public PlayerWeapon(List<DrawableObjectAbstract> pipeline, CharacterAbstract character,
     GameTexture animation, Vector2 gunHandle, AmmoTypeEnum ammoType, int clipSize)
     : base(pipeline, character, animation, gunHandle, ammoType, clipSize)
     laserImage_ = TextureMap.fetchTexture(TARGET_TEXTURE_NAME);
     weaponFired_ = false;
Exemple #2
        public Texture2D GetTexture(GameTexture Texture)
            if (!_textures.ContainsKey(Texture))
                _textures.Add(Texture, Texture2D.FromStream(_device, File.Open((string.Format("Content\\{0}.png", Texture)), FileMode.Open)));

            return _textures[Texture];
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor determines whether PC or Xbox 360 and initializes
        /// variables accordingly.
        /// For PC, this means creating the controller and trying to get a
        /// storage device.
        /// For the Xbox 360, we don't need to do much as we rely on update()
        /// logic to determine active controller and storage device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engine"></param>
        public EngineStateStart(Engine engine)
            : base(engine)
            m_engine = engine;
            m_logoImage = new GameTexture(@"Sprites\TitleScreen");

            #if !XBOX
                Settings settings = Settings.getInstance();
                if (Settings.getInstance().IsUsingMouse)
                    m_engine.Controls = new PCControllerInput(m_engine);
                    settings.CurrentPlayer = PlayerIndex.One;
                    TEXT_MESSAGE = "Press " + m_engine.Controls.getControlName(InputsEnum.CONFIRM_BUTTON).ToUpper() + " to Continue";
                    m_engine.Controls = new X360ControllerInput(m_engine, PlayerIndex.One);
                    settings.CurrentPlayer = PlayerIndex.One;
                    TEXT_MESSAGE = "Press " + m_engine.Controls.getControlName(InputsEnum.CONFIRM_BUTTON).ToUpper() + " to Continue";
                m_returnFlag = true;
                m_engine.Controls = null; // reset controls if they are coming back to this
                m_returnFlag = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a HeadsUpDisplayObject with the specified texture, position, direction, and depth.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pipeline">Drawing pipeline in which to register the object</param>
 /// <param name="texture">GameTexture for this HeadsUpDisplayObject</param>
 /// <param name="position">Position as a Vector relative to the top left corner</param>
 /// <param name="direction">Direction of the HeadsUpDisplayObject as a Vector</param>
 /// <param name="depth">Drawing depth of the object</param>
 public HeadsUpDisplayObjectAbstract(List<DrawableObjectAbstract> pipeline, GameTexture texture, Vector2 position, Vector2 direction, float depth)
     : base(pipeline, position, direction, depth)
     modified_ = false;
     newValue_ = 0;
     texture_ = texture;
Exemple #5
 public Grenade(List<DrawableObjectAbstract> pipeline, GameTexture texture, CollisionDetectorInterface detector, Vector2 direction, Vector2 position, Vector2 directionFacing)
     : base(pipeline, texture, detector, null, RADIUS, HEIGHT, CommonFunctions.normalizeNonmutating(direction) * SPEED, position, directionFacing, DEPTH)
     boundsPolygon_ = new ConvexPolygon(BOUNDS_POINTS, Vector2.Zero);
     fuseTime_ = FUSE;
     started_ = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor determines whether PC or Xbox 360 and initializes
        /// variables accordingly.
        /// For PC, this means creating the controller and trying to get a
        /// storage device.
        /// For the Xbox 360, we don't need to do much as we rely on update()
        /// logic to determine active controller and storage device.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="engine"></param>
        public EngineStateStart(Engine engine)
            engine_ = engine;
            //logo_ = TextureMap.fetchTexture(@"Sprites\TitleScreen");
            //logo_ = new GameTexture(@"Sprites\TitleScreen", engine.spriteBatch_, engine.GraphicsDevice, engine.Content);
            logo_ = new GameTexture(@"Sprites\TitleScreen");

            #if !XBOX
                Settings settings = Settings.getInstance();
                if (Settings.getInstance().IsUsingMouse_)
                    engine_.Controls_ = new PCControllerInput(engine_);
                    settings.CurrentPlayer_ = PlayerIndex.One;
                    TEXT_MESSAGE = "Press " + engine_.Controls_.getControlName(InputsEnum.CONFIRM_BUTTON).ToUpper() + " to Continue";
                    engine_.Controls_ = new X360ControllerInput(engine_, PlayerIndex.One);
                    settings.CurrentPlayer_ = PlayerIndex.One;
                    TEXT_MESSAGE = "Press " + engine_.Controls_.getControlName(InputsEnum.CONFIRM_BUTTON).ToUpper() + " to Continue";
                returnFlag_ = true;
                engine_.Controls_ = null; // reset controls if they are coming back to this
                returnFlag_ = false;
        public EngineStateDialogue(int character, CharacterController _npc, CharacterController player, bool is_companion)
            : base(EngineManager.Engine)
            m_baseImage = new GameTexture(@"Sprites/RPG/PopupScreen");

            if (GameplayManager.ActiveArea.GlobalLocation != Area.PARTY)
                m_dialog = DialogManager.get(character);
                // TODO put social game results here!
                m_dialog = new Dialog(character+" played a social game, or passed or whatever...", false, Color.WhiteSmoke);
            m_button4_released = false;

            drawOnCompanionSide = is_companion;

            //brewMode = false;
            bouncerMode = false;
            bouncerPass = false;
            bouncerDist = 0;
            bouncerI = 0;
            npc = _npc;

            if (npc != null && npc.getCollider().m_type == ColliderType.NPC && player != null && player.brew != null)
                if (npc.bouncer != null)
                    m_dialog = null;
                    bouncerMode = true;
                    bouncerPass = npc.bouncer.canPass(player.brew, (int)npc.getCollider().Bounds.Center().X, (int)npc.getCollider().Bounds.Center().Y, (int)npc.getCollider().Bounds.Width, (int)npc.getCollider().Bounds.Height, (int)player.getCollider().Bounds.Center().X, (int)player.getCollider().Bounds.Center().Y, (int)player.getCollider().Bounds.Width, (int)player.getCollider().Bounds.Height);

                    //if what was passed in is the player, then add what task he's currently doing to the plan.
                    if (bouncerPass && !is_companion)
                else if (npc.brew != null)
                    //if what was passed in is the player, then add what task he's currently doing to the plan.

                    //brewMode = true;
                    if (player.brew.mix(npc.brew))
                        m_dialog = null;
                        if (!is_companion)
                        m_dialog = new Dialog("I don't have the right brew for this mixture");
 public LevelAbstract(List<RoomAbstract> rooms, Dictionary<string, string> properties, string name, int levelNumber, GameTexture introScreen)
     rooms_ = rooms;
     properties_ = properties;
     name_ = name;
     levelNumber_ = levelNumber;
     introScreen_ = introScreen;
 // --- Implemented Functions ---
 public TransitionObjectAbstract(List<DrawableObjectAbstract> pipeline, CollisionDetectorInterface detector, GameTexture image, Vector2 position, Vector2 direction, float depth, float radius, Height height)
     : base(pipeline, image, position, direction, depth)
     if (detector != null)
     detector_ = detector;
     radius_ = radius;
     height_ = height;
Exemple #10
 public Projectile(List<DrawableObjectAbstract> pipeline, GameTexture texture, CollisionDetectorInterface detector, ConvexPolygonInterface bounds, float radius, Height height, Vector2 velocity, Vector2 position, Vector2 direction, float depth)
     : base(pipeline, velocity, position, direction, depth)
     texture_ = texture;
     if (detector != null)
         collisionDetector_ = detector;
     boundsPolygon_ = bounds;
     radius_ = radius;
     height_ = height;
 public ItemAbstract(CollisionDetectorInterface detector, List<Vector2> points, Vector2 center, float radius, Height height, List<DrawableObjectAbstract> pipeline, GameTexture image, Vector2 position, Vector2 direction, float depth)
     : base(pipeline, image, position, direction, depth)
     bounds_ = new ConvexPolygon(points, center);
     bounds_.rotate(direction_, position_);
     radius_ = radius;
     height_ = height;
     hasBeenPickedUp_ = false;
     if (detector != null)
     detector_ = detector;
        public ProjectileController(IGameObject owner, Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity, ProjectileType type, int damage, String texturePath)
            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle((int)position.X - 1, (int)position.Y - 1, 3, 3);
            m_collider = new Collider(this, bounds, ColliderType.Projectile);

