/// <summary>
        /// Trash the card from the field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldIndex">Field index.</param>
        /// <param name="cardStr">Card string.</param>
        /// <returns>Trashed card instance.</returns>
        public Card Trash(int fieldIndex, string cardStr)
            GameStatus.Status nextStatus = status.Act(GameStatus.Action.Trash);
            if (GameStatus.Status.Error == nextStatus)
                throw GameException.getAlreadyTrashedException();
            if (fieldIndex >= FIELD_NUM || fieldIndex < 0)
                throw GameException.getFieldIndexException();

            CardDeck deck = this.fields[fieldIndex].CardList[this.turn];

            if (this.fields[fieldIndex].IsFixed || deck.Last().Name != cardStr)
                throw GameException.getCardAlreadyFixedException();

            Card card = deck.Move(cardStr, this.talon.Trash);

            this.lastTrashed      = card;
            this.lastTrashedField = this.fields[fieldIndex];

            status.Current = card.HasSpecial ? nextStatus : GameStatus.Status.Trashed;
        /// <summary>
        /// Proceed to the next turn.
        /// </summary>
        public void nextTurn()
            foreach (Field field in this.fields)

            if (this.Winner >= 0)
                this.status.Current = GameStatus.Status.RoundEnd;

            GameStatus.Status nextStatus = this.IsFilled ? GameStatus.Status.First : status.Act(GameStatus.Action.Next);
            if (GameStatus.Status.Error == nextStatus)
                throw GameException.getNotTrashedException();
            this.card9 [this.turn] = Constants.CARD9_NONE;
            this.turn             = (this.turn + 1) % 2;
            this.lastTrashedField = null;
            this.lastTrashed      = null;

            int drawNum = 5 - this.Player.Hand.Count();

            for (int i = 0; i < drawNum; i++)
            this.status.Current = nextStatus;
        /// <summary>
        /// Fire the special effect of the card.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="opt">Special effect option.</param>
        public void Special(params string[] opt)
            GameStatus.Status nextStatus = status.Act(GameStatus.Action.Special);
            if (GameStatus.Status.Error == nextStatus)
                throw GameException.getAlreadyTrashedException();
            bool ret = this.lastTrashed.Special(this, opt);

            if (ret)
                status.Current = nextStatus;
        /// <summary>
        /// Discard the card to the field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldIndex">Field index.</param>
        /// <param name="cardStr">Card string.</param>
        /// <returns>Discarded card instance.</returns>
        public Card Discard(int fieldIndex, string cardStr)
            GameStatus.Status nextStatus = status.Act(GameStatus.Action.Discard);
            if (GameStatus.Status.Error == nextStatus)
                throw GameException.getAlreadyDiscardedException();

            if (fieldIndex >= FIELD_NUM || fieldIndex < 0)
                throw GameException.getFieldIndexException();

            CardDeck hand = this.players[turn].Hand;
            Card     card = hand.Get(cardStr);

            if (card == null)
                throw GameException.getCardNotFoundException(cardStr);
            hand.Move(cardStr, this.fields[fieldIndex].CardList[turn]);

            if (this.players[turn].Hand.Count() == 0 || this.IsFilled)
                status.Current = GameStatus.Status.End;
            else if (this.card9[turn] == Constants.CARD9_AFFECTED)
                status.Current = GameStatus.Status.Trashed;
                status.Current = nextStatus;