public static int Width(uint ascanNum, uint ascanPort, GateType type, ref double width) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].Width; double val = 0; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqGet(ascanNum, ascanPort, attr, ref val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Get the Width of gate failed", "错误:获得门的宽度失败"); return(error_code); } width = val; SetGateDAQ.setWidthDictionary(ascanNum, ascanPort, type, width); return(error_code); }
public static int DnsBw(uint ascanNum, GateType type, double dnsBw) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].DnsBw; double val = dnsBw; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqSet(ascanNum, attr, val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Set the dns Band width failed!", "错误:设置BNS Bandwidth失败!"); } return(error_code); }
/**get gate suppress counter active*/ public static int ScActive(uint ascanNum, uint ascanPort, GateType type, SuppressCounterActive active) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].ScActive; uint val = (uint)active; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqSet(ascanNum, ascanPort, attr, val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Set the Active of Suppress Counter failed!", "错误:设置Suppress Counter Active失败!"); } return(error_code); }
public static void setDelayDictionary(uint ascanNum, uint ascanPort, GateType type, double delay) { SessionInfo info = SessionHardWare.getSessionAttr((int)ascanNum); if (info == null) { return; } int classNum = (int)info.myHardInfo.ClassicNum; int slotNum = (int)info.myHardInfo.SlotNum; int upPort = (classNum << 16) + (slotNum << 8) + (int)ascanPort; switch (type) { case GateType.I: delayForGateI[upPort] = delay; break; case GateType.A: delayForGateA[upPort] = delay; break; case GateType.B: delayForGateB[upPort] = delay; break; case GateType.C: delayForGateC[upPort] = delay; break; } }
public static int Delay(uint ascanNum, uint ascanPort, GateType type, double delay) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].Delay; double val = delay; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqSet(ascanNum, ascanPort, attr, val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Set the Delay of gate failed", "错误:设置门的起始位置失败"); return(error_code); } setDelayDictionary(ascanNum, ascanPort, type, val); return(error_code); }
public static int tofMode(uint ascanNum, uint ascanPort, GateType type, TofMode mode) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].TofMode; uint val = (uint)mode; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqSet(ascanNum, ascanPort, attr, val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Set TOF Mode failed!", "错误:设置TOF Mode失败!"); } return(error_code); }
public static GateDefinition Get(GateType gateType, Gate gate) { if (Definitions == null) { LoadAll(); } var definition = Definitions[gateType]; foreach (var inputName in definition.Inputs) { if (!gate.InputAnchors.Any(a => a.Name.Equals(inputName))) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Gate {gateType} has no {inputName} input anchor"); } } foreach (var outputName in definition.Outputs) { if (!gate.OutputAnchors.Any(a => a.Name.Equals(outputName))) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Gate {gateType} has no {outputName} output anchor"); } } if (definition.HasState) { return(definition.New); } else { return(definition); } }
private void UpdateItemPopupDrawer(GateType gateType) { switch (gateType) { case GateType.ScoreGate: _itemPopupDrawer = new ItemPopupDrawer(ItemType.Score, false, null); _itemPopupLabel = "Score"; break; case GateType.VirtualItemGate: _itemPopupDrawer = new ItemPopupDrawer(ItemType.VirtualItem, false, VirtualItemType.VirtualCurrency | VirtualItemType.SingleUseItem); _itemPopupLabel = "Virtual Item"; break; case GateType.WorldCompletionGate: _itemPopupDrawer = new ItemPopupDrawer(ItemType.World, false, null); _itemPopupLabel = "World"; break; case GateType.PurchasableGate: _itemPopupDrawer = new ItemPopupDrawer(ItemType.VirtualItem, false, VirtualItemType.LifeTimeItem); _itemPopupLabel = "Purchasable Item"; break; default: _itemPopupDrawer = null; break; } UpdateSubGatesPopupDrawers(); }
public LogicGate(GateType gateType, List <ISignal> inputSignals, ISignal outputSignal) { = ".logicGate" + ++gateCount; this.gateType = gateType; this.inputSignals = inputSignals; this.outputSignal = outputSignal; }
public static int TolMonitorMax(uint ascanNum, uint ascanPort, GateType type, double max) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].TolMonitorMax; double val = max; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqSet(ascanNum, ascanPort, attr, val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Set Tolerance Monitor Max failed!", "错误:设置Tolerance Monitor Max失败!"); } return(error_code); }
public static int TolMonitorMin(uint ascanNum, uint ascanPort, GateType type, ref double min) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].TolMonitorMax; double val = 0; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqGet(ascanNum, ascanPort, attr, ref val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Get Tolerance Monitor Min failed!", "错误:获取Tolerance Monitor Min失败!"); } min = val; return(error_code); }
