public static int QuadrumInteger(long absTicks, float longitude) { Quadrum quadrum = GenDate.Quadrum(absTicks, longitude); if (quadrum == Quadrum.Aprimay) { return(1); } else if (quadrum == Quadrum.Jugust) { return(2); } else if (quadrum == Quadrum.Septober) { return(3); } else if (quadrum == Quadrum.Decembary) { return(4); } else { return(0); } }
//GenDate public static void DateReadoutStringAt_PostFix(long absTicks, Vector2 location, ref string __result) { var num = GenDate.DayOfSeason(absTicks, location.x) + 1; var value = Find.ActiveLanguageWorker.OrdinalNumber(num, Gender.None); __result = "TTA_DateReadout".Translate(value, GenDate.Quadrum(absTicks, location.x).Label(), GenDate.Year(absTicks, location.x), num); }
public static void PushState(Map map) { var world = Current.Game != null ? Current.Game.World : null; if (world == null) { RimRPC.prsnc.details = "Main Menu"; } else { float latitude = (map == null) ? 0f : Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(map.Tile).y; float longitude = (map == null) ? 0f : Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(map.Tile).x; colonyname = GetColonyName(); days = GenDate.DaysPassed; dayhour = GenDate.HourOfDay(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, longitude); //Season season = GenDate.Season(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, latitude, longitude); //Quadrum updates seem enough. Quadrum quadrum = GenDate.Quadrum(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, longitude); BiomeDef biome = Find.WorldGrid[map.uniqueID].biome; RimRPC.prsnc.state = "Day " + days + " (" + dayhour + "h) | " + quadrum; RimRPC.prsnc.details = colonyname; RimRPC.prsnc.largeImageText = "RimWorld"; RimRPC.prsnc.smallImageKey = "inmap"; RimRPC.prsnc.smallImageText = "Playing!"; } DiscordRPC.UpdatePresence(ref RimRPC.prsnc); Log.Message("[RichPressence] Pushed presence update to RPC."); }
public static void PushState(Map map) { var world = Current.Game != null ? Current.Game.World : null; if (world == null) { RimRPC.prsnc.details = "Main Menu"; } else { float latitude = (map == null) ? 0f : Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(map.Tile).y; float longitude = (map == null) ? 0f : Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(map.Tile).x; colonyname = GetColonyName(); years = days / 60; colonistnumber = (float)PawnsFinder.AllMapsCaravansAndTravelingTransportPods_Alive_FreeColonists.Count <Pawn>(); days = GenDate.DaysPassed; dayhour = GenDate.HourOfDay(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, longitude); quadrum = GenDate.Quadrum(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, longitude); BiomeDef biome = Find.WorldGrid[map.uniqueID].biome; RimRPC.prsnc.state = BuildString("state"); RimRPC.prsnc.details = BuildString("details"); RimRPC.prsnc.largeImageText = "RimWorld"; RimRPC.prsnc.smallImageKey = "inmap"; RimRPC.prsnc.smallImageText = "Playing!"; if (RWRPCMod.settings.RPC_Time) { RimRPC.prsnc.startTimestamp = RimRPC.started; } } DiscordRPC.UpdatePresence(ref RimRPC.prsnc); }
private void UpdateAbsoluteFieldsFromTicks(int ticksToUse) { var tileCoords = RemindersGameComponent.VectorForTime; if (!tileCoords.HasValue) { return; } var absTicks = GenDate.TickGameToAbs(ticksToUse); var coords = tileCoords.Value; yearValue = GenDate.Year(absTicks, coords.x); yearBuffer = yearValue.ToString(); quadrumValue = GenDate.Quadrum(absTicks, coords.x); dayValue = GenDate.DayOfQuadrum(absTicks, coords.x) + 1; dayBuffer = dayValue.ToString(); hourValue = GenDate.HourOfDay(absTicks, coords.x); hourBuffer = hourValue.ToString(); Log.Debug($"Set defaults to {dayBuffer} {quadrumValue}, {yearBuffer} at {hourBuffer}."); Log.Debug($"Should have set to {GenDate.DateFullStringWithHourAt(absTicks, coords)}."); }
private void SetDateInfo() { //RimWorld.DateReadout.DateOnGUI Vector2 location; if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow && Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile >= 0) { location = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile); } else if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow && Find.WorldSelector.NumSelectedObjects > 0) { location = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.WorldSelector.FirstSelectedObject.Tile); } else { if (Find.VisibleMap == null) { return; } location = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.VisibleMap.Tile); } int gameTicks = Find.TickManager.gameStartAbsTick == 0 ? Find.TickManager.TicksGame : Find.TickManager.TicksAbs; //Find.TickManager.TicksAbs errors if gameStartAbsTick is 0 //RimWorld.GenDate.DateReadoutStringAt this.dateDayofSeason = GenDate.DayOfSeason(gameTicks, location.x) + 1; this.dateQuadrum = GenDate.Quadrum(gameTicks, location.x); this.dateYear = GenDate.Year(gameTicks, location.x); }
