Exemple #1
        private IEnumerator TutorialStartOverTime(GameObject display)
            // Start a 'fake' game so all the other components think we're playing
            gameInProgress = true;
            currentSession = new GameplaySession(Time.time, Settings.FuelOnStartup);

            // Turn off the lander physics so we don't fly about
            LanderPhysics.Instance.UseGravity        = false;
            LanderPhysics.Instance.ApplyPhysics      = false;
            LanderProximity.Instance.DetectObstacles = false;
            LanderEffects.Instance.EmitTrail         = false;
            LanderEffects.Instance.ShowGyro          = false;
            LanderInput.Instance.ThrottleVisibility = LanderInput.ThrottleVisibilityEnum.Hidden;

            // Let everyone know gameplay has started

            // Wait for the tutorial to finish
            while (display.gameObject.activeSelf)
                yield return(null);

            // End fake gameplay
            gameInProgress = false;
            LanderInput.Instance.ThrottleVisibility = LanderInput.ThrottleVisibilityEnum.Hidden;
            // Hide lander
            yield break;
    // Background coroutine which sets up a session
    public IEnumerator SetSession_coroutine()
        WWWForm form = new WWWForm();

        form.AddField("gameID", this.gameID);

        WWW www = new WWW(SetSessionIDURL, form);

        yield return(www);

        Session    = new GameplaySession(int.Parse(www.text), this.gameID);
        SessionSet = true;  //Flags that session is now running

        int condition;

         * Randomly allocate participants a condition

        if (NumberOfConditions > 0)
            condition = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, NumberOfConditions);
            condition = 0;

        // Records the condition that the participant is in
        Analytics.LogWithTimestamp("Condition", "" + condition);
     * This code is relevant if you are logging local data

    public void SetLocalSession()
         * Define and record session parameters for logging to local logs

        string localSessionLocation = "Logs/LastSession.txt";
        int    sessionID            = 0;

        if (File.Exists(localSessionLocation))
            string s = File.ReadAllText(localSessionLocation);
            sessionID  = int.Parse(s);
            sessionID += 1;

        File.WriteAllText(localSessionLocation, sessionID + "");

        Session    = new GameplaySession(sessionID, 0);
        SessionSet = true;  //Flags that session is now running

        int condition;

        if (NumberOfConditions > 0)
            condition = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, NumberOfConditions);
            condition = 0;

        Analytics.Get().Session.AddInfo("Condition", "" + condition);
Exemple #4
        private IEnumerator GameStartOverTime()
            currentSession = new GameplaySession(Time.time, Settings.FuelOnStartup);

            // Set up our lander for entry
            LanderEffects.Instance.ShowGyro  = false;
            LanderEffects.Instance.EmitTrail = false;

            // Move the lander into position above the landing pad
            Vector3 landingPadPosition  = LandingPadManager.Instance.LandingPad.transform.position;
            Vector3 landerStartPosition = LandingPadManager.Instance.LanderStartupPosition;

            // Get a random position around the room that doesn't collide with the walls

            /*bool foundRandomPosition = false;
             * Vector3 landerStartPosition = Vector3.zero;
             * while (!foundRandomPosition) {
             *  Vector3 randomPosition = (UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere * Settings.StartDistanceFromPad);
             *  randomPosition.y = Mathf.Abs(randomPosition.y) + Settings.MinStartAltitude;
             *  landerStartPosition = landingPadPosition + randomPosition;
             *  // If the position is too close to player, skip this position
             *  if (Vector3.Distance(landerStartPosition, Veil.Instance.HeadTransform.position) < Settings.MinDistanceFromPlayer) {
             *      yield return null;
             *      continue;
             *  }
             *  // If the position is behind the player, skip this position
             *  Vector3 dir = landerStartPosition - Veil.Instance.HeadTransform.position;
             *  dir.y = 0f;
             *  Vector3 forward = Veil.Instance.HeadTransform.forward;
             *  forward.y = 0f;
             *  dir.Normalize();
             *  forward.Normalize();
             *  // If the position is behind the player, continue
             *  if (Vector3.Dot(dir, forward) < 0.5) {
             *      yield return null;
             *      continue;
             *  }
             *  // Make sure the lander doesn't intersect with any room stuff
             *  Collider[] colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(landerStartPosition, Settings.PlacementCheckRadius, 1 << EnvironmentManager.RoomSurfaceLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
             *  if (colliders.Length == 0) {
             *      foundRandomPosition = true;
             *  }
             *  yield return null;
             * }*/

            // Turn on our effects for entry
            LanderEffects.Instance.ForceThrust = true;
            LanderAudio.Instance.ForceThrustVolume = 1f;

            GameplayMessage.Instance.DisplayMessage("Module Incoming...");

            // Get the lander into position with the opening animation
            while (!LanderOpening.Instance.InPosition)
                yield return(null);

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.25f));

            // Set everything up for user-controlled motion
            LanderEffects.Instance.ShowGyro          = true;
            LanderEffects.Instance.ForceThrust       = false;
            LanderEffects.Instance.EmitTrail         = true;
            LanderPhysics.Instance.LanderPosition    = landerStartPosition;
            LanderPhysics.Instance.UseGravity        = true;
            LanderPhysics.Instance.ApplyPhysics      = true;
            LanderProximity.Instance.DetectObstacles = true;
            LanderInput.Instance.ApplyInput          = true;
            LanderAudio.Instance.ForceThrustVolume   = 0f;
            LanderInput.Instance.ThrottleVisibility  = LanderInput.ThrottleVisibilityEnum.Normal;
            positionLastFrame = landerStartPosition;


            // Start the game
            gameInProgress = true;

            // Let everyone know gameplay has started

            yield break;
Exemple #5
 public void Reset()
     currentSession = new GameplaySession(Time.time, 1);