/// <summary> /// 获取实卡展示图片 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> private void GetCardImage(HttpContext context) { //获取类类型ID int cardTypeID = GameRequest.GetInt("param", 0); if (cardTypeID == 0) { return; } TreasureFacade aideTreasureFacade = new TreasureFacade( ); GlobalLivcard cardType = aideTreasureFacade.GetGlobalLivcardInfo(cardTypeID); if (cardType == null) { return; } //if( cardType.Image != null ) //{ // context.Response.Clear(); // context.Response.ContentType = "image/Bmp"; // context.Response.BinaryWrite( cardType.Image ); // context.Response.End(); //} }
public string SendMailUseGmail() { int recid = GameRequest.GetInt("taskid", 0); string systemname = GameRequest.GetQueryString("platform"); string sql = string.Format(@" select npct.RecID as taskid,gi.GameDisplayName,u.Compellation,npct.CollectDatetime,dpf.PlatformDisplayName from [{1}] npct inner join sdk_DefaultPlatform dpf on npct.RecID={0} and npct.PlatFormID=dpf.Id inner join sdk_GameInfo gi on npct.GameID=gi.GameID inner join AspNetUsers u on npct.CreateUser=u.Email", recid, systemname == "Android" ? "sdk_NewPackageCreateTask" : "sdk_NewPackageCreateTask_IOS"); DataSet ds = aideNativeWebFacade.GetDataSetBySql(sql); string createuser = ""; string gamename = ""; string platformname = ""; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { createuser = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Compellation"].ToString(); gamename = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["GameDisplayName"].ToString(); platformname = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PlatformDisplayName"].ToString(); } string toMail = GameRequest.GetQueryString("platform") == "Android" ? System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SDKPackageLoseEmail_Android"] : System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SDKPackageLoseEmail_IOS"]; string subject = string.Format("打包任务失败({0},{1},{2},{3},{4})", recid, gamename, systemname, platformname, createuser);//邮件标题 string context = GetErrorLog(ds); return(SendEamil.SendMailUseGmail(toMail, subject, context)); }
public JsonResult GetOnlineCountList() { try { RequestMessage requestMessage = new RequestMessage(3); string text = requestMessage.Post(); if (text.Contains("[")) { List <OnlineCount> list = JsonHelper.DeserializeJsonToList <OnlineCount>(text); if (list.Count > 0) { int sid = GameRequest.GetInt("ServerID", 0); int kid = GameRequest.GetInt("KindID", 0); if (kid > 0) { list = (from q in list where q.KindID == kid select q).ToList(); } if (sid > 0) { list = (from q in list where q.ServerID == sid select q).ToList(); } return(Json(new { IsOk = true, Msg = "", Total = list.Count, Data = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(list) })); } } if (!(text == "") && !text.Contains("null")) { return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = text })); } return(Json(new { IsOk = true, Msg = "", Total = 0, Data = "" })); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = ex.Message })); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; //验证登陆 if (!FacadeManage.aidePlatformManagerFacade.CheckedUserLogon()) { return; } //自定义头像 int customID = GameRequest.GetInt("customid", 0); if (customID == 0) { return; } AccountsFacade accountsFacade = new AccountsFacade(); AccountsFace faceModel = accountsFacade.GetAccountsFace(customID); if (faceModel == null) { return; } else { byte[] faceByte = ( byte[] )faceModel.CustomFace; // 新建画布 int width = 48; int height = 48; Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height); // 循环像素 int site = 4; for (int y = 0; y < 48; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 48; x++) { byte b = faceByte[site - 4]; byte g = faceByte[site - 3]; byte r = faceByte[site - 2]; bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(r, g, b)); site = site + 4; } } // 输出图片 System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream( ); bitmap.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp); context.Response.ClearContent( ); context.Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"; context.Response.BinaryWrite(ms.ToArray( )); bitmap.Dispose( ); } }
