public void ApplyWhirlwindDamage(DamageInfo dinfo) { bool flag = !dinfo.InstantPermanentInjury; if (flag) { bool flag2 = dinfo.Instigator != null; if (flag2) { int num2 = Mathf.RoundToInt(dinfo.Amount); bool flag3 = pawn != null && base.Position != default(IntVec3); if (flag3) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = base.Position + GenAdj.AdjacentCells[i]; Pawn cleaveVictim = new Pawn(); cleaveVictim = intVec.GetFirstPawn(base.Map); if (cleaveVictim != null && cleaveVictim.Faction != pawn.Faction) { cleaveVictim.TakeDamage(dinfo); MoteMaker.ThrowMicroSparks(cleaveVictim.Position.ToVector3(), base.Map); CompAbilityUserMight comp = pawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMight>(); MightPowerSkill ver = comp.MightData.MightPowerSkill_Whirlwind.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Whirlwind_ver"); verVal = ver.level; if (pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TorannMagicDefOf.Faceless)) { MightPowerSkill mver = comp.MightData.MightPowerSkill_Mimic.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Mimic_ver"); verVal = mver.level; } DamageInfo dinfo2 = new DamageInfo(TMDamageDefOf.DamageDefOf.TM_Whirlwind, weaponDmg, 0, (float)-1, pawn, null, null, DamageInfo.SourceCategory.ThingOrUnknown); System.Random random = new System.Random(); int rnd = GenMath.RoundRandom(random.Next(0, 100)); if (rnd < (verVal * 5)) { cleaveVictim.TakeDamage(dinfo2); MoteMaker.ThrowMicroSparks(cleaveVictim.Position.ToVector3(), base.Map); } } } } } } }
private void Tick(int interval) { if (!Active) { return; } float previousProgress = RotProgress; // Do rotting progress according to temperature float cellTemp = parent.AmbientTemperature; float rotRate = GenTemperature.RotRateAtTemperature(cellTemp); RotProgress += rotRate * interval; //Destroy if needed //Should this be in StageChanged? if (Stage == RotStage.Rotting && PropsRot.rotDestroys) { if (parent.IsInAnyStorage() && parent.SpawnedOrAnyParentSpawned) { Messages.Message("MessageRottedAwayInStorage".Translate(parent.Label, parent).CapitalizeFirst(), new TargetInfo(parent.PositionHeld, parent.MapHeld), MessageTypeDefOf.NegativeEvent); LessonAutoActivator.TeachOpportunity(ConceptDefOf.SpoilageAndFreezers, OpportunityType.GoodToKnow); } parent.Destroy(); return; } //Once per day... bool isNewDay = Mathf.FloorToInt(previousProgress / GenDate.TicksPerDay) != Mathf.FloorToInt(RotProgress / GenDate.TicksPerDay); if (isNewDay && ShouldTakeRotDamage()) { if (Stage == RotStage.Rotting && PropsRot.rotDamagePerDay > 0) { parent.TakeDamage(new DamageInfo(DamageDefOf.Rotting, GenMath.RoundRandom(PropsRot.rotDamagePerDay))); } else if (Stage == RotStage.Dessicated && PropsRot.dessicatedDamagePerDay > 0) { parent.TakeDamage(new DamageInfo(DamageDefOf.Rotting, GenMath.RoundRandom(PropsRot.dessicatedDamagePerDay))); } } }
protected override bool TryExecuteWorker(IncidentParms parms) { Map map = (Map); IntVec3 intVec; if (!this.TryFindEntryCell(map, out intVec)) { return(false); } PawnKindDef thrumbo = PawnKindDefOf.Thrumbo; float num = StorytellerUtility.DefaultThreatPointsNow(map); int num2 = GenMath.RoundRandom(num / thrumbo.combatPower); int max = Rand.RangeInclusive(2, 4); num2 = Mathf.Clamp(num2, 1, max); int num3 = Rand.RangeInclusive(90000, 150000); IntVec3 invalid = IntVec3.Invalid; if (!RCellFinder.TryFindRandomCellOutsideColonyNearTheCenterOfTheMap(intVec, map, 10f, out invalid)) { invalid = IntVec3.Invalid; } Pawn pawn = null; for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++) { IntVec3 