Exemple #1
        public ActionResult Delete(int id)
            var statement = _context.StatementIEs.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);

            if (statement == null)

            var ies      = _context.IncomeExpenditure_StatementIE.SingleOrDefault(m => m.StatementId == id);
            var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.IncomeExpenditureId == ies.IncomeExpenditureId);

            if (proposal == null || proposal.Submitted)
            if (!proposal.IsEditable(User.Identity.GetUserId()))

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "IncomeExpenditure", new { id = proposal.Id }));
Exemple #2
        public ActionResult New(int id)
            var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);

            if (proposal == null)
            if (proposal.ProgrammeRationaleId != null)
            if (!proposal.IsEditable(User.Identity.GetUserId()))
            proposal.IsInEdit    = true;
            proposal.UserEditing = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var viewModel = new RationaleFormViewModel
                Proposal = proposal,

            return(View("Form", viewModel));
        public ActionResult Index(int id)
            var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);

            if (proposal == null || proposal.Submitted)
            if (!proposal.IsEditable(User.Identity.GetUserId()))
            var er        = _context.ExternalReviews.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.ExternalReviewId);
            var reviewers = er.GetReviewers();

            proposal.IsInEdit    = true;
            proposal.UserEditing = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var viewModel = new ExternalReviewIndexViewModel
                Proposal  = proposal,
                Reviewers = reviewers

        public ActionResult Index(int id)
            var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);

            if (proposal == null || proposal.Submitted)
            if (!proposal.IsEditable(User.Identity.GetUserId()))
            var ie         = _context.IncomeExpenditures.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.IncomeExpenditureId);
            var statements = ie.GetStatements();

            proposal.IsInEdit    = true;
            proposal.UserEditing = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var viewModel = new IncomeExpenditureIndexViewModel
                Proposal   = proposal,
                Statements = statements

        public ActionResult Jump(int id)
            var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);

            if (proposal == null || !proposal.Submitted || !proposal.HasFacultyApproval())
            if (proposal.InPrincipalId == null)
                InPrincipal a = new InPrincipal();
                proposal.InPrincipal = a;

                var pvc = new PvcApproval();
                pvc.Upload = "_";

                var ipp = new InPrincipal_Pvc();
                ipp.PvcApproval   = pvc;
                ipp.PvcApprovalId = pvc.Id;
                ipp.InPrincipal   = a;
                ipp.InPrincipalId = a.Id;

                return(RedirectToAction("InPrinciple", "Proposal", new { id = proposal.Id }));
                return(RedirectToAction("InPrinciple", "Proposal", new { id = proposal.Id }));
        public ActionResult Edit(int cid)
            var comment = _context.Comments.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == cid);

            if (comment == null || comment.UserId != User.Identity.GetUserName())
            foreach (string name in Request.Form.AllKeys)
                    int commentId = Convert.ToInt32(name);
                    if (cid != commentId)
                    if (Request[name] == "")
                    comment.Description = Request[name];
                    comment.Date        = DateTime.Now;
                catch (Exception e)
        public ActionResult Save(EndorsementCollabFormViewModel vm)
            var proposal = vm.Proposal;

            proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.Id);
            if (proposal == null || !proposal.Submitted)
            var endorsement = vm.Endorsement;

            if (endorsement.Selection == true)
                //if a is chosen, set helddate to a default date
                endorsement.HeldDate = "01/01/0001";
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("Form", endorsement));

            var endorsementInDb = _context.EndorsementCollabs.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == endorsement.Id);

            endorsementInDb.HeldDate   = endorsement.HeldDate;
            endorsementInDb.SignedBy   = "DeanXYZ";
            endorsementInDb.SignedDate = DateTime.Now;
            endorsementInDb.Selection  = endorsement.Selection;

            return(RedirectToAction("Approval", "Proposal", new { id = proposal.Id }));
Exemple #8
        public ActionResult Save(StatementServFormViewModel vm)
            var proposal = vm.Proposal;

            proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.Id);
            if (proposal == null || !proposal.Submitted)
            var statement = vm.Statement;

            if (statement.Selection == true)
                //if a is chosen, set reservations to a default string
                statement.Reservations = "_";
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("Form", statement));

            var statementInDb = _context.StatementServs.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == statement.Id);

            statementInDb.Reservations = statement.Reservations;
            statementInDb.SignedBy     = "DeanXYZ";
            statementInDb.SignedDate   = DateTime.Now;
            statementInDb.Selection    = statement.Selection;

            return(RedirectToAction("Approval", "Proposal", new { id = proposal.Id }));
Exemple #9
        public ActionResult Save(UnitFormViewModel vm)
            var unit = vm.Unit;

            if (unit.Id != 0)
            unit.Code += " *";
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                var viewModel = GetViewModel(vm.YearRedirect);
                //viewModel.Unit.Code = unit.Code;
                //viewModel.Unit.Title = unit.Title;
                return(View("Form", viewModel));
            if (vm.SelectedDept != null)
                string s          = vm.SelectedDept;
                var    department = _context.Ref_Department.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id.ToString() == s);
                unit.Ref_Department = department;
                unit.DepartmentId   = department.Id;


