private static BoundStatement RewriteIfStatement(
            SyntaxNode syntax,  
            BoundExpression rewrittenCondition, 
            BoundStatement rewrittenConsequence, 
            BoundStatement rewrittenAlternativeOpt, 
            bool hasErrors)
            var afterif = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("afterif");

            // if (condition) 
            //   consequence;  
            // becomes
            // GotoIfFalse condition afterif;
            // consequence;
            // afterif:

            if (rewrittenAlternativeOpt == null)
                return BoundStatementList.Synthesized(syntax, 
                    new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, false, afterif),
                    new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, afterif));

            // if (condition)
            //     consequence;
            // else 
            //     alternative
            // becomes
            // GotoIfFalse condition alt;
            // consequence
            // goto afterif;
            // alt:
            // alternative;
            // afterif:

            var alt = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("alternative");
            return BoundStatementList.Synthesized(syntax, hasErrors,
                new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, false, alt),
                new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, afterif),
                new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, alt),
                new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, afterif));
        private BoundStatement RewriteForStatement(
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax,
            ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> outerLocals,
            BoundStatement rewrittenInitializer,
            BoundExpression rewrittenCondition,
            CSharpSyntaxNode conditionSyntaxOpt,
            TextSpan conditionSpanOpt,
            BoundStatement rewrittenIncrement,
            BoundStatement rewrittenBody,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel,
            bool hasErrors)
            Debug.Assert(rewrittenBody != null);

            // The sequence point behavior exhibited here is different from that of the native compiler.  In the native
            // compiler, if you have something like
            // for([|int i = 0, j = 0|]; ; [|i++, j++|])
            // then all the initializers are treated as a single sequence point, as are
            // all the loop incrementers.
            // We now make each one individually a sequence point:
            // for([|int i = 0|], [|j = 0|]; ; [|i++|], [|j++|])
            // If we decide that we want to preserve the native compiler stepping behavior
            // then we'll need to be a bit fancy here. The initializer and increment statements
            // can contain lambdas whose bodies need to have sequence points inserted, so we
            // need to make sure we visit the children. But we'll also need to make sure that
            // we do not generate one sequence point for each statement in the initializers
            // and the incrementers.

            var statementBuilder = ArrayBuilder <BoundStatement> .GetInstance();

            if (rewrittenInitializer != null)

            var startLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("start");

            // for (initializer; condition; increment)
            //   body;
            // becomes the following (with block added for locals)
            // {
            //   initializer;
            //   goto end;
            // start:
            //   body;
            // continue:
            //   increment;
            // end:
            //   GotoIfTrue condition start;
            // break:
            // }

            var endLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("end");

            //  initializer;
            //  goto end;

            // Mark the initial jump as hidden.
            // We do it to tell that this is not a part of previous statement.
            // This jump may be a target of another jump (for example if loops are nested) and that will make
            // impression of the previous statement being re-executed
            var gotoEnd = new BoundSequencePoint(null, new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, endLabel));


            // start:
            //   body;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, startLabel));


            // continue:
            //   increment;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, continueLabel));
            if (rewrittenIncrement != null)

            // end:
            //   GotoIfTrue condition start;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, endLabel));
            BoundStatement branchBack = null;

            if (rewrittenCondition != null)
                branchBack = new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, true, startLabel);
                branchBack = new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, startLabel);

            if (this.GenerateDebugInfo)
                if (!conditionSpanOpt.IsEmpty)
                    branchBack = new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(syntax, branchBack, conditionSpanOpt);
                    // hidden sequence point if there is no condition
                    branchBack = new BoundSequencePoint(conditionSyntaxOpt, branchBack);


            // break:
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, breakLabel));

            var statements = statementBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();

            return(new BoundBlock(syntax, outerLocals, statements, hasErrors));
        private BoundStatement RewriteWhileStatement(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BoundExpression rewrittenCondition,
            TextSpan conditionSequencePointSpan,
            BoundStatement rewrittenBody,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel,
            bool hasErrors)
            var startLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("start");
            BoundStatement ifConditionGotoStart = new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, true, startLabel);

            if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                ifConditionGotoStart = new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(syntax, ifConditionGotoStart, conditionSequencePointSpan);

            // while (condition) 
            //   body;
            // becomes
            // goto continue;
            // start: 
            // body
            // continue:
            // GotoIfTrue condition start;
            // break:

            BoundStatement gotoContinue = new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, continueLabel);
            if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                //mark the initial jump as hidden.
                //We do it to tell that this is not a part of previou statement.
                //This jump may be a target of another jump (for example if loops are nested) and that will make 
                //impression of the previous statement being re-executed
                gotoContinue = new BoundSequencePoint(null, gotoContinue);

            return BoundStatementList.Synthesized(syntax, hasErrors,
                new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, startLabel),
                new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, continueLabel),
                new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, breakLabel));
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Build the decision dag, giving an error if some cases are subsumed and a warning if the switch expression is not exhaustive.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param name="boundInputExpression"></param>
        /// <param name="switchArms"></param>
        /// <param name="decisionDag"></param>
        /// <param name="diagnostics"></param>
        /// <returns>true if there was a non-exhaustive warning reported</returns>
        private bool CheckSwitchExpressionExhaustive(
            SwitchExpressionSyntax node,
            BoundExpression boundInputExpression,
            ImmutableArray <BoundSwitchExpressionArm> switchArms,
            out BoundDecisionDag decisionDag,
            out LabelSymbol defaultLabel,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            defaultLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("default");
            decisionDag  = DecisionDagBuilder.CreateDecisionDagForSwitchExpression(this.Compilation, node, boundInputExpression, switchArms, defaultLabel, diagnostics);
            var reachableLabels = decisionDag.ReachableLabels;

            foreach (BoundSwitchExpressionArm arm in switchArms)
                if (!reachableLabels.Contains(arm.Label))
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_SwitchArmSubsumed, arm.Pattern.Syntax.Location);

            if (!reachableLabels.Contains(defaultLabel))
                // switch expression is exhaustive; no default label needed.
                defaultLabel = null;

            // We only report exhaustive warnings when the default label is reachable through some series of
            // tests that do not include a test in which the value is known to be null.  Handling paths with
            // nulls is the job of the nullable walker.
            foreach (var n in TopologicalSort.IterativeSort <BoundDecisionDagNode>(new[] { decisionDag.RootNode }, nonNullSuccessors))
                if (n is BoundLeafDecisionDagNode leaf && leaf.Label == defaultLabel)
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.WRN_SwitchExpressionNotExhaustive, node.SwitchKeyword.GetLocation());


            ImmutableArray <BoundDecisionDagNode> nonNullSuccessors(BoundDecisionDagNode n)
                switch (n)
                case BoundTestDecisionDagNode p:
                    switch (p.Test)
                    case BoundDagNonNullTest t:         // checks that the input is not null

                    case BoundDagExplicitNullTest t:         // checks that the input is null


        private static LabelSymbol GetNullValueTargetSwitchLabel(ImmutableArray <BoundSwitchSection> sections, GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel)
            LabelSymbol fallThroughLabel = breakLabel;

            foreach (var section in sections)
                foreach (BoundSwitchLabel boundLabel in section.SwitchLabels)
                    var label         = (SourceLabelSymbol)boundLabel.Label;
                    var labelConstant = boundLabel.ConstantValueOpt;

                    if (labelConstant == ConstantValue.Null)
                    else if (labelConstant == null)
                        // Default label
                        Debug.Assert(label.IdentifierNodeOrToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.DefaultSwitchLabel);
                        Debug.Assert(fallThroughLabel == breakLabel);

                        fallThroughLabel = label;

Exemple #6
 internal SwitchBinder(Binder next, SwitchStatementSyntax switchSyntax)
     : base(next)
     _switchSyntax = switchSyntax;
     _breakLabel   = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("break");
Exemple #7
 protected LoopBinder(Binder enclosing) : base(enclosing)
     _breakLabel    = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("break");
     _continueLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("continue");
Exemple #8
        private BoundStatement RewriteMultiDimensionalArrayForEachStatement(BoundForEachStatement node)
            ForEachStatementSyntax forEachSyntax = (ForEachStatementSyntax)node.Syntax;

            BoundExpression collectionExpression = GetUnconvertedCollectionExpression(node);


            ArrayTypeSymbol arrayType = (ArrayTypeSymbol)collectionExpression.Type;

            int rank = arrayType.Rank;

            Debug.Assert(rank > 1);

            TypeSymbol intType  = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32);
            TypeSymbol boolType = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);

            BoundExpression rewrittenExpression = (BoundExpression)Visit(collectionExpression);
            BoundStatement  rewrittenBody       = (BoundStatement)Visit(node.Body);

            // A[...] a
            LocalSymbol arrayVar = new TempLocalSymbol(arrayType, RefKind.None, containingMethod);

            // A[...] a = /*node.Expression*/;
            BoundStatement arrayVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, arrayVar, rewrittenExpression);

            AddForEachExpressionSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref arrayVarDecl);

            // Reference to a.
            BoundLocal boundArrayVar = MakeBoundLocal(forEachSyntax, arrayVar, arrayType);