loc = CellFinder.RandomClosewalkCellNear(intVec, map, 10, null); pawn = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(thrumbo, null); GenSpawn.Spawn(pawn, loc, map, Rot4.Random, WipeMode.Vanish, false); pawn.mindState.exitMapAfterTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame + num3; if (invalid.IsValid) { pawn.mindState.forcedGotoPosition = CellFinder.RandomClosewalkCellNear(invalid, map, 10, null); } } Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("LetterLabelThrumboPasses".Translate(new object[] { thrumbo.label }).CapitalizeFirst(), "LetterThrumboPasses".Translate(new object[] { thrumbo.label }), LetterDefOf.PositiveEvent, pawn, null, null); return(true); }
private Action PrepDrawRoad(Map map, TerrainDef rockDef, IntVec3 start, IntVec3 end, RoadDef roadDef, RoadPathingDef pathingDef, out IntVec3 centerpoint) { centerpoint = IntVec3.Invalid; PawnPath pawnPath = map.pathFinder.FindPath(start, end, TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoorsOrWater, Danger.Deadly, false), PathEndMode.OnCell); if (pawnPath == PawnPath.NotFound) { pawnPath = map.pathFinder.FindPath(start, end, TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoors, Danger.Deadly, false), PathEndMode.OnCell); } if (pawnPath == PawnPath.NotFound) { pawnPath = map.pathFinder.FindPath(start, end, TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode.PassAllDestroyableThingsNotWater, Danger.Deadly, false), PathEndMode.OnCell); } if (pawnPath == PawnPath.NotFound) { pawnPath = map.pathFinder.FindPath(start, end, TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode.PassAllDestroyableThings, Danger.Deadly, false), PathEndMode.OnCell); } if (pawnPath == PawnPath.NotFound) { return(null); } List <IntVec3> list = this.RefinePath(pawnPath.NodesReversed, map); pawnPath.ReleaseToPool(); IntVec3 size = map.Size; int x = size.x; IntVec3 size2 = map.Size; DistanceElement[,] distance = new DistanceElement[x, size2.z]; int count = list.Count; int centerpointIndex = Mathf.RoundToInt(Rand.Range(0.3f, 0.7f) * (float)count); int num = Mathf.Max(1, GenMath.RoundRandom((float)count / (float)roadDef.tilesPerSegment)); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { int pathStartIndex = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)(count - 1) / (float)num * (float)i); int pathEndIndex = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)(count - 1) / (float)num * (float)(i + 1)); this.DrawCurveSegment(distance, list, pathStartIndex, pathEndIndex, pathingDef, map, centerpointIndex, ref centerpoint); } return(delegate { this.ApplyDistanceField(distance, map, rockDef, roadDef, pathingDef); }); }
public int GetMaxZombieCount() { if (map == null || map.mapPawns == null) { return(0); } if (Constants.DEBUG_MAX_ZOMBIE_COUNT >= 0) { return(Constants.DEBUG_MAX_ZOMBIE_COUNT); } var colonists = Tools.CapableColonists(map); var perColonistZombieCount = GenMath.LerpDouble(0f, 4f, 5, 30, (float)Math.Min(4, Math.Sqrt(colonists))); var colonistMultiplier = Math.Sqrt(colonists) * 2; var baseStrengthFactor = GenMath.LerpDouble(0, 1000, 1f, 4f, Math.Min(1000, currentColonyPoints)); var difficultyMultiplier = Find.Storyteller.difficulty.threatScale; var count = (int)(perColonistZombieCount * colonistMultiplier * baseStrengthFactor * difficultyMultiplier); return(Math.Min(ZombieSettings.Values.maximumNumberOfZombies, count)); }