            //check that user can go to yearredirect
            return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Year", new { id = vm.YearRedirect }));
        public ActionResult New(int id)
            var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);

            if (proposal == null)
            if (!proposal.IsEditable(User.Identity.GetUserId()))
            ProgrammeRationale pr = null;

            if (proposal.ProgrammeRationaleId != null)
                pr = _context.ProgrammeRationales.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.ProgrammeRationaleId);
            if (pr == null)
                //if section B has not been visited yet
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "ProgrammeRationale", new { id = proposal.Id }));
            if (pr.DemandId == null)
                //if section demand has not been visited yet
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "Demand", new { id = proposal.Id }));
            if (pr.PsId != null)
            proposal.IsInEdit    = true;
            proposal.UserEditing = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var viewModel = new ProgrammeStudyFormViewModel
                Proposal       = proposal,
                ProgrammeStudy = new ProgrammeOfStudy()

            return(View("Form", viewModel));
        // GET: TentativePs
        public ActionResult Index(int id)
            var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);

            if (proposal == null || proposal.Submitted)
            if (!proposal.IsEditable(User.Identity.GetUserId()))
            var pr = _context.ProgrammeRationales.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.ProgrammeRationaleId);

            if (pr == null)
                //if section B has not been visited yet
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "ProgrammeRationale", new { id = proposal.Id }));
            if (pr.DemandId == null)
                //if section demand has not been visited yet
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "Demand", new { id = proposal.Id }));
            if (pr.PsId == null)
                //if section ps has not been visited yet
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "ProgrammeStudy", new { id = proposal.Id }));
            var tp    = _context.TentativePs.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == pr.TentativePsId);
            var years = _context.Years.Where(m => m.TentativePsId == tp.Id).OrderBy(m => m.YearNo).ToList();

            proposal.IsInEdit    = true;
            proposal.UserEditing = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var viewModel = new TentativePsIndexViewModel
                Proposal = proposal,
                Years    = years

        public ActionResult Delete(int id)
            var reviewer = _context.Reviewers.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);

            if (reviewer == null)

            var err = _context.ExternalReview_Reviewer.SingleOrDefault(m => m.ReviewerId == id);

            var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.ExternalReviewId == err.ExternalReviewId);

            if (proposal == null || proposal.Submitted)
            if (!proposal.IsEditable(User.Identity.GetUserId()))

            //remove from whitelist and user list if reviewer is not linked to other proposals
            //reviewers with the email
            var reviewerList = _context.Reviewers.Where(m => m.Email == reviewer.Email).ToList();

            if (reviewerList.Count() > 1)
                //do nothing
                var wlToRemove = _context.Whitelists.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Email == reviewer.Email);


            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "ExternalReview", new { id = proposal.Id }));
Exemple #13
        public ActionResult Save(CouncilDecisionFormViewModel vm)
            var proposal = vm.Proposal;

            proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.Id);
            if (proposal == null || !proposal.Submitted || !proposal.HasFacultyApproval())
            var council = vm.CouncilDecision;

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                //return form
                var viewModel = new CouncilDecisionFormViewModel
                    Proposal        = proposal,
                    CouncilDecision = council
                return(View("Form", viewModel));
            if (council.Selection == true)
                //if a is chosen

                var senate = proposal.GetSenateDecision();
                if (senate.SignedBy != null)
                    if (senate.Selection == true)
                        //council also approved
                        proposal.InPrincipalApproved = true;
                        proposal.InPrincipalApproved = false;
                //if b is chosen
                proposal.InPrincipalApproved = false;

            var councilInDb = _context.CouncilDecisions.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == council.Id);

            councilInDb.SignedBy   = "DeanXYZ";
            councilInDb.SignedDate = DateTime.Now;
            councilInDb.Selection  = council.Selection;

            return(RedirectToAction("InPrinciple", "Proposal", new { id = proposal.Id }));
Exemple #14
        public ActionResult LogOff()
            GaptDbContext _context = new GaptDbContext();
            var           userId   = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var           unlocked = _context.Proposals.Where(m => m.IsInEdit == true && m.UserEditing == userId).ToList();

            foreach (Proposal p in unlocked)
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Exemple #15
        public ActionResult Delete(int id)
            var reviewer = _context.Reviewers.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);

            if (reviewer == null)

            var err = _context.ExternalReview_Reviewer.SingleOrDefault(m => m.ReviewerId == id);

            var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.ExternalReviewId == err.ExternalReviewId);

            if (proposal == null || proposal.Submitted)