private static int State = 0; //区分是大厅充值还是房间充值 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ConfigId = GameRequest.GetInt("configid", 0); UserId = GameRequest.GetInt("userid", 0); State = GameRequest.GetInt("state", 0); } }
//获取金币排行榜,前50 protected void GetScoreRank(HttpContext context) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder( ); int pageIndex = GameRequest.GetInt("pageindex", 1); int pageSize = GameRequest.GetInt("pagesize", 10); int userID = GameRequest.GetInt("UserID", 0); if (pageIndex <= 0) { pageIndex = 1; } if (pageSize <= 0) { pageSize = 10; } if (pageSize > 50) { pageSize = 50; } //获取用户排行 string sqlQuery = string.Format("SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Score DESC) as ChartID,UserID,Score FROM GameScoreInfo) a WHERE UserID={0}", userID); DataSet dsUser = treasureFacade.GetDataSetByWhere(sqlQuery); int uChart = 0; Int64 uScore = 0; if (dsUser.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { uChart = Convert.ToInt32(dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ChartID"]); uScore = Convert.ToInt64(dsUser.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Score"]); } //获取总排行 DataSet ds = treasureFacade.GetList("GameScoreInfo", pageIndex, pageSize, " ORDER BY Score DESC", " ", "UserID,Score").PageSet; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { msg.Append("["); //添加用户排行 msg.Append("{\"NickName\":\"" + Fetch.GetNickNameByUserID(userID) + "\",\"Score\":" + uScore + ",\"Rank\":" + uChart + "},"); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { msg.Append("{\"NickName\":\"" + Fetch.GetNickNameByUserID(Convert.ToInt32(dr["UserID"])) + "\",\"Score\":" + dr["Score"] + "},"); } msg.Remove(msg.Length - 1, 1); msg.Append("]"); } else { msg.Append("{}"); } context.Response.Write(msg.ToString( )); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int pageID = GameRequest.GetInt("PageID", 0); string sql = "Select ResponseUrl From GamePageItem(nolock) Where PageID=" + pageID; object obj = FacadeManage.aidePlatformFacade.GetObjectBySql(sql); if (obj != null) { string url = obj.ToString(); Response.Redirect(url); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int @int = GameRequest.GetInt("PageID", 0); string sqlQuery = "Select ResponseUrl From GamePageItem(nolock) Where PageID=" + @int; object objectBySql = FacadeManage.aidePlatformFacade.GetObjectBySql(sqlQuery); if (objectBySql != null) { string url = objectBySql.ToString(); base.Response.Redirect(url); } }
/// <summary> /// 用户代理列表获取接口 /// </summary> private static void GetBelowList(string type, string query) { int number = GameRequest.GetInt("pagesize", 15); int page = GameRequest.GetInt("pageindex", 1); long pCount = 0; BelowList list = new BelowList(); string sqlUserId = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) { sqlUserId = " AND UserID IN (SELECT UserID FROM WHQJAccountsDB.DBO.AccountsInfo(NOLOCK) " + (Validate.IsPositiveInt(query) ? $"WHERE GameID={query} OR NickName='{query}') " : $"WHERE NickName = '{query}') "); } string sqlWhere = $"WHERE AgentID IN (SELECT AgentID FROM AgentInfo(NOLOCK) WHERE UserID={UserId})"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { sqlWhere += type == "agent" ? " AND UserID IN (SELECT UserID FROM AgentInfo(NOLOCK)) " : " AND UserID NOT IN (SELECT UserID FROM AgentInfo(NOLOCK)) "; } sqlWhere += sqlUserId; var ps = FacadeManage.aideAgentFacade.GetBelowListPagerSet(sqlWhere, page, number); if (ps?.PageCount > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in ps.PageSet.Tables[0].Rows) { AccountsInfo ai = FacadeManage.aideAccountsFacade.GetAccountsInfoByUserID( Convert.ToInt32(dr["UserID"].ToString())); BelowDetail detail = new BelowDetail { UserID = ai.UserID, GameID = ai.GameID, NickName = ai.NickName, AgentID = ai.AgentID, RegisterDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["CollectDate"]).