public static Toil TryTrain(TargetIndex traineeInd) { Toil toil = new Toil(); toil.initAction = delegate { Pawn actor =; Pawn pawn = (Pawn); if (pawn.Spawned && pawn.Awake() && actor.interactions.TryInteractWith(pawn, InteractionDefOf.TrainAttempt)) { float statValue = actor.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.TrainAnimalChance, true); statValue *= Mathf.Max(0.05f, GenMath.LerpDouble(0f, 1f, 2f, 0f, pawn.RaceProps.wildness)); if (actor.relations.DirectRelationExists(PawnRelationDefOf.Bond, pawn)) { statValue = (float)(statValue * 1.5); } statValue = Mathf.Clamp01(statValue); TrainableDef trainableDef =; string text; if (Rand.Value < statValue) {, actor); if (pawn.caller != null) { pawn.caller.DoCall(); } text = "TextMote_TrainSuccess".Translate(trainableDef.LabelCap, statValue.ToStringPercent()); RelationsUtility.TryDevelopBondRelation(actor, pawn, 0.007f); TaleRecorder.RecordTale(TaleDefOf.TrainedAnimal, actor, pawn, trainableDef); } else { text = "TextMote_TrainFail".Translate(trainableDef.LabelCap, statValue.ToStringPercent()); } string text2 = text; text = text2 + "\n" + + " / " + trainableDef.steps; MoteMaker.ThrowText((actor.DrawPos + pawn.DrawPos) / 2f, actor.Map, text, 5f); } }; toil.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Delay; toil.defaultDuration = 100; return(toil); }
public override double GetValue(double x, double y, double z) { float num = Vector3.Angle(this.viewCenter, new Vector3((float)x, (float)y, (float)z)); double value = base.modules[0].GetValue(x, y, z); float num2 = Mathf.Max(2.5f, (float)(this.viewAngle * 0.25)); float num3 = Mathf.Max(0.8f, (float)(this.viewAngle * 0.10000000149011612)); if (num < this.viewAngle - num2) { return(value); } float num4 = GenMath.LerpDouble(this.viewAngle - num2, this.viewAngle - num3, 0f, 0.62f, num); if (value > -0.11999999731779099) { return((value - -0.11999999731779099) * (1.0 - num4 * 0.699999988079071) - num4 * 0.30000001192092896 + -0.11999999731779099); } return(value - num4 * 0.30000001192092896); }
public static LatitudeSection GetDominantLatitudeSection(float latitude) { float num; float num2; float num3; LatitudeSectionUtility.GetLatitudeSection(latitude, out num, out num2, out num3); LatitudeSection result; if (num == 0f && num2 == 0f && num3 == 0f) { result = LatitudeSection.Undefined; } else { result = GenMath.MaxBy <LatitudeSection>(LatitudeSection.Equatorial, num, LatitudeSection.Seasonal, num2, LatitudeSection.Polar, num3); } return(result); }
public static void GiveRandomFood(Pawn p) { if (p.kindDef.invNutrition > 0.001f) { ThingDef def; if (p.kindDef.invFoodDef != null) { def = p.kindDef.invFoodDef; } else { float value = Rand.Value; def = ((value < 0.5f) ? ThingDefOf.MealSimple : ((!((double)value < 0.75)) ? ThingDefOf.MealSurvivalPack : ThingDefOf.MealFine)); } Thing thing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(def); thing.stackCount = GenMath.RoundRandom(p.kindDef.invNutrition / thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Nutrition)); p.inventory.TryAddItemNotForSale(thing); } }
internal static void _CompTickRare(this CompRottable obj) { if (obj.InRefrigerator()) { return; } float num = obj.rotProgress; obj.rotProgress += (float)Mathf.RoundToInt(1f * GenTemperature.RotRateAtTemperature(GenTemperature.GetTemperatureForCell(obj.parent.PositionHeld)) * 250f); if ( (obj.Stage == RotStage.Rotting) && (obj.PropsRot().rotDestroys) ) { obj.parent.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } else { if (Mathf.FloorToInt(num / 60000f) == Mathf.FloorToInt(obj.rotProgress / 60000f)) { return; } if ( (obj.Stage == RotStage.Rotting) && (obj.PropsRot().rotDamagePerDay > 0.0f) ) { obj.parent.TakeDamage(new DamageInfo(DamageDefOf.Rotting, GenMath.RoundRandom(obj.PropsRot().rotDamagePerDay), (Thing)null, new BodyPartDamageInfo?(), (ThingDef)null)); } else { if ( (obj.Stage != RotStage.Dessicated) || (obj.PropsRot().dessicatedDamagePerDay <= 0.0f) || (!obj.ShouldTakeDessicateDamage()) ) { return; } obj.parent.TakeDamage(new DamageInfo(DamageDefOf.Rotting, GenMath.RoundRandom(obj.PropsRot().dessicatedDamagePerDay), (Thing)null, new BodyPartDamageInfo?(), (ThingDef)null)); } } }
