public IActionResult Index()
            if (User.IsInRole("Customer") && _db.Orders.FirstOrDefault(o => o.AppUser.UserName == User.Identity.Name && o.CheckOutStatus == false) == null)
                Order order = new Order();
                order.OrderNumber = GenerateNextOrderNumber.GetNextOrderNumber(_db);
                AppUser user = _db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserName == User.Identity.Name);
                order.AppUser = user;

            if (User.IsInRole("Customer"))
                ViewBag.Name = _db.AppUsers.FirstOrDefault(o => o.UserName == User.Identity.Name).FirstName;

                return(View(_db.Coupons.Where(o => o.Enabled).ToList()));

            if (User.IsInRole("Employee") || User.IsInRole("Manager"))
                ViewBag.Name = _db.AppUsers.FirstOrDefault(o => o.UserName == User.Identity.Name).FirstName;
        public IActionResult PlacedOrder(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(View("Error", new string[] { "You must specify an order to place!" }));

            Order order = _context.Orders.Include(m => m.OrderDetails).ThenInclude(m => m.Book).Where(c => c.IsComplete == false).Where(c => c.Customer.UserName == User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault();

            if (order == null)
                return(View("Error", new string[] { "Order not found!" }));

            //once order is placed, change "IsComplete" property to true
            order.IsComplete  = true;
            order.OrderDate   = System.DateTime.Today;
            order.OrderNumber = GenerateNextOrderNumber.GetNextOrderNumber(_context);


            //send order confirmation email

            //REMINDER: where we'll update inventory

            //ViewBag.AllProducts = GetAllProducts();
            return(View("PlacedOrder", order));
Exemple #3
        public IActionResult AddToOrder(OrderDetail rd)
            //find the course associated with the selected course id
            Book book = _context.Books.Find(rd.Book.BookID);

            //set the registration detail's course equal to the course we just found
            rd.Book = book;

            //Check to see if there is enough in stock
            if (rd.OrderQuantity > rd.Book.NumInStock)
                return(View("Error", new string[] { "There are not enough copies in stock to fill your order. Please try again but order less. Whole squad needs to eat." }));

            List <Order> Orders = new List <Order>();

            Orders = _context.Orders.Where(o => o.user.UserName == User.Identity.Name).ToList();

            Order cart = Orders.FirstOrDefault(o => o.PendingOrder == true);

            if (cart == null)
                cart = new Order();
                cart.PendingOrder = true;
                cart.OrderNumber  = GenerateNextOrderNumber.GetNextOrderNumber(_context);
                String  userid = User.Identity.Name;
                AppUser user   = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserName == userid);
                cart.user = user;


            //set the registration detail's registration equal to the registration we just found
            rd.Order = cart;

            //set the course fee for this detail equal to the current course fee
            rd.OrderDetailPrice = rd.Book.Price;

            //add total fees
            rd.OrderExtendedPrice = rd.OrderQuantity * rd.OrderDetailPrice;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = rd.Order.OrderID }));

Exemple #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("OrderID,OrderNumber,OrderDate,Notes")] Order order)
            order.OrderNumber = GenerateNextOrderNumber.GetNextOrderNumber(_context);
            order.OrderDate   = System.DateTime.Today;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                return(RedirectToAction("AddToOrder", new { id = order.OrderID }));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("ManagerOrderID,ManagerOrderDate,ManagerOrderDetailNotes")] ManagerOrder managerOrder)
            managerOrder.ManagerOrderNumber = GenerateNextOrderNumber.GetNextOrderNumber(_context);
            managerOrder.ManagerOrderDate   = System.DateTime.Today;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Exemple #6
        //takes variables from view input and order object as parameters
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("OrderID,OrderNumber,OrderDate,Notes")] Order order)
            //get next order
            order.OrderNumber = GenerateNextOrderNumber.GetNextOrderNumber(_context);
            //get order date
            order.OrderDate = System.DateTime.Today;
            //if the inputs fit the property requirements
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //add order object to model
                //save changes to the model
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                //go to add to order view, passing the orderID int
                return(RedirectToAction("AddToOrder", new { id = order.OrderID }));
Exemple #7
        public ActionResult Index(String SearchString, int SelectedFilter, Condition SelectedCondition)
            if (User.IsInRole("Customer") && _db.Orders.FirstOrDefault(o => o.AppUser.UserName == User.Identity.Name && o.CheckOutStatus == false) == null)
                Order order = new Order();
                order.OrderNumber = GenerateNextOrderNumber.GetNextOrderNumber(_db);
                AppUser user = _db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserName == User.Identity.Name);
                order.AppUser = user;