            Owner = owner;
            Velocity = velocity;
            Damage = damage;
            Tint = Color.White;
            Freezes = false;

            m_position = position;
            m_type = type;

            m_texture = new GameTexture(texturePath);
 public NonLoopAnimation(GameTexture sprites,
     float frameLengthModifier,
     float depth,
     List<Vector2> boundsPoints)
     sprites_ = sprites;
     currentFrame_ = 0;
     totalFrames_ = sprites.getNumberOfImages();
     position_ = Vector2.Zero;
     rotation_ = Vector2.Zero;
     frameLengthModifier_ = frameLengthModifier;
     moved_ = Vector2.Zero;
     depth_ = depth;
     boundsPolygon_ = new ConvexPolygonInterface[1];
     boundsPolygon_[0] = new ConvexPolygon(boundsPoints, Vector2.Zero);
     perFrameBounds_ = false;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Renders a specified texture onto a RenderTexture or the GameScreen (if renderTarget is passed as null) at the
        ///     coordinates given using a specified blending mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tex">The texture to draw</param>
        /// <param name="x">X coordinate on the render target to draw to</param>
        /// <param name="y">Y coordinate on the render target to draw to</param>
        /// <param name="renderColor">Color mask to draw with. Default is Color.White</param>
        /// <param name="renderTarget">Where to draw to. If null it this will draw to the game screen.</param>
        /// <param name="blendMode">Which blend mode to use when rendering</param>
        public static void DrawGameTexture(
            GameTexture tex,
            float x,
            float y,
            Color renderColor,
            GameRenderTexture renderTarget = null,
            GameBlendModes blendMode       = GameBlendModes.None,
            GameShader shader     = null,
            float rotationDegrees = 0.0f,
            bool drawImmediate    = false
            var destRectangle = new FloatRect(x, y, tex.GetWidth(), tex.GetHeight());
            var srcRectangle  = new FloatRect(0, 0, tex.GetWidth(), tex.GetHeight());

                tex, srcRectangle, destRectangle, renderColor, renderTarget, blendMode, shader, rotationDegrees,
 public NonLoopAnimation(GameTexture sprites,
     float frameLengthModifier,
     float depth,
     List<List<Vector2>> boundsPoints)
     sprites_ = sprites;
     currentFrame_ = 0;
     totalFrames_ = sprites.getNumberOfImages();
     position_ = Vector2.Zero;
     rotation_ = Vector2.Zero;
     frameLengthModifier_ = frameLengthModifier;
     moved_ = Vector2.Zero;
     depth_ = depth;
     boundsPolygon_ = new ConvexPolygonInterface[boundsPoints.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < boundsPoints.Count; i++)
         boundsPolygon_[i] = new ConvexPolygon(boundsPoints[i], Vector2.Zero);
     perFrameBounds_ = true;
        protected override void OnInit()

            this.m_selfTex   = Make <GameTexture>("self");
            this.m_selfSpine = Make <GameSpine>("self_spine");

            this.m_npcTex   = Make <GameTexture>("npc");
            this.m_npcSpine = Make <GameSpine>("npc_spine");

            this.m_contentLab     = Make <GameLabel>("Image_chat:ContentLab");
            this.m_contentFader   = this.m_contentLab.GetComponent <TextFader>();
            this.m_leftBtn        = Make <GameButton>("Image_chat:btnLeft");
            this.m_rightBtn       = Make <GameButton>("Image_chat:btnRight");
            this.m_serialIconGrid = Make <GameUIContainer>("Image_chat:serialIconGrid");
            this.m_Image_chat     = Make <GameUIComponent>("Image_chat");
            this.m_confutBtn      = Make <GameButton>("btnConfut");
            this.m_iconCom        = Make <GameUIComponent>("Image_icon");
            this.m_iconImg        = this.m_iconCom.Make <GameImage>("icon");
Exemple #17
 /// <summary>
 /// return true if all pixels match with another gameTexture
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="texToCompare"></param> Gametexture to test equality
 /// <returns></returns> true if textures are equal
 public bool Equals(GameTexture texToCompare)
     if (width != texToCompare.width || height != texToCompare.height)
         for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
             for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                 if (!GetPixel(x, y).Equals(texToCompare.GetPixel(x, y)))
Exemple #18
        public Single(GameTexture texture, float x, float y, float w, float h)
            mTexture = texture;
            float texw = 1;
            float texh = 1;

            if (mTexture != null)
                texw = mTexture.GetWidth();
                texh = mTexture.GetHeight();

            mUv    = new float[4];
            mUv[0] = x / texw;
            mUv[1] = y / texh;
            mUv[2] = (x + w) / texw;
            mUv[3] = (y + h) / texh;

            mWidth  = (int)w;
            mHeight = (int)h;
        public void RunOverlayKernel(GameTexture tex, GameTexture overlay, float weight)
            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, tex.textureID);

            GL.GetTexLevelParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, GetTextureParameter.TextureWidth, out float width);
            GL.GetTexLevelParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, GetTextureParameter.TextureHeight, out float height);

            byte[] buffer = new byte[(int)(width * height * 4)];

            GL.GetTexImage(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, buffer);

            MemoryBuffer mb = c.CreateBuffer(MemoryFlag.CopyHostPointer, buffer);

            CLFilter filter = _kernels["overlay"];

            byte[] bufferOverlay = new byte[(int)(width * height * 4)];
            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, overlay.textureID);
            GL.GetTexImage(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, bufferOverlay);
            MemoryBuffer mbOverlay = c.CreateBuffer(MemoryFlag.CopyHostPointer, bufferOverlay);

            filter.SetArg(0, mb);
            filter.SetArg(1, new int3((int)width, (int)height, 1));
            filter.SetArg(2, 4);
            filter.SetArg(3, enablechannels);

            filter.SetArg(5, mbOverlay);
            filter.SetArg(6, weight);

            CommandQueue cq = CommandQueue.CreateCommandQueue(c, d);

            cq.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(filter.kernel, 1, buffer.Length);

            buffer = cq.EnqueueReadBuffer <byte>(mb, buffer.Length);

            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, tex.textureID);
            GL.TexSubImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, 0, 0, (int)width, (int)height, PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, buffer);
        public void RunCheckerBoardKernel(GameTexture tex, float length)
            CLFilter filter = _kernels["checkerboard"];

            //Get Width & Height
            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, tex.textureID);
            GL.GetTexLevelParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, GetTextureParameter.TextureWidth, out float width);
            GL.GetTexLevelParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, GetTextureParameter.TextureHeight, out float height);

