public void Skin2UnlockOrEquip()
        cat1Details = gameOptionsObject.GetComponent <Cat1DetailsScript>();
        if (!cat1Details.cat1SkinEquipped[1] && cat1Details.cat1SkinsUnlocked[1]) //If we own the skin and it's not equipped
            //First set all skins to be unequipped
            for (int i = 0; i < cat1Details.cat1SkinEquipped.Length; i++)
                cat1Details.cat1SkinEquipped[i] = false;

            //Then Set the appropriate one to be equipped
            cat1Details.cat1SkinEquipped[1] = true;

        if (!cat1Details.cat1SkinsUnlocked[1])
            gameOptions = gameOptionsObject.GetComponent <GameOptionsScript>();
            if (gameOptions.playerSoftCash >= 500)
                cat1Details.cat1SkinsUnlocked[1] = true;
                gameOptions.playerSoftCash      -= 500;
    public float diffMod; //Multiplier for game difficulty

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        gameOptionsObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameOptions");      //Grab the object that contains the options data
        gameOptions       = gameOptionsObject.GetComponent <GameOptionsScript>(); //Grab the game data
        gameTimerObject   = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Timer");            //Grab the object that contains the options data
        playerData        = gameTimerObject.GetComponent <PlayerDataScript>();    //Grab the game data

        diffMod = 0.5f;

        playerData.numPieces  = pieceSpawnTime.Length + 1;
        playerData.numProceed = Mathf.RoundToInt(playerData.numPieces * 0.5f);

        //Loop for each object in the set
        for (int i = pieceSpawnTime.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            GameObject levelSet = Instantiate(buttonTypes[pieceType[i]], gameObject.transform, false) as GameObject;
            //levelSet.transform.SetParent(gameObject.transform, false);
            //levelSet.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
            levelSet.transform.localPosition = pieceLocation[i];
            objectActivate                      = levelSet.GetComponent <ObjectActivateScript>();
            objectActivate.spawnTimer           = pieceSpawnTime[i];
            levelSet.transform.localEulerAngles = pieceRotation[i];
    void GameEnd()
        playerData = playerDataObject.GetComponent <PlayerDataScript>();
        gameCompleteText = gameCompleteObject.GetComponent <Text>();
        int   successAmount = (int)playerData.allSuccessRate;
        int   levelScore    = (int)playerData.playerScore;         //JS
        int   levelHits     = (int)playerData.allSuccessfulHits;   //JS
        int   levelMisses   = (int)playerData.allUnsuccessfulHits; //JS
        int   levelAllHits  = (int)playerData.allHits;             //JS
        float missAmount    = (100f / levelAllHits) * levelMisses; //JS

        //gameCompleteText.text = ("Congratulations! You completed the event with " + successAmount.ToString() + "% accuracy and have earned " + successAmount.ToString() + " coins!");
        gameOptions = gameOptionsObject.GetComponent <GameOptionsScript>(); //Grab the game data
        gameOptions.playerSoftCash += successAmount;
        playerDets.softCurrency    += successAmount;
        playerDets.score           += levelScore;
        levelCompletePanel.SetActive(true);                                                         //JS
        levelEndScoreText.text    = levelScore.ToString();                                          //JS
        levelEndPerfectsText.text = (levelHits.ToString() + "(" + successAmount.ToString() + "%)"); //JS
        levelEndMissesText.text   = (levelMisses.ToString() + "(" + missAmount.ToString() + "%)");  //JS
        levelEndRewardText.text   = (successAmount.ToString());

        // Cat needs to go to trigger Win here
Exemple #4
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     gameDataObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameData");
     gameOptions    = gameDataObject.GetComponent <GameOptionsScript>();
     playerDetails  = gameDataObject.GetComponent <PlayerDetailsScript>();
     playerInv      = gameDataObject.GetComponent <PlayerInventoryScript>();
     playerStable   = gameDataObject.GetComponent <PlayerStableScript>();
 public void ToMainMenu()
     Time.timeScale    = 1;
     gameDataObject    = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameData");      //JS Grab the object that contains the data
     gameOptionsScript = gameDataObject.GetComponent <GameOptionsScript>(); //JS Grab options data to carry info that player is returning for gameplay
     gameOptionsScript.returningFromGamePlay = true;
    Animator catAnimator; //JS

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        gameOptionsObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameOptions");      //Grab the object that contains the options data
        gameOptions       = gameOptionsObject.GetComponent <GameOptionsScript>(); //Grab the game data

        gameData   = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameData");                //Grab the object that contains the options data
        playerDets = gameData.GetComponent <PlayerDetailsScript>();

Exemple #7
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     gameOptions = gameObject.GetComponent <GameOptionsScript>();