            // int p_0, p_1, ...
            LocalSymbol[] positionVar      = new LocalSymbol[rank];
            BoundLocal[]  boundPositionVar = new BoundLocal[rank];
            for (int dimension = 0; dimension < rank; dimension++)
                positionVar[dimension]      = new TempLocalSymbol(intType, RefKind.None, containingMethod);
                boundPositionVar[dimension] = MakeBoundLocal(forEachSyntax, positionVar[dimension], intType);

            // V v
            LocalSymbol iterationVar     = node.IterationVariable;
            TypeSymbol  iterationVarType = iterationVar.Type;

            // (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...]
            BoundExpression iterationVarInitValue = SynthesizeConversion(
                syntax: forEachSyntax,
                operand: new BoundArrayAccess(forEachSyntax,
                                              expression: boundArrayVar,
                                              indices: ReadOnlyArray <BoundExpression> .CreateFrom((BoundExpression[])boundPositionVar),
                                              type: arrayType.ElementType),
                conversion: node.ElementConversion,
                type: iterationVarType);

            // V v = (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...];
            BoundStatement iterationVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, iterationVar, iterationVarInitValue);

            AddForEachIterationVariableSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref iterationVarDecl);

            // { V v = (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...]; /* node.Body */ }
            BoundStatement innermostLoopBody = new BoundBlock(forEachSyntax,
                                                              localsOpt: ReadOnlyArray <LocalSymbol> .CreateFrom(iterationVar),
                                                              statements: ReadOnlyArray <BoundStatement> .CreateFrom(iterationVarDecl, rewrittenBody));

            // Values we'll use every iteration
            MethodSymbol getLowerBoundMethod = (MethodSymbol)this.compilation.GetSpecialTypeMember(SpecialMember.System_Array__GetLowerBound);
            MethodSymbol getUpperBoundMethod = (MethodSymbol)this.compilation.GetSpecialTypeMember(SpecialMember.System_Array__GetUpperBound);

            // work from most-nested to least-nested
            // for (A[...] a = /*node.Expression*/; int p_0 = a.GetLowerBound(0); p_0 <= a.GetUpperBound(0); p_0 = p_0 + 1)
            //     for (int p_1 = a.GetLowerBound(0); p_1 <= a.GetUpperBound(0); p_1 = p_1 + 1)
            //         ...
            //             { V v = (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...]; /* node.Body */ }
            BoundStatement forLoop = null;

            for (int dimension = rank - 1; dimension >= 0; dimension--)
                ReadOnlyArray <BoundExpression> dimensionArgument = ReadOnlyArray <BoundExpression> .CreateFrom(
                    new BoundLiteral(forEachSyntax,
                                     constantValueOpt : ConstantValue.Create(dimension, ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Int32),
                                     type : intType));

                // a.GetLowerBound(/*dimension*/)
                BoundExpression currentDimensionLowerBound = BoundCall.Synthesized(forEachSyntax, boundArrayVar, getLowerBoundMethod, dimensionArgument);
                // a.GetUpperBound(/*dimension*/) //CONSIDER: dev10 creates a temp for each dimension's upper bound
                BoundExpression currentDimensionUpperBound = BoundCall.Synthesized(forEachSyntax, boundArrayVar, getUpperBoundMethod, dimensionArgument);

                // int p_/*dimension*/ = a.GetLowerBound(/*dimension*/);
                BoundStatement positionVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, positionVar[dimension], currentDimensionLowerBound);

                ReadOnlyArray <LocalSymbol> locals;
                BoundStatement       initializer;
                GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel;

                if (dimension == 0)
                    // outermost for-loop
                    locals = ReadOnlyArray <LocalSymbol> .CreateFrom(arrayVar, positionVar[dimension]);

                    initializer = new BoundStatementList(forEachSyntax,
                                                         statements: ReadOnlyArray <BoundStatement> .CreateFrom(arrayVarDecl, positionVarDecl));
                    breakLabel = node.BreakLabel; // i.e. the one that break statements will jump to
                    locals = ReadOnlyArray <LocalSymbol> .CreateFrom(positionVar[dimension]);

                    initializer = positionVarDecl;
                    breakLabel  = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("break"); // Should not affect emitted code since unused

                // p_/*dimension*/ <= a.GetUpperBound(/*dimension*/)  //NB: OrEqual
                BoundExpression exitCondition = new BoundBinaryOperator(
                    syntax: forEachSyntax,
                    operatorKind: BinaryOperatorKind.IntLessThanOrEqual,
                    left: boundPositionVar[dimension],
                    right: currentDimensionUpperBound,
                    constantValueOpt: null,
                    methodOpt: null,
                    resultKind: LookupResultKind.Viable,
                    type: boolType);

                // p_/*dimension*/ = p_/*dimension*/ + 1;
                BoundStatement positionIncrement = MakePositionIncrement(forEachSyntax, boundPositionVar[dimension], intType);

                BoundStatement       body;
                GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel;

                if (forLoop == null)
                    // innermost for-loop
                    body          = innermostLoopBody;
                    continueLabel = node.ContinueLabel; //i.e. the one continue statements will actually jump to
                    body          = forLoop;
                    continueLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("continue"); // Should not affect emitted code since unused

                forLoop = RewriteForStatement(

            Debug.Assert(forLoop != null);

            AddForEachExpressionSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref forLoop);

 protected LoopBinder(MethodSymbol owner, Binder enclosing)
     : base(owner, enclosing)
     this.breakLabel    = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("break");
     this.continueLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("continue");
        private BoundStatement RewriteWhileStatement(
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax,
            ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> innerLocals,
            BoundExpression rewrittenCondition,
            TextSpan conditionSequencePointSpan,
            BoundStatement rewrittenBody,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel,
            bool hasErrors)
            if (!innerLocals.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                var walker = new AnyLocalCapturedInALambdaWalker(innerLocals);

                if (walker.Analyze(rewrittenCondition) || walker.Analyze(rewrittenBody))
                    // If any inner local is captured within a lambda, we need to enter scope-block
                    // always from the top, that is where an instance of a display class will be created.
                    // The IL will be less optimal, but this shouldn't be a problem, given presence of lambdas.

                    // while (condition)
                    //   body;
                    // becomes
                    // continue:
                    // {
                    //     GotoIfFalse condition break;
                    //     body
                    //     goto continue;
                    // }
                    // break:

                    // TODO: We could perform more fine analysis.
                    // If locals declared in condition (the innerLocals) are captured, but not referenced in the body, we could use optimal IL by creating
                    // another block around the condition and use it as a scope for the locals declared in condition.
                    // This optimization can be applied to 'for' as well, while-body === for-body + increment.
                    // Note however that the scope adjusments will likely be observable during debugging, in locals window.

                    BoundStatement ifNotConditionGotoBreak = new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, false, breakLabel);

                    if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                        ifNotConditionGotoBreak = new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(syntax, ifNotConditionGotoBreak, conditionSequencePointSpan);

                    return(BoundStatementList.Synthesized(syntax, hasErrors,
                                                          new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, continueLabel),
                                                          new BoundBlock(syntax,
                                                                         ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(
                                                                             new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, continueLabel))),
                                                          new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, breakLabel)));

            var            startLabel           = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("start");
            BoundStatement ifConditionGotoStart = new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, true, startLabel);

            if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                ifConditionGotoStart = new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(syntax, ifConditionGotoStart, conditionSequencePointSpan);

            // while (condition)
            //   body;
            // becomes
            // goto continue;
            // start:
            // {
            //     body
            //     continue:
            //     GotoIfTrue condition start;
            // }
            // break:

            BoundStatement gotoContinue = new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, continueLabel);

            if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                // mark the initial jump as hidden. We do it to tell that this is not a part of previous statement. This
                // jump may be a target of another jump (for example if loops are nested) and that would give the
                // impression that the previous statement is being re-executed.
                gotoContinue = new BoundSequencePoint(null, gotoContinue);

            if (!innerLocals.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                return(BoundStatementList.Synthesized(syntax, hasErrors,
                                                      new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, startLabel),
                                                      new BoundBlock(syntax,
                                                                     ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(
                                                                         new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, continueLabel),
                                                      new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, breakLabel)));

            return(BoundStatementList.Synthesized(syntax, hasErrors,
                                                  new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, startLabel),
                                                  new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, continueLabel),
                                                  new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, breakLabel)));
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a thread-safe accessor for a regular field-like event.
        /// DelegateType tmp0 = _event; //backing field
        /// DelegateType tmp1;
        /// DelegateType tmp2;
        /// do {
        ///     tmp1 = tmp0;
        ///     tmp2 = (DelegateType)Delegate.Combine(tmp1, value); //Remove for -=
        ///     tmp0 = Interlocked.CompareExchange&lt;DelegateType&gt;(ref _event, tmp2, tmp1);
        /// } while ((object)tmp0 != (object)tmp1);
        /// </summary>
        internal static BoundBlock ConstructFieldLikeEventAccessorBody_Regular(SourceEventSymbol eventSymbol, bool isAddMethod, CSharpCompilation compilation, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax = eventSymbol.CSharpSyntaxNode;

            TypeSymbol      delegateType  = eventSymbol.Type;
            MethodSymbol    accessor      = isAddMethod ? eventSymbol.AddMethod : eventSymbol.RemoveMethod;
            ParameterSymbol thisParameter = accessor.ThisParameter;