            //Get Image source from opengl
            byte[] buffer = new byte[(int)(width * height * 4)];
            GL.GetTexImage(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, buffer);

            //Create buffer with image content
            MemoryBuffer mb = c.CreateBuffer(MemoryFlag.ReadWrite | MemoryFlag.CopyHostPointer, buffer);

            filter.SetArg(0, mb);
            filter.SetArg(1, new int3((int)width, (int)height, 1));
            filter.SetArg(2, 4);
            filter.SetArg(3, enablechannels);

            filter.SetArg(3, length);
            filter.SetArg(4, (int)width);

            CommandQueue cq = CommandQueue.CreateCommandQueue(c, d);

            cq.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(filter.kernel, 1, buffer.Length);

            buffer = cq.EnqueueReadBuffer <byte>(mb, buffer.Length);
            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, tex.textureID);
            GL.TexSubImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, 0, 0, (int)width, (int)height, PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, buffer);
Exemple #21
        protected override void OnInit()

            m_3D_view   = Make <Combine3DView>("Panel:3D");
            m_tex_view  = Make <GameTexture>("Panel:RawImage_Tex");
            m_icon_view = Make <GameImage>("Panel:Image_Icon");

            m_left_toggles[0] = Make <ToggleWithArrowTween>("leftBtn:btnTotal");
            m_left_toggles[0].Refresh((int)ENUM_COMBINE_TYPE.POLICE, ENUM_COMBINE_TYPE.POLICE.ToString(), false, LeftToggleChecked);
            m_left_toggles[1] = Make <ToggleWithArrowTween>("leftBtn:btnRecently");
            m_left_toggles[1].Refresh((int)ENUM_COMBINE_TYPE.COLLECTION, ENUM_COMBINE_TYPE.COLLECTION.ToString(), false, LeftToggleChecked);
            m_left_toggles[2] = Make <ToggleWithArrowTween>("leftBtn:btnEnergy");
            m_left_toggles[2].Refresh((int)ENUM_COMBINE_TYPE.OTHER, ENUM_COMBINE_TYPE.OTHER.ToString(), false, LeftToggleChecked);
            m_top_toggle_grid       = Make <GameLoopUIContainer <ToggleCheckMarkView> >("Panel:ScrollView:Viewport");
            m_drop_grid_ori_local_x = m_top_toggle_grid.gameObject.transform.localPosition.x;
            m_drop_layout           = m_top_toggle_grid.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup>();
            m_drop_item_size_x      = m_drop_layout.cellSize.x;
            m_drop_item_space_x     = m_drop_layout.spacing.x;
            m_big_stuffs[0]         = Make <BigStuffItemView>("Panel:Panel:Big0");
            m_big_stuffs[1]         = Make <BigStuffItemView>("Panel:Panel:Big1");
            m_big_stuffs[2]         = Make <BigStuffItemView>("Panel:Panel:Big2");
            m_big_stuffs[3]         = Make <BigStuffItemView>("Panel:Panel:Big3");
            m_big_stuffs[4]         = Make <BigStuffItemView>("Panel:Panel:Big4");
            m_big_stuffs[5]         = Make <BigStuffItemView>("Panel:Panel:Big5");

            m_small_stuffs[0] = Make <SmallStuffItemView>("Panel:Panel:Image (6)");
            m_small_stuffs[1] = Make <SmallStuffItemView>("Panel:Panel:Image (7)");
            m_small_stuffs[2] = Make <SmallStuffItemView>("Panel:Panel:Image (8)");
            m_small_stuffs[3] = Make <SmallStuffItemView>("Panel:Panel:Image (9)");

            m_gift_btn     = Make <GameButton>("Panel:Image:Button");
            m_combine_btn  = Make <GameButton>("Panel:Panel:Button");
            m_stored_img   = Make <GameImage>("Panel:Panel:Image_colected");
            m_name_txt     = Make <GameLabel>("Panel:Text");
            m_No_txt       = Make <GameLabel>("Panel:Text (1)");
            m_progress_txt = Make <GameLabel>("Panel:Text (2)");
        public override void Initialize()
            D3D9Manager.Instance.CreateFont("Default", "Segoe UI", 25, false);

            messageBoxTex = D3D9Manager.Instance.CreateTexture(
                "MessageBox", "./Resource/MessageBox.png");
            quitButtonTex = D3D9Manager.Instance.CreateTexture(
                "MessageBoxQuitButton", "./Resource/MessageBoxQuitButton.png");

            quitButton = new Button()
                ButtonTexture         = quitButtonTex,
                IsMouseOverResize     = true,
                Position              = Position + new Vector3(0, 70, 0),
                Scale                 = new Vector3(1, 1, 1),
                IsAllowDuplicateClick = true
            quitButton.OnButtonClick += QuitButton_OnButtonClick;

            D3D9Manager.Instance.OnMouseClickToMessageBoxEvent += quitButton.OnClick;
            quitButton.OnButtonClick += OnQuitButtonClick;
        public void RunLightKernel(GameTexture tex)
            //MemoryBuffer buf = c.CreateFromGLTexture2D(MemoryFlag.ReadWrite | MemoryFlag.UseHostPointer, (uint)TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, (uint)tex.textureID);

            //string test = d.GetDeviceInformation<string>(DeviceInformation.Extensions);
            //DevicesNativeApi.GetDeviceInformation(d, DeviceInformation.Extensions, UIntPtr.Zero, )

            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, tex.textureID);

            CLFilter filter = _kernels["light"];

            GL.GetTexLevelParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, GetTextureParameter.TextureWidth, out float width);
            GL.GetTexLevelParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, GetTextureParameter.TextureHeight, out float height);

            byte[] buffer = new byte[(int)(width * height * 4)];

            GL.GetTexImage(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, buffer);

            MemoryBuffer mb = c.CreateBuffer(MemoryFlag.ReadWrite | MemoryFlag.CopyHostPointer, buffer);

            filter.SetArg(0, mb);
            filter.SetArg(1, new int3((int)width, (int)height, 1));
            filter.SetArg(2, 4);
            filter.SetArg(3, enablechannels);
            CommandQueue cq = CommandQueue.CreateCommandQueue(c, d);

            cq.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(filter.kernel, 1, buffer.Length);

            buffer = cq.EnqueueReadBuffer <byte>(mb, buffer.Length);

            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, tex.textureID);
            GL.TexSubImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, 0, 0, (int)width, (int)height, PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, buffer);
Exemple #24
        protected override void OnInit()
            m_desc_txt         = this.Make <GameLabel>("Panel_down:Image_1:Text");
            m_output_title_txt = this.Make <GameLabel>("Panel_down:RawImage:Panel_output:Text_2");
            m_time_txt         = Make <GameLabel>("Panel_down:RawImage:Panel_output:Image:Text");
            m_thumbnail_tex    = Make <GameTexture>("Panel_down:RawImage");
            m_output_grid      = this.Make <GameUIContainer>("Panel_down:RawImage:Panel_output:Grid");

            m_case_name_txt        = this.Make <GameLabel>("Panel_down:RawImage:Image:Text");
            m_action_btn           = this.Make <GameButton>("Panel_down:btn_action");
            m_action_btn_title_txt = m_action_btn.Make <GameLabel>("Text");
            m_action_btn_effect    = m_action_btn.Make <GameUIEffect>("UI_pintukaishi_anniu");
            m_action_btn_effect.EffectPrefabName = "UI_pintukaishi_anniu.prefab";
            m_ticket_icon        = m_action_btn.Make <GameImage>("Image_item");
            m_action_btn_num_txt = m_action_btn.Make <GameLabel>("Text_item");

            this.m_btnClose = Make <GameButton>("Panel_down:Button_close");

            m_video_root = Make <GameUIComponent>("Panel_down:video_Image");
            m_video      = m_video_root.Make <GameVideoComponent>("RawImage_Video");

            m_btn_play_video  = Make <GameImage>("Panel_down:RawImage:Image_play");
            m_btn_close_video = m_video.Make <GameButton>("Btn_Close_Video");

            m_bg_img     = Make <GameImage>("RawImage");
            m_bg_alpha   = m_bg_img.GetComponent <TweenAlpha>();
            m_tween_root = Make <GameUIComponent>("Panel_down");
            //m_show_tween_scale = m_tween_root.GetComponent<TweenScale>();
            //var show_tween_poses = m_tween_root.GetComponents<TweenPosition>().Where((i) => UITweenerBase.TweenTriggerType.Manual == i.m_triggerType);
            //m_show_tween_pos = show_tween_poses.First();