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "ExternalReview", new { id = proposal.Id }));
Exemple #16
        public ActionResult Jump(int id)
            var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);

            if (proposal == null || !proposal.Submitted)
            if (proposal.ApprovalId == null)
                Approval a = new Approval();
                proposal.Approval = a;
                Thread t = new Thread();
                a.Thread = t;
                return(RedirectToAction("Approval", "Proposal", new { id = proposal.Id }));
                return(RedirectToAction("Approval", "Proposal", new { id = proposal.Id }));
Exemple #17
        public ActionResult UnlockAll()
            var userId   = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var unlocked = _context.Proposals.Where(m => m.IsInEdit == true && m.UserEditing == userId).ToList();

            foreach (Proposal p in unlocked)
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
        public ActionResult Save(RecommendationFicsFormViewModel vm)
            var proposal = vm.Proposal;

            proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.Id);
            if (proposal == null || !proposal.Submitted)
            var recommendation = vm.Recommendation;

            var faculty = _context.Ref_Faculty.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == recommendation.FacultyId);

            if (faculty.Dean != User.Identity.GetUserId())

            if (recommendation.Selection == true)
                //if a is chosen, set helddateB to a default date
                recommendation.HeldDateB = "01/01/0001";
                //if b is chosen, set helddateA to a default date
                recommendation.HeldDateA = "01/01/0001";
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("Form", recommendation));

            var recommendationInDb = _context.RecommendationFics.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == recommendation.Id);

            recommendationInDb.HeldDateA  = recommendation.HeldDateA;
            recommendationInDb.HeldDateB  = recommendation.HeldDateB;
            recommendationInDb.SignedBy   = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            recommendationInDb.SignedDate = DateTime.Now;
            recommendationInDb.Selection  = recommendation.Selection;

            return(RedirectToAction("Approval", "Proposal", new { id = proposal.Id }));
        public ActionResult Jump(int id)
            var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);

            if (proposal == null || proposal.Submitted)
            if (proposal.ExternalReviewId == null)
                ExternalReview er = new ExternalReview();
                proposal.ExternalReview = er;
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "ExternalReview", new { id = proposal.Id }));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "ExternalReview", new { id = proposal.Id }));
        public ActionResult Jump(int id)
            var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);

            if (proposal == null || proposal.Submitted)
            if (proposal.IncomeExpenditureId == null)
                IncomeExpenditure ie = new IncomeExpenditure();
                proposal.IncomeExpenditure = ie;
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "IncomeExpenditure", new { id = proposal.Id }));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "IncomeExpenditure", new { id = proposal.Id }));
Exemple #21
        public ActionResult Jump(int id)
            var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);
            var pr       = _context.ProgrammeRationales.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == proposal.ProgrammeRationaleId);

            if (proposal == null || proposal.Submitted)
            if (pr == null)
                //if section B has not been visited yet
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "ProgrammeRationale", new { id = proposal.Id }));
            if (pr.DemandId == null)
                //if section demand has not been visited yet
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "Demand", new { id = proposal.Id }));
            if (pr.PsId == null)
                //if section ps has not been visited yet
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "ProgrammeStudy", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            if (pr.TentativePsId == null)
                TentativeP tp = new TentativeP();
                pr.TentativeP = tp;
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "TentativePs", new { id = proposal.Id }));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "TentativePs", new { id = proposal.Id }));
Exemple #22
        public ActionResult Submit(int id)
            var    proposal     = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);
            string errorMessage = null;

            if (proposal == null)

            if (proposal.GeneralId == null)
                errorMessage = "Section A not filled in yet.";
            else if (proposal.ProgrammeRationaleId == null)
                errorMessage = "Section B not filled in yet.";
            else if (proposal.ExternalReviewId == null)
                errorMessage = "Section C not filled in yet.";
            else if (proposal.IncomeExpenditureId == null)
                errorMessage = "Section D not filled in yet.";
                var general = proposal.General;
                var pr      = proposal.ProgrammeRationale;
                var er      = proposal.ExternalReview;
                var ie      = proposal.IncomeExpenditure;
                if (general.GetErrorMessage() != null)
                    errorMessage = general.GetErrorMessage();
                else if (pr.GetErrorMessage() != null)
                    errorMessage = pr.GetErrorMessage();
                else if (er.GetErrorMessage() != null)
                    errorMessage = er.GetErrorMessage();
                else if (ie.GetErrorMessage() != null)
                    errorMessage = ie.GetErrorMessage();

            if (errorMessage != null)
                // an error is present
                var ie         = _context.IncomeExpenditures.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.IncomeExpenditureId);
                var statements = ie.GetStatements();

                var viewModel = new IncomeExpenditureIndexViewModel
                    Proposal     = proposal,
                    Statements   = statements,
                    ErrorMessage = errorMessage
                return(View("../IncomeExpenditure/Index", viewModel));
                proposal.Submitted = true;
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Proposal"));
        public ActionResult Save(PvcApprovalFormViewModel vm, HttpPostedFileBase postedFile)
            var proposal = vm.Proposal;

            proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.Id);
            if (proposal == null || !proposal.Submitted || !proposal.HasFacultyApproval())
            var pvc = vm.PvcApproval;

            if (pvc.Selection == true)
                //if a is chosen
                pvc.Upload = "_";

                if (pvc.CouncilRef == true)
                    if (proposal.GetCouncilDecision() == null)
                        //refer to council
                        var council = new CouncilDecision();