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), TotalDiamond = FacadeManage.aideAgentFacade.GetTotalDiamondAward(UserId, ai.UserID), TotalGold = FacadeManage.aideAgentFacade.GetTotalGoldAward(UserId, ai.UserID) }; pCount++; list.dataList.Add(detail); } } _ajv.SetDataItem("list", list.dataList); _ajv.SetDataItem("total", ps?.RecordCount ?? 0); _ajv.SetDataItem("count", pCount); _ajv.SetDataItem("pageCount", ps?.PageCount ?? 0); _ajv.SetValidDataValue(true); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //允许跨站请求域名 context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", AppConfig.MoblieInterfaceDomain); context.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; int userid = GameRequest.GetQueryInt("userid", 0); int customId = GameRequest.GetInt("customid", 0); string time = GameRequest.GetQueryString("time"); string sign = GameRequest.GetQueryString("sign"); //签名验证 AjaxJsonValid ajv = Fetch.VerifySignData(userid + AppConfig.MoblieInterfaceKey + time, sign); ////接口版本号 //ajv.SetDataItem("apiVersion", 20171106); //if (ajv.code == (int) ApiCode.VertySignErrorCode) //{ // context.Response.Write(ajv.SerializeToJson()); // return; //} //参数验证 if (userid <= 0 || customId <= 0) { ajv.code = (int)ApiCode.VertyParamErrorCode; ajv.msg = string.Format(EnumHelper.GetDesc(ApiCode.VertyParamErrorCode), ""); context.Response.Write(ajv.SerializeToJson()); return; } AccountsFace faceModel = FacadeManage.aideAccountsFacade.GetAccountsFace(customId); if (faceModel == null || faceModel.UserID != userid) { ajv.msg = "抱歉,头像参数无效"; context.Response.Write(ajv.SerializeToJson()); return; } ConfigInfo webCfg = FacadeManage.aideNativeWebFacade.GetConfigInfo(AppConfig.SiteConfigKey.WebSiteConfig.ToString()); string imageServerHost = webCfg.Field2; ajv.SetValidDataValue(true); ajv.SetDataItem("UserID", faceModel.UserID); ajv.SetDataItem("FaceUrl", string.IsNullOrEmpty(faceModel.FaceUrl) ? "" : (faceModel.FaceUrl.IndexOf("http://", StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1 ? faceModel.FaceUrl : $"{imageServerHost}{faceModel.FaceUrl}")); context.Response.Write(ajv.SerializeToJson()); }
private string GetErrorLog(DataSet ds) { int recid = GameRequest.GetInt("taskid", 0); string systemname = GameRequest.GetQueryString("platform"); string createtaskid = GameRequest.GetQueryString("batchno"); string logHeadText = ""; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { logHeadText += " 任务ID : " + recid + "<br>"; logHeadText += " 平 台 : " + systemname + "<br>"; logHeadText += " 游戏名称 : " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["GameDisplayName"].ToString() + "<br>"; logHeadText += " 渠道名称 : " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PlatformDisplayName"].ToString() + "<br>"; logHeadText += " 创建人 : " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Compellation"].ToString() + "<br>"; logHeadText += " 创建时间 : " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CollectDatetime"].ToString() + "<br>"; logHeadText += "<br> ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 详 细 错 误 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓<br>"; } try { string logPath; if (systemname == "Android") { logPath = "\\\\" + createtaskid + "/" + recid + ".log "; } else { logPath = "\\\\" + createtaskid + "/" + recid + ".log "; } string content = ""; if (systemname == "Android") { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(logPath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { content = sr.ReadToEnd().Replace("\n", "<br>"); } return(logHeadText + content); } else { content = "<a href=\"" + recid + "&createtaskid=" + createtaskid + "&systemname=IOS\">点击查看详情</a>"; return(logHeadText + content); } } catch (Exception) { return(logHeadText + "由于未知原因打包失败,log 未生成,请联系打包组开发人员!taskid:" + recid + " systemname:" + systemname + " createtaskid:" + createtaskid + "\r\n logPath:\\\\" + createtaskid + "/" + recid + ".log "); } }
/// <summary> /// 接口主路由 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //允许跨站请求域名 context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", AppConfig.MoblieInterfaceDomain); context.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; string action = GameRequest.GetString("action"); //签名验证 //接口版本号 _ajv = new AjaxJsonValid(); _ajv.SetDataItem("apiVersion", 20171120); if (_userId <= 0) { _ajv.code = (int)ApiCode.VertyParamErrorCode; _ajv.msg = string.Format(EnumHelper.GetDesc(ApiCode.VertyParamErrorCode), " userid 为空"); _ajv.SetValidDataValue(false); context.Response.Write(_ajv.SerializeToJson()); return; } switch (action) { case "userspreadhome": UserSpreadHome(); break; case "userspreadreceive": int num = GameRequest.GetInt("num", 0); if (num <= 0) { _ajv.code = (int)ApiCode.VertyParamErrorCode; _ajv.msg = string.Format(EnumHelper.GetDesc(ApiCode.VertyParamErrorCode), " num(领取数量)"); _ajv.SetValidDataValue(false); context.Response.Write(_ajv.SerializeToJson()); return; } UserSpreadReveice(num); break; default: _ajv.code = (int)ApiCode.VertyParamErrorCode; _ajv.msg = string.Format(EnumHelper.GetDesc(ApiCode.VertyParamErrorCode), " action"); _ajv.SetValidDataValue(false); break; } context.Response.Write(_ajv.SerializeToJson()); }
public string GetMySpread() { int @int = GameRequest.GetInt("userid", 0); string @string = GameRequest.GetString("signature"); string string2 = GameRequest.GetString("time"); string result; if (@int <= 0) { result = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new { Code = 1, Msg = "参数错误" }); } else { Message message = FacadeManage.aideAccountsFacade.CheckUserSignature(@int, string2, @string); if (!message.Success) { result = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new { Code = 1, Msg = message.Content }); } else { UserTicketInfo userCookie = Fetch.GetUserCookie(); if (userCookie == null || userCookie.UserID != @int) { UserInfo userInfo = message.EntityList[0] as UserInfo; Fetch.SetUserCookie(userInfo.ToUserTicketInfo()); } System.Data.DataTable mySpread = FacadeManage.aideTreasureFacade.GetMySpread(@int); result = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new { Code = 0, Data = mySpread }); } } return(result); }
protected void GetWeekScoreRank(HttpContext context) { try { int userID = GameRequest.GetInt("UserID", 0); DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; //当前时间 DateTime startWeek = dt.AddDays(1 - (int)dt.DayOfWeek); //本周周一 DateTime endWeek = startWeek.AddDays(6); //本周周日 DataSet ds = FacadeManage.aideTreasureFacade.GetRank(startWeek, endWeek, userID); // SendRank(ds, userID, context, startWeek, endWeek); } catch (Exception exp) { ScoreRankCode newScoreRankCode = new ScoreRankCode(); CommonTools.SendStringToClient(context, newScoreRankCode); // context.Response.Write(exp.Message.ToString()+":"+exp.StackTrace.