public MaterialPlusClippingPlusColorProviderKey(IMaterial material, PlaneD3D[] clipPlanes, Gdi.Plot.IColorProvider colorProvider)
			: base(material, clipPlanes)
			if (null == colorProvider)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(colorProvider));

			this.ColorProvider = colorProvider;
		public float[] GetColorArrayForColorProvider(Gdi.Plot.IColorProvider colorProvider)
			int numberOfColors = 1024;
			var result = new float[4 * numberOfColors];

			for (int i = 0, offs = 0; i < numberOfColors; ++i, offs += 4)
				double tu = i / (double)numberOfColors;
				double u = (tu - UOfColorBelow) / UOfColorRegular;

				var c = colorProvider.GetAxoColor(u);

				result[offs + 0] = c.ScR;
				result[offs + 1] = c.ScG;
				result[offs + 2] = c.ScB;
				result[offs + 3] = c.ScA;
			return result;
Exemple #3
 internal PlotTradeObject(GdiEngine engine, object source, ChartSetting chartSetting)
     : base(engine, chartSetting)
     __cGDI    = engine.GDI;
     __cTrades = source as TradeContainer;
Exemple #4
 private void SetFont(Gdi g)
     g.Font      = FontCache.CreateFont("Calibri", 13, FontStyle.Regular, true);
     g.TextAlign = Win32.TextAlign.TA_LEFT;
     g.TextColor = Color.Black;
 /// <summary>
 /// Swaps the back and front buffer.
 /// </summary>
 internal void SwapBuffers()
Exemple #6
        void createGLWindow(string title)
            int height = 400;
            int width  = 600;
            int bpp    = 16;
            int pixelFormat;

            form = null;

            Gdi.DEVMODE dmScreenSettings = new Gdi.DEVMODE();
            dmScreenSettings.dmSize       = (short)Marshal.SizeOf(dmScreenSettings);
            dmScreenSettings.dmPelsWidth  = width;
            dmScreenSettings.dmPelsHeight = height;
            dmScreenSettings.dmBitsPerPel = bpp;
            dmScreenSettings.dmFields     = Gdi.DM_BITSPERPEL | Gdi.DM_PELSWIDTH | Gdi.DM_PELSHEIGHT;

            form = new EngineOld();;
            //form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
            form.Width  = width;                                                // Set Window Width
            form.Height = height;                                               // Set Window Height
            form.Text   = title;

            Gdi.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = new Gdi.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR();  // pfd Tells Windows How We Want Things To Be
            pfd.nSize    = (short)Marshal.SizeOf(pfd);                        // Size Of This Pixel Format Descriptor
            pfd.nVersion = 1;                                                 // Version Number
            pfd.dwFlags  = Gdi.PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW |                           // Format Must Support Window
                           Gdi.PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL |                           // Format Must Support OpenGL
                           Gdi.PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER;                              // Format Must Support Double Buffering
            pfd.iPixelType      = (byte)Gdi.PFD_TYPE_RGBA;                    // Request An RGBA Format
            pfd.cColorBits      = (byte)bpp;                                  // Select Our Color Depth
            pfd.cRedBits        = 0;                                          // Color Bits Ignored
            pfd.cRedShift       = 0;
            pfd.cGreenBits      = 0;
            pfd.cGreenShift     = 0;
            pfd.cBlueBits       = 0;
            pfd.cBlueShift      = 0;
            pfd.cAlphaBits      = 0;                                            // No Alpha Buffer
            pfd.cAlphaShift     = 0;                                            // Shift Bit Ignored
            pfd.cAccumBits      = 0;                                            // No Accumulation Buffer
            pfd.cAccumRedBits   = 0;                                            // Accumulation Bits Ignored
            pfd.cAccumGreenBits = 0;
            pfd.cAccumBlueBits  = 0;
            pfd.cAccumAlphaBits = 0;
            pfd.cDepthBits      = 16;                                          // 16Bit Z-Buffer (Depth Buffer)
            pfd.cStencilBits    = 0;                                           // No Stencil Buffer
            pfd.cAuxBuffers     = 0;                                           // No Auxiliary Buffer
            pfd.iLayerType      = (byte)Gdi.PFD_MAIN_PLANE;                    // Main Drawing Layer
            pfd.bReserved       = 0;                                           // Reserved
            pfd.dwLayerMask     = 0;                                           // Layer Masks Ignored
            pfd.dwVisibleMask   = 0;
            pfd.dwDamageMask    = 0;

            DC = User.GetDC(form.Handle);                // Attempt To Get A Device Context
            if (DC == IntPtr.Zero)
            {                                            // Did We Get A Device Context?
                killGLWindow();                          // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Can't Create A GL Device Context.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // Attempt To Find An Appropriate Pixel Format
            pixelFormat = Gdi.ChoosePixelFormat(DC, ref pfd);
            if (pixelFormat == 0)
            {                                              // Did Windows Find A Matching Pixel Format?
                killGLWindow();                            // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Can't Find A Suitable PixelFormat.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (!Gdi.SetPixelFormat(DC, pixelFormat, ref pfd))
            {                   // Are We Able To Set The Pixel Format?
                killGLWindow(); // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Can't Set The PixelFormat.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            RC = Wgl.wglCreateContext(DC);               // Attempt To Get The Rendering Context
            if (RC == IntPtr.Zero)
            {                                            // Are We Able To Get A Rendering Context?
                killGLWindow();                          // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Can't Create A GL Rendering Context.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (!Wgl.wglMakeCurrent(DC, RC))
            {                                 // Try To Activate The Rendering Context
                killGLWindow();               // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Can't Activate The GL Rendering Context.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            form.Show();                                                        // Show The Window
            //form.TopMost = true;                                                // Topmost Window
            form.Focus();                                                       // Focus The Window

        private void CalcContentRectangle()
            int buttonHeight = UISettings.CalcPix(24);
            int buttonWidth  = UISettings.CalcPix(75);

            int w = Width / 10;

            int textHeight = 0;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_message))
                using (Gdi g = new Gdi(this))

                    Size textSize = g.GetDrawTextSize(_message, w * 9 - _margin * 2, Win32.DT.WORDBREAK);

                    textHeight = textSize.Height;

            int h = _margin + textHeight + _margin + (buttonHeight * 3 + _margin / 2 * 2) + _margin;

            if (_shortview)
                h -= (buttonHeight + _margin / 2);

            if (h > Height / 10 * 6)
                h = Height / 10 * 6;

            int contentWidth  = w * 9;
            int contentHeight = h;

            int vPos = (Height - contentHeight) / 2;
            int hPos = w / 2;

            _contentRectangle = new Rectangle(hPos, vPos, contentWidth, contentHeight);

            _textRectangle = new Rectangle(_contentRectangle.X + _margin,
                                           _contentRectangle.Y + _margin,
                                           _contentRectangle.Width - _margin * 2,
                                           _contentRectangle.Height - _margin - _margin - (buttonHeight * 3 + _margin / 2 * 2) - _margin);

            if (_shortview)
                _textRectangle.Height += (buttonHeight + _margin / 2);

            int buttonXPos = _contentRectangle.Left + (_contentRectangle.Width - buttonWidth) / 2;
            int buttonYPos = _contentRectangle.Y + _margin + _textRectangle.Height + _margin;

            _textRectangle.Height -= _margin;

            buttonUpdate.Location = new Point(buttonXPos, buttonYPos);
            buttonUpdate.Size     = new Size(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);

            if (!_shortview)
                buttonYPos += buttonHeight + _margin / 2;

                buttonSkip.Location = new Point(buttonXPos, buttonYPos);
                buttonSkip.Size     = new Size(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);

                buttonSkip.Visible = true;
                buttonSkip.Location = new Point(buttonXPos, buttonYPos);
                buttonSkip.Size     = new Size(1, 1);

                buttonSkip.Visible = false;

            buttonYPos += buttonHeight + _margin / 2;

            buttonCancel.Location = new Point(buttonXPos, buttonYPos);
            buttonCancel.Size     = new Size(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);

            if (_shortview)
                buttonCancel.Text = Resources.UpdateInfoDialogControl_Buttons_Exit;
                buttonCancel.Text = Resources.UpdateInfoDialogControl_Buttons_Cancel;

            //Границы и фон
            _imgLT.Location = new Point(_contentRectangle.X, _contentRectangle.Y);
            _imgTT.Location = new Point(_imgLT.Right + 1, _contentRectangle.Y);
            _imgTT.Width    = _contentRectangle.Width - _imgLT.Width - _imgRT.Width;
            _imgRT.Location = new Point(_imgTT.Right + 1, _contentRectangle.Y);

            _imgLL.Location = new Point(_contentRectangle.X, _imgLT.Bottom + 1);
            _imgLL.Height   = _contentRectangle.Height - _imgLT.Height - _imgLB.Height;
            _imgRR.Location = new Point(_imgRT.Location.X + _imgRT.Size.Width - _imgRR.Size.Width, _imgRT.Bottom + 1);
            _imgRR.Height   = _contentRectangle.Height - _imgRT.Height - _imgRB.Height;

            _imgLB.Location = new Point(_contentRectangle.X, _imgLL.Bottom + 1);
            _imgBB.Location = new Point(_imgLB.Right + 1, _imgLB.Top + 1);
            _imgBB.Width    = _contentRectangle.Width - _imgLB.Width - _imgRB.Width;
            _imgRB.Location = new Point(_imgBB.Right + 1, _imgLB.Top);

            _backgroundRectangle = new Rectangle(_imgLL.Right + 1, _imgLL.Top, _imgRR.Left - _imgLL.Right - 1, _imgLL.Height + 1);
Exemple #8
		protected override void InternalCopyGraphItems(HostLayer from, Gdi.GraphCopyOptions options)
			bool bGraphItems = options.HasFlag(Gdi.GraphCopyOptions.CopyLayerGraphItems);
			bool bChildLayers = options.HasFlag(Gdi.GraphCopyOptions.CopyChildLayers);
			bool bLegends = options.HasFlag(Gdi.GraphCopyOptions.CopyLayerLegends);

			var criterium = new Func<IGraphicBase, bool>(x =>
				if (x is Gdi.HostLayer)
					return bChildLayers;

				if (x is LegendText)
					return bLegends;

				return bGraphItems;