            //var show_tween_alphas = m_tween_root.GetComponents<TweenAlpha>().Where((i) => UITweenerBase.TweenTriggerType.OnShow == i.m_triggerType);
            //m_show_tween_alpha = show_tween_alphas.First();
        private void Init(
            GameTexture texture,
            float x,
            float y,
            float w,
            float h,
            Margin inMargin,
            float drawMarginScale = 1.0f
            mTexture = texture;

            mMargin = inMargin;

            SetRect(0, x, y, mMargin.Left, mMargin.Top);
            SetRect(1, x + mMargin.Left, y, w - mMargin.Left - mMargin.Right, mMargin.Top);
            SetRect(2, x + w - mMargin.Right, y, mMargin.Right, mMargin.Top);

            SetRect(3, x, y + mMargin.Top, mMargin.Left, h - mMargin.Top - mMargin.Bottom);
                4, x + mMargin.Left, y + mMargin.Top, w - mMargin.Left - mMargin.Right, h - mMargin.Top - mMargin.Bottom

            SetRect(5, x + w - mMargin.Right, y + mMargin.Top, mMargin.Right, h - mMargin.Top - mMargin.Bottom - 1);

            SetRect(6, x, y + h - mMargin.Bottom, mMargin.Left, mMargin.Bottom);
            SetRect(7, x + mMargin.Left, y + h - mMargin.Bottom, w - mMargin.Left - mMargin.Right, mMargin.Bottom);
            SetRect(8, x + w - mMargin.Right, y + h - mMargin.Bottom, mMargin.Right, mMargin.Bottom);

            mMargin.Left   = (int)(mMargin.Left * drawMarginScale);
            mMargin.Right  = (int)(mMargin.Right * drawMarginScale);
            mMargin.Top    = (int)(mMargin.Top * drawMarginScale);
            mMargin.Bottom = (int)(mMargin.Bottom * drawMarginScale);

            mWidth  = w - x;
            mHeight = h - y;
Exemple #26
        public override void Initialize()
            D3D9Manager.Instance.CreateFont("CreateWindowInputFont", "Segoe UI", 50, false);

            background = D3D9Manager.Instance.CreateTexture("CreateRoomWindowBG", "./Resource/CreateRoomWindow.png");

            createButton = new Button();

            createButton.ButtonTexture     = D3D9Manager.Instance.CreateTexture("CreateButton", "./Resource/Create.png");
            createButton.IsMouseOverResize = true;
            createButton.Parent            = this;
            createButton.Position          = new Vector3(-187, 130, 0);
            createButton.UseParentMatrix   = true;
            createButton.OnButtonClick    += CreateButton_OnButtonClick;

            cancelButton = new Button();

            cancelButton.ButtonTexture     = D3D9Manager.Instance.CreateTexture("CancelButton", "./Resource/Cancel.png");
            cancelButton.IsMouseOverResize = true;
            cancelButton.Parent            = this;
            cancelButton.Position          = new Vector3(198, 134, 0);
            cancelButton.UseParentMatrix   = true;
            cancelButton.OnButtonClick    += CancelButton_OnButtonClick;

            roomNameInput = new TextInputField("CreateWindowInputFont");

            roomNameInput.Position     = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            roomNameInput.FieldTexture = D3D9Manager.Instance.CreateTexture("RoomNameInput", "./Resource/RoomNameInput.png");
            roomNameInput.StringOffset = new Vector3(20, 0, 0);
            roomNameInput.Text         = "New Room";
            roomNameInput.MaxLength    = 15;
            roomNameInput.Parent       = this;

Exemple #27
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        //GameTexture firstLayer = ShapeModifer.changeColor(new GameTexture(startingTexture), new GameColor(startingColor));
        Texture2D firstLayer = ShapeModifer.changeColor(startingTexture, new GameColor(startingColor));
        Node thisNode = new Node(firstLayer);

        //thisNode.addTex(new GameTexture(addLayers[0]));

        for (int i = 0; i < addLayers.Length; i++)
            Texture2D   thisTex   = addLayers[i];
            GameColor   thisColor = new GameColor(addColors[i]);
            GameTexture newTex    = new GameTexture(ShapeModifer.changeColor(thisTex, thisColor));
            Node        newNode   = new Node(newTex);


        for (int i = 0; i < subLayers.Length; i++)
            GameTexture thisTex   = new GameTexture(subLayers[i]);
            GameColor   thisColor = new GameColor(subColors[i]);
            GameTexture newTex    = ShapeModifer.changeColor(thisTex, thisColor);
            Node        newNode   = new Node(newTex);

        Texture2D tex = thisNode.GetTexture2D();
        //Texture2D tex = firstLayer.getTex();

        Sprite newSprite = Sprite.Create(tex, new Rect(0, 0, tex.width, tex.height), * 0.5f);

        rend.sprite = newSprite;
Exemple #28
        public static void DrawGameTexture(
            GameTexture tex,
            FloatRect srcRectangle,
            FloatRect targetRect,
            Color renderColor,
            GameRenderTexture renderTarget = null,
            GameBlendModes blendMode       = GameBlendModes.None,
            GameShader shader     = null,
            float rotationDegrees = 0.0f,
            bool drawImmediate    = false
            if (tex == null)

                tex, srcRectangle.X, srcRectangle.Y, srcRectangle.Width, srcRectangle.Height, targetRect.X,
                targetRect.Y, targetRect.Width, targetRect.Height,
                Color.FromArgb(renderColor.A, renderColor.R, renderColor.G, renderColor.B), renderTarget, blendMode,
                shader, rotationDegrees, false, drawImmediate
        protected override void OnInit()
            m_time_txt                   = Make <GameLabel>("Text");
            m_input_tex                  = Make <GameTexture>("RawImage_bg");
            m_pause_btn                  = Make <GameButton>("Button_pause");
            m_clue_progress_grid         = Make <GameUIContainer>("Canvas:ClueProgressGrid");
            m_clue_progress_grid.Visible = false;
            m_normal_grid                = Make <GameRecycleContainer>("Normal_Grid");
            m_normal_grid.EnsureSize <NormalItemView>(5);
            for (int i = 0; i < m_normal_grid.ChildCount; ++i)
                m_normal_grid.GetChild <NormalItemView>(i).Refresh(i);

            m_special_grid = Make <GameRecycleContainer>("Special_Grid");
            //for (int i = 0; i < m_special_grid.ChildCount; ++i)
            //    m_special_grid.GetChild<SpecialItemView>(i).Refresh(i);

