascending
                    select new BenchmarkGraphDataHolder
                    ReportDate     = g.Key.RepDate,
                    CurrentOnRent  = g.Sum(d => d.CURRENT_ONRENT) ?? 0,
                    OnRentLastYear = g.Sum(d => d.ONRENT_LY) ?? 0,
                    FrozenValue    = constrainedForecast ? g.Sum(d => d.CMS_CONSTRAINED) ?? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.CMS_UNCONSTRAINED) ?? 0,                    // altered by Gavin
                    Week1          = constrainedForecast ? g.Sum(d => d.CMS_CONSTRAINED_WK1) ?? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.CMS_UNCONSTRAINED_WK1) ?? 0,
                    Week2          = constrainedForecast ? g.Sum(d => d.CMS_CONSTRAINED_WK2) ?? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.CMS_UNCONSTRAINED_WK2) ?? 0,
                    Week3          = constrainedForecast ? g.Sum(d => d.CMS_CONSTRAINED_WK3) ?? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.CMS_UNCONSTRAINED_WK3) ?? 0,
                    Week4          = constrainedForecast ? g.Sum(d => d.CMS_CONSTRAINED_WK4) ?? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.CMS_UNCONSTRAINED_WK4) ?? 0,
                    Week5          = constrainedForecast ? g.Sum(d => d.CMS_CONSTRAINED_WK5) ?? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.CMS_UNCONSTRAINED_WK5) ?? 0,
                    Week6          = constrainedForecast ? g.Sum(d => d.CMS_CONSTRAINED_WK6) ?? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.CMS_UNCONSTRAINED_WK6) ?? 0,
                    Week7          = constrainedForecast ? g.Sum(d => d.CMS_CONSTRAINED_WK7) ?? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.CMS_UNCONSTRAINED_WK7) ?? 0,
                    Week8          = constrainedForecast ? g.Sum(d => d.CMS_CONSTRAINED_WK8) ?? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.CMS_UNCONSTRAINED_WK8) ?? 0,
                    TopDown        = constrainedForecast ? g.Sum(p => p.ADJUSTMENT_TD) ?? 0 : g.Sum(p => p.ADJUSTMENT_TD) ?? 0

                var dateTimes      = new List <object>();
                var currentOnRent  = new List <double>();
                var onRentLastYear = new List <double>();
                var frozenValue    = new List <double>();
                var week1          = new List <double>();
                var week2          = new List <double>();
                var week3          = new List <double>();
                var week4          = new List <double>();
                var week5          = new List <double>();
                var week6          = new List <double>();
                var week7          = new List <double>();
                var week8          = new List <double>();
                var topDown        = new List <double>();

                foreach (var ft in groupedData)

                var colourList     = new List <Color>();
                var startingColour = Color.Orange;

                for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    colourList.Add(Color.FromArgb(startingColour.R - i * 20, startingColour.G - i * 20, startingColour.B));

                var seriesInformation = new List <GraphSeries>
                    new GraphSeries("On Rent")
                        GraphColour = Color.Green, Xvalue = dateTimes, Yvalue = currentOnRent
                    new GraphSeries("On Rent LY")
                        GraphColour = Color.DimGray, Xvalue = dateTimes, Yvalue = onRentLastYear
                    new GraphSeries(constrainedForecast ? "Constrained" : "Unconstrained")
                        GraphColour = constrainedForecast ? Color.MidnightBlue : Color.CornflowerBlue,
                        Xvalue      = dateTimes, Yvalue = frozenValue
                    new GraphSeries("Week 1")
                        GraphColour = colourList[7], Xvalue = dateTimes, Yvalue = week1
                    new GraphSeries("Week 2")
                        GraphColour = colourList[6], Xvalue = dateTimes, Yvalue = week2
                    new GraphSeries("Week 3")
                        GraphColour = colourList[5], Xvalue = dateTimes, Yvalue = week3
                    new GraphSeries("Week 4")
                        GraphColour = colourList[4], Xvalue = dateTimes, Yvalue = week4
                    new GraphSeries("Week 5")
                        GraphColour = colourList[3], Xvalue = dateTimes, Yvalue = week5
                    new GraphSeries("Week 6")
                        GraphColour = colourList[2], Xvalue = dateTimes, Yvalue = week6
                    new GraphSeries("Week 7")
                        GraphColour = colourList[1], Xvalue = dateTimes, Yvalue = week7
                    new GraphSeries("Week 8")
                        GraphColour = colourList[0], Xvalue = dateTimes, Yvalue = week8
                    new GraphSeries("Top Down")
                        GraphColour = Color.SandyBrown, Xvalue = dateTimes, Yvalue = topDown
        internal static List <GraphSeries> GetFleetComarisonData(Dictionary <string, string> parameters, int topicId, int scenarioId)
            var country         = parameters.ContainsKey(ParameterNames.Country) ? parameters[ParameterNames.Country] : null;
            var carSegmentId    = parameters.ContainsKey(ParameterNames.CarSegment) ? parameters[ParameterNames.CarSegment] : null;
            var carClassGroupId = parameters.ContainsKey(ParameterNames.CarClassGroup) ? parameters[ParameterNames.CarClassGroup] : null;

            using (var dataContext = new MarsDBDataContext(MarsConnection.ConnectionString))
                var joinedData = GenericSizingDataAccess.GetRawSiteAndFleetComparisonData(dataContext, parameters, scenarioId);