			InternalCopyGraphItems(from, options, criterium);
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public void SwapBuffers()
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates the OpenGL contexts.
        /// </summary>
        public void InitializeContexts()
            int pixelFormat;                                                // Holds the selected pixel format

            windowHandle = this.Handle;                                     // Get window handle

            if (windowHandle == IntPtr.Zero)                                // No window handle means something is wrong
                MessageBox.Show("Window creation error.  No window handle.", "Fatal Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            Gdi.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = new Gdi.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR(); // The pixel format descriptor
            pfd.nSize    = (short)Marshal.SizeOf(pfd);                       // Size of the pixel format descriptor
            pfd.nVersion = 1;                                                // Version number (always 1)
            pfd.dwFlags  = Gdi.PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW |                          // Format must support windowed mode
                           Gdi.PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL |                          // Format must support OpenGL
                           Gdi.PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER;                             // Must support double buffering
            pfd.iPixelType      = (byte)Gdi.PFD_TYPE_RGBA;                   // Request an RGBA format
            pfd.cColorBits      = (byte)colorBits;                           // Select our color depth
            pfd.cRedBits        = 0;                                         // Individual color bits ignored
            pfd.cRedShift       = 0;
            pfd.cGreenBits      = 0;
            pfd.cGreenShift     = 0;
            pfd.cBlueBits       = 0;
            pfd.cBlueShift      = 0;
            pfd.cAlphaBits      = 0;                                        // No alpha buffer
            pfd.cAlphaShift     = 0;                                        // Alpha shift bit ignored
            pfd.cAccumBits      = accumBits;                                // Accumulation buffer
            pfd.cAccumRedBits   = 0;                                        // Individual accumulation bits ignored
            pfd.cAccumGreenBits = 0;
            pfd.cAccumBlueBits  = 0;
            pfd.cAccumAlphaBits = 0;
            pfd.cDepthBits      = depthBits;                                // Z-buffer (depth buffer)
            pfd.cStencilBits    = stencilBits;                              // No stencil buffer
            pfd.cAuxBuffers     = 0;                                        // No auxiliary buffer
            pfd.iLayerType      = (byte)Gdi.PFD_MAIN_PLANE;                 // Main drawing layer
            pfd.bReserved       = 0;                                        // Reserved
            pfd.dwLayerMask     = 0;                                        // Layer masks ignored
            pfd.dwVisibleMask   = 0;
            pfd.dwDamageMask    = 0;

            deviceContext = User.GetDC(windowHandle);                       // Attempt to get the device context
            if (deviceContext == IntPtr.Zero)                               // Did we not get a device context?
                MessageBox.Show("Can not create a GL device context.", "Fatal Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            pixelFormat = Gdi.ChoosePixelFormat(deviceContext, ref pfd);    // Attempt to find an appropriate pixel format
            if (pixelFormat == 0)                                           // Did windows not find a matching pixel format?
                MessageBox.Show("Can not find a suitable PixelFormat.", "Fatal Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (!Gdi.SetPixelFormat(deviceContext, pixelFormat, ref pfd))    // Are we not able to set the pixel format?
                MessageBox.Show("Can not set the chosen PixelFormat.  Chosen PixelFormat was " + pixelFormat + ".", "Fatal Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            renderingContext = Wgl.wglCreateContext(deviceContext);         // Attempt to get the rendering context
            if (renderingContext == IntPtr.Zero)                            // Are we not able to get a rendering context?
                MessageBox.Show("Can not create a GL rendering context.", "Fatal Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            MakeCurrent();                                                  // Attempt to activate the rendering context

            // Force A Reset On The Working Set Size
            Kernel.SetProcessWorkingSetSize(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle, -1, -1);
Exemple #11
        public static void Run()
            // Ask The User Which Screen Mode They Prefer
            if (MessageBox.Show("Would You Like To Run In Fullscreen Mode?", "Start FullScreen?",
                                MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No)
                fullscreen = false;                                             // Windowed Mode

            // Create Our OpenGL Window
            if (!CreateGLWindow("NeHe's Particle Tutorial", 640, 480, 16, fullscreen))
                return;                                                         // Quit If Window Was Not Created

            if (fullscreen)                                                     // Are We In Fullscreen Mode
                slowdown = 1;                                                   // If So, Speed Up The Particles (3dfx Issue)

            while (!done)                                                       // Loop That Runs While done = false
                Application.DoEvents();                                         // Process Events

                // Draw The Scene.  Watch For ESC Key And Quit Messages From DrawGLScene()
                if ((active && (form != null) && !DrawGLScene()) || keys[(int)Keys.Escape]) //  Active?  Was There A Quit Received?
                    done = true;                                                            // ESC Or DrawGLScene Signalled A Quit
                else                                                                        // Not Time To Quit, Update Screen
                    Gdi.SwapBuffers(hDC);                                                   // Swap Buffers (Double Buffering)

                    if (keys[(int)Keys.Add] && (slowdown > 1))
                        slowdown -= 0.01f;                                  // Speed Up Particles
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.Subtract] && (slowdown < 4))
                        slowdown += 0.01f;                                  // Slow Down Particles
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.PageUp])
                        zoom += 0.1f;                                       // Zoom In
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.PageDown])
                        zoom -= 0.1f;                                       // Zoom Out
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.Enter] && !rp)                       // Return Key Pressed
                        rp      = true;                                     // Set Flag Telling Us It's Pressed
                        rainbow = !rainbow;                                 // Toggle Rainbow Mode On / Off
                    if (!keys[(int)Keys.Enter])
                        rp = false;                                         // If Return Is Released Clear Flag
                    // Space Or Rainbow Mode
                    if ((keys[(int)Keys.Space] && !sp) || (rainbow && (delay > 25)))
                        if (keys[(int)Keys.Space])
                            rainbow = false;                                // If Spacebar Is Pressed Disable Rainbow Mode
                        sp    = true;                                       // Set Flag Telling Us Space Is Pressed
                        delay = 0;                                          // Reset The Rainbow Color Cycling Delay
                        col++;                                              // Change The Particle Color
                        if (col > 11)
                            col = 0;                                        // If Color Is To High Reset It
                    if (!keys[(int)Keys.Space])
                        sp = false;                                         // If Spacebar Is Released Clear Flag
                    // If Up Arrow And Y Speed Is Less Than 200 Increase Upward Speed
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.Up] && (yspeed < 200))
                        yspeed += 1;
                    // If Down Arrow And Y Speed Is Greater Than -200 Increase Downward Speed
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.Down] && (yspeed > -200))
                        yspeed -= 1;
                    // If Right Arrow And X Speed Is Less Than 200 Increase Speed To The Right
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.Right] && (xspeed < 200))
                        xspeed += 1;
                    // If Left Arrow And X Speed Is Greater Than -200 Increase Speed To The Left
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.Left] && (xspeed > -200))
                        xspeed -= 1;
                    delay++;                                                // Increase Rainbow Mode Color Cycling Delay Counter

                    if (keys[(int)Keys.F1])                                 // Is F1 Being Pressed?
                        keys[(int)Keys.F1] = false;                         // If So Make Key false
                        KillGLWindow();                                     // Kill Our Current Window
                        fullscreen = !fullscreen;                           // Toggle Fullscreen / Windowed Mode
                        // Recreate Our OpenGL Window
                        if (!CreateGLWindow("NeHe's Particle Tutorial", 640, 480, 16, fullscreen))
                            return;                                         // Quit If Window Was Not Created
                        done = false;                                       // We're Not Done Yet

            // Shutdown
            KillGLWindow();                                                     // Kill The Window
            return;                                                             // Exit The Program
Exemple #12
        public void Action(ChartParameter parameter)
            __cGDI.ClearRops(__cLineInfos, __cTextInfos, !parameter.Updated);

            InputDeviceStatus cStatus = parameter.Status;

            if (cStatus.Event == EInputDeviceEvent.MouseMove)
                ZChart         cChart    = parameter.Chart;
                AxisX          cAxisX    = cChart.AxisX;
                ChartProperty  cProperty = cChart.ChartProperty;
                MouseEventArgs e         = cStatus.GetCurrentMouseArgs();

                int    iOldBKColor = __cGDI.SelectBackground(cProperty.BackgroundColor);
                IntPtr cOldFont    = __cGDI.SelectFont(cProperty.AxisFont);
                IntPtr cPen        = Gdi.CreatePen(new PowerLanguage.PenStyle(cProperty.ForeColor, 1));

                int iBarNumber = cAxisX.ConvertBarNumberFromX(e.X);
                if (iBarNumber > cAxisX.DataCount)
                    Rectangle cAxisXRect = cAxisX.AxisRectangle;
                    AxisXUnit cUnit      = cAxisX.ConvertBarNumberToWidth(iBarNumber);
                    cAxisXRect.X     = cUnit.CenterPoint;
                    cAxisXRect.Width = cAxisX.FontMetrics.Width * 12;

                    DateTime cDateTime = cAxisX.ConvertBarNumberToTime(iBarNumber);
                    __cLineInfos.Add(__cGDI.DrawRopLine(cPen, cUnit.CenterPoint, 0, cUnit.CenterPoint, cAxisXRect.Y));
                    __cTextInfos.Add(__cGDI.DrawRopString(cDateTime.ToString("MM/dd HH:mm"), cProperty.BackgroundColor, cProperty.ForeColor, 2, 5, cAxisXRect));

                List <Layer> cLayers = cChart.Layers;
                int          iCount  = cLayers.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
                    Layer cLayer = cLayers[i];
                    if (__cLineInfos.Count == 1 && cLayer.IsLayerScope(e.X, e.Y))
                        AxisY     cAxisY     = cLayer.AxisY;
                        Rectangle cAxisYRect = cAxisY.AxisRectangle;
                        cAxisYRect.Y      = e.Y;
                        cAxisYRect.Height = cAxisY.FontMetrics.Height;

                        __cLineInfos.Add(__cGDI.DrawRopLine(cPen, 0, e.Y, cAxisYRect.X, e.Y));
                        __cTextInfos.Add(__cGDI.DrawRopString(Math.Round(cAxisY.ConvertValueFromY(e.Y), cAxisY.Decimals).ToString(), cProperty.BackgroundColor, cProperty.ForeColor, 5, 0, cAxisYRect));

                    cLayer.LegendIndex = iBarNumber;
                    __cEngine.DrawLegend(cLayer, cProperty);


            //如果使用者使用十字線功能, 如果有在選擇繪圖功能會在 CustomPainter 屬性儲存繪圖功能的類別名稱
            string sName = parameter.CustomPainter;

            if (__cCustomPainter == null && sName != null)
                __cCustomPainter = parameter.Behavior.GetCustomAction(sName);
                if (__cCustomPainter == null || !(__cCustomPainter is IDrawable))
                    parameter.CustomPainter = null;

            if (__cCustomPainter != null)

                //如果繪圖類別名稱 == null 表示繪圖已經完畢
                if (parameter.CustomPainter == null)
                    __cCustomPainter = null;
Exemple #13
        protected ScummEngine(GameSettings settings, IGraphicsManager gfxManager, IInputManager inputManager, IMixer mixer)
            Settings = settings;
            var game = (GameInfo)settings.Game;

            _resManager = ResourceManager.Load(game);

            _game         = game;
            InvalidBox    = _game.Version < 5 ? (byte)255 : (byte)0;
            _gameMD5      = ToMd5Bytes(game.MD5);
            _gfxManager   = gfxManager;
            _inputManager = inputManager;
            _inputState   = inputManager.GetState();
            _strings      = new byte[_resManager.NumArray][];
            _inventory    = new ushort[_resManager.NumInventory];
            _invData      = new ObjectData[_resManager.NumInventory];
            CurrentScript = 0xFF;
            Mixer         = mixer;
            ScreenWidth   = Game.Width;
            ScreenHeight  = Game.Height;

            AudioCDManager = new DefaultAudioCDManager(this, mixer);
            Sound          = new Sound(this, mixer);


            _variables = new int[_resManager.NumVariables];
            _bitVars   = new BitArray(_resManager.NumBitVariables);
            _slots     = new ScriptSlot[NumScriptSlot];
            for (int i = 0; i < NumScriptSlot; i++)
                _slots[i] = new ScriptSlot();
            for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                _objs[i] = new ObjectData();
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                _string[i] = new TextSlot();
                if (game.Version != 3)
                    _string[i].Default.Position = new Point(2, 5);
            _colorCycle = new ColorCycle[16];
            for (int i = 0; i < _colorCycle.Length; i++)
                _colorCycle[i] = new ColorCycle();
            _nest = new NestedScript[MaxScriptNesting + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < _nest.Length; i++)
                _nest[i] = new NestedScript();
            _scaleSlots = new ScaleSlot[20];
            for (int i = 0; i < _scaleSlots.Length; i++)
                _scaleSlots[i] = new ScaleSlot();