            TypeSymbol   boolType              = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);
            MethodSymbol updateMethod          = (MethodSymbol)compilation.GetSpecialTypeMember(isAddMethod ? SpecialMember.System_Delegate__Combine : SpecialMember.System_Delegate__Remove);
            MethodSymbol compareExchangeMethod = GetConstructedCompareExchangeMethod(delegateType, compilation, accessor.Locations[0], diagnostics);

            if ((object)compareExchangeMethod == null)
                return(new BoundBlock(syntax,
                                      localsOpt: default(ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol>),
                                      statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(
                                          new BoundReturnStatement(syntax,
                                                                   expressionOpt: null)
                    WasCompilerGenerated = true
                    WasCompilerGenerated = true

            GeneratedLabelSymbol loopLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("loop");

            const int numTemps = 3;

            LocalSymbol[] tmps      = new LocalSymbol[numTemps];
            BoundLocal[]  boundTmps = new BoundLocal[numTemps];

            for (int i = 0; i < numTemps; i++)
                tmps[i]      = new SynthesizedLocal(accessor, delegateType);
                boundTmps[i] = new BoundLocal(syntax, tmps[i], null, delegateType);

            BoundThisReference fieldReceiver = eventSymbol.IsStatic ?
                                               null :
                                               new BoundThisReference(syntax, thisParameter.Type)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            BoundFieldAccess boundBackingField = new BoundFieldAccess(syntax,
                                                                      receiver: fieldReceiver,
                                                                      fieldSymbol: eventSymbol.AssociatedField,
                                                                      constantValueOpt: null)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            BoundParameter boundParameter = new BoundParameter(syntax,
                                                               parameterSymbol: accessor.Parameters[0])
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // tmp0 = _event;
            BoundStatement tmp0Init = new BoundExpressionStatement(syntax,
                                                                   expression: new BoundAssignmentOperator(syntax,
                                                                                                           left: boundTmps[0],
                                                                                                           right: boundBackingField,
                                                                                                           type: delegateType)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // LOOP:
            BoundStatement loopStart = new BoundLabelStatement(syntax,
                                                               label: loopLabel)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // tmp1 = tmp0;
            BoundStatement tmp1Update = new BoundExpressionStatement(syntax,
                                                                     expression: new BoundAssignmentOperator(syntax,
                                                                                                             left: boundTmps[1],
                                                                                                             right: boundTmps[0],
                                                                                                             type: delegateType)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // (DelegateType)Delegate.Combine(tmp1, value)
            BoundExpression delegateUpdate = BoundConversion.SynthesizedNonUserDefined(syntax,
                                                                                       operand: BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax,
                                                                                                                      receiverOpt: null,
                                                                                                                      method: updateMethod,
                                                                                                                      arguments: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>(boundTmps[1], boundParameter)),
                                                                                       kind: ConversionKind.ExplicitReference,
                                                                                       type: delegateType);

            // tmp2 = (DelegateType)Delegate.Combine(tmp1, value);
            BoundStatement tmp2Update = new BoundExpressionStatement(syntax,
                                                                     expression: new BoundAssignmentOperator(syntax,
                                                                                                             left: boundTmps[2],
                                                                                                             right: delegateUpdate,
                                                                                                             type: delegateType)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // Interlocked.CompareExchange<DelegateType>(ref _event, tmp2, tmp1)
            BoundExpression compareExchange = BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax,
                                                                    receiverOpt: null,
                                                                    method: compareExchangeMethod,
                                                                    arguments: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>(boundBackingField, boundTmps[2], boundTmps[1]));

            // tmp0 = Interlocked.CompareExchange<DelegateType>(ref _event, tmp2, tmp1);
            BoundStatement tmp0Update = new BoundExpressionStatement(syntax,
                                                                     expression: new BoundAssignmentOperator(syntax,
                                                                                                             left: boundTmps[0],
                                                                                                             right: compareExchange,
                                                                                                             type: delegateType)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // tmp0 == tmp1 // i.e. exit when they are equal, jump to start otherwise
            BoundExpression loopExitCondition = new BoundBinaryOperator(syntax,
                                                                        operatorKind: BinaryOperatorKind.ObjectEqual,
                                                                        left: boundTmps[0],
                                                                        right: boundTmps[1],
                                                                        constantValueOpt: null,
                                                                        methodOpt: null,
                                                                        resultKind: LookupResultKind.Viable,
                                                                        type: boolType)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // branchfalse (tmp0 == tmp1) LOOP
            BoundStatement loopEnd = new BoundConditionalGoto(syntax,
                                                              condition: loopExitCondition,
                                                              jumpIfTrue: false,
                                                              label: loopLabel)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            BoundStatement @return = new BoundReturnStatement(syntax,
                                                              expressionOpt: null)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            return(new BoundBlock(syntax,
                                  localsOpt: tmps.AsImmutableOrNull(),
                                  statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(
                WasCompilerGenerated = true
        private BoundStatement RewriteForStatement(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            ReadOnlyArray <LocalSymbol> locals,
            BoundStatement rewrittenInitializer,
            BoundExpression rewrittenCondition,
            SyntaxNodeOrToken conditionSyntax,
            BoundStatement rewrittenIncrement,
            BoundStatement rewrittenBody,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel,
            bool hasErrors)
            var startLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("start");
            var endLabel   = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("end");

            // for (initializer; condition; increment)
            //   body;
            // becomes the following (with
            // block added for locals)
            // {
            //   initializer;
            //   goto end;
            // start:
            //   body;
            // continue:
            //   increment;
            // end:
            //   GotoIfTrue condition start;
            // break:
            // }

            //  initializer;
            //  goto end;
            var statementBuilder = ArrayBuilder <BoundStatement> .GetInstance();

            if (rewrittenInitializer != null)

            //mark the initial jump as hidden.
            //We do it to tell that this is not a part of previous statement.
            //This jump may be a target of another jump (for example if loops are nested) and that will make
            //impression of the previous statement being re-executed
            var gotoEnd = new BoundSequencePoint(null, new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, endLabel));


            // start:
            //   body;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, startLabel));
            Debug.Assert(rewrittenBody != null);

            // continue:
            //   increment;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, continueLabel));
            if (rewrittenIncrement != null)

            // end:
            //   GotoIfTrue condition start;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, endLabel));
            BoundStatement branchBack = null;

            if (rewrittenCondition != null)
                branchBack = new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, true, startLabel);
                branchBack = new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, startLabel);

            if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                if (conditionSyntax.IsToken)
                    branchBack = new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(syntax, branchBack, conditionSyntax.Span);
                    //if there is no condition, make this a hidden point so that
                    //it does not count as a part of previous statement
                    branchBack = new BoundSequencePoint(conditionSyntax.AsNode(), branchBack);


            // break:
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, breakLabel));

            var statements = statementBuilder.ToReadOnlyAndFree();

            return(new BoundBlock(syntax, locals, statements, hasErrors));
Exemple #13
        private BoundStatement RewriteForStatement(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            ReadOnlyArray<LocalSymbol> locals,
            BoundStatement rewrittenInitializer,
            BoundExpression rewrittenCondition,
            SyntaxNodeOrToken conditionSyntax,
            BoundStatement rewrittenIncrement,
            BoundStatement rewrittenBody,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel,
            bool hasErrors)
            var startLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("start");
            var endLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("end");

            // for (initializer; condition; increment)
            //   body;
            // becomes the following (with
            // block added for locals)
            // {
            //   initializer;
            //   goto end;
            // start:
            //   body;
            // continue:
            //   increment;
            // end:
            //   GotoIfTrue condition start;
            // break:
            // }

            //  initializer;
            //  goto end;
            var statementBuilder = ArrayBuilder<BoundStatement>.GetInstance();
            if (rewrittenInitializer != null)

            //mark the initial jump as hidden.
            //We do it to tell that this is not a part of previous statement.
            //This jump may be a target of another jump (for example if loops are nested) and that will make 
            //impression of the previous statement being re-executed
            var gotoEnd = new BoundSequencePoint(null, new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, endLabel));

            // start:
            //   body;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, startLabel));
            Debug.Assert(rewrittenBody != null);

            // continue:
            //   increment;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, continueLabel));
            if (rewrittenIncrement != null)

            // end:
            //   GotoIfTrue condition start;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, endLabel));
            BoundStatement branchBack = null;
            if (rewrittenCondition != null)
                branchBack = new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, true, startLabel);
                branchBack = new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, startLabel);

            if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                if (conditionSyntax.IsToken)
                    branchBack = new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(syntax, branchBack, conditionSyntax.Span);
                    //if there is no condition, make this a hidden point so that 
                    //it does not count as a part of previous statement
                    branchBack = new BoundSequencePoint(conditionSyntax.AsNode(), branchBack);


            // break:
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, breakLabel));

            var statements = statementBuilder.ToReadOnlyAndFree();
            return new BoundBlock(syntax, locals, statements, hasErrors);
Exemple #14
        public override BoundNode VisitDoStatement(BoundDoStatement node)
            Debug.Assert(node != null);

            var rewrittenCondition = (BoundExpression)Visit(node.Condition);
            var rewrittenBody = (BoundStatement)Visit(node.Body);
            var startLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("start");
            var syntax = node.Syntax;

