public override TransactionInfo ProcessSubscription(ref SubscriptionInfo sub, GatewayInfo gateway, GatewayTypeInfo gatewayType, ICustomer customer, CreditCardInfo card, bool isTrial, bool testTransaction) { ProPayRequest request = null; ProPayResponse response = null; TransactionInfo transactionInfo = new TransactionInfo(); string requestUrl = testTransaction == true ? gatewayType.TestUrl : gatewayType.LiveUrl; string loginId = testTransaction == true ? gatewayType.TestLoginId : gateway.LoginId; string transactionKey = testTransaction == true ? gatewayType.TestTransactionKey : gateway.TransactionKey; decimal amount = isTrial == true ? sub.TrialAmount : sub.Amount; request = new ProPayRequest(requestUrl, loginId, transactionKey, customer, card, amount, testTransaction); response = request.Process(); sub.LastProcessedDate = DateTime.Now; transactionInfo.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); transactionInfo.SubscriptionId = sub.Id; transactionInfo.GatewayId = sub.GatewayId; transactionInfo.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; transactionInfo.IsTrial = isTrial; transactionInfo.Type = TransactionType.Standard; transactionInfo.Amount = amount; transactionInfo.GatewayAmount = gateway.TransactionFee; transactionInfo.OrderId = sub.RefId; if (response == null) { sub.LastProcessingStatus = TransactionStatus.Error; transactionInfo.ResponseText = ""; transactionInfo.Status = TransactionStatus.Error; } else if (response.Code == ProPayResponseCode.Success) { sub.LastProcessingStatus = TransactionStatus.Approved; if (isTrial) sub.TrialOccurrencesDone += 1; else sub.TotalOccurrencesDone += 1; transactionInfo.ResponseText = response.ResponseText; transactionInfo.Status = TransactionStatus.Approved; } else { sub.LastProcessingStatus = TransactionStatus.Error; transactionInfo.ResponseText = response.ResponseText; transactionInfo.Status = TransactionStatus.Error; } return transactionInfo; }
public override TransactionInfo PreAuthorize(GatewayInfo gateway, GatewayTypeInfo gatewayType, Guid orderId, ICustomer customer, CreditCardInfo card, decimal amount, bool testTransaction) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override void Refund(GatewayInfo gateway, GatewayTypeInfo gatewayType, Guid orderId, ICustomer customer, CreditCardInfo card, string refID, TransactionInfo transaction, bool testTransaction) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void Orders_CreateKlarnaOrder() { // Arrange var url = Settings.MultiSafePayUrl; var apiKey = Settings.ApiKey; var client = new MultiSafepayClient(apiKey, url); var orderId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var orderRequest = OrderRequest.CreateDirectKlarnaOrder(orderId, "product description", 1210, "EUR", new PaymentOptions("", "", ""), GatewayInfo.Klarna(new DateTime(1970, 07, 10), "male", "+31 (0)20 8500 500", "*****@*****.**"), new ShoppingCart { Items = new[] { new ShoppingCartItem("10001", "Test Product", 10.0, 1, "EUR") } }, new CheckoutOptions() { TaxTables = new TaxTables() { DefaultTaxTable = new TaxTable() { Name = "Default", Rules = new[] { new TaxRateRule() { Rate = 0.21 } }, ShippingTaxed = false } } }, new Customer() { FirstName = "Testperson-nl", LastName = "Approved", HouseNumber = "1/XI", Address1 = "Neherkade", City = "Gravenhage", Country = "NL", PostCode = "2521VA", }, new DeliveryAddress() { FirstName = "Testperson-nl", LastName = "Approved", HouseNumber = "1/XI", Address1 = "Neherkade", City = "Gravenhage", Country = "NL", PostCode = "2521VA", } ); // Act var result = client.CreateOrder(orderRequest); // Assert Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(orderRequest.OrderId, result.OrderId); Assert.IsTrue(result.PaymentUrl.StartsWith("")); // redirect to success URL }