public override void Generate(Map map, GenStepParams parms) { if (Find.Storyteller.difficulty.allowCaveHives) { MapGenFloatGrid caves = MapGenerator.Caves; MapGenFloatGrid elevation = MapGenerator.Elevation; float num = 0.7f; int num2 = 0; rockCells.Clear(); foreach (IntVec3 allCell in map.AllCells) { if (elevation[allCell] > num) { rockCells.Add(allCell); } if (caves[allCell] > 0f) { num2++; } } List <IntVec3> list = (from c in map.AllCells where map.thingGrid.ThingsAt(c).Any((Thing thing) => thing.Faction != null) select c).ToList(); GenMorphology.Dilate(list, 50, map); HashSet <IntVec3> hashSet = new HashSet <IntVec3>(list); int num3 = GenMath.RoundRandom((float)num2 / 1000f); GenMorphology.Erode(rockCells, 10, map); possibleSpawnCells.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < rockCells.Count; i++) { if (caves[rockCells[i]] > 0f && !hashSet.Contains(rockCells[i])) { possibleSpawnCells.Add(rockCells[i]); } } spawnedHives.Clear(); for (int j = 0; j < num3; j++) { TrySpawnHive(map); } spawnedHives.Clear(); } }
public override void CompTick() { if (!this.parent.Spawned) { return; } if (!this.parent.GetComp <CompBreakdownable>().BrokenDown) { ticksActive = 0; return; } if (this.parent.Map.gameConditionManager.ElectricityDisabled) { ticksActive = 0; return; } ticksActive++; this.ticksToPlantHarm--; if (this.ticksToPlantHarm <= 0) { float currentRadius = this.CurrentRadius; float num = 3.14159274f * currentRadius * currentRadius * this.PropsPlantHarmRadius.harmFrequencyPerArea; float num2 = 60f / num; int num3; if (num2 >= 1f) { this.ticksToPlantHarm = GenMath.RoundRandom(num2); num3 = 1; } else { this.ticksToPlantHarm = 1; num3 = GenMath.RoundRandom(1f / num2); } for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++) { this.HarmRandomPlantInRadius(currentRadius); } } }
private void TakeWearoutDamageForDay(Thing ap) { int num = GenMath.RoundRandom(ap.def.apparel.wearPerDay); if (num > 0) { ap.TakeDamage(new DamageInfo(DamageDefOf.Deterioration, num, -1f, null, null, null, DamageInfo.SourceCategory.ThingOrUnknown)); } if (ap.Destroyed && PawnUtility.ShouldSendNotificationAbout(this.pawn) && !this.pawn.Dead) { string text = "MessageWornApparelDeterioratedAway".Translate(new object[] { GenLabel.ThingLabel(ap.def, ap.Stuff, 1), this.pawn }); text = text.CapitalizeFirst(); Messages.Message(text, this.pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.NegativeEvent); } }
public override void Destroy(DestroyMode mode = DestroyMode.Vanish) { // If the 'construction' of the unfinished building is 'failed', treat it like cancelling the unfinished thing but with construction failure percentages if (mode == DestroyMode.FailConstruction) { foreach (Thing ingredient in ingredients) { int ingredientCountLeft = GenMath.RoundRandom(ingredient.stackCount * 0.5f); if (ingredientCountLeft > 0) { ingredient.stackCount = ingredientCountLeft; GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(ingredient, Position, Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near); } } ingredients.Clear(); } base.Destroy(mode); }