public static int Threshold(uint ascanNum, uint ascanPort, GateType type, ref double threshold) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].Threshold; double val = 0; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqGet((uint)ascanNum, ascanPort, attr, ref val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Get the Threshold of gate failed", "错误:获得门的高度失败"); } threshold = val; return(error_code); }
public static int DtsStep(uint ascanNum, GateType type, double step) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].DtsStep; double val = step; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqSet(ascanNum, attr, val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Set the dts Step failed!", "错误:设置BTS step失败!"); } return(error_code); }
public static int Width(uint ascanNum, GateType type, double width) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].Width; double val = width; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqSet(ascanNum, attr, val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Set the Width of gate failed", "错误:设置门的宽度失败"); } return(error_code); }
private void cmsItem_CI_amp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { selectedGate = GateType.CI; //CI gateDataType = DataType.Amp; //amp tChartAscan.Header.Text = "Gate CI — Amp — velocity:" + velocity + "mm/us"; ResetTchart(); }
/**TM suppress counter(TMSc)*/ public static int TolMonitorSc(uint ascanNum, GateType type, uint cnt) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].TolMonitorSc; uint val = cnt; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqSet(ascanNum, attr, val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Set Tolerance Monitor Suppress Counter failed!", "错误:设置Tolerance Monitor Suppress Counter失败!"); } return(error_code); }
/**gate measment mode, pls see MeasMode Enum for part of list*/ public static int MeasMode(uint ascanNum, uint ascanPort, GateType type, ref MeasMode mode) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].MeasMode; uint val = 0; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqGet(ascanNum, ascanPort, attr, ref val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Get the Gate measment mode failed!", "错误:获取Gate measment mode失败!"); } mode = (MeasMode)val; return(error_code); }
public static int AlarmLogic(uint ascanNum, GateType type, GateAlarmLogic logic) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].AlarmLogic; uint val = (uint)logic; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqSet(ascanNum, attr, val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Set the Gate Alarm Logic failed!", "错误:设置Gate Alarm Logic失败!"); } return(error_code); }
public static int AlarmSignalLength(uint ascanNum, uint ascanPort, GateType type, ref GateAlarmSignalLength len) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].AlarmSignalLength; uint val = 0; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqGet(ascanNum, ascanPort, attr, ref val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Get the Gate alarm signal length failed!", "错误:获取Gate alarm signal length失败!"); } len = (GateAlarmSignalLength)val; return(error_code); }
////public static int AlarmTimeLength(uint ascanNum, uint ascanPort, GateType type, ref GateAlarmSignalLength len) //{ // int error_code; // int gateNum = (int)type; // uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].AlarmActive; // uint val = (uint)len; // if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) // { // error_code = -1; // return error_code; // } // if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) // { // error_code = -1; // return error_code; // } // error_code = DAQ.daqGet(ascanNum, ascanPort, attr, ref val); // if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) // { //"Error:Get the Gate alarm signal length failed!", "错误:获取Gate alarm signal length失败!"); // } // return error_code; //} public static int AlarmActiveLevel(uint ascanNum, uint ascanPort, GateType type, ref GateAlarmLevel level) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].AlarmActiveLevel; uint val = 0; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqGet(ascanNum, ascanPort, attr, ref val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Get alarm active level failed!", "错误:获取Alarm active level失败!"); } level = (GateAlarmLevel)val; return(error_code); }
