Exemple #1
    private void Awake()
        instance = this;

        if (Application.isEditor)
            Handheld.Vibrate(); // Cheat to add vibration permission.
        // Override default editor API level on actual Android device.
        AndroidJavaClass androidVersion = new AndroidJavaClass("android.os.Build$VERSION");
        apiLevel = androidVersion.GetStatic <int>("SDK_INT");

        raycastPlane    = new Plane(Vector3.up, waterHeight); // Raycastable plane at water level.
        startingCamPos  = camTrans.position;                  // Cannot go behind starting cam Z.
        initFrogPos     = frog.position;
        targetCamPos    = startingCamPos;
        frogShadowScale = frogShadow.localScale;
        defaultFrogTilt = frogMeshTrans.localEulerAngles;

        inTransitionOrBusy = false;
        musicSource.ignoreListenerPause = true; // Continue playing in pause menu.

        asleepAchv = false;
        curGameStats = new GameSessionStats();
Exemple #2
    private Dictionary <string, int> GetBreakdownAndAwardPoints(GameSessionStats stats)
        Dictionary <string, int> result = new Dictionary <string, int>();
        int awardSum = 0;

        // Linear award for bugs eaten.
        if (stats.bugsEaten > 0)
            result.Add("BUGS EATEN", stats.bugsEaten);
            awardSum += stats.bugsEaten;

        // Bonus points for rare bugs.
        if (stats.firefliesEaten > 0)
            result.Add("FIREFLIES EATEN", stats.firefliesEaten);
            awardSum += stats.firefliesEaten;

        // Difficulty/survival multiplier.
        if (stats.highestDifficulty >= 3)
            // Bonus (scales with bugs eaten) starts with 5% at difficulty level 3, and increases by 2% every 2 levels.
            float multiplier = 0.05f + ((stats.highestDifficulty - 3) / 2) * 0.02f;

            int bugBonus      = Mathf.CeilToInt(stats.bugsEaten * multiplier);
            int standardBonus = (stats.highestDifficulty - 2);
            int bonus         = Mathf.Max(bugBonus, standardBonus);

            result.Add("SURVIVAL BONUS", bonus);
            awardSum += bonus;

        // Leap streak bonuses.
        if (stats.highestLeapStreak >= 30)
            result.Add("FROGTASTIC STREAK", 45);
            awardSum += 45;
        else if (stats.highestLeapStreak >= 20)
            result.Add("INSANE STREAK", 30);
            awardSum += 30;
        else if (stats.highestLeapStreak >= 15)
            result.Add("AMAZING STREAK", 20);
            awardSum += 20;
        else if (stats.highestLeapStreak >= 10)
            result.Add("GREAT STREAK", 10);
            awardSum += 10;

        // Sum up breakdown.
Exemple #3
    public void ShowScoreScreen(GameSessionStats stats, bool drowned)
        if (GameController.inTransitionOrBusy)

        scoreScreenRoutine = Timing.RunCoroutine(ScoreScreenRoutine(stats, drowned));
Exemple #4
    private IEnumerator <float> ScoreScreenRoutine(GameSessionStats gameStats, bool drowned)
        GameController.inTransitionOrBusy = true;
        inMenu = true;

        scoreScreenBreakdown.alpha = 0f;
        scoreScreenTitle.text      = (drowned) ? "YOU DROWNED" : "YOU GAVE UP";

        int displayedFrogPoints = shop.currentFrogPoints;

        scoreScreenFrogPoints.text = displayedFrogPoints.ToString();

        int highScore            = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HighScore", 0);
        int recordLeapStreak     = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("RecordLeapStreak", 0);
        int recordLeapScore      = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("RecordLeapScore", 0);
        int recordDifficulty     = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("RecordDifficultyReached", 0);
        int recordNearMissStreak = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("RecordNearMissStreak", 0);
        int totalBugsEaten       = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TotalBugsEaten", 0);
        int totalFirefliesEaten  = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("FirefliesEaten", 0);

        string highScoreColor = "21CE52";