            List <Book> SelectedBooks = new List <Book>();

            var query = from b in _db.Books
                        select b;

            switch (SelectedCondition)
            case Condition.InStockOnly:
                query = query.Where(r => r.Availablity == "In stock");



            if (SearchString == null || SearchString == "")
                ViewBag.TotalBooks    = _db.Books.Count();
                SelectedBooks         = query.Include(r => r.Reviews).Include(r => r.Genre).Include(r => r.OrderDetails).ThenInclude(r => r.Order).ThenInclude(r => r.Coupon).ToList();
                ViewBag.SelectedBooks = SelectedBooks.Count();
                ViewBag.AllFilters    = GetAllFilters();
                List <Book> AllBooks = new List <Book>();

                AllBooks = query.Include(r => r.OrderDetails).Include(r => r.Genre).Include(r => r.Reviews).ToList();

                switch (SelectedCondition)
                case Condition.InStockOnly:
                    query = query.Where(r => r.Availablity == "In stock");



                if (SelectedFilter == 0)
                    return(View(AllBooks.OrderBy(b => b.Title)));
                else if (SelectedFilter == 1)
                    return(View(AllBooks.OrderBy(b => b.Author)));
                else if (SelectedFilter == 2)
                    return(View(AllBooks.OrderByDescending(b => b.OrderDetails.Sum(sum => sum.Quantity))));
                else if (SelectedFilter == 3)
                    return(View(AllBooks.OrderByDescending(b => b.PublishedDate)));
                else if (SelectedFilter == 4)
                    return(View(AllBooks.OrderBy(b => b.PublishedDate)));
                    return(View(AllBooks.OrderByDescending(b => b.AvgRating)));

            query         = query.Where(b => b.Title.ToLower().Contains(SearchString.ToLower()) || b.Author.ToLower().Contains(SearchString.ToLower()));
            SelectedBooks = query.Include(r => r.Genre).Include(r => r.Reviews).Include(r => r.OrderDetails).ThenInclude(r => r.Order).ThenInclude(r => r.Coupon).ToList();

            ViewBag.TotalBooks    = _db.Books.Count();
            ViewBag.SelectedBooks = SelectedBooks.Count();
            ViewBag.AllFilters    = GetAllFilters();

            if (SelectedFilter == 0)
                return(View(SelectedBooks.OrderBy(b => b.Title)));
            else if (SelectedFilter == 1)
                return(View(SelectedBooks.OrderBy(b => b.Author)));
            else if (SelectedFilter == 2)
                return(View(SelectedBooks.OrderByDescending(b => b.OrderDetails.Sum(sum => sum.Quantity))));
            else if (SelectedFilter == 3)
                return(View(SelectedBooks.OrderByDescending(b => b.PublishedDate)));
            else if (SelectedFilter == 4)
                return(View(SelectedBooks.OrderBy(b => b.PublishedDate)));
                return(View(SelectedBooks.OrderByDescending(b => b.AvgRating)));
Exemple #8
        public IActionResult AddToOrder(int?id)  //book id
            //find the book being added to the order
            Book book = _context.Books.Find(id);

            book.Inventory = GetBookInventory(book);

            //if the book is out of stock, cannot add to order
            if (book.Inventory == 0)
                //this book is out of stock, return user to error page saying it cannot be ordered.
            //when a user adds a book to an order, do they go to a page to choose how many???? (elif)
                String  userid      = User.Identity.Name;
                AppUser currentuser = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(r => r.UserName == userid);

                var orderquery = from r in _context.OrderDetails.Include(r => r.Book).Include(r => r.Order).ThenInclude(r => r.Customer) select r;
                orderquery = orderquery.Where(r => r.Order.Customer.UserName == currentuser.UserName && r.Order.IsComplete == false);
                List <OrderDetail> currentorddetails = orderquery.ToList();
                List <Book>        booksinorder      = new List <Book>();

                if (currentorddetails.Count() != 0)
                    foreach (OrderDetail orddetail in currentorddetails)

                    foreach (Book bk in booksinorder)
                        if (bk.Title == book.Title)
                            ViewBag.CannotReAdd = "You cannot add this book to your order. It is already in your cart.";
                            return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Search", new { id = id })); //book id
                        //        else
                        //        {
                        //            ViewBag.CannotReAdd = "";
                        //        }
                //    ViewBag.CannotReAdd = "";

                //create a new order detail for the book for the shopping cart order
                OrderDetail od = new OrderDetail {