            Gdi = Gdi.Create(this, game);
            switch (game.Version)
            case 0:
                _costumeLoader   = new CostumeLoader0(this);
                _costumeRenderer = new CostumeRenderer0(this);

            case 7:
            case 8:
                _costumeLoader   = new AkosCostumeLoader(this);
                _costumeRenderer = new AkosRenderer(this);

                _costumeLoader   = new ClassicCostumeLoader(this);
                _costumeRenderer = new ClassicCostumeRenderer(this);


            // Create the text surface
            var pixelFormat = _game.Features.HasFlag(GameFeatures.Is16BitColor) ? PixelFormat.Rgb16 : PixelFormat.Indexed8;

            _textSurface = new Surface(ScreenWidth * _textSurfaceMultiplier, ScreenHeight * _textSurfaceMultiplier, PixelFormat.Indexed8, false);

            if (Game.Platform == Platform.FMTowns)
                _townsScreen = new TownsScreen(_gfxManager, ScreenWidth * _textSurfaceMultiplier, ScreenHeight * _textSurfaceMultiplier, PixelFormat.Rgb16);
                _townsScreen.SetupLayer(0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, 32767);
                _townsScreen.SetupLayer(1, ScreenWidth * _textSurfaceMultiplier, ScreenHeight * _textSurfaceMultiplier, 16, _textPalette);

            if (Game.Version == 0)
                InitScreens(8, 144);
            else if ((Game.GameId == GameId.Maniac) && (_game.Version <= 1) && _game.Platform != Platform.NES)
                InitScreens(16, 152);
            else if (Game.Version >= 7)
                InitScreens(0, ScreenHeight);
                InitScreens(16, 144);
            // Allocate gfx compositing buffer (not needed for V7/V8 games).
            if (Game.Version < 7)
                _composite = new Surface(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, pixelFormat, false);
            OwnerRoom = Game.Version >= 7 ? 0x0FF : 0x0F;

            if (Game.Version < 7)
                Camera.LeftTrigger  = 10;
                Camera.RightTrigger = 30;


            // WORKAROUND for bug in boot script of Loom (CD)
            // The boot script sets the characters of string 21,
            // before creating the string.resource.
            if (_game.GameId == GameId.Loom)
                _strings[21] = new byte[13];
Exemple #14
		public override IPositionNormalUIndexedTriangleBuffer GetPositionNormalUIndexedTriangleBuffer(IMaterial material, PlaneD3D[] clipPlanes, Gdi.Plot.IColorProvider colorProvider)
			// Transform the clip planes to our coordinate system

			var clipPlanesTransformed = clipPlanes.Select(plane => _transformation.Transform(plane)).ToArray();

			PositionNormalUIndexedTriangleBuffer result;
			var key = new MaterialPlusClippingPlusColorProviderKey(material, clipPlanesTransformed, colorProvider);
			if (!_positionNormalUIndexedTriangleBuffers.TryGetValue(key, out result))
				result = new PositionNormalUIndexedTriangleBuffer(this);
				_positionNormalUIndexedTriangleBuffers.Add(key, result);

			return result;
        protected override void DrawItemOn(Gdi g, NativeItemData nativeItem, Rectangle rItem, int nItem)
            NativeItemData item       = nativeItem;
            bool           isSelected = ShowSelectedItem ? nItem == _SelectedIndex : false;

            if (rItem.Height > Settings.ListItemPixSize)
                rItem = new Rectangle(rItem.Left, rItem.Top + rItem.Height - Settings.ListItemPixSize, rItem.Width, Settings.ListItemPixSize);

            DrawItemBackgroundOn(g, item, rItem, nItem, isSelected);

            int leftIndent = rItem.Left + item.InfoLeftIndents[0];
            int topIndent  = rItem.Top + item.InfoTopIndents[0];

            #region выводим изображение

            int index = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < NativeItems.Count; i++)
                var ni = NativeItems[i];

                if (ni.Uid == item.Uid)
                    index = i;


            if (index > -1)
                if (IsItemVisible(index))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.PrimaryImageURL))
                        if (!item.PrimaryImageURL.Equals("clear"))
                            IImage newIImage = null;

                            if (File.Exists(item.PrimaryImageURL))
                                ImageHelper.LoadImageFromFile(item.PrimaryImageURL, out newIImage);

                                item.PrimaryImage = newIImage;
                                item.PrimaryImage = MasterForm.SkinManager.GetImage("ImageNull");
                            item.PrimaryImage = MasterForm.SkinManager.GetImage("ImageNull");

                        item.PrimaryImageURL = string.Empty;

                    int imageMarginLeft = 0;
                    int imageMarginTop  = 0;

                    ImageInfo newImageInfo;

                    item.PrimaryImage.GetImageInfo(out newImageInfo);

                    imageMarginLeft = 0;
                    imageMarginTop  = 0;

                    g.DrawImageAlphaChannel(item.PrimaryImage, leftIndent + imageMarginLeft, topIndent + imageMarginTop);


            var rSep = new Rectangle(rItem.Left, rItem.Top, rItem.Width, 1);
            g.FillRect(rSep, Settings.ListItemSeparator);

            leftIndent = rItem.Left + item.InfoLeftIndents[1];
            topIndent  = rItem.Top + item.InfoTopIndents[1];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.PrimaryText) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SecondaryText))
                g.TextAlign = Win32.TextAlign.TA_LEFT;
                if (isSelected)
                    g.TextColor = Color.White;
                    g.TextColor = Settings.ListItemTextColor;
                g.Font = Settings.PrimaryTextFontGdi;
                Size size = g.GetTextExtent(item.PrimaryText);
                g.ExtTextOut(leftIndent, topIndent, item.PrimaryText);
                leftIndent += size.Width;

                g.Font = Settings.SecondaryTextFontGdi;
                g.ExtTextOut(leftIndent, topIndent, item.SecondaryText);

            leftIndent = rItem.Left + item.InfoLeftIndents[2];
            topIndent  = rItem.Top + item.InfoTopIndents[2];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TertiaryText))
                g.Font      = Settings.ThirdTextFontGdi;
                g.TextAlign = Win32.TextAlign.TA_LEFT;
                if (isSelected)
                    g.TextColor = Color.White;
                    g.TextColor = Color.FromArgb(150, 150, 150);
                g.ExtTextOut(leftIndent, topIndent, item.TertiaryText);
Exemple #16
    public Bitmap TextRenderHQ(int _size, string _font, string _color, int _offset, string _str, bool _shadow)
        privateFonts = new PrivateFontCollection();
        font = new Font(privateFonts.Families[0], _size);
        String s = _str;

        String[] rgbs   = _color.Split(new Char[] { ' ', ',', ';', ':' });
        Color[]  colors = new Color[rgbs.Length];
        for (Int32 i = 0; i < rgbs.Length; i++)
            colors[i] = HexColorToColor(rgbs[i]);
        Bitmap     bmp     = new Bitmap(10, 10, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
        Graphics   g       = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
        IntPtr     hdc     = g.GetHdc();
        IntPtr     oldfont = Gdi.SelectObject(hdc, font.ToHfont());
        TEXTMETRIC tm      = new TEXTMETRIC();

        Gdi.GetTextMetrics(hdc, ref tm);
        Int32 totalwidth = 0;

        Int32[]  width  = new Int32[1];
        Int32[]  widths = new Int32[s.Length];
        Graphics gs     = Graphics.FromImage(new Bitmap(1, 1));

        for (Int32 i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
            Gdi.GetCharWidth(hdc, s[i], s[i], width);
            SizeF sizeW = gs.MeasureString(s[i].ToString(), new Font(_font, _size));
            if (s[i] >= 0x4e00 && s[i] <= 0x9fbb)
                widths[i] = (int)sizeW.Width - _offset;
                widths[i] = width[0];
        SizeF sizeF = gs.MeasureString(s, font);

        totalwidth = (int)sizeF.Width;
        Gdi.SelectObject(hdc, oldfont);
        LayeredImage image = new LayeredImage(totalwidth + 4, tm.tmHeight + 4 + 4);
        Layer        bg    = image.Layers.Add();

        bg.DrawText(0, 0, s, font, new SolidBrush(Color.White));
        Layer copybg = image.Layers.Copy(bg);

        copybg.Blur(4, 4);
        Layer white = image.Layers.Add();

        if (_shadow)
            Layer shadow = image.Layers.Copy(copybg);
            shadow.Opacity  = 0.5;
            shadow.OffsetX += 4;
            shadow.OffsetY += 4;
        Int32 offsetx    = 0;
        Int32 colorindex = 0;
        Layer final      = image.Layers.Add();

        for (Int32 i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
            Color c = colors[colorindex];
            if (colorindex >= colors.Length)
                colorindex = 0;
            SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(c);
            final.FillRectangle(offsetx, 0, widths[i], tm.tmHeight, brush);
            offsetx += widths[i];
        final.BumpMap(copybg, 135, 45, 3, false);
        final.Mask = (FastBitmap)bg.Bitmap.Clone();
        FastBitmap result = image.Flatten();

Exemple #17
        protected override LResult WindowProcedure(WindowHandle window, MessageType message, WParam wParam, LParam lParam)
            switch (message)
            case MessageType.InputLanguageChange:
                dwCharSet = (CharacterSet)(uint)wParam;
                goto case MessageType.Create;

            case MessageType.Create:
                using (DeviceContext dc = window.GetDeviceContext())
                    using (FontHandle font = Gdi.CreateFont(characterSet: dwCharSet, pitch: FontPitch.FixedPitch))
                        dc.GetTextMetrics(out TextMetrics tm);
                        cxChar = tm.AverageCharWidth;
                        cyChar = tm.Height;
                goto CalculateSize;

            case MessageType.Size:
                cxClient = lParam.LowWord;
                cyClient = lParam.HighWord;


                // calculate window size in characters
                cxBuffer = Math.Max(1, cxClient / cxChar);
                cyBuffer = Math.Max(1, cyClient / cyChar);

                // allocate memory for buffer and clear it
                pBuffer = new char[cxBuffer, cyBuffer];

                // set caret to upper left corner
                xCaret = 0;
                yCaret = 0;

                if (window == Windows.GetFocus())
                    Windows.SetCaretPosition(new Point(xCaret * cxChar, yCaret * cyChar));


            case MessageType.SetFocus:
                // create and show the caret
                window.CreateCaret(default, new Size(cxChar, cyChar));
                Windows.SetCaretPosition(new Point(xCaret * cxChar, yCaret * cyChar));

            case MessageType.KillFocus:
                // hide and destroy the caret

            case MessageType.KeyDown:
                switch ((VirtualKey)wParam)
                case VirtualKey.Home:
                    xCaret = 0;

                case VirtualKey.End:
                    xCaret = cxBuffer - 1;

                case VirtualKey.Prior:
                    yCaret = 0;

                case VirtualKey.Next:
                    yCaret = cyBuffer - 1;

                case VirtualKey.Left:
                    xCaret = Math.Max(xCaret - 1, 0);

                case VirtualKey.Right:
                    xCaret = Math.Min(xCaret + 1, cxBuffer - 1);

                case VirtualKey.Up:
                    yCaret = Math.Max(yCaret - 1, 0);

                case VirtualKey.Down:
                    yCaret = Math.Min(yCaret + 1, cyBuffer - 1);

                case VirtualKey.Delete:
                    for (int x = xCaret; x < cxBuffer - 1; x++)
                        pBuffer[x, yCaret] = pBuffer[x + 1, yCaret];

                    pBuffer[cxBuffer - 1, yCaret] = ' ';
                    using (DeviceContext dc = window.GetDeviceContext())
                        using (FontHandle font = Gdi.CreateFont(characterSet: dwCharSet, pitch: FontPitch.FixedPitch))
                                fixed(char *c = &pBuffer[xCaret, yCaret])
                                    new Point(xCaret * cxChar, yCaret * cyChar),
                                    new ReadOnlySpan <char>(c, cxBuffer - xCaret));

