public ActionResult IndexPost()
            gHelper = new GenaralHelpers(Session);
                ViewBag.Message = "Your application description page.";
                PostingVM vm      = new PostingVM();
                string    sAmount = "10.00";
                string    Mer_ref = GenaralHelpers.GetRandomNumber().ToString();
                Session["ipay_in__mer_ref_id"] = Mer_ref;
                //Set session Data
                vm.TxnAmount    = sAmount;
                vm.Action       = SalesTransactionType;
                vm.CurrencyCode = "LKR";
                vm.LanguageCode = "eng";
                vm.MerRefID     = Mer_ref;
                vm.ItemList     = "";
                vm.ReturnURL    = Return_Url;
                vm.MerVar1      = "";
                vm.MerVar2      = "";
                vm.MerVar3      = "";
                vm.MerVar4      = "";

                string autoHtml = "";

                switch (SalesTransactionType)
                case "SaleTxn":
                    autoHtml = gHelper.DoApiSaleTransaction(SalesTransactionType, vm, API_URL_Pay);

                case "saleTxnGroup":
                    autoHtml = gHelper.DoApiSaleTransaction(SalesTransactionType, vm, API_URL_Pay);

            catch (Exception ex) {
                //Need to include your error handling code here. just for demostration purpose we direct the full error message to view
                var errorMessage = ex.Message;
                ViewBag.Error = errorMessage;
        public ActionResult IndexPost(IndexViewModel Model)
            string UUID                 = "";
            string autoHtml             = "";
            var    _Configuration       = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
            var    SalesTransactionType = (_Configuration["SalesFunction"] != null) ? _Configuration["SalesFunction"] : "SaleTxn";
            string Return_Url           = (_Configuration["ipay_in__ret_url"] != null) ? _Configuration["ipay_in__ret_url"] : "";
            string API_URL_Pay          = (_Configuration["API_URL_Pay"] != null) ? _Configuration["API_URL_Pay"] : "";

            //Set session Data
            Session["ipay_in__txn_amt"]    = GenaralHelpers.GetRoundWithDecimalPrecision(Model.ToSu1.ToString()).ToString() + ".00";
            Session["ipay_in__action"]     = SalesTransactionType;
            Session["ipay_in__cur"]        = "LKR";
            Session["ipay_in__lang"]       = "eng";
            Session["ipay_in__mer_ref_id"] = GenaralHelpers.GetRandomNumber().ToString();
            Session["ipay_in__item_list"]  = "";
            Session["ipay_in__ret_url"]    = Return_Url;
            Session["ipay_in__mer_var1"]   = "";
            Session["ipay_in__mer_var2"]   = "";
            Session["ipay_in__mer_var3"]   = "";
            Session["ipay_in__mer_var4"]   = "";

            //Create Api Helper Instance. Don't use static methods inside  ApiHelper or use them anywhere
            ApiHelper apiCaller = new ApiHelper(Session);

            switch (SalesTransactionType)
            case "SaleTxn":
                //Calling the api caller Sale Transaction initiate with data
                var returnData = apiCaller.saleTxn();
                if (returnData.ContainsKey("ERROR_CODE"))
                    //**************************THIS MEAN AN ERROR ON RESPONSE*********************
                    //NEED TO HANDLE THIS *********************************************************
                    UUID = returnData["txn_uuid"];

                    //Add the UUID to the session so it can be used when trns verifying
                    Session["ipay_out__txn_uuid"] = UUID;

                    //Commence AutoRedirect
                    autoHtml = GenaralHelpers.GenarateBrowserRedirectionHTML(API_URL_Pay, UUID);


            case "saleTxnGroup":
                //Calling the api caller Sale Transaction initiate with data
                var returnDataVerify = apiCaller.saleTxn();
                if (returnDataVerify.ContainsKey("ERROR_CODE"))
                    //**************************THIS MEAN AN ERROR ON RESPONSE*********************
                    //NEED TO HANDLE THIS *********************************************************
                    //Get UUID from the Return data
                    UUID = returnDataVerify["ipay_out__txn_uuid"];

                    //Add the UUID to the session so it can be used when trns verifying
                    Session["ipay_out__txn_uuid"] = UUID;

                    //Commence AutoRedirect
                    autoHtml = GenaralHelpers.GenarateBrowserRedirectionHTML(API_URL_Pay, UUID);