public static void ApplyCleaveDamage(DamageInfo dinfo, Pawn caster, Pawn target, Map map, int ver) { bool flag = !dinfo.InstantPermanentInjury; if (flag) { bool flag2 = dinfo.Instigator != null; if (flag2) { bool flag3 = caster != null && caster.PositionHeld != default(IntVec3) && !caster.Downed; if (flag3) { System.Random random = new System.Random(); int rnd = GenMath.RoundRandom(random.Next(0, 100)); if (rnd < (ver * 15)) { target.TakeDamage(dinfo); MoteMaker.ThrowMicroSparks(target.Position.ToVector3(), map); } target.TakeDamage(dinfo); MoteMaker.ThrowMicroSparks(target.Position.ToVector3(), map); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = target.PositionHeld + GenAdj.AdjacentCells[i]; Pawn cleaveVictim = new Pawn(); cleaveVictim = intVec.GetFirstPawn(map); if (cleaveVictim != null && cleaveVictim.Faction != caster.Faction) { cleaveVictim.TakeDamage(dinfo); MoteMaker.ThrowMicroSparks(cleaveVictim.Position.ToVector3(), map); rnd = GenMath.RoundRandom(random.Next(0, 100)); if (rnd < (ver * 15)) { cleaveVictim.TakeDamage(dinfo); MoteMaker.ThrowMicroSparks(cleaveVictim.Position.ToVector3(), map); } DrawCleaving(cleaveVictim, caster, 10); } } } } } }
private void Forage() { ThingDef foragedFood = caravan.Biome.foragedFood; if (foragedFood != null) { float foragedFoodCountPerInterval = ForagedFoodPerDayCalculator.GetForagedFoodCountPerInterval(caravan); int a = GenMath.RoundRandom(foragedFoodCountPerInterval); int b = Mathf.FloorToInt((caravan.MassCapacity - caravan.MassUsage) / foragedFood.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.Mass)); a = Mathf.Min(a, b); while (a > 0) { Thing thing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(foragedFood); thing.stackCount = Mathf.Min(a, foragedFood.stackLimit); a -= thing.stackCount; CaravanInventoryUtility.GiveThing(caravan, thing); } } }
public static void GiveRandomFood(Pawn p) { if (p.kindDef.invNutrition > 0.0010000000474974513) { ThingDef thingDef; if (p.kindDef.invFoodDef != null) { thingDef = p.kindDef.invFoodDef; } else { float value = Rand.Value; thingDef = ((!(value < 0.5)) ? ((!((double)value < 0.75)) ? ThingDefOf.MealSurvivalPack : ThingDefOf.MealFine) : ThingDefOf.MealSimple); } Thing thing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(thingDef, null); thing.stackCount = GenMath.RoundRandom(p.kindDef.invNutrition / thingDef.ingestible.nutrition); p.inventory.TryAddItemNotForSale(thing); } }
protected virtual float SpringChance(Pawn p) { float num; if (this.KnowsOfTrap(p)) { num = 0.004f; } else { num = this.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.TrapSpringChance, true); } num *= GenMath.LerpDouble(0.4f, 0.8f, 0f, 1f, p.BodySize); if (p.RaceProps.Animal) { num *= 0.1f; } return(Mathf.Clamp01(num)); }
public static bool PsychologyException(InteractionWorker_MarriageProposal __instance, ref float __result, Pawn initiator, Pawn recipient) { PsychologyPawn realRecipient = recipient as PsychologyPawn; if (realRecipient != null) { float num = 1.2f; num *= Mathf.InverseLerp(0f, 0.75f, realRecipient.psyche.GetPersonalityRating(PersonalityNodeDefOf.Romantic)); if (PsychologyBase.ActivateKinsey()) { num *= realRecipient.sexuality.AdjustedRomanticDrive; } num *= Mathf.Clamp01(GenMath.LerpDouble(-20f, 60f, 0f, 1f, (float)recipient.relations.OpinionOf(initiator))); __result = Mathf.Clamp01(num); return(false); /* If the recipient is a PsychologyPawn, the mod takes over AcceptanceChance for them and the normal method will be ignored. */ } return(true); }
