public static void Update(List <dtoProductShelf> updateProductShelves, int codeShop) { try { GeneralDB dB = new GeneralDB(); List <ProductShelf> productShelves2 = dB.MyDb.ProductShelves.Where(x => x.Shelf.Stand.CodeShop == codeShop).ToList(); //List<ProductShelf> productShelves2 = dB.MyDb.ProductShelves.ToList(); // var v = updateProductShelves.Select(p => productShelves2.Where(x => x.CodeProduct == p.CodeProduct ).ToList()).ToList(); // v.ForEach(x => productShelves2.AddRange(x)); foreach (var updateItem in updateProductShelves) { var item = productShelves2.Where(x => x.CodeProduct == updateItem.CodeProduct).FirstOrDefault(); if (item != null) { item.CodeShelf = updateItem.CodeShelf; } } //productShelves2.ForEach(p => p.CodeShelf= updateProductShelves.Where(x => x.CodeProduct == p.CodeProduct && x.CodeShelf == p.CodeShelf).ToList().First().CodeShelf ); dB.MyDb.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("problem cas update"); } }
public static RequestResponse InsertList(List <dtoConnection> connections) { GeneralDB dB = new GeneralDB(); RequestResponse r = new RequestResponse(); r.Message = "shop number " + connections[0].CodeShop + "inserted " + connections.Count(); try { int c = connections[0].CodeShop; r.Result = true; connections.ForEach(x => dB.MyDb.Connections.Add(Converts.ToConnection(x))); dB.MyDb.SaveChanges(); //Shop s = dB.MyDb.Shops.Where(x => x.Code == connections[0].CodeShop).First(); Shop s = new Shop(); List <Shop> shops = dB.MyDb.Shops.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < shops.Count(); i++) { if (shops[i].Code == c) { s = shops[i]; break; } } r.Data = Converts.ToDtoShop(s); } catch { r.Result = false; r.Message = "can't add connections"; } return(r); }
public static List <ExtraAlias> GetDepartment() { GeneralDB generalDB = new GeneralDB(); List <Alias> aliases = generalDB.MyDb.Aliases.Where(x => x.Parent == null).ToList(); List <ExtraAlias> departments = Converts.ToExtraAliases(aliases); departments.Remove(departments.Where(x => x.TextAlias == "placeAlias").FirstOrDefault()); List <dtoProduct> dtoProducts = Converts.ToDtoProducts(generalDB.MyDb.Products.ToList()); var q = dtoProducts.Where(x => x.Alias.TextAlias == "cash" || x.Alias.TextAlias == "wall" || x.Alias.TextAlias == "סטנד").ToList(); q.ForEach(x => dtoProducts.Remove(x)); ExtraAlias e; foreach (var item in dtoProducts) { if (item.Alias.Parent != null && item.Alias.Parent != 0) { e = departments.Where(x => x.Code == item.Alias.Parent).First(); e.products.Add(item); } } //departments = departments.Where(x => x.products.Count>0).ToList(); return(departments); }
public static bool comparePassword(string str, int code) { GeneralDB generalDB = new GeneralDB(); Shop s = generalDB.MyDb.Shops.Where(x => x.Code == code).First(); return(s.Password == str); }
public ConnectionManager(LoginQueue loginQueue, SystemManager systemManager, GeneralDB generalDB, Logger logger) { this.Log = logger.CreateLogChannel("ConnectionManager"); this.LoginQueue = loginQueue; this.SystemManager = systemManager; this.GeneralDB = generalDB; }
public static List <dtoStand> GetStands(int codeShop) { GeneralDB generalDB = new GeneralDB(); //generalDB.MyDb.Shops.First().Stands.First().Shelves.First().ProductShelves.Add(); return(Converts.ToDtoStands(generalDB.MyDb.Stands.Where(s => s.CodeShop == codeShop).ToList())); }
public static List <dtoAlias> GetAliases() { GeneralDB db = new GeneralDB(); List <dtoAlias> dtoAliases = Converts.ToDtoAliases(db.MyDb.Aliases.ToList()); return(dtoAliases); }
