//Create SaveFiles form the Building Datas
    public BuildingData(BuildingManager buildingManager)
        GameObject[] gameObjects = buildingManager.buildingObj;

        isActive = new int[gameObjects.Length];
        health   = new int[gameObjects.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < gameObjects.Length; i++)
            GenerateBase currentBuilding = gameObjects[i].GetComponent <GenerateBase>();
            health[i] = currentBuilding.health;

            if (currentBuilding.Wood.gameObject.activeSelf == false && currentBuilding.Stone.gameObject.activeSelf == false && currentBuilding.Iron.gameObject.activeSelf == false && currentBuilding.Ruin.gameObject.activeSelf == false)
                isActive[i] = 0;
            else if (currentBuilding.Wood.gameObject.activeSelf == true && currentBuilding.Stone.gameObject.activeSelf == false && currentBuilding.Iron.gameObject.activeSelf == false && currentBuilding.Ruin.gameObject.activeSelf == false)
                isActive[i] = 1;
            else if (currentBuilding.Wood.gameObject.activeSelf == false && currentBuilding.Stone.gameObject.activeSelf == true && currentBuilding.Iron.gameObject.activeSelf == false && currentBuilding.Ruin.gameObject.activeSelf == false)
                isActive[i] = 2;
            else if (currentBuilding.Wood.gameObject.activeSelf == false && currentBuilding.Stone.gameObject.activeSelf == false && currentBuilding.Iron.gameObject.activeSelf == false && currentBuilding.Ruin.gameObject.activeSelf == true)
                isActive[i] = 3;
            else if (currentBuilding.Wood.gameObject.activeSelf == false && currentBuilding.Stone.gameObject.activeSelf == false && currentBuilding.Iron.gameObject.activeSelf == true && currentBuilding.Ruin.gameObject.activeSelf == false)
                isActive[i] = 4;
        public void getQueueList(ListBox listbox)
            int queueid = 0;

                string strSql = "";
                if (isLive)
                    strSql = @" SELECT iid, MsgType, subMsgType, MID, HID, FlightSeq, ResendYN, EDIAddressBook, CustomerId, MsgBody_SITAfreeMSG, MsgAddress_SITAfreeMSG FROM EDI_Msg_Queue WHERE Status = 'W' ORDER BY iid";
                    //strSql = @" SELECT iid, MsgType, subMsgType, MID, HID, FlightSeq, ResendYN, EDIAddressBook, CustomerId FROM EDI_Msg_Queue WHERE iid = 4326345";
                    //strSql = @" select * from EDI_Msg_Queue where iid in (9733306)";

                    //strSql = @" select * from EDI_Msg_Queue where iid in (14397617)";
                    //strSql = @"select * from EDI_Msg_Queue where Status = 'W' and createddate >= DATEADD(D, 0, DATEDIFF(D, 0, GETDATE())) and Msgtype <> 'Email' order by iid desc";

                    //                    strSql = @"select iid, MsgType, subMsgType, MID, HID, FlightSeq, ResendYN, EDIAddressBook, CustomerId, MsgBody_SITAfreeMSG, MsgAddress_SITAfreeMSG
                    //                                from EDI_Msg_Queue where Status = 'W' and createddate >= DATEADD(D, 0, DATEDIFF(D, 0, GETDATE())) order by iid desc";
                    //strSql = @" select iid, MsgType, subMsgType, MID, HID, FlightSeq, ResendYN, EDIAddressBook, CustomerId, MsgBody_SITAfreeMSG, MsgAddress_SITAfreeMSG
                    //            from EDI_Msg_Queue where iid in (6578241)

                    //            ";
                    strSql = @" select * from EDI_Msg_Queue where iid in (14397540)";

                    //strSql = @"select * from EDI_Msg_Queue where Status = 'W' and createddate >= DATEADD(D, 0, DATEDIFF(D, 0, GETDATE())) and Msgtype = 'Email' and submsgtype = 'TTN' order by iid desc";

                    //                    strSql = @" select iid, MsgType, subMsgType, MID, HID, FlightSeq, ResendYN, EDIAddressBook, CustomerId, MsgBody_SITAfreeMSG, MsgAddress_SITAfreeMSG
                    //                                from EDI_Msg_Queue where MsgType = 'FBR' and createddate >= '2016-05-02 14:50'";