private void tolMonitorAccordToGate(GateType gateType, int tolMonitorIndex) { int error_code; double delay = 0; double width = 0; double tolMonitorMax; double tolMonitorMin; error_code = GetGateDAQ.Delay(SelectAscan.sessionIndex, SelectAscan.port, gateType, ref delay); if (error_code != 0) { return; } error_code = GetGateDAQ.Width(SelectAscan.sessionIndex, SelectAscan.port, gateType, ref width); if (error_code != 0) { return; } tolMonitorMin = delay; tolMonitorMax = delay + width; ((NumericUpDown)(Controls.Find("numUpDownMax" + tolMonitorIndex, true)[0])).Text = tolMonitorMax.ToString(); ((NumericUpDown)(Controls.Find("numUpDownMin" + tolMonitorIndex, true)[0])).Text = tolMonitorMin.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a Gate. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"></param> public Gate(Program owner, Vector3 position, Vector3 orientation, int sequenceNr, int type) { this.owner = owner; this.Position = position; this.Orientation = orientation; this.sequenceNr = sequenceNr; this.gateType = (GateType)type; this.Scale = new Vector3(2, 2, 2); LoadMesh("gate1.x"); x1 = position.X + gateSize * (float)Math.Cos((double)orientation.Y); y1 = position.Z - gateSize * (float)Math.Sin((double)orientation.Y); x2 = position.X - gateSize * (float)Math.Cos((double)orientation.Y); y2 = position.Z + gateSize * (float)Math.Sin((double)orientation.Y); lineMesh1.Vertex1 = new Vector3(x1, position.Y, y1); lineMesh1.Vertex2 = new Vector3(x1, position.Y + gateHeight, y1); lineMesh2.Vertex1 = new Vector3(x2, position.Y, y2); lineMesh2.Vertex2 = new Vector3(x2, position.Y + gateHeight, y2); /* * lineMesh1.Vertex1 = this.Position + new Vector3(3.0f * (float)Math.Cos((double)orientation.Y), 0, -3.0f * (float)Math.Sin((double)orientation.Y)); * lineMesh1.Vertex2 = this.Position + new Vector3(3.0f * (float)Math.Cos((double)orientation.Y), 10, -3.0f * (float)Math.Sin((double)orientation.Y)); * lineMesh2.Vertex1 = this.Position + new Vector3(-3.0f * (float)Math.Cos((double)orientation.Y), 0, 3.0f * (float)Math.Sin((double)orientation.Y)); * lineMesh2.Vertex2 = this.Position + new Vector3(-3.0f * (float)Math.Cos((double)orientation.Y), 10, 3.0f * (float)Math.Sin((double)orientation.Y)); */ }
public static int DtsStart(uint ascanNum, uint ascanPort, GateType type, ref double start) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].DtsStart; double val = 0; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqGet(ascanNum, ascanPort, attr, ref val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Get the dts Start failed!", "错误:获取BTS start失败!"); } start = val; return(error_code); }
public static int ScCounter(uint ascanNum, uint ascanPort, GateType type, ref uint cnt) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].ScCounter; uint val = 0; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqGet(ascanNum, ascanPort, attr, ref val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Get Suppress Counter failed!", "错误:获取Suppress Counter失败!"); } cnt = val; return(error_code); }
public static int DnsActive(uint ascanNum, uint ascanPort, GateType type, ref DNSActive active) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].DnsActive; uint val = 0; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqGet(ascanNum, ascanPort, attr, ref val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Get Dns Active failed!", "错误:获取Dns Active失败!"); } active = (DNSActive)val; return(error_code); }
/**get dynamic threld suppression (dts) active*/ public static int DtsActive(uint ascanNum, GateType type, DTSActive active) { int error_code; int gateNum = (int)type; uint attr = DaqAttrType.gate[gateNum].DtsActive; uint val = (uint)active; if (ascanNum < ascanNumMin || ascanNum > ascanNumMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } if (type < gateTypeMin || type > gateTypeMax) { error_code = -1; return(error_code); } error_code = DAQ.daqSet(ascanNum, attr, val); if (error_code != (int)PDAQ_ERR.GOOD) {"Error:Set Dts Active failed!", "错误:设置Dts Active失败!"); } return(error_code); }
protected Gate(CellCoordinates[] _coordinates, CellCoordinates[] _inputs, CellCoordinates[] _outputs, GateType _type) : base(GridObjectType.Gate, _coordinates) { CurrentValues = new int[_outputs.Length]; Inputs = _inputs; Outputs = _outputs; Type = _type; }
public Gate(GateType type, Zp quorumIndex, Common.FiniteField.Circuits.Circuit mpcCircuit) { Debug.Assert(type == GateType.Input || mpcCircuit != null, "Only input gates do not have MPC circuit."); Id = idGen++; Type = type; QuorumIndex = quorumIndex.Value; MpcCircuit = mpcCircuit; }
private void cmsItem_C_tof_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { selectedGate = GateType.C; //C gateDataType = DataType.Tof; //tof tChartAscan.Header.Text = "Gate C — Tof — velocity:" + velocity + "mm/us"; CalTchartY_S(selectedGate); ResetTchart(); }
private static Guid GateGuid(GateType gateType, int inputCount, bool invertedOutput) { Tracer.Assert(gateType != GateType.Nop && GateSet.IsValid(gateType, inputCount) && (!invertedOutput || GateSet.HasOutput(gateType))); return(new Guid(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (byte)(int)gateType, (byte)inputCount, (byte)(invertedOutput ? 1 : 0) )); }
protected override void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collider) { base.OnTriggerEnter2D(collider); switch (collider.tag) { case "Exit Gate": _gateCenter = collider.transform.position; _activeGateType = GateType.Exit; break; case "Warp Gate": _gateCenter = collider.transform.position; _activeGateType = GateType.Warp; break; } }
