private static DataTable GetLookUp(string LookUpCode, ref string SPName) { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; DataTable _dt = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = ""; _ht["p_lookup_code"] = LookUpCode; _dt = _dal.GetRows("MASTER_LOOKUP_COLUMN", _ht); if (_dt != null && _dt.Rows.Count > 0) { SPName = _dt.Rows[0]["SP_NAME"].ToString(); } else { throw new Exception("Fail to execute MASTER_LOOKUP_COLUMN"); } return(_dt); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
private void BindData() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; DataTable _dt = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = ""; _ht["p_emp_code"] = Request.Params["emp_code"]; _ht["p_start_date"] = Shared.ConvertToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text); _ht["p_end_date"] = Shared.ConvertToDateTime(txtEndDate.Text); _dt = _dal.GetRows("", "xsp_employee_geotag_log_getrows_sort_by_date", _ht); rptMarkers.DataSource = _dt; rptMarkers.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
public static void BindSubscription(string SubscribeCode, ref string TableSource, ref string TableTarget, ref string SPSaveName, ref string SPSourceToTarget, ref string SPTargetToSource, ref string SPParameterCode, ref string SPParameterUserCode) { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; DataTable _dt = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = string.Empty; _ht["p_subscribe_code"] = SubscribeCode; _dt = _dal.GetRows("MASTER_SUBSCRIPTION", _ht); if (_dt.Rows.Count > 0) { TableSource = _dt.Rows[0]["SP_TABLE_SOURCE"].ToString(); TableTarget = _dt.Rows[0]["SP_TABLE_TARGET"].ToString(); SPSaveName = _dt.Rows[0]["SP_SAVE_NAME"].ToString(); SPSourceToTarget = _dt.Rows[0]["SP_SOURCE_TO_TARGET"].ToString(); SPTargetToSource = _dt.Rows[0]["SP_TARGET_TO_SOURCE"].ToString(); SPParameterCode = _dt.Rows[0]["SP_PARAMETER_CODE"].ToString(); SPParameterUserCode = _dt.Rows[0]["SP_PARAMETER_USER_CODE"].ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private void BindData(string filter) { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); if (ddlBulan.SelectedItem.Value != "0" && ddlTahun.SelectedItem.Value != "0") { _ht["p_mount"] = ddlBulan.SelectedItem.Value; _ht["p_year"] = ddlTahun.SelectedItem.Value; } else { _ht["p_mount"] = ""; _ht["p_year"] = ""; } _ht["p_keywords"] = txtSearch.Text; _ht["p_status"] = ddlStatus.SelectedItem.Value; _ht["p_filter"] = filter; gvwList.DataSource = _dal.GetRows(TABLE_NAME, _ht); gvwList.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
private void BindingCollection() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; //System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); if (Status == "New") { Collector = "All"; } try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = Collector; // _ht["p_collector_code"] = Collector; gvwList.DataSource = _dal.GetRows("", "xsp_collection_main_quickview", _ht); gvwList.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } finally { Status = "New"; } }
private void BindLocationUserList() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = txtSearch.Text; _ht["p_position"] = FILTER_POSITION; _dt = _dal.GetRows("", "xsp_master_user_main_getrows_position", _ht); gvwList.DataSource = _dt; gvwList.DataBind(); //gvwListLocationUser.DataSource = _dal.GetRows(TABLE_NAME, _ht); //gvwListLocationUser.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ddlStatus.SelectedItem.Value == "Select Value" || ddlBulan.SelectedItem.Value == "0" || ddlTahun.SelectedItem.Value == "0") { Shared.ShowErrorMessage(this, "Bulan, Status dan tahun tidak boleh null"); return; } DataTable _dt = null; GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; DataTable _dtH = null; GeneralDAL _dalH = null; Hashtable _htH = null; try { _ht = new Hashtable(); _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _dt = new DataTable(); _htH = new Hashtable(); _dalH = new GeneralDAL(); _dtH = new DataTable(); _ht["p_mount"] = ddlBulan.SelectedItem.Value; _ht["p_year"] = ddlTahun.SelectedItem.Value; _ht["p_keywords"] = txtSearch.Text; _ht["p_status"] = ddlStatus.SelectedItem.Value; _ht["p_filter"] = ""; _dt = _dal.GetRows(TABLE_NAME, _ht); _htH["p_code_segmen"] = SEGMENT; _dtH = _dalH.GetRows(TABLE_NAME_HEADER, _htH); List <Headers> header = new List <Headers>(); header = cv.ConvertDataTable <Headers>(_dtH); List <EntityD02> list = new List <EntityD02>(); list = cv.ConvertDataTable <EntityD02>(_dt); bool isCreate = dc.ValidateD02(list, header); if (isCreate) { Shared.ShowSuccessGritter(this, "badanusahalist.aspx"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
private void BindDataGroup() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = txtSearch.Text; gvwList.DataSource = _dal.GetRows(TABLE_NAME, _ht); gvwList.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
private static DataTable ExecRawSP(string SPName) { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = ""; return(_dal.GetRows("", SPName, _ht)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null);; } }
private void BindQuestion() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = txtQuestionSearch.Text; _ht["p_trx_no"] = lblTrxNo.Text; gvwQuestion.DataSource = _dal.GetRows(TABLE_NAME_QUESTION, _ht); gvwQuestion.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
private void BindUserLogin() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = txtSearchUserLogin.Text; _ht["p_uid"] = lblId.Text; gvwListUserLogin.DataSource = _dal.GetRows(TABLE_NAME_B, _ht); gvwListUserLogin.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
private void BindSurveyPhoto() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = txtSearchSurveyPhoto.Text; _ht["p_trx_no"] = lblTrxNo.Text; gvwListSurveyPhoto.DataSource = _dal.GetRows(TABLE_NAME_SURVEY, _ht); gvwListSurveyPhoto.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
private void BindSubCode() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = txtSearchSubCode.Text; _ht["p_general_code"] = txtCode.Text; gvwListSubCode.DataSource = _dal.GetRows(TABLE_NAME_DETAIL, _ht); gvwListSubCode.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
private void BindDataEmployeeGeotag() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = txtSearchGeotag.Text; _ht["p_emp_code"] = lblEmployeeCode.Text; gvwListGeotag.DataSource = _dal.GetRows(TABLE_NAME_B, _ht); gvwListGeotag.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
private void BindUserActivity() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = txtActivitySearch.Text; _ht["p_uid"] = lblId.Text; gvwUserActivity.DataSource = _dal.GetRows("MASTER_USER_ACTIVITY_LOG", _ht); gvwUserActivity.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