public static List <dtoShop> GetDtoShops() { GeneralDB generalDB = new GeneralDB(); List <Shop> l = generalDB.MyDb.Shops.ToList(); return(Converts.ToDtoShops(l)); }
public static void Update(List <dtoProduct> products) { GeneralDB dB = new GeneralDB(); List <Product> products2 = dB.MyDb.Products.ToList(); products.ForEach(x => products2.Where(y => y.Code == x.Code).First().Src = x.Src); dB.MyDb.SaveChanges(); }
public static List <dtoProductShop> GetProdcutsShop(int code) { GeneralDB generalDB = new GeneralDB(); List <dtoProductShop> l = Converts.ToDtoProductShops(generalDB.MyDb.ProductShops.ToList()); l = l.Where(x => x.CodeShop == code).ToList(); return(l); }
public NodeContainer(GeneralDB generalDB) { this.NodeID = 0; this.GeneralDB = generalDB; // load constants for the EVE System this.Constants = this.GeneralDB.LoadConstants(); }
public static bool UnloadSolarSystem(int solarSystemID) { // We should do the unload work here // Update the database GeneralDB.UnloadSolarSystem(solarSystemID); return(true); }
public static void Insert(List <dtoProductAlias> productAliases) { GeneralDB dB = new GeneralDB(); productAliases.ForEach(x => x.Alias = null); List <ProductAlia> productAliases2 = Converts.ToProductAliases(productAliases); dB.MyDb.ProductAlias.AddRange(productAliases2); dB.MyDb.SaveChanges(); }
public static void Insert(List <dtoProductShelf> productShelves) { GeneralDB dB = new GeneralDB(); productShelves.ForEach(x => x.CodeProduct = x.CodeProduct == 0?null:x.CodeProduct); List <ProductShelf> productShelves2 = Converts.ToProductShelves(productShelves); dB.MyDb.ProductShelves.AddRange(productShelves2); dB.MyDb.SaveChanges(); }
public bool Insert() { ProductShop s = Converts.ToProductShop(this); GeneralDB generalDB = new GeneralDB(); generalDB.MyDb.ProductShops.Add(s); generalDB.MyDb.SaveChanges(); return(true); }
public IActionResult GetById(long id) { var item = _context.AZObsItems.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == id); if (item == null) { return(NotFound()); } item.Geo = GeneralDB.GetLocation(_context, "AZObsItems", id); return(new ObjectResult(item)); }
public IActionResult Create([FromBody] AZObsItem item) { if (item == null) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.AZObsItems.Add(item); _context.SaveChanges(); GeneralDB.UpdateLocation(_context, "AZObsItems", item.Geo, item.Id); return(CreatedAtRoute("GetAZObs", new { id = item.Id }, item)); }
public dtoAlias Insert() { GeneralDB db = new GeneralDB(); Alias a = Converts.ToAlias(this); db.MyDb.Aliases.Add(a); db.MyDb.SaveChanges(); a = db.MyDb.Aliases.ToList().Last(); dtoAlias dtoAlias = Converts.ToDtoAlias(a); return(dtoAlias); }
public dtoProduct Insert() { Product s = Converts.ToProduct(this); //s.Alias = null; GeneralDB generaldb = new GeneralDB(); generaldb.MyDb.Products.Add(s); generaldb.MyDb.SaveChanges(); s = generaldb.MyDb.Products.ToList().Last(); dtoProduct d = Converts.ToDtoProduct(s); return(d); }
public static void Delete(List <dtoProductShop> deleteProductShops) { GeneralDB generalDB = new GeneralDB(); foreach (var item in deleteProductShops) { ProductShelf productShelf = Converts.ToProductShelf(item); var v = generalDB.MyDb.ProductShelves.Where(x => x.Code == productShelf.Code).FirstOrDefault(); if (v != null) { generalDB.MyDb.ProductShelves.Remove(v); } } generalDB.MyDb.SaveChanges(); }