                DataTable dt        = baseDB.GetSqlDataTable(strSql);
                string    msgReturn = "";
                string    result    = "";

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    queueid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["iid"].ToString());
                    string msgType = dr["MsgType"].ToString().Trim();
                    string subType = dr["subMsgType"].ToString().Trim();
                    int    mid     = 0;
                    try { mid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["MID"].ToString().Trim()); }
                    catch { }
                    int hid = 0;
                    try { hid = Convert.ToInt32(dr["HID"].ToString().Trim()); }
                    catch { }
                    int flightSeq = 0;
                    try { flightSeq = Convert.ToInt32(dr["FlightSeq"].ToString().Trim()); }
                    catch { }
                    string resendYN       = dr["ResendYN"].ToString().Trim();
                    int    EDIAddressBook = 0;
                    try { EDIAddressBook = Convert.ToInt32(dr["EDIAddressBook"].ToString().Trim()); }
                    catch { }
                    string CustomerId      = dr["CustomerId"].ToString().Trim();
                    string MsgBody_SITA    = dr["MsgBody_SITAfreeMSG"].ToString();
                    string MsgAddress_SITA = dr["MsgAddress_SITAfreeMSG"].ToString();

                    //if (msgType != "" && msgType != "Email")      // 2016-01-20 In case of Free Text, MsgType can be empty.
                    if (msgType.ToUpper() != "EMAIL")
                        GenerateBase baseMessage = null;

                        //added. 2015-12-14
                        if (MsgBody_SITA != null && MsgBody_SITA != string.Empty)
                            //for send free SITA MSG
                            baseMessage = new sendSITAmsg();
                            #region Init.
                            if (msgType.ToUpper() == "FSU")
                                switch (subType.ToUpper())
                                case "DLV":
                                    baseMessage = new GenerateDLV();

                                case "RCF":
                                case "ARR":
                                    baseMessage = new GenerateRCF();

                                case "NFD":
                                case "AWD":
                                    baseMessage = new GenerateAWD();

                                case "MAN":
                                case "DEP":
                                    baseMessage = new GenerateMAN();

                                //RDS Added 2015-08-12
                                case "RCS":
                                case "RDS":
                                    baseMessage = new GenerateRCS();

                                //RDT Added 2015-08-12
                                case "RCT":
                                case "RDT":
                                    baseMessage = new GenerateRCT();

                                // FOH added. 2016-11-08
                                case "FOH":
                                    baseMessage = new GenerateFOH();

                                case "TFD":
                                    baseMessage = new GenerateTFD();
                            //NFM added by NA
                            if (msgType.ToUpper() == "NFM")
                                baseMessage = new GenerateNFM();

                            if (msgType.ToUpper() == "FFM")
                                baseMessage = new GenerateFFM();

                            if (msgType.ToUpper() == "IRP")
                                baseMessage = new GenerateIRP();

                            if (msgType.ToUpper() == "FWB")
                                baseMessage = new GenerateFWB();

                            if (msgType.ToUpper() == "FHL")
                                baseMessage = new GenerateFHL();

                            if (msgType.ToUpper() == "FBR")
                                baseMessage = new GenerateFBR();

                            if (msgType.ToUpper() == "UWS")
                                baseMessage = new GeneratwUWS();

                        if (baseMessage != null)
                            //Clear Static Variables
                            baseMessage.msgDestAddrEmail = "";

                            //added. 2015-12-14
                            if (MsgBody_SITA != null && MsgBody_SITA != string.Empty)
                                //for send free SITA MSG
                                msgReturn = MsgBody_SITA;