public override TransactionInfo ProcessPayment(GatewayInfo gateway, GatewayTypeInfo gatewayType, Guid orderId, ICustomer customer, CreditCardInfo card, decimal amount, bool testTransaction) { ProPayRequest request = null; ProPayResponse response = null; TransactionInfo transactionInfo = new TransactionInfo(); string requestUrl = testTransaction == true ? gatewayType.TestUrl : gatewayType.LiveUrl; string loginId = testTransaction == true ? gatewayType.TestLoginId : gateway.LoginId; string transactionKey = testTransaction == true ? gatewayType.TestTransactionKey : gateway.TransactionKey; request = new ProPayRequest(requestUrl, loginId, transactionKey, customer, card, amount, testTransaction); response = request.Process(); transactionInfo.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); transactionInfo.SubscriptionId = Guid.Empty; transactionInfo.GatewayId = gateway.Id; transactionInfo.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; //transactionInfo.IsTrial = ??; transactionInfo.Type = TransactionType.Standard; transactionInfo.Amount = amount; transactionInfo.GatewayAmount = gateway.TransactionFee; transactionInfo.OrderId = orderId; if (response == null) { transactionInfo.ResponseText = ""; transactionInfo.Status = TransactionStatus.Error; } else if (response.Code == ProPayResponseCode.Success) { transactionInfo.ResponseText = response.ResponseText; transactionInfo.Status = TransactionStatus.Approved; } else { transactionInfo.ResponseText = response.ResponseText; transactionInfo.Status = TransactionStatus.Error; } return transactionInfo; }
public CodRequest(PayeeInfo payee, GatewayInfo gateway, TradeInfo trade) { this.orderId = trade.OrderId; this.getGateway = gateway; }
public void Order_CreateRedirectPayAfterDelivery_SetsRequiredProperties() { // Act var order = OrderRequest.CreateRedirectPayAfterDeliveryOrder("orderid", "description", 1000, "EUR", new PaymentOptions("notificationUrl", "successRedirectUrl", "cancelRedirectUrl"), GatewayInfo.PayAfterDelivery(new DateTime(1986, 08, 31), "NL39 RABO 0300 0652 64", "+31 (0)20 8500 500", "*****@*****.**", "referrer", "useragent"), new ShoppingCart { Items = new[] { new ShoppingCartItem("Test Product", 10, 2, "EUR"), } }, new CheckoutOptions() { TaxTables = new TaxTables() { DefaultTaxTable = new TaxTable() { Name = "Default", Rules = new[] { new TaxRateRule() { Rate = 0.21 } }, ShippingTaxed = false } } }, new Customer { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe", HouseNumber = "39", Address1 = "Kraanspoor", City = "Amsterdam", Country = "NL", PostCode = "1033SC" }); // Assert Assert.IsNotNull(order.Type); Assert.IsNotNull(order.GatewayId); Assert.IsNotNull(order.OrderId); Assert.IsNotNull(order.CurrencyCode); Assert.IsNotNull(order.AmountInCents); Assert.IsNotNull(order.Description); Assert.IsNotNull(order.GatewayInfo); Assert.IsNotNull(order.GatewayInfo.Birthday); Assert.IsNotNull(order.GatewayInfo.BankAccount); Assert.IsNotNull(order.GatewayInfo.Phone); Assert.IsNotNull(order.GatewayInfo.Email); Assert.IsNotNull(order.GatewayInfo.Referrer); Assert.IsNotNull(order.GatewayInfo.UserAgent); Assert.IsNotNull(order.PaymentOptions); Assert.IsNotNull(order.PaymentOptions.NotificationUrl); Assert.IsNotNull(order.PaymentOptions.SuccessRedirectUrl); Assert.IsNotNull(order.PaymentOptions.CancelRedirectUrl); Assert.IsNotNull(order.ShoppingCart); Assert.IsNotNull(order.ShoppingCart.Items); Assert.IsNotNull(order.ShoppingCart.Items[0]); Assert.IsNotNull(order.ShoppingCart.Items[0].Name); Assert.IsNotNull(order.ShoppingCart.Items[0].UnitPrice); Assert.IsNotNull(order.ShoppingCart.Items[0].Quantity); Assert.IsNotNull(order.Customer); Assert.IsNotNull(order.Customer.FirstName); Assert.IsNotNull(order.Customer.LastName); Assert.IsNotNull(order.Customer.Address1); Assert.IsNotNull(order.Customer.HouseNumber); Assert.IsNotNull(order.Customer.City); Assert.IsNotNull(order.Customer.Country); Assert.AreEqual(OrderType.Redirect, order.Type); Assert.AreEqual("PAYAFTER", order.GatewayId); Assert.AreEqual("orderid", order.OrderId); Assert.AreEqual("EUR", order.CurrencyCode); Assert.AreEqual(1000, order.AmountInCents); Assert.AreEqual("description", order.Description); Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(1986, 8, 31), order.GatewayInfo.Birthday); Assert.AreEqual("NL39 RABO 0300 0652 64", order.GatewayInfo.BankAccount); Assert.AreEqual("+31 (0)20 8500 500", order.GatewayInfo.Phone); Assert.AreEqual("*****@*****.