        // Set highscores.
        if (gameStats.finalScore > highScore)
            highScore = gameStats.finalScore;
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HighScore", highScore);
            highScoreColor = "F2C637"; // Glow orange when achieved a new highscore.

        if (gameStats.highestNearMissStreak > recordNearMissStreak)
            recordNearMissStreak = gameStats.highestNearMissStreak;
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("RecordNearMissStreak", recordNearMissStreak);

        totalBugsEaten += gameStats.bugsEaten;
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TotalBugsEaten", totalBugsEaten);

        totalFirefliesEaten += gameStats.firefliesEaten;
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("FirefliesEaten", totalFirefliesEaten);

        string stats = "Score: [21CE52]" + gameStats.finalScore + "[-]";

        stats += "\nHigh Score: [" + highScoreColor + "]" + highScore + "[-]";
        stats += "\nHighest Leap Streak: [21CE52]" + gameStats.highestLeapStreak + "[-]";
        stats += "\nHighest Leap Score: [21CE52]" + gameStats.highestLeapScore + "[-]";
        scoreScreenStats.text = stats;

        // Post values to leaderboard.
        game.gpgs.SubmitScoreToLeaderboard(GPGSIds.leaderboard_high_scores, gameStats.finalScore);
        game.gpgs.SubmitScoreToLeaderboard(GPGSIds.leaderboard_leap_streak, gameStats.highestLeapStreak);
        game.gpgs.SubmitScoreToLeaderboard(GPGSIds.leaderboard_leap_score, gameStats.highestLeapScore);
        game.gpgs.SubmitScoreToLeaderboard(GPGSIds.leaderboard_highest_difficulty, gameStats.highestDifficulty);

        // Award achievements and skins.

        // Awards points and returns score breakdown as a dictionary.
        Dictionary <string, int> breakdown = GetBreakdownAndAwardPoints(gameStats);

        float animTime = 0f;

        while (animTime < 1f)
            animTime += Time.unscaledDeltaTime * scoreScreenAnimSpeed;
            float x = scoreScreenAnimCurve.Evaluate(animTime);
            scoreScreenTransform.localPosition = defaultScoreScreenPos + new Vector3(x, 0f, 0f);
            yield return(0f);

        GameController.inTransitionOrBusy = false;

        // Score breakdown animation (can be skipped)
        int curBreakdownIndex = 0;

        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> pair in breakdown)
            scoreScreenBreakdown.text = pair.Value + " - " + pair.Key;
            animTime = 0f;

            const float TRANSLATE_DIST = 8f;
            Vector3     pos            = scoreScreenBreakdown.cachedTrans.localPosition;
            pos.y = -TRANSLATE_DIST;

            // Fade in, translate bottom -> middle.
            while (animTime < 1f)
                animTime = Mathf.Min(animTime + (Time.unscaledDeltaTime * 4f), 1f);
                pos.y    = (1f - animTime) * -TRANSLATE_DIST;
                scoreScreenBreakdown.cachedTrans.localPosition = pos;
                scoreScreenBreakdown.alpha = animTime;
                yield return(0f);

            // Wait 0.5 seconds.
            pos.y = 0f;
            scoreScreenBreakdown.cachedTrans.localPosition = pos;
            scoreScreenBreakdown.alpha = 1f;
            animTime = 1f;
            yield return(Timing.WaitForSeconds(0.5f));

            // Fade out, translate middle -> top
            while (animTime < 2f)
                animTime = Mathf.Min(animTime + (Time.unscaledDeltaTime * 4f), 2f);
                pos.y    = (animTime - 1f) * TRANSLATE_DIST;
                scoreScreenBreakdown.cachedTrans.localPosition = pos;
                scoreScreenBreakdown.alpha = 2f - animTime;
                yield return(0f);

            // Animate total frog points.
            displayedFrogPoints       += pair.Value;
            scoreScreenFrogPoints.text = displayedFrogPoints.ToString();

            // Delay for next score breakdown if there is another one after this.
            if (curBreakdownIndex < breakdown.Count - 1)
                yield return(Timing.WaitForSeconds(0.25f));