private void TryProducePortion(float yieldPct) { ThingDef resDef; int countPresent; IntVec3 cell; bool nextResource = GetNextResource(out resDef, out countPresent, out cell); if (resDef != null) { int num = Mathf.Min(countPresent, resDef.deepCountPerPortion); if (nextResource) { parent.Map.deepResourceGrid.SetAt(cell, resDef, countPresent - num); } int stackCount = Mathf.Max(1, GenMath.RoundRandom((float)num * yieldPct)); Thing thing = ThingMaker.MakeThing(resDef); thing.stackCount = stackCount; GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(thing, parent.InteractionCell, parent.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near); if (nextResource && !ValuableResourcesPresent()) { if (DeepDrillUtility.GetBaseResource(parent.Map) == null) { Messages.Message("DeepDrillExhaustedNoFallback".Translate(), parent, MessageTypeDefOf.TaskCompletion); } else { Messages.Message("DeepDrillExhausted".Translate(Find.ActiveLanguageWorker.Pluralize(DeepDrillUtility.GetBaseResource(parent.Map).label)), parent, MessageTypeDefOf.TaskCompletion); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { IntVec3 c = cell + GenRadial.RadialPattern[i]; if (c.InBounds(parent.Map)) { ThingWithComps firstThingWithComp = c.GetFirstThingWithComp <CompDeepDrill>(parent.Map); if (firstThingWithComp != null && !firstThingWithComp.GetComp <CompDeepDrill>().ValuableResourcesPresent()) { firstThingWithComp.SetForbidden(value: true); } } } } } } }
public void IndividualityValueSetup() { Pawn pawn = parent as Pawn; if (parent.def.defName == "ChjDroid") { if (sexuality == Sexuality.Undefined) { sexuality = Sexuality.Asexual; } if (RomanceFactor == -1f) { RomanceFactor = 0f; } if (PsychicFactor == -2f) { PsychicFactor = RandomPsychicFactor(); } } else if (parent.def.defName == "Harpy") { if (sexuality == Sexuality.Undefined) { sexuality = Sexuality.Bisexual; } } if (sexuality == Sexuality.Undefined) { sexuality = RandomSexualityByWeight(); } if (RomanceFactor == -1f) { RomanceFactor = GenMath.RoundTo(Rand.Range(0.1f, 1f), 0.1f); } if (PsychicFactor == -2f) { PsychicFactor = RandomPsychicFactor(); } if (pawn != null && BodyWeight == -29) { BodyWeight = RandomBodyWeightByBodyType(pawn); } }
public override double GetValue(double x, double y, double z) { float num = Vector3.Angle(this.viewCenter, new Vector3((float)x, (float)y, (float)z)); double value = this.modules[0].GetValue(x, y, z); float num2 = Mathf.Max(2.5f, this.viewAngle * 0.25f); float num3 = Mathf.Max(0.8f, this.viewAngle * 0.1f); if (num < this.viewAngle - num2) { return(value); } float num4 = GenMath.LerpDouble(this.viewAngle - num2, this.viewAngle - num3, 0f, 0.62f, num); if (value > -0.11999999731779099) { return((value - -0.11999999731779099) * (double)(1f - num4 * 0.7f) - (double)(num4 * 0.3f) + -0.11999999731779099); } return(value - (double)(num4 * 0.3f)); }
public static float Postfix(float __result, HediffSet diffSet, PawnCapacityDef capacity, ref List <PawnCapacityUtility.CapacityImpactor> impactors) { if (capacity.zeroIfCannotBeAwake && ! { return(__result); } var max = 999f; var originalMult = 1f; foreach (var hediff in diffSet.hediffs) { var capMod = hediff.CapMods?.Find(mod => mod.capacity == capacity); if (capMod == null) { continue; } originalMult *= capMod.postFactor; if (capMod.setMax < max) { max = capMod.setMax; } } var offset = diffSet.pawn.PsiTracker().GetTotalOffsetOfCapacity(capacity); var mult = diffSet.pawn.PsiTracker().GetTotalFactorOfCapacity(capacity); if (impactors != null) { var abilities = diffSet.pawn.PsiTracker().GetAllAbilitiesImpactingCapacity(capacity); impactors.AddRange(abilities.Select(ab => new CapacityImpactorPsychic { ability = ab })); } var newResult = __result * mult + offset * originalMult * mult; __result = Mathf.Min(newResult, max); return(GenMath.RoundedHundredth(Mathf.Max(__result, capacity.minValue))); }