                Windows.SetCaretPosition(new Point(xCaret * cxChar, yCaret * cyChar));

            case MessageType.Char:
                for (int i = 0; i < lParam.LowWord; i++)
                    switch ((char)wParam)
                    case '\b':         // backspace
                        if (xCaret > 0)
                            window.SendMessage(MessageType.KeyDown, (uint)VirtualKey.Delete, 1);

                    case '\t':         // tab
                            window.SendMessage(MessageType.Char, ' ', 1);
                        } while (xCaret % 8 != 0);

                    case '\n':         // line feed
                        if (++yCaret == cyBuffer)
                            yCaret = 0;

                    case '\r':         // carriage return
                        xCaret = 0;
                        if (++yCaret == cyBuffer)
                            yCaret = 0;

                    case '\x1B':         // escape
                        for (int y = 0; y < cyBuffer; y++)
                            for (int x = 0; x < cxBuffer; x++)
                                pBuffer[x, y] = ' ';
                        xCaret = 0;
                        yCaret = 0;

                    default:         // character codes
                        pBuffer[xCaret, yCaret] = (char)wParam;
                        using (DeviceContext dc = window.GetDeviceContext())
                            using (FontHandle font = Gdi.CreateFont(characterSet: dwCharSet, pitch: FontPitch.FixedPitch))
                                    fixed(char *c = &pBuffer[xCaret, yCaret])
                                        new Point(xCaret * cxChar, yCaret * cyChar),
                                        new ReadOnlySpan <char>(c, 1));


                        if (++xCaret == cxBuffer)
                            xCaret = 0;
                            if (++yCaret == cyBuffer)
                                yCaret = 0;
                Windows.SetCaretPosition(new Point(xCaret * cxChar, yCaret * cyChar));

            case MessageType.Paint:
                using (DeviceContext dc = window.BeginPaint())
                    using (FontHandle font = Gdi.CreateFont(0, 0, 0, 0, FontWeight.DoNotCare, false, false, false, dwCharSet,
                                                            OutputPrecision.Default, ClippingPrecision.Default, Quality.Default, FontPitch.FixedPitch, FontFamilyType.DoNotCare, null))
                            for (int y = 0; y < cyBuffer; y++)
                                fixed(char *c = &pBuffer[0, y])
                                dc.TextOut(new Point(0, y * cyChar), new ReadOnlySpan <char>(c, cxBuffer));

            return(base.WindowProcedure(window, message, wParam, lParam));
Exemple #18
		/// <summary>
		/// This will create a point list out of the data, which can be used to plot the data. In order to create this list,
		/// the function must have knowledge how to calculate the points out of the data. This will be done
		/// by a function provided by the calling function.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="layer">The plot layer.</param>
		/// <returns>An array of plot points in layer coordinates.</returns>
		public Processed2DPlotData GetRangesAndPoints(
			Gdi.IPlotArea layer)
			const double MaxRelativeValue = 1E2;

			Altaxo.Data.IReadableColumn xColumn = this.XColumn;
			Altaxo.Data.IReadableColumn yColumn = this.YColumn;

			if (null == xColumn || null == yColumn)
				return null; // this plotitem is only for x and y double columns

			Processed2DPlotData result = new Processed2DPlotData();
			MyPlotData myPlotData = new MyPlotData(xColumn, yColumn);
			result.XPhysicalAccessor = new IndexedPhysicalValueAccessor(myPlotData.GetXPhysical);
			result.YPhysicalAccessor = new IndexedPhysicalValueAccessor(myPlotData.GetYPhysical);
			PlotRangeList rangeList = null;

			// allocate an array PointF to hold the line points
			// _tlsBufferedPlotData is a static buffer that is allocated per thread
			// and thus is only used temporary here in this routine
			if (null == _tlsBufferedPlotData)
				_tlsBufferedPlotData = new List<PointF>();

			// Fill the array with values
			// only the points where x and y are not NaNs are plotted!

			bool bInPlotSpace = true;
			int plotRangeStart = 0;
			int rangeOffset = 0;
			rangeList = new PlotRangeList();
			result.RangeList = rangeList;

			Scale xAxis = layer.XAxis;
			Scale yAxis = layer.YAxis;
			Gdi.G2DCoordinateSystem coordsys = layer.CoordinateSystem;

			int maxRowIndex = GetMaximumRowIndexFromDataColumns();

			int plotArrayIdx = 0;
			foreach (int dataRowIdx in _dataRowSelection.GetSelectedRowIndicesFromTo(0, maxRowIndex, _dataTable?.Document?.DataColumns, maxRowIndex))
				if (xColumn.IsElementEmpty(dataRowIdx) || yColumn.IsElementEmpty(dataRowIdx))
					if (!bInPlotSpace)
						bInPlotSpace = true;
						rangeList.Add(new PlotRange(plotRangeStart, plotArrayIdx, rangeOffset));

				double x_rel, y_rel;
				double xcoord, ycoord;

				x_rel = xAxis.PhysicalVariantToNormal(xColumn[dataRowIdx]);
				y_rel = yAxis.PhysicalVariantToNormal(yColumn[dataRowIdx]);

				// chop relative values to an range of about -+ 10^6
				if (x_rel > MaxRelativeValue)
					x_rel = MaxRelativeValue;
				if (x_rel < -MaxRelativeValue)
					x_rel = -MaxRelativeValue;
				if (y_rel > MaxRelativeValue)
					y_rel = MaxRelativeValue;
				if (y_rel < -MaxRelativeValue)
					y_rel = -MaxRelativeValue;

				// after the conversion to relative coordinates it is possible
				// that with the choosen axis the point is undefined
				// (for instance negative values on a logarithmic axis)
				// in this case the returned value is NaN
				if (coordsys.LogicalToLayerCoordinates(new Logical3D(x_rel, y_rel), out xcoord, out ycoord))
					if (bInPlotSpace)
						bInPlotSpace = false;
						plotRangeStart = plotArrayIdx;
						rangeOffset = dataRowIdx - plotArrayIdx;
					_tlsBufferedPlotData.Add(new PointF((float)xcoord, (float)ycoord));
					if (!bInPlotSpace)
						bInPlotSpace = true;
						rangeList.Add(new PlotRange(plotRangeStart, plotArrayIdx, rangeOffset));
			} // end foreach
			if (!bInPlotSpace)
				bInPlotSpace = true;
				rangeList.Add(new PlotRange(plotRangeStart, plotArrayIdx, rangeOffset)); // add the last range

			result.PlotPointsInAbsoluteLayerCoordinates = _tlsBufferedPlotData.ToArray();

			return result;
Exemple #19
        public void EnumerateDisplaySettings_Null()
            var settings = Gdi.EnumerateDisplaySettings(null).ToArray();

Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Функция "распила" текста на строчки
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Исходный текст</param>
        /// <param name="width">Ширина области отображения текста</param>
        /// <param name="count">Количество выводимых строк (если значение не ограничено указать 0)</param>
        /// <param name="g">Графический контекст</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <string> CutTextToLines(string inputText, int textWidth, int linesCount, Gdi g)
            List <string> result = new List <string>();

            if (linesCount == 0)
                linesCount = int.MaxValue;

            inputText = inputText.Replace("\r", string.Empty);
            string[] lines = inputText.Split('\n'); // первый распил по символам переноса строки

            int    currentLine;
            int    maxChars;
            string text;
            string outtext;
            int    ipreviouscol;
            int    icol;

            int[] extents;
            Size  size;
            bool  isSpace; // признак: пробел
            bool  isOver;  // признак: нужна новая строка

            currentLine = 0;

                foreach (string line in lines)

                    text         = line;
                    icol         = line.Length;
                    ipreviouscol = 0;

                        text = line.Substring(ipreviouscol);

                        size = g.GetTextExtent(text, textWidth, out extents, out maxChars);

                        isSpace = false;
                        isOver  = false;

                        if (text.Length > maxChars)
                            isOver = true;

                            // ищем первый пробел по которому можем обрезать
                            int iSpace = text.LastIndexOf(' ', maxChars, maxChars);

                            if (iSpace > -1) // он есть
                                isSpace = true;

                                icol = iSpace;
                            else // его нет
                                isSpace = false;

                                icol = maxChars;

                            outtext = text.Substring(0, icol); // обрезаем кусок текста до пробела
                            isOver = false;

                            outtext = text; // берем весь текст

                        // если в конце строки был пробел, то это необходимо учесть на следующей итерации
                        if (isSpace)
                            ipreviouscol += (icol + 1);
                            ipreviouscol += icol;

                        // если набрали требуемое в linesCount количество строк, необходимо прервать фукцию обработки
                        // если к этому моменту остался необработанный текст, необходимо добавить символы "..."
                        if (linesCount > (result.Count + 1))
                            if (isOver || (lines.Length != currentLine))
                                outtext = outtext.Remove(outtext.Length - 3, 3); // удаляем последние 3 символа чтобы "..." гарантировано влезло
                                outtext = outtext.Trim();

                                outtext += "...";


                            throw new Exception();
                    }while (text.Length > maxChars);
            catch // чтобы выйти из всех циклов

Exemple #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the device and rendering contexts using the supplied settings
        /// in accumBits, colorBits, depthBits, and stencilBits. Returns the selected
        /// pixel format number.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual int CreateContexts(IntPtr pDeviceContext, int preferredPixelFormatNum)
            deviceContext = pDeviceContext;
            if (deviceContext == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new Exception("CreateContexts: Unable to create an OpenGL device context");
            int selectedFormat = 0;

            pixelFormat.nSize    = (short)Marshal.SizeOf(pixelFormat);
            pixelFormat.nVersion = 1;
            //Here we care most about finding a format that will allow the proper creation of the control first and foremost, because even if the format is so bad that output to the display cannot be understood by the user, then the user is able to change the graphical options from within the program. We care second most about finding a format which is quick to load and which will be most time efficient during graphics display. Again, if a wrong choice is made, the user can make a choice of format manually.
            try {            //Simply try the preferred pixel format number. If it works, then that is all we care about. Remember, 0 is an invalid format number.
                if (_DescribePixelFormat(deviceContext, preferredPixelFormatNum, (uint)pixelFormat.nSize, ref pixelFormat) == 0 ||
                    !Gdi.SetPixelFormat(deviceContext, preferredPixelFormatNum, ref pixelFormat))
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Unable to set the requested pixel format ({0})", selectedFormat));
                selectedFormat = preferredPixelFormatNum;
            }catch {           //Could not set the preferred pixel format for some reason. Possibly initial startup or the graphics card or driver changed since the program was last started.
                //Now try to auto-select the best pixel-format for speed efficientcy and graphical quality.
                    PixelFormatValue pfv = ChoosePixelFormatEx(deviceContext);
                    if (!Gdi.SetPixelFormat(deviceContext, pfv.formatNumber, ref pfv.pfd))
                        throw new Exception("");
                    pixelFormat    = pfv.pfd;
                    selectedFormat = pfv.formatNumber;
                }catch {
                    pixelFormat          = new Gdi.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR();         //Zero out the old pixel format.
                    pixelFormat.nSize    = (short)Marshal.SizeOf(pixelFormat);
                    pixelFormat.nVersion = 1;
                    //Unable to select a good pixel format. Now we are desperate. Try all formats starting from 1 until we get some format which at least works. That way the user can change the pixel format from the graphical options from inside the program after this point.
                    selectedFormat = 0;
                        if (selectedFormat > _DescribePixelFormat(deviceContext, selectedFormat, (uint)pixelFormat.nSize, ref pixelFormat))
                            throw new Exception("There are no acceptable pixel formats for OpenGL graphics.");
                    }while(!Gdi.SetPixelFormat(deviceContext, selectedFormat, ref pixelFormat));
            colorBits       = pixelFormat.cColorBits;
            depthBits       = pixelFormat.cDepthBits;
            autoSwapBuffers = FormatSupportsDoubleBuffering(pixelFormat);
            usehardware     = FormatSupportsAcceleration(pixelFormat);

