Exemple #1
        public string Ready(long?timeLeft)
            if (timeLeft == null)
                return("{\"ResponseCode\":\"" + ResponseCode.ERROR + "\", \"Message\":\"Missing 'timeLeft.'\"}");

            string lanID = Authenticator.GetLanID();

            if (lanID == null)
                EventLogger.Log(EventCode.LOGIN_FAIL, "/ready");
                return("{\"ResponseCode\":\"" + ResponseCode.ERROR + "\", \"Message\":\"Fail to login. Try again using Internet Explorer.\"}");

            Player player = Gaming.RetrievePlayer(lanID);

            bool isNewGame = false;
            Game game      = Gaming.ResumeGame(player, CURRENT_QUESTION_SET_ID, ref isNewGame);

            if (game.IsGameEnded)
                // Users are not supposed to reach this code..
                return("{\"ResponseCode\":\"" + ResponseCode.GAMEOVER + "\", \"Message\":\"TIME OUT !\"}");
                // NOTE: Record the time-left that user reported.
                Session session = Gaming.GetCurrentSessionForReady(game, (long)timeLeft);

                // This means no more question
                if (session == null)
                    EventLogger.Log(EventCode.READY_NO_QUESTION, game.GameID + "");
                    return("{\"ResponseCode\":\"" + ResponseCode.GAMEOVER + "\", \"Message\":\"You answered all question.\"}");

                // TODO: Total time too much? time stamp mistmatch ?
                if (false)
                    EventLogger.Log(EventCode.READY_TIME_ANOMALY, game.GameID + ",reason here");

                EventLogger.Log(EventCode.READY, session.SessionID + "");

                Question question = Gaming.GetQuestion(session);

                string json = "{";
                json += "\"ResponseCode\": \"" + ResponseCode.QUESTION + "\"";
                json += ",\"QuestionID\": " + question.QuestionID;
                json += ",\"Title\": \"" + question.TITLE + "\"";
                json += ",\"Picture\": \"" + question.Picture + "\"";
                json += ",\"Choice1\": \"" + question.Choice1 + "\"";
                json += ",\"Choice2\": \"" + question.Choice2 + "\"";
                json += ",\"Choice3\": \"" + question.Choice3 + "\"";
                json += ",\"Choice4\": \"" + question.Choice4 + "\"";
                json += "}";
