private void DrawGametypeCategory(CustomSpriteBatch g, GametypeCategory ActiveCategory, ref int CurrentIndex, ref float DrawY)
            if (CurrentIndex >= GametypeScrollbarValue)
                g.DrawStringMiddleAligned(fntText, ActiveCategory.Category, new Vector2(LeftPanelX + PanelWidth / 2, DrawY), Color.White);
                DrawY += 20;


            for (int G = 0; G < ActiveCategory.ArrayGametype.Length; ++G)
                if (CurrentIndex >= GametypeScrollbarValue)
                    g.DrawString(fntText, ActiveCategory.ArrayGametype[G].Name, new Vector2(LeftPanelX + 5, DrawY), Color.White);
                    if (MouseHelper.MouseStateCurrent.X >= LeftPanelX && MouseHelper.MouseStateCurrent.X < LeftPanelX + PanelWidth &&
                        MouseHelper.MouseStateCurrent.Y >= DrawY && MouseHelper.MouseStateCurrent.Y < DrawY + 20)
                        g.Draw(sprPixel, new Rectangle(LeftPanelX, (int)DrawY, PanelWidth, 20), Color.FromNonPremultiplied(255, 255, 255, 127));
                    DrawY += 20;

        private bool SelectGametype(GametypeCategory ActiveCategory, ref int CurrentIndex, ref float DrawY)
            if (CurrentIndex >= GametypeScrollbarValue)
                DrawY += 20;


            for (int G = 0; G < ActiveCategory.ArrayGametype.Length; ++G)
                if (CurrentIndex >= GametypeScrollbarValue)
                    if (MouseHelper.MouseStateCurrent.X >= LeftPanelX && MouseHelper.MouseStateCurrent.X < LeftPanelX + PanelWidth &&
                        MouseHelper.MouseStateCurrent.Y >= DrawY && MouseHelper.MouseStateCurrent.Y < DrawY + 20 &&
                        SelectedGametype = ActiveCategory.ArrayGametype[G];
                        Room.RoomType    = SelectedGametype.Name;

                    DrawY += 20;


        public override void Load()
            fntText = Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Fonts/Arial10");

            Gametype GametypeCampaign    = new Gametype("Campaign", "Classic mission based mode, no respawn.", null);
            Gametype GametypeHorde       = new Gametype("Horde", "Wave survival mode, respawn at the start of each wave.", null);
            Gametype GametypeBaseDefense = new Gametype("Base Defense", "Wave survival mode, respawn at the start of each wave. Must defend a base by building turrets.", null);

            Gametype GametypeDeathmatch    = new Gametype("Deathmatch", "Gain points for kills and assists, respawn on death.", null);
            Gametype GametypeObjective     = new Gametype("Objective", "One team must complete objectives while another prevent them.", null);
            Gametype GametypeAssault       = new Gametype("Assault", "Team deathmatch with limited respawns.", null);
            Gametype GametypeConquest      = new Gametype("Conquest", "Teams must fight to capture respawn bases that give them points. The starting base may or may not be capturable.", null);
            Gametype GametypeOnslaught     = new Gametype("Onslaught", "Teams must fight to capture respawn bases that give them access to the enemy base's core. Last team with a core win.", null);
            Gametype GametypeKingOfTheHill = new Gametype("King Of The Hill", "Hold a position without enemies to win points.", null);
            Gametype GametypeBunny         = new Gametype("Bunny", "Unit that holds the flag become the bunny and gets points for kills, everyone else try to kill the bunny.", null);
            Gametype GametypeFreezeTag     = new Gametype("Freeze Tag", "Killing an enemy freeze him, when every enemies are frozen you win. Teamates can unfreeze allie by staying next to them for 2 turns.", null);
            Gametype GametypeJailbreak     = new Gametype("Jailbreak", "Killing an enemy send him to your prison, capture everyone to win. Teamates can be freed by standing on a switch.", null);
            Gametype GametypeMutant        = new Gametype("Mutant", "First kill transform you into the mutant, a unit with overpowered stats and attacks. Only the Mutant can kill or be killed.", null);
            Gametype GametypeKaiju         = new Gametype("Kaiju", "One player controls giant monsters while the other players use their units.", null);

            SelectedGametype         = GametypeCampaign;
            ArrayGametypeCategory    = new GametypeCategory[2];
            ArrayGametypeCategory[0] = new GametypeCategory("PVE", new Gametype[] { GametypeCampaign, GametypeHorde });
            ArrayGametypeCategory[1] = new GametypeCategory("PVP", new Gametype[]
                GametypeDeathmatch, GametypeObjective, GametypeAssault, GametypeConquest,
                GametypeOnslaught, GametypeKingOfTheHill, GametypeBunny, GametypeFreezeTag,
                GametypeJailbreak, GametypeMutant, GametypeKaiju,

            int PanelY      = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.15);
            int PanelWidth  = (int)(Constants.Width * 0.4);
            int PanelHeight = (int)(Constants.Height * 0.75);

            int LeftPanelX = (int)(Constants.Width * 0.03);

            GametypeScrollbar = new BoxScrollbar(new Vector2(LeftPanelX + PanelWidth - 20, PanelY), PanelHeight, 10, OnGametypeScrollbarChange);