public override void Generate(Map map) { if (Find.Storyteller.difficulty.allowCaveHives) { CompProperties_TemperatureDamaged compProperties = ThingDefOf.Hive.GetCompProperties <CompProperties_TemperatureDamaged>(); if (compProperties.safeTemperatureRange.Includes(map.mapTemperature.OutdoorTemp)) { MapGenFloatGrid caves = MapGenerator.Caves; MapGenFloatGrid elevation = MapGenerator.Elevation; float num = 0.7f; int num2 = 0; this.rockCells.Clear(); foreach (IntVec3 allCell in map.AllCells) { if (elevation[allCell] > num) { this.rockCells.Add(allCell); } if (caves[allCell] > 0.0) { num2++; } } int num3 = GenMath.RoundRandom((float)((float)num2 / 1000.0)); GenMorphology.Erode(this.rockCells, 10, map, null); this.possibleSpawnCells.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < this.rockCells.Count; i++) { if (caves[this.rockCells[i]] > 0.0) { this.possibleSpawnCells.Add(this.rockCells[i]); } } this.spawnedHives.Clear(); for (int j = 0; j < num3; j++) { this.TrySpawnHive(map); } this.spawnedHives.Clear(); } } }
public static void ExpandableWorldObjectsOnGUI() { if (TransitionPct != 0f) { tmpWorldObjects.Clear(); tmpWorldObjects.AddRange(Find.WorldObjects.AllWorldObjects); SortByExpandingIconPriority(tmpWorldObjects); WorldTargeter worldTargeter = Find.WorldTargeter; List <WorldObject> worldObjectsUnderMouse = null; if (worldTargeter.IsTargeting) { worldObjectsUnderMouse = GenWorldUI.WorldObjectsUnderMouse(UI.MousePositionOnUI); } for (int i = 0; i < tmpWorldObjects.Count; i++) { try { WorldObject worldObject = tmpWorldObjects[i]; if (worldObject.def.expandingIcon && !worldObject.HiddenBehindTerrainNow()) { Color expandingIconColor = worldObject.ExpandingIconColor; expandingIconColor.a = TransitionPct; if (worldTargeter.IsTargetedNow(worldObject, worldObjectsUnderMouse)) { float num = GenMath.LerpDouble(-1f, 1f, 0.7f, 1f, Mathf.Sin(Time.time * 8f)); expandingIconColor.r *= num; expandingIconColor.g *= num; expandingIconColor.b *= num; } GUI.color = expandingIconColor; GUI.DrawTexture(ExpandedIconScreenRect(worldObject), worldObject.ExpandingIcon); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Error while drawing " + tmpWorldObjects[i].ToStringSafe() + ": " + ex); } } tmpWorldObjects.Clear(); GUI.color = Color.white; } }
public static void DebugDraw() { if (DebugViewSettings.drawInfestationChance) { Map visibleMap = Find.VisibleMap; CellRect cellRect = Find.CameraDriver.CurrentViewRect; cellRect.ClipInsideMap(visibleMap); cellRect = cellRect.ExpandedBy(1); InfestationCellFinder.CalculateTraversalDistancesToUnroofed(visibleMap); InfestationCellFinder.CalculateClosedAreaSizeGrid(visibleMap); InfestationCellFinder.CalculateDistanceToColonyBuildingGrid(visibleMap); float num = 0.001f; for (int i = 0; i < visibleMap.Size.z; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < visibleMap.Size.x; j++) { IntVec3 cell = new IntVec3(j, 0, i); float scoreAt = InfestationCellFinder.GetScoreAt(cell, visibleMap); if (scoreAt > num) { num = scoreAt; } } } for (int k = 0; k < visibleMap.Size.z; k++) { for (int l = 0; l < visibleMap.Size.x; l++) { IntVec3 intVec = new IntVec3(l, 0, k); if (cellRect.Contains(intVec)) { float scoreAt2 = InfestationCellFinder.GetScoreAt(intVec, visibleMap); if (scoreAt2 > 0f) { float a = GenMath.LerpDouble(7.5f, num, 0f, 1f, scoreAt2); CellRenderer.RenderCell(intVec, SolidColorMaterials.SimpleSolidColorMaterial(new Color(0f, 0f, 1f, a), false)); } } } } } }