                //add values for all other fields for orderDetail

                od.Book     = book;
                od.Price    = od.Book.SalesPrice;
                od.Quantity = 1; //automatically add 1 book to the order

                //this actually saves all the data just entered, into the actual database

                //WORKS UP TO HERE

                //connect to the shopping cart order
                //od.Order = _context.Orders.Where(c => c.IsComplete == false).Where(c => c.Customer.UserName == User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                Order ShoppingCartOrder = _context.Orders.Include(c => c.OrderDetails).Where(c => c.IsComplete == false).Where(c => c.Customer.UserName == User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault();

                ShippingCosts currentShipCosts = _context.ShippingCosts.FirstOrDefault();

                //if a shopping cart doesn't exist,
                if (ShoppingCartOrder == null) //no current shopping cart --> add all the fields that need to be put in to create an order
                    ShoppingCartOrder = new Order {

                    ShoppingCartOrder.OrderNumber = GenerateNextOrderNumber.GetNextOrderNumber(_context);

                    ShoppingCartOrder.OrderDate = System.DateTime.Today;

                    //ShoppingCartOrder.ShippingCost = 3.50m; //because this is the first book being added to order
                    ShoppingCartOrder.ShippingCost = currentShipCosts.FirstBookShipCost;

                    ShoppingCartOrder.IsComplete = false; //makes this the shopping cart

                    //od.Order.OrderNumber = GenerateNextOrderNumber.GetNextOrderNumber(_context);

                    od.Order = ShoppingCartOrder;

                    //how to add customer to an order
                    String  userId = User.Identity.Name;
                    AppUser user   = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserName == userId);
                    ShoppingCartOrder.Customer = user; //THIS IS THROWING ERROR WITH IDENTITY_INSERT

                    //adds this shopping cart ORDER to the orders table in database

                //what to change for the order if it does already exist

                    //Order existingCart = od.Order;

                    ShoppingCartOrder.OrderDate = System.DateTime.Today;

                    //int orderDetailCount = 0;
                    ////the count is not increasing!!!!
                    //foreach(OrderDetail ordDet in existingCart.OrderDetails.ToList())
                    //    orderDetailCount = 1 + orderDetailCount;
                    //od.Order = ShoppingCartOrder;

                    int orderDetailCount = ShoppingCartOrder.OrderDetails.Count();
                    //check if there's another book in the order already
                    //if (existingCart.OrderDetails.Count() > 1) //there is another order detail connected to the existing open order
                    if (orderDetailCount > 1)
                        //ShoppingCartOrder.ShippingCost = 1.50m + ShoppingCartOrder.ShippingCost;
                        ShoppingCartOrder.ShippingCost = currentShipCosts.AddBookShipCost + ShoppingCartOrder.ShippingCost;
                        //ShoppingCartOrder.ShippingCost = 3.50m; //add 1.50 each additional book if one is already in cart
                        ShoppingCartOrder.ShippingCost = currentShipCosts.FirstBookShipCost;


                //Order order = _context.Orders.Find(od.Order.OrderID);

                return(RedirectToAction("ShoppingCart", "Orders", new { id = od.Book.BookID }));
Exemple #9
        public IActionResult PlacedOrder(int?id)  //this is an orderID
            if (id == null)
                return(View("Error", new string[] { "You must specify an order to place!" }));

            //int ordId = givenOrder.OrderID;

            //logic to change shopping cart to completed order
            //add payment card
            //add promo code (if there is one)
            //change IsComplete to True

            //decrease the inventory for books that are ordered
            List <OrderDetail> allorderdetails = new List <OrderDetail>();
            var query = _context.OrderDetails.Include(r => r.Order).ThenInclude(m => m.Customer).Include(m => m.Book);

            allorderdetails = query.ToList();

            //foreach (OrderDetail odd in allorderdetails)
            foreach (OrderDetail odd in allorderdetails)
                if (odd.Order.OrderID == id)
                //if(odd.Order.OrderID == order.OrderID)
                    odd.Book.Inventory -= odd.Quantity;

            var order = _context.Orders.Include(r => r.Promo).Include(r => r.OrderDetails).ThenInclude(r => r.Book).Include(r => r.Customer).FirstOrDefault(r => r.OrderID == id);

            //order.Promo = promoCode;

            if (order == null)
                return(View("Error", new string[] { "Order not found!" }));
            Promo isPromoSaved = order.Promo;

            //once order is placed, change "IsComplete" property to true
            order.IsComplete  = true;
            order.OrderDate   = System.DateTime.Today;
            order.OrderNumber = GenerateNextOrderNumber.GetNextOrderNumber(_context);

            //does this save all changes made to "order"?????

