public override void OnNewFrameDraw2d(Game game, float deltaTime) { if (game.guistate != GuiState.MapLoading) { return; } GamePlatform platform = game.platform; float one = 1; Width = platform.GetCanvasWidth(); Height = platform.GetCanvasHeight(); DrawBackground(game); string connecting = game.language.Connecting(); if (game.issingleplayer && (!platform.SinglePlayerServerLoaded())) { connecting = "Starting game..."; } if (game.maploadingprogress.ProgressStatus != null) { connecting = game.maploadingprogress.ProgressStatus; } if (game.invalidVersionDrawMessage != null) { game.Draw2dText(game.invalidVersionDrawMessage, game.fontMapLoading, game.xcenter(game.TextSizeWidth(game.invalidVersionDrawMessage, game.fontMapLoading)), Height / 2 - 50, null, false); string connect = "Click to connect"; game.Draw2dText(connect, game.fontMapLoading, game.xcenter(game.TextSizeWidth(connect, game.fontMapLoading)), Height / 2 + 50, null, false); return; } IntRef serverNameWidth = new IntRef(); IntRef serverNameHeight = new IntRef(); platform.TextSize(game.ServerInfo.ServerName, game.fontMapLoading, serverNameWidth, serverNameHeight); game.Draw2dText(game.ServerInfo.ServerName, game.fontMapLoading, game.xcenter(serverNameWidth.value), Height / 2 - 150, null, false); if (game.ServerInfo.ServerMotd != null) { IntRef serverMotdWidth = new IntRef(); IntRef serverMotdHeight = new IntRef(); platform.TextSize(game.ServerInfo.ServerMotd, game.fontMapLoading, serverMotdWidth, serverMotdHeight); game.Draw2dText(game.ServerInfo.ServerMotd, game.fontMapLoading, game.xcenter(serverMotdWidth.value), Height / 2 - 100, null, false); } IntRef connectingWidth = new IntRef(); IntRef connectingHeight = new IntRef(); platform.TextSize(connecting, game.fontMapLoading, connectingWidth, connectingHeight); game.Draw2dText(connecting, game.fontMapLoading, game.xcenter(connectingWidth.value), Height / 2 - 50, null, false); string progress = platform.StringFormat(game.language.ConnectingProgressPercent(), platform.IntToString(game.maploadingprogress.ProgressPercent)); string progress1 = platform.StringFormat(game.language.ConnectingProgressKilobytes(), platform.IntToString(game.maploadingprogress.ProgressBytes / 1024)); if (game.maploadingprogress.ProgressPercent > 0) { IntRef progressWidth = new IntRef(); IntRef progressHeight = new IntRef(); platform.TextSize(progress, game.fontMapLoading, progressWidth, progressHeight); game.Draw2dText(progress, game.fontMapLoading, game.xcenter(progressWidth.value), Height / 2 - 20, null, false); IntRef progress1Width = new IntRef(); IntRef progress1Height = new IntRef(); platform.TextSize(progress1, game.fontMapLoading, progress1Width, progress1Height); game.Draw2dText(progress1, game.fontMapLoading, game.xcenter(progress1Width.value), Height / 2 + 10, null, false); float progressratio = one * game.maploadingprogress.ProgressPercent / 100; int sizex = 400; int sizey = 40; game.Draw2dTexture(game.WhiteTexture(), game.xcenter(sizex), Height / 2 + 70, sizex, sizey, null, 0, Game.ColorFromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), false); int red = Game.ColorFromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0); int yellow = Game.ColorFromArgb(255, 255, 255, 0); int green = Game.ColorFromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0); int[] colors = new int[3]; colors[0] = red; colors[1] = yellow; colors[2] = green; int c = InterpolationCi.InterpolateColor(platform, progressratio, colors, 3); game.Draw2dTexture(game.WhiteTexture(), game.xcenter(sizex), Height / 2 + 70, progressratio * sizex, sizey, null, 0, c, false); } }
