Exemple #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Respond to a penguin click
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// CALLED BY: GamePenguin::OnMouseDown()
    /// </remarks>
    public void OnPenguinSelected(GamePenguin penguin)
        // Unselect any currently selected penguin

Exemple #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Give player a penguin
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// CALLED BY: SpawnNewPenguin()
    /// </remarks>
    public void AddPenguin(GameManager gm, GameTile placePenguinHere, bool bAI)
        GamePenguin newPenguin = gm.CreatePenguin(placePenguinHere, Color, bAI);

        // Add new penguin to player's penguin list

        // Tell AIBoard to add the penguin
        GameManager.GetGameManager().SendMessage("OnAddPenguinAIBoard", newPenguin);
Exemple #3
    /// <summary>
    /// If player selects a penguin, highlight it, if another one was previously clicked, clear its selection
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="newPenguin"></param>
    void ChangePenguin(GamePenguin newPenguin)
        if (m_currentPenguin)
            m_currentPenguin.OnSelectOff(); // Unselect currently selected
        m_currentPenguin = newPenguin;      // New selection

        // Set Selected flag on new penguin
Exemple #4
     * /// <summary>
     * /// Player takes all the cumulative fish on multiple tiles!
     * /// </summary>
     * /// <param name="allMyFish">Total score from previously evaluated tiles</param>
     * ///
     * public void WinAll(int fishScoreValue)
     * {
     *  AddFish(fishScoreValue);
     * }
     * Old Version
     * public void WinAll(List<GameTile> allMyFish)
     * {
     *  foreach(GameTile tile in allMyFish)
     *  {
     *      AddFish(tile.FishScoreValue);
     *  }
     * }

    /// <summary>
    /// Do I own input penguin?
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="penguin">Penguin to test</param>
    public virtual bool IsMyPenguin(GamePenguin penguin)
        foreach (GamePenguin p in m_myPenguins)
            if (p == penguin)
                return(true);                // Penguin found in list!

Exemple #5
    /// <summary>
    /// After AI selects move and updates the internal board, then animate the move on the Game Board
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="tile">Destination tile</param>
    /// <remarks>FLOW: AIBrain::MakeMove_***() -> OnExeAIMove() -> ExecuteAIMove()
    /// </remarks>
    public void ExecuteAIMove(Command.GameMove move)

        // Simulate a penguin click from AI move
        GamePenguin penguin = m_refTileMgr.tileTable[move.fromTile].CurrentPenguin;

        // Simulate a destination tile click from AI move
        GameTile tile = m_refTileMgr.tileTable[move.toTile];

        // Execute move onscreen
        ExecuteMove_GameWorld(penguin, tile);
Exemple #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Let AI place its penguin on an optimal tile
    /// </summary>
    public void PlacePenguinAI(Player current)
        const float MinDist = 3.0f;


        List <VTile> allTiles = new List <VTile>(m_refAIBoard.tileTable.Values);


        int length = allTiles.Count;

        VTile vtile = null;

        GameTile tile = null;

        GamePenguin lastPen = current.lastAddedPenguin;

        // Scan highest scored tiles for first available one-fish tile
        for (int index = 0; index < length; index++)
            vtile = allTiles[index];

            tile = m_refTileMgr.tileTable[vtile.tileID];

            if (lastPen != null)
                // Try not to place AI's penguins too close together, or it will be too easy for the
                //  other players to "gang up" on them.
                if (TileManager.Distance(tile, lastPen.CurrentTile) < MinDist)

            if (tile.numFish == 1 && !tile.IsPenguinHere)
                break;                                             // Appropriate tile found -- Loop ends

        // Place penguin on that tile
        current.AddPenguin(this, tile, true);
Exemple #7
    /// <summary>
    /// Delete the penguin, from player list and from scene
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="penguin">Penguin to delete</param>
    /// <param name="partprefan">Particle system to mark penguin's disappearence</param>
    /// <remarks>
    /// CALLED BY: RemovePenguin(), RemoveUnmovablePenguin()
    /// </remarks>
    public void ExpungePenguin(GamePenguin penguin, ParticleSystem partPrefab)
        CurrentPlayer.RemovePenguin(penguin);     // Remove penguin from player's list

        // Start "disappear" effect
        Instantiate(partPrefab, penguin.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

        // Eliminate penguin

        if (CurrentPlayer.NumPenguins == 0)
            Resign();                                   // If player has no penguins left, remove from game play
Exemple #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Let AI place its penguin on a random (but still one-fish) tile
    /// </summary>
    public void PlacePenguinAIRnd(Player current)
        const float MinDist = 3.0f;

        Dictionary <string, GameTile> .ValueCollection allTiles = m_refTileMgr.tileTable.Values;

        int length = allTiles.Count;

        GameTile [] arrTiles = new GameTile[length];

        allTiles.CopyTo(arrTiles, 0);

        GameTile tile = null, tempTile;

        GamePenguin lastPen = current.lastAddedPenguin;

        do   // Find a random available one-fish tile with highest heuristic value
            int index = Random.Range(0, length);

            tempTile = arrTiles[index];

            if (lastPen != null)
                // Don't place AI's penguins too close together, or it will be too easy for the
                //  other players to "gang up" on them.
                if (TileManager.Distance(tempTile, lastPen.CurrentTile) < MinDist)

            if (tempTile.numFish == 1 &&
                tile = arrTiles[index];
        } while (tile == null);