                        var ipc = new InPrincipal_Council();
                        ipc.CouncilDecision   = council;
                        ipc.CouncilDecisionId = council.Id;
                        ipc.InPrincipal       = proposal.InPrincipal;
                        ipc.InPrincipalId     = proposal.InPrincipal.Id;

                    pvc.CouncilRef = false;

                if (proposal.GetSenateDecision() == null)
                    //refer to senate
                    var senate = new SenateDecision();

                    var ips = new InPrincipal_Senate();
                    ips.SenateDecision   = senate;
                    ips.SenateDecisionId = senate.Id;
                    ips.InPrincipal      = proposal.InPrincipal;
                    ips.InPrincipalId    = proposal.InPrincipal.Id;

                //if b is chosen
                if (postedFile != null)
                    string path = Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/");
                    if (!Directory.Exists(path))

                    postedFile.SaveAs(path + Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName.Replace(' ', '_')));
                    pvc.Upload     = postedFile.FileName.Replace(' ', '_');
                    pvc.CouncilRef = null;
                    proposal.InPrincipalApproved = false;
                    //return form
                    var viewModel = new PvcApprovalFormViewModel
                        Proposal    = proposal,
                        PvcApproval = pvc
                    return(View("Form", viewModel));

            var pvcInDb = _context.PvcApprovals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == pvc.Id);

            pvcInDb.Upload     = pvc.Upload;
            pvcInDb.CouncilRef = pvc.CouncilRef;
            pvcInDb.SignedBy   = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            pvcInDb.SignedDate = DateTime.Now;
            pvcInDb.Selection  = pvc.Selection;

            return(RedirectToAction("InPrinciple", "Proposal", new { id = proposal.Id }));
Exemple #24
        public ActionResult Save(YearFormViewModel vm)
            var proposal = vm.Proposal;

            proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.Id);
            if (proposal == null || proposal.Submitted)
            if (!proposal.IsEditable(User.Identity.GetUserId()))
            var year = vm.Year;

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("Form", year));

            if (year.Id == 0)
                var pr = _context.ProgrammeRationales.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.ProgrammeRationaleId);
                year.TentativeP    = pr.TentativeP;
                year.TentativePsId = pr.TentativePsId;
                var yearInDb = _context.Years.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == year.Id);
                yearInDb.TotalEcts = year.TotalEcts;

                if (year.YearNo != null)
                    var maxYearNo = _context.Database.SqlQuery <int>("Select Max(YearNo) From dbo.Year Where TentativePsId = " + yearInDb.TentativePsId).First() + 5;
                    if (year.YearNo <= maxYearNo)
                        // check that no year exists with the same number
                        var takenYearNos = _context.Database.SqlQuery <int>("Select YearNo From dbo.Year Where TentativePsId = " + yearInDb.TentativePsId).ToList();

                        if (!takenYearNos.Contains((int)year.YearNo))
                            yearInDb.YearNo = year.YearNo;

                // remove exsting Year_Units where TentativePsId == tentative.Id
                var toRemove = _context.Year_Unit.Where(m => m.YearId == year.Id).ToList();
                foreach (Year_Unit yu in toRemove.ToList())
                    var unit = _context.Ref_Unit.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == yu.UnitId);
                    var dept = unit.Ref_Department;
                    var stm  = dept.GetServStatement(proposal.Id);
                    if (stm != null)
                        if (stm.Selection == true)


                //string queryYu = "DELETE FROM dbo.Year_Unit WHERE YearId = " + year.Id;
            foreach (string name in Request.Form.AllKeys)
                    int       unitId = Convert.ToInt32(name);
                    Year_Unit yu     = new Year_Unit();
                    yu.YearId = year.Id;
                    yu.Year   = _context.Years.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == year.Id);
                    yu.UnitId = unitId;
                    yu.Coe    = Convert.ToInt32(Request["coe_" + name]);
                    if (Request["lecturer_" + name] != "null")
                        yu.Lecturer = Request["lecturer_" + name];
                        yu.Lecturer = null;
                    if (Request["credits_" + name] != "")
                        yu.Ects = Convert.ToInt32(Request["credits_" + name]);
                    //if (Request["lecturer_" + name] != "")
                    //    yu.Lecturer = Request["lecturer_" + name];
                    yu.Period = Convert.ToInt32(Request["period_" + name]);
                    if (proposal.GetGeneral().LevelId == 1)
                        // if UG, check if compensating was selected
                        if (Request["comp_" + name] == "on")
                            yu.Compensating       = 1;
                            yu.CompensatingReason = null;
                            yu.Compensating = 0;
                            if (Request["reason_" + name] != "")
                                yu.CompensatingReason = Request["reason_" + name];
                        yu.Compensating       = 0;
                        yu.CompensatingReason = "Compensated passes are not applicable for PG courses.";
                catch (Exception e)

            var jump = Request["jump"];

            switch (jump)
            case "0":
                // Save pressed
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "TentativePs", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "1":
                // New unit pressed
                return(RedirectToAction("New", "Unit", new { yearRedirect = year.Id }));