            BoundStatement ifConditionGotoStart = new BoundConditionalGoto(syntax, rewrittenCondition, true, startLabel);

            if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                var doSyntax = (DoStatementSyntax)syntax;
                var span = TextSpan.FromBounds(

                ifConditionGotoStart = new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(doSyntax, ifConditionGotoStart, span);

            // do
            //   body
            // while (condition);
            // becomes
            // start: 
            // body
            // continue:
            // sequence point
            // GotoIfTrue condition start;
            // break:

            return BoundStatementList.Synthesized(syntax, node.HasErrors,
                new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, startLabel),
                new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, node.ContinueLabel),
                new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, node.BreakLabel));
Exemple #15
        private static BoundStatement RewriteIfStatement(
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax,
            ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> patternVariables,
            BoundExpression rewrittenCondition,
            BoundStatement rewrittenConsequence,
            BoundStatement rewrittenAlternativeOpt,
            bool hasErrors)
            var afterif = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("afterif");
            var builder = ArrayBuilder <BoundStatement> .GetInstance();

            if (rewrittenAlternativeOpt == null)
                // if (condition)
                //   consequence;
                // becomes
                // GotoIfFalse condition afterif;
                // consequence;
                // afterif:

                builder.Add(new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, false, afterif));
                builder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, afterif));
                var statements = builder.ToImmutableAndFree();
                    ? new BoundStatementList(syntax, statements, hasErrors)
                    : new BoundBlock(syntax, patternVariables, ImmutableArray <LocalFunctionSymbol> .Empty, statements, hasErrors)
                    WasCompilerGenerated = true
                // if (condition)
                //     consequence;
                // else
                //     alternative
                // becomes
                // GotoIfFalse condition alt;
                // consequence
                // goto afterif;
                // alt:
                // alternative;
                // afterif:

                var alt = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("alternative");

                builder.Add(new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, false, alt));
                builder.Add(new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, afterif));
                builder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, alt));
                if (!patternVariables.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                    // pattern variables are not in scope in the else part
                    var firstPart = new BoundBlock(syntax, patternVariables, ImmutableArray <LocalFunctionSymbol> .Empty, builder.ToImmutableAndFree(), hasErrors)
                        WasCompilerGenerated = true
                    builder = ArrayBuilder <BoundStatement> .GetInstance();

                builder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, afterif));
                return(new BoundStatementList(syntax, builder.ToImmutableAndFree(), hasErrors));
        private BoundStatement RewriteForStatement(
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax,
            ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> outerLocals,
            BoundStatement rewrittenInitializer,
            ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> innerLocals,
            BoundExpression rewrittenCondition,
            SyntaxNodeOrToken conditionSyntax,
            BoundStatement rewrittenIncrement,
            BoundStatement rewrittenBody,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel,
            bool hasErrors)
            Debug.Assert(rewrittenBody != null);

            // The sequence point behavior exhibited here is different from that of the native compiler.  In the native
            // compiler, if you have something like
            // for(int i = 0, j = 0; ; i++, j++)
            //     ^--------------^    ^------^
            // then all the initializers are treated as a single sequence point, as are
            // all the loop incrementers.
            // We now make each one individually a sequence point:
            // for(int i = 0, j = 0; ; i++, j++)
            //     ^-------^  ^---^    ^-^  ^-^
            // If we decide that we want to preserve the native compiler stepping behavior
            // then we'll need to be a bit fancy here. The initializer and increment statements
            // can contain lambdas whose bodies need to have sequence points inserted, so we
            // need to make sure we visit the children. But we'll also need to make sure that
            // we do not generate one sequence point for each statement in the initializers
            // and the incrementers.

            var statementBuilder = ArrayBuilder <BoundStatement> .GetInstance();

            if (rewrittenInitializer != null)

            var startLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("start");

            if (!innerLocals.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                var walker = new AnyLocalCapturedInALambdaWalker(innerLocals);

                if (walker.Analyze(rewrittenCondition) || walker.Analyze(rewrittenIncrement) || walker.Analyze(rewrittenBody))
                    // If any inner local is captured within a lambda, we need to enter scope-block
                    // always from the top, that is where an instance of a display class will be created.
                    // The IL will be less optimal, but this shouldn't be a problem, given presence of lambdas.

                    // for (initializer; condition; increment)
                    //   body;
                    // becomes the following (with
                    // block added for locals)
                    // {
                    //   initializer;
                    // start:
                    //   {
                    //     GotoIfFalse condition break;
                    //     body;
                    // continue:
                    //     increment;
                    //     goto start;
                    //   }
                    // break:
                    // }

                    // start:
                    statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, startLabel));

                    var blockBuilder = ArrayBuilder <BoundStatement> .GetInstance();

                    //   GotoIfFalse condition break;
                    if (rewrittenCondition != null)
                        BoundStatement ifNotConditionGotoBreak = new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, false, breakLabel);

                        if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                            if (conditionSyntax.IsToken)
                                ifNotConditionGotoBreak = new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(syntax, ifNotConditionGotoBreak, conditionSyntax.Span);
                                ifNotConditionGotoBreak = new BoundSequencePoint((CSharpSyntaxNode)conditionSyntax.AsNode(), ifNotConditionGotoBreak);


                    // body;

                    // continue:
                    //   increment;
                    blockBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, continueLabel));
                    if (rewrittenIncrement != null)

                    //     goto start;
                    blockBuilder.Add(new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, startLabel));

                    statementBuilder.Add(new BoundBlock(syntax, innerLocals, blockBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree()));

                    // break:
                    statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, breakLabel));

                    return(new BoundBlock(syntax, outerLocals, statementBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree(), hasErrors));

            var endLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("end");

            // for (initializer; condition; increment)
            //   body;
            // becomes the following (with
            // block added for locals)
            // {
            //   initializer;
            //   goto end;
            // start:
            //   body;
            // continue:
            //   increment;
            // end:
            //   GotoIfTrue condition start;
            // break:
            // }

            //  initializer;
            //  goto end;

            //mark the initial jump as hidden.
            //We do it to tell that this is not a part of previous statement.
            //This jump may be a target of another jump (for example if loops are nested) and that will make
            //impression of the previous statement being re-executed
            var gotoEnd = new BoundSequencePoint(null, new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, endLabel));


            // start:
            //   body;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, startLabel));

            ArrayBuilder <BoundStatement> saveBuilder = null;

            if (!innerLocals.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                saveBuilder      = statementBuilder;
                statementBuilder = ArrayBuilder <BoundStatement> .GetInstance();


            // continue:
            //   increment;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, continueLabel));
            if (rewrittenIncrement != null)

            // end:
            //   GotoIfTrue condition start;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, endLabel));
            BoundStatement branchBack = null;

            if (rewrittenCondition != null)
                branchBack = new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, true, startLabel);
                branchBack = new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, startLabel);

            if (this.generateDebugInfo)
                if (conditionSyntax.IsToken)
                    branchBack = new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(syntax, branchBack, conditionSyntax.Span);
                    //if there is no condition, make this a hidden point so that
                    //it does not count as a part of previous statement
                    branchBack = new BoundSequencePoint((CSharpSyntaxNode)conditionSyntax.AsNode(), branchBack);


            if (!innerLocals.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
                var block = new BoundBlock(syntax, innerLocals, statementBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree());
                statementBuilder = saveBuilder;

            // break:
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, breakLabel));

            var statements = statementBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();

            return(new BoundBlock(syntax, outerLocals, statements, hasErrors));
        private BoundStatement RewriteForStatement(
            BoundLoopStatement original,
            ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> outerLocals,
            BoundStatement rewrittenInitializer,
            BoundExpression rewrittenCondition,
            BoundStatement rewrittenIncrement,
            BoundStatement rewrittenBody,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel,
            bool hasErrors)
            Debug.Assert(original.Kind == BoundKind.ForStatement || original.Kind == BoundKind.ForEachStatement);
            Debug.Assert(rewrittenBody != null);

            // The sequence point behavior exhibited here is different from that of the native compiler.  In the native
            // compiler, if you have something like
            // for([|int i = 0, j = 0|]; ; [|i++, j++|])
            // then all the initializers are treated as a single sequence point, as are
            // all the loop incrementors.
            // We now make each one individually a sequence point:
            // for([|int i = 0|], [|j = 0|]; ; [|i++|], [|j++|])
            // If we decide that we want to preserve the native compiler stepping behavior
            // then we'll need to be a bit fancy here. The initializer and increment statements
            // can contain lambdas whose bodies need to have sequence points inserted, so we
            // need to make sure we visit the children. But we'll also need to make sure that
            // we do not generate one sequence point for each statement in the initializers
            // and the incrementors.