            //m_anchors_grid = Make<GameUIContainer>("Anchors_Grid");

            m_details_grid = Make <GameRecycleContainer>("Detail_Grid");
            m_details_grid.EnsureSize <ClueDetailView>(3);

            m_fly_icons_grid = Make <GameRecycleContainer>("FlyIcon_Grid");
            m_fly_icons_grid.EnsureSize <FlyIconItemView>(3);

            m_fly_time_txt         = Make <GameLabel>("Text (2)");
            m_fly_time_tween_pos   = m_fly_time_txt.GetComponent <TweenPosition>();
            m_start_view           = Make <ScanStartView>("Panel_start");
            m_start_view_tween_pos = m_start_view.GetComponent <TweenPosition>();
        public GameTexture GetPerlin(int width, int height, int octaves, float persistence)
            CLFilter filter = _kernels["perlin"];

            byte[] buffer = new byte[width * height * 4];

            Random rnd = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
                if (i % 4 == 0)
                    byte val = (byte)rnd.Next(0, 255);
                    buffer[i]     = buffer[i + 1] = buffer[i + 2] = val;
                    buffer[i + 3] = 255; // Alpha

            MemoryBuffer mb = c.CreateBuffer(MemoryFlag.ReadWrite | MemoryFlag.CopyHostPointer, buffer);

            filter.SetArg(0, mb);
            int3 dims = new int3(width, height, 1);

            filter.SetArg(1, dims);
            filter.SetArg(2, 4);
            filter.SetArg(3, enablechannels);
            filter.SetArg(4, persistence);
            filter.SetArg(5, octaves);
            CommandQueue cq = CommandQueue.CreateCommandQueue(c, d);

            cq.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(filter.kernel, 1, buffer.Length);

            buffer = cq.EnqueueReadBuffer <byte>(mb, buffer.Length);

            return(GameTexture.Load(buffer, width, height));
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a HeadsUpDisplayObject with the specified texture, position, direction, and depth.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pipeline">Drawing pipeline in which to register the object</param>
 /// <param name="tex">GameTexture for this HeadsUpDisplayObject</param>
 /// <param name="pos">Position as a Vector relative to the top left corner</param>
 /// <param name="dir">Direction of the HeadsUpDisplayObject as a Vector</param>
 /// <param name="depth">Drawing depth of the object</param>
 public HeadsUpDisplayWeapon(List<DrawableObjectAbstract> pipeline, GameTexture tex, List<GameTexture> texList, Vector2 pos, Vector2 dir, float depth)
     : base(pipeline,tex,pos, dir, depth)
     texList_ = texList;
     texIndex_ = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads an AnimationSet into the AnimationController.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="animSetPath">Asset path to the AnimationSet.</param>
        /// <param name="texturePath">Asset path to the image file to use.</param>
        public AnimationController(string animSetPath, string texturePath)
            m_animSet =

            // Build up a mapping of animation & sprite indices to image dimension idxs
            List<Rectangle> imageDimensionsList = new List<Rectangle>();
            int counter = 0;
            m_sourceRectangleIdxs = new int[m_animSet.anims.Length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < m_animSet.anims.Length; ++i)
                m_sourceRectangleIdxs[i] = new int[m_animSet.anims[i].sprites.Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < m_animSet.anims[i].sprites.Length; ++j)
                    m_sourceRectangleIdxs[i][j] = counter;

            m_texture = new GameTexture(texturePath, imageDimensionsList.ToArray());
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a HeadsUpDisplayObject with the specified texture, position, direction, and depth.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pipeline">Drawing pipeline in which to register the object</param>
 /// <param name="tex">GameTexture for this HeadsUpDisplayObject</param>
 /// <param name="pos">Position as a Vector relative to the top left corner</param>
 /// <param name="dir">Direction of the HeadsUpDisplayObject as a Vector</param>
 /// <param name="depth">Drawing depth of the object</param>
 public HeadsUpDisplayObject(List<DrawableObjectAbstract> pipeline, GameTexture tex, Vector2 pos, Vector2 dir, float depth)
     : base(pipeline, tex, pos, dir, depth)
     newValue_ = 100;
Exemple #34
        public override void Draw()
            if (MapInstance.Get(CurrentMap) == null || !Globals.GridMaps.Contains(CurrentMap))

            var         map           = MapInstance.Get(CurrentMap);
            var         srcRectangle  = new FloatRect();
            var         destRectangle = new FloatRect();
            GameTexture srcTexture    = null;
            var         height        = 0;
            var         width         = 0;
            var         d             = 0;

            switch (Graphic.Type)
            case EventGraphicType.Sprite:     //Sprite
                var entityTex = Globals.ContentManager.GetTexture(
                    GameContentManager.TextureType.Entity, Graphic.Filename

                if (entityTex != null)
                    srcTexture = entityTex;
                    height     = srcTexture.GetHeight() / Options.Instance.Sprites.Directions;
                    width      = srcTexture.GetWidth() / Options.Instance.Sprites.NormalFrames;
                    d          = Graphic.Y;
                    if (!DirectionFix)
                        switch (Dir)
                        case 0:
                            d = 3;


                        case 1:
                            d = 0;


                        case 2:
                            d = 1;


                        case 3:
                            d = 2;


                    var frame = Graphic.X;
                    if (WalkingAnim)
                        frame = WalkFrame;

                    if (Options.AnimatedSprites.Contains(Graphic.Filename.ToLower()))
                        srcRectangle = new FloatRect(
                            AnimationFrame * (int)entityTex.GetWidth() / Options.Instance.Sprites.NormalFrames, d * (int)entityTex.GetHeight() / Options.Instance.Sprites.Directions,
                            (int)entityTex.GetWidth() / Options.Instance.Sprites.NormalFrames, (int)entityTex.GetHeight() / Options.Instance.Sprites.Directions
                        srcRectangle = new FloatRect(
                            frame * (int)srcTexture.GetWidth() / Options.Instance.Sprites.NormalFrames, d * (int)srcTexture.GetHeight() / Options.Instance.Sprites.Directions,
                            (int)srcTexture.GetWidth() / Options.Instance.Sprites.NormalFrames, (int)srcTexture.GetHeight() / Options.Instance.Sprites.Directions


            case EventGraphicType.Tileset:     //Tile
                if (mCachedTilesetName != Graphic.Filename)
                    mCachedTilesetName = Graphic.Filename;
                    mCachedTileset     = Globals.ContentManager.GetTexture(
                        GameContentManager.TextureType.Tileset, Graphic.Filename

                var tileset = mCachedTileset;
                if (tileset != null)
                    srcTexture   = tileset;
                    width        = (Graphic.Width + 1) * Options.TileWidth;
                    height       = (Graphic.Height + 1) * Options.TileHeight;
                    srcRectangle = new FloatRect(
                        Graphic.X * Options.TileWidth, Graphic.Y * Options.TileHeight,
                        (Graphic.Width + 1) * Options.TileWidth, (Graphic.Height + 1) * Options.TileHeight


            destRectangle.X = map.GetX() + X * Options.TileWidth + OffsetX;
            if (height > Options.TileHeight)
                destRectangle.Y = map.GetY() + Y * Options.TileHeight + OffsetY - (height - Options.TileHeight);
                destRectangle.Y = map.GetY() + Y * Options.TileHeight + OffsetY;

            if (width > Options.TileWidth)
                destRectangle.X -= (width - Options.TileWidth) / 2;

            destRectangle.X      = (int)Math.Ceiling(destRectangle.X);
            destRectangle.Y      = (int)Math.Ceiling(destRectangle.Y);
            destRectangle.Width  = srcRectangle.Width;
            destRectangle.Height = srcRectangle.Height;