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "TentativePs", new { id = proposal.Id }));
Exemple #25
        public ActionResult Save(SenateDecisionFormViewModel vm)
            var proposal = vm.Proposal;

            proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.Id);
            if (proposal == null || !proposal.Submitted || !proposal.HasFacultyApproval())
            var senate = vm.SenateDecision;

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                //return form
                var viewModel = new SenateDecisionFormViewModel
                    Proposal       = proposal,
                    SenateDecision = senate
                return(View("Form", viewModel));
            if (senate.Selection == true)
                //if a is chosen
                var pvc = proposal.GetPvcApproval();
                if (pvc.CouncilRef == false)
                    //not referred to council
                    proposal.InPrincipalApproved = true;
                    var council = proposal.GetCouncilDecision();
                    if (council.SignedBy != null)
                        if (council.Selection == true)
                            //council also approved
                            proposal.InPrincipalApproved = true;
                            proposal.InPrincipalApproved = false;
                //if b is chosen
                proposal.InPrincipalApproved = false;

            var senateInDb = _context.SenateDecisions.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == senate.Id);

            senateInDb.SignedBy   = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            senateInDb.SignedDate = DateTime.Now;
            senateInDb.Selection  = senate.Selection;

            return(RedirectToAction("InPrinciple", "Proposal", new { id = proposal.Id }));
Exemple #26
        public ActionResult Save(DemandFormViewModel vm)
            var demand   = vm.Demand;
            var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == vm.Proposal.Id);

            if (proposal == null)
            if (proposal.Submitted)
                return(Content("Proposal already submitted"));
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("Form", demand));

            if (demand.Id == 0)
                var pr = _context.ProgrammeRationales.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.Id);
                pr.DemandId = demand.Id;
                pr.Demand   = demand;
                var demandInDb = _context.Demands.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == demand.Id);
                demandInDb.Description = demand.Description;
                demandInDb.Period      = demand.Period;

            var jump = Request["jump"];

            switch (jump)
            case "0":
                // Save pressed -> return form
                return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Demand", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "-1":
                // Previous pressed -> return form
                return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Rationale", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "1":
                // Next pressed -> return next page
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "ProgrammeStudy", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "A":
                // A pressed -> go to Section A
                return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "General", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "B":
                // B pressed -> go to Section B
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "ProgrammeRationale", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "C":
                // C pressed -> go to Section C
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "ExternalReview", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "D":
                // D pressed -> go to Section D
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "IncomeExpenditure", new { id = proposal.Id }));

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Proposal"));
Exemple #27
        public ActionResult Save(TentativePsFormViewModel vm)
            var tentative = vm.TentativePs;
            var proposal  = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == vm.Proposal.Id);

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("Form", tentative));

            if (tentative.Id == 0)
                var pr = _context.ProgrammeRationales.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.Id);
                pr.TentativePsId = tentative.Id;
                pr.TentativeP    = tentative;
                var addedYears = new List <int>();

                foreach (string name in Request.Form.AllKeys)
                        int n      = Convert.ToInt32(name);
                        int yearNo = Convert.ToInt32(Request["year_" + name]);
                        if (!addedYears.Contains(yearNo))
                            Year year = new Year();
                            year.TentativePsId = tentative.Id;
                            year.TentativeP    = tentative;
                            year.YearNo        = yearNo;
                            year.TotalEcts     = 0;
                        Year      yearInDb = _context.Years.SingleOrDefault(m => m.TentativePsId == tentative.Id && m.YearNo == yearNo);
                        Year_Unit yu       = new Year_Unit();
                        yu.YearId   = yearInDb.Id;
                        yu.Year     = _context.Years.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == yearInDb.Id);
                        yu.UnitId   = n;
                        yu.Coe      = Convert.ToInt32(Request["coe_" + name]);
                        yu.Ects     = Convert.ToInt32(Request["credits_" + name]);
                        yu.Period   = Convert.ToInt32(Request["period_" + name]);
                        yu.Lecturer = Request["lecturer_" + name];
                        //return Content(name + " " + Request["lecturer_" + name] + " " + Request["credits_" + name]);
                    catch (Exception e)
                //save all yearno, ects pairs to dictionary
                SortedDictionary <int, int> pairs = new SortedDictionary <int, int>();
                string query   = "Select YearNo From dbo.Year Where TentativePsId = " + tentative.Id;
                var    yearNos = _context.Database.SqlQuery <int>(query).ToList();
                foreach (int yearNo in yearNos)
                    string q    = "Select TotalEcts From dbo.Year Where YearNo = " + yearNo + " and TentativePsId = " + tentative.Id;
                    int    ects = _context.Database.SqlQuery <int>(q).Single();
                    pairs.Add(yearNo, ects);