**", order.GatewayInfo.Email); Assert.AreEqual("referrer", order.GatewayInfo.Referrer); Assert.AreEqual("useragent", order.GatewayInfo.UserAgent); Assert.AreEqual("notificationUrl", order.PaymentOptions.NotificationUrl); Assert.AreEqual("successRedirectUrl", order.PaymentOptions.SuccessRedirectUrl); Assert.AreEqual("cancelRedirectUrl", order.PaymentOptions.CancelRedirectUrl); Assert.AreEqual("Test Product", order.ShoppingCart.Items[0].Name); Assert.AreEqual(10, order.ShoppingCart.Items[0].UnitPrice); Assert.AreEqual(2, order.ShoppingCart.Items[0].Quantity); Assert.AreEqual("John", order.Customer.FirstName); Assert.AreEqual("Doe", order.Customer.LastName); Assert.AreEqual("Kraanspoor", order.Customer.Address1); Assert.AreEqual("39", order.Customer.HouseNumber); Assert.AreEqual("Amsterdam", order.Customer.City); Assert.AreEqual("NL", order.Customer.Country); }
public abstract void VerifyNotify(int timeout, PayeeInfo payee, GatewayInfo gateway);
public override void VerifyNotify(int timeout, PayeeInfo payee, GatewayInfo gateway) { bool flag; try { flag = bool.Parse(this.GetResponse(this.CreateUrl(payee), timeout)); } catch { flag = false; } foreach (string tmpParameter in Core.Globals.AlipayOtherParamKeys) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpParameter)) { this.parameters.Remove(tmpParameter); } } string[] strArray2 = Globals.BubbleSort(this.parameters.AllKeys); string s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < strArray2.Length; i++) { if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.parameters[strArray2[i]]) && (strArray2[i] != "sign")) && (strArray2[i] != "sign_type")) { if (i == (strArray2.Length - 1)) { s = s + strArray2[i] + "=" + this.parameters[strArray2[i]]; } else { s = s + strArray2[i] + "=" + this.parameters[strArray2[i]] + "&"; } } } s = s + payee.PrimaryKey; if (flag && this.parameters["sign"].Equals(Globals.GetMD5(s, this.input_charset))) { string str2 = this.parameters["trade_status"]; if (str2 != null) { if (!(str2 == "WAIT_SELLER_SEND_GOODS")) { if (!(str2 == "TRADE_FINISHED")) { return; } } else { this.OnPaidToIntermediary(); return; } this.OnPaidToMerchant(); } } else { this.OnNotifyVerifyFaild(); } }
/// <summary> /// This method returns a GatewayInfo object /// </summary> public static GatewayInfo GetGatewayInfo(string gatewayFilePath, List <string> methodNames) { // initial value GatewayInfo gatewayInfo = new GatewayInfo(); // locals List <GatewayMethodInfo> methodInformation = new List <GatewayMethodInfo>(); int index = -1; bool methodRegionOn = false; GatewayMethodInfo methodInfo = null; // Set the MethodInformation gatewayInfo.MethodInformation = methodInformation; // if the gatewayFilePath exists if ((TextHelper.Exists(gatewayFilePath)) && (File.Exists(gatewayFilePath)) && (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(methodNames))) { // Get the fileText string fileText = File.ReadAllText(gatewayFilePath); // If the fileText string exists if (TextHelper.Exists(fileText)) { // Parse the lines List <TextLine> lines = WordParser.GetTextLines(fileText); // If the lines collection exists and has one or more items if (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(lines)) { // set the lines gatewayInfo.TextLines = lines; // Iterate the collection of string objects foreach (string methodName in methodNames) { // reset methodRegionOn = false; index = -1; // Iterate the collection of TextLine objects foreach (TextLine line in lines) { // Increment the value for index index++; // Create a codeLine CodeLine codeLine = new CodeLine(line.Text); // if the TextLine exists if (codeLine.HasTextLine) { // Get the words for this line codeLine.TextLine.Words = WordParser.GetWords(line.Text); } // if the value for methodRegionOn is true if (methodRegionOn) { // if this is the if ((codeLine.IsEndRegion) && (NullHelper.Exists(methodInfo))) { // turn this off methodRegionOn = false; // Set the methodInfo methodInfo.EndIndex = index; // break out of the loop break; } } else { // if this is a Region if (codeLine.IsRegion) { // if this is the method being sought if (methodName == codeLine.RegionName) { // set to true methodRegionOn = true; // Create a new instance of a 'MethodInfo' object. methodInfo = new GatewayMethodInfo(); // Set the methodName methodInfo.Name = methodName; // Set the startIndex methodInfo.StartIndex = index; // Add this item methodInformation.Add(methodInfo); } } } } } } } } // return value return(gatewayInfo); }