            //Create rendering context
            renderContext = Wgl.wglCreateContext(deviceContext);

            if (renderContext == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new Exception("CreateContexts: Unable to create an OpenGL rendering context");

            //Make this the current context
Exemple #22
		protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) {

			//Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(100, 100);
			Graphics g = e.Graphics;
			g.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighSpeed;
			g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighSpeed;

			Gdi gg = new Gdi(this.Handle);

			Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

			for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
				//g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 0, 0, 100, 100);
				//g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, 0, 100, 100);
				//gg.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, 0, 100, 100);
				//gg.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, 100, 100, 200, 200);
				//g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, 100, 100, 200, 200);


			//e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(bmp, 0, 0);

        public bool InitGLWindow(Control parent, int width, int height, int bits)
            int pixelFormat;                                                    // Holds The Results After Searching For A Match

            this.parent = parent;

            GC.Collect();                                                       // Request A Collection
            // This Forces A Swap
            Kernel.SetProcessWorkingSetSize(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle, -1, -1);

            Gdi.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = new Gdi.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR();   // pfd Tells Windows How We Want Things To Be
            pfd.nSize    = (short)Marshal.SizeOf(pfd);                         // Size Of This Pixel Format Descriptor
            pfd.nVersion = 1;                                                  // Version Number
            pfd.dwFlags  = Gdi.PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW |                            // Format Must Support Window
                           Gdi.PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL |                            // Format Must Support OpenGL
                           Gdi.PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER;                               // Format Must Support Double Buffering
            pfd.iPixelType      = (byte)Gdi.PFD_TYPE_RGBA;                     // Request An RGBA Format
            pfd.cColorBits      = (byte)bits;                                  // Select Our Color Depth
            pfd.cRedBits        = 0;                                           // Color Bits Ignored
            pfd.cRedShift       = 0;
            pfd.cGreenBits      = 0;
            pfd.cGreenShift     = 0;
            pfd.cBlueBits       = 0;
            pfd.cBlueShift      = 0;
            pfd.cAlphaBits      = 0;                                            // No Alpha Buffer
            pfd.cAlphaShift     = 0;                                            // Shift Bit Ignored
            pfd.cAccumBits      = 0;                                            // No Accumulation Buffer
            pfd.cAccumRedBits   = 0;                                            // Accumulation Bits Ignored
            pfd.cAccumGreenBits = 0;
            pfd.cAccumBlueBits  = 0;
            pfd.cAccumAlphaBits = 0;
            pfd.cDepthBits      = 16;                                          // 16Bit Z-Buffer (Depth Buffer)
            pfd.cStencilBits    = 0;                                           // No Stencil Buffer
            pfd.cAuxBuffers     = 0;                                           // No Auxiliary Buffer
            pfd.iLayerType      = (byte)Gdi.PFD_MAIN_PLANE;                    // Main Drawing Layer
            pfd.bReserved       = 0;                                           // Reserved
            pfd.dwLayerMask     = 0;                                           // Layer Masks Ignored
            pfd.dwVisibleMask   = 0;
            pfd.dwDamageMask    = 0;

            hDC = User.GetDC(parent.Handle);             // Attempt To Get A Device Context
            if (hDC == IntPtr.Zero)
            {                                            // Did We Get A Device Context?
                KillGLWindow();                          // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Can't Create A GL Device Context.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            pixelFormat = Gdi.ChoosePixelFormat(hDC, ref pfd); // Attempt To Find An Appropriate Pixel Format
            if (pixelFormat == 0)
            {                                                  // Did Windows Find A Matching Pixel Format?
                KillGLWindow();                                // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Can't Find A Suitable PixelFormat.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (!Gdi.SetPixelFormat(hDC, pixelFormat, ref pfd))
            {                   // Are We Able To Set The Pixel Format?
                KillGLWindow(); // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Can't Set The PixelFormat.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            hRC = Wgl.wglCreateContext(hDC);             // Attempt To Get The Rendering Context
            if (hRC == IntPtr.Zero)
            {                                            // Are We Able To Get A Rendering Context?
                KillGLWindow();                          // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Can't Create A GL Rendering Context.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (!Wgl.wglMakeCurrent(hDC, hRC))
            {                                 // Try To Activate The Rendering Context
                KillGLWindow();               // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Can't Activate The GL Rendering Context.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            ReSizeGLScene(width, height);                                       // Set Up Our Perspective GL Screen

            if (!InitGL())
            {                                                     // Initialize Our Newly Created GL Window
                KillGLWindow();                                   // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Initialization Failed.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            return(true);                                                        // Everything Went OK
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates and sets the pixel format and creates and connects the deviceContext and renderContext.
        /// </summary>
        internal void InitContexts()
            int selectedPixelFormat;

            //Make sure the handle for this control has been created
            if (this.Handle == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new Exception("InitContexts: The control's window handle has not been created!");

            //Setup pixel format
            pixelFormat.nSize    = (short)Marshal.SizeOf(pixelFormat);
            pixelFormat.nVersion = 1;
            pixelFormat.dwFlags  = Gdi.PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | Gdi.PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL |
            pixelFormat.iPixelType      = (byte)Gdi.PFD_TYPE_RGBA;
            pixelFormat.cColorBits      = 32;
            pixelFormat.cRedBits        = 0;
            pixelFormat.cRedShift       = 0;
            pixelFormat.cGreenBits      = 0;
            pixelFormat.cGreenShift     = 0;
            pixelFormat.cBlueBits       = 0;
            pixelFormat.cBlueShift      = 0;
            pixelFormat.cAlphaBits      = 0;
            pixelFormat.cAlphaShift     = 0;
            pixelFormat.cAccumBits      = 0;
            pixelFormat.cAccumRedBits   = 0;
            pixelFormat.cAccumGreenBits = 0;
            pixelFormat.cAccumBlueBits  = 0;
            pixelFormat.cAccumAlphaBits = 0;
            pixelFormat.cDepthBits      = 16;
            pixelFormat.cStencilBits    = 0;
            pixelFormat.cAuxBuffers     = 0;
            pixelFormat.iLayerType      = (byte)Gdi.PFD_MAIN_PLANE;
            pixelFormat.bReserved       = 0;
            pixelFormat.dwLayerMask     = 0;
            pixelFormat.dwVisibleMask   = 0;
            pixelFormat.dwDamageMask    = 0;

            //Create device context
            this.deviceContext = User.GetDC(this.Handle);
            if (this.deviceContext == IntPtr.Zero)
                MessageBox.Show("InitContexts: Unable to create an OpenGL device context!", "Fatal Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            //Choose the Pixel Format that is the closest to our pixelFormat
            selectedPixelFormat = Gdi.ChoosePixelFormat(this.deviceContext, ref pixelFormat);

            //Make sure the requested pixel format is available
            if (selectedPixelFormat == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("InitContexts: Unable to find a suitable pixel format!", "Fatal Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            //Sets the selected Pixel Format
            if (!Gdi.SetPixelFormat(this.deviceContext, selectedPixelFormat, ref pixelFormat))
                MessageBox.Show("InitContexts: Unable to set the requested pixel format!", "Fatal Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            //Create rendering context
            this.renderContext = Wgl.wglCreateContext(this.deviceContext);
            if (this.renderContext == IntPtr.Zero)
                MessageBox.Show("InitContexts: Unable to create an OpenGL rendering context!", "Fatal Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

 public abstract void DrawItemOn(Gdi g, Rectangle rItem);
Exemple #26
        public static void Run()
            // Ask The User Which Screen Mode They Prefer
            if (MessageBox.Show("Would You Like To Run In Fullscreen Mode?", "Start FullScreen?",
                                MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No)
                fullscreen = false;                                             // Windowed Mode

            // Create Our OpenGL Window
            if (!CreateGLWindow("Lionel Brits & NeHe's 3D World Tutorial", 640, 480, 16, fullscreen))
                return;                                                         // Quit If Window Was Not Created

            while (!done)                                                       // Loop That Runs While done = false
                Application.DoEvents();                                         // Process Events

                // Draw The Scene.  Watch For ESC Key And Quit Messages From DrawGLScene()
                if ((active && (form != null) && !DrawGLScene()) || keys[(int)Keys.Escape]) //  Active?  Was There A Quit Received?
                    done = true;                                                            // ESC Or DrawGLScene Signalled A Quit
                else                                                                        // Not Time To Quit, Update Screen
                    Gdi.SwapBuffers(hDC);                                                   // Swap Buffers (Double Buffering)

                    if (keys[(int)Keys.B] && !bp)
                        bp    = true;
                        blend = !blend;
                        if (!blend)
                    if (!keys[(int)Keys.B])
                        bp = false;
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.F] && !fp)
                        fp      = true;
                        filter += 1;
                        if (filter > 2)
                            filter = 0;
                    if (!keys[(int)Keys.F])
                        fp = false;
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.PageUp])
                        z -= 0.02f;
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.PageDown])
                        z += 0.02f;
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.Up])
                        xpos -= (float)Math.Sin(heading * piover180) * 0.05f;
                        zpos -= (float)Math.Cos(heading * piover180) * 0.05f;
                        if (walkbiasangle >= 359)
                            walkbiasangle = 0;
                            walkbiasangle += 10;
                        walkbias = (float)Math.Sin(walkbiasangle * piover180) / 20;
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.Down])
                        xpos += (float)Math.Sin(heading * piover180) * 0.05f;
                        zpos += (float)Math.Cos(heading * piover180) * 0.05f;
                        if (walkbiasangle <= 1)
                            walkbiasangle = 359;
                            walkbiasangle -= 10;
                        walkbias = (float)Math.Sin(walkbiasangle * piover180) / 20;
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.Right])
                        heading -= 1;
                        yrot     = heading;
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.Left])
                        heading += 1;
                        yrot     = heading;
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.PageUp])
                        lookupdown -= 1;
                    if (keys[(int)Keys.PageDown])
                        lookupdown += 1;

                    if (keys[(int)Keys.F1])                                         // Is F1 Being Pressed?
                        keys[(int)Keys.F1] = false;                                 // If So Make Key false
                        KillGLWindow();                                             // Kill Our Current Window
                        fullscreen = !fullscreen;                                   // Toggle Fullscreen / Windowed Mode
                        // Recreate Our OpenGL Window
                        if (!CreateGLWindow("Lionel Brits & NeHe's 3D World Tutorial", 640, 480, 16, fullscreen))
                            return;                                                 // Quit If Window Was Not Created
                        done = false;                                               // We're Not Done Yet