                // remove exsting Year_Units and Years where TentativePsId == tentative.Id
                string queryYu = "DELETE FROM dbo.Year_Unit WHERE YearId in (Select Id From dbo.Year Where TentativePsId = " + tentative.Id + "); ";
                string queryY  = "DELETE FROM dbo.Year Where TentativePsId = " + tentative.Id;

                var addedYears = new List <int>();

                foreach (string name in Request.Form.AllKeys)
                        int n      = Convert.ToInt32(name);
                        int yearNo = Convert.ToInt32(Request["year_" + name]);
                        if (!addedYears.Contains(yearNo))
                            Year year = new Year();
                            year.TentativePsId = tentative.Id;
                            year.YearNo        = yearNo;
                            if (pairs.ContainsKey(yearNo))
                                year.TotalEcts = pairs[yearNo];
                                year.TotalEcts = 0;

                        Year      yearInDb = _context.Years.SingleOrDefault(m => m.TentativePsId == tentative.Id && m.YearNo == yearNo);
                        Year_Unit yu       = new Year_Unit();
                        yu.YearId   = yearInDb.Id;
                        yu.Year     = _context.Years.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == yearInDb.Id);
                        yu.UnitId   = n;
                        yu.Coe      = Convert.ToInt32(Request["coe_" + name]);
                        yu.Ects     = Convert.ToInt32(Request["credits_" + name]);
                        yu.Period   = Convert.ToInt32(Request["period_" + name]);
                        yu.Lecturer = Request["lecturer_" + name];
                    catch (Exception e)

            var jump = Request["jump"];

            switch (jump)
            case "0":
                // Save pressed -> return form
                return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "TentativePs", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "-1":
                // Previous pressed -> return form
                return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "ProgrammeStudy", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "1":
                // Next pressed -> return next page
                return(RedirectToAction("YearTotals", "TentativePs", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "A":
                // A pressed -> go to Section A
                return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "General", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "B":
                // B pressed -> go to Section B
                return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Rationale", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "C":
                // C pressed -> go to Section C
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "ExternalReview", new { id = proposal.Id }));

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Proposal"));
        public ActionResult Save(ProgrammeStudyFormViewModel vm)
            var programmeStudy = vm.ProgrammeStudy;
            var proposal       = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == vm.Proposal.Id);

            if (proposal == null)
            if (proposal.Submitted)
                return(Content("Proposal already submitted"));
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("Form", programmeStudy));

            if (programmeStudy.Id == 0)
                var pr = _context.ProgrammeRationales.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.Id);
                pr.PsId             = programmeStudy.Id;
                pr.ProgrammeOfStudy = programmeStudy;
                var psInDb = _context.ProgrammeOfStudies.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == programmeStudy.Id);
                psInDb.KnowledgeUnderstanding  = programmeStudy.KnowledgeUnderstanding;
                psInDb.IntellectualDevelopment = programmeStudy.IntellectualDevelopment;
                psInDb.KeyTransferableSkills   = programmeStudy.KeyTransferableSkills;
                psInDb.OtherSkills             = programmeStudy.OtherSkills;

            var jump = Request["jump"];

            switch (jump)
            case "0":
                // Save pressed -> return form
                return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "ProgrammeStudy", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "-1":
                // Previous pressed -> return form
                return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Demand", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "1":
                // Next pressed -> return next page
                //return RedirectToAction("Jump", "TentativePs", new { id = proposal.Id });
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "TentativePs", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "A":
                // A pressed -> go to Section A
                return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "General", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "B":
                // B pressed -> go to Section B
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "ProgrammeRationale", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "C":
                // C pressed -> go to Section C
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "ExternalReview", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "D":
                // D pressed -> go to Section D
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "IncomeExpenditure", new { id = proposal.Id }));

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Proposal"));
Exemple #29
        public ActionResult Save(GeneralFormViewModel vm)
            var general = vm.General;
            List <Department_General> removed = new List <Department_General>();
            List <Department_General> added   = new List <Department_General>();