            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax = original.Syntax;
            var statementBuilder    = ArrayBuilder <BoundStatement> .GetInstance();

            if (rewrittenInitializer != null)

            var startLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("start");

            // for (initializer; condition; increment)
            //   body;
            // becomes the following (with block added for locals)
            // {
            //   initializer;
            //   goto end;
            // start:
            //   body;
            // continue:
            //   increment;
            // end:
            //   GotoIfTrue condition start;
            // break:
            // }

            var endLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("end");

            //  initializer;
            //  goto end;

            BoundStatement gotoEnd = new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, endLabel);

            if (this.Instrument)
                switch (original.Kind)
                case BoundKind.ForEachStatement:
                    gotoEnd = _instrumenter.InstrumentForEachStatementGotoEnd((BoundForEachStatement)original, gotoEnd);

                case BoundKind.ForStatement:
                    gotoEnd = _instrumenter.InstrumentForStatementGotoEnd((BoundForStatement)original, gotoEnd);

                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(original.Kind);


            // start:
            //   body;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, startLabel));


            // continue:
            //   increment;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, continueLabel));
            if (rewrittenIncrement != null)

            // end:
            //   GotoIfTrue condition start;
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, endLabel));
            BoundStatement branchBack = null;

            if (rewrittenCondition != null)
                branchBack = new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, true, startLabel);
                branchBack = new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, startLabel);

            if (this.Instrument)
                switch (original.Kind)
                case BoundKind.ForEachStatement:
                    branchBack = _instrumenter.InstrumentForEachStatementConditionalGotoStart((BoundForEachStatement)original, branchBack);

                case BoundKind.ForStatement:
                    branchBack = _instrumenter.InstrumentForStatementConditionalGotoStart((BoundForStatement)original, branchBack);

                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(original.Kind);


            // break:
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, breakLabel));

            var statements = statementBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();

            return(new BoundBlock(syntax, outerLocals, ImmutableArray <LocalFunctionSymbol> .Empty, statements, hasErrors));
Exemple #18
        private BoundStatement RewriteWhileStatement(
            BoundLoopStatement loop,
            BoundExpression rewrittenCondition,
            BoundStatement rewrittenBody,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel,
            bool hasErrors)
            Debug.Assert(loop.Kind == BoundKind.WhileStatement || loop.Kind == BoundKind.ForEachStatement);
            SyntaxNode     syntax               = loop.Syntax;
            var            startLabel           = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("start");
            BoundStatement ifConditionGotoStart = new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, true, startLabel);

            if (this.Instrument && !loop.WasCompilerGenerated)
                switch (loop.Kind)
                case BoundKind.WhileStatement:
                    ifConditionGotoStart = _instrumenter.InstrumentWhileStatementConditionalGotoStart((BoundWhileStatement)loop, ifConditionGotoStart);

                case BoundKind.ForEachStatement:
                    ifConditionGotoStart = _instrumenter.InstrumentForEachStatementConditionalGotoStart((BoundForEachStatement)loop, ifConditionGotoStart);

                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(loop.Kind);

            // while (condition)
            //   body;
            // becomes
            // goto continue;
            // start:
            // {
            //     body
            //     continue:
            //     GotoIfTrue condition start;
            // }
            // break:

            BoundStatement gotoContinue = new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, continueLabel);

            if (this.Instrument && !loop.WasCompilerGenerated)
                // mark the initial jump as hidden. We do it to tell that this is not a part of previous statement. This
                // jump may be a target of another jump (for example if loops are nested) and that would give the
                // impression that the previous statement is being re-executed.
                switch (loop.Kind)
                case BoundKind.WhileStatement:
                    gotoContinue = _instrumenter.InstrumentWhileStatementGotoContinue((BoundWhileStatement)loop, gotoContinue);

                case BoundKind.ForEachStatement:
                    gotoContinue = _instrumenter.InstrumentForEachStatementGotoContinue((BoundForEachStatement)loop, gotoContinue);

                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(loop.Kind);

            return(BoundStatementList.Synthesized(syntax, hasErrors,
                                                  new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, startLabel),
                                                  new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, continueLabel),
                                                  new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, breakLabel)));
Exemple #19
        private bool CheckSwitchExpressionExhaustive(
            SwitchExpressionSyntax node,
            BoundExpression boundInputExpression,
            ImmutableArray <BoundSwitchExpressionArm> switchArms,
            out BoundDecisionDag decisionDag,
            out LabelSymbol defaultLabel,
            BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            defaultLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("default");
            decisionDag  = DecisionDagBuilder.CreateDecisionDagForSwitchExpression(this.Compilation, node, boundInputExpression, switchArms, defaultLabel, diagnostics);
            var  reachableLabels = decisionDag.ReachableLabels;
            bool hasErrors       = false;

            foreach (BoundSwitchExpressionArm arm in switchArms)
                hasErrors |= arm.HasErrors;
                if (!hasErrors && !reachableLabels.Contains(arm.Label))
                    diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_SwitchArmSubsumed, arm.Pattern.Syntax.Location);

            if (!reachableLabels.Contains(defaultLabel))
                // switch expression is exhaustive; no default label needed.
                defaultLabel = null;

            if (hasErrors)

            // We only report exhaustive warnings when the default label is reachable through some series of
            // tests that do not include a test in which the value is known to be null.  Handling paths with
            // nulls is the job of the nullable walker.
            bool wasAcyclic = TopologicalSort.TryIterativeSort <BoundDecisionDagNode>(new[] { decisionDag.RootNode }, nonNullSuccessors, out var nodes);

            // Since decisionDag.RootNode is acyclic by construction, its subset of nodes sorted here cannot be cyclic
            foreach (var n in nodes)
                if (n is BoundLeafDecisionDagNode leaf && leaf.Label == defaultLabel)
                    var samplePattern = PatternExplainer.SamplePatternForPathToDagNode(
                        BoundDagTemp.ForOriginalInput(boundInputExpression), nodes, n, nullPaths: false, out bool requiresFalseWhenClause, out bool unnamedEnumValue);
                    ErrorCode warningCode =
                        requiresFalseWhenClause ? ErrorCode.WRN_SwitchExpressionNotExhaustiveWithWhen :
                        unnamedEnumValue ? ErrorCode.WRN_SwitchExpressionNotExhaustiveWithUnnamedEnumValue :


            ImmutableArray <BoundDecisionDagNode> nonNullSuccessors(BoundDecisionDagNode n)
                switch (n)
                case BoundTestDecisionDagNode p:
                    switch (p.Test)
                    case BoundDagNonNullTest t:         // checks that the input is not null

                    case BoundDagExplicitNullTest t:         // checks that the input is null


Exemple #20
 protected void AddState(out int stateNumber, out GeneratedLabelSymbol resumeLabel)
     stateNumber = _nextState++;
     AddState(stateNumber, out resumeLabel);
        /// <summary>
        /// Lower a foreach loop that will enumerate a multi-dimensional array.
        /// A[...] a = x;
        /// int q_0 = a.GetUpperBound(0), q_1 = a.GetUpperBound(1), ...;
        /// for (int p_0 = a.GetLowerBound(0); p_0 &lt;= q_0; p_0 = p_0 + 1)
        ///     for (int p_1 = a.GetLowerBound(1); p_1 &lt;= q_1; p_1 = p_1 + 1)
        ///         ...
        ///             { V v = (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...]; /* body */ }
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// We will follow Dev10 in diverging from the C# 4 spec by ignoring Array's
        /// implementation of IEnumerable and just indexing into its elements.
        /// NOTE: We're assuming that sequence points have already been generated.
        /// Otherwise, lowering to nested for-loops would generated spurious ones.
        /// </remarks>
        private BoundStatement RewriteMultiDimensionalArrayForEachStatement(BoundForEachStatement node)
            ForEachStatementSyntax forEachSyntax = (ForEachStatementSyntax)node.Syntax;

            BoundExpression collectionExpression = GetUnconvertedCollectionExpression(node);


            ArrayTypeSymbol arrayType = (ArrayTypeSymbol)collectionExpression.Type;

            int rank = arrayType.Rank;


            TypeSymbol intType  = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32);
            TypeSymbol boolType = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);

            // Values we'll use every iteration
            MethodSymbol getLowerBoundMethod = GetSpecialTypeMethod(forEachSyntax, SpecialMember.System_Array__GetLowerBound);
            MethodSymbol getUpperBoundMethod = GetSpecialTypeMethod(forEachSyntax, SpecialMember.System_Array__GetUpperBound);

            BoundExpression rewrittenExpression = (BoundExpression)Visit(collectionExpression);
            BoundStatement  rewrittenBody       = (BoundStatement)Visit(node.Body);

            // A[...] a
            LocalSymbol arrayVar      = _factory.SynthesizedLocal(arrayType, syntax: forEachSyntax, kind: SynthesizedLocalKind.ForEachArray);
            BoundLocal  boundArrayVar = MakeBoundLocal(forEachSyntax, arrayVar, arrayType);

            // A[...] a = /*node.Expression*/;
            BoundStatement arrayVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, arrayVar, rewrittenExpression);

            AddForEachExpressionSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref arrayVarDecl);

            // NOTE: dev10 initializes all of the upper bound temps before entering the loop (as opposed to
            // initializing each one at the corresponding level of nesting).  Doing it at the same time as
            // the lower bound would make this code a bit simpler, but it would make it harder to compare
            // the roslyn and dev10 IL.