            //send order confirmation email
            //SendEmailConfirmOrder(model.Email, model.FirstName);

            //REMINDER: where we'll update inventory

            //ViewBag.AllProducts = GetAllProducts();

            //get current user
            var query1 = from r in _context.OrderDetails.Include(r => r.Order).Include(r => r.Book) select r;
            List <OrderDetail> orderdetailsoforder = query1.Where(r => r.Order.OrderID == order.OrderID).ToList();

            string  userName    = User.Identity.Name;
            AppUser currentuser = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(r => r.UserName == userName);

            String strOrderDetail = "";

            foreach (OrderDetail ord in orderdetailsoforder)
                strOrderDetail += ord.Book.Title + " | " + ord.Quantity + " | $" + ord.Price + " | $" + ord.ExtendedPrice + "\n";

            String emailsubject = "Team 22: New Order";
            String emailbody    = "Thank you for your order! Below is your order summary. " + "\n" +
                                  "Title         " + "Quantity      " + "Price     " + "Book Total       " + "\n" +
                                  strOrderDetail + "\n" +
                                  "Order Summary:" + "\n" +
                                  "Subtotal: $" + order.OrderSubtotal + "\n" +
                                  "Shipping Cost: $" + order.ShippingCost + "\n" +
                                  "Total: $" + order.OrderTotal;

            SendEmail(currentuser.Email, currentuser.FirstName, emailbody, emailsubject);

            return(View("PlacedOrder", order));
Exemple #10
using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Threading.Tasks; 
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; 
using Team12FinalProject.DAL; 
using Team12FinalProject.Models; 
using Team12FinalProject.Utilities; 
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; 
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering; 
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity; 
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; 
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; 
using System.Net.Mail; 
using System.Net; 

// For more information on enabling MVC for empty projects, visit

namespace Team12FinalProject.Controllers
    public enum Confirm { Yes, No }
    [Authorize(Roles = "Manager, Customer")]
    public class OrdersController : Controller

        private readonly AppDbContext _context;

        public OrdersController(AppDbContext context)
            _context = context;

        // GET: /<controller>
        public IActionResult Index()
            List<Order> Orders = new List<Order>();
            if (User.IsInRole("Customer") )
                Orders = _context.Orders.OrderByDescending(o => o.OrderID).Include(o => o.OrderDetails).Where(o => o.AppUser.UserName == User.Identity.Name && o.CheckOutStatus == true).ToList();
            if (User.IsInRole("Manager")) //user is manager and can see all orders
                Orders = _context.Orders.OrderByDescending(o=>o.OrderID).Include(o => o.OrderDetails).Where(o=> o.CheckOutStatus==true).ToList();
            return View(Orders);

        // GET: Orders/Details/5
        public ActionResult Details(int? id, String CouponC)

            if (id == null)
                return View("Error", new string[] { "Specify an order to view!" });
            Order order = _context.Orders
                                  .Include(o => o.AppUser)
                                  .Include(o => o.OrderDetails).ThenInclude(o => o.Book)
                                  .FirstOrDefault(o => o.OrderID == id);
            Shipping ship = _context.Shippings.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ShippingID == 1);
            List<OrderDetail> oos = new List<OrderDetail>();
            List<OrderDetail> dc = new List<OrderDetail>();
            foreach (OrderDetail o in order.OrderDetails)
                if(o.Book.CopiesOnHand < o.Quantity && order.CheckOutStatus==false)
                    OrderDetail od = _context.OrderDetails.FirstOrDefault(a => a.OrderDetailID == o.OrderDetailID);

                if(o.Book.Discontinued == true && order.CheckOutStatus == false)
                    OrderDetail od = _context.OrderDetails.FirstOrDefault(a => a.OrderDetailID == o.OrderDetailID);

                    /*return View("Error", new string[] { "The book "+o.Book.Title+" has been discontinued" });*/
            if (oos.Count != 0)
                foreach(OrderDetail d in oos)
                    OrderDetail od = _context.OrderDetails.FirstOrDefault(a => a.OrderDetailID == d.OrderDetailID);

                string s = "We are sorry to tell you that your book in shopping cart has been out of stock!";
                SendEmail(order.AppUser.Email, "Out of Stock Book Notification", s);
                return View("Error", new string[] { "The book(s) is(are) out of stock" });

            if (dc.Count != 0)
                foreach (OrderDetail d in dc)
                    OrderDetail od = _context.OrderDetails.FirstOrDefault(a => a.OrderDetailID == d.OrderDetailID);