                                //for email list
                                if (MsgAddress_SITA != null && MsgAddress_SITA != string.Empty)
                                    string[] tmpGetEmail = MsgAddress_SITA.Split(' ');
                                    if (tmpGetEmail.Count() > 0)
                                        for (int i = 0; i < tmpGetEmail.Count(); i++)
                                            if (tmpGetEmail[i].IndexOf("@") > -1)
                                                baseMessage.msgDestAddrEmail += tmpGetEmail[i];
                                                baseMessage.msgDestAddrEmail += ";";
                                        baseMessage.msgDestAddrEmail = baseMessage.msgDestAddrEmail.TrimEnd(';');
                                if (msgType.ToUpper() == "FHL")
                                    msgReturn = baseMessage.doBuildUp(msgType, subType, hid, flightSeq, queueid);
                                    msgReturn = baseMessage.doBuildUp(msgType, subType, mid, flightSeq, queueid);

                            if (msgReturn != "")
                                /* 2014-04-14
                                 * msgReturn = msgReturn.ToUpper();
                                msgReturn = msgReturn.ToUpper().Replace(",", "");

                                string[] arrMsg = msgReturn.Split('|');

                                foreach (string msg in arrMsg)
                                    if (ValidationUtil.isThereSitaReciever(msg))
                                        string test = "good";

                                    if (isLive)
                                        if (ValidationUtil.isThereSitaReciever(msg))
                                            result = myMQ.WriteLocalQMsg(msg, MQ_ManagerExp.GR1MQNMRInfo, MQ_ManagerExp.QUEUEID1, MQ_ManagerExp.GR1MQCONInfo, MQ_ManagerExp.GR1MQMInfo);
                                            result = "Message sent to successfully";
                                        result = "Message sent to the queue successfully";

                                    if (result.IndexOf("successful") > 0)
                                        if (isLive)
                                            baseMessage.UpdateQueue(queueid, "S", "");

                                            //added. 2015-12-14
                                            if (MsgBody_SITA != null && MsgBody_SITA != string.Empty)
                                                baseMessage.InsertLogforFreeSITAmsg(queueid, msg);
                                                baseMessage.InsertLog(queueid, msg, msgType, subType);
                                            //baseMessage.UpdateQueue(queueid, "S", "");
                                            //added. 2015-12-14
                                            if (MsgBody_SITA != null && MsgBody_SITA != string.Empty)
                                                baseMessage.InsertLogforFreeSITAmsg(queueid, msg);
                                                baseMessage.InsertLog(queueid, msg, msgType, subType);

                                        //added. 2015-12-14
                                        if (MsgBody_SITA != null && MsgBody_SITA != string.Empty)
                                            //Create Copy to Cargo-Spot Queue
                                            if (msgType == "UWS" || msgType == "NFM" || msgType == "FFM" || msgType == "FWB" || (msgType == "FSU" && subType == "DEP") || (msgType == "FSU" && subType == "MAN"))
                                                if (isLive)
                                                    if (ValidationUtil.isThereSitaReciever(msg))
                                                        result = myMQ.WriteLocalQMsg(msg, MQ_ManagerExp.GR2MQNMRInfo, MQ_ManagerExp.QUEUEID2, MQ_ManagerExp.GR2MQCONInfo, MQ_ManagerExp.GR2MQMInfo);
                                        baseMessage = new GenerateDLV();
                                        baseMessage.UpdateQueue(queueid, "E", result);
                                        buildLog(queueid, result, "CASMqm.WriteLocalQMsg");

                                    // added on 2017-11-20. requested by Mike 2017-11-20 03:04pm
                                    if (isLive)
                                        if (msgType == "FWB" || msgType == "FHL" || msgType == "FHL")
                                            if (baseMessage.msgDestAddrEmail != "")
                                                baseMessage.msgDestAddrEmail += ";[email protected]";
                                                baseMessage.msgDestAddrEmail = "*****@*****.**";
                                    if (baseMessage.msgDestAddrEmail != "")
                                        string emailBody = "";

                                        emailBody = setMSGformat(msgReturn, msgType ?? "");

                                        //emailBody = emailBody.Replace("\r\n", "<br>");
                                        //emailBody = msgReturn.Replace("\r\n", "<br>");