public static void PushState(Map map) { var world = Current.Game != null ? Current.Game.World : null; if (world == null) { RimRPC.prsnc.details = "Main Menu"; } else { float latitude = (map == null) ? 0f : Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(map.Tile).y; float longitude = (map == null) ? 0f : Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(map.Tile).x; colonyname = GetColonyName(); years = days / 60; days = GenDate.DaysPassed; dayhour = GenDate.HourOfDay(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, longitude); colonistnumber = (float)PawnsFinder.AllMapsCaravansAndTravelingTransportPods_Alive_FreeColonists.Count <Pawn>(); //Season season = GenDate.Season(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, latitude, longitude); //Quadrum updates seem enough. Quadrum quadrum = GenDate.Quadrum(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, longitude); BiomeDef biome = Find.WorldGrid[map.uniqueID].biome; RimRPC.prsnc.state = "Year " + years + " Day " + days + " (" + dayhour + "h) | " + quadrum; RimRPC.prsnc.details = colonyname + ", " + colonistnumber + " Colonists"; RimRPC.prsnc.largeImageText = "RimWorld"; RimRPC.prsnc.smallImageKey = "inmap"; RimRPC.prsnc.smallImageText = "Playing!"; } DiscordRPC.UpdatePresence(ref RimRPC.prsnc); //Log.Message("[RichPressence] Pushed presence update to RPC."); commented to remove log spam }
// Token: 0x0600001A RID: 26 RVA: 0x00002714 File Offset: 0x00000914 public override void MapComponentTick() { base.MapComponentTick(); if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 30000 != 0) { return; } if (lastPartyYear == GenDate.YearsPassed) { //Log.Message(lastPartyYear.ToString()); return; } once = true; if (!map.listerBuildings.AllBuildingsColonistOfDef(ThingDef.Named("ChristmasTreeBase")).Any() && !map.listerBuildings.AllBuildingsColonistOfDef(ThingDef.Named("ChristmasTreeB")).Any() && !map.listerBuildings.AllBuildingsColonistOfDef(ThingDef.Named("ChristmasTreeC")).Any() && !map.listerBuildings.AllBuildingsColonistOfDef(ThingDef.Named("ChristmasTreeD")).Any()) { //Log.Message("no tree"); return; } var season = GenDate.Season(GenTicks.TicksAbs, Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(map.Tile)); var doTheThing = false; if (season == Season.PermanentSummer || season == Season.PermanentWinter) { //Log.Message("permanent season"); if (GenDate.Quadrum(GenTicks.TicksAbs, Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(map.Tile).x) != Quadrum.Decembary) { //Log.Message("not december"); return; } doTheThing = true; } if (!doTheThing && (season != Season.Winter || GenDate.DayOfSeason(GenTicks.TicksAbs, Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(map.Tile).x) < 2) || !once) { //Log.Message("not winter"); return; } //Log.Message("party"); once = false; ExposeData(); var incidentParms = StorytellerUtility.DefaultParmsNow(IncidentCategoryDefOf.Misc, map); incidentParms.forced = true; = map; Find.Storyteller.incidentQueue.Add(XDefOf.PresentDrop, Find.TickManager.TicksGame, incidentParms, 240000); TryStartParty(); lastPartyYear = GenDate.YearsPassed; }
private void updateBiomeSettings(bool force = false) { if (this.biomeSettings != null) { Vector2 location = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(map.Tile); Season season = GenDate.Season((long)Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, location); Quadrum quadrum = GenDate.Quadrum((long)Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, location.x); if (force == true || (biomeSettings.lastChanged != season && biomeSettings.lastChangedQ != quadrum)) { // Log.Warning("Updating seasonal settings"); biomeSettings.setWeatherBySeason(map, season, quadrum); biomeSettings.setDiseaseBySeason(season, quadrum); biomeSettings.setIncidentsBySeason(season, quadrum); biomeSettings.lastChanged = season; biomeSettings.lastChangedQ = quadrum; } } }
public static Quadrum CurrentQuadrum() { Vector2 vector; if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow && Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile >= 0) { vector = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile); } else if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow && Find.WorldSelector.NumSelectedObjects > 0) { vector = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.WorldSelector.FirstSelectedObject.Tile); } else { if (Find.CurrentMap == null) { return(0); } vector = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.CurrentMap.Tile); } int num = (Find.TickManager.gameStartAbsTick == 0) ? Find.TickManager.TicksGame : Find.TickManager.TicksAbs; return(GenDate.Quadrum((long)num, vector.x)); }