private void BindDataQuickView() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; //System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); if (Status == "New") { Collector = "All"; } _ht["p_keywords"] = Collector; DataTable dtQuickView = _dal.GetRows("", "xsp_collection_main_quickview", _ht); double CountA = 0, CountB = 0, Total = 0; foreach (DataRow drItem in dtQuickView.Rows) { CountA = CountA + Convert.ToDouble(drItem["total_collection"].ToString()); CountB = CountB + Convert.ToDouble(TotalAmount = drItem["payment_amount"].ToString()); Total = CountA - CountB; } TotalCollection = "Rp. " + CountA.ToString("n0") + ".00"; TotalAmount = "Rp. " + CountB.ToString("n0") + ".00"; RestOfTheBill = "Rp. " + Total.ToString("n0") + ".00"; BindingCollection(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
private void BindDataTarget() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = txtSearchTarget.Text; _ht["p_emp_code"] = Request.Params["empcode"]; gvwListTarget.DataSource = _dal.GetRows("", SP_TABLE_TARGET, _ht); gvwListTarget.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
private void BindGroupRole() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = txtSearch.Text; _ht["p_group_code"] = Request.Params["code"]; gvwListGroupRole.DataSource = _dal.GetRows(TABLE_NAME_DETAIL, _ht); gvwListGroupRole.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
public static void BindSurveyMain(DropDownList ddl) { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = ""; ddl.DataSource = _dal.GetRows("SURVEY_MAIN", _ht); ddl.DataTextField = "TRX_NO"; ddl.DataValueField = "TRX_NO"; ddl.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public static void BindEmployee(DropDownList ddl) { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = ""; ddl.DataSource = _dal.GetRows("EMPLOYEE_MAIN", _ht); ddl.DataTextField = "EMP_NAME"; ddl.DataValueField = "EMP_CODE"; ddl.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public static void BindingQuickView(DropDownList ddl) { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = ""; ddl.DataSource = _dal.GetRows("", "xsp_collection_main_quickview", _ht); //_dal.GetRows("COLLECTION_MAIN", _ht); ddl.DataTextField = "collector"; ddl.DataValueField = "collector_code"; ddl.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void BindData() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = ""; _ht["p_position"] = ddlPosition.SelectedValue; rptMarkers.DataSource = _dal.GetRows("", "xsp_employee_geotag_log_getrows_by_position", _ht); rptMarkers.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
public static void BindDevice(DropDownList ddl) { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = ""; ddl.DataSource = _dal.GetRows("MASTER_MEREK", _ht); ddl.DataTextField = "DESCRIPTION"; ddl.DataValueField = "CODE"; ddl.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void BindDataSource() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = txtSearchSource.Text; // System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); for (int i = 0; i < Request.Params.Count; i++) { if (Request.Params.AllKeys[i] != null) { if (Request.Params.AllKeys[i].StartsWith("par_")) { string par = Request.Params.AllKeys[i].Substring(4); _ht["p_" + par] = Request.Params[i]; } else if (Request.Params.AllKeys[i].StartsWith("parc_")) { string par = Request.Params.AllKeys[i].Substring(5); _ht["p_" + par] = Request.Params[i]; } } } gvwListSource.DataSource = _dal.GetRows("", SP_TABLE_SOURCE, _ht); gvwListSource.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
private void BindDataColletion() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = ""; _ht["p_console_status"] = "ALL"; _ht["p_result_status"] = "ALL"; gvwList.DataSource = _dal.GetRows(TABLE_NAME, _ht); gvwList.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
public static void BindGeneralSubCode(DropDownList ddl, string GeneralCode) { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = ""; _ht["p_general_code"] = GeneralCode; ddl.DataSource = _dal.GetRows("MASTER_GENERAL_SUBCODE", _ht); ddl.DataTextField = "DESCRIPTION"; ddl.DataValueField = "CODE"; ddl.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void BindData() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_id"] = Request.Params["result_id"]; _dt = _dal.GetRows("", "xsp_collection_results_getrow_attachment", _ht); attachment.DataSource = _dt; attachment.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
private void BindApplicationDocument() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = txtSearch.Text; _ht["p_id"] = Request.Params["id"]; _ht["p_application_no"] = Request.Params["app_no"]; gvwListApplicationDocument.DataSource = _dal.GetRows(TABLE_NAME_DOCUMENT, _ht); gvwListApplicationDocument.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
private void BindDataColletion() { GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; FILTER_STATUS = Request.Params["param"].ToString(); if (FILTER_STATUS == "All" || FILTER_STATUS == "1") { lblFilterConsole.Visible = false; ddlFilterStatus.Visible = false; } else if (FILTER_STATUS == "2" || FILTER_STATUS == "3" || FILTER_STATUS == "4") { lblFilterConsole.Visible = false; ddlFilterStatus.Visible = false; lblFilterResult.Visible = true; dllFilterResult.Visible = true; } try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_keywords"] = txtSearch.Text; _ht["p_console_status"] = FILTER_STATUS; _ht["p_result_status"] = FILTER_RESULT; gvwList.DataSource = _dal.GetRows(TABLE_NAME, _ht); gvwList.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Shared.ShowErrorDialog(this, ex); } }
//protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) //{ // dataBranch(); // //LoadInit(); // if (!Page.IsPostBack) // { // //if (Request.Params["action"].Equals("edit")) // // { // //LoadData(); // // btnCancel.Text = "<i class='icon-remove'></i>Back"; // //} // } //} //private void dataBranch() //{ // try // { // string constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Test1"].ToString(); // connection string // SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr); // con.Open(); // SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand("select * from Branch", con); // table name // SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(com); // DataSet ds = new DataSet(); // da.Fill(ds); // fill dataset // txtBRANCH.DataTextField = ds.Tables[0].Columns["BranchFullName"].ToString(); // text field name of table dispalyed in dropdown // txtBRANCH.DataValueField = ds.Tables[0].Columns["BranchID"].ToString(); // to retrive specific textfield name // txtBRANCH.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; //assigning datasource to the dropdownlist // txtBRANCH.DataBind(); //binding // con.Close(); // } // catch (Exception err) // { // } //} protected void btnSignIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("CurrentLanguage"); //cookie.Value = ddlLanguage.SelectedValue; //Response.SetCookie(cookie); /* * validate user * if row > 0, maka ambil role user tersebut * redirect ke main.aspx * jika tidak, show error */ GeneralDAL _dal = null; Hashtable _ht = null; bool IsValidUser = true; bool IsValidPassword = true; bool IsActiveUser = true; string UID = ""; try { _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_uid"] = txtUID.Text; _ht["p_password"] = txtPassword.Text; DataRow dr = _dal.GetRow("", "xsp_master_user_main_validate", _ht); //dr null jika tidak ada record, langsung lari ke catch if (dr != null) { UID = dr["ID"].ToString(); if (dr["UPASS"].ToString().Equals(dr["UPASSMD5"].ToString())) { //Masukan Role disini //if (dr["p_uid"].ToString() == "ADM000") //{ // Response.Redirect("/module/finance/agunan.aspx"); //} if (((int)dr["LAST_FAIL_COUNT"]) >= 5) { IsValidPassword = false; } else { if (dr["IS_ACTIVE"].ToString().Equals("1")) //artinya user aktif { //reset fail count _ht["p_uid"] = UID; _dal.Update("", "xsp_master_user_main_reset_fail_count", _ht); //update last login _ht["p_uid"] = UID; _ht["p_login_date"] = DateTime.Now; _dal.Update("", "xsp_master_user_main_update_last_login", _ht); //save user profile ke session Session[SessionKey.CURRENT_USER_SESSION_KEY] = dr; //save user role ke session Session[SessionKey.CURRENT_USER_ROLE_SESSION_KEY] = _dal.GetRows("", "xsp_master_user_main_getroles", _ht); //save user ip address if (Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] == null) { Session[SessionKey.CURRENT_USER_IP_ADDRESS_SESSION_KEY] = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } else { Session[SessionKey.CURRENT_USER_IP_ADDRESS_SESSION_KEY] = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; } //insert master user login log _ht["p_uid"] = UID; _ht["p_ip_address"] = Shared.CurrentIPAddress; _ht["p_flag_code"] = "SUCCESS"; Shared.ApplyDefaultProp(_ht); _dal.Insert("", "xsp_master_user_login_log_insert", _ht); if (((DateTime)dr["NEXT_CHANGE_PASS"]) <= DateTime.Now) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "fx", "fnShowModalChangePassword();", true);; } else { //redirect ke halaman main //Response.Redirect("main.aspx"); //Masukan Role disini if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM000") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_000.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "1000000003") { Response.Redirect("main.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM001") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_001.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM002") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_002.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM004") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_004.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM005") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_005.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM006") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_006.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM007") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_007.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM008") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_008.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM009") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_009.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM010") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_010.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM011") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_011.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM012") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_012.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM013") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_013.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM014") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_014.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM015") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_015.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM016") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_016.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM017") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_017.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM018") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_018.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM019") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_019.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM020") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_020.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM021") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_021.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM022") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_022.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM023") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_023.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM024") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_024.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM025") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_025.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM026") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_026.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM027") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_027.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM028") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_028.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM029") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_029.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM030") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_030.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM031") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_031.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM032") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_032.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM033") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_033.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM034") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_034.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM035") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_035.