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                //foreach (ModelState modelState in ViewData.ModelState.Values)
                //    foreach (ModelError error in modelState.Errors)
                //    {
                //        return Content(error.ErrorMessage);
                //    }
                return(View("Form", general));

            if (general.Id == 0)
                Thread t = new Thread();
                general.Thread = t;
                var proposal = new Proposal();
                proposal.GeneralId   = general.Id;
                proposal.CreatedOn   = DateTime.Now;
                proposal.CreatedBy   = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                proposal.IsInEdit    = true;
                proposal.UserEditing = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.GeneralId == general.Id);
                if (proposal == null)
                if (!proposal.IsEditable(User.Identity.GetUserId()))
                if (proposal.Submitted)
                    return(Content("Proposal already submitted"));
                var changedLevel = false;

                var generalInDb = _context.Generals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == general.Id);
                if (generalInDb.LevelId != general.LevelId)
                    changedLevel = true;

                generalInDb.Title             = general.Title;
                generalInDb.LevelId           = general.LevelId;
                generalInDb.Ref_Level         = _context.Ref_Level.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == general.LevelId);
                generalInDb.AreasStudy        = general.AreasStudy;
                generalInDb.FacultyId         = general.FacultyId;
                generalInDb.Ref_Faculty       = general.Ref_Faculty;
                generalInDb.DeliveryId        = general.DeliveryId;
                generalInDb.Ref_Delivery      = _context.Ref_Delivery.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == general.DeliveryId);
                generalInDb.DurationSemesters = general.DurationSemesters;
                generalInDb.FirstDateIntake   = general.FirstDateIntake;
                generalInDb.ExpectedStudents  = general.ExpectedStudents;
                if (general.MaxStudents == null)
                    generalInDb.CappingReason = null;
                    generalInDb.CappingReason = general.CappingReason;
                generalInDb.MaxStudents = general.MaxStudents;

                //remove departments, to be added again later
                var toRemove = _context.Department_General.Where(m => m.GeneralId == general.Id).ToList();

                //remove proposers and shared, to be added again later
                var proposersToRemove = _context.Proposer_General.Where(m => m.GeneralId == general.Id).ToList();
                var sharedToRemove    = _context.Shared_General.Where(m => m.GeneralId == general.Id).ToList();
                var typesToRemove     = _context.Type_General.Where(m => m.GeneralId == general.Id).ToList();

                foreach (Department_General dg in toRemove.ToList())
                    if (dg.Type == 3)
                        var dept = dg.Ref_Department;
                        //does not remove if approval accepted
                        var stm = dept.GetServStatement(proposal.Id);
                        if (stm != null)
                            if (stm.Selection == true)
                removed = toRemove;


                //if level changed -> change existing year_units
                if (changedLevel)
                    if (general.LevelId == 2)
                        if (proposal.ProgrammeRationale != null)
                            if (proposal.ProgrammeRationale.TentativeP != null)
                                var tentative = proposal.ProgrammeRationale.TentativeP;
                                var years     = tentative.GetYears();
                                foreach (Year y in years)
                                    var yus = y.GetYearUnits();
                                    foreach (Year_Unit yu in yus)
                                        var yuInDb = _context.Year_Unit.Single(m => m.Id == yu.Id);
                                        yuInDb.Compensating       = 0;
                                        yuInDb.CompensatingReason = "Compensated passes are not applicable for PG courses.";
                        //switch reasons to null if they were PG default
                        if (proposal.ProgrammeRationale != null)
                            if (proposal.ProgrammeRationale.TentativeP != null)
                                var tentative = proposal.ProgrammeRationale.TentativeP;
                                var years     = tentative.GetYears();
                                foreach (Year y in years)
                                    var yus = y.GetYearUnits();
                                    foreach (Year_Unit yu in yus)
                                        var yuInDb = _context.Year_Unit.Single(m => m.Id == yu.Id);
                                        if (yuInDb.Compensating == 0 && yuInDb.CompensatingReason == "Compensated passes are not applicable for PG courses.")
                                            yuInDb.CompensatingReason = null;


            if (vm.SelectedInitDepts != null)
                foreach (string s in vm.SelectedInitDepts)
                    var department        = _context.Ref_Department.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id.ToString() == s);
                    Department_General dg = new Department_General(department.Id, general.Id, 1);
                    var existing          = _context.Department_General.Where(m => m.DepartmentId == department.Id && m.GeneralId == general.Id).ToList();
                    if (existing.Count == 0)
            if (vm.SelectedCollabDepts != null)
                foreach (string s in vm.SelectedCollabDepts)
                    var department        = _context.Ref_Department.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id.ToString() == s);
                    Department_General dg = new Department_General(department.Id, general.Id, 2);
                    var existing          = _context.Department_General.Where(m => m.DepartmentId == department.Id && m.GeneralId == general.Id).ToList();
                    if (existing.Count == 0)
            if (vm.SelectedServDepts != null)
                foreach (string s in vm.SelectedServDepts)
                    var department        = _context.Ref_Department.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id.ToString() == s);
                    Department_General dg = new Department_General(department.Id, general.Id, 3);
                    var existing          = _context.Department_General.Where(m => m.DepartmentId == department.Id && m.GeneralId == general.Id).ToList();
                    if (existing.Count == 0)

            if (vm.SelectedTypes != null)
                foreach (string s in vm.SelectedTypes)
                    var          type = _context.Ref_Type.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id.ToString() == s);
                    Type_General tg   = new Type_General(type.Id, general.Id);