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// 任务启动 更改数据库状态 /// </summary> private void StartUpTask() { string msg = ""; int recid = GameRequest.GetInt("taskid", 0); string platform = GameRequest.GetQueryString("platform"); string serveraddr = GameRequest.GetString("serveraddr"); //string fileaddr = GameRequest.GetString("fileaddr"); //string filename = GameRequest.GetString("filename"); if (recid == 0) { msg = "{\"status\":\"error\",\"msg\":\"error04\"}"; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serveraddr)) { msg = "{\"status\":\"error\",\"msg\":\"'error05\"}"; } //else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileaddr)) { msg = "{status:'error',msg:'error06'}"; } //else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { msg = "{status:'error',msg:'error07'}"; } else { if (platform != "Android" && platform != "iOS") { msg = "{\"status\":\"error\",\"msg\":\"error03\"}"; } else { string sql = string.Format(@" update {2} set PackageTaskStatus=2, StartDatetime=GETDATE(),serverAddr='{0}' where RecID='{1}' and ((PackageTaskStatus=0 and DATEDIFF(N,StartDatetime,GETDATE())<5) or PackageTaskStatus=1)", serveraddr, recid, platform == "Android" ? "[sdk_NewPackageCreateTask]" : "[sdk_NewPackageCreateTask_IOS]"); int row = aideNativeWebFacade.ExecuteSql(sql); if (row > 0) { msg = "{\"status\":\"success\",\"msg\":\"startTask_OK\"}"; } else { msg = "{\"status\":\"error\",\"msg\":\"error08\"}"; } } } Response.Write(msg); }
public string GetWithdrawals() { int @int = GameRequest.GetInt("userid", 0); string @string = GameRequest.GetString("signature"); string string2 = GameRequest.GetString("time"); int int2 = GameRequest.GetInt("pageIndex", 1); int int3 = GameRequest.GetInt("pageSize", 20); string result; if (@int <= 0) { result = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new { Code = 1, Msg = "参数错误" }); } else { Message message = FacadeManage.aideAccountsFacade.CheckUserSignature(@int, string2, @string); if (!message.Success) { result = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new { Code = 1, Msg = message.Content }); } else { PagerSet list = FacadeManage.aideTreasureFacade.GetList("(select * from RYAgentDB.dbo.T_SpreadBalance where userid = " + @int + ") as tab", int2, int3, "Order By ID DESC", ""); System.Data.DataTable data = list.PageSet.Tables[0]; result = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new { Code = 0, Data = data, Total = list.RecordCount }); } } return(result); }
public string GetMyLowerMember() { int @int = GameRequest.GetInt("userid", 0); string @string = GameRequest.GetString("signature"); string string2 = GameRequest.GetString("time"); int int2 = GameRequest.GetInt("pageIndex", 1); int int3 = GameRequest.GetInt("pageSize", 20); string result; if (@int <= 0) { result = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new { Code = 1, Msg = "参数错误" }); } else { Message message = FacadeManage.aideAccountsFacade.CheckUserSignature(@int, string2, @string); if (!message.Success) { result = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new { Code = 1, Msg = message.Content }); } else { PagerSet list = FacadeManage.aideTreasureFacade.GetList("(SELECT * FROM RYAgentDB.dbo.Fn_GetSpreadDowns(" + @int + ",0)) as tab", int2, int3, "Order By NowYj", ""); System.Data.DataTable data = list.PageSet.Tables[0]; result = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new { Code = 0, Data = data, Total = list.RecordCount }); } } return(result); }