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM036") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_036.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM037") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_037.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM038") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_038.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM039") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_039.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM040") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_040.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM041") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_041.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM042") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_042.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM043") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_043.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM044") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_044.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM045") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_045.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM046") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_046.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM047") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_047.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM048") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_048.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM049") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_049.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM050") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_050.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM051") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_051.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM052") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_052.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM053") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_053.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM054") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_054.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM055") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_055.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM056") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_056.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM057") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_057.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM058") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_058.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM059") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_059.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM060") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_060.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM061") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_061.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM062") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_062.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM063") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_063.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM064") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_064.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM065") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_065.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM066") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_066.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM067") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_067.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM068") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_068.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM069") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_069.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM070") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_070.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM071") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_071.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM072") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_072.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM073") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_073.aspx"); } else if (dr["ID"].ToString() == "ADM0900") { Response.Redirect("branch/main_0900.aspx"); } } } else { IsActiveUser = false; } } } else { IsValidPassword = false; } } else { IsValidUser = false; } } catch { IsValidUser = false; } if (!IsActiveUser) { //show ke user message box, jika user dia tidak aktif ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "fx", "fnShowErrorNotif('User not active. Please contact your MIS/IT Department.', '');", true); } else if (!IsValidPassword) { //cek last fail count untuk uid yang login _dal = new GeneralDAL(); _ht = new Hashtable(); _ht["p_id"] = UID; DataRow dr = _dal.GetRow("", "xsp_master_user_main_getrow", _ht); _ht["p_login_date"] = DateTime.Now; _ht["p_cre_date"] = DateTime.Now; _ht["p_cre_by"] = txtUID.Text; _ht["p_cre_ip_address"] = ""; if (Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] == null) { _ht["p_ip_address"] = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } else { _ht["p_ip_address"] = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; } if (((int)dr["LAST_FAIL_COUNT"]) >= 5) { _ht["p_flag_code"] = "FAIL MAX ATTEMPT"; _ht["p_uid"] = UID; //insert master user login log _dal.Insert("", "xsp_master_user_login_log_insert", _ht); //show warning max login attempt reached ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "fx", "fnShowErrorNotif('Maximum try login reached. Please contact your MIS/IT Department.', '');", true); } else // jika uid tersebut tidak ada berarti invalid user, langsung di catch { _ht["p_flag_code"] = "FAIL PASSWORD"; _ht["p_uid"] = UID; _ht["p_mod_date"] = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); _ht["p_mod_by"] = txtUID.Text; _ht["p_mod_ip_address"] = ""; //insert master user login log try { _dal.Insert("", "xsp_master_user_login_log_insert", _ht); //update last fail count -> ditambahkan 1 _dal.Update("", "xsp_master_user_main_increment_fail_count", _ht); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "fx", "fnShowErrorNotif('Invalid password', '');", true); } catch (Exception exp) { string error = exp.Message; } } } else if (!IsValidUser) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "fx", "fnShowErrorNotif('Invalid user', '');", true); } }