public override void DoWindowContents(Rect rect) { const float scrollRectOffsetTop = ROW_HEIGHT * 2 + ROW_ADD_GAP; Text.Font = GameFont.Small; // draw event add row Rect rectAdd = new Rect(0f, 0f, ROW_ADD_WIDTH, ROW_HEIGHT); DrawRowAdd(rectAdd, () => { _scrollPosition = new Vector2(0, ROW_HEIGHT * _store.MatteredDays.Count + ROW_HEIGHT * STATIC_ROW_COUNT - (rect.height - scrollRectOffsetTop)); }); // draw header Rect rectHeader = new Rect(0f, ROW_HEIGHT + ROW_ADD_GAP, rect.width - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, ROW_HEIGHT); DrawHeader(rectHeader); // draw list if (_store.MatteredDays == null) { _store.MatteredDays = new List <MatteredDay>(); } List <MatteredDay> list = _store.MatteredDays; Rect scrollRect = new Rect(0f, scrollRectOffsetTop, rect.width, rect.height - scrollRectOffsetTop); Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, scrollRect.width - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, ROW_HEIGHT * list.Count + ROW_HEIGHT * STATIC_ROW_COUNT); Widgets.BeginScrollView(scrollRect, ref _scrollPosition, viewRect); Vector2 cur =; // settlement int startTicks = Find.TickManager.gameStartAbsTick; Quadrum settlementQuadrum = GenDate.Quadrum(startTicks, 0); int settlementDay = GenDate.DayOfQuadrum(startTicks, 0) + 1; DrawRowWithFixedDate(new Rect(0f, cur.y, viewRect.width, ROW_HEIGHT), ref cur, "DM.Tab.BuiltIn.Settlement".Translate(), settlementQuadrum, settlementDay, _store.Settlement, () => { FloatMenuUtility.MakeMenu(Enum.GetValues(typeof(Duration)).Cast <Duration>(), duration => duration.Label(), duration => delegate { _store.Settlement = duration; }); }); // birthdays DrawRowWithNoDate(new Rect(0f, cur.y, viewRect.width, ROW_HEIGHT), ref cur, "DM.Tab.BuiltIn.ChronologicalBirthday".Translate(), _store.Birthdays, () => { FloatMenuUtility.MakeMenu(Enum.GetValues(typeof(Duration)).Cast <Duration>(), duration => duration.Label(), duration => delegate { _store.Birthdays = duration; }); }, "DM.Tab.Misc.ShowAll".Translate(), () => { Find.WindowStack.Add(new DialogList(DialogList.ListType.Birthdays)); }); // lovers anniversaries DrawRowWithNoDate(new Rect(0f, cur.y, viewRect.width, ROW_HEIGHT), ref cur, "DM.Tab.BuiltIn.RelationshipAnniversary".Translate(), _store.LoversAnniversaries, () => { FloatMenuUtility.MakeMenu(Enum.GetValues(typeof(Duration)).Cast <Duration>(), duration => duration.Label(), duration => delegate { _store.LoversAnniversaries = duration; }); }, "DM.Tab.Misc.ShowAll".Translate(), () => { Find.WindowStack.Add(new DialogList(DialogList.ListType.Relationships)); }); // marriage anniversaries DrawRowWithNoDate(new Rect(0f, cur.y, viewRect.width, ROW_HEIGHT), ref cur, "DM.Tab.BuiltIn.MarriageAnniversary".Translate(), _store.MarriageAnniversaries, () => { FloatMenuUtility.MakeMenu(Enum.GetValues(typeof(Duration)).Cast <Duration>(), duration => duration.Label(), duration => delegate { _store.MarriageAnniversaries = duration; }); }, "DM.Tab.Misc.ShowAll".Translate(), () => { Find.WindowStack.Add(new DialogList(DialogList.ListType.Marriages)); }); for (int index = 0; index < list.Count; index++) { if (list.Count <= index) { break; } var row = new Rect(0f, cur.y, viewRect.width, ROW_HEIGHT); Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(row); GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.2f); Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0f, cur.y, viewRect.width); GUI.color = Color.white; DrawRow(row, list[index], index); cur.y += ROW_HEIGHT; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
public static bool Prefix(Rect dateRect) { //-------------------------------------------- if (GetClocks(Find.VisibleMap).Count() == 0) { return(true); //use original method } if (clockAccuracy < 0) { Log.Warning("Found clock but clockAccuracy not set. Setting to Analog."); clockAccuracy = 0; } // //Vector2 location; //In event of transpiler just get local variable at end if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow && Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile >= 0) { location = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile); } else if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow && Find.WorldSelector.NumSelectedObjects > 0) { location = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.WorldSelector.FirstSelectedObject.Tile); } else { if (Find.VisibleMap == null) { return(false); } location = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.VisibleMap.Tile); } index = GenDate.HourInteger(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, location.x); int num = GenDate.DayOfTwelfth(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, location.x); Season season = GenDate.Season(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, location); Quadrum quadrum = GenDate.Quadrum(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, location.x); int num2 = GenDate.Year(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, location.x); if (num != dateStringDay || season != dateStringSeason || quadrum != dateStringQuadrum || num2 != dateStringYear) { dateString = GenDate.DateReadoutStringAt(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, location); dateStringDay = num; dateStringSeason = season; dateStringQuadrum = quadrum; dateStringYear = num2; } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; float num3 = Mathf.Max(Text.CalcSize(fastHourStrings[index]).x, Text.CalcSize(dateString).x + 7f); dateRect.xMin = dateRect.xMax - num3; if (Mouse.IsOver(dateRect)) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(dateRect); } GUI.BeginGroup(dateRect); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperRight; Rect rect = dateRect.AtZero(); rect.xMax -= 7f; //----------------------------------------------------- hrtime = (index < 12) ? "amannotation".Translate(fastHourStrings[index].ToString() + currentMin) : "pmannotation".Translate(fastHourStrings[index].ToString() + currentMin); Widgets.Label(rect, hrtime); // //Widgets.Label(rect, fastHourStrings[index]); REPLACED rect.yMin += 26f; Widgets.Label(rect, dateString); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.EndGroup(); //Remember - this delegate in itself is its own local method (m_XXX) //IL code: ldftn instance string RimWorld.DateReadout/'<DateOnGUI>c__AnonStorey449'::'<>m__64B'() TooltipHandler.TipRegion(dateRect, new TipSignal(delegate { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Quadrum quadrum2 = (Quadrum)i; stringBuilder.AppendLine(quadrum2.Label() + " - " + quadrum2.GetSeason(location.y).LabelCap()); } return("DateReadoutTip".Translate(new object[] { GenDate.DaysPassed, 15, season.LabelCap(), 15, GenDate.Quadrum((long)GenTicks.TicksAbs, location.x).Label(), stringBuilder.ToString() }) //------------------------------------------- + (clockAccuracy > 0 ? "TicksAbsOnGUI".Translate(Find.TickManager.TicksGame) : string.Empty) // ); }, 86423)); return(false); }
public override void Tick(int currentTick) { base.Tick(currentTick); int ticks = Find.TickManager.TicksAbs; if (ticks % GenDate.TicksPerHour != 0 || Find.CurrentMap == null || _store == null) { return; } Vector2 location = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.CurrentMap.Tile); Quadrum quadrum = GenDate.Quadrum(ticks, location.x); int dayOfQuadrum = GenDate.DayOfQuadrum(ticks, location.x); // zero based int hour = GenDate.HourOfDay(ticks, location.x); // check settlement int startTicks = Find.TickManager.gameStartAbsTick; Quadrum settlementQuadrum = GenDate.Quadrum(startTicks, 0); int settlementDay = GenDate.DayOfQuadrum(startTicks, 0); // zero based int settlementYears = Mathf.RoundToInt(GenDate.YearsPassedFloat); if ((hour == 0 || _store.Settlement.Start() == hour) && settlementQuadrum == quadrum && settlementDay == dayOfQuadrum) { if (hour == 0) { Messages.Message("DM.Message.TodaySettlement".Translate(settlementYears), MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent); } else { StartParty("DM.Letter.SettlementParty".Translate(), new List <Pawn>(), _store.Settlement == Duration.AllDay); } } // check built in days if (hour == 0 || _store.Birthdays.Start() == hour || _store.MarriageAnniversaries.Start() == hour || _store.LoversAnniversaries.Start() == hour) { Dictionary <Pawn, DirectPawnRelation> handledRelations = new Dictionary <Pawn, DirectPawnRelation>(); var colonists = Find.CurrentMap.mapPawns.PawnsInFaction(Faction.OfPlayer); foreach (var colonist in colonists) { if (colonist.Dead || !colonist.RaceProps.Humanlike) { continue; } // check marriage List <DirectPawnRelation> marriageRelations = colonist.relations.DirectRelations.FindAll(x => x.def == PawnRelationDefOf.Spouse); foreach (DirectPawnRelation relation in marriageRelations) { if (handledRelations.ContainsKey(colonist) || handledRelations.ContainsKey(relation.otherPawn)) { continue; } handledRelations.Add(colonist, relation); int startTick = relation.startTicks + startTicks; int startDay = GenDate.DayOfQuadrum(startTick, location.x); Quadrum startQuadrum = GenDate.Quadrum(startTick, location.x); if (startDay == dayOfQuadrum && startQuadrum == quadrum) { if (hour == 0) { Messages.Message("DM.Message.TodayMarriageAnniversary".Translate(colonist.Name.ToStringShort, relation.otherPawn.Name.ToStringShort), MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent); } else if (_store.MarriageAnniversaries.Start() == hour) { StartParty("DM.Letter.MarriageAnniversaryParty".Translate(colonist.Name.ToStringShort, relation.otherPawn.Name.ToStringShort), new List <Pawn> { colonist, relation.otherPawn }, _store.MarriageAnniversaries == Duration.AllDay, colonist); } } } // check relationship List <DirectPawnRelation> loverRelations = colonist.relations.DirectRelations.FindAll(x => x.def == PawnRelationDefOf.Lover); foreach (DirectPawnRelation relation in loverRelations) { if (handledRelations.ContainsKey(colonist) || handledRelations.ContainsKey(relation.otherPawn)) { continue; } handledRelations.Add(colonist, relation); int startTick = relation.startTicks + startTicks; int startDay = GenDate.DayOfQuadrum(startTick, location.x); Quadrum startQuadrum = GenDate.Quadrum(startTick, location.x); if (startDay == dayOfQuadrum && startQuadrum == quadrum) { if (hour == 0) { Messages.Message("DM.Message.TodayRelationshipAnniversary".Translate(colonist.Name.ToStringShort, relation.otherPawn.Name.ToStringShort), MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent); } else if (_store.LoversAnniversaries.Start() == hour) { StartParty("DM.Letter.RelationshipAnniversaryParty".Translate(colonist.Name.ToStringShort, relation.otherPawn.Name.ToStringShort), new List <Pawn> { colonist, relation.otherPawn }, _store.LoversAnniversaries == Duration.AllDay, colonist); } } } // check birthday long birthdayTick = colonist.ageTracker.BirthAbsTicks; int birthDate = GenDate.DayOfQuadrum(birthdayTick, location.x); // zero based Quadrum birthQuadrum = GenDate.Quadrum(birthdayTick, location.x); int colonistAge = Mathf.RoundToInt(colonist.ageTracker.AgeChronologicalYearsFloat); if (birthDate == dayOfQuadrum && birthQuadrum == quadrum) { if (hour == 0) { Messages.Message("DM.Message.TodayBirthday".Translate(colonist.Name.ToStringShort, colonistAge), MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent); } else if (_store.Birthdays.Start() == hour) { StartParty("DM.Letter.BirthdayParty".Translate(colonist.Name.ToStringShort), new List <Pawn>(), _store.Birthdays == Duration.AllDay); } } } } // check custom days var matchedEvents = _store.MatteredDays.FindAll(x => x.DayOfQuadrum - 1 == dayOfQuadrum && x.Quadrum == quadrum); if (matchedEvents.Count == 0) { return; } foreach (MatteredDay day in matchedEvents) { if (hour == 0) { Messages.Message("DM.Message.TodayCustomDay".Translate(day.Name), MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent); } else if (day.Duration.Start() == hour) { StartParty("DM.Letter.CustomDayParty".Translate(day.Name), new List <Pawn>(), day.Duration == Duration.AllDay); } } }
public override void Tick(int currentTick) { //Performance reporting tick if (EnablePerformanceTesting() && currentTick % GenDate.TicksPerDay == 0 && PerformanceSetup.performanceTotals.Keys.Count > 0) { Dictionary <string, float> averages = PerformanceSetup.performanceTotals.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => (float)x.Value / (float)PerformanceSetup.performanceCalls[x.Key]); int topAmt = Math.Min(10, averages.Count); List <KeyValuePair <string, float> > avgTicks = (from avg in averages orderby avg.Value descending select avg).Take(topAmt).ToList(); List <KeyValuePair <string, float> > topTicks = (from avg in averages orderby avg.Value * PerformanceSetup.performanceCalls[avg.Key] descending select avg).Take(topAmt).ToList(); StringBuilder avgString = new StringBuilder(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> t in avgTicks) { avgString.AppendLine(t.Key + " (" + t.Value + ")"); } StringBuilder topString = new StringBuilder(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> t in topTicks) { topString.AppendLine(t.Key + " (" + avgTicks.Find(x => x.Key == t.Key).Value + ")"); } Log.Message("Psychology :: Performance Report :: Top " + topAmt + " average tick consumers:\n" + avgString.ToString() + "\nTop " + topAmt + " weighted tick consumers: " + topString.ToString()); } //Constituent tick if (currentTick % GenDate.TicksPerHour * 2 == 0) { Map playerFactionMap = Find.WorldObjects.SettlementBases.Find(b => b.Faction.IsPlayer).Map; IEnumerable <Pawn> constituents = (from p in playerFactionMap.