            // int q_0, q_1, ...
            LocalSymbol[]    upperVar      = new LocalSymbol[rank];
            BoundLocal[]     boundUpperVar = new BoundLocal[rank];
            BoundStatement[] upperVarDecl  = new BoundStatement[rank];
            for (int dimension = 0; dimension < rank; dimension++)
                // int q_dimension
                upperVar[dimension]      = _factory.SynthesizedLocal(intType, syntax: forEachSyntax, kind: SynthesizedLocalKind.ForEachArrayLimit);
                boundUpperVar[dimension] = MakeBoundLocal(forEachSyntax, upperVar[dimension], intType);

                ImmutableArray <BoundExpression> dimensionArgument = ImmutableArray.Create(
                                constantValue: ConstantValue.Create(dimension, ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Int32),
                                type: intType));

                // a.GetUpperBound(dimension)
                BoundExpression currentDimensionUpperBound = BoundCall.Synthesized(forEachSyntax, boundArrayVar, getUpperBoundMethod, dimensionArgument);

                // int q_dimension = a.GetUpperBound(dimension);
                upperVarDecl[dimension] = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, upperVar[dimension], currentDimensionUpperBound);

            // int p_0, p_1, ...
            LocalSymbol[] positionVar      = new LocalSymbol[rank];
            BoundLocal[]  boundPositionVar = new BoundLocal[rank];
            for (int dimension = 0; dimension < rank; dimension++)
                positionVar[dimension]      = _factory.SynthesizedLocal(intType, syntax: forEachSyntax, kind: SynthesizedLocalKind.ForEachArrayIndex);
                boundPositionVar[dimension] = MakeBoundLocal(forEachSyntax, positionVar[dimension], intType);

            // V v
            LocalSymbol iterationVar     = node.IterationVariable;
            TypeSymbol  iterationVarType = iterationVar.Type;

            // (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...]
            BoundExpression iterationVarInitValue = MakeConversion(
                syntax: forEachSyntax,
                rewrittenOperand: new BoundArrayAccess(forEachSyntax,
                                                       expression: boundArrayVar,
                                                       indices: ImmutableArray.Create((BoundExpression[])boundPositionVar),
                                                       type: arrayType.ElementType),
                conversion: node.ElementConversion,
                rewrittenType: iterationVarType,
                @checked: node.Checked);

            // V v = (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...];
            BoundStatement iterationVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, iterationVar, iterationVarInitValue);

            AddForEachIterationVariableSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref iterationVarDecl);

            // { V v = (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...]; /* node.Body */ }

            BoundStatement innermostLoopBody = CreateBlockDeclaringIterationVariable(iterationVar, iterationVarDecl, rewrittenBody, forEachSyntax);

            // work from most-nested to least-nested
            // for (int p_0 = a.GetLowerBound(0); p_0 <= q_0; p_0 = p_0 + 1)
            //     for (int p_1 = a.GetLowerBound(0); p_1 <= q_1; p_1 = p_1 + 1)
            //         ...
            //             { V v = (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...]; /* node.Body */ }
            BoundStatement forLoop = null;

            for (int dimension = rank - 1; dimension >= 0; dimension--)
                ImmutableArray <BoundExpression> dimensionArgument = ImmutableArray.Create(
                                constantValue: ConstantValue.Create(dimension, ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Int32),
                                type: intType));

                // a.GetLowerBound(dimension)
                BoundExpression currentDimensionLowerBound = BoundCall.Synthesized(forEachSyntax, boundArrayVar, getLowerBoundMethod, dimensionArgument);

                // int p_dimension = a.GetLowerBound(dimension);
                BoundStatement positionVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, positionVar[dimension], currentDimensionLowerBound);

                GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel = dimension == 0 // outermost for-loop
                    ? node.BreakLabel                            // i.e. the one that break statements will jump to
                    : new GeneratedLabelSymbol("break");         // Should not affect emitted code since unused

                // p_dimension <= q_dimension  //NB: OrEqual
                BoundExpression exitCondition = new BoundBinaryOperator(
                    syntax: forEachSyntax,
                    operatorKind: BinaryOperatorKind.IntLessThanOrEqual,
                    left: boundPositionVar[dimension],
                    right: boundUpperVar[dimension],
                    constantValueOpt: null,
                    methodOpt: null,
                    resultKind: LookupResultKind.Viable,
                    type: boolType);

                // p_dimension = p_dimension + 1;
                BoundStatement positionIncrement = MakePositionIncrement(forEachSyntax, boundPositionVar[dimension], intType);

                BoundStatement       body;
                GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel;

                if (forLoop == null)
                    // innermost for-loop
                    body          = innermostLoopBody;
                    continueLabel = node.ContinueLabel; //i.e. the one continue statements will actually jump to
                    body          = forLoop;
                    continueLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("continue"); // Should not affect emitted code since unused

                forLoop = RewriteForStatement(
                    syntax: forEachSyntax,
                    outerLocals: ImmutableArray.Create(positionVar[dimension]),
                    rewrittenInitializer: positionVarDecl,
                    rewrittenCondition: exitCondition,
                    conditionSyntaxOpt: null,
                    conditionSpanOpt: forEachSyntax.InKeyword.Span,
                    rewrittenIncrement: positionIncrement,
                    rewrittenBody: body,
                    breakLabel: breakLabel,
                    continueLabel: continueLabel,
                    hasErrors: node.HasErrors);

            Debug.Assert(forLoop != null);

            BoundStatement result = new BoundBlock(
                ImmutableArray <LocalFunctionSymbol> .Empty,

            AddForEachKeywordSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref result);

 internal SwitchBinder(MethodSymbol method, Binder next, SwitchStatementSyntax switchSyntax)
     : base(method, next)
     this.switchSyntax = switchSyntax;
     this.breakLabel   = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("break");
        private BoundStatement MakeSwitchStatementWithNullableExpression(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BoundExpression rewrittenExpression,
            ImmutableArray <BoundSwitchSection> rewrittenSections,
            LabelSymbol constantTargetOpt,
            ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> locals,
            ImmutableArray <LocalFunctionSymbol> localFunctions,
            GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel,
            BoundSwitchStatement oldNode)

            var exprSyntax       = rewrittenExpression.Syntax;
            var exprNullableType = rewrittenExpression.Type;

            var statementBuilder = ArrayBuilder <BoundStatement> .GetInstance();

            // Rewrite the nullable expression to a temp as we might have a user defined conversion from source expression to switch governing type.
            // We can avoid generating the temp if the expression is a bound local.
            LocalSymbol tempLocal;

            if (rewrittenExpression.Kind != BoundKind.Local)
                BoundAssignmentOperator assignmentToTemp;
                BoundLocal boundTemp      = _factory.StoreToTemp(rewrittenExpression, out assignmentToTemp);
                var        tempAssignment = new BoundExpressionStatement(exprSyntax, assignmentToTemp);
                tempLocal           = boundTemp.LocalSymbol;
                rewrittenExpression = boundTemp;
                tempLocal = null;

            // Generate a BoundConditionalGoto with null check as the conditional expression and appropriate switch label as the target: null, default or exit label.
            BoundStatement condGotoNullValueTargetLabel = new BoundConditionalGoto(
                condition: MakeNullCheck(exprSyntax, rewrittenExpression, BinaryOperatorKind.NullableNullEqual),
                jumpIfTrue: true,
                label: GetNullValueTargetSwitchLabel(rewrittenSections, breakLabel));

            // Rewrite the switch statement using nullable expression's underlying value as the switch expression.

            // rewrittenExpression.GetValueOrDefault()
            MethodSymbol getValueOrDefault     = GetNullableMethod(syntax, exprNullableType, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T_GetValueOrDefault);
            BoundCall    callGetValueOrDefault = BoundCall.Synthesized(exprSyntax, rewrittenExpression, getValueOrDefault);

            rewrittenExpression = callGetValueOrDefault;

            // rewrite switch statement
            BoundStatement rewrittenSwitchStatement = MakeSwitchStatementWithNonNullableExpression(


            return(new BoundBlock(
                       locals: (object)tempLocal == null ? ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> .Empty : ImmutableArray.Create <LocalSymbol>(tempLocal),
                       statements: statementBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree()));
        private BoundStatement RewriteMultiDimensionalArrayForEachStatement(BoundForEachStatement node)
            ForEachStatementSyntax forEachSyntax = (ForEachStatementSyntax)node.Syntax;

            BoundExpression collectionExpression = GetUnconvertedCollectionExpression(node);

            ArrayTypeSymbol arrayType = (ArrayTypeSymbol)collectionExpression.Type;

            int rank = arrayType.Rank;
            Debug.Assert(rank > 1);

            TypeSymbol intType = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32);
            TypeSymbol boolType = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);

            BoundExpression rewrittenExpression = (BoundExpression)Visit(collectionExpression);
            BoundStatement rewrittenBody = (BoundStatement)Visit(node.Body);

            // A[...] a
            LocalSymbol arrayVar = new TempLocalSymbol(arrayType, RefKind.None, containingMethod);

            // A[...] a = /*node.Expression*/;
            BoundStatement arrayVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, arrayVar, rewrittenExpression);

            AddForEachExpressionSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref arrayVarDecl);

            // Reference to a.
            BoundLocal boundArrayVar = MakeBoundLocal(forEachSyntax, arrayVar, arrayType);

            // int p_0, p_1, ...
            LocalSymbol[] positionVar = new LocalSymbol[rank];
            BoundLocal[] boundPositionVar = new BoundLocal[rank];
            for (int dimension = 0; dimension < rank; dimension++)
                positionVar[dimension] = new TempLocalSymbol(intType, RefKind.None, containingMethod);
                boundPositionVar[dimension] = MakeBoundLocal(forEachSyntax, positionVar[dimension], intType);