            List <int> removedDepIds = new List <int>();

            foreach (Department_General dg in removed)
                var f = false;
                foreach (Department_General adg in added)
                    if ((dg.DepartmentId == adg.DepartmentId) && (dg.GeneralId == adg.GeneralId))
                        f = true;
                if (f == true)
                    //return Content("removed " + dg.DepartmentId);

            if (vm.SelectedProposers != null)
                ApplicationDbContext adb = new ApplicationDbContext();
                foreach (string s in vm.SelectedProposers)
                    var user            = adb.Database.SqlQuery <ApplicationUser>("Select * from dbo.AspNetUsers Where Id = '" + s + "'").First();
                    Proposer_General pg = new Proposer_General(user.Id, general.Id);

            if (vm.SelectedShared != null)
                ApplicationDbContext adb = new ApplicationDbContext();
                foreach (string s in vm.SelectedShared)
                    var            user = adb.Database.SqlQuery <ApplicationUser>("Select * from dbo.AspNetUsers Where Id = '" + s + "'").First();
                    Shared_General sg   = new Shared_General(user.Id, general.Id);

            var jump = Request["jump"];
            var prop = general.GetProposal();
            var pr   = _context.ProgrammeRationales.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == prop.ProgrammeRationaleId);

            if (pr != null)
                if (pr.TentativePsId != null)
                    var tentativePs = pr.TentativeP;
                    var years       = tentativePs.GetYears();
                    foreach (Year year in years)
                        var year_units = year.GetYearUnits();
                        foreach (Year_Unit yu in year_units)
                            if (removedDepIds.Contains(yu.GetUnit().DepartmentId))
                                var yuInDb = _context.Year_Unit.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == yu.Id);

            _context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Update dbo.GeneralHistory Set EditedBy = '" + User.Identity.GetUserId() + "' Where GeneralId = " + general.Id + " and EditedBy is null");
            switch (jump)
            case "0": {
                // Save pressed -> return form
                return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "General", new { id = general.Id }));

            case "1":
                // Next pressed -> return next page
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "ProgrammeRationale", new { id = prop.Id }));

            case "2":
                // Save and exit
                return(RedirectToAction("CloseEdit", "Proposal", new { id = prop.Id }));

            case "A":
                // A pressed -> go to Section A
                return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "General", new { id = general.Id }));

            case "B":
                // B pressed -> go to Section B
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "ProgrammeRationale", new { id = prop.Id }));

            case "C":
                // C pressed -> go to Section C
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "ExternalReview", new { id = prop.Id }));

            case "D":
                // D pressed -> go to Section D
                return(RedirectToAction("Jump", "IncomeExpenditure", new { id = prop.Id }));

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Proposal"));
Exemple #30
        public ActionResult Save(YearFormViewModel vm)
            var proposal = vm.Proposal;

            proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.Id);
            if (proposal == null || proposal.Submitted)
            var year = vm.Year;

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("Form", year));

            if (year.Id == 0)
                var pr = _context.ProgrammeRationales.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.Id);
                year.TentativeP    = pr.TentativeP;
                year.TentativePsId = pr.TentativePsId;
                var yearInDb = _context.Years.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == year.Id);
                yearInDb.TotalEcts = year.TotalEcts;
                // remove exsting Year_Units where TentativePsId == tentative.Id
                string queryYu = "DELETE FROM dbo.Year_Unit WHERE YearId = " + year.Id;
            foreach (string name in Request.Form.AllKeys)
                    int       unitId = Convert.ToInt32(name);
                    Year_Unit yu     = new Year_Unit();
                    yu.YearId = year.Id;
                    yu.Year   = _context.Years.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == year.Id);
                    yu.UnitId = unitId;
                    yu.Coe    = Convert.ToInt32(Request["coe_" + name]);
                    if (Request["credits_" + name] != "")
                        yu.Ects = Convert.ToInt32(Request["credits_" + name]);
                    if (Request["lecturer_" + name] != "")
                        yu.Lecturer = Request["lecturer_" + name];
                    yu.Period = Convert.ToInt32(Request["period_" + name]);
                    if (proposal.GetGeneral().LevelId == 1)
                        // if UG, check if compensating was selected
                        if (Request["comp_" + name] == "on")
                            yu.Compensating = 1;
                            yu.Compensating = 0;
                            if (Request["reason_" + name] != "")
                                yu.CompensatingReason = Request["reason_" + name];
                        yu.Compensating = 0;
                catch (Exception e)

            var jump = Request["jump"];

            switch (jump)
            case "0":
                // Save pressed
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "TentativePs", new { id = proposal.Id }));

            case "1":
                // New unit pressed
                return(RedirectToAction("New", "Unit", new { yearRedirect = year.Id }));

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "TentativePs", new { id = proposal.Id }));