public static bool LoadSolarSystem(SolarSystem solarSystem) { // We should do the load work here BootupSolarSystem(solarSystem.itemID); // Update the database GeneralDB.LoadSolarSystem(solarSystem.itemID); // Update the list solarSystemsLoaded.Add(solarSystem); // Update the ItemManager ItemFactory.GetItemManager().LoadItem(solarSystem.itemID); return(true); }
public static List <Goal> MainComputeTravel(int[] CodeProducts, Point pStart, int numShop, bool endCash, string path) { CodeShop = numShop; GeneralDB dB = new GeneralDB(); Shop s = dB.MyDb.Shops.Where(x => x.Code == numShop).FirstOrDefault(); List <GetawayProcI_Result> getawayProcI_Results = dB.MyDb.GetawayProcI(numShop).ToList(); int width = Convert.ToInt32(s.Walls.Max(x => x.X2)) + 1; int height = (int)s.Walls.Max(x => x.Y2) + 1; //TODO: להחליט אם מחשבים כאן int[][] matShop = MatShopComputer.ComputeMat(s.Walls.ToArray(), s.Stands.ToArray(), s.Getaways.ToArray(), width, height); Cell[,] baseDistanceMatrix = dtoShop.ReadDistanceMatrix(s, path); // Cell[,] baseDistanceMatrix = DijkstraFunction.ComputeDikjstra(getawayProcI_Results,s.Connections.ToList()); List <Wall> cashes = null; if (endCash) { cashes = s.Walls.Where(x => x.Alias.TextAlias == "cash").ToList(); } List <Product> product = dB.MyDb.Products.Where(p => CodeProducts.Contains(p.Code)).Distinct().ToList(); if (pStart == null) { pStart = UtilitiesFunctions.MidPoint(Converts.ToDtoGetawayI(getawayProcI_Results.Where(x => x.Code == s.CodeGetaway).First())); } //foreach (var item in productShops) //{ // MessageBox.Show(item.Product.Alias.TextAlias); //} //levels Dictionary <Stand, List <Product> > ExtraStand = Level1GroupProductsByStand(product.ToArray()); //TODO: לעשות שיקבץ לאזורים רק אם צריך Dictionary <KeyArea, Area> productArea; //if (ExtraStand.Count() <= 10) // productArea = Level2NotGroupStandsByArea(ExtraStand, getawayProcI_Results); //else productArea = Level2GroupStandsByArea(ExtraStand, getawayProcI_Results, s); List <KeyValuePair <KeyArea, Area> > productAreaList = Level3ConvertDictToList(pStart, productArea, matShop, getawayProcI_Results, s.Connections.ToList(), cashes, Convert.ToInt32(s.CodeGetaway), s.Stands.ToList(), s); Cell[,] matrix = Level4ComputeDistanceMatrix(productAreaList, baseDistanceMatrix, pStart, cashes); Cell[,] matrixToTsp = Level5CutMatrix(matrix, productAreaList.Count, matrix.GetLength(1)); return(Level6ComputeGoalsTravel(matrix, matrixToTsp, matrix.GetLength(1) - matrixToTsp.GetLength(1) - 1, matrixToTsp.GetLength(1), productAreaList, getawayProcI_Results, pStart, cashes.Count())); }
/// <summary> /// the method constructs a dictionary from the Contacts DataTable, id - websiteID and websiteName /// </summary> public static Dictionary <int, string> GetContacts() { DataTable contactsdt = GeneralDB.ReturnContacts(); if (contactsdt == null) { return(null); } Dictionary <int, string> ContactDic = new Dictionary <int, string>(); foreach (DataRow row in contactsdt.Rows) { int Contactid = (int)row["WebsiteID"]; string ContactName = (string)row["WebsiteName"].ToString(); ContactDic.Add(Contactid, ContactName); } return(ContactDic); }
public static void GetAliasesShopProduct(int codeShop, List <ExtraAlias> extraAliases, List <Product> products) { GeneralDB generalDB = new GeneralDB(); List <dtoProduct> dtoProducts = Converts.ToDtoProducts(products); ExtraAlias e; int?codeAlias; foreach (var product in dtoProducts) { codeAlias = product.CodeAlias; e = extraAliases.Where(eAlias => eAlias.Code == codeAlias).First(); e.products.Add(product); if (product.ProductAlias != null) { product.ProductAlias.ForEach(productAlias => extraAliases.Where(eAlias => eAlias.Code == productAlias.Alias.Code).ToList().First().products.Add(product)); } } }