public override IEnumerable Regenerate() { IEnumerator enumerator = this.< Regenerate > __BaseCallProxy0().GetEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { object result = enumerator.Current; yield return(result); } } finally { IDisposable disposable; if ((disposable = (enumerator as IDisposable)) != null) { disposable.Dispose(); } } Rand.PushState(); Rand.Seed =; for (int i = 0; i < 1500; i++) { Vector3 unitVector = Rand.UnitVector3; Vector3 pos = unitVector * 10f; LayerSubMesh subMesh = base.GetSubMesh(WorldMaterials.Stars); float num = WorldLayer_Stars.StarsDrawSize.RandomInRange; Vector3 rhs = (!this.UseStaticRotation) ? Vector3.forward : GenCelestial.CurSunPositionInWorldSpace().normalized; float num2 = Vector3.Dot(unitVector, rhs); if (num2 > 0.8f) { num *= GenMath.LerpDouble(0.8f, 1f, 1f, 0.35f, num2); } WorldRendererUtility.PrintQuadTangentialToPlanet(pos, num, 0f, subMesh, true, true, true); } this.calculatedForStartingTile = ((Find.GameInitData == null) ? -1 : Find.GameInitData.startingTile); this.calculatedForStaticRotation = this.UseStaticRotation; Rand.PopState(); base.FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.All); yield break; }
private static Func <int, int> GetBuildingResourcesLeaveCalculator(Thing destroyedThing, DestroyMode mode) { if (!GenLeaving.CanBuildingLeaveResources(destroyedThing, mode)) { return((int count) => 0); } if (mode == DestroyMode.Deconstruct && typeof(Frame).IsAssignableFrom(destroyedThing.GetType())) { mode = DestroyMode.Cancel; } switch (mode) { case DestroyMode.Vanish: { return((int count) => 0); } case DestroyMode.WillReplace: { return((int count) => 0); } case DestroyMode.KillFinalize: { return((int count) => GenMath.RoundRandom((float)count * 0.5f)); } case DestroyMode.Deconstruct: { return((int count) => GenMath.RoundRandom(Mathf.Min((float)count * destroyedThing.def.resourcesFractionWhenDeconstructed, (float)(count - 1)))); } case DestroyMode.FailConstruction: { return((int count) => GenMath.RoundRandom((float)count * 0.5f)); } case DestroyMode.Cancel: { return((int count) => GenMath.RoundRandom((float)count * 1f)); } case DestroyMode.Refund: { return((int count) => count); } } throw new ArgumentException(string.Concat("Unknown destroy mode ", mode)); }
public static Season GetReportedSeason(float yearPct, float latitude) { float by = default(float); float by2 = default(float); float by3 = default(float); float by4 = default(float); float num = default(float); float num2 = default(float); SeasonUtility.GetSeason(yearPct, latitude, out by, out by2, out by3, out by4, out num, out num2); if (num == 1.0) { return(Season.PermanentSummer); } if (num2 == 1.0) { return(Season.PermanentWinter); } return(GenMath.MaxBy(Season.Spring, by, Season.Summer, by2, Season.Fall, by3, Season.Winter, by4)); }
public static Season GetReportedSeason(float yearPct, float latitude) { float by; float by2; float by3; float by4; float num; float num2; SeasonUtility.GetSeason(yearPct, latitude, out by, out by2, out by3, out by4, out num, out num2); if (num == 1f) { return(Season.PermanentSummer); } if (num2 == 1f) { return(Season.PermanentWinter); } return(GenMath.MaxBy <Season>(Season.Spring, by, Season.Summer, by2, Season.Fall, by3, Season.Winter, by4)); }