        // Place penguin on that tile (TODO: Special prefab for AI)
        current.AddPenguin(this, tile, true);
Exemple #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Apply a move to the penguins and board in Game World
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="penguin">Penguin to move</param>
    /// <param name="tile">Destination tile</param>
    /// <remarks>
    /// CALLED BY: ExecuteHumanMove(), ExecuteAIMove()
    /// </remarks>
    void ExecuteMove_GameWorld(GamePenguin penguin, GameTile tile)
        GameTile startTile = penguin.CurrentTile;

        if (penguin.MoveTo(tile))  // If a legal move was selected, start animating the penguin's move
            // Player acquires this tile's fish

            // Set flag for tile just departed to sink (not until penguin has left it, else it will look like
            //  it's "walking on water"!
            m_condemnedTile = startTile;

            // Go to "MovePending" state until all animations complete
    /// <summary>
    /// Respond to player clicking on a penguin they want to move
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="penguin"></param>
    public override void OnPenguinClicked(GamePenguin penguin)
        // If a penguin is already selected, unselect it
        if (s_refGM.CurrentPenguin)

        // Evaluate clicked penguin
        if (s_refGM.CurrentPlayer.IsMyPenguin(penguin))
            // Compute valid moves

            // If there are no valid moves, remove penguin
            if (penguin.ValidMoveList.Count == 0)
            else   // Make clicked penguin the current penguin

                // Check if penguin is alone on an "island" of tiles and remove it if it is
                bool bPenguinRemoved = s_refGM.TryRemovePenguin();

                if (!bPenguinRemoved)
                    penguin.OnSelect();                    // If penguin not removed, visually highlight it and wait for player to move
Exemple #11
        public override void OnPenguinClicked(GameManager gm, GamePenguin penguin)
            // If a penguin is already selected, unselect it
            if (gm.CurrentPenguin)

            // Evaluate clicked penguin
            if (gm.CurrentPlayer.IsMyPenguin(penguin))
                // Compute valid moves

                // If there are no valid moves, remove penguin
                if (penguin.ValidMoveList.Count == 0)
                    gm.CurrentPlayer.AddFish(penguin.CurrentTile.FishScoreValue); // Take fish on this tile

                    penguin.CurrentTile.Sink();                                   // Remove tile

                    // gm.OnExpungePenguin()   // Remove Penguin

                    // gm.NextPlayer();   // Go to next player
                else   // Make clicked penguin the current penguin
                    gm.CurrentPenguin = penguin;
                    gm.CurrentTile    = penguin.CurrentTile;

Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Find penguin's current legal moves and put them in a list
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="penguin">Current penguin</param>
 public void FindLegalMoves(GamePenguin penguin)
     m_refTileMgr.FindValidTiles(penguin.CurrentTile, penguin.ValidMoveList);
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the current penguin -- Necessary before calling GamePenguin::MoveTo()
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="penguin"></param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// This is called either when the player clicks on a penguin (State_Move_Human::OnPenguinClicked()),
 ///   or when the AI has found a move and is ready to move the GamePenguin on the board.
 ///   </remarks>
 public void MakePenguinCurrent(GamePenguin penguin)
     CurrentPenguin = penguin;
     CurrentTile    = penguin.CurrentTile;
Exemple #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Start AI finding a move
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// FLOW: Game_State_Play::OnAI() -> AIBrain::OnLaunchAIThread()
    /// Or: Game_State_Init::OnAI() -> GameMgr::PlacePenguinAIRnd()
    /// </remarks>

     * public override IEnumerator WaitTurn()
     * {
     *  m_refGM.CurrentState.OnAI(m_refGM, this);  // Launch AI making a move
     *  yield return base.WaitTurn();
     * }

    // Disallow user clicking on computer AI's penguins
    public override bool IsMyPenguin(GamePenguin penguin)
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if a penguin is alone on an "island" with no other penguins
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tm">Ref to TileManager</param>
 /// <param name="penguin">Penguin to evaluate</param>
 /// <returns>TRUE if no other penguins</returns>
 public static bool IsAlone(GamePenguin penguin, TileManager tm)
     return(TileManager.CheckForIsland(tm, penguin.CurrentTile, tm.workTiles, true) >= 0);
 // When user clicks on a penguin
 public virtual void OnPenguinClicked(GamePenguin penguin)
     // Disable click
Exemple #17
 public override void OnPenguinClicked(GameManager gm, GamePenguin penguin)
Exemple #18
 // When user clicks on a penguin
 public abstract void OnPenguinClicked(GameManager gm, GamePenguin penguin);
Exemple #19
    GamePenguin m_thisPenguin;   // The penguin affected by this controller

    // Create a link to the penguin
    override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex)
        m_thisPenguin = animator.GetComponent <GamePenguin>();
 // When the "R" (Remove penguin) key is pressed
 public virtual void OnPenguinRemove(GamePenguin penguin)
     // Disable key
    /// <summary>
    /// Place/Remove penguin from this tile
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="penguin"></param>
    public void PlacePenguin(GamePenguin penguin)
        CurrentPenguin = penguin; // Needed to apply an AI move to Game World

        IsPenguinHere = true;     // Needed for path traversal