public void GetQuestionType(System.Web.HttpContext context) { int @int = GameRequest.GetInt("typeId", 0); string tabName = "GameIssueInfo"; if (@int == 1) { tabName = "GameIssueInfo"; } if (@int == 2) { tabName = "GameFeedbackInfo"; } if (@int == 3) { tabName = "GameAccuseInfo"; } System.Data.DataTable type = FacadeManage.aideTreasureFacade.GetType(tabName); context.Response.Write(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(type)); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { //允许跨站请求域名 context.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", AppConfig.MoblieInterfaceDomain); //接口返回数据格式 context.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; //接口请求类型 string action = GameRequest.GetQueryString("action").ToLower(); try { lock (lockobj) { System.IO.Stream s = context.Request.InputStream; StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s, System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.UTF8); string ret = sr.ReadToEnd(); //Log4Net.WriteInfoLog("ret:" + ret); string userid = context.Request.Form["userid"]; //string log = context.Request.Form["logtext"]; int platformType = GameRequest.GetInt("platformType", 0); string TypeName = ""; if (platformType == 1) { TypeName = "Android"; } else if (platformType == 2) { TypeName = "IOS"; } Writelog(ret, userid, TypeName); context.Response.Write("true"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log4Net.WriteInfoLog("下面一条为接口故障信息", "LogInterface"); Log4Net.WriteErrorLog(ex, "LogInterface"); context.Response.Write(ex); } }
public JsonResult GetAndroidConfigureList() { int @int = GameRequest.GetInt("pageIndex", 1); int int2 = GameRequest.GetInt("pageSize", 10); int int3 = GameRequest.GetInt("ServerID", 0); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(" WHERE 1=1"); if (int3 > 0) { stringBuilder.AppendFormat(" AND ServerID ={0}", int3); } PagerSet list = FacadeManage.aideAccountsFacade.GetList("AndroidConfigure", @int, int2, stringBuilder.ToString(), "ORDER BY BatchID DESC"); return(Json(new { IsOk = true, Msg = "", Total = list.RecordCount, Data = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(list.PageSet.Tables[0]) })); }
/// <summary> /// 完成任务 /// </summary> private void FinishTask() { string msg = ""; int recid = GameRequest.GetInt("taskid", 0); string platform = GameRequest.GetQueryString("platform"); //string packageaddr = GameRequest.GetString("packageaddr"); string packagename = GameRequest.GetString("packagename"); if (recid == 0) { msg = "{\"status\":\"error\",\"msg\":\"error04\"}"; } //else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageaddr)) { msg = "{\"status\":\"error\",\"msg\":\"error09\"}"; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packagename)) { msg = "{\"status\":\"error\",\"msg\":\"error10\"}"; } else { if (platform != "Android" && platform != "iOS") { msg = "{\"status\":\"error\",\"msg\":\"error03\"}"; } else { string sql = string.Format(@" update {2} set PackageTaskStatus=3, FinishDatetime=GETDATE(), [packagename]='{1}' where RecID='{0}' and PackageTaskStatus=2", recid, packagename, platform == "Android" ? "[sdk_NewPackageCreateTask]" : "[sdk_NewPackageCreateTask_IOS]"); int row = aideNativeWebFacade.ExecuteSql(sql); if (row > 0) { msg = "{\"status\":\"success\",\"msg\":\"finishTask_OK\"}"; } else { msg = "{\"status\":\"error\",\"msg\":\"error11\"}"; } } } Response.Write(msg); }
/// <summary> /// 打包任务失败 /// </summary> private void LoseTask() { string msg = ""; int recid = GameRequest.GetInt("taskid", 0); string platform = GameRequest.GetQueryString("platform"); if (recid == 0) { msg = "{\"status\":\"error\",\"msg\":\"error04\"}"; } else { if (platform != "Android" && platform != "iOS") { msg = "{\"status\":\"error\",\"msg\":\"error03\"}"; } else { string sql = string.Format(@"update {1} set PackageTaskStatus=4,FinishDatetime=getdate() where recid={0} and (PackageTaskStatus=2 or PackageTaskStatus=0)", recid, platform == "Android" ? "[sdk_NewPackageCreateTask]" : "[sdk_NewPackageCreateTask_IOS]"); int row = aideNativeWebFacade.ExecuteSql(sql); if (row > 0) { msg = "{\"status\":\"success\",\"msg\":\"loseTask_OK\"}"; } else { msg = "{\"status\":\"error\",\"msg\":\"error12\"}"; } } } try { if (IsSendMail(recid)) { SendMailUseGmail(); } } catch (Exception) { } Response.Write(msg); }