                string s = "We are sorry to tell you that your book has been discontinued!";
                SendEmail(order.AppUser.Email, "Discountinued Book Notification", s);
                return View("Error", new string[] { "The book(s) has(have) been discontinued" });

            if (order.OrderDetails.Sum(rd => rd.Quantity) == 0)
                order.ShippingAmt = 0;
                order.ShippingAmt = ship.ShippingBase + ship.ShippingAddition * (order.OrderDetails.Sum(rd => rd.Quantity) - 1);
            if (CouponC != null)
                Coupon coupon = _context.Coupons.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CouponCode == CouponC);
                order.Coupon = coupon;
                if (coupon.Enabled == false)
                    return View("Error", new string[] { "This coupon code has expired!" });

                if (coupon.CouponType == 0)
                    if (order.Subtotal < coupon.Amount)
                        return View("Error", new string[] { "You have not reach the free shipping amount!" });
                        order.ShippingAmt = 0;
                        order.DiscountAmt = 0;
                    order.DiscountAmt = coupon.Amount * order.Subtotal * 0.01m;
                    order.ShippingAmt = ship.ShippingBase + ship.ShippingAddition * (order.OrderDetails.Sum(rd => rd.Quantity) - 1);
                order.DiscountAmt = 0;

            //make sure a customer isn't trying to look at someone else's order
            if (User.IsInRole("Manager") == false && order.AppUser.UserName != User.Identity.Name)
                return View("Error", new string[] { "You are not authorized to view this order!" });

            if (order == null)
                return View("Error", new string[] { "Order was not found" });
            return View(order);

        // GET: Orders/Create
        public ActionResult Create()
            return View();

        // POST: Orders/Create
        // To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for 
        // more details see
        public ActionResult Create([Bind("OrderID,OrderNumber,OrderDate, CheckOutStatus")] Order order)
            order.OrderNumber = GenerateNextOrderNumber.GetNextOrderNumber(_context);
            order.CheckOutStatus = false;
            //order.OrderDate = DateTime.Today;
            order.AppUser = _context.Users.Find(User.Identity.Name);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)

                // direct them to a view that will allow them to add a product to the order 
                return RedirectToAction("Index", "Books", new { id = order.OrderID });

            return View(order);


        public ActionResult AddToOrder(int id)
            List<OrderDetail> AllOrderDetails = new List<OrderDetail>();
            var query2 = from e in _context.OrderDetails
                         select e;
            query2 = query2.Include(o => o.Book).Include(o => o.Order).Where(o => o.Order.AppUser.UserName == User.Identity.Name && o.Order.CheckOutStatus == false).Where(o => o.Book.BookID == id);
            AllOrderDetails = query2.ToList();
            if (AllOrderDetails.Any())
                return View("Error", new string[] { "You already have this book in your cart!" });
            Order order = _context.Orders.FirstOrDefault(o => o.AppUser.UserName == User.Identity.Name && o.CheckOutStatus == false);
            Book b = _context.Books.FirstOrDefault(o => o.BookID == id);
            OrderDetail od = new OrderDetail() { Order = order, Book = b };
            return View("AddToOrder", od);

        public ActionResult AddToOrder(OrderDetail od)
            Book bo = _context.Books.FirstOrDefault(b => b.BookID == od.Book.BookID);
            //Shipping sh = _context.Shippings.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ShippingID == 1);
            if (bo.CopiesOnHand < od.Quantity)
                return View("Error", new string[] { "The books in stock is less than the amount you entered." });
            Order order = _context.Orders.Include(r => r.OrderDetails).ThenInclude(r => r.Book)
                                  .FirstOrDefault(r => r.OrderID == od.Order.OrderID);

            od.Order = order;
            od.Book = bo;
            od.BookPrice = bo.Price;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)//model meets all requirements
                return RedirectToAction("Details", "Orders", new { id = od.Order.OrderID });

            return View(od);


        // GET: Orders/Edit/5
        public IActionResult Edit(int? id)
            if (id == null)
                return NotFound();

            var order = _context.Orders
                                        .Include(r => r.OrderDetails)
                                .ThenInclude(r => r.Book)
                                        .FirstOrDefault(r => r.OrderID == id);
            if (order == null)
                return NotFound();
            return View(order);

        // POST: Orders/Edit/5
        // To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for 
        // more details see
        public IActionResult Edit(Order order)
            //Find the related registration in the database
            Order DbOrd = _context.Orders.Find(order.OrderID);

            //Update the notes
            DbOrd.Note = order.Note;