                                        string emailSubj = "";
                                        if (msgType != null && msgType.ToUpper() == "IRP")
                                            emailSubj  = "IRP Message: ";
                                            emailSubj += baseMessage.IRPSubject ?? "";
                                        else if (subType != null && subType.Trim() != string.Empty)
                                            emailSubj = msgType.ToUpper() + " - " + subType.ToUpper() + " message";
                                            emailSubj = msgType.ToUpper() + " message";
                                        if (isLive)
                                            GenerateEmail email       = new GenerateEmail();
                                            int           emailStatus = 1;
                                                bool mailSent = baseMail.mailSend(baseMessage.msgDestAddrEmail, emailBody, emailSubj);
                                                if (!mailSent)
                                                    email.UpdateQueue(queueid, "S", "Error sending email!");
                                                    emailStatus = 255;
                                                    email.UpdateEmailQueue(mid, emailStatus);
                                            catch (Exception e)
                                                email.UpdateQueue(queueid, "S", "Error sending email!");
                                                emailStatus = 255;
                                                email.UpdateEmailQueue(mid, emailStatus);
                                                buildLog(queueid, e.Message, e.StackTrace);
                                            bool mailSent = baseMail.mailSend(baseMessage.msgDestAddrEmail, emailBody, emailSubj);
                            //Clear Static Variables
                            baseMessage.msgDestAddrEmail = "";

                    //Email Sending
                    #region Sending Email
                    if (msgType.ToUpper() == "EMAIL")
                        GenerateEmail email = new GenerateEmail();
                        int           emailResult;
                        int           emailStatus = 1;
                            emailResult = email.sendEamil(mid, subType);
                            if (emailResult == 0)
                                if (resendYN.ToUpper() == "Y")
                                    emailStatus = 3;
                                email.UpdateQueue(queueid, "S", "");
                                email.UpdateEmailQueue(mid, emailStatus);

                                if (listbox.Items.Count >= 100)
                                listbox.Items.Add(string.Format("Email QueueId:{0} is successfully sent!", mid));
                                email.UpdateQueue(queueid, "E", "Error sending email!");
                                emailStatus = 255;
                                email.UpdateEmailQueue(mid, emailStatus);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            email.UpdateQueue(queueid, "E", e.Message);
                            emailStatus = 255;
                            email.UpdateEmailQueue(mid, emailStatus);
                            buildLog(queueid, e.Message, e.StackTrace);
            catch (Exception e)
                GenerateBase baseMessage = new GenerateDLV();
                baseMessage.UpdateQueue(queueid, "E", e.Message);
                buildLog(queueid, e.Message, e.StackTrace);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成代码
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            GenerateBase generageObj = null;

                var arg = e.Argument as GenerateInfo;

                var paramList = this.configBllObj.GetParamConfigItem(arg.Language, arg.GroupName, false);
                List <ParamItem> paramData = paramList == null ? new List <ParamItem>() : paramList.ParamData;

                switch (arg.HostName)
                case "SingleTableHost":
                    generageObj = new SingleTableGenerate(this.nowDb, arg.TableList, arg.TemplateInfos, arg.TypeMapConfigList, arg.NameRuleConfig, paramData, arg.SavePath);

                case "MultTableHost":
                    generageObj = new MultTableGenerate(this.nowDb, arg.TableList, arg.TemplateInfos, arg.TypeMapConfigList, arg.NameRuleConfig, paramData, arg.SavePath);

                case "DatabaseHost":
                    generageObj = new DatabaseGenerate(this.nowDb, arg.TableList, arg.TemplateInfos, arg.TypeMapConfigList, arg.NameRuleConfig, paramData, arg.SavePath);

                    MsgBox.Show("未知的模板宿主:" + arg.HostName);

                // check
                var errMsg = generageObj.CheckParam();
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errMsg) == false)

                // 设置需要生成的总数量
                var totalCount = generageObj.GetGenenrateTotalCount();
                this.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                    this.progressBar1.Maximum = totalCount;

                generageObj.OnFinishOneGenerateEvent += GenerageObj_OnFinishOneGenerateEvent;

                Boolean isError = generageObj.Generate();
                if (isError)
                    MsgBox.Show("生成成功", "提示");
            catch (Exception e1)
                MsgBox.ShowExceptionDialog(e1, "生成出错");
                this.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                    this.UseWaitCursor = false;
                    this.Enabled       = true;

                // 注销事件
                if (generageObj != null)
                    generageObj.OnFinishOneGenerateEvent -= GenerageObj_OnFinishOneGenerateEvent;