/// <summary> /// Composes two gates given the operator as a parameter. /// </summary> /// <param name="a"></param> /// <param name="b"></param> /// <returns>The resulting gate.</returns> public static IGate Compose(GateType type, IGate a, IGate b) { switch(type) { case GateType.OR: return ComposeOR(a, b); case GateType.AND: return ComposeAND(a, b); default: throw new ArgumentException(); } }
public override void EmitBinaryOperator(GateType type) { switch (type) { case GateType.AND: Writer.Append(" AND "); break; case GateType.OR: Writer.Append(" OR "); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } }
public override void EmitBinaryOperator(GateType type) { switch (type) { case GateType.AND: Writer.Append(" && "); break; case GateType.OR: Writer.Append(" || "); break; default: throw new Exception("unsupported gate type."); } }
public void EnterGate(GateType gateBeingEntered, Vector2 gateCenter) { if ((gateBeingEntered == GateType.Exit) && (CurrentGame.GameData.GemsCollected < CurrentGame.GameData.GemsRequired)) { if (!_notEnoughGemsPopup.activeInHierarchy) { _notEnoughGemsPopup.SetActive(true); } } else { _gateBeingEntered = gateBeingEntered; _gateCenter = gateCenter; CurrentGame.GameData.TimerIsFrozen = true; SwitchToSequencedAvatar(); _sequencedAvatarController.SequenceCompleteHandler = CompleteGateEntrySequence; _sequencedAvatarAnimator.SetInteger("DeathSequence", 0); _sequencedAvatarAnimator.SetBool("ExitingGate", false); _sequencedAvatarAnimator.SetBool("EnteringGate", true); } }
public override void ValueChanged(object sender, object value) { if (sender.ToString() == "System.Int32 PowerOutput") { PowerOutput = int.Parse(value.ToString()); if (GateOpen) { foreach (GameObject obj in Outputs) { obj.GetComponent<PowerLineScript>().SetPower(PowerOutput,gameObject,dotTile.GetComponent<DotTileScript>().PowerSourceObj); } } } print(sender.ToString()); if (sender.ToString() == "LogicGate+GateType gateType") { switch (int.Parse(value.ToString())) { case 0: gateType = GateType.AND; break; case 1: gateType = GateType.OR; break; case 2: gateType = GateType.XOR; break; case 3: gateType = GateType.NOT; break; case 4: gateType = GateType.NAND; break; case 5: gateType = GateType.NOR; break; case 6: gateType = GateType.XNOR; break; default: break; } } }
public void LoadGateSetting(int id) { MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connectionString); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand( "select id, gate_class, gate_type, gate_code, gate_name, image_dir from gates where id=" + id, conn); conn.Open(); MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { gateId = reader.GetInt64("id"); int gtClass = reader.GetInt32("gate_class"); switch (gtClass) { case 1: gateClass =; break; case 2: gateClass = GateClass.motor; break; } int type = reader.GetInt32("gate_type"); switch (type) { case 1: gateType = GateType.gatein; break; case 2: gateType = GateType.gateout; break; } gateCode = reader.GetString("gate_code"); gateName = reader.GetString("gate_name"); } reader.Close(); // get tarif based on gate class string sql = "select id, name, initial_price, extended_price, extended_after from tarifs where id = "; switch (gateClass) { case sql += currentCarTarifId.ToString(); break; case GateClass.motor: sql += currentMotorTarifId.ToString(); break; } cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = sql; if (conn.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) conn.Open(); reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { tarifId = reader.GetInt32("id"); tarifName = reader.GetString("name"); tarifInitial = reader.GetInt64("initial_price"); tarifExtended = reader.GetInt64("extended_price"); tarifExtendedHour = reader.GetInt32("extended_after"); } reader.Close(); conn.Close(); }
internal void EmitBinaryOperator(GateType type) { switch(type) { case GateType.AND: Append(" && "); break; case GateType.OR: Append(" || "); break; default: throw new Exception("unsupported gate type."); } }
private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D collider) { if (collider.tag == "Exit Gate") { _gateCenterX = 0.0f; _activeGateType = GateType.None; } }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collider) { if (collider.tag == "Exit Gate") { _gateCenterX = collider.transform.position.x; _activeGateType = GateType.Exit; } }
private void Reset() { _facingRight = (_transform.localScale.x > 0.0f); _verticalMovementState = VerticalMovementState.OnGround; _lockMovement = false; _isMoving = false; _activeGateType = GateType.None; _gateCenterX = 0.0f; _enteringGate = false; _activeTool = null; }
public static IGate Compose(GateType type, IEnumerable<IGate> gates) { switch (type) { case GateType.OR: return ComposeOR(gates); case GateType.AND: return ComposeAND(gates); default: throw new ArgumentException(); } }
public abstract void EmitBinaryOperator(GateType type);
private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D collider) { if ((collider.tag == "Exit Gate") || (collider.tag == "Warp Gate")) { _gateCenter =; _activeGateType = GateType.None; } }
protected override void Reset() { base.Reset(); _activeGateType = GateType.None; _gateCenter =; _enteringGate = false; }