public override void Render(float dt) { if (!loaded) { preferences_ip = menu.p.GetPreferences().GetString("ConnectToIpIp", ""); preferences_port = menu.p.GetPreferences().GetString("ConnectToIpPort", "25565"); textboxIp.text = preferences_ip; textboxPort.text = preferences_port; loaded = true; } if (textboxIp.text != preferences_ip || textboxPort.text != preferences_port) { preferences_ip = textboxIp.text; preferences_port = textboxPort.text; Preferences preferences = menu.p.GetPreferences(); preferences.SetString("ConnectToIpIp", preferences_ip); preferences.SetString("ConnectToIpPort", preferences_port); menu.p.SetPreferences(preferences); } GamePlatform p = menu.p; float scale = menu.GetScale(); menu.DrawBackground(); float leftx = p.GetCanvasWidth() / 2 - 400 * scale; float y = p.GetCanvasHeight() / 2 - 250 * scale; string loginResultText = null; if (errorText != null) { menu.DrawText(loginResultText, 14 * scale, leftx, y - 50 * scale, TextAlign.Left, TextBaseline.Top); } menu.DrawText(title, 14 * scale, leftx, y + 50 * scale, TextAlign.Left, TextBaseline.Top); textboxIp.x = leftx; textboxIp.y = y + 100 * scale; textboxIp.sizex = 256 * scale; textboxIp.sizey = 64 * scale; textboxIp.fontSize = 14 * scale; textboxPort.x = leftx; textboxPort.y = y + 200 * scale; textboxPort.sizex = 256 * scale; textboxPort.sizey = 64 * scale; textboxPort.fontSize = 14 * scale; buttonConnect.x = leftx; buttonConnect.y = y + 400 * scale; buttonConnect.sizex = 256 * scale; buttonConnect.sizey = 64 * scale; buttonConnect.fontSize = 14 * scale; back.x = 40 * scale; back.y = p.GetCanvasHeight() - 104 * scale; back.sizex = 256 * scale; back.sizey = 64 * scale; back.fontSize = 14 * scale; DrawWidgets(); }
public override void Render(float dt) { if (!triedSavedLogin) { Preferences preferences = menu.p.GetPreferences(); loginUsername.text = preferences.GetString("Username", ""); loginPassword.text = ""; string token = preferences.GetString("Password", ""); loginResultData = new LoginData(); if (serverHash != null && token != "") { menu.Login(loginUsername.text, loginPassword.text, serverHash, token, loginResult, loginResultData); } triedSavedLogin = true; } if (loginResultData != null && loginResultData.ServerCorrect && loginResultData.PasswordCorrect) { if (loginRememberMe.text == menu.lang.Get("MainMenu_ChoiceYes")) { Preferences preferences = menu.p.GetPreferences(); preferences.SetString("Username", loginUsername.text); if (loginResultData.Token != null && loginResultData.Token != "") { preferences.SetString("Password", loginResultData.Token); } menu.p.SetPreferences(preferences); } menu.ConnectToGame(loginResultData, loginUsername.text); } GamePlatform p = menu.p; float scale = menu.GetScale(); menu.DrawBackground(); float leftx = p.GetCanvasWidth() / 2 - 400 * scale; float y = p.GetCanvasHeight() / 2 - 250 * scale; string loginResultText = null; if (loginResult.value == LoginResult.Failed) { loginResultText = menu.lang.Get("MainMenu_LoginInvalid"); } if (loginResult.value == LoginResult.Connecting) { loginResultText = menu.lang.Get("MainMenu_LoginConnecting"); } if (loginResultText != null) { menu.DrawText(loginResultText, 14 * scale, leftx, y - 50 * scale, TextAlign.Left, TextBaseline.Top); } menu.DrawText(title, 14 * scale, leftx, y + 50 * scale, TextAlign.Left, TextBaseline.Top); loginUsername.x = leftx; loginUsername.y = y + 100 * scale; loginUsername.sizex = 256 * scale; loginUsername.sizey = 64 * scale; loginUsername.fontSize = 14 * scale; loginPassword.x = leftx; loginPassword.y = y + 200 * scale; loginPassword.sizex = 256 * scale; loginPassword.sizey = 64 * scale; loginPassword.fontSize = 14 * scale; loginRememberMe.x = leftx; loginRememberMe.y = y + 300 * scale; loginRememberMe.sizex = 256 * scale; loginRememberMe.sizey = 64 * scale; loginRememberMe.fontSize = 14 * scale; login.x = leftx; login.y = y + 400 * scale; login.sizex = 256 * scale; login.sizey = 64 * scale; login.fontSize = 14 * scale; float rightx = p.GetCanvasWidth() / 2 + 150 * scale; // menu.DrawText("Create account", 14 * scale, rightx, y + 50 * scale, TextAlign.Left, TextBaseline.Top); createAccountUsername.x = rightx; createAccountUsername.y = y + 100 * scale; createAccountUsername.sizex = 256 * scale; createAccountUsername.sizey = 64 * scale; createAccountUsername.fontSize = 14 * scale; createAccountPassword.x = rightx; createAccountPassword.y = y + 200 * scale; createAccountPassword.sizex = 256 * scale; createAccountPassword.sizey = 64 * scale; createAccountPassword.fontSize = 14 * scale; createAccountRememberMe.x = rightx; createAccountRememberMe.y = y + 300 * scale; createAccountRememberMe.sizex = 256 * scale; createAccountRememberMe.sizey = 64 * scale; createAccountRememberMe.fontSize = 14 * scale; createAccount.x = rightx; createAccount.y = y + 400 * scale; createAccount.sizex = 256 * scale; createAccount.sizey = 64 * scale; createAccount.fontSize = 14 * scale; createAccountUsername.visible = false; createAccountPassword.visible = false; createAccountRememberMe.visible = false; createAccount.visible = false; back.x = 40 * scale; back.y = p.GetCanvasHeight() - 104 * scale; back.sizex = 256 * scale; back.sizey = 64 * scale; back.fontSize = 14 * scale; DrawWidgets(); }
public override void Render(float dt) { GamePlatform p = menu.p; float scale = menu.GetScale(); menu.DrawBackground(); menu.DrawText(title, menu.fontMenuHeading, p.GetCanvasWidth() / 2, 10, TextAlign.Center, TextBaseline.Top); float leftx = p.GetCanvasWidth() / 2 - 128 * scale; float y = p.GetCanvasHeight() / 2 + 0 * scale; play.x = leftx; play.y = y + 100 * scale; play.sizex = 256 * scale; play.sizey = 64 * scale; newWorld.x = leftx; newWorld.y = y + 170 * scale; newWorld.sizex = 256 * scale; newWorld.sizey = 64 * scale; modify.x = leftx; modify.y = y + 240 * scale; modify.sizex = 256 * scale; modify.sizey = 64 * scale; back.x = 40 * scale; back.y = p.GetCanvasHeight() - 104 * scale; back.sizex = 256 * scale; back.sizey = 64 * scale; open.x = leftx; open.y = y + 0 * scale; open.sizex = 256 * scale; open.sizey = 64 * scale; if (savegames == null) { IntRef savegamesCount_ = new IntRef(); savegames = menu.GetSavegames(savegamesCount_); savegamesCount = savegamesCount_.value; } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { worldButtons[i].visible = false; } for (int i = 0; i < savegamesCount; i++) { worldButtons[i].visible = true; worldButtons[i].text = menu.p.FileName(savegames[i]); worldButtons[i].x = leftx; worldButtons[i].y = 100 + 100 * scale * i; worldButtons[i].sizex = 256 * scale; worldButtons[i].sizey = 64 * scale; } open.visible = menu.p.SinglePlayerServerAvailable(); play.visible = false; newWorld.visible = false; modify.visible = false; for (int i = 0; i < savegamesCount; i++) { worldButtons[i].visible = false; } DrawWidgets(); if (!menu.p.SinglePlayerServerAvailable()) { menu.DrawText("Singleplayer is only available on desktop (Windows, Linux, Mac) version of game.", fontDefault, menu.p.GetCanvasWidth() / 2, menu.p.GetCanvasHeight() / 2, TextAlign.Center, TextBaseline.Middle); } }