            // Set up our targetting rectangle.
            // If we're smaller than a tile, force the target size to a tile.
            WorldPos        = destRectangle;
            WorldPos.Width  = Math.Max(Options.TileWidth, srcRectangle.Width);
            WorldPos.Height = Math.Max(Options.TileHeight, srcRectangle.Height);

            if (srcTexture != null)
                Graphics.DrawGameTexture(srcTexture, srcRectangle, destRectangle, Intersect.Color.White);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a LevelObject with the specified image, position, direction, and depth.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pipeline">List of objects from which the object should be drawn.</param>
 /// <param name="image">GameTexture for this object.</param>
 /// <param name="position">Position of the object as a Vector relative to the top left corner</param>
 /// <param name="direction">Direction of the object as a Vector</param>
 /// <param name="depth">Drawing depth of the object</param>
 public LevelObjectAbstract(List<DrawableObjectAbstract> pipeline, GameTexture image, Vector2 position, Vector2 direction, float depth)
     : base(pipeline, position, direction, depth)
     image_ = image;
        public override bool UpdateTile(GameTexture tex, float x, float y, int srcX, int srcY, int srcW, int srcH)
            var key         = new Tuple <float, float>(x, y);
            var vertexIndex = -1;

            if (verticeDict.ContainsKey(key))
                vertexIndex = verticeDict[key];

            if (vertexIndex == -1)

            var platformTex = tex?.GetTexture();

            if (platformTex == null)

            if (tex == null)

            if (tex.GetTexture() != platformTex)

            if (vertexBuffer == null)

            var pack = tex.GetTexturePackFrame();

            var rotated = false;

            if (pack != null)
                if (pack.Rotated)
                    rotated = true;

                    var z = srcX;
                    srcX = pack.Rect.Right - srcY - srcH;
                    srcY = pack.Rect.Top + z;

                    z    = srcW;
                    srcW = srcH;
                    srcH = z;
                    srcX += pack.Rect.X;
                    srcY += pack.Rect.Y;

            var texture = (Texture2D)tex.GetTexture();

            var textureSizeX = 1f / texture.Width;
            var textureSizeY = 1f / texture.Height;

            var left   = srcX * textureSizeX;
            var right  = (srcX + srcW) * textureSizeX;
            var bottom = (srcY + srcH) * textureSizeY;
            var top    = srcY * textureSizeY;

            if (rotated)
                vertices[vertexIndex++] = new VertexPositionTexture(
                    new Vector3(x, y + srcH, 0), new Vector2(left, top)

                vertices[vertexIndex++] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(x, y, 0), new Vector2(right, top));
                vertices[vertexIndex++] = new VertexPositionTexture(
                    new Vector3(x + srcW, y + srcH, 0), new Vector2(left, bottom)

                vertices[vertexIndex] = new VertexPositionTexture(
                    new Vector3(x + srcW, y, 0), new Vector2(right, bottom)
                vertices[vertexIndex++] = new VertexPositionTexture(
                    new Vector3(x, y + srcH, 0), new Vector2(left, bottom)

                vertices[vertexIndex++] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(x, y, 0), new Vector2(left, top));
                vertices[vertexIndex++] = new VertexPositionTexture(
                    new Vector3(x + srcW, y + srcH, 0), new Vector2(right, bottom)

                vertices[vertexIndex] = new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(x + srcW, y, 0), new Vector2(right, top));

            updatesPending = true;

 public EngineStateDialogue()
     : base(EngineManager.Engine)
     m_baseImage = new GameTexture(@"Sprites/RPG/PopupScreen");
Exemple #38
 public GameTexture(GameTexture gameTexture)
Exemple #39
        public static void init()
            // Load resource (texture)
            treasure = new GameTexture(0,0,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/treasure"));

            num=new GameTexture[8];
            for(int i=0;i<8;i++){
                num[i] = new GameTexture(0,0,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/"+(i+1)));
            treasureBG=new GameTexture[3];
            for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
                treasureBG[i] = new GameTexture(0,0,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/treasureBG"+(i+1)));
            treasureSelect = new GameTexture(0,0,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/treasureSelect"));
            treasureRemainBG = new GameTexture(151,73,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/treasureRemainBG"));

            up=new GameTexture(55,55,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/up"));
            down=new GameTexture(55,55,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/down"));
            left=new GameTexture(55,55,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/left"));
            right=new GameTexture(55,55,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/right"));

            yoursOthers=new GameTexture(86,100,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/yoursOthers"));
            yours=new GameTexture(86,50);
            others=new GameTexture(86,50);

            waitForYourTurn=new GameTexture(331,36,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/waitForYourTurn"));
            youWin=new GameTexture(222,47,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/youWin"));
            youLost=new GameTexture(232,42,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/youLost"));

            confirm=new GameTexture(114,32,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/confirm"));
            endConfirm=new GameTexture(confirm);

            startGame = new GameTexture(188,50,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/startGame"));
            endGame = new GameTexture(95,50,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/end"));

            back=new GameTexture(139,50,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/back"));

            checkingNetwork=new GameTexture(518,46,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/checkingNetwork"));
            pleaseWait=new GameTexture(400,41,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/pleaseWait"));

            practice=new GameTexture(224,50,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/practice"));
            vsComputer=new GameTexture(312,50,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/vsComputer"));
            vsPlayer=new GameTexture(262,50,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/vsPlayer"));

            local=new GameTexture(141,50,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/local"));

            createRoom=new GameTexture(264,50,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/createRoom"));
            joinGame=new GameTexture(236,50,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/joinGame"));

            yourIPAddress=new GameTexture(297,41,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/yourIPAddress"));
            ipAddress=new GameTexture(540,41);
            waitingForConnection=new GameTexture(405,42,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/waitingForConnection"));

            enterAnotherIP=new GameTexture(330,66,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/enterAnotherIP"));
            ipSpace=new GameTexture(519,138,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/ipSpace"));
            ipTextField=new GameTexture(346,92);
            connect=new GameTexture(181,50,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/connect"));

            synchronization=new GameTexture(452,37,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/synchronization"));

            easy=new GameTexture(122,50,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/easy"));
            normal=new GameTexture(144,50,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/normal"));
            hard=new GameTexture(133,50,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/hard"));

            commonBackGround = new GameTexture(0,0,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/commonBackGround"));
            firstPage = new GameTexture(0,0,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/firstPage"));
            playPage = new GameTexture(0,0,(Texture2D)Resources.Load("Texture/playPage"));

            backPage2=new GameTexture(back);
            backPage4=new GameTexture(back);
            backPage5=new GameTexture(back);
            backPage6=new GameTexture(back);
            backPage7=new GameTexture(back);
            backPage9=new GameTexture(back);
            backGame=new GameTexture(back);