            // Shutdown
            KillGLWindow();                                                     // Kill The Window
            return;                                                             // Exit The Program
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Отрисовка
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnRender(Gdi gMem, Rectangle clipRect)
            using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(clipRect.Width, clipRect.Height))
                using (Graphics bgr = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) // Рисуем все в буфере для скорости
                    SizeF textSize  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text) ? new SizeF(0, 0) : bgr.MeasureString(Text, Font);
                    Color textColor = SwitchTextColor ? BackColor : ForeColor;

                    // Отрисовка фона
                    if (EmptyImage != null)
                                      new Rectangle(0, 0, clipRect.Width, clipRect.Height),
                                      new Rectangle(0, 0, _emptyImageBitmap.Width, _emptyImageBitmap.Height),

                    // Отрисовка прогресса
                    if (FullImage != null)
                                      new Rectangle(0, 0, clipRect.Width * Value / Maximum, clipRect.Height),
                                      new Rectangle(0, 0, _fullImageBitmap.Width * Value / Maximum, _fullImageBitmap.Height),

                    Pen borderPen = new Pen(SwitchTextColor ? Color.FromArgb(88, 97, 114 /*93, 103, 121*/) : Color.Black);

                    if (NeedBorder)
                        // Обводка прямых краев

                        bgr.DrawLine(borderPen, RoundCornersRadius, 0, Width - RoundCornersRadius, 0);
                        bgr.DrawLine(borderPen, Width - 1, RoundCornersRadius - 2, Width - 1,
                                     Height - RoundCornersRadius + 2);
                        bgr.DrawLine(borderPen, RoundCornersRadius - 3, Height - 1, Width + 3 - RoundCornersRadius,
                                     Height - 1);
                        bgr.DrawLine(borderPen, 0, RoundCornersRadius, 0, Height - RoundCornersRadius);

                    //Отрисовка текста

                    float textLeft = (clipRect.Width - textSize.Width) / 2;
                    float textTop  = (clipRect.Height - textSize.Height) / 2;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text))
                        bgr.DrawString(Text, Font, new SolidBrush(textColor),
                                       new RectangleF(textLeft, textTop, textSize.Width, textSize.Height));

                    // Скругление углов

                    if (RoundCornersRadius > 0)
                        // Необходимо скругление - вычисление точек границы вырезаемой области
                        int          N           = 100;
                        List <Point> points      = new List <Point>(N + 1);
                        Point[]      pointsArray = new Point[N];
                        points.Add(new Point(0, 0));

                        // Скругление верхнего левого угла кнопки

                        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                            int x = i * RoundCornersRadius / (N - 1);
                            int y = (int)(RoundCornersRadius -
                                          Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(RoundCornersRadius * RoundCornersRadius -
                                                               (x - RoundCornersRadius) * (x - RoundCornersRadius))));

                            points.Add(new Point(x, y));
                        bgr.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(Parent.BackColor), points.ToArray());

                        if (NeedBorder)
                            // Обводка верхнего левого угла кнопки

                            points.CopyTo(1, pointsArray, 0, N);
                            bgr.DrawLines(borderPen, pointsArray);

                        // Скругление верхнего правого угла кнопки

                        for (int i = 0; i < N + 1; i++)
                            points[i] = new Point(clipRect.Width - points[i].X, points[i].Y);
                        bgr.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(Parent.BackColor), points.ToArray());

                        if (NeedBorder)
                            // Обводка верхнего правого угла кнопки

                            points.CopyTo(1, pointsArray, 0, N);
                            bgr.DrawLines(borderPen, pointsArray);

                        // Скругление нижнего правого угла кнопки

                        for (int i = 0; i < N + 1; i++)
                            points[i] = new Point(points[i].X, clipRect.Height - points[i].Y);
                        bgr.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(Parent.BackColor), points.ToArray());

                        if (NeedBorder)
                            // Обводка нижнего правого угла кнопки

                            points.CopyTo(1, pointsArray, 0, N);
                            bgr.DrawLines(borderPen, pointsArray);

                        // Скругление нижнего левого угла кнопки

                        for (int i = 0; i < N + 1; i++)
                            points[i] = new Point(clipRect.Width - points[i].X, points[i].Y);
                        bgr.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(Parent.BackColor), points.ToArray());

                        if (NeedBorder)
                            // Обводка нижнего левого угла кнопки

                            points.CopyTo(1, pointsArray, 0, N);
                            bgr.DrawLines(borderPen, pointsArray);
                gMem.DrawImage(bmp, clipRect.Left, clipRect.Top);
Exemple #28
        private void CalcContentRectangle()
            int w = Width / 8;

            int textHeight = 0;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_message))
                using (Gdi g = new Gdi(this))
                    Size textSize = g.GetDrawTextSize(_message, w * 6 - _margin * 2, Win32.DT.WORDBREAK);
                    textHeight = textSize.Height;

            int h = textBoxStatus.Height + /*buttonOk.Height*/ 30 * 3 + _margin * 10;

            if (h > Height / 8 * 6)
                h = Height / 8 * 6;

            int contentWidth  = w * 6;
            int contentHeight = h;
            int vPos          = (Height - contentHeight) / 2;
            int hPos          = w;

            _contentRectangle = new Rectangle(hPos, vPos, contentWidth, contentHeight);

             * _textRectangle = new Rectangle(_contentRectangle.X + _margin, _contentRectangle.Y + _margin,
             *                             _contentRectangle.Width - _margin * 2,
             *                             _contentRectangle.Height - _margin * 3 - buttonOk.Height);

            int workWidth = _contentRectangle.Width - _margin * 3;
            int left      = hPos + _margin;

            textBoxStatus.Location = new Point(left + _contentRectangle.Left,
                                               _contentRectangle.Y + _margin * 3);

            textBoxStatus.Size = new Size(workWidth - _margin * 4, 30);

            buttonOk.Location = new Point(left + _contentRectangle.Left,
                                          textBoxStatus.Location.Y + textBoxStatus.Height + _margin);

            buttonOk.Size = new Size(workWidth - _margin * 4, 30);

            buttonReset.Location = new Point(left + _contentRectangle.Left,
                                             buttonOk.Location.Y + buttonOk.Height + _margin);

            buttonReset.Size = new Size(workWidth - _margin * 4, 30);

            buttonCancel.Location = new Point(left + _contentRectangle.Left,
                                              buttonReset.Location.Y + buttonReset.Height + _margin);

            buttonCancel.Size = new Size(workWidth - _margin * 4, 30);

            //Границы и фон
            _imgLT.Location = new Point(_contentRectangle.X, _contentRectangle.Y);
            _imgTT.Location = new Point(_imgLT.Right + 1, _contentRectangle.Y);
            _imgTT.Width    = _contentRectangle.Width - _imgLT.Width - _imgRT.Width;
            _imgRT.Location = new Point(_imgTT.Right + 1, _contentRectangle.Y);

            _imgLL.Location = new Point(_contentRectangle.X, _imgLT.Bottom + 1);
            _imgLL.Height   = _contentRectangle.Height - _imgLT.Height - _imgLB.Height;
            _imgRR.Location = new Point(_imgRT.Location.X + _imgRT.Size.Width - _imgRR.Size.Width, _imgRT.Bottom + 1);
            _imgRR.Height   = _contentRectangle.Height - _imgRT.Height - _imgRB.Height;

            _imgLB.Location = new Point(_contentRectangle.X, _imgLL.Bottom + 1);
            _imgBB.Location = new Point(_imgLB.Right + 1, _imgLB.Top);
            _imgBB.Width    = _contentRectangle.Width - _imgLB.Width - _imgRB.Width;
            _imgRB.Location = new Point(_imgBB.Right + 1, _imgLB.Top);

            _backgroundRectangle = new Rectangle(_imgLL.Right + 1, _imgLL.Top, _imgRR.Left - _imgLL.Right - 1,
Exemple #29
        protected override void OnRender(Gdi graphics, Rectangle clipRect)
            //  new Win32.RECT(_textRectangle.X,
            //                 _textRectangle.Y,
            //                 _textRectangle.Width,
            //                 _textRectangle.Height),
            //  Win32.DT.LEFT | Win32.DT.TOP | Win32.DT.WORDBREAK);

            if (clipRect.IsEmpty)

            //base.OnRender(graphics, clipRect);

            float topAdjust = 0;

            switch (VerticalTextAlignment)
            case VerticalAlignment.Top:
                topAdjust = 0;

            case VerticalAlignment.Bottom:
                //topAdjust = ClientHeight - _totalHeight;
                topAdjust = Height - _totalHeight;

            case VerticalAlignment.Center:
                //topAdjust = (ClientHeight - _totalHeight) / 2;
                topAdjust = (Height - _totalHeight) / 2;

            if (BackColor != Color.Transparent)
                    //new Rectangle(e.Origin.X, e.Origin.Y, ClientWidth, ClientHeigh),

            foreach (LineBreak lineBreak in _lineBreaks)
                float leftAdjust = 0;
                switch (HorizontalTextAlignment)
                case HorizontalAlignment.Left:
                    leftAdjust = 0;

                case HorizontalAlignment.Right:
                    //leftAdjust = ClientWidth - lineBreak.Width;
                    leftAdjust = Width - lineBreak.Width;

                case HorizontalAlignment.Center:
                    //leftAdjust = (ClientWidth - lineBreak.Width) / 2.0f;
                    leftAdjust = (Width - lineBreak.Width) / 2.0f;

                Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle(this.Left + Margin.Left + (int)leftAdjust,
                                                   this.Top + Margin.Top + (int)topAdjust, (int)lineBreak.Width, (int)lineBreak.Height);
                if (clipRect.IntersectsWith(drawRect))
                    graphics.Font      = Font;
                    graphics.TextColor = ForeColor;
                    //TODO: chhange all this code to only one single DrawText
                    graphics.ExtTextOut(drawRect.Left, drawRect.Top, drawRect.Width,
                    //	new Galssoft.WM.Components.SystemHelpers.Win32.RECT(drawRect), Galssoft.WM.Components.SystemHelpers.Win32.DT.LEFT);
                    //Font, myForeBrush, e.Origin.X + leftAdjust, e.Origin.Y + topAdjust);
                topAdjust += lineBreak.Height;
                if (topAdjust > Height)
Exemple #30
        // --- Private Static Methods ---
        #region bool CreateGLWindow(string title, int width, int height, int bits, bool fullscreenflag)
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates our OpenGL Window.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title">
        ///     The title to appear at the top of the window.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="width">
        ///     The width of the GL window or fullscreen mode.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="height">
        ///     The height of the GL window or fullscreen mode.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="bits">
        ///     The number of bits to use for color (8/16/24/32).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="fullscreenflag">
        ///     Use fullscreen mode (<c>true</c>) or windowed mode (<c>false</c>).
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     <c>true</c> on successful window creation, otherwise <c>false</c>.
        /// </returns>
        private static bool CreateGLWindow(string title, int width, int height, int bits, bool fullscreenflag)
            int pixelFormat;                                                    // Holds The Results After Searching For A Match

            fullscreen = fullscreenflag;                                        // Set The Global Fullscreen Flag
            form       = null;                                                  // Null The Form

            GC.Collect();                                                       // Request A Collection
            // This Forces A Swap
            Kernel.SetProcessWorkingSetSize(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle, -1, -1);

            if (fullscreen)                                                     // Attempt Fullscreen Mode?
                Gdi.DEVMODE dmScreenSettings = new Gdi.DEVMODE();               // Device Mode
                // Size Of The Devmode Structure
                dmScreenSettings.dmSize       = (short)Marshal.SizeOf(dmScreenSettings);
                dmScreenSettings.dmPelsWidth  = width;                          // Selected Screen Width
                dmScreenSettings.dmPelsHeight = height;                         // Selected Screen Height
                dmScreenSettings.dmBitsPerPel = bits;                           // Selected Bits Per Pixel
                dmScreenSettings.dmFields     = Gdi.DM_BITSPERPEL | Gdi.DM_PELSWIDTH | Gdi.DM_PELSHEIGHT;