private async void Main_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed) { try { lblVersion.Text = $"App Version: {ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.CurrentVersion.ToString(4)}"; } catch { } } else { lblVersion.Text = $"App Version: {Application.ProductVersion}"; } //preload colors combobox cmbColors.DisplayMember = "ColorName"; //cmbColors.SelectedValueChanged += (s, ev) => cmbColors.SelectedText = s.ToString(); cmbColors.ValueMember = "ColorId"; //cmbColors.SelectedValueChanged += (s, ev) => cmbColors.SelectedText = s.ToString(); foreach (FieldInfo p in typeof(TradfriColors).GetFields()) { object v = p.GetValue(null); // static classes cannot be instanced, so use null... cmbColors.Items.Add(new { ColorName = p.Name, ColorId = v }); } // prepare/load settings userData = loadUserData(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.Settings.Default.appSecret)) { using (EnterGatewayPSK form = new EnterGatewayPSK(Properties.Settings.Default.gatewayName, Properties.Settings.Default.appName, Properties.Settings.Default.gatewayIp)) { DialogResult result = form.ShowDialog(); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { tradfriController = new TradfriController(form.GatewayName, form.IP); // generating appSecret on gateway - appSecret is connected with the appName so you must use a combination // Gateway generates one appSecret key per applicationName TradfriAuth appSecret = tradfriController.GenerateAppSecret(form.AppSecret, Properties.Settings.Default.appName); // saving programatically appSecret.PSK value to settings Properties.Settings.Default.appSecret = appSecret.PSK; Properties.Settings.Default.gatewayName = form.GatewayName; Properties.Settings.Default.gatewayIp = form.IP; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } else if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { tradfriController = new TradfriController(form.GatewayName, form.IP); // saving programatically appSecret.PSK value to settings Properties.Settings.Default.appSecret = form.AppSecret; Properties.Settings.Default.gatewayName = form.GatewayName; Properties.Settings.Default.gatewayIp = form.IP; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } else { MessageBox.Show("You haven't entered your Gateway PSK so applicationSecret can't be generated on gateway." + Environment.NewLine + "You can also enter it manually into app.config if you have one for your app already.", "Error acquiring appSecret", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.Close(); } } } // initialize controller based on settings else { tradfriController = new TradfriController(Properties.Settings.Default.gatewayName, Properties.Settings.Default.gatewayIp); } // connection to gateway tradfriController.ConnectAppKey(Properties.Settings.Default.appSecret, Properties.Settings.Default.appName); GatewayInfo g = await tradfriController.GatewayController.GetGatewayInfo(); lblGatewayVersion.Text += g.Firmware; lblGateway.Text += Properties.Settings.Default.gatewayIp; List <TradfriDevice> devices = new List <TradfriDevice>(await tradfriController.GatewayController.GetDeviceObjects()).OrderBy(x => x.DeviceType.ToString()).ToList(); List <TradfriDevice> lights = devices.Where(i => i.DeviceType.Equals(DeviceType.Light)).ToList(); List <TradfriGroup> groups = new List <TradfriGroup>(await tradfriController.GatewayController.GetGroupObjects()).OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList(); // set