            //Update the database

            //Save changes

            //Go back to index
            return RedirectToAction(nameof(Index));

        public IActionResult RemoveFromOrder(int? id)
            if (id == null)
                return View("Error", new string[] { "You need to specify an order id" });

            Order ord = _context.Orders.Include(r => r.OrderDetails).ThenInclude(r => r.Book).FirstOrDefault(r => r.OrderID == id);

            if (ord == null || ord.OrderDetails.Count == 0)//registration is not found
                return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = id });

            //pass the list of order details to the view
            return View(ord.OrderDetails);

        public ActionResult CheckOut(int? id, string CouponC)
            if (id == null)
                return View("Error", new string[] { "You need to specify an order id" });

            Order order = _context.Orders
                                  .Include(o => o.AppUser)
                                  .Include(o => o.OrderDetails).ThenInclude(o => o.Book)
                .FirstOrDefault(o => o.OrderID == id);
            if (order.OrderDetails.Sum(rd => rd.Quantity) == 0)
                return View("Error", new string[] { "Your shopping cart is empty!" });
            /*if (CouponC != null)
                Coupon coupon = _context.Coupons.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CouponCode == CouponC);
                order.Coupon = coupon;
                if (coupon.Enabled == false)
                    return View("Error", new string[] { "This coupon code has expired!" });

                if (coupon.CouponType == 0)
                    if (order.Subtotal < coupon.Amount)
                        return View("Error", new string[] { "You have not reach the free shipping amount!" });
                        order.ShippingAmt = 0;
                    order.DiscountAmt = coupon.Amount * order.Subtotal * 0.01m;
            if (order == null)
                return View("Error", new string[] { "You need to specify an order id" });
                if (User.IsInRole("Manager") || order.AppUser.UserName == User.Identity.Name)
                    ViewBag.allCards = GetAllCards(order);
                    return View(order);
                    return View("Error", new string[] { "This is not your order!!" });


        public ActionResult CheckOut([Bind("OrderID,CreditCardNumber,CardType,CheckOutStatus")] Order order, int SelectedCard, Confirm Confirm, string CouponC)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                Order orderToChange = _context.Orders.Include(o => o.OrderDetails).ThenInclude(o => o.Book)
                                              .FirstOrDefault(o => o.OrderID == order.OrderID);

                CreditCard cd = _context.CreditCards.Find(SelectedCard);
                Shipping ship = _context.Shippings.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ShippingID == 1);
                //orderToChange.ShippingAmt = ship.ShippingBase + ship.ShippingAddition * (orderToChange.OrderDetails.Sum(rd => rd.Quantity) - 1);
                /*if (CouponC != null)
                    Coupon coupon = _context.Coupons.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CouponCode == CouponC);
                    orderToChange.Coupon = coupon;
                    if (coupon.Enabled == false)
                        return View("Error", new string[] { "This coupon code has expired!" });

                    if (coupon.CouponType == 0)
                        if (orderToChange.Subtotal < coupon.Amount)
                            return View("Error", new string[] { "You have not reach the free shipping amount!" });
                            orderToChange.ShippingAmt = 0;
                        orderToChange.DiscountAmt = coupon.Amount * order.Subtotal * 0.01m;
                if (Confirm == Confirm.Yes)
                    orderToChange.CreditCard = cd;
                    if (cd == null)
                        return RedirectToAction("Index", "CreditCards");
                    orderToChange.CreditCard.CardType = cd.CardType;
                    orderToChange.CheckOutStatus = true;
                    orderToChange.OrderDate = DateTime.Today;
                    _context.Entry(orderToChange).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    foreach (OrderDetail od in orderToChange.OrderDetails)
                        Book b = _context.Books.Include(o => o.OrderDetails).FirstOrDefault(o => o.BookID == od.Book.BookID);
                        b.CopiesOnHand = b.CopiesOnHand - od.Quantity;



                    return RedirectToAction("Summary", new { id = order.OrderID });
                    orderToChange.CheckOutStatus = false;
                    _context.Entry(orderToChange).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    return RedirectToAction("Index");

            return View(order);

        public ActionResult Summary(int? id, String CouponC)
            if (id == null)
                return View("Error", new string[] { "You need to specify an order id" });
            Order order = _context.Orders
                                  .Include(o => o.AppUser)
                                  .Include(o => o.CreditCard)
                                  .Include(o => o.OrderDetails).ThenInclude(o => o.Book)
                .FirstOrDefault(o => o.OrderID == id && o.AppUser.UserName == User.Identity.Name);
            if (CouponC != null)
                Coupon coupon = _context.Coupons.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CouponCode == CouponC);
                order.Coupon = coupon;
                if (coupon.Enabled == false)
                    return View("Error", new string[] { "This coupon code has expired!" });

                if (coupon.CouponType == 0)
                    if (order.Subtotal < coupon.Amount)
                        return View("Error", new string[] { "You have not reach the free shipping amount!" });
                        order.ShippingAmt = 0;
                    order.DiscountAmt = coupon.Amount * order.Subtotal * 0.01m;
            if (order == null)
                return View("Error", new string[] { "Order was not found" });