                // Try To Set Selected Mode And Get Results.  NOTE: CDS_FULLSCREEN Gets Rid Of Start Bar.
                if (User.ChangeDisplaySettings(ref dmScreenSettings, User.CDS_FULLSCREEN) != User.DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL)
                    // If The Mode Fails, Offer Two Options.  Quit Or Use Windowed Mode.
                    if (MessageBox.Show("The Requested Fullscreen Mode Is Not Supported By\nYour Video Card.  Use Windowed Mode Instead?", "NeHe GL",
                                        MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.Yes)
                        fullscreen = false;                                     // Windowed Mode Selected.  Fullscreen = false
                        // Pop up A Message Box Lessing User Know The Program Is Closing.
                        MessageBox.Show("Program Will Now Close.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
                        return(false);                                           // Return false

            form = new Lesson01();                                              // Create The Window

            if (fullscreen)                                                     // Are We Still In Fullscreen Mode?
                form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;                    // No Border
                Cursor.Hide();                                                  // Hide Mouse Pointer
            else                                                                // If Windowed
                form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Sizable;                 // Sizable
                Cursor.Show();                                                  // Show Mouse Pointer

            form.Width  = width;                                                // Set Window Width
            form.Height = height;                                               // Set Window Height
            form.Text   = title;                                                // Set Window Title

            Gdi.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = new Gdi.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR();    // pfd Tells Windows How We Want Things To Be
            pfd.nSize    = (short)Marshal.SizeOf(pfd);                          // Size Of This Pixel Format Descriptor
            pfd.nVersion = 1;                                                   // Version Number
            pfd.dwFlags  = Gdi.PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW |                             // Format Must Support Window
                           Gdi.PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL |                             // Format Must Support OpenGL
                           Gdi.PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER;                                // Format Must Support Double Buffering
            pfd.iPixelType      = (byte)Gdi.PFD_TYPE_RGBA;                      // Request An RGBA Format
            pfd.cColorBits      = (byte)bits;                                   // Select Our Color Depth
            pfd.cRedBits        = 0;                                            // Color Bits Ignored
            pfd.cRedShift       = 0;
            pfd.cGreenBits      = 0;
            pfd.cGreenShift     = 0;
            pfd.cBlueBits       = 0;
            pfd.cBlueShift      = 0;
            pfd.cAlphaBits      = 0;                                            // No Alpha Buffer
            pfd.cAlphaShift     = 0;                                            // Shift Bit Ignored
            pfd.cAccumBits      = 0;                                            // No Accumulation Buffer
            pfd.cAccumRedBits   = 0;                                            // Accumulation Bits Ignored
            pfd.cAccumGreenBits = 0;
            pfd.cAccumBlueBits  = 0;
            pfd.cAccumAlphaBits = 0;
            pfd.cDepthBits      = 16;                                           // 16Bit Z-Buffer (Depth Buffer)
            pfd.cStencilBits    = 0;                                            // No Stencil Buffer
            pfd.cAuxBuffers     = 0;                                            // No Auxiliary Buffer
            pfd.iLayerType      = (byte)Gdi.PFD_MAIN_PLANE;                     // Main Drawing Layer
            pfd.bReserved       = 0;                                            // Reserved
            pfd.dwLayerMask     = 0;                                            // Layer Masks Ignored
            pfd.dwVisibleMask   = 0;
            pfd.dwDamageMask    = 0;

            hDC = User.GetDC(form.Handle);                                      // Attempt To Get A Device Context
            if (hDC == IntPtr.Zero)                                             // Did We Get A Device Context?
                KillGLWindow();                                                 // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Can't Create A GL Device Context.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            pixelFormat = Gdi.ChoosePixelFormat(hDC, ref pfd);                  // Attempt To Find An Appropriate Pixel Format
            if (pixelFormat == 0)                                               // Did Windows Find A Matching Pixel Format?
                KillGLWindow();                                                 // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Can't Find A Suitable PixelFormat.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (!Gdi.SetPixelFormat(hDC, pixelFormat, ref pfd))                 // Are We Able To Set The Pixel Format?
                KillGLWindow();                                                 // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Can't Set The PixelFormat.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            hRC = Wgl.wglCreateContext(hDC);                                    // Attempt To Get The Rendering Context
            if (hRC == IntPtr.Zero)                                             // Are We Able To Get A Rendering Context?
                KillGLWindow();                                                 // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Can't Create A GL Rendering Context.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (!Wgl.wglMakeCurrent(hDC, hRC))                                  // Try To Activate The Rendering Context
                KillGLWindow();                                                 // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Can't Activate The GL Rendering Context.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            form.Show();                                                        // Show The Window
            form.TopMost = true;                                                // Topmost Window
            form.Focus();                                                       // Focus The Window

            if (fullscreen)                                                     // This Shouldn't Be Necessary, But Is
            ReSizeGLScene(width, height);                                       // Set Up Our Perspective GL Screen

            if (!InitGL())                                                      // Initialize Our Newly Created GL Window
                KillGLWindow();                                                 // Reset The Display
                MessageBox.Show("Initialization Failed.", "ERROR",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            return(true);                                                        // Success
Exemple #31
        protected override void DrawItemOn(Gdi g, NativeItemData nativeItem, Rectangle rItem, int nItem)
            int topIndent;
            int leftIndent;

            NativeItemData item       = nativeItem;
            bool           isSelected = ShowSelectedItem ? nItem == _SelectedIndex : false;

            DrawItemBackgroundOn(g, item, rItem, nItem, isSelected);

            var rSep = new Rectangle(rItem.Left, rItem.Top, rItem.Width, 1);

            g.FillRect(rSep, Settings.ListItemSeparator);

            // дата
            topIndent  = rItem.Top + item.InfoTopIndents[0];
            leftIndent = rItem.Right - item.InfoLeftIndents[1];

            if (IsItemNewGroup(nItem))
                topIndent += Settings.GroupPixHeight;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TertiaryText))
                g.Font      = Settings.ThirdTextFontGdi;
                g.TextAlign = Win32.TextAlign.TA_RIGHT;
                g.TextColor = Color.FromArgb(51, 153, 255);

                if (isSelected)
                    g.TextColor = Color.White;

                g.ExtTextOut(leftIndent, topIndent, item.TertiaryText);

            // текст сообщения
            leftIndent = rItem.Left + item.InfoLeftIndents[0];
            topIndent  = rItem.Top + item.InfoTopIndents[0];

            if (IsItemNewGroup(nItem))
                topIndent += Settings.GroupPixHeight;

            if (item.SecondaryTextLines.Count > 0)
                g.Font      = Settings.SecondaryTextFontGdi;
                g.TextAlign = Win32.TextAlign.TA_LEFT;
                g.TextColor = Color.FromArgb(102, 102, 102);

                if (isSelected)
                    g.TextColor = Color.White;

                foreach (string line in item.SecondaryTextLines)
                    g.ExtTextOut(leftIndent, topIndent, line);

                    topIndent += UISettings.CalcPix(11);
Exemple #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Tile background image to client size
 /// </summary>
 protected Bitmap PrepareBackground(Bitmap bmp)
     return(Gdi.PrepareBackground(bmp, ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height));
        private void DrawData(PaintEventArgs e, List <RollColumn> visibleColumns)
            if (QueryItemText != null)
                if (HorizontalOrientation)
                    int startRow = FirstVisibleRow;
                    int range    = Math.Min(LastVisibleRow, RowCount - 1) - startRow + 1;

                    Gdi.PrepDrawString(NormalFont, _foreColor);
                    for (int i = 0, f = 0; f < range; i++, f++)
                        f += lagFrames[i];
                        int LastVisible = LastVisibleColumnIndex;
                        for (int j = FirstVisibleColumn; j <= LastVisible; j++)
                            Bitmap image         = null;
                            int    x             = 0;
                            int    y             = 0;
                            int    bitmapOffsetX = 0;
                            int    bitmapOffsetY = 0;

                            if (QueryItemIcon != null)
                                QueryItemIcon(f + startRow, visibleColumns[j], ref image, ref bitmapOffsetX, ref bitmapOffsetY);

                            if (image != null)
                                x = RowsToPixels(i) + CellWidthPadding + bitmapOffsetX;
                                y = (j * CellHeight) + (CellHeightPadding * 2) + bitmapOffsetY;
                                Gdi.DrawBitmap(image, new Point(x, y), true);

                            string text;
                            int    strOffsetX = 0;
                            int    strOffsetY = 0;
                            QueryItemText(f + startRow, visibleColumns[j], out text, ref strOffsetX, ref strOffsetY);

                            // Center Text
                            x = RowsToPixels(i) + (CellWidth - text.Length * _charSize.Width) / 2;
                            y = (j * CellHeight) + CellHeightPadding - VBar.Value;
                            var point = new Point(x + strOffsetX, y + strOffsetY);

                            var rePrep = false;
                            if (j == 1)
                                if (SelectedItems.Contains(new Cell {
                                    Column = visibleColumns[j], RowIndex = i + startRow
                                    Gdi.PrepDrawString(RotatedFont, SystemColors.HighlightText);
                                    rePrep = true;
                                else if (j == 1)
                                    //1. not sure about this; 2. repreps may be excess, but if we render one column at a time, we do need to change back after rendering the header
                                    rePrep = true;
                                    Gdi.PrepDrawString(RotatedFont, _foreColor);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                                Gdi.DrawString(text, point);

                            if (rePrep)
                                Gdi.PrepDrawString(NormalFont, _foreColor);
                    int startRow = FirstVisibleRow;
                    int range    = Math.Min(LastVisibleRow, RowCount - 1) - startRow + 1;

                    Gdi.PrepDrawString(NormalFont, _foreColor);
                    int xPadding = CellWidthPadding + 1 - HBar.Value;
                    for (int i = 0, f = 0; f < range; i++, f++)                     // Vertical
                        f += lagFrames[i];
                        int LastVisible = LastVisibleColumnIndex;
                        for (int j = FirstVisibleColumn; j <= LastVisible; j++)                         // Horizontal
                            RollColumn col = visibleColumns[j];

                            string text;
                            int    strOffsetX = 0;
                            int    strOffsetY = 0;
                            Point  point      = new Point(col.Left.Value + xPadding, RowsToPixels(i) + CellHeightPadding);

                            Bitmap image         = null;
                            int    bitmapOffsetX = 0;
                            int    bitmapOffsetY = 0;

                            if (QueryItemIcon != null)
                                QueryItemIcon(f + startRow, visibleColumns[j], ref image, ref bitmapOffsetX, ref bitmapOffsetY);

                            if (image != null)
                                Gdi.DrawBitmap(image, new Point(point.X + bitmapOffsetX, point.Y + bitmapOffsetY + CellHeightPadding), true);

                            QueryItemText(f + startRow, visibleColumns[j], out text, ref strOffsetX, ref strOffsetY);

                            bool rePrep = false;
                            if (SelectedItems.Contains(new Cell {
                                Column = visibleColumns[j], RowIndex = f + startRow
                                Gdi.PrepDrawString(NormalFont, SystemColors.HighlightText);
                                rePrep = true;

                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                                Gdi.DrawString(text, new Point(point.X + strOffsetX, point.Y + strOffsetY));