public void GetQuestionList(System.Web.HttpContext context) { int @int = GameRequest.GetInt("hot", 0); string @string = GameRequest.GetString("title"); int int2 = GameRequest.GetInt("typeId", 0); System.Text.StringBuilder stringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder("WHERE Nullity=0"); if (@int > 0) { stringBuilder.Append(" AND Hot=1"); } if (@string != "") { stringBuilder.Append(" AND IssueTitle like '%'+@title+'%'"); } if (int2 > 0) { stringBuilder.AppendFormat(" AND TypeID={0}", int2); } System.Data.DataTable questionList = FacadeManage.aideNativeWebFacade.GetQuestionList(stringBuilder.ToString(), @string); context.Response.Write(JsonHelper.SerializeObject(questionList)); }
protected void GetPreDayScoreRank(HttpContext context) { try { int userID = GameRequest.GetInt("UserID", 0); DateTime dt = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); DateTime startYear = new DateTime(dt.Year, dt.Month, dt.Day, 0, 0, 0); //本年年初 DateTime endYear = new DateTime(dt.Year, 12, 31); //本年年末 DataSet ds = FacadeManage.aideTreasureFacade.GetRank(startYear, endYear, userID); SendRank(ds, userID, context, startYear, endYear); // // // ScoreRankCode newScoreRankCode = new ScoreRankCode(); // for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) // { // ScoreRank newScoreRank = new ScoreRank(); // newScoreRank.RankId = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["RankId"]); // newScoreRank.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserID"]); // newScoreRank.UserName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString(); // newScoreRank.SumScore = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["SumScore"]); // newScoreRank.RankType = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["RankType"]); // newScoreRank.FaceId = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FaceID"]); // // newScoreRankCode.ScoreRanks.Add(newScoreRank); // if (newScoreRank.UserID == userID) // newScoreRankCode.MyScore = newScoreRank; // } // string s = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newScoreRankCode); // newScoreRankCode.msg = startYear.ToString() + "--" + endYear.ToString(); // CommonTools.SendStringToClient(context, newScoreRankCode); } catch (Exception exp) { ScoreRankCode newScoreRankCode = new ScoreRankCode(); CommonTools.SendStringToClient(context, newScoreRankCode); // context.Response.Write(exp.Message.ToString() + ":" + exp.StackTrace.ToString()); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SiteMaster.Menu = 1; payId = GameRequest.GetInt("id", 0); if (!IsPostBack) { //获取登录信息 UserTicketInfo user = userTicket; if (payId <= 0) { Response.Redirect("/Menu/Buy.aspx"); } //获取游戏豆信息 UserCurrencyInfo currency = FacadeManage.aideTreasureFacade.GetUserCurrencyInfo(user.UserID); lbCurrency.Text = currency != null?Convert.ToInt32(currency.Currency).ToString() : "0"; //获取房卡信息 UserRoomCard card = FacadeManage.aideTreasureFacade.GetUserRoomCard(user.UserID); lbRoomCard.Text = card != null?card.RoomCard.ToString() : "0"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { int typeId = GameRequest.GetInt("id", 1); if (typeId == 1) { btn = "<a href = \"/RoomCard/Buy.aspx\"> 继续购买 </a><a href = \"/RoomCard/Index.aspx\" > 查看记录 </a>"; lblAlertInfo.Text = "恭喜您,购买成功!"; } else if (typeId == 1) { btn = "<a href = \"/RoomCard/Exch.aspx\"> 继续兑换 </a><a href = \"/RoomCard/ExchRecord.aspx\" > 查看记录 </a>"; lblAlertInfo.Text = "恭喜您,兑换成功!"; } else { btn = "<a href = \"/RoomCard/BuyByGold.aspx\"> 继续购买 </a><a href = \"/RoomCard/GoldBuyRecord.aspx\" > 查看记录 </a>"; lblAlertInfo.Text = "恭喜您,购买成功!"; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { type = GameRequest.GetInt("type", 0); switch (type) { case 0: typeName = "帐号"; break; case 1: typeName = "昵称"; break; } if (Header != null) { Title = StrTitle; } if (!IsPostBack) { BindData(); } }