datasource for dgv dgvDevices.DataSource = devices; dgvDevices.AutoGenerateColumns = true; // set datasource for dgv dgvGroups.DataSource = groups; dgvGroups.AutoGenerateColumns = true; // temporary disable autosave on rowSelectionChange loadingSelectedRows = true; // clear default selection dgvDevices.ClearSelection(); //reselect rows from settings if (userData.SelectedDevices.Count > 0 && devices.Count > 0) { foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvDevices.Rows) { if (userData.SelectedDevices.Any(x => x == (long)row.Cells["ID"].Value)) { row.Selected = true; } } } // re-enable autosave on rowSelectionChange loadingSelectedRows = false; if (lights.Count > 0) { // acquire first and last lights from grid TradfriDevice firstLight = lights.FirstOrDefault(); TradfriDevice lastLight = lights.LastOrDefault(); // function handler for observe events void ObserveLightEvent(TradfriDevice x) { TradfriDevice eventDevice = devices.Where(d => d.ID.Equals(x.ID)).SingleOrDefault(); eventDevice = x; if (dgvDevices.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { foreach (object item in dgvDevices.SelectedRows) { if (((TradfriDevice)((DataGridViewRow)item).DataBoundItem).ID.Equals(eventDevice.ID)) { this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { Debug.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now} - triggered: {x.DeviceType}, {x.Name}, {x.LightControl[0].State}, {x.LightControl[0].Dimmer}"); lbxLog.Items.Add($"{DateTime.Now} - triggered: {x.DeviceType}, {x.Name}, {x.LightControl[0].State}, {x.LightControl[0].Dimmer}"); lbxLog.SelectedIndex = lbxLog.Items.Count - 1; trbBrightness.Value = Convert.ToInt16(eventDevice.LightControl[0].Dimmer * (double)10 / 254); }); } } } }; ObserveLightDelegate lightDelegate = new ObserveLightDelegate(ObserveLightEvent); // observe first light from grid tradfriController.DeviceController.ObserveDevice(firstLight, x => lightDelegate(x)); // observe last light from grid if the bulbs are different if (firstLight.ID != lastLight.ID) { tradfriController.DeviceController.ObserveDevice(lastLight, x => lightDelegate(x)); } } }
/// <summary> /// Refund button clicked /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void Refund_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //retrieve order ZNode.Libraries.Admin.OrderAdmin orderAdmin = new ZNode.Libraries.Admin.OrderAdmin(); Order order = orderAdmin.GetOrderByOrderID(OrderID); ZNode.Libraries.Framework.Business.ZNodeEncryption enc = new ZNode.Libraries.Framework.Business.ZNodeEncryption(); //get payment settings int paymentSettingID = (int)order.PaymentSettingID; PaymentSettingService pss = new PaymentSettingService(); PaymentSetting ps = pss.GetByPaymentSettingID(paymentSettingID); //set gateway info GatewayInfo gi = new GatewayInfo(); gi.GatewayLoginID = enc.DecryptData(ps.GatewayUsername); gi.GatewayPassword = enc.DecryptData(ps.GatewayPassword); gi.TransactionKey = enc.DecryptData(ps.TransactionKey); gi.Vendor = ps.Vendor; gi.Partner = ps.Partner; //gi.CurrencyCode = CurrencyCode; gi.TestMode = ps.TestMode; gi.gateway = (GatewayType)ps.GatewayTypeID ; string creditCardExp = Convert.ToString(order.CardExp); if (creditCardExp == null) { creditCardExp = ""; } //set credit card CreditCard cc = new CreditCard(); cc.Amount = Decimal.Parse(txtAmount.Text); cc.CardNumber = txtCardNumber.Text.Trim(); cc.CreditCardExp = creditCardExp; cc.OrderID = order.OrderID; cc.TransactionID = order.CardTransactionID; GatewayResponse resp = new GatewayResponse(); if ((GatewayType)ps.GatewayTypeID == GatewayType.AUTHORIZE) { GatewayAuthorize auth = new GatewayAuthorize(); resp = auth.RefundPayment(gi, cc); } else if ((GatewayType)ps.GatewayTypeID == GatewayType.VERISIGN) { GatewayPayFlowPro pp = new GatewayPayFlowPro(); resp = pp.RefundPayment(gi, cc); } else if ((GatewayType)ps.GatewayTypeID == GatewayType.PAYMENTECH) { GatewayOrbital pmt = new GatewayOrbital(); resp = pmt.ReversePayment(gi, cc); } else if ((GatewayType)ps.GatewayTypeID == GatewayType.IPCOMMERCE) { GatewayIPCommerce ipc = new GatewayIPCommerce(); resp = ipc.RefundPayment(gi, cc); } else if ((GatewayType)ps.GatewayTypeID == GatewayType.NOVA) { GatewayNova nova = new GatewayNova(); cc.CreditCardExp = lstMonth.SelectedValue + "/" + lstYear.SelectedValue; cc.CardSecurityCode = txtSecurityCode.Text.Trim(); gi.TransactionType = "CCCredit"; resp = nova.RefundPayment(gi, cc); } else { lblError.Text = "Error: Credit card refunds and not supported for your gateway."; return; } if (resp.IsSuccess) { //update order status order.OrderStateID = 30; //returned status order.PaymentStatusID = 3; //refund status OrderService os = new OrderService(); os.Update(order); pnlEdit.Visible = false; pnlConfirm.Visible = true; } else { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append("Could not complete request. The following response was returned by the gateway: "); sb.Append(resp.ResponseText); lblError.Text = sb.ToString(); } }
/// <summary> /// Refund button clicked /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void Capture_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //retrieve order ZNode.Libraries.Admin.OrderAdmin orderAdmin = new ZNode.Libraries.Admin.OrderAdmin(); Order order = orderAdmin.GetOrderByOrderID(OrderID); ZNode.Libraries.Framework.Business.ZNodeEncryption enc = new ZNode.Libraries.Framework.Business.ZNodeEncryption(); //get payment settings int paymentSettingID = (int)order.PaymentSettingID; PaymentSettingService pss = new PaymentSettingService(); PaymentSetting ps = pss.GetByPaymentSettingID(paymentSettingID); //set gateway info GatewayInfo gi = new GatewayInfo(); gi.GatewayLoginID = enc.DecryptData(ps.GatewayUsername); gi.GatewayPassword = enc.DecryptData(ps.GatewayPassword); gi.TransactionKey = enc.DecryptData(ps.TransactionKey); gi.Vendor = ps.Vendor; gi.Partner = ps.Partner; gi.TestMode = ps.TestMode; gi.gateway = (GatewayType)ps.GatewayTypeID ; string creditCardExp = Convert.ToString(order.CardExp); if (creditCardExp == null) { creditCardExp = ""; } //set credit card CreditCard cc = new CreditCard(); cc.CreditCardExp = creditCardExp; cc.OrderID = order.OrderID; cc.TransactionID = order.CardTransactionID; GatewayResponse resp = new GatewayResponse(); if ((GatewayType)ps.GatewayTypeID == GatewayType.AUTHORIZE) { GatewayAuthorize auth = new GatewayAuthorize(); resp = auth.CapturePayment(gi, cc); } else if ((GatewayType)ps.GatewayTypeID == GatewayType.VERISIGN) { GatewayPayFlowPro pp = new GatewayPayFlowPro(); resp = pp.CapturePayment(gi, cc); } else if ((GatewayType)ps.GatewayTypeID == GatewayType.PAYMENTECH) { GatewayOrbital pmt = new GatewayOrbital(); resp = pmt.CapturePayment(gi, cc); } else { lblError.Text = "Error: Credit card payment capture is not supported for your gateway."; } if (resp.IsSuccess) { //update order status order.PaymentStatusID = 1; //refund status OrderService os = new OrderService(); os.Update(order); pnlEdit.Visible = false; pnlConfirm.Visible = true; } else { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.Append("Could not complete request. The following response was returned by the gateway: "); sb.Append(resp.ResponseText); lblError.Text = sb.ToString(); } }
public virtual void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //Safe if (!VerifySendPayment(context)) { return; } //订单ID字符串 string orderIdStr = string.Empty; //获取全部订单ID string[] orderIds = OrderProcessor.GetQueryString4OrderIds(context.Request, out orderIdStr); //订单ID NULL ERROR返回首页 if (orderIds == null || orderIds.Length < 1) { //Add ErrorLog.. HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("~/"); return; } //合并支付 订单支付信息以第一份订单为主 T orderInfo = Option.GetOrderInfo(orderIds[0]); if (orderInfo == null) { return; } //计算订单支付金额 decimal totalMoney = this.GetOrderTotalMoney(orderIds, orderInfo); if (totalMoney < 0) { return; } if (orderInfo.PaymentStatus != PaymentStatus.NotYet) { //订单已支付 context.Response.Write( HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject("Resources", "IDS_ErrorMessage_SentPayment").ToString()); return; } PaymentModeInfo