/// <summary> /// the method constructs a dictionary from a Countries DataTable, id - lang, counryname - name of language /// </summary> public static Dictionary <int, string> GetCountries() { DataTable countriesdt = GeneralDB.ReturnCountries(); if (countriesdt == null) { return(null); } Dictionary <int, string> CountryDic = new Dictionary <int, string>(); foreach (DataRow row in countriesdt.Rows) { int countryid = (int)row["ID"]; string CountryName = (string)row["Name"].ToString(); CountryDic.Add(countryid, CountryName); } return(CountryDic); }
public static bool LoadUnloadedSolarSystems() { // Get all the solarSystems not loaded and load them List <int> solarSystems = GeneralDB.GetUnloadedSolarSystems(); // Load the not-loaded solar systems foreach (int solarSystemID in solarSystems) { // We can assume we dont have it in the list, as we've queryed for the non-loaded solarSystems SolarSystem solarSystem = new SolarSystem(ItemDB.LoadItem(solarSystemID), ItemDB.GetSolarSystemInfo(solarSystemID)); // Create the solarSystem class if (LoadSolarSystem(solarSystem) == false) { return(false); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// the method constructs a dictionary from a language DataTable, id - lang, langname - name of language /// </summary> public static Dictionary <int, string> GetLang() { DataTable Langdt = GeneralDB.Returnlanguages(); if (Langdt == null) { return(null); } Dictionary <int, string> langDic = new Dictionary <int, string>(); foreach (DataRow row in Langdt.Rows) { int langid = (int)row["ID"]; string LangName = (string)row["LangName"].ToString(); langDic.Add(langid, LangName); } return(langDic); }
/* public RequestResponse Update() * { * //TODO: לעשות שיעדכן ולא יוסיף שוב נתונים כפולים * RequestResponse r = new RequestResponse(); * Shop s =Converts.ToShop(this,""); * * //generalDB.Shops.Add(s); * MessageBox.Show("befor you have "+generalDB.MyDb.Shops.Count()); * generalDB.MyDb.Shops.Add(s); * generalDB.MyDb.SaveChanges(); * MessageBox.Show("after you have "+generalDB.MyDb.Shops.Count()); * s= generalDB.MyDb.Shops.ToList().Last(); * dtoShop dtos = Converts.ToDtoShop(s); * dtos.Connections = new List<dtoConnection>(); * r.Data = dtos; * //כאן לעשות לקובץ זמל את דיקסטרת החנות * WriteDistanceMatrix(s); * * //Matrix m = new Matrix(); * //int width = Convert.ToInt32(s.Walls.Max(x => x.X2)); * //int height = (int)s.Walls.Max(x => x.Y2); * //m.Mat = MatShopComputer.ComputeMat(s.Walls.ToArray(), s.Stands.ToArray(), s.Getaways.ToArray(), width, height); * * return r; * }*/ public static int [][] GetMap(int Code) { GeneralDB g = new GeneralDB(); Shop s = g.MyDb.Shops.Where(x => x.Code == Code).FirstOrDefault(); if (s == null) { return(null); } int[][] matShop = new int[1][]; try { var x = Convert.ToInt32(s.Walls.Max(a => a.X2)); var y = Convert.ToInt32(s.Walls.Max(b => b.Y2)); matShop = MatShopComputer.ComputeMat(s.Walls.ToArray(), s.Stands.ToArray(), s.Getaways.ToArray(), x + 1, y + 1); } catch { MessageBox.Show("erro"); } return(matShop); }
