public override void Resolve(ResolveParams rp) { ThingDef thingDef = rp.singleThingDef ?? ThingSetMakerUtility.allGeneratableItems.Where((ThingDef x) => x.IsWeapon || x.IsMedicine || x.IsDrug).RandomElement(); Rot4 rot = rp.thingRot ?? Rot4.North; IntVec3 center = IntVec3.Zero; IntVec2 size = thingDef.size; int num = rp.fillWithThingsPadding ?? 0; if (num < 0) { num = 0; } GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref center, ref size, rot); if (size.x <= 0 || size.z <= 0) { Log.Error("Thing has 0 size."); return; } for (int i = rp.rect.minX; i <= rp.rect.maxX - size.x + 1; i += size.x + num) { for (int j = rp.rect.minZ; j <= rp.rect.maxZ - size.z + 1; j += size.z + num) { ResolveParams resolveParams = rp; resolveParams.rect = new CellRect(i, j, size.x, size.z); resolveParams.singleThingDef = thingDef; resolveParams.thingRot = rot; BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("thing", resolveParams); } } BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("clear", rp); }
public override bool CanResolve(ResolveParams rp) { bool result; if (!base.CanResolve(rp)) { result = false; } else if (rp.singleThingToSpawn != null) { result = false; } else { if (rp.singleThingDef != null) { Rot4? thingRot = rp.thingRot; Rot4 rot = (thingRot == null) ? Rot4.North : thingRot.Value; IntVec3 zero = IntVec3.Zero; IntVec2 size = rp.singleThingDef.size; GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref zero, ref size, rot); if (rp.rect.Width < size.x || rp.rect.Height < size.z) { return(false); } } result = true; } return(result); }
public override bool CanResolve(ResolveParams rp) { if (!base.CanResolve(rp)) { return(false); } if (rp.singleThingToSpawn != null) { return(false); } if (rp.singleThingDef != null) { Rot4? thingRot = rp.thingRot; Rot4 rot = (!thingRot.HasValue) ? Rot4.North : thingRot.Value; IntVec3 zero = IntVec3.Zero; IntVec2 size = rp.singleThingDef.size; GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref zero, ref size, rot); if (rp.rect.Width >= size.x && rp.rect.Height >= size.z) { goto IL_009d; } return(false); } goto IL_009d; IL_009d: return(true); }
private bool TryFindSpawnCell(CellRect rect, ThingDef thingDef, Rot4 rot, out IntVec3 spawnCell) { Map map =; IntVec3 zero = IntVec3.Zero; IntVec2 size = thingDef.size; GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref zero, ref size, rot); CellRect empty = CellRect.Empty; Predicate <CellRect> basePredicate = delegate(CellRect x) { if (x.Cells.All((IntVec3 y) => y.Standable(map))) { if (!GenSpawn.WouldWipeAnythingWith(x, thingDef, map, (Thing z) => z.def.category == ThingCategory.Building)) { return(thingDef.category != ThingCategory.Item || x.CenterCell.GetFirstItem(map) == null); } } return(false); }; bool flag = false; if (thingDef.category == ThingCategory.Building) { flag = rect.TryFindRandomInnerRectTouchingEdge(size, out empty, (CellRect x) => basePredicate(x) && !BaseGenUtility.AnyDoorAdjacentCardinalTo(x, map) && GenConstruct.TerrainCanSupport(x, map, thingDef)); if (!flag) { flag = rect.TryFindRandomInnerRectTouchingEdge(size, out empty, (CellRect x) => basePredicate(x) && !BaseGenUtility.AnyDoorAdjacentCardinalTo(x, map)); } } bool result; if (!flag && !rect.TryFindRandomInnerRectTouchingEdge(size, out empty, basePredicate)) { spawnCell = IntVec3.Invalid; result = false; } else { CellRect.CellRectIterator iterator = empty.GetIterator(); while (!iterator.Done()) { if (GenAdj.OccupiedRect(iterator.Current, rot, thingDef.size) == empty) { spawnCell = iterator.Current; return(true); } iterator.MoveNext(); } Log.Error("We found a valid rect but we couldn't find the root position. This should never happen.", false); spawnCell = IntVec3.Invalid; result = false; } return(result); }
public static bool AdjacentCellsCardinal(ref List <IntVec3> __result, IntVec3 thingCenter, Rot4 thingRot, IntVec2 thingSize) { if (thingSize.x == 1 && thingSize.z == 1) { List <IntVec3> r1 = null; AdjacentCellsCardinal(ref r1, thingCenter); __result = r1; return(false); } //if (GenAdjFast.working) //throw new InvalidOperationException("GenAdjFast is already working."); //GenAdjFast.resultList.Clear(); List <IntVec3> resultList = new List <IntVec3>(); //GenAdjFast.working = true; GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref thingCenter, ref thingSize, thingRot); int newX = thingCenter.x - (thingSize.x - 1) / 2 - 1; int num1 = newX + thingSize.x + 1; int newZ = thingCenter.z - (thingSize.z - 1) / 2 - 1; int num2 = newZ + thingSize.z + 1; IntVec3 intVec3 = new IntVec3(newX, 0, newZ); do { ++intVec3.x; resultList.Add(intVec3); }while (intVec3.x < num1 - 1); ++intVec3.x; do { ++intVec3.z; resultList.Add(intVec3); }while (intVec3.z < num2 - 1); ++intVec3.z; do { --intVec3.x; resultList.Add(intVec3); }while (intVec3.x > newX + 1); --intVec3.x; do { --intVec3.z; resultList.Add(intVec3); }while (intVec3.z > newZ + 1); //GenAdjFast.working = false; __result = resultList; return(false); }