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned where ! && p.GetLord() == null && p.GetTimeAssignment() != TimeAssignmentDefOf.Work && p.Awake() select p); if (constituents.Count() > 0) { Pawn potentialConstituent = constituents.RandomElementByWeight(p => 0.0001f + Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Abs(0.7f - p.needs.mood.CurLevel), 2)); IEnumerable <Pawn> activeMayors = (from m in playerFactionMap.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned where !m.Dead && && ((Hediff_Mayor) == potentialConstituent.Map.Tile && m.GetTimeAssignment() != TimeAssignmentDefOf.Work && m.GetTimeAssignment() != TimeAssignmentDefOf.Sleep && m.GetLord() == null && m.Awake() && m.GetLord() == null select m); if (potentialConstituent != null && !potentialConstituent.Downed && !potentialConstituent.Drafted && >= 1f && potentialConstituent.GetTimeAssignment() != TimeAssignmentDefOf.Work && activeMayors.Count() > 0) { Pawn mayor = activeMayors.RandomElement(); //There should only be one. IntVec3 gather = default(IntVec3); String found = null; if (mayor.Map.GetComponent <OfficeTableMapComponent>().officeTable != null) { gather = mayor.Map.GetComponent <OfficeTableMapComponent>().officeTable.parent.Position; found = "office"; } else if (mayor.ownership != null && mayor.ownership.OwnedBed != null) { gather = mayor.ownership.OwnedBed.Position; found = "bed"; } if (PsycheHelper.PsychologyEnabled(potentialConstituent) && Rand.Chance((1f - PsycheHelper.Comp(potentialConstituent).Psyche.GetPersonalityRating(PersonalityNodeDefOf.Independent)) / 5f) && (found != null || RCellFinder.TryFindPartySpot(mayor, out gather)) && (!mayor.Drafted && !mayor.Downed && >= 1f && mayor.GetTimeAssignment() != TimeAssignmentDefOf.Work && (mayor.CurJob == null || mayor.CurJob.def != JobDefOf.TendPatient))) { List <Pawn> pawns = new List <Pawn>(); pawns.Add(mayor); pawns.Add(potentialConstituent); Lord meeting = LordMaker.MakeNewLord(mayor.Faction, new LordJob_VisitMayor(gather, potentialConstituent, mayor, (potentialConstituent.needs.mood.CurLevel < (potentialConstituent.mindState.mentalBreaker.BreakThresholdMinor * 1.25f))), mayor.Map, pawns);;; if (found == "bed") { mayor.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.MayorNoOffice); } else if (found == null) { mayor.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.MayorNoBedroom); } } } } } //Election tick if (currentTick % (GenDate.TicksPerDay / 4f) == 0) { foreach (Settlement settlement in Find.WorldObjects.Settlements) { //Self-explanatory. if (!PsychologyBase.ActivateElections()) { continue; } //If the base isn't owned or named by the player, no election can be held. if (!settlement.Faction.IsPlayer || !settlement.namedByPlayer) { continue; } //If the base is not at least a year old, no election will be held. if ((Find.TickManager.TicksGame - settlement.creationGameTicks) / GenDate.TicksPerYear < 1) { continue; } //A base must have at least 7 people in it to hold an election. if (settlement.Map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawnedCount < 7) { continue; } //If an election is already being held, don't start a new one. if (settlement.Map.gameConditionManager.ConditionIsActive(GameConditionDefOfPsychology.Election) || settlement.Map.lordManager.lords.Find(l => l.LordJob is LordJob_Joinable_Election) != null) { continue; } //Elections are held in Septober (because I guess some maps don't have fall?) and during the day. if (GenDate.Quadrum(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(settlement.Tile).x) != Quadrum.Septober || (GenLocalDate.HourOfDay(settlement.Map) < 7 || GenLocalDate.HourOfDay(settlement.Map) > 20)) { continue; } //If an election has already been completed this year, don't start a new one. IEnumerable <Pawn> activeMayors = (from m in settlement.Map.mapPawns.FreeColonistsSpawned where !m.Dead && && ((Hediff_Mayor) == settlement.Map.Tile && ((Hediff_Mayor) == GenLocalDate.Year(settlement.Map.Tile) select m); if (activeMayors.Count() > 0) { continue; } //Try to space out the elections so they don't all proc at once. if (Rand.RangeInclusive(1, 15 - GenLocalDate.DayOfQuadrum(settlement.Map.Tile)) > 1) { continue; } IncidentParms parms = new IncidentParms(); = settlement.Map; parms.faction = settlement.Faction; FiringIncident fi = new FiringIncident(IncidentDefOfPsychology.Election, null, parms); Find.Storyteller.TryFire(fi); } } }
