Exemple #1
    public void GameStateChanged(GameLogic.GameState gameState)
        AudioClip newClip;

        if (gameState == GameLogic.GameState.Completed)
            newClip = completed;
        else if (gameState == GameLogic.GameState.Destroyed)
            newClip = destroyed;
        else if (gameState == GameLogic.GameState.Playing)
            int indexOfClip = GameLogic.GetInstance().GetCurrentTotalNumberOfRounds() % playing.Length;

            newClip = playing[indexOfClip];
        else if (gameState == GameLogic.GameState.Initializing)
            newClip = completed;
        else if (gameState == GameLogic.GameState.Menu)
            newClip = completed;
            Debug.LogError("Unexpected GameState: " + gameState);

        availableAudioSource.clip   = newClip;
        availableAudioSource.time   = playingAudioSource.time;
        availableAudioSource.pitch  = playingAudioSource.pitch;
        availableAudioSource.volume = 0.0f;

        AudioSource temp = playingAudioSource;

        playingAudioSource   = availableAudioSource;
        availableAudioSource = temp;
Exemple #2
    /// <summary>
    /// This is used to check if the Ball goes offscreen and unprevent it.
    /// If the ball goes left or right side without colliding with Paddle
    /// It means that one of the players have scored and sends a SetGameStatus command to the GameLogic object to make them aware
    /// </summary>
    public void CheckCollisionWithScreen()
        Vector3 HalfExtents           = this.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().bounds.extents;
        Vector3 PositionMinusHExtents = new Vector3(m_vBallPosition.x - HalfExtents.x, m_vBallPosition.y - HalfExtents.y);
        Vector3 PositionPlusHExtents  = new Vector3(m_vBallPosition.x + HalfExtents.x, m_vBallPosition.y + HalfExtents.y);

        if (m_vScreenBoundary.x <= ToScreen(m_vBallPosition).x || ToScreen(m_vBallPosition).x <= 0)
            float winner = (ToScreen(m_vBallPosition).x / m_vScreenBoundary.x);
            winner = Mathf.Sign(winner);

            GameLogic.GameState gameStatus = new GameLogic.GameState(true, (int)winner, false);
            GameObject.Find("GameLogic").SendMessage("SetGameStatus", gameStatus);

            m_vSpeedMultiplier = m_vInitialBallSpeed;
            m_vBallPosition    = new Vector2(0, 0);
        if (m_vScreenBoundary.y <= ToScreen(PositionPlusHExtents).y || ToScreen(PositionMinusHExtents).y <= 0)
            m_vSpeedMultiplier.y *= -1;
Exemple #3
    public void CheckGameStatus(object status)
        GameLogic.GameState desiredState = (GameLogic.GameState)status;

        m_bPaused = desiredState.Paused;