            // V v
            LocalSymbol iterationVar = node.IterationVariable;
            TypeSymbol iterationVarType = iterationVar.Type;

            // (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...]
            BoundExpression iterationVarInitValue = SynthesizeConversion(
                syntax: forEachSyntax,
                operand: new BoundArrayAccess(forEachSyntax, 
                    expression: boundArrayVar,
                    indices: ReadOnlyArray<BoundExpression>.CreateFrom((BoundExpression[])boundPositionVar),
                    type: arrayType.ElementType),
                conversion: node.ElementConversion,
                type: iterationVarType);

            // V v = (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...];
            BoundStatement iterationVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, iterationVar, iterationVarInitValue);

            AddForEachIterationVariableSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref iterationVarDecl);

            // { V v = (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...]; /* node.Body */ }
            BoundStatement innermostLoopBody = new BoundBlock(forEachSyntax, 
                localsOpt: ReadOnlyArray<LocalSymbol>.CreateFrom(iterationVar),
                statements: ReadOnlyArray<BoundStatement>.CreateFrom(iterationVarDecl, rewrittenBody));

            // Values we'll use every iteration
            MethodSymbol getLowerBoundMethod = (MethodSymbol)this.compilation.GetSpecialTypeMember(SpecialMember.System_Array__GetLowerBound);
            MethodSymbol getUpperBoundMethod = (MethodSymbol)this.compilation.GetSpecialTypeMember(SpecialMember.System_Array__GetUpperBound);

            // work from most-nested to least-nested
            // for (A[...] a = /*node.Expression*/; int p_0 = a.GetLowerBound(0); p_0 <= a.GetUpperBound(0); p_0 = p_0 + 1)
            //     for (int p_1 = a.GetLowerBound(0); p_1 <= a.GetUpperBound(0); p_1 = p_1 + 1)
            //         ...
            //             { V v = (V)a[p_0, p_1, ...]; /* node.Body */ }
            BoundStatement forLoop = null;
            for (int dimension = rank - 1; dimension >= 0; dimension--)
                ReadOnlyArray<BoundExpression> dimensionArgument = ReadOnlyArray<BoundExpression>.CreateFrom(
                    new BoundLiteral(forEachSyntax, 
                        constantValueOpt: ConstantValue.Create(dimension, ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Int32),
                        type: intType));

                // a.GetLowerBound(/*dimension*/)
                BoundExpression currentDimensionLowerBound = BoundCall.Synthesized(forEachSyntax, boundArrayVar, getLowerBoundMethod, dimensionArgument);
                // a.GetUpperBound(/*dimension*/) //CONSIDER: dev10 creates a temp for each dimension's upper bound
                BoundExpression currentDimensionUpperBound = BoundCall.Synthesized(forEachSyntax, boundArrayVar, getUpperBoundMethod, dimensionArgument);

                // int p_/*dimension*/ = a.GetLowerBound(/*dimension*/);
                BoundStatement positionVarDecl = MakeLocalDeclaration(forEachSyntax, positionVar[dimension], currentDimensionLowerBound);

                ReadOnlyArray<LocalSymbol> locals;
                BoundStatement initializer;
                GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel;

                if (dimension == 0)
                    // outermost for-loop
                    locals = ReadOnlyArray<LocalSymbol>.CreateFrom(arrayVar, positionVar[dimension]);
                    initializer = new BoundStatementList(forEachSyntax, 
                        statements: ReadOnlyArray<BoundStatement>.CreateFrom(arrayVarDecl, positionVarDecl));
                    breakLabel = node.BreakLabel; // i.e. the one that break statements will jump to
                    locals = ReadOnlyArray<LocalSymbol>.CreateFrom(positionVar[dimension]);
                    initializer = positionVarDecl;
                    breakLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("break"); // Should not affect emitted code since unused

                // p_/*dimension*/ <= a.GetUpperBound(/*dimension*/)  //NB: OrEqual
                BoundExpression exitCondition = new BoundBinaryOperator(
                    syntax: forEachSyntax, 
                    operatorKind: BinaryOperatorKind.IntLessThanOrEqual,
                    left: boundPositionVar[dimension],
                    right: currentDimensionUpperBound,
                    constantValueOpt: null, 
                    methodOpt: null, 
                    resultKind: LookupResultKind.Viable, 
                    type: boolType);

                // p_/*dimension*/ = p_/*dimension*/ + 1;
                BoundStatement positionIncrement = MakePositionIncrement(forEachSyntax, boundPositionVar[dimension], intType);

                BoundStatement body;
                GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel;

                if(forLoop == null)
                    // innermost for-loop
                    body = innermostLoopBody;
                    continueLabel = node.ContinueLabel; //i.e. the one continue statements will actually jump to
                    body = forLoop;
                    continueLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("continue"); // Should not affect emitted code since unused

                forLoop = RewriteForStatement(

            Debug.Assert(forLoop != null);

            AddForEachExpressionSequencePoint(forEachSyntax, ref forLoop);

            return forLoop;
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a thread-safe accessor for a regular field-like event.
        /// DelegateType tmp0 = _event; //backing field
        /// DelegateType tmp1;
        /// DelegateType tmp2;
        /// do {
        ///     tmp1 = tmp0;
        ///     tmp2 = (DelegateType)Delegate.Combine(tmp1, value); //Remove for -=
        ///     tmp0 = Interlocked.CompareExchange&lt;DelegateType&gt;(ref _event, tmp2, tmp1);
        /// } while ((object)tmp0 != (object)tmp1);
        /// Note, if System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange&lt;T&gt; is not available,
        /// we emit the following code and mark the method Synchronized (unless it is a struct).
        /// _event = (DelegateType)Delegate.Combine(_event, value); //Remove for -=
        /// </summary>
        internal static BoundBlock ConstructFieldLikeEventAccessorBody_Regular(SourceEventSymbol eventSymbol, bool isAddMethod, CSharpCompilation compilation, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            CSharpSyntaxNode syntax = eventSymbol.CSharpSyntaxNode;

            TypeSymbol      delegateType  = eventSymbol.Type;
            MethodSymbol    accessor      = isAddMethod ? eventSymbol.AddMethod : eventSymbol.RemoveMethod;
            ParameterSymbol thisParameter = accessor.ThisParameter;

            TypeSymbol boolType = compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);

            SpecialMember updateMethodId = isAddMethod ? SpecialMember.System_Delegate__Combine : SpecialMember.System_Delegate__Remove;
            MethodSymbol  updateMethod   = (MethodSymbol)compilation.GetSpecialTypeMember(updateMethodId);

            BoundStatement @return = new BoundReturnStatement(syntax,
                                                              refKind: RefKind.None,
                                                              expressionOpt: null)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            if (updateMethod == null)
                MemberDescriptor memberDescriptor = SpecialMembers.GetDescriptor(updateMethodId);
                diagnostics.Add(new CSDiagnostic(new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_MissingPredefinedMember,

                return(BoundBlock.SynthesizedNoLocals(syntax, @return));

            Binder.ReportUseSiteDiagnostics(updateMethod, diagnostics, syntax);

            BoundThisReference fieldReceiver = eventSymbol.IsStatic ?
                                               null :
                                               new BoundThisReference(syntax, thisParameter.Type)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            BoundFieldAccess boundBackingField = new BoundFieldAccess(syntax,
                                                                      receiver: fieldReceiver,
                                                                      fieldSymbol: eventSymbol.AssociatedField,
                                                                      constantValueOpt: null)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            BoundParameter boundParameter = new BoundParameter(syntax,
                                                               parameterSymbol: accessor.Parameters[0])
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            BoundExpression delegateUpdate;

            MethodSymbol compareExchangeMethod = (MethodSymbol)compilation.GetWellKnownTypeMember(WellKnownMember.System_Threading_Interlocked__CompareExchange_T);

            if ((object)compareExchangeMethod == null)
                // (DelegateType)Delegate.Combine(_event, value)
                delegateUpdate = BoundConversion.SynthesizedNonUserDefined(syntax,
                                                                           operand: BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax,
                                                                                                          receiverOpt: null,
                                                                                                          method: updateMethod,
                                                                                                          arguments: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>(boundBackingField, boundParameter)),
                                                                           kind: ConversionKind.ExplicitReference,
                                                                           type: delegateType);

                // _event = (DelegateType)Delegate.Combine(_event, value);
                BoundStatement eventUpdate = new BoundExpressionStatement(syntax,
                                                                          expression: new BoundAssignmentOperator(syntax,
                                                                                                                  left: boundBackingField,
                                                                                                                  right: delegateUpdate,
                                                                                                                  type: delegateType)
                    WasCompilerGenerated = true
                    WasCompilerGenerated = true

                                                      statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(

            compareExchangeMethod = compareExchangeMethod.Construct(ImmutableArray.Create <TypeSymbol>(delegateType));

            Binder.ReportUseSiteDiagnostics(compareExchangeMethod, diagnostics, syntax);

            GeneratedLabelSymbol loopLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("loop");

            const int numTemps = 3;