            String s = "Order Confirmation" + "\n" + "Confirmation Number:" + order.OrderNumber + "\n\n";
            List<OrderDetail> ods = order.OrderDetails;
            foreach (OrderDetail od in ods)
                s = s + "Book Title:" + od.Book.Title + "\n"
                    + "Book Price:" + od.BookPrice.ToString("C") + "\n"
                                          + "Book Quantity:" + od.Quantity.ToString() + "\n\n";

            s = s + "Subtotal:" + order.Subtotal.ToString("C") + "\n"
                 + "Total Price" + order.TotalPrice.ToString("C") + "\n";

            SendEmail(order.AppUser.Email, "Order Confirmation", s);
            ViewBag.rec = GetBookReccomendations(ods[0].OrderDetailID);
            if (User.IsInRole("Customer") && _context.Orders.FirstOrDefault(o => o.AppUser.UserName == User.Identity.Name && o.CheckOutStatus == false) == null)
                Order order1 = new Order();
                order1.OrderNumber = GenerateNextOrderNumber.GetNextOrderNumber(_context);
                AppUser user = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserName == User.Identity.Name);
                order1.AppUser = user;

            if (User.IsInRole("Manager") || order.AppUser.UserName == User.Identity.Name)

                return View(order);
                return View("Error", new string[] { "This is not your order!!" });


        public ActionResult GetEmail(int? id)
            if (id == null)
                return View("Error", new string[] { "You need to specify an order id" });
            Order order = _context.Orders
                                  .Include(o => o.AppUser)
                                  .Include(o => o.CreditCard)
                                  .Include(o => o.OrderDetails).ThenInclude(o => o.Book).FirstOrDefault(o => o.OrderID == id);
            if (order == null)
                return View("Error", new string[] { "Order was not found" });
            return View(order);

        public static void SendEmail(String toEmailAddress, String emailSubject, String emailBody)

            //Create an email client to send the emails
            var client = new SmtpClient("", 587)
                Credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "Jn630429"),
                EnableSsl = true
            //Add anything that you need to the body of the message
            // /n is a new line – this will add some white space after the main body of the message
            String finalMessage = emailBody + "\n\n Thank You!" + "\n Team 12";
            //Create an email address object for the sender address
            MailAddress senderEmail = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "Team 12");

            MailMessage mm = new MailMessage();
            mm.Subject = "Team 12 - " + emailSubject;
            mm.Sender = senderEmail;
            mm.From = senderEmail;
            mm.To.Add(new MailAddress(toEmailAddress));
            mm.Body = finalMessage;


        public SelectList GetAllCards(Order order)
            String UserID = User.Identity.Name;
            List<CreditCard> allCards = _context.CreditCards.Where(c => c.AppUser.UserName == UserID).ToList();

            //convert the list to a select list
            SelectList selCredits = new SelectList(allCards, "CreditCardID", "CardNumberShort");

            //return the select list
            return selCredits;

        public IActionResult ShoppingCart()
            Order order = _context.Orders.OrderByDescending(o => o.OrderID).FirstOrDefault(o => o.AppUser.UserName == User.Identity.Name && o.CheckOutStatus == false);
            return RedirectToAction("Details", "Orders", new { id = order.OrderID });

        public ActionResult SearchCoupons(string CouponC)

            List<Coupon> Coupons = _context.Coupons.ToList();
            List<Order> Orders = _context.Orders.ToList();
            string co = CouponC;

            Order order = _context.Orders.OrderByDescending(o => o.OrderID).FirstOrDefault(o => o.AppUser.UserName == User.Identity.Name && o.CheckOutStatus == false);
            var query = from c in _context.Coupons
                        select c;

            if (CouponC == null || CouponC == "")
                return View("Error", new string[] { "You did not enter any coupon code!" });