//获取金币排行榜,前50 protected void GetScoreRank(HttpContext context) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder( ); int pageIndex = GameRequest.GetInt("pageindex", 1); int pageSize = GameRequest.GetInt("pagesize", 10); if (pageIndex <= 0) { pageIndex = 1; } if (pageSize <= 0) { pageSize = 10; } if (pageSize > 50) { pageSize = 50; } DataSet ds = treasureFacade.GetList("GameScoreInfo", pageIndex, pageSize, " ORDER BY Score DESC", " WHERE UserID IN(SELECT UserID FROM QPAccountsDBLink.QPAccountsDB.dbo.AccountsInfo)", "UserID,Score").PageSet; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { msg.Append("["); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { msg.Append("{\"NickName\":\"" + Fetch.GetNickNameByUserID(Convert.ToInt32(dr["UserID"])) + "\",\"Score\":" + dr["Score"] + "},"); } msg.Remove(msg.Length - 1, 1); msg.Append("]"); } else { msg.Append("{}"); } context.Response.Write(msg.ToString( )); }
public JsonResult UpdateCount() { int @int = GameRequest.GetInt("ID", 0); int int2 = GameRequest.GetInt("KindID", 0); int int3 = GameRequest.GetInt("ServerID", 0); int int4 = GameRequest.GetInt("AddCounts", 0); int int5 = GameRequest.GetInt("ChangeRate", 0); string formString = GameRequest.GetFormString("StartTime"); string formString2 = GameRequest.GetFormString("EndTime"); if (int3 > 0 && int4 > 0 && !(formString == "") && !(formString2 == "") && int5 >= 0) { try { Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dictionary["ID"] = @int; dictionary["KindID"] = int2; dictionary["ServerID"] = int3; dictionary["AddCounts"] = int4; dictionary["ChangeRate"] = int5; dictionary["StartTime"] = formString.Substring(0, 5); dictionary["EndTime"] = formString2.Substring(0, 5); dictionary["strErrorDescribe"] = ""; Message message = FacadeManage.aideAccountsFacade.ExcuteByProce("RYPlatformDB..NET_PW_SaveOnlineCount", dictionary); if (!message.Success) { return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = message.Content })); } RequestMessage requestMessage = new RequestMessage(5); string text = requestMessage.Post(); if (!text.Contains("OK")) { return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = text })); } return(Json(new { IsOk = true, Msg = "操作成功" })); } catch { return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = "操作失败" })); } } return(Json(new { IsOk = false, Msg = "参数错误" })); }
public string Balance() { int @int = GameRequest.GetInt("userid", 0); string result; if (@int <= 0) { result = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new { Code = 1, Msg = "参数错误" }); } else { UserTicketInfo userCookie = Fetch.GetUserCookie(); if (userCookie == null || userCookie.UserID != @int) { result = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new { Code = 1, Msg = "已超时,请从大厅重新操作" }); } else { double num = System.Convert.ToDouble(base.Request["rtnFee"]); if (num <= 0.0) { result = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new { Code = 1, Msg = "提现金额必须大于0" }); } else { System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, object>(); dictionary["dwUserID"] = @int; dictionary["strOrderID"] = PayHelper.GetOrderIDByPrefix("tg"); dictionary["dwRtnFee"] = num; dictionary["strClientIP"] = GameRequest.GetUserIP(); dictionary["strErr"] = ""; Message message = FacadeManage.aideAccountsFacade.ExcuteByProce("RYAgentDB.dbo.P_SpreadBalance", dictionary); if (message.Success) { result = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new { Code = 0, Msg = "提现申请成功,请等待处理!" }); } else { result = JsonHelper.SerializeObject(new { Code = 1, Msg = message.Content }); } } } } return(result); }