private static GeneralTreeNode <int> FindNodeUsingDFS(GeneralTreeNode <int> node, int inputNumber)
     node.Visited = true;
     if (node == null)
     if (inputNumber == node.Value)
         foreach (var adjNode in node.ChildNodes)
             // checking for visited is not required for a tree as its not cyclic but is required for a graph
             var resultNode = FindNodeUsingDFS(adjNode, inputNumber);
             if (resultNode != null)
        private static GeneralTreeNode <int> FindNodeUsingBFS(GeneralTreeNode <int> root, int inputNumber)
            GeneralTreeNode <int>          nodeFound;
            Queue <GeneralTreeNode <int> > queue = new Queue <GeneralTreeNode <int> >();


            while (queue.Count != 0)
                var node = queue.Dequeue();
                node.Visited = true;
                if (inputNumber == node.Value)
                foreach (var adjNode in node.ChildNodes)
                    // checking for visited is not required for a tree as its not cyclic but is required for a graph
                    if (!adjNode.Visited)
         * Nodes in a Subtree
         * You are given a tree that contains N nodes, each containing an integer u which corresponds to a lowercase character c
         * in the string s using 1-based indexing.
         * You are required to answer Q queries of type [u, c], where u is an integer and c is a lowercase letter.
         * The query result is the number of nodes in the subtree of node u containing c.
         * Signature
         * int[] countOfNodes(Node root, ArrayList<Query> queries, String s)
         * Input
         * A pointer to the root node, an array list containing Q queries of type [u, c], and a string s
         * Constraints
         * N and Q are the integers between 1 and 1,000,000
         * u is a unique integer between 1 and N
         * s is of the length of N, containing only lowercase letters
         * c is a lowercase letter contained in string s
         * Node 1 is the root of the tree
         * Output
         * An integer array containing the response to each query
         * Example
         * 1(a)
         * /   \
         * 2(b)  3(a)
         * s = "aba"
         * RootNode = 1
         * query = [[1, 'a']]
         * Note: Node 1 corresponds to first letter 'a', Node 2 corresponds to second letter of the string 'b', Node 3 corresponds to third letter of the string 'a'.
         * output = [2]
         * Both Node 1 and Node 3 contain 'a', so the number of nodes within the subtree of Node 1 containing 'a' is 2.

        // Used as Linked list nodes
        public static int[] CountOfNodes(GeneralTreeNode <int> root, List <Query> queries, String s)
            var result = new List <int>();

            // find the sub node
            foreach (var query in queries)
                var inputNumber = query.U;
                var inputChar   = query.C;
                int counter     = 0;
                // search the tree for this number, user a breadthfirst approach
                var nodeFound = FindNodeUsingDFS(root, inputNumber);
                GeneralTreeNode <int> .TraverseBFS(nodeFound, (node) =>
                    var pos = node.Value;
                    if (s[pos - 1] == inputChar)

 public static void TraverseDFS(GeneralTreeNode <T> node, Action <GeneralTreeNode <T> > func)
     if (node != null)
         foreach (var childNode in node.ChildNodes)
             TraverseDFS(childNode, func);
 public static void TraverseBFS(GeneralTreeNode <T> node, Action <GeneralTreeNode <T> > func)
     if (node != null)
         var queue = new Queue <GeneralTreeNode <T> >();
         while (queue.Count != 0)
             var workNode = queue.Dequeue();
             //visit the node
             // push all its children in its queue
             foreach (var childNode in workNode.ChildNodes)
Exemple #6
        public void TestcountOfNodes()
            // Testcase 2
            int    n_2 = 7, q_2 = 3;
            String s_2 = "abaacab";
            GeneralTreeNode <int> root_2 = new GeneralTreeNode <int>(1);

            root_2.ChildNodes.Add(new GeneralTreeNode <int>(2));
            root_2.ChildNodes.Add(new GeneralTreeNode <int>(3));
            root_2.ChildNodes.Add(new GeneralTreeNode <int>(7));
            root_2.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes.Add(new GeneralTreeNode <int>(4));
            root_2.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes.Add(new GeneralTreeNode <int>(5));
            root_2.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes.Add(new GeneralTreeNode <int>(6));

            var queries_2 = new List <Query>();

            queries_2.Add(new Query(1, 'a'));
            queries_2.Add(new Query(2, 'b'));
            queries_2.Add(new Query(3, 'a'));
            int[] output_2   = TreesAndGraphs.CountOfNodes(root_2, queries_2, s_2);
            int[] expected_2 = { 4, 1, 2 };
            Assert.AreEqual(expected_2, output_2);

            //Testcase 1
            int    n_1 = 3, q_1 = 1;
            String s_1 = "aba";
            GeneralTreeNode <int> root_1 = new GeneralTreeNode <int>(1);

            root_1.ChildNodes.Add(new GeneralTreeNode <int>(2));
            root_1.ChildNodes.Add(new GeneralTreeNode <int>(3));
            var queries_1 = new List <Query>();

            queries_1.Add(new Query(1, 'a'));
            int[] output_1   = TreesAndGraphs.CountOfNodes(root_1, queries_1, s_1);
            int[] expected_1 = { 2 };
            Assert.AreEqual(expected_1, output_1);