public List <Goal> DOmain(List <Product> products, Point pStart, Wall cash, int numShop, List <GetawayProcI_Result> getaways, List <Connection> connections) { string path = @"C:\ProgramData\superQuick"; CodeShop = numShop; GeneralDB DB = new GeneralDB(); Shop shop = DB.MyDb.Shops.Where(x => x.Code == numShop).First(); List <GetawayProcI_Result> getawayProcI_Results = DB.MyDb.GetawayProcI(1).ToList(); Cell[,] distanceMatrix = DijkstraFunction.ComputeDikjstra(DB.MyDb.GetawayProcI(1).ToList(), shop.Connections.ToList()); //Cell[,] distanceMatrix = dtoShop.ReadDistanceMatrix(shop,path); ShopWayEntities shopWay = new ShopWayEntities(); pStart.X = 8; pStart.Y = 22; int[][] matShop = MatShopComputer.ComputeMat(shop.Walls.ToArray(), shop.Stands.ToArray(), shop.Getaways.ToArray(), 29, 29); string[] arr = { "מים", "שוגי", "ציפס קידס", "קורונפלקס", "כריות", "סוכריות אדומות", "במבה", "תן צאפ", "ביסלי", "ציפס מקסיקני", "פופקורן", "במבה אדומה", "דוריטוס" }; //string[] arr = { "watter", "shugi", "chips kids", "coronflex", "cariot", "red swits", "bamba", "ten chap", "bisli", "chips meksicani", "popcoren", "red bamba", "new snak" }; //List<Product> productsTrap = DB.MyDb.Products.Where(x => arr.Contains(x.Alias.TextAlias) && x.GetProductShops().Where(y => y.CodeShop == numShop).ToList().Count > 0).ToList(); List <ProductShop> productShops = shop.GetProductShop(); bool b = productShops.Where(x => x.Code == 1).FirstOrDefault() != null; List <Product> productsShop = shop.ProductShops.Select(x => x.Product).ToList(); List <Product> productsTrap = productsShop.Where(x => arr.Contains(x.Alias.TextAlias)).ToList(); //List<Product> productsTrap&& productShops.Where(y=>y.CodeProduct==x.Code).FirstOrDefault()!=null).ToList(); Dictionary <Stand, List <Product> > ExtraStand = Level1GroupProductsByStand(productsTrap.ToArray()); Dictionary <KeyArea, Area> productArea; //TODO: לעשות שלא יקבץ לאזורים אם לא צריך //if (ExtraStand.Count()<=10) // productArea= Level2NotGroupStandsByArea(ExtraStand, getawayProcI_Results); //else productArea = Level2GroupStandsByArea(ExtraStand, getawayProcI_Results, shop); List <Wall> cashes = shop.Walls.Where(w => w.Alias.TextAlias == "cash").ToList(); List <KeyValuePair <KeyArea, Area> > productAreaList = Level3ConvertDictToList(pStart, productArea, matShop, getaways, connections, cashes, Convert.ToInt32(shop.CodeGetaway), shop.Stands.ToList(), shop); Cell[,] matrix = Level4ComputeDistanceMatrix(productAreaList, distanceMatrix, pStart, cashes); Cell[,] matrixToTsp = Level5CutMatrix(matrix, productAreaList.Count, matrix.GetLength(1)); return(Level6ComputeGoalsTravel(matrix, matrixToTsp, matrix.GetLength(1) - matrixToTsp.GetLength(1) - 1, matrixToTsp.GetLength(1), productAreaList, getawayProcI_Results, pStart, cashes.Count())); }
public static List <ExtraAlias> GetAliasesShop(int codeShop) { GeneralDB generalDB = new GeneralDB(); Shop s = generalDB.MyDb.Shops.Where(x => x.Code == codeShop).First(); List <ProductShop> productShops = s.ProductShops; Product pr = productShops[0].Product; List <Product> products = s.ProductShops.Select(x => x.Product).ToList(); List <ExtraAlias> extraAliases = new List <ExtraAlias>(); ExtraAlias e; foreach (var item in products) { if (item.Code == 191) { s = s; } foreach (var item1 in item.ProductAlias) { e = Converts.ToExtraAlias(item1.Alias); if (item1.Alias.Parent == null && item1.Alias.Color != null) { e.Color = item1.Alias.Color; } else if (item1.Alias.Parent != null) { e.Color = item1.Alias.Alias2.Color; } extraAliases.Add(Converts.ToExtraAlias(item1.Alias)); } extraAliases.Add(Converts.ToExtraAlias(item.Alias)); } extraAliases.Distinct(); extraAliases = extraAliases .GroupBy(p => p.Code) .Select(g => g.First()) .ToList(); GetAliasesShopProduct(codeShop, extraAliases, products); return(extraAliases); }