paymentMode = GetPaymentMode(orderInfo); if (paymentMode == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(paymentMode.Gateway)) { //订单历史的支付方式不存在 context.Response.Write( HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject("Resources", "IDS_ErrorMessage_NoPayment").ToString()); return; } string getwayName = paymentMode.Gateway.ToLower(); //获取支付网关 GatewayProvider provider = PayConfiguration.GetConfig().Providers[getwayName] as GatewayProvider; if (provider == null) { return; } //支付网关 GatewayInfo gatewayInfo = this.GetGateway(getwayName); //交易信息 TradeInfo tradeInfo = this.GetTrade(orderIdStr, totalMoney, orderInfo); #region 测试模式 //DONE: 测试模式埋点 if (Globals.IsPaymentTestMode && !Globals.ExcludeGateway.Contains(getwayName.ToLower())) { System.Text.StringBuilder url = new System.Text.StringBuilder(gatewayInfo.ReturnUrl); url.AppendFormat("&out_trade_no={0}", tradeInfo.OrderId); url.AppendFormat("&total_fee={0}", tradeInfo.TotalMoney); url.AppendFormat("&sign={0}", Globals.GetMd5(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, url.ToString())); HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect( gatewayInfo.ReturnUrl.Contains("?") ? url.ToString() : url.ToString().Replace("&out_trade_no", "?out_trade_no"), true); return; } #endregion #region 发送支付请求 //发送支付请求 PaymentRequest paymentRequest = PaymentRequest.Instance( provider.RequestType, this.GetPayee(paymentMode), gatewayInfo, tradeInfo ); if (paymentRequest == null) { return; } paymentRequest.SendRequest(); #endregion }
public override void Refund(GatewayInfo gateway, GatewayTypeInfo gatewayType, Guid orderId, ICustomer customer, CreditCardInfo card, string refID, TransactionInfo transaction, bool testTransaction) { ANetRequest request = null; ANetResponse response = null; string requestUrl = testTransaction == true ? gatewayType.TestUrl : gatewayType.LiveUrl; string loginId = testTransaction == true ? gatewayType.TestLoginId : gateway.LoginId; string transactionKey = testTransaction == true ? gatewayType.TestTransactionKey : gateway.TransactionKey; request = new ANetRequest(requestUrl, loginId, transactionKey, customer, card, refID, transaction, testTransaction, transaction.Amount); response = request.ProcessRefund(); if (response.Code == ANetResponseCode.Approved) { transaction.Status = TransactionStatus.Refunded; } }
public override TransactionInfo PreAuthorize(GatewayInfo gateway, GatewayTypeInfo gatewayType, Guid orderId, ICustomer customer, CreditCardInfo card, decimal amount, bool testTransaction) { ANetRequest request = null; ANetResponse response = null; TransactionInfo transactionInfo = new TransactionInfo(); string requestUrl = testTransaction == true ? gatewayType.TestUrl : gatewayType.LiveUrl; string loginId = testTransaction == true ? gatewayType.TestLoginId : gateway.LoginId; string transactionKey = testTransaction == true ? gatewayType.TestTransactionKey : gateway.TransactionKey; request = new ANetRequest(requestUrl, loginId, transactionKey, customer, card, amount, testTransaction); response = request.ProcessAuthOnly(); transactionInfo.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); //transactionInfo.CustomerName = System.Web.Security.Membership.GetUser(customer.ID).UserName; transactionInfo.SubscriptionId = Guid.Empty; transactionInfo.GatewayId = gateway.Id; transactionInfo.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; //transactionInfo.IsTrial = ??; transactionInfo.Type = TransactionType.Standard; transactionInfo.Amount = amount; transactionInfo.GatewayAmount = gateway.TransactionFee; transactionInfo.OrderId = orderId; if (response == null) { transactionInfo.ResponseText = ""; transactionInfo.Status = TransactionStatus.Error; } else if (response.Code == ANetResponseCode.Approved) { transactionInfo.ResponseText = response.ResponseText; transactionInfo.Status = TransactionStatus.Approved; } else { transactionInfo.ResponseText = response.ResponseText; transactionInfo.Status = TransactionStatus.Error; } return transactionInfo; }