                Coupon coupon = _context.Coupons.FirstOrDefault(c => c.CouponCode == CouponC);
                if (coupon == null)
                    return View("Error", new string[] { "You enter a invalid coupon code." });
                    List<int> coup = new List<int>();
                    AppUser user = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserName == User.Identity.Name);
                    foreach (Order o in user.Orders)
                        if (o.CheckOutStatus == true)
                            if (o.Coupon != null)

                    if (coup.Contains(coupon.CouponID))
                        return View("Error", new string[] { "You have already used this coupon in the previous order." });
                    return RedirectToAction("Details", "Orders", new { id = order.OrderID, CouponC = CouponC });


        public List<Book> GetBookReccomendations(int id)
            List<Order> Allorder = _context.Orders.Where(c => c.AppUser.UserName == User.Identity.Name && c.CheckOutStatus == true).Include(o => o.OrderDetails).ThenInclude(o => o.Book).ThenInclude(o => o.Genre).Include(o => o.OrderDetails).ThenInclude(o => o.Book).ThenInclude(o => o.Reviews).ToList();

            List<Book> BooksToReccommend = new List<Book>();
            List<Book> BooksBought = new List<Book>();
            List<String> author = new List<String>();

            //find list of books already bought
            foreach (Order order in Allorder)
                foreach (OrderDetail o in order.OrderDetails)

            OrderDetail od = _context.OrderDetails.Include(c => c.Book).ThenInclude(c => c.Genre).Include(c => c.Book).ThenInclude(c => c.Reviews).FirstOrDefault(c => c.OrderDetailID == id);
            var Authorquery = from b in _context.Books
                              select b;
            Authorquery = Authorquery.Include(c => c.Genre).Include(c => c.Reviews).Where(c => c.Author == od.Book.Author).Where(c => c.Genre == od.Book.Genre);
            //same author and genre
            List<Book> AllSimilar = new List<Book>();

            AllSimilar = Authorquery.ToList();
            //new list to exclude those bought
            List<Book> SimilarNotBought = AllSimilar.Except(BooksBought).Except(BooksToReccommend).ToList();
            if (SimilarNotBought.Count > 0)
                //sort by rating
                List<Book> SortedBook = new List<Book>();
                var sortquery = from b in SimilarNotBought
                                select b;
                SortedBook = sortquery.OrderByDescending(c => c.AvgRating).ToList();

            var HighRatequery = from d in _context.Books
                                select d;

            HighRatequery = HighRatequery.Include(c => c.Genre).Include(c => c.Reviews).Where(c => c.Genre == od.Book.Genre);
            List<Book> HighRateBook = new List<Book>();
            HighRateBook = HighRatequery.ToList();
            List<Book> ExcludeHRBook = HighRateBook.Except(BooksBought).ToList();
            ExcludeHRBook = ExcludeHRBook.Except(BooksToReccommend).ToList();

            List<Book> SortedHighRateBook = new List<Book>();
            var sortquery2 = from b in ExcludeHRBook
                             select b;
            SortedHighRateBook = sortquery2.OrderByDescending(c => c.AvgRating).ToList();

            //add high rate books with customer rating greater than 4 and different authors
            foreach (Book b in SortedHighRateBook)
                Boolean Reccommend = true;
                foreach (Review r in b.Reviews)

                    if (r.CustomerRating < 4)
                        Reccommend = false;


                foreach (String a in author)
                    if (b.Author == a)
                        Reccommend = false;

                if (Reccommend == false)
                    SortedHighRateBook = SortedHighRateBook.Except(BooksToReccommend).ToList();

                    if (BooksToReccommend.Count == 3)
                        return BooksToReccommend;


            //add books with low rating from the same genre
            foreach (Book b in SortedHighRateBook)
                SortedHighRateBook = SortedHighRateBook.Except(BooksToReccommend).ToList();
                if (BooksToReccommend.Count == 3)
                    return BooksToReccommend;

            List<Book> AllBook = new List<Book>();
            var Allquery = from v in _context.Books
                           select v;
            Allquery = Allquery.Include(c => c.Genre).Include(c => c.Reviews);
            AllBook = Allquery.ToList();
            List<Book> ExcludeAllBook = AllBook.Except(BooksBought).Except(BooksToReccommend).ToList();
            List<Book> SortedAllBook = new List<Book>();
            var sortquery3 = from b in ExcludeAllBook
                             select b;
            SortedAllBook = sortquery3.OrderByDescending(c => c.AvgRating).ToList();

            //add highest overall books   
            foreach (Book b in SortedAllBook)

                SortedAllBook = SortedAllBook.Except(BooksToReccommend).ToList();
                if (BooksToReccommend.Count == 3)
                    return BooksToReccommend;

            return BooksToReccommend;