public static bool Prefix( Rect dateRect, ref List <string> ___seasonsCached, ref int ___dateStringDay, ref Season ___dateStringSeason, ref Quadrum ___dateStringQuadrum, ref int ___dateStringYear, ref string ___dateString ) { Vector2 vector2; if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow && Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile >= 0) { vector2 = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile); } else if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow && Find.WorldSelector.NumSelectedObjects > 0) { vector2 = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.WorldSelector.FirstSelectedObject.Tile); } else { if (Find.CurrentMap == null) { return(false); } vector2 = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.CurrentMap.Tile); } var num1 = GenDate.DayOfTwelfth(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, vector2.x); var season = GenDate.Season(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, vector2); var quadrum1 = GenDate.Quadrum(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, vector2.x); var num2 = GenDate.Year(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, vector2.x); var str = true ? ___seasonsCached[(int)season] : ""; if (num1 != ___dateStringDay || season != ___dateStringSeason || quadrum1 != ___dateStringQuadrum || num2 != ___dateStringYear) { ___dateString = GenDate.DateReadoutStringAt(Find.TickManager.TicksAbs, vector2); ___dateStringDay = num1; ___dateStringSeason = season; ___dateStringQuadrum = quadrum1; ___dateStringYear = num2; } var userTime = ""; if (!BetterTimeFormatMod.UpdateTime) { userTime = BetterTimeFormatMod.settings.timeFormat; var dayPercent = GenLocalDate.DayPercent(Find.CurrentMap); if (BetterTimeFormatMod.UpdateHours) { var hours = Math.Floor(dayPercent * 24); if (BetterTimeFormatMod.settings.twelveHourFormat) { hours = dayPercent < 0.6 ? hours : hours - 12; } userTime = userTime.ReplaceFirst("HH", $"{hours,0:00}"); userTime = userTime.ReplaceFirst("H", $"{hours,0}"); } if (BetterTimeFormatMod.UpdateMinutes) { var minutes = Math.Floor(dayPercent * 24 % 1 * 60); userTime = userTime.ReplaceFirst("MM", $"{minutes,0:00}"); userTime = userTime.ReplaceFirst("M", $"{minutes,0:0}"); } if (BetterTimeFormatMod.UpdateSeconds) { var seconds = Math.Floor(dayPercent * 24 % 1 * 60 % 1 * 60); userTime = userTime.ReplaceFirst("SS", $"{seconds,0:00}"); userTime = userTime.ReplaceFirst("S", $"{seconds,0:0}"); } if (BetterTimeFormatMod.settings.twelveHourFormat) { var notation = dayPercent < 0.5 ? BetterTimeFormatMod.settings.amString : BetterTimeFormatMod.settings.pmString; userTime = userTime.ReplaceFirst("N", notation); } } Text.Font = GameFont.Small; var num3 = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(Text.CalcSize(userTime).x, Text.CalcSize(___dateString).x), Text.CalcSize(str).x) + 7f; dateRect.xMin = dateRect.xMax - num3; if (Mouse.IsOver(dateRect)) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(dateRect); } GUI.BeginGroup(dateRect); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperRight; var rect = dateRect.AtZero(); rect.xMax -= 7f; Widgets.Label(rect, userTime); rect.yMin += 26f; Widgets.Label(rect, ___dateString); rect.yMin += 26f; if (!str.NullOrEmpty()) { Widgets.Label(rect, str); } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.EndGroup(); if (!Mouse.IsOver(dateRect)) { return(false); } var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (var index2 = 0; index2 < 4; ++index2) { var quadrum2 = (Quadrum)index2; stringBuilder.AppendLine(quadrum2.Label() + " - " + quadrum2.GetSeason(vector2.y).LabelCap()); } var taggedString = "DateReadoutTip".Translate(GenDate.DaysPassed, 15, (NamedArgument)season.LabelCap(), 15, (NamedArgument)GenDate.Quadrum(GenTicks.TicksAbs, vector2.x).Label(), (NamedArgument)stringBuilder.ToString()); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(dateRect, new TipSignal(taggedString, 86423)); return(false); }
protected override string GetIconTip(Pawn pawn) { Tenant tenantComp = pawn.GetTenantComponent(); if (tenantComp != null && !tenantComp.IsTenant) { return(string.Empty); } string value = "FullDate".Translate(Find.ActiveLanguageWorker.OrdinalNumber(GenDate.DayOfSeason(tenantComp.ContractEndDate, 0f)), QuadrumUtility.Label(GenDate.Quadrum(tenantComp.ContractEndDate, 0f)), GenDate.Year(tenantComp.ContractEndDate, 0f)); string a = "ContractEndDate".Translate(value); string b = "ContractPayment".Translate(tenantComp.Payment * tenantComp.ContractLength / 60000); string c = "ContractLength".Translate(tenantComp.ContractLength / 60000); string d = "ContractDaily".Translate(tenantComp.Payment); return(a + " \n " + b + " \n " + c + " \n " + d); }
