// Note: there is no relevant ARB function.
        internal static GraphicsMode SetGraphicsModePFD(WinGraphicsMode mode_selector,
                                                        GraphicsMode mode, WinWindowInfo window)
            Debug.Write("Setting pixel format... ");
            if (window == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(window), "Must point to a valid window.");

            if (!mode.Index.HasValue)
                mode = mode_selector.SelectGraphicsMode(
                    mode.ColorFormat, mode.Depth, mode.Stencil,
                    mode.Samples, mode.AccumulatorFormat,
                    mode.Buffers, mode.Stereo);

            var pfd = new PixelFormatDescriptor();

                window.DeviceContext, (int)mode.Index.Value,
                PixelFormatDescriptor.SizeInBytes, ref pfd);


            if (!Gdi32.SetPixelFormat(window.DeviceContext, (int)mode.Index.Value, ref pfd))
                throw new GraphicsContextException(
                          $"Requested GraphicsMode not available. SetPixelFormat error: {Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()}");

        private static GraphicsMode DescribePixelFormatPFD(IntPtr device, ref PixelFormatDescriptor pfd,
                                                           int pixelformat)
            GraphicsMode created_mode = null;

            if (Gdi32.DescribePixelFormat(device, pixelformat, pfd.Size, ref pfd) > 0)
                created_mode = new GraphicsMode(
                    new IntPtr(pixelformat),
                    new ColorFormat(pfd.RedBits, pfd.GreenBits, pfd.BlueBits, pfd.AlphaBits),
                    0, // MSAA not supported when using PixelFormatDescriptor
                    new ColorFormat(pfd.AccumRedBits, pfd.AccumGreenBits, pfd.AccumBlueBits, pfd.AccumAlphaBits),
                    (pfd.Flags & PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.DoubleBuffer) != 0 ? 2 : 1,
                    (pfd.Flags & PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.Stereo) != 0);

        private GraphicsMode ChoosePixelFormatPFD(IntPtr device, GraphicsMode mode,
                                                  AccelerationType requested_acceleration_type)
            var pfd = new PixelFormatDescriptor();
            PixelFormatDescriptorFlags flags = 0;

            flags |= PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.DrawToWindow;
            flags |= PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.SupportOpenGL;

            if (mode.Stereo)
                flags |= PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.Stereo;

            if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6 &&
                requested_acceleration_type != AccelerationType.None)
                // Request a compositor-capable mode when running on
                // Vista+ and using hardware acceleration. Without this,
                // some modes will cause the compositor to turn off,
                // which is very annoying to the user.
                // Note: compositor-capable modes require hardware
                // acceleration. Don't set this flag when running
                // with software acceleration (e.g. over Remote Desktop
                // as described in bug https://github.com/opentk/opentk/issues/35)
                flags |= PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.SupportComposition;

            var count = Gdi32.DescribePixelFormat(device, 1, PixelFormatDescriptor.SizeInBytes, ref pfd);

            var best      = 0;
            var best_dist = int.MaxValue;

            for (var index = 1; index <= count; index++)
                var dist  = 0;
                var valid = Gdi32.DescribePixelFormat(device, index, PixelFormatDescriptor.SizeInBytes, ref pfd) != 0;
                valid &= GetAccelerationType(ref pfd) == requested_acceleration_type;
                valid &= (pfd.Flags & flags) == flags;
                valid &= pfd.PixelType == PixelFormatDescriptorPixelTypes.Rgba; // indexed modes not currently supported
                // heavily penalize single-buffered modes when the user requests double buffering
                if ((pfd.Flags & PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.DoubleBuffer) == 0 && mode.Buffers > 1)
                    dist += 1000;

                valid &= Compare(pfd.ColorBits, mode.ColorFormat.BitsPerPixel, ref dist);
                valid &= Compare(pfd.RedBits, mode.ColorFormat.Red, ref dist);
                valid &= Compare(pfd.GreenBits, mode.ColorFormat.Green, ref dist);
                valid &= Compare(pfd.BlueBits, mode.ColorFormat.Blue, ref dist);
                valid &= Compare(pfd.AlphaBits, mode.ColorFormat.Alpha, ref dist);
                valid &= Compare(pfd.AccumBits, mode.AccumulatorFormat.BitsPerPixel, ref dist);
                valid &= Compare(pfd.AccumRedBits, mode.AccumulatorFormat.Red, ref dist);
                valid &= Compare(pfd.AccumGreenBits, mode.AccumulatorFormat.Green, ref dist);
                valid &= Compare(pfd.AccumBlueBits, mode.AccumulatorFormat.Blue, ref dist);
                valid &= Compare(pfd.AccumAlphaBits, mode.AccumulatorFormat.Alpha, ref dist);
                valid &= Compare(pfd.DepthBits, mode.Depth, ref dist);
                valid &= Compare(pfd.StencilBits, mode.Stencil, ref dist);

                if (valid && dist < best_dist)
                    best      = index;
                    best_dist = dist;

            return(DescribePixelFormatPFD(device, ref pfd, best));