                            if (rePrep)
                                Gdi.PrepDrawString(NormalFont, _foreColor);
    /// <summary>
    /// This will create a point list out of the data, which can be used to plot the data. In order to create this list,
    /// the function must have knowledge how to calculate the points out of the data. This will be done
    /// by a function provided by the calling function.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="layer">The plot layer.</param>
    /// <returns>An array of plot points in layer coordinates.</returns>
    public Processed2DPlotData GetRangesAndPoints(
      Gdi.IPlotArea layer)
      const double MaxRelativeValue = 1E2;

      Altaxo.Data.IReadableColumn xColumn = this.XColumn;
      Altaxo.Data.IReadableColumn yColumn = this.YColumn;

      if(null==xColumn || null==yColumn)
        return null; // this plotitem is only for x and y double columns

        return null;

      Processed2DPlotData result = new Processed2DPlotData();
      MyPlotData myPlotData = new MyPlotData(xColumn, yColumn);
      result.XPhysicalAccessor = new IndexedPhysicalValueAccessor(myPlotData.GetXPhysical);
      result.YPhysicalAccessor = new IndexedPhysicalValueAccessor(myPlotData.GetYPhysical);
      PlotRangeList rangeList = null;
      PointF[] ptArray = null;

      // allocate an array PointF to hold the line points
      ptArray = new PointF[this.PlottablePoints];
      result.PlotPointsInAbsoluteLayerCoordinates = ptArray;

      // Fill the array with values
      // only the points where x and y are not NaNs are plotted!

      int i,j;

      bool bInPlotSpace = true;
      int  rangeStart=0;
      int  rangeOffset=0;
      rangeList = new PlotRangeList();
      result.RangeList = rangeList;

      Scale xAxis = layer.XAxis;
      Scale yAxis = layer.YAxis;
      Gdi.G2DCoordinateSystem coordsys = layer.CoordinateSystem;

      int len = this.PlotRangeEnd;
        if(xColumn.IsElementEmpty(i) || yColumn.IsElementEmpty(i))
            rangeList.Add(new PlotRange(rangeStart,j,rangeOffset));

        double x_rel,y_rel;
        double xcoord, ycoord;


        x_rel = xAxis.PhysicalVariantToNormal(xColumn[i]);
        y_rel = yAxis.PhysicalVariantToNormal(yColumn[i]);

        // chop relative values to an range of about -+ 10^6
          x_rel = MaxRelativeValue;
          y_rel = MaxRelativeValue;

        // after the conversion to relative coordinates it is possible
        // that with the choosen axis the point is undefined 
        // (for instance negative values on a logarithmic axis)
        // in this case the returned value is NaN
        if(coordsys.LogicalToLayerCoordinates(new Logical3D(x_rel,y_rel), out xcoord, out ycoord))
            rangeStart = j;
            rangeOffset = i-j;
          ptArray[j].X = (float)xcoord;
          ptArray[j].Y = (float)ycoord;
            rangeList.Add(new PlotRange(rangeStart,j,rangeOffset));
      } // end for
        rangeList.Add(new PlotRange(rangeStart,j,rangeOffset)); // add the last range
      return result;
        private void DrawColumnBg(PaintEventArgs e, List <RollColumn> visibleColumns)

            if (HorizontalOrientation)
                Gdi.FillRectangle(0, 0, ColumnWidth + 1, DrawHeight + 1);
                Gdi.Line(0, 0, 0, visibleColumns.Count * CellHeight + 1);
                Gdi.Line(ColumnWidth, 0, ColumnWidth, visibleColumns.Count * CellHeight + 1);

                int start = -VBar.Value;
                foreach (var column in visibleColumns)
                    Gdi.Line(1, start, ColumnWidth, start);
                    start += CellHeight;

                if (visibleColumns.Any())
                    Gdi.Line(1, start, ColumnWidth, start);
                int bottomEdge = RowsToPixels(0);

                // Gray column box and black line underneath
                Gdi.FillRectangle(0, 0, Width + 1, bottomEdge + 1);
                Gdi.Line(0, 0, TotalColWidth.Value + 1, 0);
                Gdi.Line(0, bottomEdge, TotalColWidth.Value + 1, bottomEdge);

                // Vertical black seperators
                for (int i = 0; i < visibleColumns.Count; i++)
                    int pos = visibleColumns[i].Left.Value - HBar.Value;
                    Gdi.Line(pos, 0, pos, bottomEdge);

                // Draw right most line
                if (visibleColumns.Any())
                    int right = TotalColWidth.Value - HBar.Value;
                    Gdi.Line(right, 0, right, bottomEdge);

            // Emphasis
            foreach (var column in visibleColumns.Where(c => c.Emphasis))
                if (HorizontalOrientation)
                    Gdi.FillRectangle(1, visibleColumns.IndexOf(column) * CellHeight + 1, ColumnWidth - 1, ColumnHeight - 1);
                    Gdi.FillRectangle(column.Left.Value + 1 - HBar.Value, 1, column.Width.Value - 1, ColumnHeight - 1);

            // If the user is hovering over a column
            if (IsHoveringOnColumnCell)
                if (HorizontalOrientation)
                    for (int i = 0; i < visibleColumns.Count; i++)
                        if (visibleColumns[i] != CurrentCell.Column)

                        if (CurrentCell.Column.Emphasis)
                            Gdi.SetBrush(Add(SystemColors.Highlight, 0x00222222));

                        Gdi.FillRectangle(1, i * CellHeight + 1, ColumnWidth - 1, ColumnHeight - 1);
                    //TODO multiple selected columns
                    for (int i = 0; i < visibleColumns.Count; i++)
                        if (visibleColumns[i] == CurrentCell.Column)
                            //Left of column is to the right of the viewable area or right of column is to the left of the viewable area
                            if (visibleColumns[i].Left.Value - HBar.Value > Width || visibleColumns[i].Right.Value - HBar.Value < 0)
                            int left  = visibleColumns[i].Left.Value - HBar.Value;
                            int width = visibleColumns[i].Right.Value - HBar.Value - left;

                            if (CurrentCell.Column.Emphasis)
                                Gdi.SetBrush(Add(SystemColors.Highlight, 0x00550000));

                            Gdi.FillRectangle(left + 1, 1, width - 1, ColumnHeight - 1);
    /// <summary>
    /// This will create a point list out of the data, which can be used to plot the data. In order to create this list,
    /// the function must have knowledge how to calculate the points out of the data. This will be done
    /// by a function provided by the calling function.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="layer">The plot layer.</param>
    /// <returns>An array of plot points in layer coordinates.</returns>
    public Processed2DPlotData GetRangesAndPoints(
      Gdi.IPlotArea layer)
      const int functionPoints = 1000;
      const double MaxRelativeValue = 1E6;

      // allocate an array PointF to hold the line points
      PointF[] ptArray = new PointF[functionPoints];
      Processed2DPlotData result = new Processed2DPlotData();
      MyPlotData pdata = new MyPlotData();
      result.PlotPointsInAbsoluteLayerCoordinates = ptArray;
      double[] xPhysArray = new double[functionPoints];
      double[] yPhysArray = new double[functionPoints];
      pdata._xPhysical = xPhysArray;
      pdata._yPhysical = yPhysArray;
      result.XPhysicalAccessor = new IndexedPhysicalValueAccessor(pdata.GetXPhysical);
      result.YPhysicalAccessor = new IndexedPhysicalValueAccessor(pdata.GetYPhysical);

      // double xorg = layer.XAxis.Org;
      // double xend = layer.XAxis.End;
      // Fill the array with values
      // only the points where x and y are not NaNs are plotted!

      int i, j;

      bool bInPlotSpace = true;
      int rangeStart = 0;
      PlotRangeList rangeList = new PlotRangeList();
      result.RangeList = rangeList;
      Gdi.G2DCoordinateSystem coordsys = layer.CoordinateSystem;

      NumericalScale xaxis = layer.XAxis as NumericalScale;
      NumericalScale yaxis = layer.YAxis as NumericalScale;
      if (xaxis == null || yaxis == null)
        return null;

      for (i = 0, j = 0; i < functionPoints; i++)
        double x_rel = ((double)i) / (functionPoints - 1);
        double x = xaxis.NormalToPhysical(x_rel);
        double y = Evaluate(x);

        if (Double.IsNaN(x) || Double.IsNaN(y))
          if (!bInPlotSpace)
            bInPlotSpace = true;
            rangeList.Add(new PlotRange(rangeStart, j));

        // double x_rel = layer.XAxis.PhysicalToNormal(x);
        double y_rel = yaxis.PhysicalToNormal(y);

        // chop relative values to an range of about -+ 10^6
        if (y_rel > MaxRelativeValue)
          y_rel = MaxRelativeValue;
        if (y_rel < -MaxRelativeValue)
          y_rel = -MaxRelativeValue;

        // after the conversion to relative coordinates it is possible
        // that with the choosen axis the point is undefined 
        // (for instance negative values on a logarithmic axis)
        // in this case the returned value is NaN
        double xcoord, ycoord;
        if (coordsys.LogicalToLayerCoordinates(new Logical3D(x_rel, y_rel), out xcoord, out ycoord))
          if (bInPlotSpace)
            bInPlotSpace = false;
            rangeStart = j;
          xPhysArray[j] = x;
          yPhysArray[j] = y;
          ptArray[j].X = (float)xcoord;
          ptArray[j].Y = (float)ycoord;
          if (!bInPlotSpace)
            bInPlotSpace = true;
            rangeList.Add(new PlotRange(rangeStart, j));
      } // end for
      if (!bInPlotSpace)
        bInPlotSpace = true;
        rangeList.Add(new PlotRange(rangeStart, j)); // add the last range
      return result;
Exemple #37
 protected abstract void DrawScreenOn(Gdi mem, Rectangle rect, int position);
Exemple #38
 internal PlotHlc(GdiEngine engine, object source, ChartSetting chartSetting)
     : base(engine, chartSetting)
     __cGDI  = engine.GDI;
     __cBars = source as Instrument;
Exemple #39
		/// <summary>
		/// Internal copy from operation. It is presumed, that the events are already suspended. Additionally,
		/// it is not neccessary to call the OnChanged event, since this is called in the calling routine.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">The object (layer) from which to copy.</param>
		/// <param name="options">Copy options.</param>
		protected override void InternalCopyFrom(HostLayer obj, Gdi.GraphCopyOptions options)
			base.InternalCopyFrom(obj, options); // base copy, but keep in mind that InternalCopyGraphItems is overridden in this class

			var from = obj as XYZPlotLayer;
			if (null == from)

			if (0 != (options & Gdi.GraphCopyOptions.CopyLayerScales))
				this.CoordinateSystem = from.CoordinateSystem; // immutable

				this.Scales = (ScaleCollection)from._scales.Clone();
				this._dataClipping = from._dataClipping;

			if (0 != (options & Gdi.GraphCopyOptions.CopyLayerGrid))
				this.GridPlanes = from._gridPlanes.Clone();

			// Styles

			if (0 != (options & Gdi.GraphCopyOptions.CopyLayerAxes))
				this.AxisStyles = (AxisStyleCollection)from._axisStyles.Clone();

			// Plot items
			if (0 != (options & Gdi.GraphCopyOptions.CopyLayerPlotItems))
				this.PlotItems = null == from._plotItems ? null : new PlotItemCollection(this, from._plotItems, true);
			else if (0 != (options & Gdi.GraphCopyOptions.CopyLayerPlotStyles))
				// TODO apply the styles from from._plotItems to the PlotItems here
				this.PlotItems.CopyFrom(from._plotItems, options);