public DialogList(ListType type) { forcePause = true; doCloseX = true; // closeOnEscapeKey = true; closeOnClickedOutside = true; absorbInputAroundWindow = true; int gameStartTick = Find.TickManager.gameStartAbsTick; var colonists = Find.CurrentMap.mapPawns.PawnsInFaction(Faction.OfPlayer); switch (type) { case ListType.Birthdays: foreach (var colonist in colonists) { if (colonist.Dead || colonist.NonHumanlikeOrWildMan()) { continue; } long birthdayTick = colonist.ageTracker.BirthAbsTicks; int birthDate = GenDate.DayOfQuadrum(birthdayTick, 0); // zero based Quadrum birthQuadrum = GenDate.Quadrum(birthdayTick, 0); _list.Add(new QuadrumDayPair("DM.Letter.BirthdayParty".Translate(colonist.Name.ToStringShort), birthQuadrum, birthDate + 1)); } break; case ListType.Relationships: Dictionary <Pawn, DirectPawnRelation> loverRelations = new Dictionary <Pawn, DirectPawnRelation>(); foreach (var colonist in colonists) { if (colonist.Dead || colonist.NonHumanlikeOrWildMan()) { continue; } List <DirectPawnRelation> relations = colonist.relations.DirectRelations.FindAll(x => x.def == PawnRelationDefOf.Lover); foreach (DirectPawnRelation relation in relations) { if (loverRelations.ContainsKey(colonist) || loverRelations.ContainsKey(relation.otherPawn)) { continue; } loverRelations.Add(colonist, relation); int startTick = relation.startTicks + gameStartTick; int startDay = GenDate.DayOfQuadrum(startTick, 0); Quadrum startQuadrum = GenDate.Quadrum(startTick, 0); _list.Add(new QuadrumDayPair("DM.Letter.RelationshipAnniversaryParty".Translate(colonist.Name.ToStringShort, relation.otherPawn.Name.ToStringShort), startQuadrum, startDay + 1)); } } break; case ListType.Marriages: Dictionary <Pawn, DirectPawnRelation> marriageRelations = new Dictionary <Pawn, DirectPawnRelation>(); foreach (var colonist in colonists) { if (colonist.Dead || colonist.NonHumanlikeOrWildMan()) { continue; } List <DirectPawnRelation> relations = colonist.relations.DirectRelations.FindAll(x => x.def == PawnRelationDefOf.Spouse); foreach (DirectPawnRelation relation in relations) { if (marriageRelations.ContainsKey(colonist) || marriageRelations.ContainsKey(relation.otherPawn)) { continue; } marriageRelations.Add(colonist, relation); int startTick = relation.startTicks + gameStartTick; int startDay = GenDate.DayOfQuadrum(startTick, 0); Quadrum startQuadrum = GenDate.Quadrum(startTick, 0); _list.Add(new QuadrumDayPair("DM.Letter.MarriageAnniversaryParty".Translate(colonist.Name.ToStringShort, relation.otherPawn.Name.ToStringShort), startQuadrum, startDay + 1)); } } break; default: break; } }
public static Date CurrentDate() { Vector2 vector; if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow && Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile >= 0) { vector = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile); } else if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow && Find.WorldSelector.NumSelectedObjects > 0) { vector = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.WorldSelector.FirstSelectedObject.Tile); } else { if (Find.CurrentMap == null) { return(null); } vector = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.CurrentMap.Tile); } int num = (Find.TickManager.gameStartAbsTick == 0) ? Find.TickManager.TicksGame : Find.TickManager.TicksAbs; int day = GenDate.DayOfSeason((long)num, vector.x) + 1; if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow && Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile >= 0) { vector = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile); } else if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow && Find.WorldSelector.NumSelectedObjects > 0) { vector = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.WorldSelector.FirstSelectedObject.Tile); } else { if (Find.CurrentMap == null) { return(null); } vector = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.CurrentMap.Tile); } int num2 = (Find.TickManager.gameStartAbsTick == 0) ? Find.TickManager.TicksGame : Find.TickManager.TicksAbs; Quadrum quadrum = GenDate.Quadrum((long)num2, vector.x); if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow && Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile >= 0) { vector = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.WorldSelector.selectedTile); } else if (WorldRendererUtility.WorldRenderedNow && Find.WorldSelector.NumSelectedObjects > 0) { vector = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.WorldSelector.FirstSelectedObject.Tile); } else { if (Find.CurrentMap == null) { return(null); } vector = Find.WorldGrid.LongLatOf(Find.CurrentMap.Tile); } int num3 = (Find.TickManager.gameStartAbsTick == 0) ? Find.TickManager.TicksGame : Find.TickManager.TicksAbs; int year = GenDate.Year((long)num3, vector.x); return(new Date(day, quadrum, year)); }