public static bool TryFindRandomAdjacentCell8WayWithRoomGroup(ref bool __result, IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, IntVec2 size, Map map, out IntVec3 result) { GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref center, ref size, rot); //validCells.Clear(); List <IntVec3> validCells = new List <IntVec3>(); foreach (IntVec3 item in GenAdj.CellsAdjacent8Way(center, rot, size)) { if (item.InBounds(map) && item.GetRoomGroup(map) != null) { validCells.Add(item); } } __result = validCells.TryRandomElement(out result); return(false); }
public override void Resolve(ResolveParams rp) { ThingDef thingDef; if ((thingDef = rp.singleThingDef) == null) { thingDef = (from x in ThingSetMakerUtility.allGeneratableItems where x.IsWeapon || x.IsMedicine || x.IsDrug select x).RandomElement <ThingDef>(); } ThingDef thingDef2 = thingDef; Rot4? thingRot = rp.thingRot; Rot4 rot = (thingRot == null) ? Rot4.North : thingRot.Value; IntVec3 zero = IntVec3.Zero; IntVec2 size = thingDef2.size; int? fillWithThingsPadding = rp.fillWithThingsPadding; int num = (fillWithThingsPadding == null) ? 0 : fillWithThingsPadding.Value; if (num < 0) { num = 0; } GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref zero, ref size, rot); if (size.x <= 0 || size.z <= 0) { Log.Error("Thing has 0 size.", false); } else { for (int i = rp.rect.minX; i <= rp.rect.maxX - size.x + 1; i += size.x + num) { for (int j = rp.rect.minZ; j <= rp.rect.maxZ - size.z + 1; j += size.z + num) { ResolveParams resolveParams = rp; resolveParams.rect = new CellRect(i, j, size.x, size.z); resolveParams.singleThingDef = thingDef2; resolveParams.thingRot = new Rot4?(rot); BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("thing", resolveParams); } } BaseGen.symbolStack.Push("clear", rp); } }
public override bool CanResolve(ResolveParams rp) { if (!base.CanResolve(rp)) { return(false); } if (rp.singleThingToSpawn != null) { return(false); } if (rp.singleThingDef != null) { Rot4 rot = rp.thingRot ?? Rot4.North; IntVec3 center = IntVec3.Zero; IntVec2 size = rp.singleThingDef.size; GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref center, ref size, rot); if (rp.rect.Width < size.x || rp.rect.Height < size.z) { return(false); } } return(true); }
private bool TryFindSpawnCell(CellRect rect, ThingDef thingDef, Rot4 rot, bool mustReachMapEdge, out IntVec3 spawnCell) { Map map =; IntVec3 center = IntVec3.Zero; IntVec2 size = thingDef.size; GenAdj.AdjustForRotation(ref center, ref size, rot); CellRect rect2 = CellRect.Empty; TraverseParms traverseParms = TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode.PassDoors); Predicate <CellRect> basePredicate = (CellRect x) => x.Cells.All((IntVec3 y) => y.Standable(map)) && !GenSpawn.WouldWipeAnythingWith(x, thingDef, map, (Thing z) => z.def.category == ThingCategory.Building) && (thingDef.category != ThingCategory.Item || x.CenterCell.GetFirstItem(map) == null) && (!mustReachMapEdge || map.reachability.CanReachMapEdge(x.CenterCell, traverseParms)); bool flag = false; if (thingDef.category == ThingCategory.Building) { flag = rect.TryFindRandomInnerRectTouchingEdge(size, out rect2, (CellRect x) => basePredicate(x) && !BaseGenUtility.AnyDoorAdjacentCardinalTo(x, map) && GenConstruct.TerrainCanSupport(x, map, thingDef)); if (!flag) { flag = rect.TryFindRandomInnerRectTouchingEdge(size, out rect2, (CellRect x) => basePredicate(x) && !BaseGenUtility.AnyDoorAdjacentCardinalTo(x, map)); } } if (!flag && !rect.TryFindRandomInnerRectTouchingEdge(size, out rect2, basePredicate)) { spawnCell = IntVec3.Invalid; return(false); } foreach (IntVec3 item in rect2) { if (GenAdj.OccupiedRect(item, rot, thingDef.size) == rect2) { spawnCell = item; return(true); } } Log.Error("We found a valid rect but we couldn't find the root position. This should never happen."); spawnCell = IntVec3.Invalid; return(false); }