                var groupedByLocationGroupAndCarClass = from jd in joinedData
                                                        group jd by new { jd.CarClassId, jd.LocationGroupId, jd.Country, jd.ReportDate }
                into g
                    select new
                    Constrained      = g.Sum(d => d.Constrained),
                    Unconstrained    = g.Sum(d => d.Unconstrained),
                    Booked           = g.Sum(d => d.Booked),
                    OperationalFleet = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                    CarClass         = g.Key.CarClassId,
                    LocationGroup    = g.Key.LocationGroupId,
                    ExpectedFleet    = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),

                groupedByLocationGroupAndCarClass = from jd in groupedByLocationGroupAndCarClass
                                                    group jd by new { jd.CarClass, jd.LocationGroup, jd.Country }
                into g
                    select new
                    ReportDate       = DateTime.Now,
                    Country          = g.Key.Country,
                    Constrained      = g.Average(d => d.Constrained),
                    Unconstrained    = g.Average(d => d.Unconstrained),
                    Booked           = g.Average(d => d.Booked),
                    OperationalFleet = g.Average(d => d.OperationalFleet),
                    CarClass         = g.Key.CarClass,
                    LocationGroup    = g.Key.LocationGroup,
                    ExpectedFleet    = g.Average(d => d.ExpectedFleet),

                IQueryable <SiteAndFleetComparisonDataHolder> returnedData;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(carClassGroupId))
                    var groupedByCarClass = from gd in groupedByLocationGroupAndCarClass
                                            group gd by gd.CarClass
                                            into g
                                            select new
                        CarClass      = g.Key,
                        ExpectedFleet = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Constrained   = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Constrained) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Unconstrained = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Unconstrained) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Booked        = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Booked) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet)

                    returnedData = from rd in groupedByCarClass
                                   join cg in dataContext.CAR_GROUPs on rd.CarClass equals cg.car_group_id
                                   select new SiteAndFleetComparisonDataHolder
                        ColumnName = cg.car_group1,
                        Value      = (
                            topicId == 1 ? rd.ExpectedFleet :
                            topicId == 3 ? rd.Constrained :
                            topicId == 4 ? rd.Unconstrained :
                            topicId == 5 ? rd.Booked : 0)
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(carSegmentId))
                    var groupedByCarClassGroup = from gd in groupedByLocationGroupAndCarClass
                                                 join cg in dataContext.CAR_GROUPs on gd.CarClass equals cg.car_group_id
                                                 group gd by cg.car_class_id
                                                 into g
                                                 select new
                        CarClassGroup = g.Key,
                        ExpectedFleet = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Constrained   = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Constrained) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Unconstrained = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Unconstrained) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Booked        = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Booked) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet)

                    returnedData = from rd in groupedByCarClassGroup
                                   join ccg in dataContext.CAR_CLASSes on rd.CarClassGroup equals ccg.car_class_id
                                   select new SiteAndFleetComparisonDataHolder
                        ColumnName = ccg.car_class1,
                        Value      = (
                            topicId == 1 ? rd.ExpectedFleet :
                            topicId == 3 ? rd.Constrained :
                            topicId == 4 ? rd.Unconstrained :
                            topicId == 5 ? rd.Booked : 0)
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(country))
                    var groupedByCarSegment = from gd in groupedByLocationGroupAndCarClass
                                              join lg in dataContext.CAR_GROUPs on gd.CarClass equals lg.car_group_id
                                              group gd by lg.CAR_CLASS.car_segment_id
                                              into g
                                              select new
                        CarSegment    = g.Key,
                        ExpectedFleet = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Constrained   = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Constrained) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Unconstrained = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Unconstrained) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Booked        = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Booked) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet)

                    returnedData = from rd in groupedByCarSegment
                                   join cs in dataContext.CAR_SEGMENTs on rd.CarSegment equals cs.car_segment_id
                                   select new SiteAndFleetComparisonDataHolder
                        ColumnName = cs.car_segment1,
                        Value      = (
                            topicId == 1 ? rd.ExpectedFleet :
                            topicId == 3 ? rd.Constrained :
                            topicId == 4 ? rd.Unconstrained :
                            topicId == 5 ? rd.Booked : 0)
                    var groupedByCountry = from gd in groupedByLocationGroupAndCarClass
                                           group gd by gd.Country
                                           into g
                                           select new
                        Country       = g.Key,
                        ExpectedFleet = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Constrained   = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Constrained) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Unconstrained = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Unconstrained) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet),
                        Booked        = g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet) == 0 ? 0 : g.Sum(d => d.Booked) / g.Sum(d => d.ExpectedFleet)

                    returnedData = from rd in groupedByCountry
                                   join lg in dataContext.COUNTRies on rd.Country equals lg.country1
                                   select new SiteAndFleetComparisonDataHolder
                        ColumnName = lg.country_description,
                        Value      = (
                            topicId == 1 ? rd.ExpectedFleet :
                            topicId == 3 ? rd.Constrained :
                            topicId == 4 ? rd.Unconstrained :
                            topicId == 5 ? rd.Booked : 0)

                var columnNames  = new List <object>();
                var columnValues = new List <double>();

                foreach (var fcd in returnedData.OrderByDescending(d => d.Value))

                var seriesInformation = new List <GraphSeries>
                    new GraphSeries("Fleet")
                        GraphColour = Color.PowderBlue,
                        Xvalue      = columnNames,
                        Yvalue      = columnValues