            // set coordinate of each GUI element













 public static void GenerateRenderTargetTextures(GraphicsDevice MainGraphicsDevice)
     Grid = new GameTexture(GenerateGridRenderTarget.GenerateGridTexture(MainGraphicsDevice), new Rectangle(0, 0, 32 * 8, 32 * 8));
Exemple #41
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the texture.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="assetName">Name of the asset.</param>
 public void AddTexture(string assetName)
     ITexture texture = new GameTexture(Game, assetName);
     _items.Add(assetName, texture);
Exemple #42
 public abstract bool UpdateTile(GameTexture texture, float x, float y, int srcX, int srcY, int srcW, int srcH);
Exemple #43
 /// <summary>
 /// Textures the object using GLCore's GameTexture object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="texture"></param>
 public void Texture(GameTexture texture)
     this.Texture(texture.texture, texture.width, texture.height);
        public override bool AddTile(GameTexture tex, float x, float y, int srcX, int srcY, int srcW, int srcH)
            var platformTex = tex?.GetTexture();

            if (platformTex == null)

            if (Texture == null)
                Texture = tex;
            else if (Texture.GetTexture() != platformTex)

            if (vertexBuffer != null)

            var rotated = false;
            var pack    = tex.GetTexturePackFrame();

            if (pack != null)
                if (pack.Rotated)
                    rotated = true;

                    var z = srcX;
                    srcX = pack.Rect.Right - srcY - srcH;
                    srcY = pack.Rect.Top + z;

                    z    = srcW;
                    srcW = srcH;
                    srcH = z;
                    srcX += pack.Rect.X;
                    srcY += pack.Rect.Y;

            var texture = (Texture2D)tex.GetTexture();

            var textureSizeX = 1f / texture.Width;
            var textureSizeY = 1f / texture.Height;

            var left   = srcX * textureSizeX;
            var right  = (srcX + srcW) * textureSizeX;
            var bottom = (srcY + srcH) * textureSizeY;
            var top    = srcY * textureSizeY;

            verticeDict.Add(new Tuple <float, float>(x, y), vertices.Count);

            if (rotated)
                vertices.Add(new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(x, y + srcH, 0), new Vector2(left, top)));
                vertices.Add(new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(x, y, 0), new Vector2(right, top)));
                vertices.Add(new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(x + srcW, y + srcH, 0), new Vector2(left, bottom)));
                vertices.Add(new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(x + srcW, y, 0), new Vector2(right, bottom)));
                vertices.Add(new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(x, y + srcH, 0), new Vector2(left, bottom)));
                vertices.Add(new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(x, y, 0), new Vector2(left, top)));
                vertices.Add(new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(x + srcW, y + srcH, 0), new Vector2(right, bottom)));
                vertices.Add(new VertexPositionTexture(new Vector3(x + srcW, y, 0), new Vector2(right, top)));

            indices.Add((short)(vertexCount + 1));
            indices.Add((short)(vertexCount + 2));

            indices.Add((short)(vertexCount + 2));
            indices.Add((short)(vertexCount + 1));
            indices.Add((short)(vertexCount + 3));

            vertexCount += 4;

Exemple #45
 protected override void OnInit()
     this.m_texture = Make <GameTexture>(gameObject);
Exemple #46
 public static void init()
     Engine e = GlobalHelper.getInstance().getEngine();
     blank_ = new GameTexture(@"Sprites\blank");
Exemple #47
        public override void DrawName(Color textColor, Color borderColor, Color backgroundColor)
            if (HideName || Name.Trim().Length == 0)

            if (!WorldPos.IntersectsWith(Graphics.Renderer.GetView()))

            if (MapInstance.Get(CurrentMap) == null || !Globals.GridMaps.Contains(CurrentMap))

            var y      = (int)Math.Ceiling(GetCenterPos().Y);
            var x      = (int)Math.Ceiling(GetCenterPos().X);
            var height = Options.TileHeight;

            switch (Graphic.Type)
            case EventGraphicType.Sprite:     //Sprite
                var entityTex = Globals.ContentManager.GetTexture(
                    GameContentManager.TextureType.Entity, Graphic.Filename

                if (entityTex != null)
                    height = entityTex.GetHeight();


            case EventGraphicType.Tileset:     //Tile
                if (mCachedTilesetName != Graphic.Filename)
                    mCachedTilesetName = Graphic.Filename;
                    mCachedTileset     = Globals.ContentManager.GetTexture(
                        GameContentManager.TextureType.Tileset, Graphic.Filename

                if (mCachedTileset != null)
                    height = (Graphic.Height + 1) * Options.TileHeight;


            y = (int)GetTopPos(height) - 12;
            x = (int)Math.Ceiling(GetCenterPos().X);

            if (Graphic.Type == EventGraphicType.Tileset)
                y -= 12;

            var textSize = Graphics.Renderer.MeasureText(Name, Graphics.EntityNameFont, 1);

            if (CustomColors.Names.Events.Background != Color.Transparent)
                    Graphics.Renderer.GetWhiteTexture(), new FloatRect(0, 0, 1, 1),
                    new FloatRect(x - textSize.X / 2f - 4, y, textSize.X + 8, textSize.Y),

                Name, Graphics.EntityNameFont, (int)(x - (int)Math.Ceiling(textSize.X / 2f)), (int)y, 1,
                Color.FromArgb(CustomColors.Names.Events.Name.ToArgb()), true, null,
 static MiniKraidController()
     s_spikeTexture = new GameTexture(c_SpikeTexturePath);
 public static void init()
     blank_ = TextureMap.getInstance().getTexture("blank");
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads an AnimationSet into the AnimationController.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="animSetPath">Asset path to the AnimationSet.</param>
        /// <param name="texturePath">Asset path to the image file to use.</param>
        public AnimationController(string animSetPath, string texturePath, string initialAnim)
            this.Color = Color.White;
            this.Scale = 1.0f;
            this.Rotation = 0.0f;
            this.DrawBottomCenter = true;

            m_animSet =

            // Build up a mapping of animation & sprite indices to image dimension idxs
            List<Rectangle> imageDimensionsList = new List<Rectangle>();
            int counter = 0;
            m_sourceRectangleIdxs = new int[m_animSet.anims.Length][];
            for (int i = 0; i < m_animSet.anims.Length; ++i)
                m_sourceRectangleIdxs[i] = new int[m_animSet.anims[i].sprites.Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < m_animSet.anims[i].sprites.Length; ++j)
                    m_sourceRectangleIdxs[i][j] = counter;

            Texture = new GameTexture(texturePath, imageDimensionsList.ToArray());

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(initialAnim))
 protected override void OnInit()
     this.m_imgSceneThumb = Make <GameTexture>("RawImage");
     this.m_lbSceneName   = Make <GameLabel>("Text");
Exemple #52
 public static FloatRect GetSourceRect(GameTexture gameTexture)
     return(gameTexture == null
         ? new FloatRect()
         : new FloatRect(0, 0, gameTexture.GetWidth(), gameTexture.GetHeight()));
Exemple #53
        private void DrawAutoTile(
            int layerNum,
            float destX,
            float destY,
            int quarterNum,
            int x,
            int y,
            int forceFrame,
            GameTexture tileset,
            GameTileBuffer buffer,
            bool update = false
            int yOffset = 0, xOffset = 0;