            LocalSymbol[] tmps      = new LocalSymbol[numTemps];
            BoundLocal[]  boundTmps = new BoundLocal[numTemps];

            for (int i = 0; i < numTemps; i++)
                tmps[i]      = new SynthesizedLocal(accessor, delegateType, SynthesizedLocalKind.LoweringTemp);
                boundTmps[i] = new BoundLocal(syntax, tmps[i], null, delegateType);

            // tmp0 = _event;
            BoundStatement tmp0Init = new BoundExpressionStatement(syntax,
                                                                   expression: new BoundAssignmentOperator(syntax,
                                                                                                           left: boundTmps[0],
                                                                                                           right: boundBackingField,
                                                                                                           type: delegateType)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // LOOP:
            BoundStatement loopStart = new BoundLabelStatement(syntax,
                                                               label: loopLabel)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // tmp1 = tmp0;
            BoundStatement tmp1Update = new BoundExpressionStatement(syntax,
                                                                     expression: new BoundAssignmentOperator(syntax,
                                                                                                             left: boundTmps[1],
                                                                                                             right: boundTmps[0],
                                                                                                             type: delegateType)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // (DelegateType)Delegate.Combine(tmp1, value)
            delegateUpdate = BoundConversion.SynthesizedNonUserDefined(syntax,
                                                                       operand: BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax,
                                                                                                      receiverOpt: null,
                                                                                                      method: updateMethod,
                                                                                                      arguments: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>(boundTmps[1], boundParameter)),
                                                                       kind: ConversionKind.ExplicitReference,
                                                                       type: delegateType);

            // tmp2 = (DelegateType)Delegate.Combine(tmp1, value);
            BoundStatement tmp2Update = new BoundExpressionStatement(syntax,
                                                                     expression: new BoundAssignmentOperator(syntax,
                                                                                                             left: boundTmps[2],
                                                                                                             right: delegateUpdate,
                                                                                                             type: delegateType)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // Interlocked.CompareExchange<DelegateType>(ref _event, tmp2, tmp1)
            BoundExpression compareExchange = BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax,
                                                                    receiverOpt: null,
                                                                    method: compareExchangeMethod,
                                                                    arguments: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundExpression>(boundBackingField, boundTmps[2], boundTmps[1]));

            // tmp0 = Interlocked.CompareExchange<DelegateType>(ref _event, tmp2, tmp1);
            BoundStatement tmp0Update = new BoundExpressionStatement(syntax,
                                                                     expression: new BoundAssignmentOperator(syntax,
                                                                                                             left: boundTmps[0],
                                                                                                             right: compareExchange,
                                                                                                             type: delegateType)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // tmp0 == tmp1 // i.e. exit when they are equal, jump to start otherwise
            BoundExpression loopExitCondition = new BoundBinaryOperator(syntax,
                                                                        operatorKind: BinaryOperatorKind.ObjectEqual,
                                                                        left: boundTmps[0],
                                                                        right: boundTmps[1],
                                                                        constantValueOpt: null,
                                                                        methodOpt: null,
                                                                        resultKind: LookupResultKind.Viable,
                                                                        type: boolType)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            // branchfalse (tmp0 == tmp1) LOOP
            BoundStatement loopEnd = new BoundConditionalGoto(syntax,
                                                              condition: loopExitCondition,
                                                              jumpIfTrue: false,
                                                              label: loopLabel)
                WasCompilerGenerated = true

            return(new BoundBlock(syntax,
                                  locals: tmps.AsImmutable(),
                                  localFunctions: ImmutableArray <LocalFunctionSymbol> .Empty,
                                  statements: ImmutableArray.Create <BoundStatement>(
                WasCompilerGenerated = true
        private BoundStatement RewriteForStatement(
            BoundForStatement node,
            BoundStatement rewrittenInitializer,
            BoundExpression rewrittenCondition,
            BoundStatement rewrittenIncrement,
            BoundStatement rewrittenBody)
            if (node.InnerLocals.IsEmpty)
                           node.ContinueLabel, node.HasErrors));

            // We need to enter inner_scope-block from the top, that is where an instance of a display class will be created
            // if any local is captured within a lambda.

            // for (initializer; condition; increment)
            //   body;
            // becomes the following (with block added for locals)
            // {
            //   initializer;
            // start:
            //   {
            //     GotoIfFalse condition break;
            //     body;
            // continue:
            //     increment;
            //     goto start;
            //   }
            // break:
            // }

            Debug.Assert(rewrittenBody != null);

            SyntaxNode syntax           = node.Syntax;
            var        statementBuilder = ArrayBuilder <BoundStatement> .GetInstance();

            //  initializer;
            if (rewrittenInitializer != null)

            var startLabel = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("start");

            // start:
            BoundStatement startLabelStatement = new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, startLabel);

            if (Instrument)
                startLabelStatement = new BoundSequencePoint(null, startLabelStatement);


            var blockBuilder = ArrayBuilder <BoundStatement> .GetInstance();

            // GotoIfFalse condition break;
            if (rewrittenCondition != null)
                BoundStatement ifNotConditionGotoBreak = new BoundConditionalGoto(rewrittenCondition.Syntax, rewrittenCondition, false, node.BreakLabel);

                if (this.Instrument)
                    ifNotConditionGotoBreak = _instrumenter.InstrumentForStatementConditionalGotoStartOrBreak(node, ifNotConditionGotoBreak);


            // body;

            // continue:
            //   increment;
            blockBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, node.ContinueLabel));
            if (rewrittenIncrement != null)

            // goto start;
            blockBuilder.Add(new BoundGotoStatement(syntax, startLabel));

            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundBlock(syntax, node.InnerLocals, blockBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree()));

            // break:
            statementBuilder.Add(new BoundLabelStatement(syntax, node.BreakLabel));

            var statements = statementBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();

            return(new BoundBlock(syntax, node.OuterLocals, statements, node.HasErrors));
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// The try statement is the most complex part of the state machine transformation.
        /// Since the CLR will not allow a 'goto' into the scope of a try statement, we must
        /// generate the dispatch to the state's label stepwise.  That is done by translating
        /// the try statements from the inside to the outside.  Within a try statement, we
        /// start with an empty dispatch table (representing the mapping from state numbers
        /// to labels).  During translation of the try statement's body, the dispatch table
        /// will be filled in with the data necessary to dispatch once we're inside the try
        /// block.  We generate that at the head of the translated try statement.  Then, we
        /// copy all of the states from that table into the table for the enclosing construct,
        /// but associate them with a label just before the translated try block.  That way
        /// the enclosing construct will generate the code necessary to get control into the
        /// try block for all of those states.
        /// </summary>
        public override BoundNode VisitTryStatement(BoundTryStatement node)
            var oldDispatches        = _dispatches;
            var oldFinalizerState    = _currentFinalizerState;
            var oldHasFinalizerState = _hasFinalizerState;

            _dispatches            = null;
            _currentFinalizerState = -1;
            _hasFinalizerState     = false;

            BoundBlock           tryBlock      = F.Block((BoundStatement)this.Visit(node.TryBlock));
            GeneratedLabelSymbol dispatchLabel = null;

            if (_dispatches != null)
                dispatchLabel = F.GenerateLabel("tryDispatch");
                if (_hasFinalizerState)
                    // cause the current finalizer state to arrive here and then "return false"
                    var finalizer = F.GenerateLabel("finalizer");
                    _dispatches.Add(finalizer, new List <int>()
                    var skipFinalizer = F.GenerateLabel("skipFinalizer");
                    tryBlock = F.Block(
                        F.Label(finalizer), // code for the finalizer here
                    tryBlock = F.Block(

                if (oldDispatches == null)
                    oldDispatches = new Dictionary <LabelSymbol, List <int> >();

                oldDispatches.Add(dispatchLabel, new List <int>(from kv in _dispatches.Values from n in kv orderby n select n));

            _hasFinalizerState     = oldHasFinalizerState;
            _currentFinalizerState = oldFinalizerState;
            _dispatches            = oldDispatches;

            ImmutableArray <BoundCatchBlock> catchBlocks = this.VisitList(node.CatchBlocks);

            BoundBlock finallyBlockOpt = node.FinallyBlockOpt == null ? null : F.Block(
                    condition: ShouldEnterFinallyBlock(),
                    thenClause: (BoundBlock)this.Visit(node.FinallyBlockOpt)

            BoundStatement result = node.Update(tryBlock, catchBlocks, finallyBlockOpt, node.FinallyLabelOpt, node.PreferFaultHandler);

            if ((object)dispatchLabel != null)
                result = F.Block(

Exemple #28
 public BoundForEachStatement(SyntaxNode syntax, ForEachEnumeratorInfo enumeratorInfoOpt, Conversion elementConversion, BoundTypeExpression iterationVariableType, ImmutableArray <LocalSymbol> iterationVariables, BoundExpression expression, BoundForEachDeconstructStep deconstructionOpt, BoundStatement body, bool @checked, GeneratedLabelSymbol breakLabel, GeneratedLabelSymbol continueLabel, bool hasErrors = false) :
     this(syntax, enumeratorInfoOpt, elementConversion, iterationVariableType, iterationVariables, iterationErrorExpressionOpt : null, expression, deconstructionOpt, body, @checked, breakLabel, continueLabel, hasErrors)