Exemple #1
        public async override Task OnDisconnectedAsync(Exception exception)
            var userMetadata = this.GetUserMetadata();

            Log.Logger.LogError($"The client {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userMetadata)} disconnected!");

            if (userMetadata == null)
                // Nothing to do here

            //await Groups.RemoveFromGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, userMetadata.GameId);
            GameTableEntity game = GameTable.GetGameObject(userMetadata.GameId);

            if (game == null)
                // Nothing to do here

            // Notify everyone user left
            await GameTable.RemoveUserFromGame(userMetadata.UserId, game);

            await Clients.Group(userMetadata.GameId).SendAsync("GameMetadataUpdate", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(game));
Exemple #2
        public async Task CreateOrJoinGame(string gameId, string userId, string userName)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId))
                throw new Exception("GroupId or user is empty");

            Log.Logger.LogInformation($"User {userId} requesting to join game {gameId}");

            GameTableEntity game = GameTable.GetGameObject(gameId);

            if (game == null)
                // Join game as admin
                game = await GameTable.CreateGame(gameId, userId, userName);
                // If game has ended or started, there's no join (spectator mode)
                if (!game.GameEnded && !game.GameStarted)
                    await GameTable.AddUserToGame(userId, userName, game);

            this.SetGameMetadata(userId, gameId);

            // Add to group and update game metadata for everyone and send notification
            await Groups.AddToGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, gameId);

            await Clients.Group(gameId).SendAsync("GameMetadataUpdate", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(game));

            await Clients.Group(gameId).SendAsync("PlayerJoined", userId);
Exemple #3
        public async Task StartGame()
            var userMetadata = this.GetUserMetadata();

            if (userMetadata == null)
                throw new Exception("Game metadata is null");

            GameTableEntity game = GameTable.GetGameObject(userMetadata.GameId);

            if (game == null)
                throw new Exception("Game is null!");

            if (userMetadata.UserId != game.LeaderUserId)
                throw new Exception("Only leader can end!");

            await GameTable.StartGame(game);

            await Clients.Group(userMetadata.GameId).SendAsync("GameMetadataUpdate", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(game));

            await Clients.Group(userMetadata.GameId).SendAsync("GameStarted");
Exemple #4
        public void AddActiveGame(string sClanName, string sGameID, string sGameType, string sGameName)
            GameTableEntity pGame = new GameTableEntity(sClanName, sGameID);

            pGame.Active   = true;
            pGame.GameName = sGameName;
            pGame.GameType = sGameType;