            // calculate the offset
            switch (Layers[layerNum].Tiles[x, y].Autotile)
            case MapAutotiles.AUTOTILE_WATERFALL:
                yOffset = (forceFrame - 1) * Options.TileHeight;


            case MapAutotiles.AUTOTILE_ANIM:
                xOffset = forceFrame * Options.TileWidth * 2;


            case MapAutotiles.AUTOTILE_ANIM_XP:
                xOffset = forceFrame * Options.TileWidth * 3;


            case MapAutotiles.AUTOTILE_CLIFF:
                yOffset = -Options.TileHeight;


            if (update)
                if (!buffer.UpdateTile(
                        tileset, destX, destY,
                        (int)Autotiles.Autotile[x, y].Layer[layerNum].QuarterTile[quarterNum].X + xOffset,
                        (int)Autotiles.Autotile[x, y].Layer[layerNum].QuarterTile[quarterNum].Y + yOffset,
                        Options.TileWidth / 2, Options.TileHeight / 2
                    throw new Exception("Failed to update tile to VBO!");
                if (!buffer.AddTile(
                        tileset, destX, destY,
                        (int)Autotiles.Autotile[x, y].Layer[layerNum].QuarterTile[quarterNum].X + xOffset,
                        (int)Autotiles.Autotile[x, y].Layer[layerNum].QuarterTile[quarterNum].Y + yOffset,
                        Options.TileWidth / 2, Options.TileHeight / 2
                    throw new Exception("Failed to add tile to VBO!");
 public void setImage(GameTexture image)
     image_ = image;
 public EngineStateSplash(Engine engine)
     engine_ = engine;
     //splash_ = new GameTexture(@"Sprites\splash", engine.spriteBatch_, engine.GraphicsDevice, engine_.Content);
     splash_ = new GameTexture(@"Sprites\splash");
Exemple #56
        public TextureChanger(GameWindow window)
            overlay = GameTexture.Load("overlay.png");

            window.KeyPress += OnKeyPress;
 public EngineStateSplash(Engine engine)
     m_engine = engine;
     m_splash = new GameTexture(@"Sprites\splash2");
Exemple #58
        public override void DrawTexture(
            GameTexture tex,
            float sx,
            float sy,
            float sw,
            float sh,
            float tx,
            float ty,
            float tw,
            float th,
            Color renderColor,
            GameRenderTexture renderTarget = null,
            GameBlendModes blendMode       = GameBlendModes.None,
            GameShader shader     = null,
            float rotationDegrees = 0,
            bool isUi             = false,
            bool drawImmediate    = false
            var texture = tex?.GetTexture();

            if (texture == null)

            var packRotated = false;

            var pack = tex.GetTexturePackFrame();

            if (pack != null)
                if (pack.Rotated)
                    rotationDegrees -= 90;
                    var z = tw;
                    tw = th;
                    th = z;

                    z  = sx;
                    sx = pack.Rect.Right - sy - sh;
                    sy = pack.Rect.Top + z;

                    z           = sw;
                    sw          = sh;
                    sh          = z;
                    packRotated = true;
                    sx += pack.Rect.X;
                    sy += pack.Rect.Y;

            var origin = Vector2.Zero;

            if (Math.Abs(rotationDegrees) > 0.01)
                rotationDegrees = (float)(Math.PI / 180 * rotationDegrees);
                origin          = new Vector2(sw / 2f, sh / 2f);

                //TODO: Optimize in terms of memory AND performance.
                var pnt  = new Pointf(0, 0);
                var pnt1 = new Pointf((float)tw, 0);
                var pnt2 = new Pointf(0, (float)th);
                var cntr = new Pointf((float)tw / 2, (float)th / 2);

                var pntMod  = Rotate(pnt, cntr, rotationDegrees);
                var pntMod2 = Rotate(pnt1, cntr, rotationDegrees);
                var pntMod3 = Rotate(pnt2, cntr, rotationDegrees);

                var width  = (int)Math.Round(GetDistance(pntMod.X, pntMod.Y, pntMod2.X, pntMod2.Y));
                var height = (int)Math.Round(GetDistance(pntMod.X, pntMod.Y, pntMod3.X, pntMod3.Y));

                if (packRotated)
                    var z = width;
                    width  = height;
                    height = z;

                tx += width / 2f;
                ty += height / 2f;

            if (renderTarget == null)
                if (isUi)
                    tx += mCurrentView.X;
                    ty += mCurrentView.Y;

                StartSpritebatch(mCurrentView, blendMode, shader, null, false, null, drawImmediate);

                    (Texture2D)texture, new Vector2(tx, ty), new XNARectangle((int)sx, (int)sy, (int)sw, (int)sh),
                    ConvertColor(renderColor), rotationDegrees, origin, new Vector2(tw / sw, th / sh),
                    SpriteEffects.None, 0
                    new FloatRect(0, 0, renderTarget.GetWidth(), renderTarget.GetHeight()), blendMode, shader,
                    renderTarget, false, null, drawImmediate

                    (Texture2D)texture, new Vector2(tx, ty), new XNARectangle((int)sx, (int)sy, (int)sw, (int)sh),
                    ConvertColor(renderColor), rotationDegrees, origin, new Vector2(tw / sw, th / sh),
                    SpriteEffects.None, 0
Exemple #59
        private void OnKeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyChar == 'r')
                owner.model.meshes[0].textures[0] = GameTexture.Load("runicfloor.png");
                isDebuggingInterpreter            = false;
            else if (e.KeyChar == 'f' || isDebuggingInterpreter)
                if (!isDebuggingInterpreter)
                    string filename = Console.ReadLine();
                    while (!File.Exists(filename))
                        filename = Console.ReadLine();
                    fli = FilterLangInterpreter.CreateWithEmptyInput(filename, 512, 512, 1, 4);

                FilterLangInterpreter.InterpreterStepResult res = new FilterLangInterpreter.InterpreterStepResult();

                if (isDebuggingInterpreter)
                    this.Log("Continuing Execution", DebugChannel.Log, 10);
                    isDebuggingInterpreter = false;

                byte[] buf = null;

                    if (res.triggeredDebug)
                        this.Log("Triggered Debug.", DebugChannel.Log, 10);
                        isDebuggingInterpreter = true;
                        buf = CLFilterAPI.ReadBuffer <byte>(res.debugBuffer);
                } while (!(res = fli.Step()).terminated);

                if (!isDebuggingInterpreter)
                    buf = fli.GetResult();
                else if (buf == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("F**K");
                GameTexture.Update(owner.model.meshes[0].textures[0], buf, 512, 512);
            else if (e.KeyChar == ' ')
            else if (e.KeyChar == 'o')
                CLFilterAPI.GetInstance().RunOverlayKernel(owner.model.meshes[0].textures[0], overlay, 0.5f);
            else if (e.KeyChar == 'c')
                CLFilterAPI.GetInstance().RunCheckerBoardKernel(owner.model.meshes[0].textures[0], 5f);
            else if (e.KeyChar == 'w')
            else if (e.KeyChar == 's')
                CLFilterAPI.GetInstance().RunSmoothNoise(owner.model.meshes[0].textures[0], 4);
            else if (e.KeyChar == 'p')
                owner.model.meshes[0].textures[0] = CLFilterAPI.GetInstance().GetPerlin(512, 512, 6, 0.9f);
            else if (e.KeyChar == 't')
                string[] filenames = Directory.GetFiles("filter/tests", "*.fl");
                this.Log("Running tests...", DebugChannel.Log, 10);
                foreach (string filename in filenames)
                    fli = FilterLangInterpreter.CreateWithEmptyInput(filename, 512, 512, 1, 4);

                    this.Log("Running Test File: " + filename, DebugChannel.Log, 10);

                    FilterLangInterpreter.InterpreterStepResult res = new FilterLangInterpreter.InterpreterStepResult();

                    } while (!(res = fli.Step()).terminated);

                this.Log("Finished Running Tests", DebugChannel.Log, 10);
                owner.model.meshes[0].textures[0] = GameTexture.Load("runicfloor.png");
Exemple #60
 public Bullet(GameTexture texture, List<DrawableObjectAbstract> pipeline, CollisionDetectorInterface detector, Vector2 position, Vector2 direction)
     : base(pipeline, texture, detector, new ConvexPolygon(BOUNDS_POINTS, Vector2.Zero), RADIUS, HEIGHT, direction * SPEED, position, direction, DEPTH)
     damage_ = DAMAGE;